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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  June 30, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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because he's so depressed. [laughter] >> he can't wear yellow. >> he's going to a political funeral at the white house tomorrow. i can't have them bring it back to philly because he'll get robbed. kennedy retains the jacket. you are still on top. thanks for watching fox news saturday night. 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday here on fox news and do not forget to follow us on social media at fn saturday night. tickets on sale at fox across you can listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern. good night. i am jimmy faill
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>> i'm katie pavlich along with mollie, jason chaffetz and welcome to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight. democrats in a frenzy to replace president biden after his disastrous debate performance. biden allies and biden couldn't quote concerns about his age. the party is scrambling. >> with covid -- dealing with everything we have to do with -- look, if we finally be medicare -- met there are three years apart, they seemed about 30 years apart tonight. >> the impact on the choice black families have to make relative to childcare. >> that was painful. i love joe biden, i worked for
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joe biden. he didn't do well at all. he didn't do well at all. >> for example, we have 1000 truly nurse in america. i mean, billionaires. >> blame it on a cold, blame it on his stuttering, over preparation. whatever he did lose. maybe he needs to go. >> pretty brutal. democrats are taking a look at my profile bunch of leftists to find an alternate candidate if they can convince biden to step down. fox news correspondent christina coleman explains. >> after president joe biden was held up on the debate stage after his rough performance, names are loaded as possible replacement. let's start off with the democrat who put himself on the national stage in a big way. california governor gavin news newsom, conservatives can easily slammed him over high taxes, chronic homelessness and crime in california.
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this man stays in front of the cameras. political analysts believe he's been running a shadow campaign, the name that's got a lot of buzz is the second term government, both chambers of the state legislature with light for abortion rights, key issue among democrats. this election season. in addition to a swing state, michigan is home to one of the largest muslim arab american communities in the u.s. so having the presidential ticket might help with voters stop supporting biden over the war in gaza. we can't go without mentioning former first lady michelle obama and vice president kamala harris. both are very popular among democrats and washington post included them in a list of potential biden replacement in addition to democrat josh shapiro who one solid victory for ownership in 2022 and pennsylvania. a purple state which is critical for the democrats hopes of winning the white house this november. >> thanks. according to new polling, 60% of
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all voters who watch his disastrous debate biden should definitely or probably be replaced with the democrat nominee and that includes half of the democrats who watch. someone in the spin room and out the debate for governor gavin newsom in california and he was asked directly about whether they should abandon biden and this is what he had to say. >> you support the idea? >> i will never turn my back on president biden. never turn my back, i don't know but democrat and my party that would do so especially after tonight. we have his back and we are all in. we are going to double down the next few months and win this election. >> few democrat turned their back but in the white house not doing that, anita dunn had this to say about the path forward. >> the conversation we had is
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okay, what do we do next? one thing we are about it's okay, barack obama said that debates happen, we had a bad debate, what do we do next? the president of all is focused on what do we do next? what do i need to go do? think we saw in north carolina, he knew exactly what he needs to do yesterday. >> the question everyone wanted to know, is it happening? if so, how could it happen? it's not very simple. >> i think they are right, they have to come up with a new candidate because joe biden can't get through the next four months let alone another four years but elections are not run by the democratic party. they are not run by the federal government. elections are run by state and each state has its own tattoo. you can't just going and replace one and say joe had a bad debate and he's failing so we will put in gretchen or gavin or kamala.
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that doesn't work that way. many of these deadlines have come and gone. you cannot do this sort of death in most states you cannot actually replace somebody on the ballot. ask rfk junior, he can't get on the ballot so they think they can come up with a new name in august, they have another thing coming, they will be ingrained in these lawsuits because you cannot simply make that change. >> democrats do that to themselves? like they've had this for months and they've highlighted during the debate but they didn't have a primary purpose so here they are. >> they lied and lied some more. the nerve of gavin newsom and when i see him he reminds me of a super villain in the cartoon and pushes his grandmother down the stairs if they didn't get a boat. got to tell you, they can't replace him because laces like wisconsin and nevada it started too late, there's only a few weeks so not much they can do you got people like barack obama
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and bill clinton said he's going to be in there so they will stand behind him because they will have no choice despite the fact what he's doing to the country not being capable governing for the next four months. that's the bigger issue, what's going on today, not even election at this time. >> while a number of these big democrats and the party including the former president are behind the biden, lots of members of the coalition in terms of media and activists calling for biden to step down including new york times, not that calls for him to leave the race is to serve his country president biden should leave the race. another one calls on biden, the clearest path for democrat declined by his lies talking about trump is deal truthfully for the american public in the knowledge mr. biden can't continue his raise and create a process to select someone more capable to stand up his pace to
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defeat mr. trump in november. this is what they are dealing with. >> this is possibly something that will just make biden digging his heels even more in pushback about the naysayers in great points the democrats have known what they have been doing. we are not seeing the number of press conferences from this president, we seen from prior president so he will begin his heels. as far as another candidate stepping in or taking over, there's that because newsom sa said. i never imagined. [laughter] the other thing is hold steady, keep to this candidate and ultimately end up with the president kamala harris if not physically occurring over the course of aging presidency and build her up and that's a challenge the democrat party is
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facing, they don't have this deep bench of younger democrats coming up and it would give a chance to build her up along the way. >> the vice president which can create a problem if they were to try to move forward but biden is moving on his campaign is moving on attending events in new york and new jersey this weekend in hopes of quieting postdebate panic and thus he campaigned at the hamptons elite, biden doubled down against naysayers telling the crowd i didn't have a great night but neither did trump. i still believe this nation is honest and decent, donald trump will destroy democracy, i will defend it. i promise you we are going to win this election. it is a similar message to his rally in north carolina yesterday with the commander-in-chief admitted to voters he doesn't debate like he used to or vowing to stay in the 2024 race. fox news correspondent madeline
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rivera is at the white house with more. >> the president's aides admit he had a night but insist the what was, at that night. a snapshot in the run up to november and today they are focusing on moving forward. satellite the president tried to soothe concerns of donors in new york and new jersey trying to pivot to put the focus on former president trump in the 50 lies they say he told on the debate stage. here's what the president said a campaign event in north carolina friday. >> i don't speak as smoothly as i used to. i don't debate as well as i used to but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. >> the president had to be fact checked, his claim on no military death under his leadership which is untrue. thirteen service members at the airport during the withdrawal of afghanistan in august of 2021 and three service members who
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died from a drone attack in jordan in january. >> biden lived along his campaign stops former president trump taking a victory lap after rallying thousands of supporters in virginia friday touting his win against biden thursday nig night. >> we had a big victory against a man that is looking to destroy our country. he's the worst, the most corru corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country. joe biden policies are causing americans to client out of level we've never seen before. >> despite continuous claims, a new poll reveals swing state voters trust former president trump with our democracy over biden so investing so much capital in this democracy argument in trump is on that where it matters think about what the democrats are talking about, bypass everybody who voted in the primary in the caucus and they want to have
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super elite team somebody else the candidate so how ironic. >> the entire story, the fact is, they say when the "wall street journal" piece, he is not like he used to be, he's having issues in the white house says that isn't true and we found out they lied and lied some more so that's what we see. >> if they continue that narrative, they aren't admitting sorry, the white house have been reading you telling you behind the scenes he's exhausted because of his energy. they are continuing that he's fine. we can all see that's not the case. >> i've found it interesting that trump is seen as the guy that is attacking democracy over biden because they made it a big part of the campaign. when he spoke in january it was like whether democracy is still america's sacred cause is the urgent question, the 2024 election is all about and we see
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poll numbers and it's one work check on the box that they should be concerned about beyond these of the things your thing your building this on is a problem and the polling shows swing states like georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania, wisconsin it's a problem. >> thursday was a seismic shift but it does seemed like instead of talking about the issues facing americans and policy decisions made by democrat with joe biden we are talking what he's capable to even finish his current term. >> it really is the policies for joe biden has been losing in the past immigration, safety, security, overseas -- he still can't tell me, what is joe biden's plan to tackle inflation? he doesn't have one so the got to bypass the issue problems because of the problems about his ability to just speak. it makes you mad because he still the president of the united states and vulnerability
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for our country and shame on the media, they should have been asking those questions and joe biden, she likes being the president, she really does. >> they've covered up what's happening but we have five months until election and it's going to be fun we have more fun here on the show so coming up, the "big weekend show". >> you did such a great job, you answered every question. [cheering] >> the media wants doctor biden to make house call after her husband's debate disaster and u.s. soccer star lindsay makes the patriot pledge before request for gold at the paris games plus america's latest pet peeve revealed. don't go anywhere. ♪
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(birds chirping) well this isn't gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this... will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart.
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid.
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♪ nice shot, you can't go wrong selling honolulu, hawaii.
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welcome back. violent crime involving migrants overshadowing. border patrol endorsed my position. so many young women have been included, the young woman was murdered. went to the funeral. an idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in. as the deal, there's a lot of women raped by their and loss, spouses, brothers and sisters it is ridiculous. >> former president trump double down against biden's basis door claims today untruth social saying brandon judd and border patrol are angry crooked joe biden insinuated during the debate the border patrol may
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support the man whose the worst president in the history of the united states. put out a statement that like all other law enforcement, they are with donald j trump all the way and i'm with them. i follow the immigration situation closely to say that the border patrol supports, i can't think of a single border patrol agent that supports joe biden. >> for good reason. they've been overwhelmed, they don't have the resources they need. they've given resources to other federal agencies like the irs versus the border patrol which we know folks coming across the border, many are taken innocent lives like donald trump said yesterday in the last two weeks we had a 14-year-old kidnapped by five migrants. we had in new york city between rape and murder, new york city recently albany and syracuse, houston for migrants of common and they are really committing crimes. some i saw recently where one
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was in trial and he said we shoot at the police in my country. these are the things we do so they are bringing the same values to america. we should be about law and order with this president has been more favorable to the cartels than american citizens. what about 12-year-old girls being kidnapped? it's awful but this is where we are and that's why we need to change. >> president biden took eight days 16 advisors. they had to know the immigration question was coming and this is what he comes up with? >> i thought it was a strange way to answer the question mostly because he saying don't be scared of the migrants, be scared of your own family, your brother and your uncle. we fall flat to a lot of americans concerned about crime across america, the border. we know it's true because it's pulling that way. a major issue people are concerned about crime and the border so i thought it was an
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interesting way to answer the question at all and they kept bringing up the border in various ways the crisis impacted the country throughout the debate so that particular answer was struggling. the other one that was struggling startling was erasure of soldiers that died under his watch. i thought that was strange, it was shocking to me, i couldn't get past for the rest of the debate and now in the wake of the debate, the broad claim they keep making about we are not the liars, that still liar, i can't shake that, he stuck with me all the debate the next day and even more shocking when you hear -- there's this account, trump like this money times and biden only this many times -- given that larry one. >> even that wasn't what they were saying initially because i was watching our network but the other network see how they would
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spend it, they were flabbergasted. they didn't come up with this lie, joe biden said. >> let's transition, daily beast came out this is it's time for biden's inner circle to do the hardest things friends, colleagues and loved ones can dl be tremendously hurtful to the person you care about. needed interventionists include biden's longtime advisor, friends and advisers including those closest to him in the white house that includes his democratic process hazards barack obama and bill clinton. both strategic minds. must include his wife. right now we all need her to step up, not to tell her husband what to do but push him to really reflect on what is best for the country. the hard choices must be
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necessary to say i do know he has the cognitive capability to digest help that it is and to make this decision but the first lady is with him every day and those closest advisors a lot of weight on their shoulders. >> she's with him every day. she can see the same things the country is seen but is not going to tell joe biden he has to leave the white house or not to run for a second term in office, it's not happening. today on the campaign trail talking about their story and engagement he's the only person who can do this job, it's not happening but in terms of her behavior on the campaign trail, spouses on the campaign trail are usually an asset to the campaign. part of the arsenal to help the campaign, make certain policy points to reach a certain demographic of voters. she's not doing any of that. she's acting a cringe worthy way at these rallies introducing her
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husband saying he did such a good job at the debate like he is a child of some kind. she's not going to help the people. not acting like that on the campaign trail. >> yelling out of the crowd saying you answer every question -- it's something you'd say to a very young person. coming up, leave it to the leftists to try to make even paris summer games awoke about. the soccer captain lindsay isn't giving and her patriotic pledge is next. ♪
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welcome back to the "big weekend show". 500 plus american athletes will be wearing stars & stripes of the paris olympics month. that includes women's national captain lindsay hoping to hear the national anthem playing with the gold medal around her neck the final whistle has blown, shall always and sing the national anthem despite teammates feeling in protest. soccer star saying obviously is an individual choice. for me about getting emotional, it's like one of the coolest moments of a soccer game. that moment, i'm singing the anthem and i am playing for my country. in representing the usa. one of the coolest things in the world. god bless the usa, god bless her and that seems like an emotion you can't imagine not being an. >> i love her, perfect example of the young athlete you want to represent the united states of
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america on the world stage. everything she's had to say and given everything we venture kneeling over the end of last couple of years, she's doing her job representing the country. >> i agree with most of what she said and i'm proud of the fact that she's going to stand up for the anthem and believes in america, i look up but when she says it's an individual choice i totally disagree. playing for a team, you're playing for the united states of america. get your butt up, stand up, put your hand over your heart, salute the flag and represent all of us in america and don't say it's an individual choice. it's not. a team sport here. >> any other challenges the athletes may be facing over there is cooling down, paris olympics, not offering ac to promote sustainability there's a broader goal, u.s. -- we are going to bring our own.
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[laughter] >> two weeks ago i was in the gym and the ac went off and i couldn't complete the work out which is unfortunate because i like the gym a lot. i'm still talking but i've got to tell you, when it comes to sustainability in these policies, who got to respect the people there that do the job and there to represent our country. give them what they need to do the job, sustainability argument keeps going too far left. >> i'm shocked europeans are not forcing athletes to eat bugs. you're going to be the toasty and the most americans think you can do. >> they canceled ac and america the administration is trying to be a climate leader so we will
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bring ourselves. >> they make sure they have the best nutrition and working out the right way and get in their sleeping patterns. you want men and women dripping wet trying to sleep through summer, no way. >> it's my favorite story. like greek sauna. >> but you can walk out when you want. you can set the temperature for the timer. >> salt lake city hosting winter olympics provocatively told the rest of the world no cuter? no blankets, no nothing. that is ridiculous. >> all the cheese you can hand handle. >> coming up -- >> mr. president -- >> ev drivers dealing carless. biden's green energy push, will they that back to the pumps?
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that's next. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". electric vehicle owners buyer's remorse. despite those driving gas powered vehicles off the road new data shows 46% will likely make the switch back to gas when find their next car charging stations are just one of the reasons the sentiment is souring on ev's. a recent study found one in every five public charters in the u.s. doesn't even work. >> i've got to tell you, i drove a tesla earlier this year and it was a great car but took an hour to charge up and still wasn't one 100%. now we got mandates like in
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california by 2035 gavin newsom wants every car to be pretty much in ev. you think it will backfire? >> i think it has. i have left 150, a suburban but also a tesla. i love it. it's a great car but the united states of america, how american people should not be paying to come up with charging stations. elon musk can figure out how to create a network. the how to use these public ones. why should the public have to pay for that? there's no way that works so i think it is a wonderful car, i like it. it works but i drive it and plug it in my house, it will but everybody shouldn't have to do that. attorney general america agreed with you, this is what kentucky attorney general had to say, the transition to ev past the market
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while increasing costs on families and undermining reliability of the electric gr grid. time for the biden administration to hit the brakes on unaffordable ev mandates and that the free market work and get back to protecting our families i know you've got a lot of opinions on this but before you do, let's see what the biden administration has to say. >> mr. president. >> i administration and vesting 135 billing dollars to advance america's electric vehicle futures. >> in this to go electric, there is an immense opportunity. the future is electric and this administration is moving toward it at lightning speed. >> so many no ev revolution is already well underway.
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consumers, industries and global markets are already heading quickly in that direction. >> let's talk about the real costs, forcing americans into something they don't want. they are forcing americans into cars that can be dangerous if they break down in the wintertime and can't be charged and they fill up with saltwater in the batteries explode. the hard time getting tires out and the big lie electric vehicles are somehow greener than your average car, that is not true when you factor in mining required to get out of the ground and over from china. manufactured in america and some places put on the road but in terms of not just people paying for this, the company's forced by the government to do this transition, gm lost $1.7 billion on this project by the federal government. board losing $100,000 each
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electric vehicle produced and the biden administration takes your tax money and subsidizes the loss so they can force this on to the american people claiming they are fighting climate change. this is so expensive for people and you don't want. >> let's at the cost of these cars compared to gas cars. use ev's versus guest vehicle pricing, ev $28767 versus gas $31424. gas cars are winning here when it comes to used cars. >> i was reading how the resale value as good as gas cars maybe because some people have concerns and when you talk about whole country, one of the most interesting stories was west virginia coal miners pushing ev vehicle came to a stop to plug
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it in and charge. not so long ago a probably from massachusetts one of many families driving to the totality in burma and they get stuck up there for hours standing in these long lines of electric vehicles for a chance to charge. before they can make it all the way home. hours in the dark with low stakes and eventually getting home so anecdotal stories while the future may be electric as they talk about is not it doesn't look all that close realistically. what is it cost the environment? >> not to mention the other $4 billion charging taxpayer project where they built seven charging stations. there is corruption happening somewhere, follow the money. there is skimming and the bill is a total scandal and it needs to be looked at. >> if they are stuck in burma,
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that's of the biden administration -- [laughter] >> the maple syrup. >> coming up, pet peeve revealed. fighting a war against speakerphones. that's next. ♪
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid.
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♪ perfect song for this segment. welcome back to the "big weekend show", everyone is to deal with someone who uses their speakerphone a little too much. >> this morning phone guy comes in and he chose the pa function and just left. >> will be flying, look out. refrigeration. >> that i drop -- is that --
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>> not using headphones in public is becoming the norm. one expert explains the bad habits saying they are thinking about themselves when they have a narrow focus on the content we are consuming. for the interaction we are having, not thinking about how other people might be affected and how negatively other people might be affected. speakerphone, music playing, straight to jail in my opinion. >> i was on the train new york city and there was a younger woman generation z, it might be a trend. a full conversation and this is a generation that's all sorts of cool stuff to keep private and she's chatting and literally got concerns like oh no, that is the next thing. that's going to be i'm going to have to buy the white tennis shoes and things will get crazy. the first line, why did everyone stop using headphones ask once
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you notice it, you will see it all around almost everywhere. >> you're not the only one that's had experience people weigh in on it. >> more and more people don't mind not having their headphones in and everyone else listen to their music or tik tok. >> i give them looks but they do it anyway. i came from the 80s so where it was wonderful to hear the different sounds. >> how do you concentrate with this happening everywhere? >> that's why i put on my headphones. just block everybody else out. i love face time but put on your earbuds or whatever because i don't want to share your conversation, sorry. you're talking to your kids or whatever, your lover, i don't care. [laughter] i don't want to participate. [laughter] >> are we just all complaining?
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>> shout out to the control music, phenomenal the whole time and i didn't know joe biden was in office, that was a great role he played. [laughter] this is a younger generation thing because i think for us, we want to keep things private but they will tell their whole stories and talk to their girlfriends about some guy did x, y, and z. sometimes we give them advice like don't let them do that to you. i think you want to be part of the conversation. >> if you're on a plane for example in someone is blasting their music or a child's show for hours -- are you allowed to say anything? >> let's say you haven't told her this two and a half, listen to the top the cry or just give it to them. sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. >> don't cobblers have headphones? >> i think it's cool to get headphones on their little heads, it's cute.
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let them do it. >> what is the etiquette? just don't do it. >> you just say ma'am? >> it depends on how ridiculous the conversation is. a lot of elderly people around, let's be respectful. >> a lot of politicians have learned the hard way not to talk on amtrak. [laughter] >> stick around, big weekend flops are up next. don't forget to follow the "big weekend show" on facebook, instagram at big weekend show. ♪
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when we have a fantastic lineup. we are providing goes from here. we will talk about china, the threat but we are in slow motion or. did i mention we booked adam and tells the truth behind governor newsom? will he be the next democratic nominee? andrea talks how it's happening with the sopranos but it would never be aired today and white she is leaving california but do not miss "one nation" tonight. ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show it is time for the big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest fails of the week, i will go first. competence in colleges has reached a new all-time low a
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recent poll by the foundation for individual rights and expression revealed a new report found only 28% of americans had a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in higher education. compared to 36% that respond to the same question last year was not great last year, not looking any better. cooks one of things that played a big role the protest emerson and bostrom of the procedures communication school said they believed it has affected the number of applications they have received. there are other things as well population decline they call it the enrollment cliff. income students are feeling like they are priced out and they are not liking what they are saying conservatives don't think their viewpoints are respected or taught. a lot of things have happened here receiver we are today potentially it stands a possible gettthepossible getting worse wl see. >> is like their kids are coming out stupider. [laughter] >> they do not want to pay for it either brickwork's alternatives are trade schools they were real skills because
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that is right, that's right voters deliver an upset in the suburbs of new york closely watched race between left-leaning squad member jamaal bowman democratic moderator george latimore trouble ahead for progressives this a general election. jamaal bowman is the first anti- israel squad member to be ousted from office and for good reason the fact of the matter is he has not been there for his constituency his jewish constituents, black constituents and everything in between he has been more focused with will not in the middle east versus their table kitchen issues like inflation and many other things in his own district. good for rejecting him across not just necessary what's happening there being openly pro- terrorism and denying facts about people who have been kidnapped by terrorist groups from america. >> a great point. >> over on the senate side senator bob menendez sister plans to testify about a family tradition a little different i
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can say that they have a tradition they will testify of storing a cash outside of banks. lawmakers sister is expected to explain menendez and the family have established session cash in homes and offices because they don't trust banks. how convenient when you're up for trial for potential for rivalry type of activities that and gold bars good luck with that senator. i cannot wait to hear this testimony regards already has trds the sameaccountant is fann. [laughter] >> the gold bars are my favorite part of the whole story. jen is the most trusted news source in newspapers or cable tv it's the comments session comes to fact checking jen see only read a headline before scrolling to the comments an to see what others have to say. they say it most, if not all of their information comes from social media feeds and get this, they also do not like seeing
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content that makes them think too hard or make them emotionally upset if you are rewarded by being emotionally upset and too hard to not go to the comment section that's a worse place you can go if you don't feel upset stay out of the comments section. quick to find it disturbing that information coming and it's like you look at a headline and go somewhere a bunch of random strangers on the internet are telling you what to think. >> it is pretty scary this is how they are forming their decision the comment section yikes brickwork social music a provimusicaprovider of news fort generation. it's a conversation room maybe they see a group like this just talk it on internet progress just watch fox news. >> it does it for us will see you tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. for the big weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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