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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  June 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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rachel: it is the 8 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend start requesting this. the supreme court is set to rule on one of the most highly anticipated cases tomorrow. what to expect for trump's presidential immunity claim. >> plus the white house is pushing back on this report about biden's political future as democrats in congress express concern over future debates. pete: are you craving some patriotism? >> oh, my god -- you look like a fourth of july -- makes me want a hot dog really bad. [laughter] pete: that clip -- but independence day wasn't always known for hot dogs and fireworks. will and i will go off the wall with a look back at the holiday traditions. third hour of "fox & friends"
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weekends starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ rachel: good morning everybody 8:00 i'm here with will, and pete -- getting ready for the holiday weekend. pete: louisville, kentucky is a great town they've got the -- louisville slugger museum there. got this great -- will: ever been to louisville. pete: restaurant area but we lived nashville the signs always say to louisville so always on my mind one of the closest cities to us but it is a great town. rachel: i've been there. pete: it is good you've probably been. will: i feel i've been but why was i there one time? there's a vague old person's memory of conception you might have been there. pete: like joe biden and his
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uncle. will: i was thinking about me -- pete: vague ideas of things that once happened. rachel: you need the supplements. will: , gensing. >> shoes may look funny they're awesome looking. they're rcd shoes support medal of honor recipients so give back to vets and boom look at that. stars and stripes. got to love it. so thank you to them for sending me a pair and what better time to wear them before the fourth of july. rachel: we should get shannon bream's thoughts own your shoes and your fourth of july outfit. shannon: you know it is 100% thumbs-up as a daughter of my late father was a marine. i mean -- looking good.
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pete: great to see you shannon always you've been as busy as anybody else at this network with all especially with this week of supreme court cases that have come out. but it is a big one coming out on monday. the trump's immunity case expected tomorrow. what do you think we're going to see here? shannon: we talk about how justice gorsuch said during the case as they were hearing he's writing a rule for the ages that's what the court is doing, of course, that has immediate impact on truch, federal criminal trials he's facing, but also this is going to be something that jots lines criminal liability potentially for presidents for generations to come. so i think we're going need to take a second when we get that opinion in the morning to really try to digest. i think by our process of elimination and educated guess we think that chief justice is writing it. there's no guarantee of that. but if so, it will be the very last opinion we have three other tomorrow but this is the only one people are fobsed on but neither side will get everything
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they want there's not complete immunity or zero and we can't imagine for commanders in chief have to make really difficult life and death decisions so you have to imagine the courts going to find some level of immunity but how far it extends and whether it extends to trump's conduct we'll see. will: i want to ask you about joe biden debate performance the other night in a way that i don't think is discussed quite as often. today and that is whether or not there will be a second debate and what form that debate may take. there are those inside the biden campaign that have already said yeah we're down up for another debate. we're staying in the race. but there are democrats like congresswoman joist beaty saying that following to politico if it is the same debate questions and process i wouldn't do it. i'm not a advisor but i wouldn't advise him to do it and complaints about the format or questions, and we'll add to it what congress -- women sidney dove from
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california had to say we didn't need this debate. quite frankly, we know exactly who trump is. and we know exactly who joe biden is. you have a debate so that you can learn about a candidate. there's nothing else to know. which i think there's a statement would shock the american people because -- they learned a lot about joe biden. on thursday night, so now i guess they're upset about the format, questions -- how do you change it to make it a win for joe biden? >> it was interesting i heard one of the supporters saying that they thought he was hurt by lack of an audience what everybody thought it would hurt donald trump and he feeds off the energy of people and at least one biden supporter is out there saying that lack of an audience heard him. he likes reassurance likes to see people there and hear applause for policies that kind of thing. i don't know, this is the format these two sides agreed to, and the biden campaign has said repeatedly over the last couple of days we're definitely showing up in september. but always kind of adding this line. we'll see what trump does
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because i think there's a possibility that he says and in his -- i think i can hear him saying i'm not going to show up it is not a fair debate and put the president through this again. but they -- biden camp seems to want to move for the and remember the next day in north carolina, he had this rally where president biden was on -- he was sharp. he was commanding his voice was strong. he was clear with his thoughts, policies with what he was saying it was such a contrast that if that's the guy who shows up in september, listen, that would be a huge win for the biden campaign because they would say look this is the real guy he had one bad night he was sick. you know, it is ancient history june to september in politics is ancient history. >> you know shannon i heard an interview with steve bannon recently he said that -- donald trump would not do another debate so, i mean, there's the question of what joe biden would do. but would donald trump, i mean, he's already won, why put himself through another debate and -- and answer any of those, you
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know, possibilities that could happen there. he's already won why do it again? by the way steve bappen who is going jail on monday, tomorrow -- we're normalizing jailing our political opponents in this country this is something i thought happened in cuba and venezuela but happening on monday for steve bannon. i want to -- read this quote for you. this is from x this is an x post by representative roe kona from california. here's how he has interpreted the debate performance of joe biden. he says, rocky wasn't the most el qepght in speech but he was a fighter his character conveyed eloquence our message biden's character is his eloquence. that's really interesting his character as you know they're putting political prisoners in jail and they're censoring people and deplatforming people i don't know how character how good his character is especially since he lied so much during the debate. shannon: critics of president
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trump will say he lied a bunch this is personality versus policy. our polling that we had out just within the last couple of weeks we asked what's goapg to matter more to you is it more about the personalities of the candidates orb policy? an our polling showed that peel thought policy. they wanted to be about that. i do think based on his performance president biden team will want this to be about character or democracy bigger overreaching themes. versus actual performance and policy which did not go well for them on thursday night. but if you're going to talk about character i think that's something we've heard from the biden campaign before. and they can't peg it on you know his eloquence in the way that most of us understand it. so they've got to go somewhere else. >> really quickly shannon this idea to peg your victory on character require you to sell to the american public that you have high character and your opponent has low character and they seem to be staking that claim on the idea that trump lied, trump lied and i've invested in trying to understand where a lot of this comes from.
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it is accusations and then you may get a cnn fact check. of a few lines, but what all amounts to is exaggeration and hyperboles of the greatest economy ever -- for example, while ignoring biden lies leak no american troops died on my watch. or that trump said senate subsidies in white supremacists were fine people had a blatant embarrassing took seven years to do it but a blatant fact check that it is a hoax. how do you get to claim high ground character when you issue those kinds of lies. shannon: a number of things that president biden said that fact checkers have said not true. misleading, not the full story. so certainly those thepgs are there to be picked out pointed out as well. but i think they're going to continue to point back at january 6th we were all watching knowing that's going to comp in the debate how will trump handle that and seemed leak there was some real thought and consideration saying well what i
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gave you in the economy in january sixth what happens happening on the stock market january 6th he has to answer those questions so biden-harris campaign will go back to places where they say the president is unkiensd he's a brawler. he's a fighter he's a liar that's what they'll say about former president trump. so we'll see. i do think i've got jd vance senator on this morning on the vp short list to ask him thought within the trump campaign that they dongt show up for the second debate and got any inkling on that. >> also john fetterman refusing to join the chorus of folk on the left so be interesting to hear what he says. shannon: i will edit it bleep outs leave it there. by the way if you need any help make pork chops shelton bream kill it is on the grill. kill it is. he should come up there and cook the pork chops for you no breading but amazing without it.
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juicy every time. >> by the way coming up, this week on the will cain show will be shannon bream. shannon: what? will: announcing to you and america as we speak you along with robertson family and attorney general -- attorney general andrew bailey will be on the will cain show this week excited to have you. shannon: excited to join you. pete: thanks shannon. rachel: really hard for the democrats and joe biden particular to go, we're on the candidate of character when one, we talked about that jailing his political opponents peter also in jail by the way right now. but also this is the family that sold out the country to china. how did that not come up in the debate? pete: steve bannon being jailed for not complying with a subpoena for the january 6th unselect committee, and he's being jailed for how long? four months. how long is four months? all the way up to election. will: i can tell you --
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pete that's happening in reality while in the fever dreams of the left chris wallace for example remember him used to be on msnbc was on the bill barr show saying trump is going to jail journalist and people who disagree with him and -- he believes it. like he's living in this like -- rachel: alternative universe. will: when the reality is playing out in front of him pointed out by tulsi. a different -- rachel: decisions that could affect many of the january 6th political prisoners as well. that decisions that came out this week as well. pete: we're going turn to additional headlines starting with this. right now, as we speak, french citizens are lining up at the polls for the first round of country's snap parol parliamentary election calling after the centrist party lost its bid for parliament earlier this month. an official from the american ideas institute joined us earlier about how the election
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could impact the u.s. >> going to have to in turn having an effect on president biden because if the french, if france goes, then there is no european country that wants to do much. wants to do much in ukraine so it is essentially going to be more american pressure and that is not really going to fly. >> preelection polling shows that national rally party could win meaning parties president jordan could become prime minister, second round of voting will be on july 7th. an the tsa expecting a busy travel season as we approach the fourth of july. our independence day the agency estimates they will screen 28 million people through july 8th. they say travelers are looking to extend the holiday weengsd since it falls on a thursday which is perfect. tsa is bracing for july 7th that's sunday busiest travel day of the year.
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and there's a new king of cocktails, the spritz a new study reveals that drink ranked as most popular cocktail in the united states followed by the margarita and the old fashion. i don't, i don't know that i've had an adderall spritz. >> kind of a girls drink -- sounds like it seems that rachel and rick's home state voting as best drink meanwhile over a margarita in arizona. what? and margaritas are the way to go and you're drinking aperol spritz. >> this is the problem we're getting too many californians in arizona made up they'll drink a margarita, of course. >> i bet you like that spritz. >> i bet they're good. pork chops and spritz ppg that's
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what we're talking about. >> one on the beach. i'll have one for you on the beach. it could be a split vote because of that. tequila, soda, lime. just simple. it is creeping in. by the way, i need to correct myself i said chris wallace i meant chris matthews. i said msnbc. >> not great either -- sorry. will: tomorrow brian kilmeade having breakfast live with friends live from randies diner in north dakota. pete: maybe -- also maybe there's doug burgum expecting that. that's my guess. will: did you know we almost didn't celebrate independence day on july fourth? which date founders we are searching for when pete and i go off the wall. glaism widow of a murdered nypd officer has a powerful message for politicians reacts to her call for change, next.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. we're back with fox weather alert hurricane beryl has quickly strength intoning a category 3 storm after becoming first hurricane of the season it was, we thought it was a one and this a two now a three headed to several islands including
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barbados and and turn to rick this thing is heating up. >> it is a strong storm and a dangerous storm one of the only major hurricanes that's going to go through those lower lesser antilles so this storm is going to break all kinds of records. by the way names get retired if they cause a lot of damage beryl has been around for years because you don't get early season storms that are this dray dramatic this name could get retired. this is the track of beryl, it was going stay major hurricane for next number of days eventually we think probably going to go across western caribbean and yucatan peninsula. we have a thing that we called them ensemble models that alter your input to see what happens in the long run. and this is what happens by the time we get say towards friday, saturday of next week a lot less confidence can't rule out an impact across the u.s. the good news is we have plenty of time to watch it. but you get the idea model
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guidance bringing this across the western caribbean and what happens after that. we'll tell you two other storms or disturbance that we're watching for development that one behind beryl that's to the right. it is gong to move light on its heels probably also becomes hurricane that one on the left side of the screen that may be over the next few days. develops as well across parts of that bay of campeche and two disturbances have moved through. u.s. mainland we have big storms cutting across the northeast get ready severe weather could have big problem, cause big problems for many of the sunday plans as especially out across the beaches this afternoon. all right. sending it back to you inside. rachel: thank you, rick well been four months since slain nypd detective jonathon dillards widow delivered a powerful message after killed by a career criminal. >> my son will grow up without a father and i will grow out without a husband and parents have to say good-bye to their
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child how many more police officers and families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting they will? rachel: none of us can forget that steph nee telling new york post, quote, i still stand by that. and i spoke that because i felt like that's what jonathon qowld say if he was here. these career criminals shouldn't bout on the street. and the way that laws are set up right now while i understand the reason some of them are in place they emboldened criminals because there are no consequences. caldwell is here to say -- she's not just about her husband, but also why it happened. that there is a, there's a specific reason somebody is funding liberal d.a. or letting people go. >> that's exactly right george soros is that individual who spent billions of dollars
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funding over 75 progressive prosecutors soft on crime prosecutors and as many people like her because i spoke with the fop this week leadership at the fop and this almost 400 police officers that were shot last year. this is unacceptable. and every way what we're seeing in our country lawlessness has been funded because of george soros that's exactly why i came up with the caldwell institute for public safety. because enough is enough. rachel: what is the mission of the caldwell institute of public safety? exactly? >> june 24th, 2022 my baby brother was murdered on south side of chicago to go head on against prosecutors these progressive to emit messaging and also lobbying we want to bring in legislation that ensures that communities are safer and we want to go against legislation that makes communities more lawless and endangers us. i also have support services with people like drew penske and
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how to process trauma when these things happen and go to caldwell we've got a tab there how you can peach a story to the press if something happens to your family how you can get that kind of attention. i have a manual to work with prosecutors and police wren by joel fitzgerald and a former prosecutor this is something we need desperately in our country and it is not about my family or brother but thousands of people who are slaughtered every year. i cannot sit back and allow this to continue on so this is become a mission that god has put on my shoulders. go to caldwell rachel: i'm cor this institute happened because of your brother's death but this has been long waited. i mean, people -- i can't believe that nothing look this had been started before you started this. now we minced george soros you're up against george soros you're bankrupt two countries like he did and go up against that level of funding?
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>> only god is with me. i'll tell you that i'll be very clear i don't know how. but i know that he gave me this mission and i'm just going to follow the steps in which he's directing and guiding me god will have the people pour in the money under the sound of my voice right now to cut him a check and we're going to help do whatever they can do but i know for a fact that god gave me this mission. it is unfortunate how it started but this is much bigger than me. it is about our entire country. and what is become a lawless society. so i simply put no choice rachel. rachel: god bless you and this mission i believe that god did put this mission on your heart and i do believe and i love our viewers. and i know someone is watching -- many people are watching. who agree with you and says it about time we do something and stand up to these people who are literally trying to destroy our country and innocent victims -- are in the wake of this so thank you for joining us geno too many
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people talk not enough do. >> to viewers go to caldwell let's save america together. rachel: amen to that catch him tonight on "the big weekend show" at 7 p.m. along with jason chaffetz and our own kennedy thanks for joining us. love what you're doing. god bless. congresswoman michael waltz and maria bartiromo plus independence day decorations weren't always red white and blue. all of the things you didn't know about fourth of july when will and pete go off the wall. next.
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i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. >> this thursday we celebrate independence day, but how much do you really know about the
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holiday? we're going to go off the wall with some history and find out how traditions we all celebrate have evolved since 1776 even before that, will. will: let's start with the actual independence. we all started march 5th, 1770 when five british troops were killed in what is known as boston masker tensions already begin to rise between american answer brits, over taxes, the that taxed foreign goods. pete: king encroaching more on moremented tax revenue and happened in boston september sons of liberty boston tea party why because there's a new tabs on tea and made it clear it was about $2 million worth of tea that went into that harbor and again, started to foment famous battle of lexington and concord. without ability to back it up with force of arms which they
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did in 1775 it doesn't really mean much and 1776 is colonies adopt the declaration of independence. yeah was it july fourth, will? i'm not sure if it was. will: it was july fourth but colonies let's go to the next slide. because that's not what john adams thought one of the key founding fathers wrote a letter to his wife after -- after it was declared saying, this second day of july will be the most memorable epacc they knew more fancy words and i'm apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations at the great anniversary festival it ought they used ought so much better than we do today it ought to be comm rated as day of deliverance these were christian men that
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founded this countries. >> july 2nd he knew this was going to be beg and do this for a long time he thought it would be july 2nd with the actual independence vote. so they voted on the second. but when -- but they say adopted you know what that means that fancy document you see that we know from history. it says july 4th, 1776 on it so that is the date that stuck in everybody's mind. will: wasn't fully signed until august 2nd 1777. got to get that horse and buggy to sign it. before it was adopted in america and began to be celebrated pretty early on. before, before we officially started celebrating fourth of july in 1776, we started helding mock funerals for king george the third. >> we used to know how to do it right. a mock funeral i like that as a celebration and then one year
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later proven that john adams was wrong because one year later fourth of july is the date that already stuck. fireworks in philadelphia in 177 that would been a heck -- >> it was a place to have patriotic celebrations every year. pete: because we have to fight them again they burned down the white house. round two. now we're celebrating that it's done. and finally by 1870, independence day is declared a federal holiday. by the way, call it independence day as much as you can fourth of july is fine but it is our independence day and we're almost up to 250. this is i believe -- is this 249? no this is 248. 248 right because you do the math in 2024. will: i'm not right now. pete: in 2026 it will be 225 years trump was planning for it. will: turned into a huge piece of american cultural independence day.
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>> on the fourths of july the whole sky would brighten up with fireworks with enough light for a game every time we stop to watch the sky on those nights like regular kids, he was there to call us back. you see, for us, baseball was a game. but for benjamin franklin rodriguez, baseball was life. >> i forgot sand lot. >> benjamin franklin rodriguez. 14,000 plus professional displays in the united states every year. one of my favorite i things is o see popup stores you drive by and always want to pull in and grab something. by the way i grew up in minnesota all were illegal and had to drive into wisconsin. will: in the country road middle of nowhere and boom. guys 70% off fireworks, bam. by the way, shells 60,000 shells to be fired at macy's new york
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city shells so they do it up real big. obviously. >> what are old traditions compared to today. did you know this red white and blue not the original colors of independence of america it was originally green what they have access to. so read green, rachel is wearing green. 18th century girl that's why she wore it today. by the 19th century noisy artillery suits, artillery canons we should. will: backyard barbecues in the 1950s and throw chicken thighs on the grill. pete: these look like -- maybe hot chicken thighs those could be good. nashville hot, and then nathans hot dog eating contest a tradition of the fourth of july although he won't be participating this year because he went with the artificial meat. >> first in '72 but started 1916 trying to prove their patriotism by eating hot dogs -- by eating superfast.
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pete: as we say all the time every day is the fourth of july on "fox & friends" weekend. we celebrate it with you. hope you have a great one. will: all right campaign pushback, the white house slamming reports biden plans to discuss his political future with his family. as more donors want joe to go --
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pete: white house denying reports that joe biden will be discussing the future of his campaign when he gathers with his family at camp david today. rachel: they say they're just taking a family photo and nbc quoting a news source, quote, they believe the president in consultation with his family can decide whether to move forward or end his campaign early and decision makers are two people and it is the president and his wife and nbc thinks that's what they're diagnose this weekend. will: biden officials are firing back and premise of the story is not accurate and trip to camp david was public before the debate and on the schedule for weeks there's nothing more to it. washington examiner ed tore caylee joins us now. caylee good morning to you. what do you make of this report? do you think there are discussions do you think they're having a conversation about the
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future of the campaign? >> i do. but i'm sure the conversation is how to continue to hide biden's state of mind and jill has been making it clear that her husband dupght dupght have intention to drop out and the tropic bachelor's degrees how great the bride and groom were how horribly joe biden did last thursday night. so this is not a topic that's going away. this is not an image that people are going to be able to erase from their minds. everyone saw his state last thursday. and it is the very first thing that people are gong to think about when they think about his candidacy. so biden doesn't need to really be worried about what the left are saying what the hollywood a-listers are saying or donors are saying he needs to be worried what about voters are saying because they are going to be ones who ultimately decide this for him and right now they
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are extremely concerned about what they saw last week. >> caylee i have been saying for a long time enwhen he was, you know, in the basement campaigning org did during the last lex in 2020 i came out in 20 12eus and said that you know, this was not right. that joe biden was a bad wife allowing her husband to continue and doing a disservice to the country and they were saying i was a bad person for saying that yet here we are -- now everybody knows what happened and his condition which is will pointed out earlier has deteriorated since just february. how long can they keep this charade up? at this point everything has been exposed not just biden and his condition. but the enabling of the media and everybody around him including the obamas this kaball that was running the countries. >> you're hearing feedback from
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cnn, msnbc who were distraught over his state because then there's a real chance that he loses the november election. but to be clear, they're not mad that biden is running again in this state. they're mad that everyone has seen his state for themselves finally out in the open. so they have been complicit in this and trying to hide this and you know, many of us here on the conservative side have been sounding alarm over this and we've been accurately representing the people's concerns about this. i'm a gen-z voter a "new york times" poll found 80.of my age did not any that biden was mentally fit to run again. this is a concern that they've had since he first took office yet now, for the first time everyone else is starting to express those same concernings and we've got to be asking ourselves why. >> for sure they hid it from us and they were exposed.
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mcghee white enjoy the wedding say hi to the bride and groom for us. rachel: we're going to turn to your headlines 11 people in milwaukee hurt when a escalator malfunctioned at american family field yesterday. fans were leaving brewer's game when officials say that escalator began moving at, quote, an increased downward speed. >> i'm watching the people ahead of me getting piled on top of each other as everybody is falling over each other that -- is hitting the bottom. pile essentially took both of us out. >> that's scary. all of the victims are expected to be okay. but thankful for that. a massachusetts couple getting the scare of a lifetime when five sharks surrounded they boat on a fishing trip earlier that month that couple joined us earlier. watch. >> we were surrounded by i would say 25 foot, you know, i want to call them sea creatures but they were --
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basking sharks we're not marine biologist we're just -- regular fishermen out there having sharks coming at you you're not sure what they are at the time and they resemble a great white shark. they were trying to catch lobsters when the sharks appeared. china is sending pear of giant pandas to the u.s. for the first time in more than two decades. the pandas left china earlier this week and they're on their way to the san diego zoo where they'll be on loan for ten years. zoo officials say bears wongt be on display for several weeks as they get settled announce a debut date for the pandas when they're ready. those are your headlines. so we get two pandas and a balloon -- [laughter] thanks china. love it. a patriotic partnership in time
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for independence day and how you can buy a blanket. ♪ ♪ mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?!
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with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. >> well we're celebrating patriotism here on fox we're
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ahead of independence day. and our next guest have formed a partnership that gives back to our nation's hero. here to tell us more co-owners of red land cotton anna breakfield and tunnel of towers siller good morning to you frank. this is awesome mark start with this and tell us about this partnership. >> i heard of tunnels to towers watching fox news for years now and i got to go to the patriots award two years ago in miami where it really touch -- segment where frank had the people and paid their mortgages off. and my wife and i became donor at that time, and anyway i think it is the greatest thing it's amazing what kind of good work you do, frank. >> absolutely. >> what did you guys do specifically here? you made a beautiful looking blanket for tunnel to towers. >> it is a blanket made for
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cotton grown on our family farm and we are donating 20% of proceeds to tunnels to towers. we work directly with them to design the blanket it is made by our partners in maine, heritage, and we created this what i think is a lovely red white and blue motif so customer can give comfort and receive comfort in this product. so it's really full circle for us we're proud to do it. rachel: i don't know the quality if it comes through the tv but the quality is incredible. >> thank you. pete: another american company stepping up for your great cause. >> 20% of the proceeds help our great heros to pay off mortgages plus what they're doing is they're giving one of these blankets to every house that we pay off the mortgage or -- smart home that we built across america at least 200, 250 a year that we do. sod bees raising money, they're going make sure these families are nice and warm, and
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comforted. >> it is the least that we could do. >> really cool. will: something that warms the home as you get the new home paid off it is incredible partnership. >> you throw this on while you're watching tv or we were talking you can bring this to the beach. take it to the beach. >> i love the tag grown in alabama made in the u.s. you don't see that enough. family farm pretty cool. >> leather patch. >> that's right. you sure do. a great thing that fox brought us together to have this collaboration. >> i didn't realize that. it was go to the patriot awards learn about tunnel to towers move to been a donor then let's create a partnership and "fox & friends" weekend and doing it all to honor patriots. to give back to those who were serving pretty cool feedback. >> it is incredible that patriot awards are always off the charts. but we did surprise 21 families
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on the stage that night. you remember that night we -- and we paid off the mortgages that night but that's why we need to raise the money and this is a beautiful way of doing it is buying american made a beautiful blanket take care of the great families. >> full circle back to the moment mark you're sitting there watching luke we need to do something and we need a partnership. >> i grew my dad joined the navy in 1939, he did all of the world war ii came home got to go to college and government paid for it. and then he went back to korea. so i've been listening to war stories luckily he wasn't wounded any time. but i think what you're doing is incredible. >> he's an incredible guy and who knew he was a blanket designer. [laughter] >> so come on -- >> a fashionable guy. >> i was in the clothing business, and as they called it back then for a long time. >> learned something about you every time. >> incredible thing going as well now glad you're all
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together you can support tunnels to towers by purchasing this blanket right here available for sale all american blanket go to red land >> red land >> red land urban cowboy a big final hour ahead of us. don't go anywhere first go to red land buy one of these awesome blankets. >> i might -- i like this. ♪ ♪ my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel
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at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. huh. how long have you been tracking our car's value with carvana? just, like, 7 months. should we sell it? we hold... hold... silver vans are going for more right now, should we... hold... our low mileage is paying off.
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