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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  June 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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the democratic party right now in turmoil a. meanwhile donald trump is growing our movement with that great sense of vision. >> lindsey graham said he doesn't want donald trump to debate biden again because it done hashmak he doesn't want the world to watch that again. >> that's the first war that lindsay graham is against. [ simultaneous talking ] >> it is terrifying to thank the situation our country is in. what's so important is that donald trump laid out his plan tonight's. his plan for peace through strength. his plan to rebuild the military, to seal the border shot, to make our economy grow again. that is what the american people saw tonight and plan for national renewal. >> sean: that's all the time we have left. thank you for being with us. set your dvr so you never >> trace: it's midnight on the
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east coast 9:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news fox news at night. the headlines and democratic friendly media are saying president biden's performance was bad. many called it sad and now top democrats are openly and vocally looking for a new way forward. joe biden clearly struggled throughout the debate his voice raspy they said he had a cold his delivery unsure and at times incoherent. many analysts believe the contest wasn't about whether biden 1 or loss whether he can or should stay in the race we should have breaking news coverage throughout the hour but we begin in the spin room in atlanta. following the debate in response. good evening. >> it's definitely the talk of the spin room amongst republicans and democrats they are peppered with quasi- skins about this president biden's performance tonight sources tell fox news some democrats were
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absolutely stunned by his performance while others said it was not good tonight and he -- they were told he had a cold explaining the raspy nest of the voice in the debate as there is a moment vary on you and i and all of us altogether where and they heard an audible gasp in the pressroom when it appeared president biden had a lost his train of thought watch this. >> making sure that we are able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with... dealing with everything we have to do with look. >> them a cut from the spin room for a very short amount of time
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they stayed together a there's together left pretty quickly peppered with questions among those democrats was california governor gavin newsom i asked him multiple times if he was ready and capable and willing to replace president biden on top of that ticket he continuously dodged of the questions at the end of it he said joe biden will be the nominee at the top of the democratic ticket. as he did rally. >> my son was a sucker you are the loser. >> your intelligence agents say the laptop was russian disinformation it wasn't came from his son hunter wasn't russian disinformation made up the suckers and losers. >> that idea is false with sky
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high prices at the grocery store they argued over abortion with trump accusing democrats of wanting abortion all the way up to the moment of birth the talk here tonight the talk across every network and the spinner in behind me has been around president biden's performance and what democrats do next spring and steve hilton. and were going to talk to the panel and it wasn't bad some sad sad. what about president trump what was the take away from his performance in the spin room. was your camp saying.
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>> president trump unequivocally won the debate not only did he when he dominated his performance was spectacular strong focused and stayed focused on the issue for the millions of voters watching a home their mind did how much better their lives and pocketbooks render leadership as gasoline was cheap and further victims of migrant crime ravaging his country because of the wide-open south border and he pointed out and while legal immigrants are housed in luxury he clearly proved he is the strongest for another 4 years. over to you this is a long sound
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bite number 1. and with the covid-19 and with dealing with everything they have to do it sad to look at and said they would not be reelected trump was concise but together at an answer for everything biden looked week and confused of this was a boxing match the referee would've called it in the first round and they are
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completely behind reelecting president trump democrats are looking for a replacement for president biden. >> what are your thoughts on what you saw tonight as a democrat looking forward you see what's happening in the headlines what you think? >> this democrat is not looking for a replacement i think he had a tough night we seen in the past with incumbent presidents and their first debate running for reelection they often struggle. we saw 90 minutes pretty strong performance when it came to january 6 we saw in charlottesville and our own eyes and our own ears what he said in support of those folks that he called to him to account on bf 130 days to adjudicate this another debate in september the president was at a rally right after and said we will see you in september and that's when we are going to see him hundred 30
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days to adjudicate was that with the thought. >> primary elections matter and they provide democratic voters of an option in their primary and forced to joe biden on them no offence to gavin but if you think biden is set to serve the rest of this term let alone another 4 years after avenue your own head checked and as a young voter i say this is 1 of our top concerns 85% of generation z said in a recent poll they didn't think biden was mentally fit to serve another 4 years. after this debate the number is probably closer to around 95% that's going to show in november's election results absolutely. >> i will play the soundbite and get your opinion on this. it's trump and biden going back and forth number 3.
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>> are doing a total ban and what they do have more border patrol. >> you don't think he knows what he said either. >> it really was the audience could feel that cnn and msnbc were seen the same thing. >> it was emblematic of the whole evening. you have this guy biden mean he looked like a death he sounded like a death incoherent rambling they talk about lying on the trump side any consul lease smeared buys and his presidency
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the question is whether it's over november and this what they should be outraged about as of this is what we were watching biden from for the last year or so. and we should all be so offended the democratic party is foisted on us this decrepit old man who cannot fulfil the duties of the president and the rolls around moderators this evening and for the most part the network and its anchors got good marks the senior national correspondent's live in dc with more of the story. good evening. >> credit where credit is due jake tapper and dana bash
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moderated a clean balanced and focused debate tonight while both presidents were surprisingly unfocused at times repeatedly ignoring straightforward questions it was clear at least among those in the media observing tonight that president biden clearly missed the mark. >> a deep wide and very aggressive panic in the democratic party having conversations about the president's performance which they think was dismal there's a concern about real damage done that cannot be undone. >> no 2 ways about it was not a good debate for joe biden. >> he didn't develop all. >> painful and there were similar sentiments online most poignantly from venerable nicholas kristof they then announced his decision to withdraw from the race. with the choice of nominee to
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the convention. and they could beat trump and while that's certainly debatable the consensus seems to be biden lost the debate in the first 5 minutes improved at times when he quipped and i don't think and it cleared as it really seemed to reflect the sentiment of a lot of people watching the rest tonight as i want to play the media montage watching all get your appear opinions if you were
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saying what was wrong with him and if you should even be in the race tomorrow morning as it continued with oh my god oh my god oh, my god to what do we do about this and involves very senior people in the democrat party including elected officials saying we have a problem. >> cosigning this the panic i'm hearing from democrats is not like anything i've heard. >> beverly what's to be done about this it's kind of amazing they are in this predicament right now. >> it is because the right -- in writing has been on the wall joe biden did fairly well in his state of the union address but that was by teleprompter. the debate was all about his delivery it wasn't about substance part of that is because with their policies are it's about whether or not and what they saw was as it began
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shuffling up to the stage within his first answer we knew it was bad and it was worse than i thought it would be. of course that was after 5 days of prep. i think it comes to a point where even in media that had covered for them there realized the riding is on the wall. >> 5 days of prep going back to this and they never told us about the coal until after the debate happened in the headlines reading tomorrow media looks and sounds ancient. the associated press in the first half-hour of debate harassed me biden delivers rambling answers while trump encounters with falsehoods and biden's toes he stumbles and rams in the opening of the debate you talk about pulling what you do how does this affect devotes? >> we finished the focus group. tonight with voters. 5 or undecided voters none of them decided they would go for
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biden tonight 4% went for donald trump and some said they were too depressed to move forward with any of the candidates. i think it was a very bad night for joe biden anybody undecided at this point looking for some reassurance from both candidates and what they were undecided about with biden it's mental acuity with trump it is other things and is being style over substance it was debate about style and people were concerned coming out of the azores posted online after the first commercial break i asked my focus group of undecided voters and many are convinced a vote for joe biden 0 and half saying they voted for biden in 2020. and this is disastrous if you're the democrats.
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>> it was about the undecided voter not for the people who are ready made up their mind to day didn't to vote for. what donald trump needed to do they needed to not have the low blows as joe biden was bearing himself of what he said and if they didn't pull the trigger for donald trump if they just decided not to vote for joe biden or not at all. that's a win for donald trump and they played it fairly well not being like that and pretty recent debates and critical and with independence and that is an ex post for them a former gop operative and it's 1 of the most egregious acts of incompetence to do the debate. if they knew they had a cold and sound like this and it sounded like he had a cold but the cold
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didn't cause the long pause. it didn't cause the incoherence. what do you think about the comments? >> there wasn't 1 voter who said joe biden has a cold. nobody even thought that there is anything related to that kind of health. much more concerned about joe biden and more comprehensive ways. i do think it was a very bad night i don't think anybody could've expected it to be that bad. at least except for the people who helped them prepare the last several days because it was that bad. >> it really was and it's interesting standby want to bring beck's steve hilton and patterson if i can if you talk about the media the media is everything. the media gave him cover they gave joe biting cover now he's out of the tent out of the bunker open starting tonight going into tomorrow lit up in
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the media. >> they have covered for him for so long we told the truth that fox news pointing out this is what he's always like in 1 sense it's a bad night with how high-profile it was but it's a normal night for him it's what it's always like in media pretend it's not an issue democrats pretended it's not and now they see they reap what they sow. this is the real joe biden and if this is what he's like in public when he knows he's on display imagine how bad it is in private when he supposed to be doing the job of president. >> you work with the stuff a lot when you are in these focus groups and company people would vote for joe biden there's a dedicated democrat someone who voted for him in 2020 and when you don't have 1 person raise
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their hand it means they saw something that bothered them. with their own demographic here with jens the voters before biden's age is actually 1 of their top concerns. they don't think he is mentally fit to serve another 4 years. heading into the debate 1 of the things i've said is biden has to prove those voters her own. and he proved decent fit to continue for another 4 years. improve the exact opposite for the reelection campaign. more criticism for the democrats tonight can you defend them is there something you would say to make your fellow democrats feel better about tonight? and they had a tough night as was just 1 night 130 nights to go just to conventions.
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>> when you say it's just 1 night he is 81 years old is it just 1 night because it was a bad night he made a mistake i can see that. you wonder if it's just 1 night or is it the fact he is 81 years old and not at the top of his game? >> we talk about tonight and american people make up their minds convention in milwaukee the chicago convention and process will play out bill clinton his old adage when people are in certain is strong and wrong overwrite and week and i think everyone would agree trump had a stronger performance but laced for with lies throughout that's what we will adjudicate before november. coming up a live shot here of the waffle house with joe biden at the waffle house talking to people there and joe biden going out after the debate saying what a great job he did democrat spinning this as joe biden he
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has a cold off his game but for the most part he won the debate. up next talking about the hottest topics of the night. was it the economy, the border or crime we talk with the rnc spokeswoman on deck and rfk junior who held his own debate tonight based on the main debate. he will join us live on the other side of the break to get his thoughts on what happens. bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us
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[ ♪♪ ] >> 70% say they don't want this contest because neither of them are running on the things that
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are absolutely critical to americans right now. >> rfk was left out of the debate but was involved in his own self-titled real debate online let's bring in the independent candidate for president. let's appreciate it. let's get to the debate that was held there is a significant audience with the debate between don't joe biden and donald trump what are do you thinking about? as we had 3 in and 40 million americans in the country and to think that and they are offering
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us and being on both sides. we want to produce the greatest leadership and show we are an exemplary nation in the template and with democracy being so great because the cream rises and it's hard to look at that debate and make the case. and they weren't talking about everything and i'm seeing americans concerned with this. $34 trillion debt which is existential. 5 years 50 cents out of every dollar we collect in taxes goes to that debt. unraveling a corrupt state of corporate power. the chronic disease epidemic affecting 60% of our children. the toxic polarization tearing our country apart all these
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things nobody asked about ending those things and whole generation of kids and that is the american middle class the greatest economic engine ever created. and that we took that away we went from being citizens to being subjects. >> i'm wondering if you believe if you watch that debate if you believe what you saw tonight if you believe joe biden's demeanour improves his chances in the election. >> honestly i try not to make those predictions everything sounds like spin i'm fighting as hard as i can to make sure this
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i don't know what the impact of the debate will have i think it must be distressing to people in the democratic party are polling shows president biden simply cannot win whether i'm in the race if i'm in the race he loses taught by extra states have made in virginia he can't win but tonight i think even more americans must be looking at that and say in he can't be our president. i think it must be troubling to people in the party who made the decision not to have primaries and just select the candidate is very frail and we are going to run him no matter what they made that decision keeping not only
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me out they should have had gavin newsom and governor whitner some great candidates out there dean phillips marianne williamson were running but they shut down the primary so no 1 can run they made a choice like the old soviet party. they say it's an election but you only have 1 choice. >> thank you for your times are we appreciate as always back to the spinner room with some thoughts from the biting camp next. need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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defend his record on the economy. >> from what i've been able to do with the covid, with the dealing with everything that we had to do with... look... if... if we finally beat medicare. >> it didn't go unnoticed by republicans a member others of biden's own party. 1 congress woman writing online there's never been a worse opening performance in a presidential debate them what the american people just heard from a weak and feeble joe biden. in the former u.s. house and urban development secretary democrat who ran against biden in the 2020 presidential election said that biden had a very low bar going to the debate and failed to clear even that bar. biden's verbal blunders underscored a major issue among voters the age of the candidates. he felt as good in shape as he
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was 20 years ago. in the meantime for the heart to make out part of biden's response although he did say he was faced -- would face trump in a border -- a golf match the border crisis was also debated. >> president joe biden: fewer people coming across a legally better than when he left office and i will continue until we get to a total ban on the... the total initiative relative to what we are doing with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> i don't know what he said at the end of the sentence i don't think he knows what he said either. safest border in the history of the country all the ad to do was leave it a lot of time also spent on foreign policy and inflation 2 key issues among voters under the biden administration. >> quite an event at the debate stage this evening the latest reaction from the spin room in atlanta talking about democratic response once get back life.
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>> i don't think anybody was prepared for what was going to happen in the spin room after the performance we saw from president biden during the debate. you could feel a meltdown happening in the spin room. reporters were looking everywhere for democrats to come in and when they did arrive they stayed together in a pack and answered a few questions and immediately left after the fact. there were 2 camps of democrats emerging tonight. on 1 end there are democrats who are very disappointed and stunned by what happened. cape at benning field a former white house communications director told cnn that it was a really disappointing debate performance from joe biden and that his biggest issue that he has to prove to the american people was that he had the energy, stamina and he didn't do that. the other camp democrats are marching on towards november that includes california governor and gavin newsom who was here in the spin room tonight dodging my question
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repeatedly when i asked him if he was willing are capable of replacing joe biden at the top of that ticket watch. >> i would never turn my back on the president biden. no democrat and the party would do so even after tonight. we are all in and over the last 2 months we will win this. >> as he walked away ask him 1 more time and he said joe biden is the nominee. the 2 men tonight sparred over policy, inflation, abortion and immigration. >> the killers are coming into our country raping and killing women. >> 40% fewer crossing the border illegally fewer than when they left office getting to a total ban on the total initiative
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relative to what we are doing with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> i don't know what he said at the end of the sentence. >> no terrorist ever got through their welcoming these people. >> biden also took a lot of personal shots at president trump about his new york conviction again the story tonight and it's going to be about biden's performance and certainly the only question any reporter had tonight and the spin room for both democrats and republicans was that. >> thank you. let's bring back trump 2020 foreign national press secretary caroline levitt great to have you again i want to ask you the question as they were talking about there. is the trump campaign are you considering the fact president biden could eventually polo might be pushed out of the thing what's the perception from the trump camp on that possibility.
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>> just over a hundred days out from the election virtually impossible for democrats to replace joe biden with another candidates right now they did this to themselves as well president trump in our campaign has said from mumps joe biden is incapable of leading the country now nevermind another 4 years and rather than acknowledge that reality not only we have been saying but americans have been seeing the biting campaign is denied not only denying the reality joe biden isn't fit to serve but accused us of editing videos, cheap fakes and now millions of americans got to see there is nothing fake about joe biden's cognitive decline at times incomprehensible and when you could make out what he was saying he was lying. he lied about inflation said was nonexistent when he took office the niece it was 9% flipping on his own words lying said there were no tariffs there's terrorist coming over the border
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yes allied wouldn't saying no soldiers died on his watch tell that to the families of the 13 brave u.s. service members killed in afghanistan trump is met with. we expect democrats to shuffle biden across the finish line november good luck to them because tonight showed that trump will win the race. >> and what social media blew up as soon as the lane came out no american soldiers died under his watch there is the afghanistan debacle. thank you carolyn we appreciate that now you bring in a district media group president fox news contributor steve hilton jessica patterson a democratic strategist and the rnc spokesperson elizabeth do you first just going off of what caroline said there if you're in the rnc trying to run it what is the strategy doesn't change after tonight's performance from joe biden does the strategy
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change of for some reason the candidate changes? >> your strategy doesn't change the matter who the candidate is we know trump is the only option for americans this november what we saw tonight was a rough night for anybody who isn't named donald trump it was a rough night for joe biden rough night for the american people at the watch the commander-in-chief barely make it for 90 minutes in a rough for the democrat party who got caught red-handed lying about who is running the country for nearly 4 years the problem here is the american people will watch as democrats scrambled to see what to do moving forward whether they replace joe biden or not that's what's on their mind winning the election is what they will focus on the next 5 months until the election into is going to suffer and be ignored the american people which is unfortunately a common theme with the administration. >> the wonder now is as you've been speculating going forward
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know the new york times headline the other headline already up there like a mad dash to replace joe biden you wonder who's the names and how do you do it? >> a nightmare because you have 2 front runners as it were gavin newsom who we all talk about the calm and what harris would be the natural person but according to the polling and anecdotally does more poorly than joe biden will newsom hasn't been tested particularly that's why it's a disaster for them not to have a primary the other names mentioned the gretchen whitmer they haven't been through the ringer of the contest where we can see how they perform in front of key audiences in swing states that's another name we shouldn't rule out as i can imagine somewhere in the country someone said hillary is warming up tonight i don't think she's given hope up up with being a nominee and eventually president but you have to look at that and
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as she was saying it favours donald trump. >> amazing they talked about gavin newsom added the california gop you wonder gavin newsom's approval rating california 44% deeply far left california 44% you wonder if he would make a viable national candidate. >> he's been running a shadow presidential campaign for a long time between visits to red states international trip he spends little time actually governing the state of california the time he has he's run the state into the ground and for democrats it would be disastrous for everything americans are feeling right now californians felt it first and worst whether it's gas prices the housing crisis the homeless crisis unemployment, california tops the wrong lists and gavin newsom and connolly harris have open leaders in this state. >> and heading to you beverly you look at the headlines you saw immediately there is a
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damaging headline in the new york times 1 was less damaging but still pretty good stab at joe biden wondering if the media reconsiders tomorrow or stays on this path what you think. >> i think it matters with the biting campaign does what other democrat leaders do the tricky thing for joe biden's he's run on saving democracy so the democrats try to push amount are they circumventing votes democrats in the primary it's a tricky thing of whether or not democrats can actually get joe biden to step down republicans need to ask themselves this do they prefer donald trump against joe biden than any other candidate republicans might actually think donald trump is a better chance against joe biden especially after this primary there's a lot coming out of the debate it such a pivotal moment they think many in the media will follow the democrat line.
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>> it's interesting because lee carter you do this you work the numbers a lot of that talking about your focus group earlier if they wait until some of the first major poles come out before they make any decision if there is a dramatic drop jew think that's when the decision maybe 6 or 8 or 10 days down the road or do they wait for the convention at there's any decision to be made. >> so much polling was done before this debate only 30% of americans felt that joe biden was fit for another 4 years there was concern about that people tuned into the debate to figure out if he was or not the focus group participants i talk to voters were concerned about it and he didn't do anything to alleviate their fears so i don't think they need to wait to see polling i don't believe joe biden goes anywhere and i think republicans should be careful
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about what they wish for because if he does go somewhere could be harder for trump because as great of a performance he had tonight and he did well there were people frustrated with him he didn't answer questions the people were hoping he would answer there were questions he didn't satisfy voters with not such a straight line so i think they have to be careful about what we wish for. >> are you in the cambrian know they've set a couple of times on the show tonight i get it joe biden had a bad night but it was just 1 night if somebody was calling you for advice would you say listen we need to ride this thing out because it will get better as the days go on. >> among member the democrats what we love to do is constantly wet our beds and complain we've got a guy defeated the former president the 8 million more votes just 3 and a half years ago and to that point the former president dodge those questions
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double down multiple times failed to answer if you would accept the election results they brought up the issue of democracy did preserving it in her response we know from fox news polling that's number 1 issue. >> we are going to work on kevin's microphone stand by if you will. elizabeth looking forward to this let's assume everything stays the same we go forward joe biden stays in donald trump stazen the very least tonight benefits a former president of the unites states for. >> very fair. president trump has been leading in all swing states with states like virginia and minnesota also in play all of that was before tonight's debate before the democrat party basically admitted in front of the entire country they have a serious problem american people saw the probably sure the sentiment a huge problem in that party a
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huge problem in the country this is been the commander-in-chief or rafale years in the only answer is to lick donald trump in november. >> would you confer with that? >> it's very evident they have a massive problem on hand is very evident the donald trump is already the favourite he's been leading in swing states leading are tied in the national polls even before this was the favourite and now kevin talks about the bed wetter comment i moderated a discussion with james and kelly. he said before tonight's debate if you're not a bed wetter now than your stupid in his fashion wonder what he would say tonight after this but it's a real problem for the party they left it so late to find an alternative that's why you see the panic. >> and if you talk stress the rate their strategy look at the
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battleground states and the polling doesn't bode well for joe biden even before tonight you going to pennsylvania you go to wisconsin minnesota you go into arizona and even nevada doesn't vote well for joe biden and you think this could wreck some of those chances to make tonight was a huge night for president trump but also the last 3 and a half years have been when you see mortgages up 90% eggs and bread up 40% they be food up 20% this is a problem caused by president biden the last 3 and a half years day 1 when he started with his executive orders we have an opportunity in november to make sure we bring her country back they think americans will do that with donald trump. >> he tried to sell that he was on the path to bring us back waited 3 and a half years said
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he got it to a half months ago doing all they could to close the border and it was up to congress and 2 and a half months later bragging about the fact that it was slowing down the float done 3 and a half years ago undoing the policy they did and there was disingenuousness as well when it comes to the president aside from the obvious. >> that's the problem they've had the entire administration having a narrative saying there's not a crisis at the border that inflation isn't as bad as it is we are so the message that thanks are better the entire campaign and administration doesn't knowing their lived experience knowing what things cost of they know what's going on at the border in the narratives when it doesn't match reality there's not much the president can say about his record. the record is out there as he
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said he had 4 years left to fight in them and trump needs to focus on his style and delivery with the suburban women vote laying off the antics and insults and focus on his record as president. >> to the focus group people get tired of hearing everything is just great? >> they can't stand it. there's nothing people hate more than being told their lived experiences in reality. that's what joe biden faces when he talks about the economy and immigration issues and talking about a very good point there and trump has to focus on his style because he got criticism for his attacks on joe biden not answering questions what they did. a minute in the biggest moment of the night let's start with you lee carter. >> the biggest moment was when
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he wasn't able to finish his opening statement. >> with go with elizabeth? >> biggest moment was when he licked the american people in the eye and said america's respected and nobody would mess with us forgetting the fact that 5 hostages are still held date to 64 by a terrorist group in the middle east. >> kevin 5 seconds your top moment? >> it was the better golf handy can between trump and biden. >> beverly? >> when trump said i don't understand what you just said and i don't thank you do either. >> that was my favourite but the top moment was the first 10 seconds when you realized how overrated is for joe biden. >> when biden disrespected the 13 gold star that we have, thats our breaking news coverage of the debate. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> i'm out here telling people how they can save money
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