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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  June 29, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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will: the 8:00 hour of "fox and friends" weekend. biden admits or use the excuse, hannah bad debate performance. >> i don't debate as well and i used to but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. will: even the new york times is calling on him to drop it. the biggest ruling of the year expected on monday. >> kids are using phones in class. should they ban schools and phones. pennsylvania saying yet, the first state to test students phones away. the third hour of "fox and
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friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ you are looking at ocean city, new jersey. rachel: ocean jersey but must be maryland. good morning, it is 8:00 on the east coast. that was crazy. brian: i was alerted to it by a viewer. will lost the bet to tyrus. you put it up again. we started undressing on the show with a cutoff and everything. i showed it and as my successive waves of kids came down for breakfast i replayed
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it four times in the hegseth household. rachel: i thought will's wife said no more of this. >> they just looked like president biden with debate prep. what are my watching here? doesn't compute for me. rachel: charlie hurt quickly here. where am i? will: you owned it. rachel: didn't know what was going on. i want to talk about something else and he said i have this thing i have to do. he knew what was happening. pete: what is happening here?
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even effort requires -- rachel: what did your wife say when you got home? will: that guy's mind. rachel: she has your back. she would never let you do what president biden did, jill biden let joe biden do. rachel: let's go to president biden who's admitting whose admitting he struggled in the debate against donald trump during a campaign stop yesterday in north carolina. rachel: he had a bad night. but he's promising supporters he will stay in the race to the end. >> reporter: president biden isn't backing down, determined to stay in the race by his less than stellar performance thursday night.
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>> president biden: the covid, the dealing with what we have to deal with. if we finally be medicare, continuing to look at the total ban, the total initiative relative to what we do with more border control and asylum. >> i don't know what he said at the end of that. i don't think he knows either. rachel: he tried to bounce back from those questioning his ability to serve four more years, trying to tamp down calls for him to step aside. >> president biden: i don't walk as easy as are you sure speak as smoothly as i used to and i don't debate as well as i use to, but i know what i do know, i know how to tell the truth.
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rachel: white house staffers were so devastated by biden's performance they were unable to show up for work friday but he has the support of major party players including barack obama who posted bad debate nights happen, trust me, i know but this is still choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks entire life or someone who only cares about themselves. in the fundraiser, when donor skipping the fundraiser, could be an opportunity to encourage biden to drop out. will: a lot of people wondered if that got canceled, many donors dropped out, that would be a big message to president biden but jill biden has been working the phones as well.
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will: i was watching some high-ranking officials in the biden administration on television thursday night at one of the questions was let's talk about mechanics, telling president biden how bad it was thursday. who does that? who has the power? who has the personal relationship? jen psaki said barack obama didn't know after his first debate with mitt romney that it went poorly. he had a bad debate. who was going to tell him? axelrod explained to him that didn't go well. he didn't know it hadn't gone well. the question was asked in context of who is going to tell president biden? not that is debate went poorly but you got to step aside, this isn't going to work, you are not up to the task. the answer, they are not, no one is. it is so hard.
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will: pete: we know he watches cable news, he reads the new york times which he has famous columnists like thomas friedman and nicholas kristof who say it's time to move on. joe scarborough as well. the board usually backs democrats. you have a democrat run against the man they hate the most and normally they would be lock stock and barrel behind him but this is the headline, to serve his country, joe biden should leave the race. we know how absurd it is but that's a significant thing. he is opening up in reading this, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble. there are democratic leaders better equipped to a second trump presidency. no read to risk the security of the country, to choose between
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donald trump's deficiencies, too big abet to discount or survive his age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes. rachel: they are in a real bind. we had jason chaffetz explaining the challenges of putting another candidate on the ticket. even if you could overcome those hurdles, state election laws, you've got to find a consensus candidate that all the powerbrokers and puppeteers agree on and that is assuming president biden and jill biden who is ripping on the power is willing to let go. pete: amateurs talk strategy. pros, experts talk logistics, how do you make it, move people, that is what pro-plaps
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are thinking, we are running out of time and we don't have the delegates and we don't have consensus. what do we do? stay in our corner with joe. and advisor to barack obama, supporter openly of joe biden, what to do? here's what he said. >> no one can be happy with president biden's performance and anyone saying he did a good job is delusional. this is going to be solely up to president biden because he owns the delegates and he will decide whether he will or will not step down. for people like me who are staunch democrats we will back him until he makes the decision. until there is a change. will: when and how that could happen is the great question. who tells him? the answer is nobody right now
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because there's no alternative. it can't be done but we will walk through the mechanics to figure out how it could possibly be done. we are off-the-wall in 30 minutes to explain this chaos. pete: it has to be his wife or his sister valerie. so far none of them. rachel: the supreme court's decision on donald trump's immunity case is expected monday following several big rulings handed down yesterday. will: allowing homeless people to step outside and overturning a ruling that gave the administrator state too much power over businesses. rachel: the supreme court's term going past its june 30th decision deadline as the high court has more decisions on the
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table including the presidential immunity case. will: the biggest want to highlight is to understand the chevron decision. the supreme court rolled back the power of the administrative state. and many called permanent washington or the deep state. it is an endless array, and they write their own laws. empowered by legislative branch, congress goes in and they write the framework of law and outsource the regulation to these agencies. the executive branch supposed to execute the law. that makes it feel like who runs this thing? so many laws and appointed
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people have so much power, they received difference, the supreme court said no more, judges can step in and go you don't have a power, it replaces administrators with judges and i asked a former federal prosecutor ideally what happens is legislature writes the bill. pete: anything could go sideways. something has terrain and the power and scope. rachel: we were talking about it earlier. and they have the expertise. what i like about this, our culture shift in peoples minds when they start to understand these regulators aren't in
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charge, bureaucrats aren't in charge. one of the most eye-opening things, and they don't care what the congressman had to say about certain things or turn over documents or do different things and i will wait it out. they are there permanently and they don't care what elected officials think because they think they are in charge. the mindset might just be the important part. will: if you are a legislator and can't write it, don't. you are over your skis a little bit. don't write a lot if you don't know what it will be. don't outsource your administrative expert. will: rachel: the victims of all this regulation are always the little guy. we will have megan lap, the plaintiff in the supreme
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court's case for seabreeze. will: chevron was the case 40 years ago. pete: the supreme court cases who do you have to think for them? donald trump. if you 're worried about biden, call him ruth biden ginsburg, if ruth bader ginsburg state too long, died in court, trump replaced instead of obama. they will do the same thing, trump, one more justice, make it 7-numtwo. looking at the supreme court as something to be hopeful for, that was not the case ten years ago. every time the rulings came out, there's another one, there's another one. shock to the head. now they are putting things back in place, awesome to see. will: let's talk about some thing is that makes a little bit of sense. the idea you shouldn't have cell phones in schools, pennsylvania has become the
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first state to try locking students phones away. and schools failing to read and write at basic levels, something you hear some kids read that you should not at a higher level than that. from the presidential pennsylvania state senator, it's quickly important to free kids row devices for 6.5 hours. student academic performance and direct correlation. and social media, access, a long quote for common sense. todd: no phones during school. rachel: if they didn't impact that.
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a lot of parents opposed to it. will: my wife said not only is it not unanimous but not what you think it is. it's not as popular as you might think. rachel: my mom never had a deal with these questions but she's impacted by these, mentally trying to wrap her head around school shootings. they were able to contact and that's what my mom thought about. the overall effect is detrimental. >> not everybody is in on this, what am i missing? do you support banning cell
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phones in schools? pete: if you don't, why is that? may be so your kids miss the indoctrination. rachel: take them out of that school better yet. pete: some additional headlines. a new report reveals several celebrity owned bars in nashville cleared of wrongdoing in the death investigation of riley strain. there is no concrete proof they served strain alcohol when visibly intoxicated when he disappeared on march 8th. his body was found two weeks later in a river 8 miles from where he was last seen on the surveillance video, because of death was drowning and alcohol poisoning. new jersey senator bob menon dez's bribery trial will continue monday, cash and gold bars, they are accused of stashing it for political favors.
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and the history of hiding cash. his family and two others not guilty of bribery. and a mother black bear and her cubs clearing out a backyard birdfeeder last week. check this terrifying confrontation between the mama bear and service dog. >> crazy cub! crazy cub! cub! no! pete: the homeowner got within a foot and 1/2 of mama bear, nobody was hurt. with you risk your own life in protection of your dog from a bear? will: i would try to grab the dog.
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any animal. i would shut the door on her too. easier call. but the dog. pete: i actually get it. rachel: my dog is the kind of dog that would think it could take on the bear. there should to yorky mix. i would have to say skippy. will: how have we not lost all the little dogs. they have no sense of size. they should be getting taken out out there, you know what i am saying? they have mamas that pick them up. i've gotta doberman. here comes the little dog. if i let this dog go --
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pete: we have a lot of people protecting you. come on, rachel. you answered all the questions. rachel: a harder turn here, we have concerns, illegal immigrants accused of shooting at police and that illegal admits smuggling guns into nyc shelters includes that. will: brian kilmeade with a look at what's coming up tonight on one nation. brian: saturday. i want you to watch one nation. we have a fantastic lineup. what happened with the debate and where president biden goes from here and china, the threat, douglas murray will be with us and adam tells the truth behind governor newsom, will he be the next democratic nominee? and what's happening with the sopranos and how it would never be aired today and she's leaving california, don't miss
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one nation tonight. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah sure, i'm a paid actor, and this is not a real company, but there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. search talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills you may not have in house. more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now.
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can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. rachel: the illegal immigrant charged with shooting two nypd officers at point blank range indicted on 20 charges.
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he admitted to being in a venezuelan game, smuggling firearms into city shelters in delivery packages so they don't go through metal detectors. the executive director of the center for secure society and visiting fellow. great to have you on today. tell us what the american people should know? >> in 2017, started to spill all over south america and terrorized many countries, they did in chile, peru, colombia, became known for attacking and killing police officers. in 2020-21 got to move north, came to the southern border. one thing that's important to
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understand is the reason they have so much impetus to do these aggressive maneuvers. and transnational, organization, a state-sponsored transaction that gives impetus to do these operations that attack police officers in the coming year. will: they started moving north around 2021. that's when president biden took office. and we talked about this on the show. donald trump spoke about prisons being open in venezuela in particular and being emptied, our intel had to tell what was happening.
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>> the media ridiculed them. and if you pay attention it was obvious the prisoners controlling venezuelan prisons. they actually gave prisons to the prisoners in a system where prisoners are awarded so that system collapsed and prisoners started fleeing the country and pushing more, the intelligence services and other partner nations have information, the us did nothing about it, chose to ignore or wasn't prepared for that kind of onslaught. rachel: i want people to understand how this gang is different from any other gang? are we prepared as americans
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for the kind of havoc they could wreak on america? >> what makes them different is the potential to have support from the venezuelan government. a terrorist group has state sponsorship in iran, everyone knows that and that makes hezbollah more powerful than other terrorist groups. like the transnational organized crime with state sponsorship from the venezuelan regime. rachel: they are incredibly violent and vicious. thank you for joining us. always informative. appreciate it. getting back to soldiers families, weatherman umbrella, selling patriotic umbrella, part of the proceeds going to folds of honor. greg is going to explain. ♪
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pete: our weatherman at fox has a line of umbrellas called weatherman. weatherman has had a line of patriotic umbrellas the gives proceeds to folds of honor. they raised $420,000. rick reichmuth joins me with lieutenant colonel dan rooney and retired u.s. navy petty officer first class michael. it's a beauty this year's umbrella you have. >> we've done clever, abstract.
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and, donated $5, that's how we've gotten to this point of $20,000. this year we sold out of the kids umbrella in an hour. this year at weatherman we launched some shirts expanding out a little bit. it is amazing sun protection donating $5 and folds of honor. it is also going to folds of honor and we've got people -- the name of the performance center working this weekend and we should be able to have first-come first-served, able to get your order in by 4 july. pete: you have a heart of gold
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and gives back with his business and you for seen this, you run folds of honor, talk to us about this. >> i am coming from normandy, france as part of the 80th anniversary of d-day and a lot of people may not know but you stage in the movie saving private ryan, twee hundred 60 men hit the beach in the initial wave on omaha and in 5 minutes they were all but eliminated. we come here to normandy to remember them, that is what the weatherman umbrella team are doing, honoring a sacrifice that embodies the spirit to honor sacrifice to celebrate america and we are so blessed to get the best umbrella in the
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world, you get to say proud to be an american, it fuels your soul. everyone should point what the spirit of freedom looks like here. will: the lives of your family, weatherman umbrella, served for 9 hours in december 2006 on your ship, the boiler exploded. you had burns on 50% of your body, change your life. talk to us about that impact. >> my family and i were in the dark place. our family was going downhill, we decided education was going to be our thing where we focused on kids and we took the decision of putting them in a
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private institution, transitioning active-duty, hitting us financially and where incident sure how we would get this promise made to our kids and she brought it back to us. we've been scholarship recipients ever since and changed the trajectory of our family's life. i'm thankful that folds of honor exists. pete: how do you do this? you've got a full-time job and run this company. >> i'm a ceo, we do this every day working to make this get ready for this day. and that is what i love about it. we have international shipping. a lot of americans overseas have this and as of yesterday,
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40 countries. you can also get this out to you. we didn't order a ton of these shirts. it's a new thing. brian: thank you for your service, god bless your family and the intentionality, no better cause than what happens, great to see you. congratulations. get it now so when you hit the beach, you show your love of country and giving $5 to a family. thank you. democrats in the media in panic mode over biden's performance. what would a biden replacement look like? a backup plan next.
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>> president biden: i don't debate as well as i used to, but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. [cheers and applause] pete: president biden reacting to his performance.
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>> trillion areas in america, i mean billionaires. housing for americans with the covid, excuse me, dealing with everything we have to do with, look, the total ban, the total initiative relative to what we are going to do with border patrol. >> i really don't know what he said at the end of the sentence. i don't think he knows what he said either. will: president biden saying he is not dropping out. he is committed to a second debate in the september. that didn't stop some democrats, looking for a fallback plan. we will show you what it would look like if they through that hail mary. how the liberal media couldn't ignore that performance. pete: it was instantaneous. moments after the debate you turn the channel, click online
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and it was clear it was a terrible night. will: president biden should leave the race, political, wtf, panicked dems look for alternatives. will: he's a good man but must bow out. no denying democrats need a plan b but they need a plan b, the question is do they have one? so far they don't. here's the media, the television version playing that out. >> didn't do well at all. >> a disastrous night for the biden camp lane. >> maybe he needs to go. he could bow out at this time with grace and dignity. >> discombobulated answers and so on, was like a worst nightmare scenario. brian: pete: former top advisor to obama. pete: where do you go and how
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do you go? let's talk the process, open conventions. what is an open convention? it would take place theoretically if biden bowed out. at that point, any eligible candidate could try for the bid. it would be very important if biden endorsed, gave his delegates who are pledged to president biden to candidate x. will: he would have to release his delegates and move to someone everyone can agree on. that's part of a problem. there isn't consensus. what you could get is absolute chaos and we've seen that before. will: in 1952 you had an open convention. there was no candidate that won the primaries.
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and they ended up picking it for several rounds. advice stevenson was the nominee. pete: it's been a close to election day but he came out the next day fire we saying i'm not dropping out. i'm going to the next debate in september. will: easier said than done. >> they can't run kamala harris. they are in a real bind. i don't see any magic fix. i don't think there's a superhero that can parachute into the convention and save him from what is coming. pete: of kamala harris was a plausible alternative this would be an easy conversation. it is chaos. we spoke with jason chafer it's, this will be driven by a
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lot of factors, heavily by the rules within states but here's the rules within the democratic national committee. the dnc rules say in the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee or party for president or vice president after the adjournment of the national convention, the national chairperson shall confirm leadership in the united states congress and the governors association and report back who then is authorized to fill the vacancy. if biden bowed out in open convention but what he hangs on until after the convention? pete: robert will.out there isn't that smoke-filled room. tough to get consensus. they would have to throw biden,
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and at that moment it is getting late. will: of someone is resulting in an open convention, what if something happens after the convention there's another step, what if something happens after ballots are printed? this is not absurd, something anyone who was prudent would be planning for especially in the dnc, the same nomination procedure as before, the dnc voters would be informed the ballot says biden, you are voting for someone else. pete: in our process, the electoral college elects the president. if that happens, the electors that go to washington dc even though they are biden delegates -- will: biden votes.
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pete: they are casting a vote for gavin newsom. pete: they are talking protection for democracy. i know you are voting for biden but you are really voting for someone else. not as easy as it sounds on television. this is likely to end up -- pete: adds up to a they are saying we are staying in. the alternative is sheer chaos. the last slide of who might be waiting in the wings, the first black female president, would be historic. will: trump up 10 points. gavin newsom the latest polling something like 17 points. pete: it's not going to happen. if you're confused you are confused, we are confused.
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will is self-conscious about his suit and how it fits. i think it looks real nice. it looks good. will: next thing you know i'm going to have, you know. more "fox and friends" in just a moment. ♪
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rachel: you are looking to have the most patriotic party on the block. >> so good to see you guys and we are having fun. what you want to do if you are hosting a party, make sure you are setting up outdoor games and these are traditional games but they have a patriotic twist. you see corn hole, stars and stripes. i don't know if you could do that. they call it that. they call it pond. it is just like that. >> that will be tough.
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a little too hard. you can pick those up. this is nice and entertains a. when you are having a party. do you want to eat? let's talk about this. over here what i have done if you are hosting and want to have a really beautiful board, red, white and blue, how do you make a cheese board, we talk about it after the break, you get some blue chips. we are going to come back. will: we will be right back on fox news. ile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product.
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rachel: it's the 9 a.m. hour of


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