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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 28, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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would have to bless something but it was always with the cards. i used the structure. when i sit and negotiate with somebody i'm not going to give them the secrets of what i'm talking to him about. but disrupting on the cards he could not carry on the conversation longer. those people in the room saw it, they knew it. and that's why the standpoint of why did they ever make that decision a year ago to put him in this place? >> dana: former speaker kevin mccarthy. great show. before we go i wanted to ask you something. last night they were talking about golf handicap. cancel the election, let's settle it on the golf course. how do you define a golf hand he cap? >> how well you play as regard to par. >> dana: par. >> bret: i don't think biden is a six. the former president is good. >> harris: we begin with a fox
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news alert. we'll see president joe biden take the stage at a rally in north carolina in just a couple of hours. no doubt all eyes will be on that after what people watched -- well, at the political lectern last night. it was disastrous showing for the president at the debate. some democrats are calling it a nightmare, that's a quote. political suicide is a quote. it led to a deluge of calls from within his own political party for the president to step aside. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the white house is blaming biden's raspy voice on a cold. we got that note late last night. then there was all of this and more. >> president biden: we had 1,000 trillion airs in america. they pay 8.2% in taxes. if they paid 24 or 25%, they
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would raise $5 hundred million. billion dollars i should say. what i've been able to do with the covid -- excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with -- look, if -- we finally beat medicare and i'm going to continue to move it until we get a total ban on the -- the total initiative relative to what we do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knows what he said, either. >> harris: i don't think anybody could tell what he said. first let's get some republican reaction. >> there is only one man on that stage qualified and capable of being president in the next term and that's donald trump. >> it was nothing short of a train wreck for the biden campaign. >> i'm not sure watching joe biden last night that we think he could go four more weeks.
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>> i don't envy my democratic friends who had to stand here and try to defend joe biden's debate performance. >> when he walks off stage himself or beaten in november. joe biden is finished. >> harris: cnn called it biden's disastrous debate. associated press says it sparked democratic anxiety about his candidacy and two columns in the "new york times," one with he must bow out of the race. another with i've seen enough. democrats all over the spectrum left, far left, back apparently agree. >> it's kind of a death con one moment. they are three years apart. they seemed 30 years apart tonight. >> it was painful. i love joe biden and worked for joe biden. he didn't do well at all. he did not do well at all. >> his biggest issue that he had to prove to the american people
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was he had the energy, stamina, and he didn't do that. >> he had one thing he had to accomplish and that was reassure america that he was up to the job at his age. and he failed at that tonight. >> right now as we speak there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. >> harris: look at these photos show realtime reaction from voters at last night's contest as it was playing out. some of them were in diners and other places. and they had their hands on their heads. some just could not bear to watch. senior white house correspondent peter doocy has more on the after effects of the historic debate. peter. >> even though the campaign is blaming performance issues for the president on him having a cold, he was out glad handing in a waffle house in the we hours of the morning and they are looking around for a good review. hard to find any. he is giving himself a good
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review. >> i think i did well. >> any concerns about your performance? >> president biden: no, hard to debate a liar. he lied 26 times. big lies. >> "the new york times" has also written several opinion pieces today suggesting that the president should drop out. but voters seem less concerned now with what was said and more concerned with how biden said it. >> it was sad and quite embarrassing. i cannot believe that i in my lifetime am having a president like this in the white house. it is unbelievable that nothing has been done about it, very sad. >> i think biden, he fell off a cliff last night. he can't quit lying and -- >> is it done for joe? >> it's over. >> they will replace him? >> definitely. i don't know with whom. >> i am so anxious. i go to every grocery store in
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anxiety because all the prices are 20 to 30% higher and under trump's watch there is no wars at all. and what i witnessed last night was a striking contrast between weakness and strength. we definitely need strong leadership at the white house. >> the campaign is talking about all the money they raised before the president started talking on stage and top brass saying any talk about biden leaving the ticket is old news. >> this is a conversation going on for the past 2 1/2 years. it is not likely to happen. again i think as the dust clears on this thing this campaign has four months to go and i think that joe biden will be the nominee and i think donald trump will be the nominee. >> this is the white house for the last couple of weeks is putting out the word they think clips that appear to show president biden misspeaking or freezing have been taken out of context and that if people would just watch an unedited biden
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event, then their opinion of him would change. well, last night for the first time in a long time millions of americans watched and unedited biden event but unclear if their opinions changed the way the white house wants them to. >> harris: the next round of in-depth polling will be something to watch for, for sure. peter, thank you. president biden has been trying to stamp out the age and fitness concerns since even before he announced his run for a second term. this is from a 60 minutes interview in 2022. watch. >> my next question. you are more aware of this than anyone. some people ask whether you are fit for the job and when you hear that, i wonder what you think. >> president biden: watch me. honest to god that's all i think, watch me. if you think i don't have the energy level, mental acuity, then, you know, that's one
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thing. it's another thing to just watch and keep my schedule. do what i'm doing. >> harris: that was less than two years ago. i see a difference there even. marc thiessen, fox news contributor, "washington post" columnist and former white house speech writer. first of all i just want to get your initial reactions to some of what you saw last night. >> joe biden said at that raffle house that trump lied 26 times. you know what the biggest lie was? the white house telling us for months that joe biden was mentally fit to be president of the united states. do you remember how they attacked robert hur, his credibility for saying that he is not prosecuting him because a jury would find him to be too old and mentally unfit? they said karine jean-pierre saying cheap fakes. i hope peter doocy in the briefing next week asks her was that entire debate a cheap fake? because they've been spreading
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this lie to the american people. and it is a dangerous lie. the democrats right now are melting down over whether he should step aside as the democratic nominee. he should step aside as president. this man is the commander-in-chief of the united states armed forces for seven more months. he is incapable of carrying out those duties. >> harris: former deputy national security advisor posted this. think about what that debate looked like to people and leaders around the world. to that point, in fact, here are some foreign headlines from germany. media outlet there. the president crashes. in britain, the sun had one word on friday. joe matoses. object speaking the low quality performance of these two old men was a negative advertisement for western democracy.
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wait, they are going to judge us as a democracy? mark. >> first of all, this is why it's so dangerous. i don't think anybody looked at that debate and said donald trump looked the same as when he was president. joe biden didn't look the same as he was two years ago in the interview you showed at the very beginning. cognitive decline is obvious on one podium, not both. second of all, remember at the end of the trump presidency when they were talking about the cabinet should invoke the 25th amendment to remove him from office. where is the talk of the 25th amendment right now? they aren't worried about the country. the democrats talking about this. they are worried about their presidential prospects. >> harris: can i ask you how that would work? >> so under the 25th amendment i don't know the exact procedure but i think the majority of the cabinet meet and decide the president is not fit for office, this stems from, by the way, what happened with woodrow wilson was president back at the start of the last century when
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he had a stroke and wilson was president of the united states. i wonder who is making decisions right now? is that guy making all the decisions? did joe biden decide to suspend aid to israel or what weapons could go to ukraine? i don't trust that he is actually making the decisions. after that debate we should be asking ourselves the question, who is running the country? that guy isn't. >> harris: look, we have talked a little bit about how world leaders and enemies might see us. i'm more concerned what happens when he is in the room with them and who is making the decisions and carrying on those conversations? because i can't imagine it is solely him, or even him at times. you know it was a real tell tale sign of how badly this went for the left side of the aisle when the vice president came out to defend her boss's performance. watch this. >> people can debate on style points but ultimately this
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election and who is the president of the united states has to be about substance. and the contrast is clear. look at what happened during the course of the debate. donald trump lied over and over and over again whether it be obstruction. the former guy. the other guy on the debate stage -- i'm not going to spend all night with you talking about the last 90 minutes when i have been watching the last 3 1/2 years of performance. >> harris: what did she see that wouldn't have led her to believe that last night was possible over 3 1/2 years? we have quite a bit of videotape that made last night look like it was par for the course. >> they've been telling us you can't judge joe biden by a short video clip. if you could see how he runs a meeting for 90 minutes you would understand that he is a competent leader. we just watched him and he couldn't do it. if this was this bad, imagine what the hur recording sounds like. by the way, the white house
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should release that hur recording now. there is no excuse for not releasing the recording of that meeting because they kept saying that if you just saw him behind the scenes he is so sharp, so smart, so in command. we saw that's a lie and a bigger lie than anything that donald trump might have said that was inaccurate. >> harris: both candidates are hitting the campaign trail today. former president trump is in a rally -- at a rally in chesapeake, virginia. his supporters lined up 15 hours before it was start. in an hour or so president biden will hold his largest rally yet in north carolina. trump narrowly carried that state in 2020 and a source is telling fox former house speaker nancy pelosi and minority leader hakeem jeffries are reserving comment at this point. he will wait until after biden's rally today. that's interesting.
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what will they do? compare last night to the rally, i suppose. the phone on the left side of the aisle have been ringing off the hook for a comment from anybody. marc. >> they won't throw him under the bus before a rally. they have a bigger problem. who do they replace him with? if you look at the rpc average this morning biden's approval rating is 39%. kamala harris is 36. less popular than he is. so she is the natural successor. but they won't put her in because she is worse than he is. they can't kick the party of identity politics won't kick the first black woman vice president to a curb. they won't put a white male in to replace kamala harris when she is next in line. they are stuck with him and with her. >> harris: could they run him and then immediately replace him with her is what some people are
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asking today? that actually would maybe further their cause because joe biden said he was never going to do two terms when he was a candidate the first round. i don't know what happened between that time and making the decision to get in a second term, but if their goal was to put the first black indian woman into the office, they could still do that, couldn't they? >> but the problem is they don't want her. because she is a disaster. they know it privately. how many staff members has she lost? everything that she has touched -- she is the border czar. she is in charge of the border. >> harris: david axelrod all but suggested biden should be replaced as the democratic nominee. if he is, this could cause problems for republicans. watch. >> there will be discussions whether he should continue. if for whatever reason there is
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a change at the top of the ticket, you guys are in trouble with donald trump because the guy who was up there tonight is not a guy who is going to inspire people. he did not show in any way that he has changed. what i said, scott, was if joe biden were not the candidate, if there was another candidate, i think donald trump would be in deep trouble. >> harris: what do you make of that? >> if they had another candidate, a younger, more vigorous moderate centrist joe biden he would be president now. why is joe biden president now and why are they in this mess? the least worst candidate of all they had to choose from. none of the other candidates were connecting and taking off. bernie sanders was about to get the nomination and they panicked and said let's put in joe biden. he was a moderate, genial,
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trojan horse that the social lifts could crawl into and get to the white house and crawl out. if they get rid of joe biden do you think bernie sanders wing of the party will say let's nominate a moderate centrist to take over? they'll go for it and go after the nomination. they will push -- the party -- the democratic party today could not nominate bill clinton. bill clinton would be unelectable in a democratic primary. that's what they need. somebody like clinton who is a centrist. >> harris: who had a good economy. >> yeah, no, the democrat party today is not going to nominate somebody like that. if they get rid of biden they'll have a civil war. >> harris: within their own party. >> yes. >> harris: thank you for being with me on this friday. >> thank you. >> harris: millions of voters across america last night watched the debate. we don't have the raw numbers in but knew what to expect.
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a lot of people. in recent polling 73% of adults in this nation said they would be watching the debate on some platform. we will hear directly from some voters right here in the studio. voters' voices up next. ♪ veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect.
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>> harris: we heard at length from the presidential candidates at last night's debate. heard all the spin from the campaigns and surrogates. we heard plenty of analysis from all the pundits. now it is time to hear voters' voices. my partner today in our segment is lee carter. we were together on election
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night and she is a polling expert. president and partner of a business firm and now let's meet our voters in the front row. feel free to wave or something. dominic is an independent voter. t.j. independent. that will be important. everybody is, you guys especially i want to know if last night moved the needle for you. myron, republican voter, robin, a republican voter, dan a democratic voter and jay also a democratic voter. welcome, everybody. let's just first get to a moment that i thought was one of the most painful to watch last night. president biden during his dismal performance said this. >> president biden: be able to wipe out his debt and make sure all the things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure we continue to strengthen our healthcare system and making
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sure we're able to make every solitary personnel giebel for what i've been able to do with the covid -- excuse me, with deal with everything we have to do with -- look, if -- we finally beat medicare. >> harris: it's not funny and it is really sad. it was uncomfortable. i want to know what voters told you in your analysis. i could see the lines moving. >> you could see democrats gave him the benefit of the doubt. still gave him a c, independents d, republicans an f. what we heard overall is democrats were trying to listen to him, were trying to get something from him. independents were like i'm really concerned. republicans some said they weren't surprised at all. i would love to hear from you guys how you reacted to that moment. this is a really key moment last night. >> harris: start with you, democrat in the room.
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anything last night that surprised you about joe biden's performance? >> i would say i was surprised by the level at which it seemed that he is declining. there has been talk about this a lot but, you know, with different media outlets they'll focus on one specific instance. to see him in an unfiltered matter, one long debate, it was shocking. >> harris: i will come to you, p.j., in the center here. as an independent, did last night tell you something you didn't know about the current president or did it move the needle for who you might vote for? >> my choice wasn't going to be him. however, we were speaking in the greenroom and we lost parents to dementia in the last year. we know the pain and we saw the evidence popping up. the signs have always been there
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for me. i watched that and it's like being at home. so seeing that, it is extremely painful to watch and this is the man with the football. >> harris: and meeting with world leaders and at war and talking to him during those wars, wow. democrats are going hard on the issue of abortion. we've seen that in the ramp up here this season. up and down the ballot as well. local politics, federal politics. here is president trump on the u.s. supreme court striking down roe v. wade and his position on it. >> what i did is i put three great supreme court justices on the court and they happen to vote in favor of killing roe v. wade and moving it back to the states. and right now the states control it. that's the vote of the people. like ronald reagan, i believe in the exceptions. i am a person that believes and frankly, i think it is important to believe in the exceptions. some people you have to follow
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your heart and some people don't believe in that. i believe in the exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. i think it's very important. some people don't. follow your heart. you have to get elected also. it has to do with other things. you have to get elected. >> harris: what does your voter analysis tell you. republicans had a collective sigh of relief. very measured and positive and more moderate than they were expecting. they gave him an a. independents flat lined. still not convinced he would give them the answer they needed. gave him a c, democrats were upset about this answer. they gave him an f and really wanted to push back on his response on roe v. wade all the way throughout. i think this will be an issue for donald trump going into the election. it is important to certain segments of voters. he satisfied the republicans. >> harris: some republicans. not everybody i'm talking to.
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robin, how did he do? >> i'm actually very pro-choice and i work -- a physical therapist and i work in postpartum sector of patients and i have had patients who have really terrible complications with their pregnancy and need to have abortions, need to terminate the pregnancy. i really do believe that that is something that is between a doctor and the patient, between the doctor and the woman. >> harris: should it be federally protected or do you think the states? >> this is a tough one for me. i have often said this is where i tend to sort of differ from the traditional republican point of view where it should be a state-run kind of thing. i do think -- i was glad with his answer because i was relieved to here there wasn't going to be a push for extremism
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in this area where it seemed a lot more moderate. >> harris: abortion past birth was part of the debate but not -- trump was clear in his answer. >> yeah. >> harris: myron, let me ask you. did the former president seem to have an answer ready for this last night? what did you hear, if that graph is reflective of how you felt, that he did well on? >> i believe he answered very well and he answered truthfully. the vote has now been transferred to the states. for each state to evaluate and to make their decisions as far as where they stand on abortion. i'm pro-life. i believe that life is precious from the moment of conception. not everyone believes that. i believe that president trump answered very well. >> harris: what's interesting that i don't tend to hear on the right and i guess i wouldn't expect it so much on the left because they are focused
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differently on life. but the lives at the center of this. the moms and the unborn child. i have seen something in governor ron desantis focusing on making funding ready. you can't just ask a woman, he has told me, to go through an abortion or to keep a child if you can't afford to keep the child. and so there are some governors across the country and desantis is one of them, republican governors who are having a discussion to broaden out the topic. i'm curious as women, does that make a difference? >> yeah. i think -- i don't think a woman should be forced to keep a child if it is an unwanted child regardless of the circumstances. >> harris: if there were some funds there to help her make that decision. >> that would be very helpful. >> harris: here is president trump answering the comment
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about going after political opponents as retribution as what he and others see as political persecution. >> i said my retribution will be success. we will make it successful again. my retribution will be success. he could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office with all of the things he has done. he has done horrible thing. all the death caused at the border, telling the ukrainian people that we want a billion dollars or you change the prosecutor. if i ever said that, this man is a criminal. you are lucky. i did nothing wrong. >> harris: a lot of movement on the lines there. >> they're very separate. this was sort of the fighter donald trump coming back to the forefront. republicans responded well. the trump they know and love and gave him an a. independent liked it when he said my retribution will be a
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success. some people got turned off as he went on. democrats, this is not the trump they like and gave him an f. >> harris: you are an independent. what do you think? >> it has been quite obvious that a portion of these actions are a witch hunt against trump and it is bringing people consciously to vote for trump because they think the democrats are specifically trying to hurt trump and get him out of the election. it is too obvious in too many cases that democrats are trying to push trump out for maybe things that are in a gray area, not so much illegal or something he did intentionally. >> one of the things that independents responded to, trump said but he, meaning biden, could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office and some people are saying that is sort of a threat. i'm not sure i like that kind of bully behavior. >> i think what's happening is listen, it's circular. republicans will go after democrats, democrats go after republicans and it is becoming
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out of control. the office has been embarrassing how both parties con tepidityed themselves. the president of the united states is supposed to be the top of the world, the most prestigious position to be and platform you have. i feel like we internally are damaging our own system. >> harris: i see a lot of nods there. that's interesting. here is president biden's reaction to what you just heard from trump. >> the idea that i did anything wrong relative to what you are talking about is outrageous, simply a lie, number one. number two, the idea that you have a right to secret -- seek retribution. three, the crimes you are still charged with. think of all the civil penalties you have. >> harris: dan, you could see democrats really liked that. >> i have think this entire debate, to put it in young
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people speak, was giving boomer, the whole thing. completely off topic. where did we talk about the cost of housing? when are we going the talk about people in my generation people feel like we don't know if we want to have kids? why can't we buy houses anymore. why are we still allowing our education system to become so expensive? none of that stuff, by the way, almost everything donald trump says and spews out of his mouth is like a lie followed by a word, a noun. >> harris: he talked about the economy. >> i couldn't hear or make out most of what president biden was saying half the time. i personally for the last six years had a grandfather who declined in the same sort of way and i think the most awful part of it is watching it happen in public. i think president biden is a good man and a great father, a good public servant, it's a
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shame this is happening at this tap stone of his political career. he doesn't deserve that. democrats need a new leader. >> harris: that's what i want to get to here. jay, i see you looking down. some of you have suffered in your own families, irrespective of your political leanings or parties. but it is something, we have an aging population and the number is approaching 50%, i believe, over the age of 65. it could be more than that very soon. that's playing a role in all of this. would it help as democrats to have the president acknowledge what he is going through? i don't know. it might not make you want to support him as a democrat, jay, but gosh, i don't think you can ignore what we saw and we aren't doctors. you have a lot of medical experience because you have someone who went through the decline. >> for the good of the country, for the good of the party, if we
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want to make some kind of inroads for the policies we believe in in politics we need leaders capable of standing on a stage and having a debate for an hour or two in a way that makes people feel confident in their ability to do the job and as much as i love and respect president biden and his legacy in politics, i think that we need a new leader. >> harris: quickly because jay i had called your name. your thoughts. >> i share those sentiments. i don't know if acknowledging it will earn any points especially from me. i do plan on voting for president biden if that's the choice we're given come november. >> harris: even after what you saw last night. who do you think is running the white house? >> i think he might be ultimately be making the decision but leans heavily on his team and it's part of what being any good leader is, putting a team around you and
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trusting them to bring you the best information and then you making the ultimate decision. i think given that dynamic, i think his team has done very well. >> harris: wow. do you feel like -- i have to say this. do we even know enough about who his team is who would make certain decisions like ukraine and israel and those things because of where we are right now? i will leave that as an open question so we can move forward. i want to go to the economy now and here is trump on inflation soaring under president biden and the effect of illegal immigration on people of color. >> he caused the inflation and it is killing black families and hispanic families and just about everybody. it is killing people. they can't buy groceries anymore. you look at the cost of food where it has doubled and tripled and quadrupled. they can't live. he caused this inflation. i gave him a country with essentially no inflation.
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the fact is that his big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he has allowed to come in through the border. they are taking black jobs now, it could be, 18, 19, 20 million people taking black jobs and taking hispanic jobs and you haven't seen it yet, but you will see something that is going to be the worst in our history. >> you can see there was a very mixed reaction here. republicans overall focused on giving him an a. they wanted to hear this message on the economy. independents overall gave him a b minus and things they did not respond favorably. people questioning what he meant by black jobs. i would love to hear your talk -- your take on that. finally democrats gave it an f. overall it was that they didn't buy what he was putting down and they are tired of his rhetoric on the economy and immigration. >> harris: i will go to you first, myron, to get your point of view from republicans and jay we'll hit you.
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>> what i understood what president trump was saying during his presidency the lowest black unemployment was on record, lowest hispanic unemployment in 50 years. i believe that's what he was referring to. and it was a boom of our economy. our golden years were about to happen. from what i could see, the moment that biden stepped in, he reversed almost 40 of trump's executive orders. he stopped the keystone pipeline, killed jobs immediately and put our country in a position where families were thinking they were going to grow and prosper, he completely reversed that the moment he stepped into office. so in my opinion that's what president trump was talking about. >> harris: you are right about that. the example trump didn't give last night and said almost nothing. number is 1.4% is what inflation was when he left office.
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within less than a year of that we were up above six and seven and that summer we were at 9% inflation. it was cooking really fast. jay, i want to get -- you talked about it and just get your reaction to the black job comment. you know, it is click bait on twitter and so on and so forth. >> what is a black job? i'm just curious as a black man. i think that entire question was worded to be a minefield. i understand the sentiment they were trying to get at. >> harris: you mean the moderators? >> i understand the sentiment they were trying to get at with the fact that black employment is at certain levels but i think the way it was explained was entirely horrendous. second, i will say this. yes, the -- the rate at which
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inflation was at 1.4 during president trump's when he left, right? however, when he left the economy was also pretty much dead because of the pandemic. >> harris: this is the point that biden made last night. nand was working. many of the people were working were considered essential workers and people of color and they carried this country. >> i agree 100% >> harris: and women. so one of the things last night we didn't get were the follow-ups that i'm giving as a moderator and part of that i think is because there were very few times both microfibers. who liked the format. >> i didn't like the aspect it was so controlled and no one in the studio audience. >> harris: i liked it for this reason. i could hear them. >> absolutely. >> harris: maybe that worked against joe biden a bit because, yeah, that was tough. i want to thank you. you guys are terrific and i'm
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always so grateful to have you in studio and lee, a pleasure. the tragic results of illegal immigration crime, hundreds of people gathered in houston, texas, to mourn the killing of 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray. two illegal border crossers are now charged with that child's murder. her funeral came hours before president biden tried to defend her record on the border and former president trump hit the issue head on. stay with us.
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>> there have been many young women murdered by the same people he allows to come across our border. we have a border that's the most dangerous place anywhere in the world. they're killing our citizens at a level we've never seen before and you are reading it like these three incredible young
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girls over the last few days. one of them i just spoke to the mother and they just had the funeral for this girl, 12 years old. this is horrible what's taking place. what's taking place in our country. >> harris: former president trump as i was watching last night had one of his strongest moments there on an issue that biden is underwater by double digits. it must have been terrifying for biden to stand there and to listen that trump had called the mother of one of the victims full well knowing what the stakes are at this point and how important for an american mom to know somebody cares. president biden over the border crisis and illegal immigrant crime had his own way of addressing it. the 12-year-old that trump was talking about is jocelyn nungaray, prosecutors charged two illegal border crossers with her murder. hours before the debate, hundreds of people were mourning
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at her funeral in houston, texas. just overnight news broke of two additional horrific crimes. police in syracuse, new york say an illegal crosser from ecuador is accused of suffocating a 21-year-old woman on her birthday. they say he buried her body in a shallow grave in a park. in albany, new york, an illegal immigrant from turkey is accused of raping a 15-year-old girl in his car last month after threatening to beat her with a pipe. he reportedly was arrested in san diego last november after crossing our border illegally. officials released him days later and because he was out and about and had traveled wherever he wanted to be, he now is the suspect in the that crime. president biden last night tried to defend his border policy. >> president biden: i've changed it in a way that now you are in a situation where there are 40%
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fewer people coming across the border illegally and better than when he left office. i will continue to move it until we get a total ban on the total initiative relative to what we'll do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> harris: if there were ever a time you were going to be coherent and get your facts straight that would have been it. not the case for joe biden. doesn't he know that a historic number of people have crossed the border illegally into this country? doesn't he know? t.p. shannon, former speaker of the oklahoma house is with us. mark penn, former clinton advisor. t.w., i will start with you. this has been something that the biden administration and biden white house have been so worried about. they see the polling and believe some of it and tried to do an executive action that didn't do much. he has been trying to move. mass amnesty is something he tried recently. he knows he is in trouble on
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this issue but putting band-aids in wrong ways on the wrong stuff. >> let's be clear, harris, he didn't become concerned about the border until about a year ago. for three years joe biden denied we had a crisis at the border. the reality is, 9 million people have crossed into our country illegally because of the open border policies of joe biden. this is his legacy. this is what you get, harris. i don't think anybody who woke up in america this morning thinking that america is safe right now. joe biden has had no interest in securing the border. now we know he has no ability to secure the border after last night's performance. this is what you get when you appoint the first dei vice president on the border. someone like kamala harris who is in charge of the border. people should be charged with what is happening at the southern border and the legacy of joe biden.
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>> harris: biden made his claim about his support from the border patrol. >> president biden: we worked very hard to get a bipartisan agreement that not only changed all of that but made sure we were in a situation where you had no circumstance where they could come across the border with the numbers there are now. we increased the asylum officer and the border patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position. >> harris: i don't know if the moderators would have tried to fact check that. the border patrol union shot back on social media to be clear we never have and never will endorse biden. mark, he should have been ready on that issue. >> well, no question about that. i think you've heard the various talking points that they put out over the last few weeks, you know, trump shot down the bipartisan bill, we, you know, i put out an executive order. but it has been ineffective.
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for years now i have said -- >> harris: i have to cut in, excuse me, gentlemen, please. the speaker of the house is talking. let's watch. >> necessary to do this really important job at this really important time in american history. i want to correct one thing about the record because president biden showed last night that he was weak, sadly, that he is feeble and he said a number of things that are just untrue. one of the things that was the most staggering that we heard him say is he claimed that on his watch, we have not lost any american troops. the lives of no american troops have been lost as long as he has been president. obviously that is fought true. i wanted the read 13 names by way of example that he seems to have forgotten already, which is really shocking and sad. but apparently he has already forgotten about the 13 american heroes who were lost with his disastrous withdrawal from
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afghanistan. these are their names, mr. president. these are their names. marine corps staff sergeant hoover. >> harris: we would love to listen to all that as we come to the end of our program. it is very important that we remember those 13 americans and we appreciate that the speaker is reading those names. as we go on, we will come back to that. i want to thank you for watching. "outnumbered" after the break. the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. ♪ ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need.
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