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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 28, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> todd: the sound bite is bad, is it worse, are they panicking? 20 seconds to you, joe. >> scale of one to 10, they are panicking on scale of 15 at this point. they thought because he would prep for all that time, he would be okay if they pumped him with enough whatever, he would be okay, the panic is real, guys. >> carley: what a difference in an election cycle. another debate will take place on september 10th. >> todd: scheduled. >> joe: not happening. >> carley: big morning of news to come. >> todd: where do we go from here? they will ask that question on "fox and friends." it begins right now.
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>> president biden: i've been able to do with the covid-19, excuse mes, dealing with everything having to do with -- look, if we finally beat medicare -- >> thank you, president biden. >> president trump? >> he did beat medicare, he beat it to death. >> president biden: more -- asylum officers. >> president trump? >> i don't know what he said and i don't think he knows either. >> president biden: the abilities of medicare to -- for the ability for us to be able to negotiate drug prices with big pharma. >> i don't think we should sugar coat this, this is not the performance biden's team wanted or needed. >>un yoo versal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. >> you are starting to see discussions among democrats about whether or not biden can
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effectively go on with this campaign against donald trump. >> that was painful. i love joe biden. i worked for joe biden. he did not do well at all. he did not do well at all. >> ainsley: democrats in full-blown panic mode this morning. media headlines spell out bad news. "new york times," fumbling performance and panicking party. "washington post," biden starts debate raspy and stumbles through talking points. daily beast, joe biden mumbles and fumbles into crisis. wtf, panicked dems looking for alternatives to biden. good morning. >> brian: good morning, just some headlines.
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nic nicholas christof, said he was teary-eyed and calls for joe biden to step aside. have a hard conversation from his family with jill biden and pick somebody else, let kamala harris be one of the people, and christof said, i've seen enough. >> lawrence: yeah, and cnn political director yesterday had profanity laced comment. he said, i don't care what you do, put kamala in, gavin newsom, just put someone in the game. i think all the lies, if you tell a lie, be careful the lie that you tell. you got to keep telling lies and the moment finally reached and confirmed all of american's fear, polling his been con
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consistent. 70% of the party wanted to replace him. special counsel made it clear what was going on and said he was a partisan and everything he was saying was to help donald trump. now everything that happened in the interview happened live for the american people. >> ainsley: democrats last night were very honest about joe biden. republicans would say, we've seen this for months, if not years. liberal "new york times," biden struggles in debate with trump. polatva, biden is toast, calling it now and drudge, dems scramble with 130 days to go. >> brian: steve is on location in virginia and rachel campos-duffy is here. rachel is in swing state of georgia. steve, first off, your reaction? >> steve: well, you know, brian,
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today we're here at juke box diner in virginia. we were going to be talking about who won the debate and if you are going to talk about who won the debate, probably gavin newsom. suddenly people are talking about joe can't be in this to win it, that guy we saw last night can't win. it is not everybody that somebody turns on the television and watch as the end of a presidency in realtime, that is what we saw last night. when the moderators and cnn did a good job, just the facts right down the middle. after -- while they were asking questions, joe just had that thousand-yard stare, he looked a ancient and empty and he cannot survive it. i've talked to some of my
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friends about what is going on in the democratic party and they are freaking out. who is going to joe and say, joe, you can't do this. conventional wisdom is chuck schumer and nancy pelosi and ultimately clyburn are going to, are they going to do it? you got jill biden, the first lady, she said, he'll be fine. the problem for joe biden and company, it is now 11 weeks until they have another debate and the whole idea was last night joe was going to go out and reassure people he's not too old. you know what, he might not be too old, that guy that we saw last night could not win the state of delaware in november. >> lawrence: this is the moment from that debate that we all saw. let's watch. >> president biden: -- two
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trillion tax cut benefited the very wealthy. i will fix the tax system. we have a thousand billionaires in america, if they pay 24 or 25%, either of the numbers, they would raise 500 billion, making sure we make every solitary personnel eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid, excuse me, dealing with everything to do with -- look -- if we finally beat medicare -- >> thank you, president biden. >> i will move until we get toelgs ban on the total initiative relative to what we do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> president trump? >> i really don't know what he said at the end of the sentence,
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he doesn't know either. >> lawrence: rachel. >> rachel: devastating comment from president trump. one came out ready to rumble and the other ready to mumble. i agree with steve, the stares in some cases were more devastating than the fact we could not understand him. one point somebody put up closed caption and the closed caption, they could not make out what he was saying either. this campaign is over, the question is not whether chuck schumer thinks it is over or who, jill biden is hanging on for dear life. i saw video, post-debate meetings at waffle house and did a fundiraising appeal and she looks desperate and pathetic.
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the message is jill is not ready to let go and obamas want to push her off the stage and she will not go away easily. how do you get joe and ultimately jill, she is the one making that decision in my view, to step aside and let somebody else come in, newsom or michele tafoya michele obama or gretchen whitmer. i think probably newsom and michele obama ticket makes more sense if i were a democrat. he bombed big time and this is over. >> ainsley: did y'all notice when joe biden was asked important questions like abortion issue, had a chance to appeal to women. instead he talked about a young woman murdered by an illegal immigrant and he went to the fun
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funeral. >> lawrence: he brought up thing upons he was going to get nailed on. i talked before everything happened, he has a week. were you just cramming for a week, you start mixing things up, he didn't know content. >> brian: if you are eighth grade trying to get into ninth grade. he picked the venue, network, moderators, rules, he locked out reporters and picked the side of the stage. we ndidn't get nothing for 10 days, who is running the country? he had a cold. he was at waffle house last night, he told one person, i'm sick. that is what they are going to say. democrats are not buying it, watch. >> this was a game-changing
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debate, as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. >> there will be discussions if he should continue. >> that was painful. i love joe biden, i worked for joe biden. he did not do well at all, i think there are a lot of people who want to see him consider taking a different course now. >> i don't think we should sugar coat this, this is not debate performance biden campaign wanted or needed. >> i understand not feeling well. he has a deficit with the stutter. obama world people and with democrats, my phone never stopped buzzing throughout and the unmute versal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. >> this was a very bad night for
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job. you are starting to hear privately discussion among democrats about whether or not biden can go on with this campaign. >> lawrence: steve. >> steve: you know, brian, you mentioned the white house spin. the white house spin for the worst presidential debate in history, he had a cold. i have news for you, if he had a cold going in, the white house would have told the white house press corps that going in. they didn't. when he started, he was so raspy, i reached out to an ent, i said, where does that ho hoarsness come from? ent said there is possibility he's taking medication that would dry him out and cause ho horseness. people were thinking maybe he is
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on performance-enhancing drug, if he was, he should get his money back, it did not work. here is what is going to happen now. as people go, somebody new is going to have to come in, this is the way it has to work. he's already racked up enough delegates to win nomination at the convention in chicago, he has to quit. he has to bow out and then there will be open convention. it is anybody's guess who that person could be. >> brian: he has the delegates. >> steve: right. he has to drop out. if he does not drop out until after the convention, party bosses, the dnc get to pick the democratic nominee. >> lawrence: this situation just did not start. >> rachel: no way to spin this. he had --
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>> lawrence: go ahead, rachel. >> rachel: he had a cold? matt walsh, i hate when i get a cold and it makes me go senile. nobody is believing this like nobody believed lies coming out last night. border patrol put out tweet saying, no, we never endorsed this guy. his lies were fact checkable. demo democratic party has no good -- none of that is good for him, or they have to keep him in and no one thinks he can make it through the income debate. >> lawrence: they keep framing this debate as if this suddenly happened yesterday and that is simply not true. joe biden, if he wanted to drop out, that could have happened
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months ago, there have been reports, discussion, polling from american people. we've been seeing it before our eyes. we saw former president obama guiding him on the stage as if he were an elderly person that could not move. >> ainsley: maybe they have not noticed as much as we have. we've aired him falling off the bike, falling onnige staand falling up the stairs on air force one. we continuously air this. they might not have seen it all wanted to ignore it. everyone was watching last night and they had to address it. you have worked with a cold. >> brian: i take off and go to my own camp david. michael jordan scored 36 points with a cold. insults we are manipulating deep
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fakes showing too much video at g-7. main problem for democratic person is the person we are about to hear from vice president kamala harris. if she was strong, if she displayed great talent and appeal, there would be a push to rotate the ticket. here she is last night with anderson cooper admitting this did not go well. >> some within your own party are wondering if president biden should step aside? >> yes, it was a slow start, but a strong finish. joe biden is fighting on behalf of the american people on s substance, on policy and performance. joe biden is extraordinarily strong.
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this election and who is the president of the united states has to be about substance. i got the point you are making about a one and a half hour debate tonight. i'm talking about 3-1/2 years of performance in work that has been historic. >> brian: i know trump was pretty strong last night and had not debated in three years. last person he debated was joe biden. any time they went back to 2016, my eyes glazed over. no interest in 2016. love to see joe biden try to apologize for talking about his son's laptop being russian disinformation and the things about business deals that affect his policy. >> lawrence: give them credit, moderators stayed out of the way. you can see the bias in the questions they asked, they did
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not push back, they let it happen. generally you like a little pushback, they have to restore trust of the american people. >> ainsley: despite negative things they said about donald trump, they did handle it professionally, which is what we wanted. border patrol, biden said he was endorsed by border patrol union. they tweeted on x and said to be clear, we never have and never will endoerse biden. and they compared their golf game. >> steve: that was delicious, like a conversation i would have with somebody here at the juke box diner about who is better pickleball player. lawrence, to your point about cnn, i like the way they did it, here is the question. okay. that was not a very long answer, you have 87 seconds left.
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i like the way they did that. here is the thing. this format allowed each candidate to fact check each other. when joe biden would fact check donald trump, did anybody understand what he was talking about? it wasn't just meandering, it was soft and he ran out of gas and he got flustered. he's been a stutterer since he was a young boy. we had a group text, all producers and us on tv last night, we got one from -- i will not say the person's name, 10:05, that person said haven't we seen enough? we have 25 more minutes come, on there should be a mercy rule today. >> brian: they asked what have you done for the black
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community, you still have 69 seconds the left. >> lawrence: it is a short list. >> rachel: very short list. we're talking about democrats and whether they are in know paic mode, not talking about how strong donald trump is right now. this is not a green candidate, this guy has a record and he's been vindicated on so many levels. donald trump was -- had the border closed and safest counter. one of the worst lies, dangerous lie, he said not one terrorist has come across that border. >> lawrence: that's a lie. >> rachel: i said, he's lying, out loud. we've been reporting record number of known terrorists that have come across the border. we don't know the ones among millions of gotaways.
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that is number we have been reporting on. you are right, a lot of why our viewers are aware of what is going on with joe biden's condition, also what is going on with the border, we've been reporting it almost exclusively. the problem for joe biden, border issue has spilled out and metastasized into everyone's community and he can't lie about it. that is one of the worst lies. again, donald trump super strong and vindicated. people are tr trusting he will d the ukraine war and bring down crime. it was almost painful to watch. how jill biden will want to continue this is not just bad for the country, it is literally cruel. >> brian: thanks and steve,
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we'll check back in a second. let's brag about our guest. >> ainsley: we have r.f.k. jr. dming up, eric trump. >> lawrence: and governor glenn youngkin will be with steve. >> ainsley: in virginia, yeah, big show ahead. so much more to talk about. concern sets in over president biden as blames being sick. >> eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid, excuse me, with -- look, if -- we finally beat medicare. >> brian: here we go, dr. marc siegel will talk about the biggest weakness on display, maybe it wasn't the cold, maybe it was we'll discuss it.
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>> ainsley: many voters are que questioning biden's fit ness for office after his performance last night. the white house is claiming the president just had a cold. >> president biden: that tax cut
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benefited the wealthy, i will fix the tax system. we have a thousand billionaires in america. if they paid 24 or 25%, either number, they would raise 50 d0 billion dollas making every personnel eligible for what i have been able to do with the covid -- excuse me, dealing with everything to do with -- um, look, if we finally beat medicare -- >> thank you, president biden. >> ainsley: dr. marc siegel joins us with reaction. hi. >> good morning, good to see you. >> ainsley: raspy voice, mumbling, thoughts he could not connect what he was trying to say with oaudience.
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could that be caused by a simple cold? >> marc: no, this is something progressive. i can't tell over a tv, it is getting more and more clear there are cognitive issues here. cognitive issues wax and wane, it gets better and worse. former president trump said, i don't know what he said. he was trying to say everyone was covered during covid, he said medicare. that is not true. leader of the free world has to have clear thoughts from beginning to end of a sentence, be able to redirect under stress and pressure. a cold might have to do with why he sounded nasal, if he gets sick, that brings out cognitive
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issues more. what happens if you have an issue and you have a cold, you have to battle through that. it is okay to read off notes that someone writes for you, if you are challenged because of what the other debater said, you have to have rel know vant answers and he started to wander more and more. >> ainsley: steve's doctor mentioned there are medicines that can cause a raspy voice. >> any cold medicine can give you raspy voice. some of them have way to juice you up and make it so you are less congested. we don't know what he took before the debate, this is
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ongoing thing being confused and temporarily disoriented, having spatial problems. he got out questions and answers, issue was redirecting. no medications taking for a cold except something that would make him drowsy would be rel be vant here. >> ainsley: here is one moment, they were arguing over golf game and handicap. >> president biden: by the way, i'm happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. think you can do it? >> that is the biggest lie that he is a six handicap. >> i was eight. >> i've seen your swing, i know your i think sw. don't act like children. >> let's not act like children. >> you are a child. >> ainsley: i've seen your
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swing. doctor, what was your reaction? >> marc: i know that president trump is a scratch golfer, i don't know why president biden would get into that, which was humorous. age is not the issue. we keep mixing that up. people have different kind of acuity at different ages and it is not predictable across the board. i don't think there should be a ban running for president over 80. it is what shape you are in. fitness is right for everyone to know about. we have not seen cognitive testing, never saw an mri. i want to know about fitness not golf scores. >> ainsley: historic night of punches, push backs and pauses.
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steve will ask the voters in virginia what they thought and rachel is in georgia. our debate coverage continues. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time.
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a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at >> president biden: we've made s significant progress from the debacle left by president trump in last term. we decreased inflation. he wants to get rid of ability of medicare -- the ability for us to negotiate drug prices. >> donald trump: all he does is make our country unsafe. we are living in hell. we have palestinians and everybody else rioting.
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the whole country does not respect you. >> steve: president trump and president biden putting out their different vision for the country. who is normally awake at this hour? >> steve: they are awake and might as well be on tv. what did you think about last night? what is your name? >> debra. biden had his moments, we need a president all the time, not just at moments. >> steve: are you married to her? >> yes, my name is harry. biden confirms white house is the world's most expensive nursing home. >> steve: that is harsh. it is about his performance. >> calm, cool and collected on trump's part.
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>> steve: and joe? >> joe can do better. with as much time, a week off, come on down. that is ridiculous. >> steve: what is your name? >> good morning, michael. biden mumbles and bumbles and stumbles and trump triumphs. >> steve: very good at eliteration. >> olivia. >> were you up last night? >> yeah. >> kids today. >> president trump won the debate, he was very presidential. >> steve: and joe biden? >> he could have done better. >> steve: out of the mouth of babes. what is your name? >> dolly. >> steve: you have some bagel left. >> that is leo's, my husband. >> steve: what is your headline from last night? >> oh, what a night, for trump.
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>> steve: isn't that nice? that is your bagel. your headline? >> my name is leo. and headline is sad times, death of a president. it is sad what we saw the last night and i don't think he can continue as president. >> steve: you are not alone. come over here. what is your name? >> ed colt and i'm saying goodbye joe. >> steve: goodbye. that's it. >> goodbye. don't want to see him anymore. >> steve: he's still president for a while. why are you laughing? >> just laughing at that. >> gale. >> what did you think about last night? >> i thought biden did a terrible job, i'm sorry he is president for whatever the rest of the year is. >> steve: until next january
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unless he drops out. that is what is going on at juke box diner. sun is starting to come up. in the meantime, in georgia, rachel campos-duffy has hot coffee and bacon in another diner. >> rachel: that is right, eggs up grill here in georgia. it is breakfast, it feels like happy hour in here. i don't know what is going on. there is a long line outside and we'll get the thoughts of people here today. what is your name? >> lynn murphy. my biggest takeaway, i believe jill has to be some sort of evil to have that man up there like he was. really sad. it makes me angry. >> rachel: i've had a lot of women tell me they are very upset at jill and had women tell me they are more worried about the country after last night's
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debate, what is your thought? >> that is true, that is what trump has been saying for four years, we're in trouble. this is for real. i never thought this would happen. i'm 73, never ever thought i would see this country in the shape it is in now. it is shameful parading that man out, it is embarrassing. >> viola ross. i was so proud of trump, i love him. he loves you and me. he loves everybody. he loves america. he did an awesome job. >> rachel: interesting, no o audience, what did you think? >> well, he feeds off oaudience he did an awesome job. >> jen johnson. >> rachel: jane, what are your thoughts? >> trump did a great job.
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biden was a pitiful mess. we need our country back where it needs to be, we need this person right here. okay. >> rachel: what is your name? >> david. >> rachel: do you think joe biden is going to be replaced after last night orin will he sy in? >> i think he's going to be replaced, i hates to see that, they might put somebody that trump can't beat. >> rachel: how many think joe biden will be replaced after last night's debate? [cheering] >> rachel: you have it, just coffee, not cocktails, i promise. back to the couch. >> brian: thanks, great job. georgia and virginia. it will be harder to replace him than people think. every panel ist can talk about text messages, it is up to joe.
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and michael rosen said last week, joe biden's chief of staff, one thing about the bidens, they expect criticism, they think it is the world against them. they expect this blowback and he was spinning already last night saying, i had a cold. it is hard to debate someone that lies like that. week from now we'll still be talking about it. >> lawrence: the pushback happening will make him dig his heels in more. he is very stubborn. >> ainsley: trump is up, we saw debate performance, chance he will beat joe biden if polls are ri right. if they put somebody else in, who will it be? gavin newsom, kamala harris? he can beat joe biden at this point. >> brian: they are younger, 15 before top of the hour,
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president biden's performance may not be a surprise, the media reaction was. >> whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning. >>un yoo versal reaction was panic. >> from my god to what do we do about this. >> discussions about whether he should continue. >> ainsley: former white house pres secretary, ari fleischer is n next. maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry.
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>> president biden's performance as expected. surprise is reaction from the liberal media. >> range from whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him. >> my phone never stopped buzzing throughout. the unmute versal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. >> it started minutes in and continued throughout night from oh, my god, to what do we do about this? >> there will be discussions about whether he should continue. >> you are starting to hear discussion among democrats about whether or not biden can effectively go on with this campaign. >> brian: realm? could the party actually
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realistically replace him at dnc? how would open convention work? we are asking former white house press secretary ari fleischer. he has delegates, he selected the delegates, joe is still in the driver's seat, right? >> ari: he's in the driver's seat. he's a bad driver wobbling all over the road, he's in the drivers the seat. he has to drop out for democrats to replace him. biden won, delegates are committed to him. if biden said, i'm stubborn, i'm in, he's in. >> brian: you brought up something in between your a appearance here. you said, this is not a shock for people watching him. what about people that have been shielded from uch waing him or have blinderings on?
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>> ari: when you were playing the clips, democrats on cnn startled. what is wrong with the left? where have they been? they have not been watching because their news station suppress the news. they call it cheap fakes and say these are made-up tapes of him fumbling and mumbling. they have been showing real joe biden stumbling and bumbling. if you are a democrat, biden supporter, you did not know this president, forgot the name of hamas and had to get reminded, forgot the name of his defense secretary and had to be reminded. democrats are shielded from seeing that. they did not know joe biden was like that. >> brian: right, give them the
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benefit of the doubt. it is up to the vice president to fix it, let's listen. >> yes, there was a slow start, but a strong finish. this conversation i'm in, i understand why everyone wants to talk about it, it is important to recognize that the choice in november between these two people that were on the debate stage involves extraordinary stakes and there is one person on that stage who has the endorsement of their vice president and that is joe biden. >> joe, you did such a great job, you answered every question, you knew all the facts. >> brian: i know she does not believe that. what is next? vice president did not make anybody feel better. her polls reflect she cannot
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win. >> ari: democrats have a crisis on their hand, they are going to stick with biden or go into chaos mode because biden steps down. you have identity politics, how can democrats not nominate a black woman. they pick a white man, you will have a real turnout problem for democrats. they are in a bad spot and that is what you get when you nominate someone going to be 82 to 86 and is so bad at his job and bad memory. >> brian: will they get rid of him? is >> ari: i think it is 50/50. you have to look to biden. if pressure mounts, biden has to stomp on it and refuse, that is the only way. >> brian: ari fleischer, always great. move ahead for the next
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> for what i have been able to do with the -- with the covid -- excuse me, with -- um, dealing with everything we have to d


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