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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 28, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> folks come i don't know what you did last night but i spent 90 minutes on a stage and debated a guy who has the morals of an alley cat. [cheers and applause] when you see trump last night, my guess and i mean this sincerely but he set a new record for the most lies told in a single debate. [cheers and applause] he lied about the great economy created. he lied about the pandemic he botched killing millions of people. he closed businesses, he closed schools losing their homes people all over this country. america was flat on its back. so i told trump that he was 1 on history who left office with fewer jobs then he started. herbert hoover was the other one. that's why i call him donald "herbert hoover" trump. >> sandra: that was present by in a short time ago he took the
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stage in raleigh and address concerns about the debate last night. and north carolina both biden and former president donald trump are right now on the campaign trail following the debate. biden's dream confirming a short time ago to fox news he will attend the second debate in september and he has no plans to drop out. welcome back, i am sandra smith this is "america reports" i am live in new york and trace it is great to have you here today. we knew this would be a rocking afternoon and it is proving to be the case. >> trace: indeed, i am trace gallagher in los angeles in four john roberts this is "america reports" the headline speaking for themselves of the mainstream media calling the debate "a disaster for biden" as he stammered and stumbled through his answers while many democrats are in panic mode some coming to biden's defense. >> i rather have joe biden with a bad cold for 90 minutes then
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donald trump for america to live, to live, to lie because the stakes are that high. >> this is more than one debate performance this is the future of america. >> i have seen him do it and i know he can do it and he had a bad night last night. >> sandra: we did speak to karl rove last hour on this program. he says this may be hard for biden to bounce back from. >> it was an unmitigated disaster for joe biden last night. he just looked really, really old because guess what? he is. and i think it's going to be very, very difficult if not impossible to recover from the image we had last night. >> sandra: we have team coverage bill mcgurn will give us his analysis of the debate and what he thinks democrats should do now. >> we begin with the senior white house correspondent peter doocy live on the north lawn, peter howe was biden this afternoon different than biden last night? >> trace, he was very different and you notice there's a big
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difference when he is reading from the teleprompter then when he hit is loaded with some new one-liners and also loaded with a rarer admission there are some important things he is struggling with. >> i don't walk as easy as i used to come i don't speak as smoothly as i use two or debate as well as i use to but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth! >> that's as much detail as he went into for his performance last night which was at times halting and hard to follow. >> making sure we are able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with -- with the kofi cockburn, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with look, -- if we finally beat medicare...
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>> the top democrat in house hakeem jeffries is saying until he come of the, articulate the way forward i will reserve comment about anything relative to where we are at this moment other than to say "i stand behind that ticket." for what it's worth, the ticket is not changing. >> this is a conversation that has been going on the past two and half years. it's not likely to happen. >> president biden is now off to new york where he will have an event with elton john before going to some closed-door fund-raisers in the hamptons. that's also a part in the last couple of minutes in "the washington post" that there will be an all campaign staff meeting. biden campaign staff meeting this afternoon. i reached out to some campaign staffers to ask what it's about and they are saying it is just something they do every friday. >> trace: peter doocy live on the north lawn thank you. >> sandra: this friday may be a little different, write trace? let's bring in film a current
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editorial board member former chief speechwriter for george w. bush. bill, great to have you. while how hakeem jeffries you heard him there may reserve comment following last night's debate the ladies of the view are not holding back. >> it kind of pains me to say this but i think president biden needs to step down and be replaced. >> blame it on a cold, blame it on his stuttering, blame and are of appropriation, whatever. but he did lose. >> maybe he needs to go. >> i've never seen joe biden like i saw him last night. it's worrisome. >> sandra: and all of us on a different joe biden ends up in raleigh on stage a few minutes ago so what is the democrat party going to do here, bill? >> well, look, the difference is at a stage event today as trace points out he has a teleprompter, more controlled environment. what the american people saw for 90 minutes was what special
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counsel robert hur saw. an old man with a poor memory that couldn't function. no wonder they don't want to release the tape of that interview. i find this a bit disingenuous people saying how shocked that joe biden is that bad, we had signs for a while. my newspaper did a story about the concerns inside the white house about this. the writers were savage fo. so i think it's restating the obvious what people are seeing every day going forward all biden's actions, public actions are going to be seen through the lens of last night. people saw him staring into space looking befuddled, losing his train of thought, i mean jill biden the best she can say is honey, you answered all the questions. i mean, it's really embarrassing. >> sandra: okay here are more reactions here is rfk jr.
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responding to the debate this morning. listen. >> i don't think presi president biden -- he does not seem to be the person making decisions in the white house i think. our government is being run by anonymous men in lanyards and it's scary. >> leave it to senator fetterman, bill, to tell everybody to just kind of chill out. he says this "i refused to join the democratic vultures on biden's shoulder after this debate, no one knows more than me that a rough debate is not the sum total of the person and their record" morning after a thermonuclear beat downs from my race from the debate and pulling geniuses like 538 predicted i would lose too and what happened? the only seat to flip and be won by historic margin of plus five chill the f out" should they
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chill out? >> it's not one night. one night highlighted 90 minutes he had trouble. two frames together show donald trump vigorous and coherent and joe biden old and befuddled. there is no getting around that. people saw sustained but there were plenty of signs before the various stumbles and so forth and they were all denied. democrats are in this predicament because they prefer to pretend and joe biden was fully there and they protected him by not having press conferences where he had to answer tough questions and limiting his public engagements. and they are paying a price for it now. the shame is very few members of the press really press the white house on that strategy. >> sandra: i'm in the warnings were there, the video was there for so many people to see and the sound of the president to only be labeled "cheap fakes" by the white house. bill, always good have you on,
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thank you so much. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: now this. >> jeffries, do think that president biden should step down after the debate performance last night? >> no. >> are you okay with how he did? >> trace: although some democrats on capitol hill are defending president biden others are calling to replace him as the presumptive democratic nominee and although it is not too late to perform at another candidate it may be hard to get biden to step aside. chad pergram lie for us hill to explain. chad? >> trace, good afternoon. it's not easy to do. the rules would mandate the president back away from the nomination before august 7th. that's when presidents officially lock in their delegates. even swing district democrats are sticking by mr. biden for now. >> he had a tough night, but i don't think we need to overreact to that. >> what is overreaction in your mind? people wanting him to remove
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himself? >> yes, that is a big leap. >> why? >> because it's an overreaction to 90 minutes. >> wasn't the dye kind of cast though? people didn't think he looked like he was up for the job and perception, reality, and politics? >> if you're asking me what other people are thinking i am unqualified for that. >> former house majority jim clyburn saved president biden's fortunes in the primary four years ago and he laughed when i asked of his services were needed to come to the rescue again, but no one is really sure what code or what happened if there is a movement to find a new candidate. >> if it were a ball game -- >> strike when you think he has three strikes? >> you always get three strikes and baseball i don't know. >> this isn't baseball this is politics. >> i'm saying i don't know what you do in this game. >> republicans said the debate highlighted their "i told you
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so" argument about the fitness of the president. house speaker mike johnson said forget the nomination, he is worried about the presidency right now. to go there are lot of people asking about the invoking of the 25th amendment right now because this is an alarming situation. unfortunately it's not the house that gets to determine that, it's the cabinet. the cabinet makes that decision. i would ask the cabinet members to search their hearts. >> a senior house democratic source told fox this situation is "not sustainable" and the source said those who are close to close to president biden did not serve him well. trace? >> trace: chad pergram live on capitol hill thank you. >> sandra: well, trace the major problems plaguing the ev industry with some customers saying they are ready to switch back to their gas-powered vehicles. >> trace: plus the supreme court dropping some major rulings one of them reducing the power of government agency. shannon bream joins us to break it down live next.
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>> by the way of the border patrol endorsed my position i have changed in a way that now you are in a situation where there are 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally which is better than when he left office. >> sandra: i was president biden last night claiming the border patrol endorsed him. from national border patrol president joins us now is that true, brandon? welcome. >> no, that is actually laughable. there is no way in the world we possibly could've endorsed
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president biden. again we are not on partial we will do the best that we can for the citizens of the united states. that's what the national border council has always done best for our agents and the system of the united states. we would never even consider endorsing president biden because he unleashed complete and total chaos on this country. we have seen more crime in this country from illegal immigrants then we ever have before. we have seen more people crossing our borders illegally then are on the terrorist watch list than we ever sample for. have before. it's chaos and it's hurting the american people. would never endorse him in fact the national border counsel when i was there and i believe i can still say this fully supports president donald trump. >> trace: what do you make of that because this whole concept, forget his performance last night of the debates come up with aside, just this whole idea president biden is unwilling to accept any of the blame for what
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is happening at the border and what has happened there for the past three and a half years. >> you know, as a citizen, as a voter i have to look at things and break things down. am i better now than i was under donald trump? as far as my pocketbook goes, am i better at border security or national security? am i better at foreign policy? everything one of those answers are no. if you look at border security, something i'm an expert about, he is disastrous. he never takes responsibility for anything that he does. if he did right by the american people he would step down today and let someone else run in his place but he is not willing to do that. he has never been willing. even when he was a senator, he has never been willing to do what is best for the american people. >> sandra: i want to make sure i put this up on the screen because it was very quickly after president biden made that claim on the debate stage last night the border patrol union rebutted that claim saying it
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will never endorse joe biden. to be clear we never have, never will endorsed biden but of course we put a phone call to you, brandon judd, to set the record straight. our member thinking let's get him in tomorrow can we put up this map because i want you to weigh in on what is now almost all over the country places, cities, towns, where illegal migrants have been captured in the past two weeks and accused of committing heinous crimes including down there in houston. where little jocelyn nungaray the 12-year-old girl blew brutally assaulted and murdered and she was buried by her family yesterday. celebration of life was held there. this is everywhere now, brandon. >> absolutely. look, that tweet that got put up good for paul perez in the border patrol council he understands it's a great individual. he understands what is best for
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the american people. when you look at that map you just showed us, again, we have to have people willing to take responsibility. we also have to recognize that the border can be secured tomorrow if we would go back and look at the policies that were in place that president trump built, they were great policies. they allowed us to do more to secure the border than we ever have before in my 25 year border patrol career. if we actually take responsibility and take that map and break it down and say what can we do better? there are very simple solutions and we don't have to have american citizens die. we don't have to have them attacked by illegal immigrants. we also don't have to have them die because of fentanyl poisoning. >> sandra: i appreciate you coming on with us thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> trace: the supreme court releasing free blockbuster opinions among one of the big ones what is known as the chevron decision which made it
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easier for the federal government to regulate areas of public live let's bring in shannon bream and fox news legal correspondent to break it all down, shannon, we were expecting big decisions maybe the presidential immunity case but instead we got some others this whole chevron case the fisherman here, i was reading this and kind of amazed that you had to have or pay $700 for fishermen a day to get eight at sea monitor permit? what is this decision doing for those people? >> yes, they said we can't bear the cost of doing this. what had happened is federal agencies said you have to have monitors and you have to have them on your boats but we have decided now you are going to pay for them. so they challenged that paired with the court said essentially was if congress passes something ambiguous come in the past it was that you had to defer to the federal agency interpretation of it. to their regulation and the court said today no, not so fast.
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it's possible for someone like this to challenge a federal regulation, go to court, and courts can actually say the federal regulation from this agency which is unelected bureaucrats, they got it wrong. so it's a seismic shift because federal regulation touches so much of our lives. >> yes. and i wonder, shannon, what do you think about the supreme court making it more difficult to convict january 6 the defendants of obstructing an official proceeding? chief justice roberts is the justice department interposition coding here criminalizes a broad swath of prosaic conduct exposing activists and lobbyists alike two decades in prison" your thoughts? >> there were hundreds of people january 6 defendants charged with this particular subset of this federal statute and essentially what it did was elevate a lot of these cases from misdemeanors to felonies by including it with some misdemeanor charges. it now means that hundreds of day six defendants including president trump will have an
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avenue to go try to fight those and say that part of my case needs to be thrown out. court said the way it was applied in those cases has been flawed. the defense did not agree including justice bayer which is an interesting mix to say essentially they did not get it right that the text of the statute does allow it to be used against jay six. attorney general garner says disagree with it disappointed but we will follow the ruling. >> trace: i know you will talk about this fox news sunday, shannon but do you think president biden after last night's debate has a way to rehabilitate his image? has a way to cover from that performance? >> yeah, you know the news cycle is so quick and memories are short and there are months to go before november 5th. here is another debate they have already agreed to in the interim and today the biden camp doubling down on that. he just has to get back there on the campaign trail and show people and give them confidence but for a lot of people that don't follow this as closely as us, millions of people tuned into that debate last night say this is officially the presidential race and if that is
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their lasting impression of president biden it's going to be tough, but what will be even bigger from this court on monday will be the presidential immunity decision which could really impact president trump, his legal fights, and his run for the white house too. >> shannon bream live outside the supreme court, thank you. we should put up on the screen was coming up on fox news sunday do we have that? john fetterman, michael mccaul, j.d. vance many believe is one of the leading contenders for the vp stakes. >> sandra: i also want to note two fishermen that have joined us throughout this process have been great, one a retired freshman one owns and runs a fishing charter in naples, florida, that is ellen, good friends of the show they will be joining us live coming up to respond and react to that landmark case deciding the fate of their businesses. allen has been very outspoken about how that would really stifle business. so we will get fresh reaction to
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that ruling coming down this morning. praise? >> awesome, thank you. governor gavin newsom is one of the names being floated to potentially replace joe biden on the democratic ticket. he says no way and steven hilton says his track record leading california is not the best highlight reel. steve will joining us live here on site in los angeles coming out.
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new cases of violent illegal migrant crime in new york, both suspects in court this week in albany. this man after gil allegedly a 15-year-old girl with a metal pipe before coursing her role into his car and raping her. that same suspect was caught with 24-year-old jocelyn tauquez by a childhood friend in ecuador her body found in a shallow grave in a park both men caught and released by border patrol agents last year. both have pleaded not guilty. joining us now is nypd inspector paul morrow and fox news contributor, hard to get through that the reporting we have had to do on these women, young women that have been brutally attacked and a sum of the murdered by people who were not here legally and never should've been here in the first place and have in some cases long records. >> does it not seem like we wake up to another case of a biden
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border monster every day? >> sandra: we do. >> you put your finger on it the trend is this unavoidable at this point it's young men attacking young women. where us losing our young womend young children so far it's been uniform female so where are the groups that would normally proselytize for that? where is doj bringing the problematic cases to this stuff and realistically to me they are bio weapons, they are smart weapons these other nations are taking the ones they don't want, not all come we all know that but you would say we posit we have 15 million let's split the difference 15 million migrants who have entered illegally seeking asylum and awaiting us home right now if 1% are from the prisons, 150,000. and if you would have to be an idiot if you were sitting where madura is and saying i don't want to work with castro i would do the same thing get rid of my prison gangsters. it's not just him is ms-13 and other gangs.
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it's not much of a leap to say we are importing a lot of criminals and you are seeing the results. >> sandra: as expected this came up on the debate stage last night and here was the exchange with the candidates we will get your reaction. >> they have been many young women murdered by the same people he allows to come across our border. it's the most dangerous place anywhere in the world consider the most dangerous place anywhere in the world and he opened it up and these colors are coming into our country and they are speethirty for and killing women. >> the idea they are emptying the prisons and we are welcoming these people it's simply not true. >> up all your reaction. >> it's designed to fail if you open the welcome mat and say we are taking millions upon millions of people and then you say oh there are too many people we can't do the vetting we have to cut them loose there's no room at the end what did you expect when you said millions upon millions, come to the southern border we have rolled out the red carpet? it's designed to fail and you see the end game frankly when you see people like
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chuck schumer with we have to make a path to citizenship for 11 million people. if they thought the power to be in washington to buy demonstrations out those 11 million were going to vote republican, the rio grande would be filled with promise. they would never have it. and realistically i hate to say but we are kind of on our own at a local level. i see the local cops making the case is gathering intel come nypd is the only group so far i have seen make a big programmatic case. they are gathering intel con the local cops are on their own here and i don't talk about it, i have a website compiling to the extent i can it's one person all the migrant crimes just to try to sensitize the population but also law enforcement because i don't see anybody else doing it. >> sandra: wow. to your point where can i look up those statistics? >> i don't see any central clearinghouse for it. you have task forces look how we did terrorism. how they went after the mafia
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were those cases? were not seeing them because they don't want them. >> sandra: thank you for what you do and thank you for being here, paul. >> a large look at chesapeake, virginia, as former president donald trump gets that we see governor youngkin setting up warming up the crowd holding the first rally since the debate last night and there is this. >> are you willing to take him on? governor would you take on donald trump? >> it's a non sequitur. joe biden is our nominee. >> sandra: there he was arriving at the debate last night california governor gavin newsom coming up as a potential replacement after biden's debate performance from last night but newsome says no and the president says he's not going anywhere. where does that leave us? steve hilton will react ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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>> sandra: fox news alert here at live look at chesapeake, virginia, governor glenn youngkin just spoke a short time ago. has there is a lineup of speakers leading up to former president donald trump who is set to take the stage any time now it's planned 4:00 eastern time but you never know we can get them earlier than that so we are watching for that after the performance on the debate stage last night. also i want an alert and here we just got a statement from barack obama via twitter. obviously, okay it's up on the screen for you. this just in bad debate nights happen, trust me, i know but this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. between someone who tells the truth, who knows right and wrong and will give it to the american people straight and someone who lied through his teeth for his own benefit. last night did not change that and it's why so much is at stake in november.
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"he attached open web on x so stand by his former vp for another term in office. trace? >> trace: not the present california governor meantime newson getting some attention as a potential replacement in wake of the do performance he intends to stay in the race despite calls for him to step down with us now steve helton a fox news contributor. to steve you and i were on last night talking about gavin newsom so today "the sacramento bee," the capital of california that the headline reads if we can put it up quoting here "it's time, the democrats must replace joe biden with california governor jack gavin newsom" is there any kind of hope of gavin newsom for the democrats are placing joe biden? >> there is for gavin newsom, isn't it sweet "the sacramento bee" which is by the way supposed to hold him accountable with the governor of
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california they want to give their guy the promotion he so clearly wants. i mean, look. the thing is if they do go down that route, i don't think they are ready for the accountability that is going to come in terms of his record and what is going on here in california. i mean people see the videos of crime and homelessness and think that's it, it's way beyond that. >> trace: let's put up the famed steve homeless he says california is quoting here "we have america's highest unemployment, worst homelessness, lower income growth, highest housing costs, worst property, highest taxes, worst business climate, highest prices was near worst violent crime, stupid biden" yeah hang on a second baby biden is a better bet. that's what it's going to be the subject matter for any kind of presidential debate in which gavin newsom is involved. let's look at your record. if people think biden's record is bad across america, the california record on policy on substance on every issue is not
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just worse than biden's, it's the worst in all of america. the worst of all 50 states on every issue. >> trace: and it's important to note by the way gavin newsom's approval rate in california is that what he 4%. when you think about that it is a far left deep blue state and his approval rating is just a click above joe biden's. the california governor was asked last night and he said this, watch. >> i would never turn my back on president biden. never turn my back on president biden. i don't know a democrat and my party that would do to we are all in and double down the next few months we win this election. speak i would never turn my back on biden unless they asked me to. >> look, that's the whole strategy be as loyal as you can. i use this phrase earlier. he is obviously buying into that argument which is he who wields the dagger never wears the crown. he will not be the one to put the knife in, but he is certainly over hoping else does.
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>> and joe biden's cold today he was back to a state of the union. >> i said last night there seemed to beat two modes corpse or unhinged. last night was mainly a corpse today it looks mostly unhinged. >> trace: i'm glad he's feeling better. steven hilton great to see you. >> sandra: okay, trace think you did the on a landmark case brought by fishermen. we will talk about these guests impacted by the case the effect on their livelihoods they will join us coming up looking forward to it.
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it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. you on the supreme court siding with fishermen challenging a 40-year-old document called chevron cutting the ability of agencies to interpret the law and prevents the administration from having too much power over their businesses. it could have a sweeping applications for the environment public health and the workplace. let's bring in now fishing charter captain ellen welborn and retired fishermen david, thank you to both of you alan i will start with you first. you joined us on this program as we were awaiting this ruling and you talked to us about the impact it could have on your business. what is your reaction for the ruling?
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>> obviously i'm very happy. and it prevents government agencies from imposing basically taxes on small businesses. anytime they want to gather information and don't have a budget for it they pass that cost onto the small businesses. as you know last year over the vessel monitoring systems and the court room that came down on that case was very clear. i predict at that time the hearing fishermen would win based on the same doctrine we were on. that's what happened. >> sandra: david what is your reaction? >> while my reaction is two fold. one is it shows the little guy can actually beat city hall despite what people think and the second is that this was a doctrine that gave the bureaucracy a get out of jail free card. they didn't have to prove that they were correct, that their program was adequate and useful, they could just make up the
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rules as they went along. >> sandra: alan if you could bring this down to somebody who is not totally familiar with this case. and how this would have directly impacted your business. what it forced you to have to do on your own fishing vessel. >> this particular case did not directly affect me in the sense that i would not have had to put a monitor on my boat but for they fishermen in the northeast they would've been required to put a monitor on their boat to monitor their catches, pay that monitor $700 a day plus housing, feeding, and being responsible for that individual on the boat at all times. it's much like you driving to work and the government says you have to have a monitor in your car to make sure you are not breaking any laws as you drive back and forth to work and having to pay for that monitor. it was totally ridiculous ruling and we predicted it would get thrown out and it did. and our legal team knew several
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liberties alliance won our case on the best monitoring systems took this case and they wanted so it's a huge public advocacy law team and we can't thank them enough for everything they've done to help the fishermen in this country. >> sandra: i know you are standing up for them even though it wouldn't have directly impacted you you see it happening elsewhere you worry it could come to you, right? so you all have to stand up together. david, you have written a lot about this. i remember your op-ed back in january. you very specifically called out to bureaucrats threatening to sink your fishing business. the supreme court can keep others afloat, you talked about how this new regulation would threaten to wipe out your income. what do you want people to know about this? >> i want people to know the regulations were being promulgated outside law. that's what the court found.
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that basically if no official areas were used in chevron deference to just say we are going to do this because we can, not because the act says we can. mega's and stephen's act was actually quite specific it said you would have to carry service if requested you would have to have certain safety equipment and eight sticker from the coast guard and to specific fisheries in the pacific northwest, they would have to pay for the observers but they were limited to 3-4% of the gross value of the fishermen. in our case there was no limit on the gross value of the fishery. when i had to pay for observers back in 2015, a lot of times the observers were making more money than i was grossing. i was losing money leaving the pier every day. so i think this is a very important concept. people who aren't elected i.e.
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the bureaucracy cannot just make rules because they say they can. >> sandra: i think that's what people need to know. you know every day you had out there it will cost you to go out but you don't know what your catch is going to be and how much that's going to be and you don't know how much money you are going to make. so to have to have that mandated 700 or $900 daily fee for the monitor could just wipe so many right out of business. and you stood up together, thank you so much for joining us here, guys, appreciated, our best to you. alan, good luck in naples. thank you, guys. trace? >> that's a big victory. meantime we are looking live in chesapeake, virginia, that we virginia governor glenn youngkin warming up the ground we are 6 minutes away from the former president taking the stage, donald trump's first comments post debate. we will bring you that and more next.
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>> the electric vehicle industry is facing supercharged problems. dissatisfied customers over unrealistic government rules are just a few factors posing major challenges. the senior national correspondent is live in los angeles. what is one of the biggest issues they are seeing? >> you know, it's not one issue. you have higher insurance costs, horrible resale, a charging issue, people cannot find stations so demand is dropping. half of current ev owners say they would go back to a gas-powered car if they had the chance, and many dealers say they want relief from the mandates. >> give you a ride to washington. >> reporter: even a sales pitch from president biden and massive subsidies cannot rescue the ev market. >> ev values and the market has dropped substantially. you could use the word collapse, here. >> reporter: ev sales jumped
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from 2% of new cars sold in 2021 to 8% last year, but nosedived in the first quarter of 2024 for a variety of reasons including buyers watching ev vehicles die in freezing temperatures. >> when you take a car off the lot, an electric vehicle depreciates 50% of its price compared to 6% depreciation of an internal combustion engine vehicle. >> reporter: a recent mckinsey report says half of u.s. owners would likely switch back to a gasoline powered car if given the chance. >> for electric vehicle owners it may cost as much or more to charge their vehicles that it would be to purchase gasoline. >> reporter: that is especially true for fast chargers when you can find one. >> you see a lot of consumers have price anxiety and range anxiety. >> reporter: aaa found declining interest with two-thirds of buyers saying the next car they buy won't be electric. >> we need a couple of minor milestone improvements in battery technology and efficiency, combined with infrastructure and it comes
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together and will take off like a rocket. >> reporter: dealers tell me that there are buyers for tvs. second car, big city, urban areas, that kind of thing. sales are going to grow. but for others, even the government handouts are not enough to overcome people's scepticism. back to you. >> trace: william, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: a live look at chesapeake, virginia, where we do not yet see the former president but he is inspected to take the stage any moment now. this will be the first time he has spoken to a crowd since last night's debate. we are watching for that and see you tonight. >> trace: you may want to point out that the state superintendent in oklahoma is forcing bibles and classroom. that state superintendent will be on "fox news @ night" tonight. great to be with you as always. >> sandra: awesome to have you. thanks for joining us, i'm sandra smith. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher. martha maccallum at the


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