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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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race for the white house. you can watch that show don't live right here on fox news channel fnc for the cool kids our coverage at 8:00 p.m. eastern with an all-star team and it does not stop. we will have live coverage after the debate as well from the spin room and live from the white house press the coverage of the debate 8:00 p.m. eastern don't miss a beat. >> the presidential race with 2.70% washington watching this could reshape everything. tonight could be the start of the general election. >> polling 70% of adults. >> we were talking at the break polling shows six in ten americans say donald trump hasn't said anything to offend them recently. >> i mean he has been under a gag order. >> i want to hear him talk. "america reports" now. ♪ ♪ >> joe biden i hear is practicing a lot of one-liners
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he will need a lot more than that to defeat president trump tonight. biko debating against donald trump who is now running in his campaign who is fighting for himself >> that includes a big chunk of independence if i don't much joe biden can move those people or appeal to those people that is a good night. >> this debate and the selection will be a comparison side-by-side of the truck policies and their successes and the biden policies. >> joe biden is going to have to stand by his record it is a record of a everything he has to crave for the american people they don't get to retreat from. >> in order to make the best advantage of tonight he has to be mr. cohen, mr. restraint. >> if he does poorly tonight i think there'll be a widespread panic in the democratic party. >> sandra: here we go tonight's the night president biden is heading to atlanta to face off against former president donald trump on the debate stage for the first time in four years both campaigns making their final push to voters before the high stakes event. hello and welcome, everyone i am
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sandra smith in new york and i am so happy to introduce larry. >> larry: i'm larry kudlow in for john roberts as sandra said this is "america reports." >> sandra: good to have you, larry. >> larry: pleasure to be here who will drive off into the sunset. president biden symbol last week prepping at camp david with 16 advisors no less while former president trump hit the campaign trail connecting with voters we will see how those rep strategies play out in just a matter of hours as voters are looking for each candidate to bring their a-game. >> i fully plan on watching any of it and all of it. >> all the millions that are come across the border were you going to do with them? >> inflations a big issue. >> jobs. >> i will probably tune in just to see. >> i will absolutely watch the debate. i think it's one of the most pivotal debates in the history of our country. >> larry: we have a lineup of expert analysis over the next two hours but first up bill
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melugin live in atlanta right near tonight's debate stage. bill, what is cooking? >> larry, we are expecting some serious fireworks tonight. these two men are not just political opponents they literally don't like each other we don't even know if they will shake hands tonight and their campaigns already this morning have been going after each other, take a look. >> joe biden i hear is practicing a lot of one-liners. he will need a lot more than that to defeat president trump tonight. he needs to answer for his abysmal record that has destroyed our country and created more crime and chaos. >> he is obviously not going to present to donald trump who is out on his maga rallies but the problem for trump is he has to answer for all the things he has been saying at those rallies. >> take a look at this and atlanta democrats are trying to get under trump's skin the dnc bought out five billboards in the atlanta area mocking trump for his recent felony conviction in new york they say "donald,
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welcome to atlanta for the first time since become a convicted felon i'm a congrats or whatever" and then the trump campaign and a back on call with reporters this week says they expect biden to be very raggedy for the debate tonight given his decades of experience in the political realm periodic flesh talk about the debate rules take a look at this. is a cnn debate they will have two commercial breaks and no interaction with any campaign stuff allowed. by will take the left podium trump will get the final word that mikes will be muted when the other can speak so they cannot talk over each other. back out here live things to watch out for tonight who was going to be in the room with donald trump? he has said his vp choice will be in the room with him tonight.
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he has not named that person yet that is one thing to look out for a. this debate is over both men will be hitting the campaign trail. donald trump will be heading out to virginia for a rally tomorrow while president biden will be shipping out to north carolina for his own rally tomorrow. just hours away now send it back to you. >> larry: one quick question did you see one cnn yesterday apparently unveiled their microphone muting system? do you have any idea how that's going to work? because that could play a pretty big role this >> yes so it looks like they are using a system where there are little lights on the desk at the microphone in front of them. if you are cleared to talk you will have a green light. if your time is about to wrap up you will have a yellow light and if you are not allowed to talk you will have a red light and if you have a red light your microphone will be muted. of one of them tries to talk over the other one while there is a red light the viewer at home will not be able to hear anything. i believe that is an effort to try to cut down on that crosstalk and fighting we saw
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back in 2020. >> larry: high-technology bill melugin thank you over so much. so the economy expected to be a key issue tonight at the biden administration dismisses sticker shock at the grocery store. we have fox team coverage we have the great charles payne right here on inflation but first up we're going to fox business madison alworth live in staten island. medicine, what is cooking? >> hey, larry, we talked to diners here at annandale terrace which is a gorgeous establishment out on staten island. i want to know that they agree with the biden a administration says that inflation sticker shock is not a thing. so i am met dominic who will kindly let me interrupt his family lunch. hi, dominic. by demonstration white house saying sticker shock is not a thing inflation is not a problem gary how are you feeling about that? >> i mean has anybody tried to buy microphone? try to get a mortgage? tried to buy mike a car, food, i find that hard to believe. >> you were saying your wife goes to the grocery store?
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>> all she complains about is how expensive the fruit and the food is. so yes, there is a lot of inflation. >> we know inflation is increasing at a slower rate it has come down but you are saying you also that impact your bills because inflation is still happening. >> absolutely. people say all inflation is going down, great prices coming down it's not true. instead of prices going up at 8% or 9% there only couples going up 3% or 4% but they are going up and nothing is coming down. >> we have the face-off tonight two candidates what are you hoping to hear you will watch the debate, right? >> short of an outright boxing match i really wish they just would focus on the topics. don't bicker back and forth and let's hear what the plan is. >> i mean we have had these two on a debate stage before and there has been that bickering so would that have an impact on how you think of the gr two candidas so they will mute the mic so
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there will be that component. >> i will not affect my personally decision but i think there are too many important topics for them to get involved, just focus on the topics and stop the politics. >> want to hear real stuff, dominic, there you have it. the issues i've heard from voters like dominic, inflation, economy, border, we want to hear with those two candidates really have to say about that. center, larry i will send it back to you. >> sandra: all right thank you so much, medicine. live in in staten island talking to real people that's what matters charles payne those that host of "making money" with charles payne fox business gray tabby here it's a huge night and "the wall street journal" things it will be all about the economy with this headline for trump and for clinton it's still the economy, stupid. costly so the challenger would foster growth. this is david malpass and to his point i mean you can just point to the numbers. if you are donald trump, right?
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and you point to inflation under the current president versus his administration, inflation under biden up 19% under trump it was 5%. gas is up 46%, trump they were down. rent prices up 30%. 30-year mortgage, that is just that ship has sailed. >> we heard the guy in the diner who said you can't buy a house or get a mortgage. house affordability is the worst it has ever been in this cou country. that is the key i think because for instance someone may say hey, nominal gdp under biden has been through the roof. president trump, why wasn't yours as high? and the distinction, obviously, has to be when you pour billions of dollars into an economy that doesn't need it anomaly will look great in real life will hurt like hell because that's what they are saying to posters right now. the inflation bum.
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>> gdp is a real plus total gdp, and it's the inflation bump. and you see the inflation bump under biden 20% for 4 years of trump it was only up five or 6% max, that's all it was. it's incredible. >> again, the american dream or the inability to reach the american dream when these questions are asked over and over again to every age group but particularly younger people, gen z coming on millennials, they have almost given up on it. right? so they are stuck in rent and paying higher rent to the point they will probably never get a 20% down payment so they know this. they feel this. but one other thing the guy said i think will be really intriguing. another way, again, the media and economists talk about our economy when it comes to the word inflation. theoretically, for them, inflation comes down when it slows but as long as inflation is increasing it is increasing but i am just saying in the last 24 hours where i think the
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consumer is so tapped out we will see numbers actually come down a little bit between now and december. yesterday southwest airlines, this is so critical, southwest airlines everyone talks about tsa numbers, it's a boom, i don't know where people are going but they are not spending the same amount of money. southwest airlines change their guidance they say we are going to do this in metric called revenue for available seat mile, that's their key metric in the airline industry before they seat up 3.5% now it's down 4.5%. >> a lot of savings from the pandemic have been depleted. >> general mills, the serial maker, they lowered prices by the way one point for food and one point for pets. volumes crash on both of them. and then this morning, walgreens. did you see that number of walgreens? an unmitigated disaster the ceo says. >> sandra: seeing signs of slowing by the consumer? >> not just slowing the economy potentially going off the cliff. >> that's a big statement. >> did you see on this point i will go back to your house and
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point because i think that is almost underrated. the increased prices and let's see the home sales down about 30%. price is the highest on record going back to 1999 keeping these numbers as you all know. the american dream not available, young people pulling for trump which subplot the comic surprise a lot of people there and i want to hook that into the house thing disappointment. kitchen table stuff for the whole middle class, prices higher than wages we all talk about that the affirmatively afy crisis but housing is especially discouraging for younger people. >> yes, it is when they talk up prior generations my parents a house at 28 but old folks home dancing and they say where they dancing and it's like they bought a house 40 years ago for 30 grand and never invested in how they sold over $4 million, right? there is resentment out there.
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>> sandra: that's true. >> on top of that resentment thing of the last jobs report the unemployment rate for young teen workers went up six points six tenths. for black workers it went up 0.5. people say why? it always comes back to economics. it always comes back to economics. >> follow the money. >> why is biden doing better with older americans? it's not because of trump, it's the same thing. they own money markets, they own bonds. they are making so much money those same folks in those memes they are doing great. >> sandra: rich older folks by the way. the not so rich older folks are suffering on fixed income their electricity bills and utility bills are through the roof. >> anyone vulnerable to changes in inflation is suffering. >> larry: one more before i lose you business does not look great either. i'm looking at the numbers that came out today on durable goods. business investment nondefense capital goods, the interesting is core business investment down
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again both orders and shipments charles the last three months down 2% the last year flat to slightly lower. i mean, you were not getting the business backing off with regulations and tax threats and then consumer is backing off because it looks like they are tapped out from the inflation problem, this is not a great election year economy. >> no does not and i think a lot of these businesses are holding back now at this point. i think they are in a wait-and-see mode because it we have people saying if i win i will tax you and if i don't even more regulation so these businesses are building a buffer i believe so plus depending on the industries semiconductors, things like that, doesn't make sense to me honestly for the government, the federal government, to pay the richest corporations in the world 20 or $10 billion to build a factory here. due to tax incentives but why are we doing that? one more thing the transition in our economy for the democratic party being the party of the wealthy and the educated
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elite, ceo pay now 16 million on average of $4 million since trump left office. ask the average person out there if their pay has risen that much and the answer is no. >> sandra: that's great. >> center is up 16%. >> she is on more than that. >> larry: she is a star. >> some people earn it. >> i am here for tips i want tax free tips i will give you one buy loiselle high. >> sandra: that never fails you. great discussion. >> shocking claims from a migrant charged with the shooting of two new york city police officers and prosecutors say he admitted to being in a venezuelan gang that smuggles guns into migrant shelters. cb cotton live in new york city with much more. do you say how the guns were getting inside or what is the story here? >> a lot to unpack, larry. prosecutors say this illegal migrant confessed to a scheme
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where members of the notorious venezuelan gang smuggled firearms into city shelters by using food delivery bags that did not have to go through metal detectors. this is one of the bizarre details revealed in court this week when bernardo raul kupfer motto pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and assault charges. the nypd says he opened fire on two officers who try to pull him over as he rode a scooter in the wrong direction earlier this month. he told the police the gun was not his and it accidentally went off during the encounter. prosecutors said he admitted to being recruited for robberies by the gang in court yesterday prosecutors quoted from a taped interview he gave police. >> it is common practice for gang members to shoot at police officers because venezuelan police officers shoot at gang members for minor infractions.
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venezuelan police officers get shot often in my home country because criminals feel there is a chance of getting away. >> as for allegations of gun smuggling, we are told security services at these migrant shelters were given a refresher course on how to conduct more thorough searches and how to properly use handheld wants and screening bags. it now, larry, the queens district attorney questions when asked about this reported smuggling scheme. >> right now there's a lot of allegations that are being alleged we are investigating all of them. >> so he is being held without bail and do back in court in september. larry? >> larry: all right, sandra. >> sandra: thank you so much james freeman and katie pavlich are here to talk about more on immigration and how it will play out in the stage in tonight's debate and be sure to tune into
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fox news democracy 2020 for a special coverage of the cnn presidential debates m.o. coverage are covered here will kick off tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern end of the debate begins at 9:00 p.m. eastern and we know that most of the country says they are going to watch this in some form. you can watch right here, larry. as i keep saying this, everybody has something they are watching for whether it's the performance of the candidates, you know, their ability to shine on the stage or the issues or whatever it is, maybe you are looking for a spectacle i don't know. most everybody in the country says they are going to sit down and watch or stand up and yell at your tv or something. >> larry: throw stuff at your tv, later. tonight's debate could change the course of the 202012 election, we have rnc chair michael whatley there to break down the stakes plus all of t this. >> it looks like a doctor walks like a duck or quacks like a duck it's a duck he's a convicted felon and that is just who he is. >> sandra: biden camp leaning into criminal charges on the campaign trail with the police docanada do the same tonight?
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♪ it's the eye of the tigris the thrill of the fight ♪ ♪ rising up to the challenge of our rivals ♪ >> larry: hours away from the debate on the fox president biden's advisors reportedly crafting jabs to try to get under former president trump's skin instead of going in on policy. let's talk about those joining us now trey gowdy, sunday night in america host and former south carolina congressman trey driving back to the city every sunday night the wife and i listen to your show. we have learned to love it it is fascinating.
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tray, you know the conventional wisdom, swing out, yelling, convicted felon this, l'affaire that, sometimes the conventional wisdom is very wrong. and i just have the sense this is going to be very wrong, but i want to hear what trey gowdy thinks from south carolina which is a relatively polite state. >> you have to know who your jury is, what your audience is. of these two candidates are still working on that they should have a problem i think they should be working on the undecided voters or moderates when joe biden accuses donald trump of being a convicted felon, i mean my response would be you are right, so is your son. and joe you are an on convicted felon. you are on convicted because special counsel said you are not even competent to stand trial. so would you rather have someone who was railroaded by a progressive district attorney?
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or would you rather have someone who doesn't even know enough to understand the charges and be tried? and then i would pivot, larry, immediately, to a mother of five who cannot even go for a walk to a nursing student who can't even go for a jog. to a child who was raped and a child struggled to death saying look i'm not going to make this about me. i am a billionaire who can defend himself. how about the people who have suffered because of your board or your criminal justice policies? that's what i want to talk ab about. >> sandra: tray, it seems there are some urging biden to come out swinging in fact they are suggesting both do in an effort to have the former president throw a tantrum? this is according to an nbc news report where a veteran debate advisors are saying such they say "ahead of the first general election debate thursday biden has been holed up at camp david maryland with advisors scripting put-downs and one-liners that
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they hope will trigger a tantrum that makes donald trump sound unglued" do you think this is part of the strategy? >> it's probably part of the strategy but i am sure president trump knows how also and president trump has good facts. i mean if you have good facts then you can afford to smile and you don't have to program te thw tantrums. from his advisor i say you have two per meal primarily to women voters who may have concerns about your temperament. they may like your agenda but they don't like the way you communicate so do not fall for this. smile, laugh it off, the ultimate victory, success is the best revenge. i mean, the goal is to win back in november. >> larry: yes, yes. >> don't win a verbal fight tonight. >> larry: tray you are a thousand percent right. everyone and trump land is
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telling him don't go overboard, don't get upset, don't go into a tizzy. he knows that. he's very smart guy, as you well know. but your other point, success is the best revenge, i mean his theme, i think his theme is going to be successful policies on the economy on inflation, on gasoline prices come on kitchen table issues come on improving wages, on catch and deport to finally close the border. on peace around the world instead of the world being on fire. successful policies such as i offered in my first term will unite the country. now, if he does that, and biden goes off on a limb and starts worrying about convicted felon is i will tell you it's going to be a technical knockout before the end in 90 minutes. as it's going to happen. and it will end joe biden's crew because the democratic forefathers will pull it. if biden does not cut it tonight come off with his head, that's what democrats are saying. i don't know a thing about it because i haven't been a democrat in 60 years but i am
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just saying that's what they are saying now. >> i would also add everything you just said, larry, plus staying alive because there's not a single right we have that is of any benefit if we are left strangled to death because of somebody who is unlawful unlawfully in this country and i'll bring it all back to other people. the knock on president trump's he tends to focus on himself too much. i would focus on the victims of crime and i would highlight them and say look, i am the big boy. that you can do what you want to me but i'm worried you're going to do it other people and you have allowed it to happen to other people. i would stop with a really good name like rachel more and miss riley. >> sandra: great to have you on this day. >> yes, ma'am. >> sandra: i was going to ask if they could tee up mark penn this morning he joined dana and me on "america's newsroom."
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he too talked about biden throwing jabs to see how the former president was going to respond. >> you think mike tyson rules govern your? everybody has a plan until you get punched in the face? and that is exactly what we are going to see. which is they both have a plan coming and i'm going to be calm, i'm going to be factual, we just don't know what's going to break out when they actually start throwing punches at each other. >> sandra: but you just said something at the commercial break if you don't mind, larry, you really hope there is a focus on the issues because these can be very disc skillfully debatedn both sides which would be a huge and effective voters back home that are perhaps undecided. >> larry: look mark penn is a smart guy one of my favorite democrats. i'm not going to say there won't be a couple of jobs here or there. but every poll, forget about what the conventional political wisdom is for some of the liberal networks and so forth. polls are saying without any question what folks want to see is a discussion of the issues. what is your future plan for
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this country, for my family, for my kitchen table, for my groceries, et cetera, et cetera. will i get wages in the next year or two ago that will finally beat inflation, can you do that for me? the person that comes out of that talking about that is going to be the clear winner. the so-called "go for a knockout" strategy, i don't buy it. i may be dead wrong but i've talked to at least one of the participants in time to time. and i think he is very much aware of what folks actually want. >> sandra: that would be helpful perry we will see if that happens by the way a live look at the spin room in atlanta ahead of tonight's debate. is this a make or break moment for either candidate? we will put that question to mary catherine hamm and richard fowler. they will be here live next plus this. >> we hope they will ask joe biden why he lied to cnn's face on the debate stage in 2020 about the existence of the hunter biden laptop. >> larry: and will
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>> just before president biden and former president trump face up to night bowling group released his first presidential election forecast and it shows biden gets the popular vote but trump win at the white house. could tonight's debate change anything about that?
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let's bring in mary catherine and richard fowler join the party it's great to have you. >> good to see both. >> nate silver two weeks ago, mary catherine, said this he suggested democrats would've been better served if biden would have never sought reelection in the first place. he says what is clear in his opinion is democrats have been better served if biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term which would have allowed them to have some semblance of a primary process and give voters a say among the many popular democrats across the country. will that decision not to replace him backfire, mary catherine? >> i mean, look it does seem like a bit of a problem but they put themselves in a pickle because president biden is the president and he has been running for president since i was eight which really dates me so i was not looking to him to give up the will too soon but the contrast between biden and trump in 2021 i will give you a steady hand on the wheel. in the intervening time, neither his policies nor what is
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happening to people's lives at their kitchen tables nor, frankly, the performances he gives on a regular basis feel like a steady hand on the wheel. both of these guys have pretty baked in concepts among voters so i'm not sure how much can change tonight, but i think the risks for them are pretty big. they are both sort of rusty at debating particularly biden may have gotten a chance at that or that if the democratic party had gotten a chance trump did not take that chance and they will be fighting the worst tendencies on that stage tonight and i think it just fine performance would be an outcome for all of us for both of them. >> larry: richard that is interesting "just fine performance" i don't how to define that but a lot of democratic i will call them -- >> escape without disaster. >> larry: all right you know seeing senior democrats i don't know maybe you are one of senior democrats they talk in "the new york times" articles with out attribution but you hear this refrain if biden doesn't do well tonight, which i
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think is a higher standard than mary catherine, but if he doesn't do well or if he does poorly they are going to have his head. now whether that comes at the convention or before the convention, i mean i don't know what the mechanics are. i'm just saying, richard, i'm sure you've read the same stuff i'm asking you. >> i have read it and i am annoyed by the folks who are these sources and you don't know who they are. if you are going to say it put your name behind it but with that being said as an aside look, i know there's a lot of thought about this ideal of may be somehow someway he is going to leave the office or he is not going up for reelection i think that ship has ultimately sailed. and i do think he has to have a good debate performance tonight but i think over time because whether it be because of the pressure put under by the trump campaign or the box they painted him in by calling him "sleepy joe" that threshold to do well is very low for president joe biden. now with that being said, i think, larry, both for
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president biden and for president trump this 90 minutes is the most important 90 minutes of both of their careers. it will have the biggest audience they probably have ever had in their lifetime and beyond that they are going to have to have a conversation with the american people. for joe biden my advice here is this don't try to knock out donald trump. had try to have a conversation with z is empathetic, that is future facing and actually empathetic about what is happening at their kitchen tables. >> sandra: this is a live look where we were anticipating we would see the current president, joe biden, any moment now he just touched down there and obviously he will then be making his way to georgia for the big debate. so we are watching life. in case we get a glimpse of the president here i won't throw and sound but mary catherine, this is a huge moment and there is a lot riding on joe biden. die benson said so instead of throwing to it i will say he said an enormous amount of pressure on him because if he does poorly tonight i think
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there will be widespread panic within the democratic party. is there the risk that republicans have set the bar too low, mary catherine for joe biden? >> i think that is a bit of a concern. a bit he has set for the bar for himself by his conduct in public in the past and that it could be true of trump as well but look if you see state of the union trump which is a more subdued version of trump and see state of the union biden which is a more energetic version of biden, those two might actually have a decent conversation that could speak to issues which as richard points out is actually what voters want to hear. i do think there is an extra part here where if you look at "the new york times" pulling this week democrats have not consolidated their own party hunter biden in the same way. >> sandra: sorry, mary catherine. the president is coming off the operation at the moment shaking hands and this is the first glimpse we have had of him today and for quite some time, larry, as he has been holed away
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prepping for this debate. >> sandra: coming down off marine one a couple steps there. what happens is the staff goes in the back staircase while the president comes down the front staircase, just thought i would give you a little bit of color context. >> sandra: making his way to air force one. >> sandra: to atlanta and tonight's debate let the games begin. speak to this is part of what will be doing tonight watching the two candidates as age has been a huge issue. richard fowler, so money will be watching to see behind the scenes apparently trying to negotiate sitting down during debate. to watch him go up the stairs but that is my question to mary catherine is the bar set almost too low for joe biden if he is able to stand and get through the debate tonight? >> larry: but 16 advisors, richard. richard i still have most of my marbles left, i couldn't do 16 advisors, or you can? twice a day? 16 advisors?
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i feel his pain honestly. >> larry, let the president have as many advisors as he wants to have. at the end of the day i do agree to some extent the bar is not set very low. the question is who is set in the bar? part of that bar to mary katherine's point is set by some of the visuals you've seen as a president but the other side of that bar is set for how the trump campaign is framed joe biden over the past year or two and those two things together have created such a low bar but for joe biden i don't think he worries about that part and i. to mary katherine's point he worries about how do you get your base together? spewing all right just a few hours away, you know? we will no. >> sandra: apparently on-time that's pretty on time for joe biden. >> larry: mary catherine thinker much richard fowler thank you we appreciate it inflation remains a top concern for american voters, the question is will president biden continue the misleading claims about his economy? will he try it on the debate stage tonight, delma?
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bret baier is coming up please stick around much more come. speak of immigration thing is going to be an issue. i mean, that is a really devastating report for the biden administration on the isis people. >> that's a sticky one, right? [laughter] >> no kidding. >> larry: : secretary mallorca's thousands tied to a smuggling scheme as the border crisis is expected to be spot lit tonight. dames freeman here to discuss with larry and me next. ♪ ready or not here i come you can't hide ♪ ♪ i'm gonna find you and take it slow ♪ thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast.
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what if there is an investment strategy, a product, where your retirement money and investment portfolio could go up with the stock market lock in your gains? and when the market goes down, you don't lose anything. forward with your money. never backwards would have that investment strategy, that product actually existed? good news! it does! if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you. to president biden's border security failures a temperature for american voters has a texas family right now is preparing to
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bury their 12-year-old daughter jocelyn, a live look in houston where two illegal immigrant stand accused of her murder. james is assistant of "the wall street journal" fox news contributor the country is grieving the loss of this little girl and it should never should have happened in the first place the community will say goodbye the celebration of life will happen shortly. this will be center stage no doubt tonight. >> i hope it is addressed. certainly not up to us but it should be addressed. i think it's an indefensible policy that the president has been pursuing the extent we can define what that is but from day one the series of executive orders dismantling the trump enforcement policy. this year he has kind of gone back and forth trying to get to a political position he thinks will be tenable. this is not tenable. allowing people to come into
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this country illegally and murder and do horrible things so i think there is a broad bipartisan consensus that wants that to stop and wants enforcement and also be a welcoming country that allows talented people to come in. i know a lot of people are giving the president advice about how to throw jabs and get zingers and/or how to be like the state of the union guy and be partisan and ranting, i think a good political move for him and what would be good for the country for him to do what pelosi and schumer should have done years ago which is to say donald trump, let's work this out. you are going to get your wall. we will do enforcement and here are the legal pathways you have to go through periods fee to they wouldn't do it. we had, if i may, i mean i'm wearing a different hat now as part of that administration went up border policies with respect to the wall and remain in mexico
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and frankly by the middle of 2019 they started working big time but we wanted positive policies. mr. trump, a look i was the moderator interviewer for the business roundtable ceos the subject came up and he said as he has now repeated several times if you are vetted and you go to college university here you should stay here. we will give you a green card with your diploma. we will also open the door for more h-1b visa's. those are the kinds of positive things -- we had a point system with civics and speaking english and american history et cetera, et cetera. democrats blocked it at every turn. there would not have been a solution for the dreamers in that system. there would've been a solution for the people who lived here 20 or 30 years "from the shadows" but it was always blocked, james ever circle time. >> i think this is a lot of what has pop poisoned by our politics because instead of saying at the
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2016 election the people have spoken this was her signature issue we have to work with you wanted they embraced the resistance as if this was some kind of illegitimate regime trump was running instead of our duly elected government. now i don't think it is too late and i actually think this is the one good political option for joe biden because i think he has zero credibility now if he decides to try to sound tough on the border no one will believe that. if he goes further left and says we don't need enforcement measures, obviously that's not going to work for him either. so i think this would actually be good for him and good for the country if he finally said let's work it out, how about this deal? and you get your enforcement. >> larry: it's a noble mission but i would not raise expectations. >> i'm not expecting this but what a nice change it would be. >> sandra: james good have y you. with two hot wars under president biden's watch foreign
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policy is expected to be front and center tonight former cia station chief dan hoffman head with a look at biden's record and how the candidates will handle tonight's big debate. you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪don't just use a password alone.♪ ♪mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ >> sandra: larry come a few
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moments ago you offered this letter that was signed by a top economists in that dangers of electing former president donald trump. they have seized on that and said hold on there are some crucial details missing from this report, one of the economists is married to a top biden official. >> larry: indeed. >> sandra: and one donate $25 million to the biden victory fund that is important information left out. >> larry: of course this is a shocking disclosure. george acro off a nobel prize winner. >> sandra: georgetown university professor. >> larry: there he is now from the west coast anyway he is married to the treasury secretary. but can i just tell you something? i told this anecdote on our show last night just real fast at the imf farewell party for christina i sat at a table between her and her husband george. he has a very charming man. this is not personal and never is. i have known ginny, whether he
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was married to janet yellen or not he would've had the same view because the establishment and economics always goes for the democrats here. if you get to keep more of your money, that is bad. but if the government spends your money, that's always good. that, there is the problem with the entire economics profession. we will have a live look at the spin room and tonight f debate w the high-stakes event could change the course of the entire 2024 election next up sandra smith here first. >> me and the goal is to win in november. don't won somebody will fight tonight.
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