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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 29, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and this is a special edition of the "ingraham angleit "ew yor ,new york city. k al meanwhile, let's keep it b new york. calling on j editorial 2024. board calling on joe biden to drop out-e of the race in 2024. the op ed arguinneg that bidenee momeed t his own test and needs to confront the truth right now. more on this but, in matter g of moments. >> but first, he wants to get awayete with it, get rid of the ability of medicare to forabilit the ability to pay for they sine us to be able to negotiate drug prices, to make every single solitary person eligible for what i'vo do wite been ableo with the covid excuse, with dealing with everything we have to do with him.if - look, if we finally beat medicare. thank you,>> president biden, for i'm going to continue to move until we get the total bann on, the total initiativeh relative to what we camore bn with more border patrol and more asylum officers
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but president trump, i really don't know what he said at the end he s. t sentencenows wha >> i don't think he knows what he said either. right. la nt. t we still don' last night's debate was a disaster. disaster for biden. disasterthe demo at theited s democratic party. disaster for america. to see our presidenttates cr ofn the united states crumble on live television is a sign no american shoulane to ed have to. but we did. but rather than take the warning signs of biden's declin bidene seriously, the meh relentlessly mocked any notione. the president biden is no longer fit for office. we've been bringing it up. they just assume withouten brint reasoning that it was impossible for donald trump to come out on toopthisp in this big debate. it's a shame sha that that donat trump won't submit to this jocause he's such a coward t whn it comes to politics. but -- but it would be greatbide to have joe biden right there. donald trump, right there around any table. >> i'd say there's no shouting. we'rwe'rto aske to ask you abou. >> there is no comparison biden
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between donald trump and joe bideit cn when it comes to knowing the facts you need to know to bnitee president of the united states. >> none. does anyone else on thatone else show get to talk? you know, they just seemer to stare at him. but viewers of the angle aren'st tou abo by what we saw last night because we've had been warning you abouort for years. >> it's just going to be a president. americans won't be voting for a man who can articulate a serious policy agenda, let parte defend it. >> they'll be voting for the party machines. nl >> puppet. he's only gotten worsegottene ai and america knows >> we don't have a real president. we have a figureheadt surrounded the by folks who want him reelected so they can make down the road. >> a lot of money is lobbyists e .ri someday we'll meet those folks. unfortunately for many americans, they were caught completely wer, completely off guard by biden's performance because, unlikee you, they're getting their news from democratic propaganda machines pretending to beto be objectivy
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voices of reason. >> he's totally focused.p. >> he's very sharp, and the proof is in the performance. but he's all there that he's sharp. >> ageism is an issue. >>. tel hillary's emailhe i >> all thel y have is the resul. start your tape right now, because i'uth.m about to telldl you the truth. and if you if you can't handle the this version of biden intellectually, analytically is the best biden ever. >> that'll be a great way for him to lead his resume tape should he need another job. and it's not just the media. the biden smokescreen was most forcibly delivered by those close us to him. >> he is sharp. he ie s on top of things. he is sharp, intensely probing and detail oriented and focused. his mental acuity is great i. all this right-wing propaganda that his mental acuity has declined is. >> yes, that that wears well, chuck. despitspite the overwhelming accuracy of our recent reporting about biden's
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decline, rather, the addressesss in a transparent manner, the white house has derided itd . >> they are cheap fakes video. ri. probleone in bad the white wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because of the fact checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation, caught red handedanded. . remember, they literally tried to block him from sight. thes h juste people have not jun gaslighting the american public. attacking thg thoseackin who dare to wonder about the condition of the man who holds the most powerfu l position in the world. now, does he have any regrets about pushing forward with these lines like cheap fakes? does morning joe and the rest of the chattering class want to rescind their obviousow sha s about how sharp he is behind closed doors. joe.n sayi joe is who wnge have been saying he is for the longest time. i'm talking about joe biden, not the other joe. whhey havey should we trust anyg they have to say again? but rather than gracefully bow out of the race like
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you thought maybe joe would do for thr thane good of the countg biden clings to power today, tn committing to his second debate in september and announcing carolina. in north carolina >> he ain't going nowhere. i'm here in north carolinae rea one reason because i intend to win this state in novemberlat and yep, that's cop it out. >> last night encapsulating p the entire biden presidencresiy it's a crisis of their own making, just like immigration policies caused the illegal immigrant invasion. we're still experiencing, just like their economic policies caused inflation to soar. and you know what? interest rates to go jus jgh.t . and just like their foreign policy, caused our enemies to be emboldened and actuallyiance. gather together and form an alliance. the administration's poliction'y of keeping biden largely hidden from the american public caused the unprecedente cdd in the wha democratic party. the president should think long and hard about what he said back in 2020 t 2o some people ak
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whether you are fit the job. and when you hear that, i what you think? watch me at my honest to god.mei that's all i think. watci don'h me.acuity if you think i don't have the energy level or the mental acuityat's, then then you know, that's one thing we joe, we watched. are you watching? you have a vcr in youn house? >> joining us right now ing usis missouri senator eric schmidt center. what changed today? what's changed over the lasten 24 hours? a lot happeneded? . on o yeah. i think people have come to the realization if they weren't paying attention ongnnels whr te watching news channels where they were being lied to, that that contrast t was very clear. i was down in hotlanta last night and we were in that surr went to as surrogates exp before we went to the spin room and watched it all together e same theexcept, periods that t same way the american people did in their living rooms. hr band there's three big takeaways, brian. the first is president trump exceptionally well.
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i mean, he was on point. he was focused focused. optim he talked about policy. he also gave an optimistic vision for the futurise gave people hope about what could come, you know, making america greamerica gt again.allt the second takeaway waersmance the historically terriblbye performance by joe biden. and i kept thinking to myself, and i turned to j.d.o j. vance actually said this if you think this is bad now and it was terrible. s agine whlike ican you imaginen be like in four years? and that's what he's askin pg the american people to give him. the third takeaway, brian, i think, is th has bee e has beeng lifted. it was illuminating in a sense that the people who've been castinthis allusg this illusion that biden is at the top of his game are the same peopleme who lied about the hunter biden laptop. the thpeoplee same people who sd this. these aren't political prosecutions of the same people that tell you yourny life is fine, everything is going great. the economy's even thoughe there's sticker shock every day, every week at the grocery storocery ste, more expensive tn a home. so they've been exposed now as sort of just carrying on this regime narrative. and donald trump ier w cans disr
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who can break up this cartel ne permanent washingto that has made a habit of lying to people and telling them not to believe they're >> so it's different. this morning i get up and i seem this alertasn "new y. thomas friedman, the new york times editorial, joe, he was up. in lisbon and who wouldn't watching this debate thinks he should leave. same thing with christophehing. same thing. he thinks he should leave the editorial board of the "new york times". timeside, step aside. i that's a little different than someone like o donald trump saying he's not worthy or he can't do the job. >> yeah, for sure. but i will tell you earlier today, brian, the puppet master himself, barack obama, issued a decree that joe biden staying in. so guess what? joe biden's staying in. the peoplein. throu are close who get power right now through this figurehead presidenc y. they're not let him go. they're going to ride this thing out. but i think became clear last. night was the contrast, not fjust in. so for the first time in anybody's lifetime, you can compare two presidential
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corecords for people who are running for that office. that's not happened. it certainly wasn't televised. so not only can you comparey fo the record of, you know, a great economy for working rkinfamilies energy dominance, a secure border, all of those tn thatthings, but also the two men who were on that stage in their capabilities and their command to hold the most important office in the world. last and so it happened last night. trump was the big winner. but i think they're goinghg through different stages of grief on the democrat side right now. ck obamanow, i saw barack obam a with john mccain in 2000. he got eight points after his debate performance and looks like joe biden. god excuse me,got joe biden got four points after donaldu trump debated him in the first debate. what do you think president trump is goingthtrumpt from this debate? by almost 4 to 1 margin, 4 people sai to d he did better tg he won this thing. what do you think it's going to mean in the polls t s? ? thes i think it's going to be pretty dramatic. and listen, thesee. are inescapable realities, bryan, that aren't going to change. his mental acuitmentalisy is nog to get any better. the situation at the border is not going to get any better. everevry youy week. there's a story of some young
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woman being raped and murdered. th aree are going to get better. inflation's cumulative. so all of the things that work stagains aren't gt joe biden aren't goina to get better if people are going to be left with t ithat image they saw in this nationally televised presidential debate of joeed biden being confused. >> and i think it's just time to take the keys away. yeah, no doubt.>> brian about cn ran to his side today. steny hoyer rallied to his side. varioussher peoples other peopl. away when our cameras showed up. senator, thanks much. >> have a great weekend. is there a part of you that is worried about his age and health? can he do it? he can do it. and i see joe every day. i see him out, you know,se traveling around this country. i see his vigor. i see his energy. i see his passion every>> b single day. >> really just not yesterdayrirr last night. of all the enablers in president biden's orbit, hnone is, in my view, than his wife, dr. jill, the person who is with joe biden more than anyone else. you just heard her who has a a deeper, more knowledge of hs
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declining condition than anyone else has. shs been enge has been engaged e egregious cover up. and you watched how desperate s in theshe last night in the p house excuse me, the waffle house asas s as on the stump tow introducing her husband instead of convincing her husbanf dine,s to kind of bow out of the racehe or inform the public that her husband is in declinrs for him.t >> she covers for him.ha this electioven is not two abouh you have two choices. you have my husband, joe, i who you all know who has integrity. he's stron. g, he's steady. he's a leader, he's smart, he's energetic or you have chaos. >> joe isn't just one of the most effective presidents of our lives inside spite of his age, but because of it, she is so desperate to hold on to power, whatever that is. maybe she's making s the decisions. so after last night's debate, she showhowsofs signs of lettin. >> joe did such a great job. you answered every question.
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>> there is no one that i would ratherra sitting in the oval office right now than humy husband. >> what we saw last nighta on the debate stagpre, joe bide, a president with integrity and. >> maybe she should run. joining us now is pete hegseth o ,co-host of fox and friends weekend and author of the number one best selling book, the wayal of tr on behind the bl of the men who keep us free. pete, the media woke up yesterday, cnn, msnbc. it looked like a panel that maybe you put together on fox and friends weekend. l on " nds.they couldn't believe how bh joe biden did. why are they just realizing it? ey and is she pushing himself there in a bit of a bubble? but they're also all complicita .grp knew this but -- but they all come out together at the same time as a group. there'protec thes in the herd.te so the signal went out. an to to writen is about and speak about the obvious. what joe doing right is doing hr abuse. i mean, it's.than >> it's visiting angels. she knows exactly what's
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happening. no and h more than her and his sister. valerie would know exactly what's happening. well, anita dunn, barack obama,i they all the books will be written about what's being done behind to the scenes to revive this guy. they are complicit in the destruction of our nation. we have a military. we have conflicts. we have a border. we have crime and we don't k have a president. the question i keep gettingo ist asked from everybody i know is pete, who is the presidenhe . who is the president? we don't know who the president is right now are. and when you're the world's top republic, charged with leading the worldththat's,l really important. and jill biden has a responsibility. she is completely abdicated.y. >> imagine if you just finished that first interview, said brian. that was s you asked alo you asked all then questions. you did great. stthat's what we're up against right now. right. and the thing is, you know, people say, wellle isn't it likt nancy reagan helping out ronald reagan? i think she watched his back he. she didn't lead. jill biden seems to be leading for thisll biden. she's leading him. and i'm wondering, is she forcing hi seem because he doesn't
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seem like he wants to jump up there, grab the microphone. he's als eter: iso pretty stubborn.stubbo >> so a stubborn guy with norn one around him that to speak enh him except an enabler right next to him, who you said loves the spotlight and loves the power means we've got a big problem. >> so maybe we should look at the medicalrian: ma professil and see. and they were calling for more information on joe's medicale condition. >> watch. can president bideba n come back after his performance last night? >> it all depends on this. key question was last nightt ev a bad night or wasid it evidence something more troubling about the president. only the biden family and his doctors could tell us. >> so.s is b so, brian, this is badat newserc for america because this guy is president no matter what for the next 6 to 7 months and the world's on firn monte world e. this is really good. what's cascaded since is very good for trump and very good for america because they're digging their heels in and defending this gu fending y. the donors have come out. the politicians have come out. barack obama is all come out. heejoe is digging his heels in,
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jill's digging her heels in. and it's good for the guy in the middlguy on te that scre. and i want to say last and ie wt agree with what the senatormp hd said first. donald trump had a phenomenal debate last night. a phehe he was measured.ed he was prepared. he was succinct. to et to policy. e he didn't take the bait where he could have i meango, he dido. one plays with his golf game. can't let that go. but otherwise, it was the most s bizarre exchange. otherwise, he said, let's not be children here. right. in, bacad the backs the military in clear ways. when when when. joe. what --joe said what? >> women are getting impregnated by their sisters. i mean, he was sayinsihe was sa >> right. and donald trump held back. let him talkm ta h and he colla. >> and it was it was a masterpiece. i'm already a little bit over, e but the president, biden said nobody died under his watch. did you forget gate. about abu ghaith, the 13 who died in the 16 total? of course he did. leftd think the record about many people he left behind and the people he left behind, the those that were dead and injuredinump but when when when donald trump said no one was held accountable, mos that was one of he di the most powerful moments of the debate. so general should have been fired. absolutely. the thin listeneto the generae didn't listenlsl
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to the generals, they should have put their stars down when the president didn't listen. that'sdidn just my view. >> pete, thanks so much. have a great two great 8 hours. see you tomorrow or sunday. absolutely. all right. up next is last night. the reasonabsolurian: up merrics been blocking the release of robert her's tapes where demanding they get released. >> more on this next name, ify. it's kind of amazing. wow. my go to is them. if i drop luma, i dramatically reduces brightness in one minute and look at the different my eyes look brighter and whiter for up to 8 hours. luma if i really work. >> see for yourself. will w >> well, this isn't goinorg to work. >> try this. this up sc will work. >> score pick up score at wal-mart. were you stationed or living at camp lejeune between 1953 and 1987? if you were a loved one who suffered from a severe, you may be eligible for a settlement
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my one question any cabinet secretaries, any sitting democratic senator or governor? will anyontoday ane step up toda and say, you know what, for the good of the country, perhapske e should make a choice that we heard a lot of talk about the 25th amendment in the trump administrationnistratisay not saying it is to that point, but will there be any cabinet secretary or anyone sort p of speak truth to power here? >>ow forget four more years.en will biden last four more months when you have people like that sayur for, somg like the 25th amendment for the democratic president? how bahow bad isd this guy. what kind of condition is them president in that the people surrounding him knowon and they have known his cabinet and his staff need to gecordte a on record. they need to get on the record now. warn is onehey do, theren whs man who has warned us and that got the evidence and it's t on tape. e that man is special counsel robert hur. yes, the samhe so-e. the so-called defenders of truth tried to discredit. ld >> he's a partisan troll.ul wondered why in the world he
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would put that in the report. his neurological assessment d in of joe biden. >> there's no doubt in my mind that that this special couldwitu have written the same report withoug thest these words. elderly man with a poor memoryay is clearly trying to affectt an election can impact an election. clearly a political reporter. >> wrong, wrong. a lo. t of people owed robert hur her an apology today. joining us now is florida congresswoman anna paulina tod luna. >> she's demanding merrick garland release the her tapes. congresswoman is it becoming clearer and clearer why they are blocking the release of the tapestaping.lear after ty released the transcripts. ca most certainly. in fact, i'd like the american people to know this incrediblyn important that the white house at the direction of joe biden isblocki apparently also m blocking those tapes. at least that's what garland is saying. the americs is what my message to the american people. weth right have two things very
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in this country right now. the first thing is, is that there seemutivs to be the execuu branch and also garland undermining our constitutiontion authorities and us being treated as equal branch of government. so that's the first thing. brnt. erthe thing is, is it's very likely that we have a constitutional crisiurs on hande that the commander in chief is not coherent and mentallyre sound. and as someone that is supposed to uphold and defend the constitutiontion, myn, my rn colleagues are very well aware that that is ourthat j and thats joe biden seems to have a cognitive issue. so ie t is that we do not let time lapse and that we obtain those tapes. and so what i will say is that most recently today we s acannounced the speaker is actually backing my newest rendition of this inherent contemptn of resolution, of whih we will find d $10,000 a day t that garland will have to personally pay if he is gointapes.g to bury these tapesn and what i will tell you isat it's very likely, giveurd deven the nature and the developments that if biden is not to removed by his own cabinet via the 25th
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amendment, that i do believe that garland might resign overt this because there's no way that he's competent. >> and you saw that last night. >>, for 40 years you took documents that didn't belong to him and left him exposed to anybodyyone that, wantedasn' to borrow his car or go into his basement. and the only reason wasn't prosecutedt because robert, her city was incompetent. we kind of forget that. forg when biden said this after the her report came out? watchi. >> in his description, you are a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory and well-meaningm. countr i'm an elderly man and i know what the i'm doing. i've been president. i put thisfeet. country back ons feet. i don't need his recommendation totall r y is your and can you continue as president? my memory is so bad i let you speak my memory is fine. >> but you remember that same press conference? uestio he came back and took a question and said he was president of mexic esideno. ico: so, congresswoman, is it clear that robert hur was right her was right? >> i think a lot of people him
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an apology. and what i will also tell you is the chatter that i'm hearing in washingtonatn, te democrats, is they know that there's a problem. there's also chatter about potentially gavin newsom actually picking up the, ah, the democrat nomination. but i'd also like the american s people to know that i'm publicly calling biden to release those tapes, as you are soo cohe, coherent, sir, tu believe that you are mentally fit to let congress hear the tapes and stop playing games. >> well, yeah, let's hear it. let's se,ress hear the america.n i'll and gives i will say this. i read the transcripts and i think he looks terrible with them. just even how it reads, let alone what they might or may not be hiding. congresswoma w it might ben, so much. >> have a fantastic weekend. what we saw tonight is the president making a very clear contrast with donaldslow trump on all of the issues that matter to the american people. ye i was s, was a slow start, but itn was a strong finish. >> i would never turn my bacdenk or turn my back on this fight. and i don't know, i'm kind of my party that would do so, especially after tonight wehe have his back and we run not
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the nine yard dash we are all in. hiwe're going to double downtion in the next few months to win this election. >> he's saying all the an: saright things, but it'syi unintended consequences. surrogates rushing to president o presidtd, but unfortunately simultaneously reminding democrats what normaats whl functioning politicians look like regardless of their policy. here is th the reaction to kama. >> she has great appeal. >> that was that was the kind of thing people were hoping for from president biden on the stage tonight. >> she just delivered it. e ho fromher role as as laurencp said, it just went up. so s higher. >> at this point, she is the bigger on the campaign. . she's the bigger on the ticket. >> and she's the person who can reassure folks wha doing. >> but what is she doing? joining us now to react ho julian epstei democratic consultant, former democratic chief counsel for the house judiciary committee judicie. democ julian, do you think democrats would be better served going bed goa or gavin newsom at this point? i know you wrote about being very unsettled that joe biden is running for anothere four years.
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so i know you've never firmly been in his corner for reelectionthey betgh. >> are they better choices right now? well, kamala is very, very times unpopular and she has had the stage manysh times and she has not done particularly well. .ast night might have been a good night, but that's a pretty low bar for making a decision about a nominee. . i think gavin newsom has t appealed to some votero s, but o me and to a lot of others, he is sort of very superficial and a bit of a lightweight. he did very poorly in the debate against governor desantis on your networ dik and think a better choice would be josh shapiro, who is more in the political centersh he has been for thingse like school choice. he has denounced the hamasnoun, the pro-hamas protesters on college campuses. ifo ight the party has two probs right now, one is 70 or 80% of voters think that biden should not be runninfor thg for president for the reasons everyone saw last night. the fact that it the is surpris to the elites is whatth the surprises because. day they are so disconnected from where sort of the average
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everyday commo vn sense voter i. so that's one problem. hathe second problem, as youthas and i have discussed, brian, is that the party has been capturedn captby by a verythat i ideologically extreme left that is completely intolerant of dissent. it is that intolerance that has led to the group think that allowed the gaslighting by democratic party official s, the mainstream media that biden was up for the job. theway to's thg wh same gaslighting where the party does not recognize that it ha issuess moved way to the left on issues like crime and immigration and, a whole host of other issues. critical race and critical gender theory. y noso the party not only needs a new candidate, in my opinion, poli to move to the count political center and all the polling has showed that it would be great for the countryrh if he had somebody who'sis more of the center always making his own decisions, make his ow dec runningn. 's a many democrats are running to president biden's defense. here's an example. he >> the president might have lost the debate on style, but he won iwot on facts he wanted on decency and all
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this tal k and this panic in the democratic party to be so unproductive and extraordinary. >> i don't i don't have concerns. r and look, joe biden had a raspy throat last night. we heard that. who cares exactly. it wasan: exac a raspy throat. in case you're wondering right now in, losapprov in california, gavinal newsom'sv got 44% approval rating right now. kamala harris has 41% favorable rating. that is just below where biden is. there's nobody on the surface pr the national to maybe lik take on someone, donald trump. so it looks likee the democratt might be in trouble right now. and plus, if joe step stephe aside, he's got you know, he's behinit's ud the wheel, ita to him to pull over. >> well, denialism is no.t a strategy, although those spokespeople you just showed goint to gt. ling to i it's going to be difficult to get away from kamala harris because of ideolog y issues, although i don't think she's the best candidate. and the democrats and the mainstreamtreammedip an are goie
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to start waking up and realize that this sort of ga s has notf worked out for them, not only on this issue, but a whole host of other issues, inflatio n ,immigration. we could go down the line as we have in the past. i tellhebrian. b you know, i tell democratsing st all the time that i listen to fox news because it'd be an warning system on a whole host of issues, not just the biden issue, but all of the political and cultural issues that they're behind on. we likl issuese all views. you're a democrat who's concerned about the country. and i think that's where we start, where you feel so comfortable here. thanks so much. julian epstein, have a fantastih julic weekend. meanwhile, panicked democrats say it's time for joe to gpa sa >> but can they actually do it ? >> have a two man misunderstood each other. >> it was a two. don't, man. what's wrong between bill first got to consume both our families. you you are talking about start another civil war. that's what we already got.
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people were watching to see ifde joe biden in this moment, to see if he was up to the joben and the resounding answer last night anyway was no. this is the last chancen we for democrats to decide whether this man we've known and loved for a very long timee is up m to the task of running for president of the united state ms. >> my, my, my heart was in myeri gut. joe biden looks like the caricatureve ainting. that thatlike conservative media has been painting. >> so how long d wdn't seeo cone to act like that? >> we didn't see what we just saw last night. >> i got to get them a subscription to fox news. advaguld have given a bi advance on what was going to bei like when in doubt, switch him out. e bi >> it is legal in the way itdeeh happens. is joeis biden, his delegates yu ahead of the convention? and yoan't du can't it on the ft vote. but i think on the second vote, they can go somewhere else. let's seelse e if that happens, dems pus may now be conspiring to push old joe out. but is it that simple? especially if jill wants him to stay because every state has
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already held its presidential primary. believe it or not democratic rules mandate. the delegates that biden won remainn obligated to him and thg party's upcoming national conventio nentionn andy tells them he is leaving the race and they can only recommend they go way.e, by the way. and if biden waits until after the convention, the mechanics for mechanisms for replacing him on the ballot vary from state to state chall and could face legal challenges. can you imagine? joining me right now is mikemike davis. >> mike davis. he's with the article three project. he's and former coursee dn at clark. poke, is the dnc swap is this whole thing happening swapping out candidates? is it indeed possibl>> it woe i, be very difficult legally, financially and politically to replace joe biden right now?a legally. for example, we're past tthe louisiana withdrawal deadline. you have other key swing states, nevada and ohio, coming up in the coming weeks. financially, joe biden has liket
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$200 million cash on hand and he can't just hand that over to another candidate. and politically. you have the problem, the first black and first female vice president. are the democrats just going to pass her over for a white. guy from california like gavin newsom? right. you you know how detrimental the white guys are? real clear politics put olitict trumtrump against harris it's 4942. by as by a wider margin. that's even before the debate and all this controversy. quick thinr this.g i needthis your expertise on this. today, one of the supreme court rulings, they ruled this in fa in favor of a january 6 defendant today which could weaken the trump january 6 case. >> watch what. >> this does do is sort b of bolster the argument of criticsil who said, look, the january six rioters were january somehow sort of overs fm prosecuted. >> well, trump benefits from ru from this ruling.ecia >> this is a big blow to the department of justice and special counsel jack smith. and a wi trumpn for january
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six defendants and potentially donald trump himself. >> right. we can't forget the defendants i spending time in jail for just walking through, in some cases through the capiton jailg throus that were beaten up cops. it's different. what do you make of this ruling? thatferent you make ofe in youre view? this was a crucial ruling out of the supreme courtmeourt because the biden justice department has politicized, weaponized, contorted a post enron obstruction of justicefter statute intended to go after corporate fraud, to go after biden's political. and it's disgusting what they've done. thisstin is political persecutin and even justice ketanji jackson biden's political appointment to the supreme court sided with the majority opinion in this fisher case. mike davis, thansherk so much. have a great weekend. meanwhile, reaction from the trump campaign is next. >> we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy.
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and relax. >> ellipse does all the work for you all now order ellipse. i. i'm not a young man. i don't know what diseases i used to. i don't speak smoothly as i used to. >> i don't have that debate as well as i used. >> but i know what i do now. i know how to tell the truth. yeah, i know how to do this job . >> when you get knocked down, you get back to debate.
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yeah. what debate? president biden doing his best today to step away from last night's debate disaster. meanwhile, had this to say in virginia, as you saw on television night, we had a big victory against a man really is looking to destroy our country. he's the worst. he's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country, despite the fact that crooked joe biden spent the entire week at camp david resting, working, studying, he studied very hard. he studied so hard that he didn't know what the he was doing. >> yeah, it took him ten days. joining us right is caroline levitt, the trump 24 national press secretary. as you know, caroline, the joe biden lose or the donald trump win? >> donald trump won the night last night. no doubt about it. he didn't just win. he dominated. it was one of his best debate performances by far. one of the best debate performances we've ever seen in politics. he was tough. he was disciplined. he spoke with command
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on the issues and he really drew a grave contrast, his strengths and biden's weakness. and he also draw drew on his first term record. that, of course, was so successful. but talked about his future vision for this country. it was a catastrophic night for the biden campaign and the democrats are in disarray today. how much have you guys in since the debate ended? >> we've seen more than $8 million in less than 24 hours come in to our campaign this is coming from every state across the country, hardworking americans. our average donation to this campaign is just over 70 bucks, which tells you that president trump is building a movement supported by millions and millions of hardworking people. >> i know we had 10,000 in virginia today, a state that he's been tied in the last three polls. it will be amazing to see virginia, new hampshire, minnesota, or you're tied in all three. and not many people even thought they put that in the column. we'll put them in play. what is the game plan if the critics on cnn and msnbc get to this, get to the biden
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family and he walks away, do you have a game against likely would be opponents, other opponents? yes, we are. yes, we are prepared for all scenarios. it's very clear that the democrats and the fake are making a massive push right now to get joe to step down. the question is, will he? he seemed very defiant in his speech today. wife also seems very defined, it defiant and i think really tough questions need to be asked of the first lady of why she's been lying to the american people, her husband's lack of mental acuity. with that said, our campaign is to continue to move forward. as you saw today, president trump bringing his winning message to a state that republicans have not won in decades. but we are going to win it this november in the commonwealth. we just announced 11 new offices, eight new offices in minnesota. we're going on offense in deep blue territories to bring up pick up votes from biden and the dems. they are contemplating whether or not they even want their candidate at the top of the ticket. >> all right, let's react to this together. i understand president biden's getting into the nickname game
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and he's picked up your boss. >> watch. you have the moral so that we can rise back a 90 stages, 90 minutes on a stage in the debate is the guy who has the morals of an alley cat that you know he tried obviously rehearsed it didn't come off he tried it again. is the president donald trump offended? no, absolutely not. what is offensive to us to president trump and frankly, to this entire country is joe biden's his dereliction of duty at the southern border while president trump spoke with great compassion last night about the families of victims of migrant crime that he personally takes the time to call in to meet with and to grieve with. joe biden denied the reality of their tragedy. he refuses to take responsibility for the crisis at southern border. he is not a leader. he's not fit to serve. and he has not promised anything to make the lives of this country, lives of the people in this country safer and better. so let's talk about his morals
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. >> but 10,000 today in virginia is a good sign. just under 10 million earned since the debate is not a good sign. thank so much, caroline. have a great weekend, karoline leavitt. thanks. meanwhile, the tactics that worked and those that failed at the presidential debate and president biden collaborates with elton john and looks like a candle in the wind. >> raymond arroyo has it all in friday's follies. >> itch. itch. scratch must not itch. stop the itch sanity with cortisone stands for bug bites. poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended works fast and lasts 4 hours. >> cortisone ten. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know you got to get on it. check out selectquote. >> trust me, the peace of mind. it's worth it. life insurance too important to put off another day. that's why selectquote makes
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to carat fancy lab bands. 1491 carat classic narrow band 990 half carat natural for 99. unlimited guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. direct there's no debate for trump versus biden. >> america turned to fox news media beating cnn every network and making history for every political event. >> fox news. media, america's news and much more. >> all right. it's friday, which means it's tim>> it'e for friday foll. and for that, we turnd to raymond arroyo, a fox news, contributor, which means we payc hih meanm right week.u sa you said trump would to playid a wild card. a wild card at the debat eg an that would change everything. and it did. yeah. di, were concerned, brian,ed about cnn turning the mikes off during the debatcnn e and i tol our viewers on wednesday it didn't matter. trump doesn't sound.d soun look for the trump facial expressions. and sure enougd. h, they were there. >> we saved israel. we are biggest producer of
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support for israel of anyone in theppor. e he's got he's got a whole range of issues he has to face. . i don't know what the jurywe will do and what i knew. and i do know he has a real e probproblem. this is a guy who wants to get out of it. are you going to stand there and you pull out of nader? i'd be happy to have a driving contest. karim i got my handicap, which when i was vice president, dowcn to a six and five. by the way, i told you before, i'm happy to play golf. carry on, bag. think you can do it?>> t that's the biggest lieha that he's a six handicap. of all, i was a handicap. yeah all was a, eight. but i know how many good i've seen you swing. >> i know you're swing. haing,! ix but, brian, it went for. s go back to.e they and poor mitt. maybe they should just waive the next debate, brian andd just , take pga champ bryson dechambeau up on his offer to host a presidential golf match. biden might actually look better in that.
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you know, look, these these o debates, all of these campaigns, it's a mosaic and every impression is onepresi that the voter inevitably takeos in. this one, i fear, is goingi to leave a mark on the voter. mae but i know what you exp mean about the facial expressions. >> but they were very disciplined. they knew the mic saret. but thd they're not going to say anything. and it forced them to be very i don'isappoinanything andt knod to find out how upset they were and how farcical ups some of sta their some of their statements were. but -- but trump was so, 's lik you know, he's like a performer. he's so loose. he capitalizede a ormer. on ande the most of it. and look, i knew biden was going to have a rough patch and a rougidenh night because as from his staff, i've sat through nearly every publi, cdev biden event for years on this show. and though the administratioensg the media have been saying he's sharp as a tack, when i saw him come outarpest an anl when jill helped him off the stage, brian, he wasem off o stiff, i thought i had turned on that celine dion documentary. look stiff, the other big test e was the reappearance of his g tes. e getsche
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whenever he gets lost, these phrases reoccur. the fact these is, the idea of t watch, the idea that he di td something that was significant. the idea that states are able to do this or the idea tha the a that i have to apologize. the idea, the idea. the fact of the matter is that >>e fact of matter is that he the fact is that i said tsaid nobody --' make it. and the fact of the matter is,- he is this is what he's tellingt is simply not true. >> hhe fact is tharuthe factt. right.k to he goes back to the go tos and he also says, by the way, he owes it, by the way, it goee. back, back and forth, but it was really hard to follow them. is thi realls guy you knew? >> no, no. and i covered joe biden forthe years in the senate and he was nothing like this. he was snappse andy. y, he was glib. he was funny. that man has recededed and but we've seen this guy for a long time. it's just everybody else is catching up, it because stage is so all right. to try to wash away the staying >> t awa. t te performance
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the bidens hit the waffle house last night in atlanta. houset nibray had that go. but even even even the visit among, friendly's is revealing. brian. the first lady like a possessing. she's always there, guiding and leading him, taking things for the president. it looks terrible. and you know, brian, look at the reaction of these voters. it was one woman who meets him. she shakes him there is literally. look at her. she rolls her eyes after beating him. you knowhe, the president formerly known as biden. again, this is neither cheaphiei a fake. it's a real voter interaction. and sadl votery, it tells you we people are and how diminished he is. bide howand at a rally today, the bidens were still in cleanup mode. but i'm not sure in clt. . >> i saw him then the samey. character that i see in him today. >> his story is.shakab therlee is no one that i would d rather have sitting in the oval office have right.he than my husband. i'm going to fight for childcare. >> we will f an elder care home.
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>> i don't walk as as i used s to. i don't speak as smoothly as i used to. smooi don't do bad debate as wea as i used to. >> donald trump says he thinks s arather, well, we was wrote overturning roe v. wade was a beautiful thing that, was large. i just got better on my gut. brian are saying, oh, look, d look, he's a different man today. no, he isn't. iffe andain variety is reporting high profile democratic donors are saying because of that performance they may if he doesn't get out of the racept they will not give to other democrats or the party. this for joe.ews one more, simon raymond, have a great weekend. will you pull that off? if you promiseyou pu that of. >w thank that's right. that does it for us tonight. i'm brian kilmeade>> tha i. it was my pleasure to be in for laura. you can catch me on one nation. it will be saturda h y 9 p.m.. i'll be at randy's diner in fargo, north dakota. i on monday morning, tucker the governor in north dakota. thanks for watching this special edition of laura ingraham. >> jesse's now. i'm perino along with my good friends jeanne judge jeanine pirro, harold junior, jesse wa


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