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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 30, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. eric: president biden's at campp david right now after fundraising blitz in new york
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and new jersey. he's aiming to reassure big-money donors and his supporters the fallout from thursday's debate too. the president we are told huddling with what the white house called preplanned family getaway pushing back on reports they are gathering there to discuss the future of his campaign. this after rallies which are supporters cheered him on after his debate to performance hello everyone i am eric shawn this is "fox news live." hi arthel. arthel: hello everyone i am arthel neville. president biden has acknowledged the debate did not go well. but his campaign says dropping out now will cause weeks of chaos and top party leaders are standing by their man. yes it was a bad performance. i know what i call preparation overload. he should stay in this race. he should demonstrate going forward his capacity to lead the country.
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click the same kind of a freak out after biden's debate desperate after my debate i had a more difficult evening than the president here i am right now having this conversation. >> for president trump, he is still keeping supporters guessing on who he will pick as vice president. florida governor said to him in the short list senior senator from his state john ho van in a moment too. >> the first live a fox team coverage christina coleman on trumps bp steaks and we start with lucas thompson life at the white house. >> it president biden himself has admitted he did not have a good night at that first debate. he mentioned today he's huddling with his family at camp david but likely talking about his future although the white house insists. earlier senator jd vance weighed in. >> i'm not worried about their debate performances. i am worried about what did these guys look like in the world stage. what do they look like and
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private meetings to get represent our country well and that for foreman joe biden showe could not it was a remarkable contrast. >> after the debate in the raleigh north carolina president biden embarked on a fundraising tour speaking to supporters and wealthy donors in the hamptons leaping edge of the fundraiser in new jersey biden ignored reporter's question asking if he had alleviated donor concerns for earlier democratic senator john fetterman downplayed what happened that night at the debate. cooks one debate is not a career any more than donald trump 38 convictions for felonies aren't really going to define his reputation and his presidency. that is why they are both here again. >> 34 felony convictions in earlier governor doug burgum weighed in and provided his analysis of the debate. >> this is the most consequential historic debate in history.
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we have never had a debate where immediately after it is open this is like iraq a knockout. they should build a staff due to donald trump at georgia tech everyone is talking about should joe biden even saying the race? >> asked if biden is staying in the race campaign spokesman tells box as we have said many times and the president has said himself he is absolutely staying in the race. that is something we weird early from biden senior advisor and need it done. >> the conversation we had is okay, what do we do next? if there's one thing we are about is okay, as a barack obama said bad debates haven't had a bad debate what do we do next? the president above all his focus on what do we do next? what do i need to go to question mccue sought in north carolina. what's up warmers and president obama and clinton have taken social media posting on x about their support. it is notable former president bill clinton was elected over 30 years ago is younger than both
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candidates donald trump and joe biden. arthel: lucas of tomlinson at the white house thank you. eric: former president trump he has a decision of his own to make who is going to be his running mate? some of his top vice presidential candidates weighing in on the bp stakes this morning christina coleman lie with the very latest. >> that is right that is the big question who will donald trump choose it to be his running mate question rick watson reports he plans to announce his big decision before or during the republican national convention which starts on july 15 in milwaukee just days away. these in canada could be in the home stretch take a look at the reported top contenders they include ohio senator jd vance north dakota governor doug burgum dissenters marco rubio of florida and tim scott of south carolina. they have all been out in full force showing support for donald trump and plenty of tv interviews. they have a lot to work with especially after president
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biden's rough debate performance thursday nights for take a listen to senator jd vance on "fox news sunday" today. >> how could anyone think having seen donald trump on the debate stage that he could not do the job? obviously he could and that is ultimately what the debates really show it is we have two candidates one who cannot do the job, one has failed to do the job and that is joe biden. >> there was also a buzz of a virginia governor who joined forces with donald trump on friday at a rally in virginia at the crowd was a fresh off the debate and very fired up they chanted vice president when he took the stage and trump praised the governor's work. and you're grateful to be joined by the governor of this magnificent commonwealth's name happens to be in glen and he is the greatest governors in the content country. a number of potential running mates were out the debate on
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thursday including governor burgum rant against company primaries campaigning on cutting taxes and strengthening the economy. burgum didn't interviewed jesse watters on friday criticizing debate performance and his response to key issues facing voters. >> joe biden had no answer on inflation but no answer on the board of these are the issues affecting every american every day. lexi and trump vp contenders are all out in full force showing their support for donald trump as we all wait to find out who he will choose as his running mate. >> right christina thanks so much. former president also waiting for a big decision expected from that u.s. supreme court tomorrow. the course of three cases left to do site everyone is waiting to see how the justices will rule the former president immunity case. which of course could have a major impact on special counsel jack smith prosecution of trump on the charges he conspired to overturn the 2020 presidential election with the violent attack
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on the capitol. madeline is live with what we could expect tomorrow. >> this ruling could have major consequences not just for former president trump up potentially for future presidents as well. this case extends from former president trump d.c. election interference indictment last august the former president was charged with four federal felony counts related to the allegations he interfered with the 2020 election per trump's lawyers argued trump cannot be criminally charged for any official actions he took as a present special counsel jack smith the meantime says no person is above the law including the president of the united states appeared in december federal judge rejected trump's claim of absolute immunity and february u.s. appeals court unanimously rejected trump's claims he cannot be prosecuted. the supreme court heard arguments in april during that time the conservative majority appealed open to granting some
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level of protection for former presidents regardless of the ruling the proceedings have diminished the possibility that trump will stand trial on this case before the november election. >> the president will have the opportunity to appeal if he disagrees with that. so between a lower court hearing and the appellate process is back to the supreme court that will last well beyond the next few months. if the president is and voted in in november i would assume he will ask the d.o.j. to drop any of this. >> the supreme court is also expected on monday to hand down a ruling that could affect how social media platforms regulate contcontent, hosted by the user. eric: alright mama at the supreme court thank you requests will be talking to senator john hoeven and just a moment. meanwhile another highly anticipated case resuming tomorrow but this one may be
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deadlocked jury will there be a verdict and the c karen read a murder trial things up home in barbados but historic storm is headed their way details on hurricane beryl coming up next. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪
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arthel: more than a top story now president biden camp david for a planned family meeting while former president trump says he has made us pick for vp but will not say it publicly at the moment. let's bring in senior senator from north dakota republican john hoeven. senator so glad you could join us. let's jump in your several things to discuss with you when considering his pick for vp, should tr trump focus on record appeal to certain voting bloc, charisma, combination or something else? >> that is interesting everyone has their own theory on that. the reality is this he needs to pick somebody who can help him deliver his message very well. talk about issues that are important to the american people with security at the border, inflation whether it is his standing in the world all these different things somebody who can help deliver that message and deliver it well. and most important about soof allsomebody who can help hm
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govern. someone who complements his ability, his talents who can help them then not only deliver the message but executed and put into place. those are the real keys in terms of having eight vice president that will not only serve president trump the best but serve this nation to their best advantage. arthel: nikki haley until the wall street journal trump needs to be ready for eight younger rival because she says they are going to be smart about it. they are going to bring someone younger. they're going to bring someone vibrant. they're going to bring somebody tested. this is a time for republicans to prepare and get ready for what is to come. do you agree with nikki haley on that point? what is more about confidence, ability and what they're going to do for the country. the program they're going to put in place. that is with president trump what you see is he's right on the issues. it's not him just telling us we have seen him in action we have
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seen how he built our economy we had the strongest economy we have had in generations. whether it is job creation, low interest rates, whether it is really energy dominance we did have terrible inflation he secured the border. again it is about impacting people in their everyday lives. going back to the vice president, same thing from my state our governor doug burgum is in the mix incredibly competent person who has the same philosophy in terms of doing the things we need to do to get this country back on track. arthel: let me move on as you well know, talk about the debate now biden is widely criticized for his debate performance. trump is widely criticized for lying in the debate. how does this impact they're down ballot in the senate and house for both parties? >> first of i think president trump is right on issues he had
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command of the issues and he went through that in great detail in very well. i think what you saw from him was not only a strong debate performance in terms of his ability to understand the issues and articulate a plan that will take this nation forward. i think you are going to see that strong leadership and people want that strong leadership is not just for the campaign it's for the next four years of governing. that's why the contrast was so stark i'm a little surprise for folks who have been watching president biden they were going to guess, that is the president biden we are seeing day in and day out because of his age. his abilities have declined and i know when he was vice vice president i was concerned there is a big big difference. it's not just of that issue in terms of the ability to lead it's the policies so down ballot these candidates are having to run on joe biden's policies the
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policies that have ignited inflation to as much as a 9% at one point as well as other policies like what we see on the border and now the crime resulting. those are going to have real impact i would not want to be a down ballot candidate who has to try to defend those policies. space at what is they're down ballot candidates in a moment but i want to ask you we were talking about the debate performance and trump's allies during the debates a big lecture going to have to identify. >> we don't have time for that, centered you know it's already been recorded they'll be a separate segment i do not want to get into it with you but it has been recorded fairly so i just want to know if you think based on that if trump gained independent and undecided voters supposed debate? >> again if there is some issue or some specific part of the debate you want to go through i'm happy to do that.
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but specifically as to voters, yes when they saw that debate they recognize they need somebody who can be on the world stage and command respect and deal with other world leaders. we live in a very dangerous time when you see was going on with the russia and ukraine, obviously china and taiwan. the middle east for example in strong support for our great ally israel which we are not seeing from president biden right now. clearly president trump would bring that strong leadership at a very dangerous time in world events people see that, they recognize it and know we need it so yes it does definitely bring voters to him. arthel: real clear politics average is showing democrat senate candidates have an edge in battleground states up it will take a look at that. you've got arizona dems up 5.3%. in michigan two-point to percent. nevada 5.8%, pennsylvania at
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5.3% per wisconsin 7.8% you are saying you felt biden's performance in the debate would hurt his down party candidates. but this polling shows otherwise. >> but i think if you look at, take ohio for example. trump is ahead in ohio he is going to hurt help bernie versus the incumbent that's what i was referring to i think it will help a lot of those folks i think president trump will help a lot of those. and if you remember a little bit over a week ago he was in washington d.c. he came in and met with all of the republicans in the house and republicans in the senate it was about creating unity at our meeting with all the republican senators he said very clearly if he can help with some of these races if he can do some of the tele- town halls and other things that will help in those races he offered to do it so he is working very hard for the team building, the unity of
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the party building th this goino help her candidates. arthel: have one other point i went to get to it with you center as you know the supreme court meets tomorrow for one last time this term. they are set to release the highly anticipated decision on whether trump is immune from prosecution for his role in the generate six insurrection or the violent riots at the capitol. capitol.regardless of the decisp most likely would not have to stand trial before the november election so senator, i ask you couldn't on favorable scotus decision hurt trump with independent or undecided voters? >> the first off as the old corset sip he said this is a decision for the ages this is about a decision for all presidents being able to fulfill their obligation during the term of office. it's very important for all of the presidents but going forward
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as well and i don't think it will because i do not see it in terms of the timeline that changing as far as some of these cases. in that sense i do not think it will pay will have to see with the decision is but we also have to remember this is about making sure all presidents are able to do their job while they are an office for cocksure absolutes come up now because this is the first time we've been faced with this particular set of scenarios under president but excuse me president trump's watch. >> right and that is what is said given the timing i do not think it will change the trajectory of the campaign will have to see what it is and again i think the supreme court is going to work very hard to get it right for all future presidents. arthel: a live there at north dakota's senator john hoeven thank you very much for joining us. stuart mill candace if you've got tickets on west jet they
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have an apt hundreds of cancellations the airline was forced to call off lights because the maintenance workers union strike that started on friday. west jet it's currently operating only 30 of it's about 200 aircraft the cancellations happening one day before canada day candace version of july 4 up at the airline serves a lot of u.s. destinations including nashville, tampa, new york, los angeles, orlando, orange county, phoenix and others. arthel: triplex fix a record number of people traveling for the fourth of july but here's a lab look right now at atlanta hartsfield jackson international airport and there it is ahead of a very busy week. but severe weather could complicate plans for travelers cb cotton is live in new york city with some more. >> hi arthel, nice to see you put our experts at "fox weather" say the severe weather threat could put more than 60 million people in the northeast seeing
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thunderstorms or heavy rain tomorrow. making travel tips really crucial listen up i want to correctly travel breakdown aaa says nearly 61 million people are going to get behind the wheel and nearly 6 million people are going to be catching flights this independent state. the great news, aaa says gas prices domestic airfare tickets are both cheaper compared to the same time from last year. if you are getting on the road tomorrow there is some good news, minimal traffic is expected. travel forecast changes for the days after we've got tips for them to check this out. tuesday, july 2 through independence day from 2:00 p.m. until around 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. and heavy congestion on roadways. you want to get behind the wheel before noon or wait and leave it later in the evening on those days if you're heading to the airport here are some suggestions, listen up. >> the best thing to do is basically use the app to do all of your changes that you need to do because that is the most efficient way to do it.
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the people at the upper the customer service people are going to be bombarded they are going to be in a bad mood because everyone is yelling at them if you can travel carry-on only that's the best way to do and it gives the airline still opportunity to actually lose your luggage if you do check either have air tag so you can keep track of your bags on your own as opposed to just relying on the airline. >> again this severe weather threat for up and down all along the i-95 corridor could cause of flight cancellations and delays and meaning you will want to check your airlines apt before you head out to the airport. arthel: do not yield the ticket agents just chill out it's going to be crazy just to get ready pickwick spieth nice to them. rick: alri all right cb cotton k you. >> it is not their fault exactly. russia is warning the u.s. will have to pay for some recent sanctions the vita administration condemns moscow for detaining walter journal reporter evan on baseless
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charges dr. rebecca grant next on freeing evan right here on fox news live. customer experien. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. i was born with a fire inside. but psoriasis doused my flame. until i got clearer skin with bimzelx. most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. (♪) serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them, liver problems, and inflammatory bowel disease, have occurred. tell your doctor if these happen or worsen,
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arthel: rescued is really israee speak out for the first time sharing her agonizing story eight months in the hamas captivity. she says her biggest fear was being separated from her terminally ill mother trey yingst live in tel aviv with the story. >> good afternoon nearly 270 days into the war a former israeli hostage who was rescued in a daring operation earlier this month is speaking out. no it was in hamas captivity for more than eight months she was taken from the nova festival on black saturday october 7. she was held in a civilian home until israeli special forces were able to savor it in a joint operation also led to the rescue of three other hostages. now her first public address
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since that day she is calling on the release of her boyfriend and the other 120 people being held inside gaza. >> although i am home now we could not forget about the hostages who are still in hamas captivity we must do everything possible to bring them back home. >> this statement comes as israel continues to operate inside gaza. fierce battles are unfolding in southern gaza once again and the suburbs of gaza city for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with the country's security cabinet overnight and said this today. >> as for the sacred task of freeing our hostages there is no change in israel's position regarding the release outlined president biden welcomed. today everyone knows the simple truth, hamas is the only obstacle to freeing our hostages. >> inside gaza palestinians held funeral today for civilians that were killed in the israeli
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bombardment. dozens of people were killed and injured in recent days by the israeli air campaign as the casualty numbers inside the strip continued to rise with pilot new developments from inside gaza there is a growing fear about the possibility of a broader conflict between israel and the enron fact group has a villa. arthel: trey yingst in tel aviv thank you. eric: the trial of wrongfully detained wall street reporter evan gershkovich got under way at last week he is accused of espionage is denied by the journal and the state department critics a blast this case is a cynical ploy by vladimir putin to swap evan for accused russian assassin calling the trial a kangaroo court adv is a plot by putin to extract his revenge that is kept evan behind bars for 459 days. editorial board of the "new york post" a corporate cousin of the journal r rushes not to civiliza power it's a rogue state run by
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a powermad tyrant russia has no rule of law just the whims of a paranoid war mongering madman. putin is pure evil. only fear it could deter him. only outright battlefield defeats can stop him. dr. rebecca grant senior fellow at the lexington institute and fox news contributor. dr. kagan your heart and our hearts go out to evan for journalism is not a crime we call for the freeing of evan. your thoughts on his incarceration now at his trial has begun? >> evan gershkovich is innocent the "new york post" that is exactly right putin is a powermad tyrant of what's going on here is putin is trying to use evan gershkovich to do another high-level deal like the swap of brittney griner for victor boot to the arms dealer british sources say putin may have as i on a horrible old s spy/killer it was in jail in
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germany because he shot a chechen dissident and a park while riding his bicycle. this is an old ally of putin's i think putin is trying to craft this show trial of evan gershkovich to set up a high level swap. remember there are still several other americans detained in russia too. eric: let's talk about him for a moment you set an old spy ally of vladimir putin it's back in 2019 he shoots a russian opposition opponents in the park and the tear garden which is in berlin he's on a bicycle witnesses said they saw him shoot him and go and shoot him in the head several more times the tear garden is like new york central park this is in broad daylight we have a photo of the suspect. we have seen a russ russia lashd tried to assassinate opponents in england and elsewhere. >> varied much of putin's type of operation do not forget he
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was trained back in the fs to be the kgb successor. while a little lower on the food chain there is no question that is the type of guy and i think putin is bringing that name up partly to frighten some of the european countries where the intel chatter is picking up a possibility of a russian sabotage and hybrid operations being carried out in britain or germany or other european allies in retaliation for ukraine. it's partly putin prepping for a deal. partly prep and trying to stoke more dealers going on across europe. >> how many others do you think there are out there? is this part of a plan in your view by the fs it be by vladimir putin to strategically place some of those people to go after opponents and as you said so
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fear as a secret. >> sewing fears exactly it. we have no way of knowing how many or how effective we know the big cases ranging from the shootings to the use of radioactive materials. we know they can do it. the accent here is a putin wants to stoke and play up this capability. the other threats to the west. they're going to spike in the next two weeks as we lead up to the summit taking place in washington d.c. the 75th anniversary summit that's going to cap a lot of key security guarantees for ukraine. eric: you've got all of the attention on support for ukraine what do you expect we could see from putin in response to that? >> putin will be very active i expect to see threats. there's more fighting there.
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itwhen you ratchet that up we se that naval forces moved around i would be expected to see palmer lights in the wrong place. he will be doing all he can to push back against nato because nato and the west he really hates and that is as big a strategic loss here. the expansion and that unity of nato means of putin has lost this on the long term. it's really a loss of her putin he hates that is going to use a propaganda, military moves in next couple of weeks really push back. eric: do you think in the long term this is a loss for him ultimately in ukraine? >> i still believe ukraine can pull off a win here. remember it putin is trying his best to weaken western and nato support. it's really tough wee delicacy that were come to an end but nato has been very firm and the u.s. along with it. so i think in the end ukraine will emerge victorious putin
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will be the loser along with this overlords in china. eric: amen. meanwhile a final word on evan? 459 days why doesn't putin have a swap earlier than this? why does evan especially a young reporter like evan, why did they pick him and why does it go on this long? if putin wanted to swap, bring that up initially and earlier this to swap spies even though evan is not a spy. >> because putin is a very, very cruel man he is using this innocent journalist to gain political points it is all about putin's cruelty would a cruel tyrant we see that from ukraine right to the court room. eric: when you see evan in that glass booth, he has a smile part he is given a thumbs up, is giving a victory sign. he is irresolute against this your heart goes out to his family.
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for a few moments your thoughts about the young man we see him in the glass booth. you can't imagine putting yourself in that position and he seems steadfast in his opposition to it. >> he is steadfast. we'd not seen him on camera for a little while i am so pressed with his demeanor and let that inspire all of us to speak the truth and push back against the evil that is russia and the evil that is china for supporting him. >> that it is we cannot wait for evan to finally return we are confident that will happen. three evan, all of us at fox news stand behind her journalistic colleague, dr. rebecca grant always good to see you thank you. smooth evan did we do america's two strongest allies across the pond could have a seachange after pivotal elections this week france going to the polls key parliamentary races that could take the government sharply right while the uk could swing left in a july 4 vote.
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stephanie bennett following the twists and turns from london and here she is now. >> yes, a lot to break down today. first about in france at the snap parliamentary election the first round today that will go into next sunday as well. it could see as you mention the country's first far right government since world war ii. the national rally of marina le pen and jordan is well ahead of the polls three weeks to the day since they won european elections. year old cap dick at the immigrant party it was a longtime pariah but is now closer to power than ever before. president reacted by calling the national vote many french voters say they are frustrated about inflation and economic concerns as well as his leadership. the outcome could impact european financial markets, western support for ukraine help france global military force is managed. at the national party wins the national rally party wins he said he will not step down
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before his presidential term expires in 2027 but cohabitation would weaken him at home and on the world stage. meanwhile over here in the uk after 14 years in power for the right wing conservatives it appears the left wing labor parties on the cusp of taking over labor promises economic stability cutting national health wait times recruiting teachers while current prime minister hopes to retain his position political professor said he seems out of touch with the ordinary people. plus i think that is probably affected people's views of him as well as the fact he's really had trouble managing his party and seemed generally as a weak leader. >> those results in the uk election will start to trickle and after the polls close on july 4. arthel: will be watching stephanie bennett and london thank you. eric: championship celebration and the sunshine state the florida panthers celebrate their stanley cup championship.
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we'll take a look at the parade in south florida coming up next here on fox news live. hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ the cockroach. resilient creatures. true miracles of evolution. where there is one, others aren't far behind. always scavenging for food, the cockroach... well that's horrifying. ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. not in my house you don't.
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- see you down the line. eric: her first hurricane of the season on the way the caribbean islands and in its path beryl categories for storm "fox weather" meteorologist adam klotz on the first storm of the season and where it is heading. >> very likely could be a very active season. this is a big one to get it started off and kicked off a powerful looking storm winds at 130 miles per hour category four hurricane. as far as the size and goes a fairly small the path will certainly be devastating as a watch it make its move. now as it continues off toward the west, ultimate as we can slightly begin to do get to one of 40-mile an hour winds currently at 130. as you move across the caribbean the weakening slightly currently were looking up bull's-eye by the time you get into friday
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i've hitting most likely yucatán peninsula in mexico you do see kind of a brushing up possibly against central america as well these are all possibilities as they watch us on track off to the east but immediately our immediate concerns are going to be the southern caribbean islands everything in the pink is a hurricane warning that's we're going to get the hurricane force conditions. even some of these islands outside of that to the north tropical storm wording as the storm ultimately be sweeping through here relatively quickly it is the time of year they start to happen. there's a first big named storm will set 50% chance of a storm forming in the gulf and a 70% chance of this other storm a little further off in the atlantic. we are right in the thick of it we expect it to be a busy season it's good to state weather aware as we continue through. eric: how many do you think we will have and how many will hit the u.s.? what is diligent about the united states a forecast as many as 25 which is most aggressive forecast noaa has ever put out. eric: alright good to see you,
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keep on it. arthel: in massachusetts jury will be back in court tomorrow trying to reach a verdict in the current read murder trial. she is accused of killing her boyfriend boston police officer john o'keefe two years ago. now on friday the jury told the judge they cannot reach a unanimous decision but the judge ordered them to keep deliberating. madison scarpino's life of the story. >> yes this a case is getting a lot of attention nationwide right now the jury just cannot agree on a verdict. they have been deliberating for several days after nearly eight weeks of testimony. karen reed is accused of hitting her 46-year-old boyfriend john o'keefe with her suv leaving him out in the blizzard. off-duty boston police officer it was found badly injured outside and other police officers home in canton, massachusetts and back in
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january 2022. prosecutors say reed killed o'keefe out of anger after a night of drinking. reid says she dropped off o'keefe at the home for a late-night party her defense attorney claims o'keefe wasn't beaten inside that home then bitten by a dog and looked outside. reid said she is being framed for a crime she did not commit. >> had a field at the case against me? there is no case against me. >> after eight weeks to collect after eight weeks at smoke and mirrors and going through my private life and trying to contrive a motive that was never there. >> on friday after days of deliberation the jury gave the judge a note saying they cannot reach a unanimous verdict about the judge ordered them to keep going. >> we heard from 74 witnesses there are 657 exhibits, very complex issues in this case.
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i am not prepared to find there's been due and thorough deliberations at this point i'm going to send them back out. >> several of reid supporters have been gathering outside the courthouse every day of this trial. on friday, day four of deliberations though supported clash with protesters who think she is guilty. >> the totality of the evidence in the case. >> i can feel the tension i don't care if i wait until monday and she gets non- ill be with it worth it. >> the jury is set to take another look at all of the evidence and continued with deliberations at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. i've read is found guilty of second-degree murder she could beat sentenced to life in prison. arthel: madison scarpino thank you very much for that wrap up there. we will be right back. in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again,
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eric: boeing's come under controversy on safety issues the company says it is taking results. dan springer has a look at what they are doing inside boeing's facilities. boeing's battered reputation prompted the tightlipped company to open 7:30 seven max plant to national media this week to showcase changes made since a door plug blew off a max nine over portland in january
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official site caused by paperwork not getting done for. >> we know the crew closed the plug. they did not reinstall the retaining pin status not their job. their job is to close it and count on existing paperwork work ntsb is investigating the accident set up boeing was unauthorized to release some information slap a company with minor sanctions leading to a boeing apology. among the changes made since the blowup, new hires must complete 300 additional hours of training. the embarrassing accident still weighing heavy. >> avenue work on those airplanes know they were come as airplanes. they remember it perfectly boeing has reduced the number of fuchsia laws arriving here at the plant in washington with defects by 80% that is allow them to cut down what they called travel at work by 50% in simple terms that means they're pushing fewer problems down the line for later. workers are being told to speak up production is now stopped for
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one hour a week so they can voice concerns and is led to a steep drop in the number planes are built each month. >> rate is not my priority right now. implementing safety and quality changes and listening to every member of this team is my priority. >> whistleblowers and some in congress accused boeing a putting speed over quality company officials say the new plan is a culture change. >> i'm extremely confident that the actions we took have ensured every airplane leaving this factory is safe. i feel very confident that it will not happen again there. >> a boeing still could face federal criminal charges connected to two fatal max crashes a d.o.j. decision on that is expected next week. dan springer fox news. arthel: take a turn and head to florida where the panthers reaching the hakim mountaintop and celebrating it right now. they when the first ever stanley cup monday nights but waited
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until today to hold their championship parade. love it. so far panthers players have taken the famous stanley cup to south beach hotspots i am told one former player ate pasta out of it, it might be doing too much i'm not sure about that one but congratulations on the les. but congratulations on the les. [laughter] >> that is true. eric: florida would in thela stanlency cup ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing.
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he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live.
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subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing]
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