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tv   Presidential Debate hosted by CNN  FOX News  June 27, 2024 6:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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personality. you got to beat him on policy to have any chance of closing the gap on everybody's pulling at least seven swing states and nationally that she was content with these tremendous advantages. that's plaz what nasal racing 66% chance of trump winning. they could all change but it's headwinds and if you try to battle content in his personality, you run into about saw. turning have to go after more policy i just don't know how he does it. >> bret: think about how much has transpired in the four years since the first residential debate. we were in that room that it was the heat of covid. and so much has changed in our country since then, on every single issue in this country and around the world. >> martha: one thing that hasn't changed is the same two people up there for years later, standing. >> bret: it is time now to look live over to atlanta it's go time in atlanta with biden and trump
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about to hit the debate stage their first face-off as we mentioned in 4 years a pivotal moment in the race for the presidents. >> we will watch the entire thing together all of us on the panel and sean hannity in atlanta from the beginning to the end on fox news channel and afterwards we have the postdebate analysis. sean takes over at 11:00 o'clock eastern fascinating to watch this. you can hear their hearts palpitating probably on both style aides of the stage at this point. >> they walked to the stage and face each other for the first time in 4 years. they have talk past each other their commercials of wrong and the campaigns hurling insults. now they are on the same stage with the white house on the line. >> we will see a handshake here and watch this open now.
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speeds >> dana: i'm dana bash. >> jake: i am a jake tapper. we will co- moderate this evening our job to facilitate a debate between the 2 candidates tonight. before we introduce them we wanted to share the roles of the debate for those at home. former president trump is on the left and president biden will be on the right coin toss determine their positions. each candidate has a minute to answer a question and a minute each for responses and rebuttals and an additional minute for clarification or responses that moderator discretion. >> trump: >> dana: microphones will be automatically turned off. at the end of the debate they
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will get 2 minutes for closing statements. no studio audience tonight with prewritten notes, contacts from campaign staff are not permitted during the debate. by accepting the invitation to debate both candidates and their campaigns agreed to accept at these rules. >> jake: please welcome the 46th president of the united states, joe biden. and the pleas welcome the 45th president of the united states, donald trump. [ ♪♪ ] >> jake: gentleman thank you for being here let's begin the debate starting with the issue voters consistently say is their top concern economy. president biden inflation has
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slowed but prices remain high since you took office essentials have increased groceries that cost $100 at the start of your residency now costs $120 and homes have jumped 30% what do you say to that? we had an economy in freefall so badly handled many people were dying he said it wasn't serious inject bleach in your arm it's fine. unemployment at 15% terrible we had to put things together again and that's what we do we made 15,000 new jobs manufacturing but there is more to be done the
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working class is in trouble. i come from scranton thanks not being met was a problem the price of gas and housing that's what i'm working so hard to make sure i deal with those problem's and we make sure we reduce the price of housing build 2 million the corporate greed i was left with is what is an issue. you you look at his administration he didn't do much at all it was chaos when he left we put things to back together created jobs a situation where we brought down prescription drugs. $15 for an insulin shot as
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opposed to $400. all the drugs they can need. we are going to make that available to everybody and to all americans we are working to bring down the price around the kitchen table and we will get it done. >> jake: thank you, president trump greatest economy in the history of the country never doing so will everyone was amazed we got copied we got hit with covid-19 and we spent money necessary to avoid a depression like that of 1929 we did a great job credit for the economy military and no wars everything was good the thing we didn't get credit was getting us out of the covid-19 mass he created mandates of that word a disaster we gave them a country where the
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stock market was higher than pre-covid the only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants and bounce back jobs for job inflation is killing us. >> jake: president biden? >> biden: greatest economy in the world i don't know anyone else who thinks that of his administration. is economy rig rewarded wealthy highest tax cut of 2 trillion in u.s. history largest rise of deficit only president that had less jobs than the he began since hoover. when he was president they were killing people in afghanistan
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didn't do anything. a position that had a notion of being a safe country i'm the only president this century or decade that doesn't have troops dying anywhere in the world like he did. >> jake: i am going to ask a follow-up. you want to impose a 10% tariff on goods in the u.s. how do you ensure that doesn't drive prices higher it ensures other countries will pay more money reduce the deficit and gives us power for other things the only thing you are right about was the largest tax cut and regulation cut they went down bouncing back taking credit for
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that he can't do that said he inherited 9% said it he had no inflation therefore 14 months and it blew up and they don't know what the are doing worst administration in history for afghan i was getting out there but with dignity strength and power it was the most embarrassing day in the history of the country. >> jake: trump national debt soared to record highs approving 8-point forward trillion in new debt biden has approved for trillion in debt so many tax cuts you signed into law expired you want to extend and go
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further with record debt why should top earners pay less in taxes than they do now because. >> trump: they field the largest economy in the country. when we cut taxes for the tax 21% from 39% beyond that we took more revenue less tax and companies put money back into the country trillions. we were ready to start paying down debt and liquid gold oil and gas under our feet something nobody else had it got hit with covid-19 i gave him an unbelievable situation with what we came up with.
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more people died under his administration even though it was largely fixed and we were right in the middle of it something people don't talk about far more people dying in his administration he mandate was a disaster did a mandate on the vaccine which is what people objected to and did a poor job. not only poor there but in the entire world not respected we are like a third world leadership between weaponization of the justice system we are like a third world nation it's a shame the damage he's done i'd love to ask him why he allowed millions to come from jails and
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mental institutions to the country. >> jake: we will go to immigration biden i want you to respond to the national debt question biden -- >> jake: >> we've a thousand billionaires and what's happening they pay 8% in taxes if they paid 24% or 25% that's 500 billion dollars over a 10 year period to wipe out debt and do make sure things like childcare eldercare strengthening the health care system and make sure every person is eligible for what we
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did with dealing every thing we had to do with look. if we finally the medicare. >> jake: president trump? he is right he beat medicare to death because all these people at common put them on medicare or social security they will destroy social security single-handedly millions of people putting them on social security he will wipe out social security and medicare he was right. what happened to the country in the last 4 years can't be believed foreign countries don't believe what happened either. they don't like us they think we
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are very stupid what we're doing for other countries they do nothing for us what he has done is criminal. >> jake: dana? >> dana: first presidential election since roe v. wade was overturned they ruled on an abortion case allowing emergency abortions still in idaho despite a restrictive ban you take credit for roe v. wade being overturned sending the issue to the state but the federal government plays a role still on access for abortion pills used as to third. as president trump would you block that?
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spieth for i agree with the decision of the supreme court i would not block it. 51 years ago you had roe v. wade everyone without exception liberals and can services -- conservatives wanted it back to the state i put 3 justices were great who voted in favour of moving it to the states something everybody wanted about 10 years ago they have haggled over weeks but every respected legal scholar wanted it to the states. ohio had a result more liberal than you thought same kansas. texas and florida different but
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they are making their own decisions it's control of the people like reagan i believe in exceptions it's important as some people you have to follow your heart i believe in exceptions for rape incest and life of the mother follow your heart but you need to to be elected. the problem they have is a radical they will take a life and then eighth ninth and even after birth look at the virginia governor who is willing do that put the baby aside. we brought it to this states in the country is coming together on the issue great.
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>> jake: a terrible thing most scholars supported row the way to when it was decided. in 6 weeks if you don't see a doctor and him decide that. the idea states do this is like saying civil rights should go to the states lit everyone have a rule. there was a young woman murdered he went to the funeral. the idea she was murdered by an immigrant they talk about that a lot of young women get raped by in-laws spouses brothers. it's ridiculous and they do nothing about it and arrest him
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across state lines before many young women murdered by those coming across the border the most dangerous place in the world as killers come into the country raping and killing women as far as abortion is concerned states are voting a liberal decision in many cases the office it it brings it back to the vote of the people which is what the founders would have wanted if they knew about it everyone wanted it brought back reagan did didn't get it. many presidents tried to get it back and i was the 1 to do it it gives vote to people every legal
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scholar wanted that. >> dana: on abortion biden 7 states have no legal instructions on how far into a pregnancy a woman can get an abortion do you support any legal limits on terminating presidents there's terminating it. biden i support third trimester between woman and dr and woman and state. of the idea founders wanted politicians to make decisions about women's health no politician should do that that's a doctor decision if elected i plan to restore it. >> trump: so they can take it
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even after birth the former governor of virginia said put the baby down decide what to do with it so he will rip the baby out of the womb ninth month killed the baby no 1 wants that democrat or republican. >> biden: only if a woman's life is in danger that's the only circumstance in the ninth month we are not for late term abortion period. >> trump: depending on this date you can do whatever you want we think you are the radicals not us. >> biden: 51 years the law taken away because he put conservative judges on the court
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wants he going to do if the mag-mac republicans control congress and pass a universal ban across the board 6 weeks or 7 or something conservative i would veto it he would sign it. >> jake: to immigration and border security a record number of migrants have crossed under your watch overburdening cities like new york and chicago. why should voters trust you to solve this. >> biden: we worked hard for a bipartisan agreement where there was no circumstance about that. we increased asylum offers
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border patrol endorsed my position as well we found us in a situation as president he was separating babies from mothers putting them in cages families separated. what i've done since i change the law what happened now you are in a situation where 40% fewer comic cross the border illegally i will move to get a total ban the total initiative to what we do with more border patrol. >> trump: i don't know what he said there i don't think he does either. safest border in the history of the country he just had to leave it alone instead he opened it
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the people from prisons mental institutions terrorists the largest number of terrorists coming into the country from the middle east all over the world pouring in he didn't need legislation i did it. safest border in the couple final months according to border patrol who by the way endorsed me for president just beat to brandon. we had the safest border in history now it's the worst and people die over the place. >> jake: biden? >> biden: the only terrorists who came under the border kill 3
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american soldiers under his administration. i'm not saying no terrorists coming in but there is no data to support what he said exaggerating and a lion. >> jake: on immigration trump you said you'd have the largest domestic deportation and history will you deport those who have jobs and spouses or citizens and those here for decades if so how? the walton lack-mac. >> trump: he said we killed 3 people we killed albert nanny and 2 of the biggest terrorists having an impact on border he's killed hundreds of thousand who
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are dying killing our citizens when they come in it's a rat's net state in california and new york every state in the union. every state is the border because of his ridiculous insane stupid policies they kill our citizens and a level never seen biden migrant crime. you are reading it like 3 incredible young girls over the last few days when i spoke to the mother had a funeral 12 years old it's horrible. what's taken place it's uncivilized he doesn't want it to be he just doesn't know we need to to get them out fast because they will destroy the
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country they live in the luxury hotels in new york city and other places veterans are dying on the street he doesn't care about them the military at all i had the highest approval for veterans he is gotten rid of what i approved joyce all what i approved they abandoned it was highest now less then half. i think he did it just because i approved it. allowing other people to come in. very said in america. >> biden: every single thing he said is alive. veterans are better off since the pact act what happened is whether agent orange or burn
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pitch it's covered and he opposed that. my son spent year in iraq can back with stage iv glass stoma. i was in france for d-day and they spoke about heroes who have died i went to the world war ii and world war i cemetery with the fourth star general who said he didn't want to go in there because of losers and soccer your the loser. >> trump: it was a fake quote in a magazine a third rate magazine we had 19 people. who would say i'm at a cemetery talking about veterans i'm glad
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he brought this up. nobody has taken better care of soldiers then i have just think i would say suckers and losers in front of that it was made up like him like russia russia russia the 51 until agents the economists currently. 51 intelligence agents said it wasn't russia disinformation it was from his son hunter he made up suckers and the losers he should apologize. >> biden: the four-star general on your staff said said and the idea i have to apologize to you for anything we did more for yvette in american history
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the only sacred obligation in our country is to care for yvette's and families when they go to war and come back more than anywhere else in history. >> dana: foreign-policy now the russia ukraine war in its 30 year. trump, putin said he'd only end the war if russia keeps territory already claimed and ukraine abandons its bid to join nato is that acceptable? >> biden: >> trump: first of all our vets can't stand him thinking he is the worst commander in chief they've had they like me pretty much the most.
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as far as russia and ukraine if we had a president respected by putin he never would have done that a lot of people dead more than they know you can double triple that i think he encouraged russia. so bad with afghanistan a horrible embarrassment in the history of the country that when putin saw that he should have fired generals like the 1 you mentioned that i did. no general got fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country losing 13 beautiful soldiers 38 obliterated american citizens left behind 400 billion in the
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equipment he probably decided then to take he never invades ukraine just like israel never gets invaded by hamas because iran was broke with me. i didn't let them do business no money for hamas or anything that's why you had no terror during my administration the whole world is blowing up under him. >> dana: biden? >> biden: i've never seen so much malarkey iran attacked american troops causing brain damage for troops he did nothing about it as president he said it was headaches didn't do a thing.
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number 2 we got over 100,000 americans and others out during the airlift 3 if you look at what trump did in ukraine he told them do whatever you want and that's what trump did the prudent encouraging him he went in listen he said he would take key is in 5 days as part of the old soviet union he didn't do it at all. they've instead lost thousands and thousands of troops 500,000. >> dana: going back to my original question is terms acceptable to you -- you?
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>> trump: it's not acceptable if we had a real leader he gave 200 billion to ukraine a lot of money. any time zelenskyy comes in he gets 60 billion greatest salesman ever i'm not knocking him but the money we spend on this it should never have happened i will have it settled between them as president elect before a take office. people killed needlessly stupidly it will be settled fast before i take office before biden. >> biden: putin is a war criminal killing thousands made
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1 thing clear reestablishing what was part of the soviet empire he wants all of ukraine do you think he stops if he takes ukraine what happens to poland belarus nato countries if you want war you need to find out because if he does what he says and walks away the money we gave ukraine is from weapons made in the u.s. not straight money. that's why we are strong. >> dana: to the middle east in october hamas attacked israel killing thousands taking hundreds of hostages among those fought to be alive are 5 americans.
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president biden you put forward a proposal to resolve the conflict but so far hamas has not released remaining hostages and israel is continuing the offensive what leverage will you use to get the war over everyone from the un security council to the g-7 israelis and netanyahu endorsed my plan with 3 stages. first is traded of hostages for cease-fire then cease-fire with additional conditions then third is end of the war hamas is the only 1 who wants the war we are pushing hard to get them to accept in israel the only thing
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i denied israel was 2000-pound bombs as they kill too many in populated areas we provided weapons to israel i organized the world against iran win they had an icbm attack on israel 1 israel you was accidentally killed we stopped it biggest support in the world so that's 2 different things we continue to send experts to get hamas like we got bin laden they greatly were weakened and should be eliminated you have to be careful with weapons in population centres.
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>> trump: back to ukraine for a second europeans have spent a hundred billion less than us why don't you called them like i did with nato. the secretary-general said trumpet did the best job we were getting that. you have to ask these people to put up the money we have a hundred billion more spent on the war and they are closer location -wise and it affects them more. he said the only 1 who wants to keep going israel is the 1 who wants this and is keeping the job. is like a palestinian but a weak
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1. >> biden: i never heard so much foolishness he's going to pull out of nato the idea of strength relies in alliances avoiding major war in europe what if putin continues into nato and article 5 agreement attack on a 1 attack on all go ahead and let putin control ukraine and move on to poland and other places see what happens he doesn't know what he's talking about i got 15 nations including japan and south korea to support ukraine because it's a serious threat to world peace no major war has been contained just to europe.
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>> dana: to follow-up would you like a independent palestinian state to be achieved maybe but we spend all the money you add them up there economy is the same size as the usa. they don't want what we have but we take their cars food and agriculture but they don't want to pay the only reason he plays games with nato because i put up hundreds of billions and he is right i said i won't support nato if you don't pay they asked me if you would guard us against russia at that time and they said it if you don't pay i won't what happened?
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billions came in now same position paying everybody's bills. >> jake: to democracy, trump i want to ask you about jan 6 after you rallied them as president you swore an oath to prayer attacked the constitution what do you use a voters who believe you've violated that and do it again. >> trump: on january sixth great border few coming in energy independent lowest taxes lowest regulations on january 6 respected worldwide and he comes in and we are laughed at like a
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bunch of stupid people what happened under this man's leadership horrible including weaponization which i'm sure you will talk about at some point. >> jake: you have 80 seconds left my question was around what you would say to voters. >> speech i said peacefully and patriotically pelosi on tape to her doctor a documentary filmmaker they say she said no, it was my responsibility i offered her 10,000 national guard turned it down the mayor in writing turned it down mayor of the dc. i could see i hadn't virtually
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nothing to do i made a speech everyone said that they would be there i said that's a lot of people you could feel it so i said they should have national guard i offered it to her and she admits she turned it down same day because it made her a liar she said i take full responsibility for january 6th >> jake: biden? >> biden: he encouraged those folks to come there i sat in a dining room in the oval office he was being baked by his vice president to do something to call for a stop to end it for hours.
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he said he he would forgive those for what they done if convicted he would commute them. he went to every coronation i don't know how may cases scores of cases including the supreme court they said and no this guy is responsible for your what was done they should be in jail held accountable he says if he loses now there will be a bloodbath. >> trump: they did it to innocent people destroying the lives of so many when they ripped down portland many others city is minnesota minneapolis with the fires over the city if
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i didn't bring in the national guard destroyed. they took over big chunks of seattle they saw it and left immediately. what he said about the whole subject is so off peacefully patriotic. the unselect committee basically 2 horrible republicans out of office and all democrats they destroyed and deleted all the information they found because they found out we were right. they deleted and destroyed the information went to jail for republican does it he goes to jail biden a minute to respond. >> biden: the only man on stage a convicted felon is the 1 i'm looking at now there was no effort on his part to stop what
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was going on capitol hill who deserve to be convicted the idea that they didn't kill somebody occupied offices turned over desks. the idea of those people are patriots come on. and the debates we had the first time around i said to denounce the proud boys he told them to stand by. then announce the people who attacked that capital he doesn't do that. >> jake: i will give you a minute for a follow-up question trump after a jury had you convicted going after opponents if elected your main political
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opponent is on stage can you clarify that statement. >> trump: i said my retribution will be success because right now it's a failing nation when he talks about a convicted felon so is his son probably will be convicted more times should have been before but his department of justice left. and joe could be a convicted felon with the things he's done at the border telling the ukrainians billion dollars to change the prosecutor otherwise if i said that it's quid pro quo we won't give you billion-dollar is unless you change your
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prosecutor doing with the sun criminal he's a criminal you are lucky i did nothing wrong a system rigged and disgusting. >> jake: you want to respond to go ahead the idea i did anything wrong relative to what you are talking about is outrageous the right to seek retribution as president is wrong no president has spoken alike that before in our history the crimes charged with civil penalties how much do you own for molesting a woman in public having 6 with a porn star while you're lifeless and pregnant just what are you talking about
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you have less rules than an alley cat. >> biden: >> trump: i didn't have sex with a porn star they moved a high ranking da to manhattan in the case will be appealed and judged. all of them were democrats prosecuting me both civil and criminal he went after his opponent the damage may but win the public saw this understanding it better than he does my polling numbers went up and took in more money into weeks then in the history of any campaign hundreds of millions in because it's a scam because he
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can't win fare and square. >> jake: president biden you said at him and his republicans are determined to destroy democracy do you believe the 10 million americans the people voting for him want democracy gone? >> he hasn't more cases coming on many issues i don't know what juries will do but i know his real problem. any president wouldn't say i'm going to seek retribution or say i thought hitler had good ideas. when my son died i said i wouldn't run again until i saw charlottesville with swastikas on torches anti-semitic crap son
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from germany the young woman got killed i spoke to the mother and they said what do you think of those people he said there was fine people on both sides what americans would say that nazis singing that anti-semitic songs with swastikas are fine people he said hitler did good things i'd like to know what they are. >> jake: present trump both of you know it was wiped out the sentence said 100% exoneration he says he ran on charlottesville he ran because it was his last chance he's not
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equipped we have a debate justifying his presidency without question the worst presidency and the history of the country there's nothing to debate he made up charlottesville story every anchor whose a reasonable debunked it just the other day fully debunked its unknown story he didn't run on that he's using it as an excuse. >> jake: all you have to do >> biden: i ran because i thought a guy like that kid to get reelected you thought good people there could be there in the idea he is talking about all
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this being fabricated we saw with her own eyes people breaking through windows his own vice president there's a reason so many of his top cabinet members didn't endorse him this time. >> jake: we will be back with more from the cnn presidential debate. through the honors program at acellus academy, i was able to graduate early and get accepted into one of the best undergraduate to md programs in the country. through online learning at the acellus academy. i found more challenging courses that propelled me towards excellence and secure $140,000 in college scholarships. acellus academy accelerated my learning experience because i was able to go at my own pace. the courses are professionally filmed and really bring the content to life.
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>> dana: welcome back to the cnn debate live from georgia now persistent challenge is you faced and will face again. biden while black unemployment is the lowest it's ever been there is still a huge it gap black mothers are 3 tons more likely to die from pregnancy complications and black people are 5 times more likely to be imprisoned what do you say to them? >> biden: mar small black businesses than anytime in
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history's. black unemployment is low we are providing housing for them and fix the great gate and that collude keep people out. the impact of choice that families make to childcare for black people is difficult we were able to reduce black child care costs and a half. we need to provide for child care protections which increases economic growth with more people in the job market more is to be
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done but we've done well and i won't let up. >> dana: 49 seconds left what do you say to those disappointed >> biden: i don't blame them inflation hurts at them badly any black first-time homebuyer should get $10,000 tax credit to get started to make sure -- student loans were ballooning anything in volunteerism if they paid bills for 10 years gone. we will do a whole lot more for black families. >> trump: he is blaming bad
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inflation sure it's killing black and hispanic families and everyone they can't buy groceries you look at food to cost doubling tripling quadrupling but he caused of this i gave him a country with essentially no inflation he destroyed it with the green new scam and money out the window. the fact is his big thing killing black people is the people through the border many are taking jobs -- black jobs hispanic jobs you haven't seen it yet but you will see something the worst in our
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history. >> biden: no inflation when i was president because it was flat on its back he decimated the m economy 15% unemployment no jobs we provided jobs for communities including minorities with that aca i made sure $8000 a person in the family to get written off for healthcare he wants it gone he wants to try again if they win. the idea we are doing anything. we put more police than any other administration we are fighting for equity to make sure they have a shot to make it.
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inflation was caused by his tremendous malfeasance. >> dana: another persistent challenge the climate crisis hottest recorded here and many communities see devastating heat rising sea levels hurricanes among others you've vowed to end to his initiatives so how do you plan to fix it? >> trump: he talked about how close police are to him almost every police group supports donald trump what he's done to the black population is horrible we can't forget him calling them super predators they took a
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great offence and see it happening what they see for criminal justice reform and storable clear black colleges and universities and opportunity zones. tim scott did a great job great senators south carolina came to me with an ideal 1 of the best economic development ideas all per tunas d zones that's why we have the best numbers with them ever i think. he is lost much of the black population he's done a horrible job for hispanics millions pouring in taking jobs it's already started a disaster. >> jake: >> dana: 38 seconds left any
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action to slow climate crisis. >> trump: i want immaculate clean water and air we had it we had h2o best numbers ever and we were using all forms of energy during my 4 years best environmental numbers ever they gave me the statistic before i walked on stage actually. >> biden: i don't know where he's been the idea that's true i passed most extensive climate legislation in history. i came up with 15 billion for hbc you because they don't have the kind of money to build the
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laboratories in the light. any black student is just as capable as white students. the idea he is claiming to have done something clean us to water hasn't done a damn thing for the environment he got out of the paris peace accord which i immediately joined if we reach 1.5 degrees it'd be a helpful it's an existential threat. >> biden: the paris accord would cost us a trillion and china russia and india nothing i ended it because i didn't wanted to waste it nobody else paying it was a disaster. what he said just now i heard
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him say insulin before i got it down and took care of seniors is destroying medical programs because at they want everybody and ia have the biggest heart on the stage but they are taking over schools hospitals social security he's destroying medicare medicaid and social security. >> biden: we are the only member of consequence not in the paris accord. 1 of the largest polluters in the world we've made progress by 2035 pollution should be cut in half. we set up a climate core for
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them to deal with that like the peace corps and we will change the elements and because of pollution. the idea he says he hasn't the biggest heart and is concerned about pollution and climate i don't see it. for prescription drugs 1 company agreed to reduce the price to $35 voluntarily i made sure every pharmaceutical company would by the way. >> jake: for many older americans social security is a critical lifeline if nothing is done to it benefits could be cut in 10 years can you name a
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specific step you're willing to take to keep it solvent to biden >> biden: make the wealthy pay their fair share everyone under 60,000 -- 70,000 pays 8% the idea i've been proposing everybody -- millionaires currently pay 1% i would have to wealthy pay their fair share going from 1% to guarantee the program for life. >> dana: >> jake: 82 seconds left anything else that 1 enough? >> biden: that 1 thing would make us solvent but he wants to cut social security and medicare
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twice you look at the program put forward by house republican caucus he supports wants to cut it as well the idea we don't needed to protect our seniors is ridiculous. american public is greater coverage today than ever before the aca as i said a circumstance with 4 d million not having insurance due to a pre-existing insurance condition. it only happened due to the aca situation talking about education for black communities a raised pell grants for anyone making under 70,000 a year can get 15,000 towards tuition he doesn't know what he's talking
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about. >> jake: resin trump. >> trump: i've been on this side of the equation for 8 years i've never seen someone lie like him. we mentioned the laptop russia ukraine everything he does is a lie misinformation and disinformation so losers and suckers story is a lie and disgrace. social security he's destroying it as millions common they put them on these programs they take place of our citizens what they did to the va and veterans is unbelievable in the luxury hotels. it's coming back never seen such
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anger in the country. >> jake: biden? >> biden: when i said suckers and losers he acknowledged he fired that general he got fired because he acknowledged that. second the idea we will be in a situation where millions of illegal aliens in the country taking away jobs there is a reason we have the fastest-growing economy and success full economy in the world those 15 nobel laureates he talked about being phony they are all economists who said if trump is elected inflation will go up.
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159 presidential scholars and voted him the worst. >> jake: to the cost of childcare many families struggle with both of you tried to address this but the average cost is $11,000 a child. cost for 2 children more than the rent and year second term what would you do? >> trump: to go back of the general got fired no good we had 19 people who didn't agree. the other thing he doesn't fire people never does never seen him i fired it cold me he was no good i fired a lot of the top people at the fbi not easy you pay a price i inherited them.
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i fired him he would never fire anybody he should have fired every military man and the afghan horror show. did you fire anybody that's allowed us to have the worst border in the history of the world anybody get fired for allowing 18 million many from prisons and men still institutions our country is coming in as we waste time on the debate she shouldn't be 1. he is the worst prez in the history of the country getting tough on the border came out with an nothing deal to reduce it like this much.
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he wants open borders wanted to either be destroyed or pick up those people as voters. we can't let it happen if he wins the election the country doesn't have a chance of coming out of this rut we probably don't have a country worst by far. >> biden: most admired country in the world usa nothing beyond our capacity finest military in the history of the world no 1 wants to screw around with us. the idea were talking about worst presidents go online 159 as with presidential historians they had meetings voted the worst president in american history and they said he was the
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worst in all of american history that's a fact not conjecture he can argue they are wrong but that's how they voted. the idea that he's not doing anything in regards to childcare virtually nothing in childcare we should significantly increase childcare tax credit the availability of women and men single parents going back to work and should encourage businesses. >> jake: trump the question was about affordable child care we have polling that rate him the worse i will show you and they rate me 1 of the best if given another 4 years i will be the best nobody has created an economy like us or cut taxes like us raising taxes by 4 times
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raising everyone's by 4 times once the cuts to expire everyone including both of you will pay for -5 times every time i'd see politicians cut taxes we did more business apple was bringing money back into country worst president by far before. >> jake: present biden? you will increase taxes on middle-class i'd never do that on anyone less than 400,000 dollars economists say it will cost the average american $2500 or more with the difference in food and things imported a
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situation talking about how he has not raised somehow helped the middle class who were devastated by you now you want 5 trillion over the next 10 years bankrupting the country largest deficit by president not making any progress with china the lowest trade deficit with them since 2010. >> jake: to an epidemic impacting millions of americans the opioid crisis. the number of overdoses has gone up under both of your terms. former president trump despite efforts made 100,000 americans
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are dying from fentanyl and opioids what will you do former president trump we. >> biden: >> trump: he is paid up by a china manchurian candidate i think he's afraid to deal with that never took out my tariffs because of how much money is made. tremendous saved steel industries and more to come but he didn't do that hasn't cut the terrace because he can't it's too much money but largest deficit in the history of the country worst situation. china will own us if you keep this up they are killing us you can't let that happen.
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>> jake: the question was about addiction. >> jake: we were doing well with addiction until it 2-3 years like no will buddy ever had then we had to get tough drugs across the border started to increase we bought a certain dog the way they spotted do a lot got low numbers he came along and numbers now not only 18 million people i believe it's low got a ways they don't talk about the amount of drugs and human trafficking women across the border worst things i've ever seen under him the border
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so bad but the number of drugs is the largest by far. >> biden: fentanyl went down i want machines that detect fentanyl it costs money that was part of the deal the bipartisan deal we are doing more machines to detect drugs. when we had the deal done he called his republican colleagues not to do it he never argued it not being a good bill we need those machines coming down hard in every country in terms of precursors for fentanyl in mexico is working with us.
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we need those machines. >> jake: biden now over to trump again back to trump it's about addiction. >> trump: he ended remain in mexico and catch in release in mexico not here. we did hard negotiations with mexico all for nothing we pay alike $6 billion for a hostage always. we have wall street journal reporter good guy is probably asking billions for the reporter i will have him out before i take office. as soon as i win the election that reporter will be out. put in is asking for billions he
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pays it every time for 5 people. i got 58 people out paying nothing. >> dana: concerns of voters have about each of you biden you would be 86 at the end of the year second term how do you address concerns of capability to handle the job into your eighties? >> i spent half my career criticized as i was the second youngest to ever be elected to the senate and now i'm the oldest just look at my record and how i turned things around. more investment in america over billions in private investment.
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we brought a lot of people the whole idea of computer chips inventing them and we lost it because he sent people to find cheaper jobs overseas i went just south korea got samsung to invest billions in the usa and those fabs pay over a hundred thousand dollars no college degree and there are 40 billion being built right now in the usa for americans. >> dana: biden 40 seconds anything you would like to add? >> biden: the idea of a failing country i've never heard a president talk like that name
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me a president wouldn't trade places with the usa for all problem's most progressive strongest keeps our word everyone trusts us all allies and those who he cuddles up to like kim jong-un the love letters who they don't screw around with us before former president trump you would be 82 what would you say to voters concerned. >> trump: i took to cognitive test a step i like to see him do 1 he couldn't i'd like to see him and try knock on wood i should remain in health i won 2
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regular club championships not even seen near you have to hit the ball he challenged me to a golf match can't hit 150 yards. i am in good shape as i was 2530 years ago i'm probably a little later but in good shape as they was years ago. i was willing to take a test if i didn't do well but i aced at them dr ronnie jackson i took a similar 11 said that they'd never seen anybody aced them. >> biden: he's 6'5 to 35 pounds anyway just take a look at what he says he is i be
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happy to have a driving contest i got my handicap and vice president down to a 6. told you before happy to play golf if you carry your own bag thank you can do it? >> trump: the july. >> trump: i know your swing. let's not act like children. >> dana: now to a specific concern voters have will you pledge that once all legal challenges are exhausted you will except results regardless who wins and political violence in any form is unacceptable speech i shouldn't have to say it but it's unacceptable if you
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saw my twitter statement and the 1 in the rose darden the strongest speech -- statement you would say. instead they talk about our relatively small number that were ushered by a police. pelosi said it was her responsibility not mine if the election is fair and free i want that more then anybody. i wish he was a great president otherwise i'd be just enjoying myself not under indictment because i wouldn't be his opponent because that's why he indicted me i'd rather that. only reason i'm here is he so bad we will make america great
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again. failing nation and we're a failing nation because of him so bad his military policies are insane. these are wars that will never end he will bring us to world war iii closer then anybody can imagine. he's driving us there. kim jong-un president g of north korea, putin they have nothing with the gentleman driving us to world war iii. >> biden: if you want to world war iii and then let him win. article 5 exists for a reason i
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can't think of a single major leader who wouldn't trade places with me because we're a powerful nation because of the american people. they step up and right now we are needed to protect the world our own safety is at stake if you want a war let putin take kyiv see what happens in poland and hungary places near the border. >> dana: president trump for a follow-up will you accept the results regardless of who wins we. >> trump: to finish what i said russia took a land from bush obama and biden they took nothing from trump he knew not to do it. i got along with him when well
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he knew not to play games now he will take the whole thing from this man. award that should never have started he will take ukraine you asked a question about this he has us in such a bad position because ukraine isn't winning the war he said he wouldn't settle they've lost so many people it's so sad they lost those gorgeous cities with golden domes of thousand years old because of him and stupid decisions. >> dana: the question was to accept results of election yes or no. >> if it's a fair and legal and good election absolutely i'd rather accepted these but the
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fraud and everything else was ridiculous if you want we can do this in a week. it would be much easier for me to do that then running again i wasn't going to run until i saw the job he did i'd be happy to be someplace else. no in statements no political opponents because that's the only way he wins unfortunately it's driven my numbers up. >> biden: let's see the numbers when the election is over year old whiner you appealed and appealed when you lost not 1 to court said any of your claims had any merit state or local none you continue to
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propagate this lie of misrepresentation and stealing no evidence. i don't you will except it because year old whiner the idea of you accepting that something snapped when you lost last time. >> jake: we will be back with more after this. i teach honors economics at bethel park high school. i was the chief nurse of a field hospital in desert storm. one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead.
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that promise of retirement and that security of what's coming in the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody and have the freedom to pay it forward.
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it's time for closing statements. biden you have 2 minutes. president biden you have 2 minutes. >> biden: we made significant progress from the debacle trump left us. number 1 we want to have a fair tax system asking anybody watching do you think the tax system is fair nobody under 400 thousand dollars got up any increase their taxes and that will continue he's increased taxes because of the deficit and
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the way he handled the pandemic and wants the tax you more putting a 10% tariff on everything. he wants to get rid of the ability for us to get negotiate drug prices with big pharma companies we got it down to $34 insulin no more than 2000 dollars for any senior no matter number of prescriptions reduced federal debt by 160 billion over 10 years. i will make that is available to seniors -- every senior and
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everyone in america he wants to get rid of that. he's going to decrease credits for child care we will do thanks on the lead pipes causing health problem's across the country and bring down inflation and give people a break. >> jake: former president trump? he's a complainer wanting to get rid of this and that he doesn't do anything he just makes the country unsafe by millions pouring in we look like fools in afghanistan israel such a horrible thing i ran was broke anybody who did business with them couldn't do business with the united states no money whatsoever.
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ukraine shouldn't have happened he didn't do it for 3 and a half years and held the palestinians we had everybody around the place charlotte's ville this is a thousand times the country exploding they don't respect to and they need to. what we did it was incredible rebuilt the military largest tax cut and regulation cut in history he has jobs because i cut regulations he's putting those back on what we did nobody ever saw like it medical staff right to try doing space age materials rather than just going to europe or asia you just sign a document.
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what we did for military was incredible choice for soldiers instead of waiting three-month see a doctor they get them fixed up and take care and are living i had a highest approval rating in history of the va failing nation won't fail any more we will make it a great again. >> jake: >> dana: former president trump and president biden be a full analysis on the debate starting right now on cnn. there you have it a combative debate in the books of the attacks pointed at times personal did either candidate move the needle good evening again i am bret baier. >> and i'm martha maccallum here's postgame coverage of the first presidential debate here with us in tonight harold ford junior dana, jesse watters,
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kelly n conway sean hannity in atlanta as well. a 90 minute debate between the current president and former president the 2 perspective nominees of the parties and the news came in the first few moments. president biden spoke his first words in a raspy voice at times stumbling for early answers 10 minutes in he stopped flat on an answer stop short. the white house is telling reporters he has a cold and has had a cold. didn't learn that until tonight on substance former president trump hammered the issue border security with illegal immigrants coming across the border again and again and again. biden made points on a forge there's abortion and defending nato much of the debate went back and forth on how bad each president was arguing about that even going down to golf handicaps at 1 point. moderators asked substantive questions daily were tongue
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probably looked and how people reacted to this moment it's hard to get past the obvious this a very weak voice from president biden looks of confusion looking down looked a vacant while president trump was speaking as you mentioned brett a bit of a freeze around 12 minutes in to this it's an issue either they will try to talk their way out of the cold thing or they will ask the question of whether or not the bar of a strong performance tonight was met because that is what was talked about on other networks with prominent democrats singing needs to go out there and previous capable of doing the job and really stick at the president trump and and nail that they were saying if he doesn't do that then he doesn't deserve to be up there.
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that's the elephant in the room donkey in the room whatever you want to call it that's an issue everybody will be talking about we will play a clip of this a bit he said he went to normandy and spoke to edward 2 veterans who died and visited the world war i cemetery not verbatim but both of those elements were in their when other point trump didn't indulge in this didn't react much he did a smirked face at times basically just look straight ahead landing points on afghanistan said he fired those who needed to be fired and that they never did that so a lot to talk about. >> overall moderators asked questions all over the board we would bring in our panel first to you your thoughts on this night what it means what you took away from it. >> all the details of debate none of it mattered. 1 thing mattered more than anything else and that was his
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demeanour. the moment he opened his mouth the first question he got and they should not be reelected. looking to display strength. as possible because of the cold he sounded weak unfocused at times preposterous things and what was mentioned about that talking and in my view didn't change many people's view of him tonight. biden i think did and not for the better we had to atlanta. and with that debate there i wrote down some magic tips and reading a few of them off to you
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the biggest train wreck of any presidential candidate ever from the minute he spoke at the opening of the debate with speedy talk looking terrible may be the worst part of all of this and wasn't even speaking he was staring out like an empty vessel are vacant to use those words incoherent after a full week of prep mumbling bumbling stumbling dazed and confused struggling and it was a disaster. we are looking at for example and a relay strode biden's the border patrol union said they would never endorse and they're saying biden's toes as he stumbles and rambles in the
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opening debate and replacing in 30 days the democrat sino that were texting me are in a state of complete they are stunned to how bad this 1 for him tonight and it was almost like i was waiting at times for somebody to pharaoh and the tell. it was a no mas no moscow moment way too weak frail a cognitive mess not strong enough for what is the most difficult toughest hardest job on the face of the earth to be the president of our country it's serious significant and i don't know how this plays out from here to trump's credit on the other end did not take debate went all the slings and arrows the rehearsed lines of joe biden let it roll off them like water off of doug's back and he stayed on message and was
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extraordinarily perfect in every issue a substance they talked about a historic level i can't even measure tonight a lot of stuff in that spinner monocytes as harold ford junior your thoughts tonight the fallout from? >> i don't disagree with what they have said about that with the performance i thought it was another great night for america outside the country not following the stuff it wasn't the best thing for america he seemed confused at times unprepared weak preparation he didn't seem to have with everything contributing not only will it not quiet those for different debate for democrats is only increasing the
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organization and seriousness of an effort. >> do you think that happens? >> listening to him tonight i have to tell you the freeze up on the first part seems he wanted to say certain things he had it on his mind couldn't get it out. the text i got from democrats and republicans echoed everything here. for them at the last minute. it's amplified here pretty negative thing and they forget the fact they are being elected president to represent people to make people's lives better i didn't hear from either of them a rosy view of what would happen i heard them both say they are to blame and then who's golf handicap we smoked their smirked and made light of it the 2 candidates arguing like they read a public golf course tint handicapper 6 can handicap while they are paying too much for food and gas worried about their
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kids and what they dealt with. specifically democrats no doubt this is not going to quiet anything and it will increase it joy reed set my phone never really stopped the buzzing the universal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. the trump team could probably take the democrats words and run that. during the debate the biden campaign sending out fundraising appeals saying joe is crushing it and they are openly a lot doing things tonight and it's at the invention. does convention off the record as i saw joe biden at state of the union. i didn't like the speech he
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didn't yell a lot but okay the shield a lot at the state of the union that was terrible within the first 10 seconds 880 minutes into the debate is when they asked a question about age it didn't matter by then what the answer was everyone already watched it for 80 minutes. >> to their credit the moderators asked substantive questions did so in a fair way january 6th came after immigration. a full if you look online a full meltdown on the democratic side of what to do and what comes next. peter doocy is at the white house any initial reaction obviously the white house will say he did fine any thoughts of people talk to you about where this goes. >> talk ahead of the debate was donald trump accusing joe biden of taking adderall being popped up sounded like he needed benadryl as what was said about
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on a fox e-mail chain as they'll meet there their but we concern out everybody's freaking out in the present needs to go no way to replace him unless he agrees and with her senior editorial producer. not good in another democratic source saying i'm in shock. and what they told during the debate what's wrong with the president's voice tonight he said he has a cold and he had a cold posting videos and what drinking water like a dark random water at the venue and nothing about a cold and it's being packed from the debate
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from north carolina for payment just campaign events and if he's sick you think they were taken down having a hard time speaking we told the vice president would be out in media tonight we'd love to have her on here she's welcome anytime madame vice president. >> think you're trying to get her there i think she someplace else. peter thank you let's turn to kelly and conway what's the take away what happened. first of all doesn't seem like that september 10th debate is happening. >> no way the same people he fed us a bunch of lies that in private biden is an ai generator cartwheel machine we know what he's like in private because we
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saw him in public's putting the screen for joe biden and donald trump is not serving the president well. joe biden asked for the debate he begged for it to save his presidency he's harmed you even more. i want to say to democratic friends watching that's enough. you're ruining the country world leaders are seeing what we see. let's start arguing to stop arguing about golf handicaps the serious point is what people take away from this a man who can't do the job what's wrong with that by the way can't we admit that everybody has a relative in a situation like this i hope joe biden lives another 20 years i just think it should be spent in delaware soon you and peter said keywords as to why it's not easy to remove joe biden and hasn't been. come all i harass. people fear her. the fact they are mentioning people like gavin newsom. what about the black woman vice
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president because she's shed 20 senior staffers nobody has confidence in her they are scared about her being president that's a very important point here let's stop pretending there is a mercy rule in little league if you are way ahead and runs you called the game early they should have done that. >> a majority of delegates are biden people chosen by his camp ran to support he would need to withdraw not as president because as kelly and suggests sheet he steps aside she becomes president harris and could run as an incumbent democrats don't want that. what would have to happen is a biden deliberate his delegates serve out his term and step aside at the end of the term and let the party then people delegates with which would then ensue at the convention.
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>> that he will not accept the nomination and let the race and suit. >> not an x except the nomination. they would have to talk them to do that and look think how tempting it would be for him to say i serve the term i defeated donald trump i would go to delaware. >> why didn't you think that happened? >> because that's joe biden stubborn and proud and in the end i thank foolish. >> we need to take a break. >> quick break a pivotal night of the 2024 campaign we all thought it would be pivotal we didn't know in what way but now we do. our coverage continues in 60 seconds.
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>> they would raise $500 million -- billion dollars in a ten year period we will be able to write about -- wipeout debt and make sure that all those things we need to do here, childcare, eldercare, making sure we continue to secure strength our healthcare system, making sure we are able to make every person eligible... with dealing with everything we have to do. if we finally. >> after one of those soundbites former president trump said i'm not sure what he just said i
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don't think he knows what he just said. that was a moment. there were a number of them. there was some heated exchanges back with the panel jesse digesting it all. >> i thought joe did a great job i think the democrats should absolutely keep him as the hashmak as the nominee i think it's going to work out find something happened tonight which i never thought could possibly happen it was so bad for joe biden i felt bad for him i did not think i was capable of dealing empathy for joe biden but that's how bad it was this is because they've hidden him for four years this was a surprise to some of us that were maybe not paying attention for us in the news business that's why expectations where this low. expectations were so low and he did the one thing he couldn't do. he discombobulated in minute 13
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of the -- of the debate. everybody was in shock by his face and his voice and then at minute 13 he just completely falls apart and comes up with we beat medicare and jake had to save him. cnn did a great job. the abortion issue was a draw. can you believe that? trump thought the -- fought the abortion issue was a draw. january 6th trump comes out with the line i did not even think this was even possible to spend january 6 this weld. he said i gave you low taxes, a strong border and low energy prices. it was a very effective line of. he said illegals are living in luxury buildings and veterans are out on the street, he killed them on immigration, brought immigration to the forefront of almost every answer. actually 85 seconds left of the
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question was about childcare. back to illegals. it was an effective thing. he never fired anybody joe biden. you never fired anybody on the border, on afghanistan. joe biden looked so weak at that moment. line of the night i am a senior swing you notice six handicap. trump became the bigger man endless -- and said let's not argue like children appeared trump did not have the perfect night but it was an eight out of ten and joe biden fell apart. >> i have a minute here, your thoughts it's a big night. >> i spoke at the reagan institute annual meeting in california today and i was asked the question about what would happen if biden had a bad night. slack-jawed glassy i'd, lost his train of thought looked down
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because he didn't have the confidence to look at his opponent while he was speaking. this was a terrible night and there will be revolt on the part of the democratic party and i said if he has a bad night democrats... they do not want to go to certain defeat and that happened tonight. >> we are still far from our convention and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. >> the big question is whether or not they can bypass kamala harris in that process which they would like to do. >> thank you for joining us. sean hannity is next life from the spin room in atlanta it has been a historic night. >> thank you for joining us. stay tuned for sean hannity next >> sean: welcome to hannity, welcome toeo


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