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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  June 29, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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too hard or make them emotionally upset if you are rewarded by being emotionally upset and too hard to not go to the comment section that's a worse place you can go if you don't feel upset stay out of the comments section. quick to find it disturbing that information coming and it's like you look at a headline and go somewhere a bunch of random strangers on the internet are telling you what to think. >> it is pretty scary this is how they are forming their decision the comment section yikes brickwork social music a provimusicaprovider of news fort generation. it's a conversation room maybe they see a group like this just talk it on internet progress just watch fox news. >> it does it for us will see you tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. for the big weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. a lot going on in this country. tomorrow night and going to address in some detail the decisions that came out from the supreme court on friday we will address with our great guest brett tolman. but i want to talk about two things right now this a debate sort of crystallized things for us. that media and the first lady. that media have been lying to the american people in the horrendous wait for four years or more about joe biden. donald trump at eight fabulous debate, fabulous. he was on message. he was clear. he was concise. he told you what he thought. he told you where he would go. joe biden, the minute he walked onto that stage was horrendous.
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not because of anything he could have changed. but, because of what he has come. that media have covered up for joe biden in the democrat party and jill biden now for over four years. a steady relentless ubiquitous campaign anybody who dared to raise questions about this was attacked. it is hard to believe a wife would allow a husband to go through this. it is hard to believe eight white house staff, his spokeswoman and others would allow this. it's hard to believe 18 people are holed up with biden at camp david for a week did not see what we saw. the media gnosis, hakeem jeffrey sodas, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi don't comment bernie sanders is a but they've like to we the people. they have lied i did a few show a few weeks ago explain this in
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his the fifth stage of seven stages of dementia. we have nbc news of biden's memory issues draw attention and way and the neurologist are saying things nbc wants him to say it wishes not remembering names and things like that is typical with old age. but now the media biden must drop out here is how democrats can replace him on the ticket they have three ideas. politico, here's how democrats could replace biden. they have a few ideas here we have congressional research service from 2020 talking about secession and all the rest of it. the only way joe biden leaves, given the time right now to the convention is if he decides not to run. that he can stay in the presidency but announce he's not going to run and then at the convention the delegates are free to select another candidate. but let me be abundantly clear about this. if joe biden is not the nominee
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of the democrat party that means all of those people who voted in all of those states and all those primaries will have been disenfranchised. because of biden, his family comes inner circle, the democrats in the media, and the media allowed us to reach this point. it is diabolical. we have never seen anything like this in american history ever. and so i want to talk about the press and then i want to talk about mrs. biden wrote in unfreedom of the press those entrusted with news reporting in the modern media are destroying freedom of the press from within that government oppression or suppression but not president donald trump's finger-pointing that present-day newsrooms and journalists invade social activism, progressivism democrat party partnership opinion and propaganda, passed off as news the staging of pseudo- event and censorship by omission outright falsehoods too often substituting for old-fashioned
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objective fact gathering and news reporting. the media knew exactly what was going on, all of them. you have a former press secretary she is on msnbc. she has been cover is been coved boss. you stop perpetuating a reinforcing mindset has replace independent and impartial thinking and the american people know it. thus the credibility of the mass media has never been lower fares remembering the purpose of a free press like the purpose of free speech is to nurture the mind, communicate ideas, challenge ideology, share notions. inspire creativity advocate reinforce america's founding principles. that is to contribute to a vigorous productive healthy and happy individual into a well-functioning civil society and republican. mormoreover that media are to expose actions aimed at squelching speech and communication. when that mediate function as a propaganda tool for single political party and ideology
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they not only destroy their own purpose but threaten the existence of a free republic. now, this is not a mistake. this is an ideology that pervades the modern america media is one being taught in our journalism schools. i will give a perfect example of this because i write in a growing number of circles that ideological mission of news organizations and journalists is no longer subterranean the advocacy are open and unambiguous. new york university professor jay rosen is a leading voice in the idea of so-called public or civic journalism. that is the purpose driven community-based social activism journalism movement spreading throughout america's newsrooms for the last several decades. a harsh critic of then candidate donald trump rowe sent wrote in the "washington post" imagine a candidate wants to increase public confusion about where he stands on things so that voters give up on trying to stay informed and instead but with
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the raw emotions. under those conditions this asking were to shoot stance of the goals of journalism or does it enlist the interviewer and the candidates chaotic plan? i know what you are thinking he writes. what do you want to see you, journalist stop covejournalistsa major party candidate for president would be irresponsible. true but this reaction he wrote short circuits intelligent debate beneath every common practice in election coverage there are premises about how candidates will behave and want you to ask do these still apply? trump is not behaving like a normal kid he's hectic and unbound what an responsive journalists have to become less and predictable themselves they have to come up with novel responses where they have to do things they have never done. they may even have to shock us. they may need to collaborate across news and brands in ways they have never known. they may have to call trump out with a forcefulness unseen before than they may have to risk the breakdown of the quorum and interviews endure
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excruciating awkwardness. hardest of all, they will have to explain to the public that trump is a special case in the normal rules do not apply. this is what's being taught in journalism school. those in that mediate those who have not gone to journalism school most are democrats the overwhelming majority. so we do not get the truth. and so we see on msnbc right before the debate mocking people who are criticizing biden, pushing the biden white house line throughout msnbc cnn, throughout the media except here. the clips of joe biden awkward walking the clips of his stunned silence the clips of a man who is suffering from dementia. we are told your eyes are lying in your hearing is lying in a stait isit right wing propaganda operation. that media have to be held to account. i am not saying the government
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steps in. but that mediate corporations the boards of directors the executives, the investors need to start to hold these employees to account. these decisions to accounts they are destroying our country. we need a real freak press. we do not have and we have a guard for the democrat party, big government and biden and now they are thinking we've got to stop trump with a dump biden. and so they are prepared to disenfranchised every single motor up to now in the democrat primaries. that is their answer biden announce you're not going to run stay on as president the decision will be made at the convention by all of the elites. by washington, it may be filled at newsom. newsom is a liar but he has traveled the country saying joe biden as sharp as a tack cap of the governor of michigan? she has been lying through her teeth. everybody needs to be held to
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account politically here and that is anybody who lied to us about joe biden's competence, lied to us because they wanted to get him elected and endanger our country. joe biden is a danger to america. i talked the other night about the 25th amendment is a dead letter. because harris is not going to trigger it the cap net is not interested. the praetorian cabin at the praetorian vice president they are all protecting biden from whom? from us. from the american people this is a disgrace it is a complete breakdown of the press a complete breakdown of the democrat party. the democrat party was to win at all costs it will try to put trump in prison they do not care. they do not care they will change the election also get rid of the electoral college they will push through joe biden who does not have his wits. they do not care because they will get their policies through the bernie sanders policies the radical left marxist policy
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because joe biden is not running the place i want to remind you biden has 3894 or 99% of the pledged dnc delegates. unless he agrees not to run i really do not think is going to happen. and that said if he decides not to run that means democrat primary process was a fraud and a fake from beginning to end. the disenfranchisement of all of those voters will be the greatest voter suppression and repression in american history. now i ask myself, i've asked my wife, i asked you folks a month ago limited my program on joe biden and his dementia, what is with joe biden? even after the debate she went on the stage and help joe off. she knows joe intimately. she knows what he can and cannot do. even in their most intimate circumstances.
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she knows he is not fit to be president of the united states. she knows all of these things but jill biden has always wanted to be firstly just as joe was always wanted to be president xi likes the power. as uncomfortable as it may be to look at jill biden, what is driving her? i decided let's take a look at edith wilson, who is that? she was the second wife of president woodrow wilson and she married him about four years for kate before he became president of the united states let me tell you a little bit about edith wilson from our friends at thought despite already being in poor health and against the advice of his doctors president wilson acroscrossed the nation by train the fall of 1919 and it was. campaign to win support for his league of nation planned the nation of postwar desire for international isolationism he enjoyed little success was rushed back to washington after collapsing from physical
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exhaustion. wilson never fully recovered finally suffered a massive stroke on october 2 , 19 he had been very frail up to that point. a massive stroke utterly incapacitated. edith his wife immediately began making decisions after consulting with the president's doctor, she refused to make her husband resign allow the vice president to take over. said edith began what she would later call her one year five month long stewardship of the presidency. 1939 autobiography mrs. wilson wrote quote so began my stewardship i studied ever paper sent from different secretaries or senators trying to digest and present a tabloid form the forms despite my vigilance had to go to the press i myself never made a single decision regarding the disposition of public affairs, the only decision that was mind wminedwas what was important tot was not there very important decision of when to present matters to my husband he asked thousands of questions and
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insisted upon knowing everything particular about the treaty of her sod. it goes further edith started her presidential stewardship by trying to hide the seriousness of her partially paralyzed from the cabinet and public bulletins either written or proof approved by her she stated the president wilson really needed recipe conducting business from his bedroom. cabinet members were not allowed to talk to the president without edith's approval. she intercepted and screened all material. she deemed them important enough edith would take them into her husband's bedroom whether the decision coming from the better have bbedroomhave been made by t or edith was not known at the time. after studying the proceedings the wilson administration over the years historians have concluded edith wilson's role during her husband's illness went beyond mere stewardship instead she essentially served as a president of the united states until woodrow wilson second term concluded in march
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of 1921. i will ask the question, i ask a lot of questions on this part of other people do not ask. it turns out that they are the right questions. was a jil it jill biden the newh wilson? somebody is. these decisions the coalescing of the policy issues, the executive orders, there are invisible hands in this administration a bureau of advisers and staff. but in the end a person wi the h the most influence in this white house is jill biden. and so we have a right to ask, not wait for historians we have a right to ask today, jill biden, what exactly is your role in this white house? because i think most wives would say to a husband that is suffering as joe biden is from
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stage a five out of seven sages heading to stage six quickly of dementia, honey i don't think you should humility or self any further. the family and i have talked and you should not be running for reelection. instead she is part of the cover-up operation. she is part of the cover-up operation, what exactly she covering up? and finally on this point let me say something you in the media must hate this country beyond our imagination. you have known what is going on you and the democrat party, the leadership, the activists, you know what has been going on to you people in the white house 18 so-called debate experts hold up with joe biden at camp david for a week, who do you think you are deceiving america? hoping you could get this man through the debate knowing he does not have the sense to be
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president of the united states. power is a power that important to you? apparently so. it is not just joe biden who is the problem. it is everybody and anybody up to this point who has done everything they can to deceive the american people including the attorney general of the united states who refused to release the audio of his interviews with special counsel because he knows what is on that audio when he kno and he knows e american people would think cover-up reaches the bowels of the department of justice and not just the department of justice. every cabinet secretary, every director of every bureaucracy. it is a disgrace. i will be right back. happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury.
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cnn, nbc, and the others attacking this network and others for playing clips on edited of the event taking place regarding joe biden. then you have quite a phony experts like urologists and others think what's a problem when you make of this? >> what's as you saw the debate in progress, you sensed that the left was collapsing, and shock at what they were looking at. but conservatives were concerned. conservatives are pointing at the sink this is what we have been saying all along about this man. he is old, he is feeble, he is falling apart and he should not be president and leader of the free world. that media are now in a panic because everything they thought about him, everything they were saying about him was false. mark: on me ask you this a
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number of people have raised this with me which is this. many and that democrat party did not say it openly but they wanted to replace it biden. invited. now they see their opportunity to move him out and move someone else and who is younger, more charismatic, more dynamic as their only chance of defeating donald trump and this is the opportunity to do it without the benefit of the voter at the convention. that is what they're going to try to do. use the slate is talking about that. politico is talking about that. a lot of democrat operatives are talking about it. do you think i'm the one hand they were doing a fan dance lying about biden hoping they could push the him through but n the end they had plan b ready which was we will defy the primary voters. but we will do now is try to clean this up. pressure biden, pressure it jill biden. pressure the white house he could be president until the end of the term but he has to announce he's not running so we can fix this. >> i think at the very least
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they reach that conclusion after the debates. whether they had that idea in the first place i do not know. but here's someth here is sometg interesting, mark. where did you hear the words harris during the analysis, after the debates. debate.we saw one mention of hee network all night long she is the hand grenade in this whole thing and they know it because if she, if biden agrees to step aside and harass as i am not stepping aside it is my turn to be president. nobody wants that on the left. but here's what happened what will happen she will say okay i will go home and take my toys with me. her toys are the black vote and without the black vote democrats cannot win. they know the pickle they are in. they are casting about for any candidate they could find,
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newsom et cetera. but they all know they have got kamala harris will be a huge problem. she got no airtime during the debates i think for that reason. mark: the problem for me and all in allof this is newsom was a lr about many things but about biden he would go around in his debates with governor desantis he kept talking about how biden is sharp as a tack in fact even up to the debate same thing i'm fully behind him. i am not running he is competent as can be we have nancy pelosi who led like a rug about joe biden we have had a on one persn after another in the inner circle in the democrat party, in that media lying about this. so to meet these people need be held to account not by the government held two accounts of anyone involved in this massive cover-up seems to me they should not be potential presidential
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candidates. number two that media corporations you to clean up their act and this has to come from the top down the corporations, the board of directors, the investors and so forth. this is a huge problem they tried to push this guy through and everybody knew it was not a partisan leftist and eight democrats this guy is a danger for america. >> i found this striking in the postdebate analysis how many of u20 say democrats how many of these media types were talking about the phone calls they have been receiving during the debate and after the debate from democratic leaders and democrats were saying biden has got to come off the ticket. these are democratic candidates who were spitting against him they know they are spinning against them they reported that spin. they are spinning for the future potential democratic candidates.
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mark: you underscore a very impt points democrat party, members of congress and so forth: the report is that msnbc and cnn meaning they have a long time relationship with these people in the democrat party. and they work hand in glove they are the propaganda for the democrat party for i but much mn this and we return. we will be right back. the cockroach. resilient creatures. true miracles of evolution. where there is one, others aren't far behind. always scavenging for food, the cockroach...
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i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: welcome back america. i do not think enough is being set about donsaid about donald s performance either. he was cool, he was direct, he was on message. he got the points out. he hammered away over and over again with immigration no matter how many liberal questions he got. he focused on the economy he's got his message out and he compared the two that media have
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been trying to say donald trump is only two years younger than joe biden for it donald trump look 30 years younger than joe biden. he was absolutely on his game that also helped expose biden who came up on the stage, was very frail and there was a very strong, confident, former president who knew what he wanted to talk about and talked about it pretty easily. >> go back to the first debate in 2020 were donald trump was so dismissive of the need to prepare he said i'm going to do a rally somewhere. and he got trounced in the second debate he did much better he probably won o one on pointsn that debate. in the debate just concluded he clobbered joe biden not just because joe biden was so terrible but because he was so good. he was well-prepared.
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kudos for those people who like donald trump give applause to whoever was helping him and coaching him and preparing him because he was all of those things but the best thing was he was a presidential. he did not go off message. he stayed on point here's something interesting. the questions were completely skewed against him. we counted 22 questions of which eight were neutral, the rest were 11 coming from the perspective of the left the questions the left wanted to ask for it only three came from the perspective of the right questions the right ones had asked it. and yet, with the fort -- one disparity against him he did well. mark: just as a fine point no one prepared if he prepares himself that's the way it goes. now that said you make a very important point people are praising the two so-called
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moderators. not me i kept listening to the questions they were costly how are you going to expand the welfare state? or how are you going to subsidize this group or how come you don't provide more money for this over here? after they just asked a question about debt what you wednesday about the debt? i thought it was absolutely incoherent. and keep in mind brent bozell the stage, the auditorium, cnn, all of this was determined by joe biden. they did the very best they could to create a padded cell for joe biden and he still failed. let me ask you this what you think the democrats are going to do now? they are in a very difficult position. >> they want to start over of this whole campaign. the underlying point during the debate analysis was not justified and looked so terrible buthat he looked so terrible
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compared to trump and trump could witness campaign so what is going to happen? if i did for us to step aside and someone like newsom comes they are going to treat him just as they treated barack obama in 2008 he is going to be the second coming of jesus christ. there will be no negative analysis of newsom's record and the train wreck that is california. nothing like that will happen. what will happen is he is the great new phase of the democratic party. he is the guy who's going to turn everything around just watch they're going to put rose petals in front of him. >> the same media that is in the tank for the radical left of the democrat party they will happily move over too newsom or someone like that and do the same thing that is lie about his record, cover up his problems, promote him as you say is the second
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coming and try to push them across the finish line because the media are corrupt, debate or note debate pre-debate or post debate any final words? >> this is their candidate. joe biden is their candidate. they know their candidate has collapsed so now they need a new candidate. when they talk about democrats are calling them and saying this they are hearing this from these people, this is them talking to each other. this is their candidate. so biden steps aside and they get a new candidate they are not going to be reporting the excitement of the democratic base. they are going to be talking about the excitement that they have as far left democrats they have a new leader. mark: very well said brent bozell thank you my friend
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mark: welcome back america we are here is our friend brent bozell former u.s. attorney and brilliant lawyer brett tolman. on tomorrow night's program will spend the monologue dealing with these cases that came out on friday in more detail. but we have two big cases here. one is called fisher versus the united states another is called loper bright enterprise versus raimondo secretary of commerce. firsfor someone to talk to you t the fisher case this is the obstruction count 15 -- 12 the enron obstruction statute. and in its decision the court says the sarbanes-oxley act of 2002 imposes criminal liability on anyone who corruptly quote alters, destroys, mutilates or conceals a record, document or other object or attempts to do so with the intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding. this law was passed after the
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enron folks or destroying documents because they new at some point congress would want to have a hearing and gather the documents they said we have to deal with that. the courts had to prove a violation the government must establish the defendant impair the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects or other things used in an official proceeding or attempted to do so. now, it has been my argument from the beginning that here we have jack smith who is known to take these laws and rewrite them. it was known to push the edge of the envelope on all of these laws. he takes his obstruction statute that had absolutely nothing to do with what took place on january 6. he applies as its rubber sent by the district court in washington d.c. it is rubberstamped by a panel in the circuit court in d.c. with two biden appointees. i said it does not matter the law it says what it says it has no application to this. what is your thinking?
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>> lexmark it was an impressive decision in a number of ways. you might have expected we were going to divide on the supreme court conservative and progressive but it didn't. i was very surprised to see the makeup of the injustices on this case but at its heart, and the guts they generate six prosecution and it got jack smith piggybacking off of the many, many generally six thirds that was charged with obstructing an official proceeding and remember jack smith charge two counts of the four against donald trump. related to this statute. so immediately the heart of the case against donald trump is absolutely guided by the supreme court's doing what it should have been doing which is treating the sarbanes-oxley enron statute basically honestly and looking at what it was intended for. jack smith took the catch all at
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the very end of that statute that says or otherwise interfered with an official proceeding and tried to argue that word alone was going to allow him to manipulate the statute in charge donald trump with conspiracy to disrupt an official proceeding and actually obstructing official proceeding. it was shocking when it happened it is rewarding to see the supreme court issue this ruling. mark: here is the thing brett tolman, you charge a former president or a candidate for president in both cases, donald trump, you do not push the edge of a statute to try and make new law. to try and indict a donald trump. if you are going to do anything operate in the four corners of the law but he does not do this. that is why we have cases going to the supreme court and the circuit courts and shame on the lower courts and the appellate
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court in washington d.c. for not taking care of this. it's a black letter statue it is black letter law. >> you are right it reminds me though of where we really are right now in this country the use and abuse of the criminal law. we have prosecutors who have no fear of accountability. they have no fear of d.o.j. coming after them or requiring honesty. immunity doctrine is developed so much to protect these prosecutors that when they want to, they can abuse the system we saw immediately what happened right after joe biden says we are going to prevent donald trump from running we are going to use every legal means to do so what happened? cases popped up all over the country. you had manipulation in georgia, new york and by jack smith. mark: to your point on the justices is -- three justice
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jackson joined the majority justice barrett wrote the opinion for the dissent. keep an eye on barrett i think she has gone haywire and i don't think she is coming back. we will be right back.
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mark: welcome back america. the huge case i was under the radar, so much so i called my friends at fox and other places and said you are not paying attention to this case. versus the secretary of commerce it is a massively important case full disclosure at landmark legal foundation which i am chairman filed in this case as well. and what you have here is basically a case called chevron from 1984 in which the court deferred judicial review to the bureaucracy. so basically the bureaucracy issues the regulation, and forces the regulation and adjudicates and disputes in the regulation you can see with the climate change issue of the automobiles and everything else the bureaucracy does more legislating than congress it is completely out of control this is a big decision that basically
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says we overrule ourselves. we were wrong and now we fixed it. to get to the specifics it says the administrative procedure act requires courts to exercise their independent judgment. deciding whether an agency has acted within the statutory and courts may not defer to an agency, interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous. chevron is overruled. article three of the constitution assigned to the federal judiciary the responsibility and power to adjudicate cases and controversies. concrete disputes with consequences for the parties involved. boom. what he think of that? lexus is the biggest decision the court has put out. not only reverses the 40 past years of terrible adjudication giving a massive amount of power to the bureaucrats. in my opinion this is the thing the guts the swamp.
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the regulatory administrative state we are starting to see grow and fester its absolute power being reined in. what i mean by that this is an instance in which the government makes the rule the judge's hands were being tied to make sure they were enforcing them impartially and fairly. now we go back to judges reviewing the government and acting properly under the statute that puts him in the same position as citizens of this country. >> the point is as you point out as a practical matter your business is being regulated by agency x. regulations are being enforced by agency x to state wait a minute you're not doing it fairly agency x get to decide whether the doing it fairly or not there is no judicial review. which is so perverse.
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and the left in the bureaucracy are going and nuts th nuts theyl this concentrated power and now they don't go ahead with that is exactly right. it has also been a massive weight for these bureaucracy these agencies to stack the deck in their favor but they take a massive amounts of money from these companies when they come in. they get to take the money first if they do not have to answer for it. they are seizing assets, they are shutting down companies, they are controlling all of the ability in a limit in a company's and they should be allowed to fight. it is shocking but remember we went from a few thousand statutes in reagan's era to over 350,000 regulatory statutes on the books. so many so we are not sure exactly how many that is how bad it is. mark: that is a great point we do not know how many regulations are in this country we do not
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know how many regulations of strict reliability we do not know how many carry criminal penalties in this country. and so that is a huge problem. so government by leviathan invite bureaucracy by administrative state the way joe biden right now is ruling this country through executive orders and regulations a supreme court said we have got to get back to small art republicanism now if you have a complaint you bring it to the court you do not bring it to the same body that is involved in imposing its will on you. thank you so much brett tolman you're always greatly if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness,
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welcome back, america. the democrat party and media created a huge problem for the democrat party and the media. that is, if they do pressure joe biden and decides he will not run for reelection, you're going
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to have tens of millions of voters voted in democratic primaries are going to be disenfranchised. we will have a couple effectively in chicago who will pointer nominee and they are going to do this likely or perhaps because they lied, concealed, they deceived for the last four years to the primary process to install joe biden who they knew was not coveted to be president but what's the bottom line? if they love america, they never would have done this you cannot have a man who does not have his wits as president of the united states of all the issues we face here and abroad. what a disgrace. life, liberty and live in. ♪


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