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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 27, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> ainsley: good morning, it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast on thursday, june 27. this is "fox and friends". cnn presidential debate is tonight and we're getting insight into the strategy. >> president trump has met with policy advisors to focus on issues that voters care about across this great country. he does not need advisors to drill talking points into his brain. >> brian: and funeral for a 12-year-old girl allegedly murdered by two illegal immigrants will be held today. sgls the individual responsible for a heinous criminal act is
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the criminal. we need to bring full force of the law to bear on that criminal. >> brian: we'll ask governor abbott how he cares about that. >> steve: this thursday, our "fox and friends" exclusive series talking to possible running mate contenders and people who know him best. >> he's devoted to his lord and savior and to his family and country. >> steve: all right. final hour of "fox and friends" for this thursday starts right now. [applause] [cheering] >> lawrence: where are the dogs at? hour number three at ruth ann's
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in columbus, georgia. good to be in georgia. [cheering] >> lawrence: the reason why we're here is because they are fired up about this cnn presidential debate simulcast on "fox and friends," they want their voices to be heard and they are wondering will the moderators ask questions they care about. is that right? >> yes. >> lawrence: been talking all morning upon about the issue they want the moderators to talk about. you are under republican party, what do you want to hear from moderators tonight on the debate stage? >> truthful statements, things that matter to the american people. we are not getting the truth. >> the economy. >> the economy, immigration and crime. >> lawrence: how is immigration going right now? >> bad. >> lawrence: what do you want to be covered?
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>> border security. >> second amendment. >> lawrence: get back here. what do you want to cover tonight? >> we need to cover the border much shut that border down, we need it to go. joe biden will not say anything about it, he caused it, he opened it the minute he got in office. >> illegal immigration, definitely. >> inflation. we have three granddaughters, they can't afford anything, they can't go on vacation, can't buy homes. >> lawrence: when you hear secretary of treasury saying when she goes to the grocery store, she is not seeing it, what do you say to her? >> they are so out of touch, talk to people, look at prices. >> we have bacon, lettuce and tomato, right now it is just bacon and tomato. >> lawrence: before i go to new york, quick poll about the
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debate tonight. who thinks joe biden is going to win the debate, raise your hand, if you think. anybody? who thinks -- >> i think he will say he's winning. >> lawrence: who thinks donald trump is going to win tonight? [cheering] >> lawrence: right. my final question, who thinks that joe biden makes it through the full debate tonight? that was just one for the crowd. all right, guys, back to new york. >> steve: thank you very much, lawrence. lawrence makes a great point, expectations for joe biden are low. so low. i wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow at this time we're talking about how biden people say he had a good night because he did not make faux pas. and trump people say he is going
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to play nice. i wouldn't be surprised if it is a draw, big question is how will cnn do? they need a good night. >> ainsley: hope short questions and they will let both people talk. joe biden they say has one liners. >> brian: worked for don r rickels, someone has to use it. >> steve: you mean because don rickels has passed on, indeed. >> ainsley: in atlanta, the cnn debate, former president trump and joe biden will meet just hours from now. >> steve: joe biden and donald trump not at the campus of georgia tech. bill melugin is and that is feet from the spin room that so far is not spinning. >> bill: not just yet, guys. we are expecting major
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fireworks. it is no surprise donald trump and joe biden do not like each other. they have not seen each other in four years, a lot has happened and both campaigns are setting expectations. >> biden i hear is practicing one-liners, he'll need more than that. he needs to answer for his abiz malrecord. >> they play games because they know on issues that matter most donald trump is a loser. right? >> bill: here in atlanta democrats trying to get under the skin of donald trump. dnc bought five billboards in the area mocking trump for his felony conviction, they read, donald, welcome to atlanta for the first time since becoming a convicted felon.
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take a look. oh, apologies, we have wrong thing there. donald trump -- >> i did not let him in, he's charged with raping and beating rachel moran. joe biden's open border nightmare for american women. >> bill: here is what we can expect tonight for debate rules. two commercial breaks, candidates cannot interact with their staff. mics will be muted, no prewritten notes, only waters, paper, pen and pad provided. they expect joe biden to be prepared tonight because of his years in politics and add they believe he would be filled with ad adderall. biden says this is a tactic of
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former president trump, it is silly and turning off voters. back to you. >> brian: always looking out for trump voters. thanks, bill. when they talk about the conviction, it is risky to play into that. 34 know counts, watch cuomo of all people say i never would have brought that case, never should have been brought and we should be concerned about the justice system. four to one margin, when republicans asked are you more or less likely to vote for trump, they say more likely and it has not affected much in polls, has affected his pocketbook. you go by that billboard, you would think easy decision. i think it is a risky decision. >> steve: when you mention pocketbook and lawrence depicted there ruth ann's diner in
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columbus, georgia, it is the economy, stupid, it impacts everybody and "wall street journal" has oped, it is the economy. great read go to, they talk about how inflation is defining problem of the u.s. economy and it is preventing interest rates from going down strangling people. they can't buy houses, slowing down growths, if you have limited disposable income, it is killing you. and we've heard from joe biden and brian you brought this up, when joe biden sailed into speeches he's given, well, you know, i inherited inflation 9%, it wasn't. it was south of 2%. interesting to see his new lines. >> ainsley: 1.4% when he took office, year and a half in to his presidency, it went to 9%.
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he stopped keystone pipeline on day one. what would trump do to lower inflation so we could afford to buy houses? gas prices would go down. he would lift biden's ban on liquified natural gas import, resupply petroleum reserve and excellent read that talks about how trump implemented these policies and helped our pocketbooks. >> brian: and regulation, too, lawrence. >> lawrence: such an interesting analysis of what is going on. it is interesting, american people don't want to hear dae or college professors in this debate, they want their stories to be told and there has to be relatability. interesting thing would be does joe biden take approach of saying, america, i understand
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your pain or perspective of janet yellen and dismiss concern or mayorkas and deny. he will never admit he's the blame. i don't think he needs to do that, he needs to relate to the american people and say, i understand. >> steve: you mentioned janet yellen, secretary of treasury who said i'm not surprised by grocery prices, we were talking about list of 16 nobel economists who has written a letter saying donald trump will cause near inflation, one person donated as much as he could, turns out it is janet yellen's husband signed the letter. it will be interesting to hear how they depict how inflation is
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impacting everybody. a little while ago, a guy said we don't have bacon, lettuce and tomato, we have lettuce and tomato, bacon is too expensive. people don't have 401 k's, they have 201 k's. >> ainsley: democrats get a big group, donors to joe biden, donors to other democrats, supporting the democratic party and find economists, 16 of them. there are hundreds of thousands, they found 16, slapped their name on the letter, we don't even know when they said this, they say experts say the economy will be better under joe biden. donald trump could find 16 to say that about him. our disposable income, we're
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dipping into now. savings, some people don'ts have 401(k)'s because of it. tune into fox democracy special coverage of the cnn presidential debate simulcast. coverage 8 p.m. eastern time on fox and at the end sean hannity will be in the spin room at 11:00 live coverage throughout the night. "fox and friends" going on at 4:00 a.m. and we'll be on at 5 clk a.m.. "the five" will be 5:00 this afternoon followed by special report and there we are up early, as well. >> brian: a little box at 4:00 a.m. and they will show us showering and getting dressed. >> ainsley: a camera in your shower? >> brian: yes, exciting to watch anc anchors get ready for other anchors. >> ainsley: not in the shower.
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that is a different channel. >> brian: why not watch us get dressed? >> lawrence: this is fox news not showtime. >> brian: putting on the tie, the blazer -- >> steve: you're talking showering. >> brian: have butler waiting -- >> ainsley: with coffee. >> steve: we are fox news channel not nudes channel. >> brian: good point. now you got us off track, lawrence. get back on track with you. >> ainsley: your fault, lawrence. >> steve: i got to transition, "fox and friends" has been showering you with special exclusive interviews. >> ainsley: that is good. >> steve: with various people who would like to be donald trump's running mate. >> ainsley: yesterday lawrence inter interviewed j.d. vance and his
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wife. now we are interviewing senator tim scott. there he is holding hands with mindy, his fiance. here is conversation i was able to have with them. >> thank you for sitting down with us, you kept your relationship quiet for a long time. and you proposed. >> one of the coldest days in january this year, beautifuls s sunset and very cold, i had gloves on, he told me to take my gloves off, i said no. >> ainsley: until you saw the ring. >> until i saw him get on his ring. >> i went to my knee, i felt this wave of emotion hit me like a ton of bricks. i really want to spend the rest of my life with this woman. and what a blessing.
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>> ainsley: mindy, tell us your story, how you met? >> we had mutual friends, originally they were trying to society set us up on a pickleball date. we talked about family and faith and decided to do a bible study that day together. wow, this is pretty cool. this is heaven sent. >> ainsley: how did you know he was the one? >> how did you know? >> guy comes in and gives you assigns and he just shows you the path. >> ainsley: did you think you would meet your wife here? >> no, i've been praying for years ander yoo years. first conversation she laughs and understands love of country and love the lord, attractive, family devoted to the country,
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it's a pretty good deal. >> ainsley: what was your response on "the view" when they suggested you got engaged to be a vice presidential candidate. >> they are ridiculous period, it is not just comments about me, they get paid to tear people down. >> ainsley: how do you hear criticism when you hear people say something negative about him or upset he is a black man and not a democrat, how does that affect you? >> i try to refocus and not stay there, i go to prayer. >> ainsley: with the debate, joe biden is hunkering down and donald trump having rallies, have you been helping him? >> one thing i say to president trump for debate prep, never forget provocative racial past of joe biden. donald trump has done more for progress from a racial perspective economically than any president my lifetime, focus
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on that. >> ainsley: how do you help prepare him for politics? >> i'm a good listener, i pride myself on that. i'll pray and do a lot of prayer, being a prayer warrior for him, supporting him, being a listener and loving on him is my role. >> ainsley: you have a thriving business here and you are a designer. are you ready to go from south carolina if he is v.p. pick to washington, d.c., be in the public eye? >> that's a big deal. i love what i do, i started flipping property five years ago, it is not like work, i get up and love what i do. wherever tim and i land, we'll put our personal touch on whatever home. >> ainsley: what is your plate form? >> my father was a navy pilot and my brothers went to military
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college and instilled foundation, american values and faith and family and tradition, navy wives don't get credit they deserve. it's truly amazing, that has always been important to me, service. >> ainsley: who is tim scott? >> he is devoted, devoted to his lord and savior, to his family, devoted to his friends and his country. >> steve: we know her. >> ainsley: she has three children and two of them are in their 20s, one in high school. she was just lovely, they met and day one decided to do bible study. he wanted to take her on a date, called her and they were going to do pickleball, he saw a picture of her and said, let me call her, they talked on the phone for an hour and a half, decided to do a bible study together, they go to church
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together. she was lovely, very into finfit ness, works out all the time. she saw a house for sale, let's buy it and flip it and had success with that. that is her business. >> brian: my opinion about why they did not play bipickleball? is because she would win, you don't want to be like, i lost to my future wife and she is giving you instruction. you see her wing span? nothing out of reach for her. >> ainsley: he is an athlete, as you know. he said, she knows as much about football, if not more. she grew up with three brothers, they went to the citadel. she went to college of charleston, military family and moved around the u.s.. >> brian: i can't wait to meet her at the wedding. >> ainsley: brian thinks he's
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going to the wedding. >> lawrence: they met during pickleball, i think steve should pre preside. you see what i'm saying? officiate it. and brian can attend. >> steve: i hate to name drop, i was talking to ted cruz about pickleball and i think we're going to play. >> brian: controversy one-on-one? that's a lot of ground. >> steve: we have not figured it out. >> ainsley: thank you for letting me feature him. >> brian: we'll probably stream it live. >> steve: i've suggested that. not about ted cruz, just pickleball. >> ainsley: don't let brian play. >> brian: i was not off to a good start. i expected it to play like tennis. >> ainsley:a waiting major decision from supreme court on
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presidential immunity. >> steve: plus dnc and biden campaign launching attacks ahead of tonight. how does trey gowdy think trump should react? we'll ask him coming up next.
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>> steve: democratic national committee is funding five billboards around atlanta calling trump a convicted felon ahead of tonight's debate. biden claims trump attacks law enforcement, had worst jobs record of any modern president and that the border was less safe. here with how to combat these attacks, former congressman trey gowdy. good morning. the trump team is saying tonight former president will be on his best behavior, play nice. how should he approach things? joe biden will say that guy standing there is a convicted felon. >> trey: you may not remember, you may have been one, too,
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except you were found not guilty, special counsel said you were not competent to stand tr tr trial,s and your son is a convicted felon. now let's talk about a mother of five murdered and a nursing student in georgia and two young girls, one strangled and one murdered. let's not talk about us, talk about safety of american people and a double-track justice system. hillary clinton can destroy evidence and i get prosecuted on day one. this two-track justice system will end, i'm not going after my political opponents, but after people who cause americans harm and kill them. that is what he should say. >> steve: we know that
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apparently mr. biden will be aggressive and regarding immigration, he will say in the last couple months, i've changed the way we let people in, so people who are in the country illegally or married to an american, they have a path to citizenship and apparently regarding people involved in crossing the border, number came out yesterday. number of crossers is down 40% since he changed the asylum rule. he will say that, not talk about people murdered. >> trey: trump should say, you have been in office since c continnottent separated why now decide the border is an issue. that did not save the life of a 13-year-old or keep a child from being raped and didn't save
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laken riley and rachel moran. put a face on what is happening to americans from a crime st standpoint. >> steve: coming up next hour, we could hear from supreme court regarding immunity case with donald trump. do you think they would drop that today, day of the debate or wait tomorrow for post-game show? >> trey: i can't think of nine les in tune politically people than supreme court justices. they dropped dobbs at woft possible time. i don't think they care about that. it is going to be mixed decision, you can't assassinate rivals but can kill -- fashion some rule in the middle that really is not nearly provocative as we anticipate. >> steve: we are anticipating a decision today or tomorrow or maybe next week, who knows,
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thank you for joining us live. >> trey: thank you, yes, sir. >> steve: 28 minutes before top of the hour. department of homeland security secretary mayorkas denied terror concern over reported isis smuggling network. >> we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis ties. >> steve: we are going to talk to governor greg abbott of the great state of texas when we come back. and lawrence is serving coffee and talking to folks. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is,
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the cold front last night. more of the way on the way. much of the country feeling relief from big heat we've had. airport delays across the country. atlanta, georgia, be prepared, a front moving across the so southeast. severe storms for the -- we are wa watching the tropics. fox, for latest details. brian baker if you want to find out about brian. >> brian: funeral services for jocelyn nungaray, 12-year-old girl murdered last week in houston, ceremony will be held today. suspects both in the u.s. illegally, each facing capital murder charges.
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bond set for both. governor abbott joins us. mayorkas only blames the criminal, is that correct if they have no right to be here? >> mayorkas has no clue what is going on on the border or consequences of it, mayorkas is a repeated liar, he lied saying the border is closed, there is nobody crossing the border much he is lying about this. more importantly, the murder of jocelyn was a direct result of biden's open border policy. multiple opportunities to stop the criminals. one have an effective plan that would deny illegal entry, remember border patrol apknow hended both murderers and let them go and at the time the murders took place, one of them had an ankle bracelet on them
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and they failed every step of the way to monitor him. jocelyn would be alive today had joe biden implemented a secure border plan. >> brian: it's unbelievable. are you showing what you did in texas, in shelby park, are you showing everybody walls work? they are seeing the numbers dip since you did that. >> sure, listen, walls and barriers and turning people back works. you mentioned shelby park, for viewers, that is 50-acre park in eagle pass, texas where joe biden was allowing in up to 5000 people per day. we wired that 50-acre park shut and now only two people crossing that area a day and those two people are arrested by the texas department of public safety. look at border of texas and mexico which represent
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two-thirds of that border. in california, arizona and new mexico illegal immigration gone up and in texas illegal immigration gone down 74%. >> brian: stunning news, 400 plus migrants brought to the u.s. to cross the southern border by isis-linked group. this is stunning and concerning for everybody. solisten to how homeland security secretary mayorkas views it. watch. >> we do not have identified 4000 people with potential isis ties. let me assure you, individuals who are identified to have those ties would pose a concern to us from a public safety and security perspective. >> brian: how dare he say that, isis brings you here from central asia, nbc reports the story and hes shouldn't be
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concerned about it and no isis. isis does not grab people for a travel subsidiary of terror organization unless they are terrorists, wouldn't you think so? >> mayorkas is liar-in-chief, he told americans many times the border is secure. this is a lie. i got a thesis for this, when that news came out, biden administration knew it was going to be a difficult issue for the president to deal with in the debate tonight and probably told mayorkas clean it up by go ing out and lying once again. this has been going on through the entirety of the biden administration. we know the large number, record number of people on the terrorist watch list who crossed
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border under biden administration, more important than that, if you are on the terrorist watch list, you know that and pay cartels extra money not to be caught, more terrorists cross the border we don't know about. fbi director wray said he is very concerned about 9/11 type attack in the united states of america and this is going to be because of joe biden's open border policies. >> brian: criminal charges dropped against 79 people in anti-israel demonstration at university of texas in austin on april 29th. you said you had zero tolerance and got the legal system involved and they get away with it. what is your reaction? same thing happened in new york with alvin bragg that is unqualified, unless you want to crack down on crime or donald trump, what is your reaction to that? >> for your oaudience to know,
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austin is philosophically like new york or san francisco, they have a district attorney put into office by soros and have same types of policies, it is outrageous what happened. know this. we don't care if they drop the charges because of this one reason, it will not slow us down in making arrests. what happened was illegal, direct violation of law i signed as governor, violation of university policy and we'll enforce law of state of texas and have zero tolerance for any disruption on our colleges. if there is disturbance on our campus, we will have texas department of public safety on campus to continue to make arrests. >> brian: you made everyone pay
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attention and i think people salute you for that and maybe we'll be forced to get to a solution soon. thank you and appreciate you joining us this morning. 16 before top of the hour, lawrence is in georgia ahead of tonight's cnn presidential debate talking to voters on top issues. he's next. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday
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>> steve: let's talk about this. america's crime crisis continues. shocking new video in new york city shows two men coming up behind and hitting a woman in the head with a baseball bat in broad daylight. >> brian: while in georgia aclu suing new cash bail law from
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taking effect today. legislation places restrictions on organizations trying to pay bail to release criminals. >> ainsley: check back in with lawrence who is talking to georgia voters about the crime sweeping our country. lawrence. >> lawrence: good morning, family. let's talk about crime and how it is impacting the country. start with the former coroner of is this county. when you see what is happening with this country with criminals and repeat offenders, what runs through your mind? >> the dtwo-tier system, one group of rules for one group and another group for the other. we were averaging 29 homicides per year and now up to 50 to 75 per year. the crime rate has gone threefold and i blame it on the
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open border policy of joe biden. joe biden has blood on his hands. >> lawrence: unbelievable. thank you. what do you think about crime in america and what do you want to hear at the debate? >> offer prayers and condolences to jocelyn nungaray's family. we have to stop burying our children, it has to end and border has to close. joe biden has blood on his hands. >> lawrence: that funeral today in my home state of texas. i want to do a poll, there are four candidates in the race, who will vote for r.f.k. jr., raise your hand, okay, you going to be r.f.k. jr.. cor colonel west? joe biden? and donald trump. great being in georgia, see you back on the couch tomorrow. back to y'all. >> steve: all right, thank you.
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>> ainsley: great job. >> steve: tomorrow and tonight, tune in to fox tonight for democracy 2024 special coverage of the presidential debate semull cast. coverage starts 8:00 eastern time with bret baier and martha and we'll have the live debate 9 p.m. on fox. >> brian: we'll be on from 5:00 until 9:00 tomorrow and that is exactly what we'll be wearing. >> steve: i'm not going to wear that, i'll be at a diner. at juke box diner in virginia, if you're in the neighborhood, drop by and say hello and we'll put you on tv and hear who you thought won the debate. >> brian: more good news. >> ainsley: rachel campos duffy live from the eggs up grills in canton, georgia. watch for that, as well. >> steve: check in with dana perino to tell us what is coming up.
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>> d >> dana: all this diner talk is making me hungry. look forward to you tomorrow and rachel. it is happening, debate day is here, we have interviews with biden and trump campaign and a voter panel in the swing state of wisconsin and michigan and we'll tell you what they are thinking about for tonight. the v.p. choice, how much does it matter? for some, most important decision former president trump will make. supreme court has more work to do and we'll break that live when america's newroom gets underway in just a few minutes.
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>> steve: finally, new technology my change farming forever. >> ainsley: fox business reporter joins us live from kansas. hey, kelly. >> we're here in this autonomous vehicle who is going to tell us why it is that we can even have this interview. it is driving itself. my hands aren't on the wheel. talk to me about what's happening. >> kelly, finding labor on the american farm is one of the biggest problems farmers are
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facing. this takes a decade old tractor and makes it run autonomously during harvest. the tightest time in the agricultural cycle. this comes in line with a combine as it is harvesting and basically lets the farmer unload on the go by himself. so he is controlling the grain cart from his combine and it aligns and lets him unload his grain as needed. >> great. you saw how it works. we'll send it back to you. it is so cool. thank you. >> steve: that's really cool. kelly reporting live from kansas where i grew up. a lot of wheat. >> brian: join me on the radio show. a lot of great guests, big show. >> ainsley: we'll be watching tonight and have all of the debate tomorrow. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> dana: the stage is set. we're t-minus 12 hours from the


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