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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  June 30, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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have tens of millions of the h voters are filling theav democratic primaries, who will be disenfranchised. anyone have a cabal effectively in chicago, were going to appoin t nominee. therefore you do this likely, or perhaps because they lied, the concealed, they deceived, and for the last four years right through the primary process, to try to resolve giovanni, who they knew was not competent toco be present but whavet is the bottom line. they loved america, they would never done this and you cannot have a man who does not have his wits, as president of the united states with all the issues we and abroad, with aat disgrace, and i will see you tomorrow night, on life, liberty & levin. >> president biden my thing and
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is hungry going to camp david, but this time he has reportedly in damage control mode, they've and facing course calls to bow out the 2024, presidential race separate disastrous today performance on thursday night and good evening i'm jon scott and this is the fox report. jon: former president trump spent for saturday in the golf course in virginia after he mostly stood by me that mr. biden show his age and some slips during the debate and now, the president reportedly is discussing the future of his campaign with his family ox team coverage for you this evening christina communist anybody on might be trump's running mate the election and senator mike rams will join us with more in trump strategy, try to whenever the voters in the heartland the first lucas thomason live at the white house for us lucas. >> good evening jon scott part of the course asking for president biden to drop out
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inclusive new times editorial page and many columns that is notable to date is been on the engine democratic publicly also president to step down but we just heard from them pretty congressman preston earlier and msnbc good admitted there are discussions taken place. >> obviously, there was a big problem with joe biden's debate performance and is also just a tremendous reservoir of the fashion and look for joe biden and a party so this makes it is difficult situation everybody that there are very honest and serious rigorous conversation taking place every level of our party. lucas: haven't impressed with the church of this on a show, the offer their full support. >> the holy vanity, the biden think that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard an immune if you are more inclined to vote to be gotta be a good rectum if you're willing to walk away from joe biden, you're defecting and helping trump. >> i think he's only depend you can be donald trump me tell you,
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we have the single best day or perhaps grassroots fundraising after the debate. >> the moment we now is a comeback moments when the fire all of us to lean in. >> and the debate in raleigh north carolina president biden and first lady, the attended fundraisers in the hamptons. lucas: the wealthy long island and he said he is teleprompter to speak to the support is biden campaign said that it's raised over $33m dollars since the debate in fox news setting of a center to be events offered his assessment the first debate. >> we have two candidates, when they cannot do the job and when is failed to the job this joe biden and also for both could do the job but is not really done it successfully we have a remarkable choice here for the american people and am so glad them on the side of the guy actually done the job well and show the debate he could do it again. lucas: and as you mentioned, president biden is huddling with his family camp david and the
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white house this is that this is preplanned another group discussion and that is future but real quick jon scott moments ago home moments ago we received were that all use military bases in europe them on the words anything of the officials telling fox news that just like what your thought that there is credible intel pointing to an attack against the u.s. bases in europe over the next week or so. and also i am told that the u.s. military bases have increased their threat posture to the makeup force protection we do that he got charlie communities that there is credible intelligence indicating there's a terrace attacked the imminent in the u.s. military bases, or personnel. terms to threat israel spaces in europe. jon: let's hope that there is no successful attack that kind of lucas thomason at the white house and thank you. jon: in the meantime former president trump is hitting out with will announce his running mate and several provisional
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pics were at the debate on thursday christina coleman is live in los angeles with a look at some of the contenders christina. >> good evening and dissipation is certainly growing as we are we to find out who donald trump will choose as his running mate and there are a lot of reports that he plans to make his big announcement before or during the republican national convention which starts on july 15th ago law case of the vp candidates could be in the home stretch thing to leave the report is how contenders over the included ohio senator jd vance month month for the deborah god and sinners marco rubio of florida, and tim scott and south carolina and they have all been out in full force showing support for donald trump and plenty of tv interviews the president joe biden's very rafah performance, thursday's debate has definitely give the vp contenders a lot of talk about in front coming days as a media of us political pundits, they call and president biden to drop out of the race sooner jd vance, gave his opinion that suggested
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today on "fox news" sunday. >> it would be an incredible is all coming to the voters to have this primary process that was effectively rigged in favor of joe biden and then at the last minute about when joe biden has a disastrous debate performance try to switch amount see. christina: june and glynn young to do join forces on, friday at a rally in virginia, the crowd was fresh off of the debate and very fired up and they chatted vice president when young king took the stage of the praise the governors work. trump: we are also grateful to be joined by governor this magnificent commonwealth and his happens to be glenn young ken, and he is one of the greatest governors in the country. christina: number the contenders in the bedroom of the debate on thursday including governor . for them coming to us campaign on cutting taxes and strengthening the economy needed
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an interview with jesse waters on friday to sizing biden's debate performance and his response to major concerns, facing the voters. cement joe biden had no answer on inflation no answer the work these of the issues that are affecting every american everyday. christina: again the republican vp contenders are all out in full force showing their support for donald trump as we always find out who he will choose as his running mate. jon: one with the oddsmakers in las vegas are saying about all this, they probably have a line on it and i'm not sure christina: thank you and many top democrats are fully rejecting the culture president biden to step aside that cutting senatorial candidates, battleground states will have to decide if the defending biden is the best look for their campaigns. putting us on all this is republican senator microsoft got a member of the armed services committee and they say that the u.s. senate is the world's most
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exclusive clubs so what your fellow club members saying after the debate. >> we have all been back in her home states for the last couple of days that we can most certainly tell you nobody thought joe biden had a good night out there clearly give us not into they task at hand and look, i hope he stays in the middle of this simply because it means that the president has a real good shot and not only identifying the differences between them, by pointing out what president biden his record is all about whether you talking about the respected around the world whether you talking about the economy which we know we are talking affordability and affected groceries are up over for the 1 percent gasoline is over 54 percent since joe biden took office for you talking about 10 billion plus individuals coming illegally across our southern borders come up this is a record in which he
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cannot defend and if he is the guy the top of the democratic ticket to come is would-be really tough on a lot of those members of the senate we do want to get really a reelected in their present or who get elected into the senate and self personally for selfish purposes, i think that having joe biden at the top of the ticket is the best thing the republicans can hope for and on the other hand i think impreza probably wondering whether this was a good idea to have them continue on i can't imagine why the world they would want him to debate former president trump before their convention. and as he had some recent to short of the market people, that maybe he was not the right guy for the job they wanted an alternative as well. jon: you talk about you know senate races this looks to be usually pretty good year for republicans to because it impress her defending some of what is it so many of the season there are some states, where republican challengers to be
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pretty strong if the democrat voters do not much like their option of the white house, is a home, that is gotta be encouraging to use a republican. >> no question about that, will look about we believe that whatever deficit is that a great job as chairman of our republican committee and all his attacks we've all agreed what happened republican candidates anyway we can we think that right now, if president trump former president trump can focus on the future, but the things he'll be able to do to bring back the economy coming to rebuild our defensive forget about the will policies they have on the part of the defense, focus on those issues looking forward to, we really good she has to only take back the white house, as effect the united states today and we have a really good shot keeping the house and we do that the month we can take advantage of opportunities here like we have not had in quite a while and
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talk to deregulate a lot of the stuff going on right now i think that 93 separate executive orders the resident biden is due to the economy and in fact the southern border we got opportunities here we have to take advantage with god hit the ground running we can keep the center get the center back keep the house of that's going to go a long ways towards helping the former president actually bring this economy back online start to rebuild this department of defense. jon: when the highlight one of the races in wisconsin said it centered him you all would think reelection and according to the pole helen anderson full she's a 46 processed and incumbent, and eric — is that 44 percent hurt republican challenger, that is inside of the margin of error and dose one of those reasons, that has to make republicans feel pretty good. >> no question about it and eric is a very good candidate and we have a series of very good candidates across sam brown in nevada were very happy to see
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him really symmetric down there pretty is really good shot as well. we think were going to pick up west virginia riddell governor jim justice, stepping into the race no killed out larry hogan in america maryland i think having that the governor the united states senate over the that encompasses is always something i personally think we bring to the united states senate and would love to have another governor in the senate with us sue and the need to ask you before you go come about his terror threat against the military bases u.s. military bases in europe during the armed services committee. is there anything that you can tell us about this threat this come out. >> honestly, this the first that i have heard in the announcements will be to go and they also serve in the intelligence committee and i'm not received any direct message in the last few hours about any need to have an elevated alert but i can't tell you that part of what we've seen time and time again is a disrespect the armed
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services the united states and this is right to the leadership of the white house number one when we left afghanistan tell if we lost a lot of respect largest of our allies bit of our adversaries as well she and looking at taiwan and who actually decided it was okay for him to going to ukraine and antwerp we have of the countries that are looking at weather . they can attack our faces get away with it, and the red sea, we have our men and women in uniform, under attack every single day thank honeys think it's okay to take pot shots are minute women it destroys on the aircraft carriers them enough is enough any of take these guys out you don't have strong leadership at the top they think that they can get away with an. jon: center like thank you. >> acute. >> the national hurricane center is tracking hurricane errol coming it is a category four storm now expected to bring
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life-threatening winds to islands in the caribbean this weekend fox with meteorologist adam klotz has more than. >> hey john yes, this is a major storm that we are watching work its way towards the caribbean as we speak and use that in my category hurricane winds at one and 30 miles an hour getting close at this point to the lesser and as far sizes go when you talk about hurricanes, doing our storm. adam: and runs over where you are in the folks swing to be very dangerous and currently were beginning to see this at rigid winds beginning to creep that and that direction about 2l obviously going up so really exciting things to deteriorate overnight tonight through the day tomorrow is what we are looking at this is a very unusual store since 1851, only two major hurricanes have passed self more than and were setting up for this what it yourself this is a very unusual storm track these folks they don't typically say the fortunately dealing dying down as the makes
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that move in this dormancy expected of the weakens of the folks there right across the lesser until he something going to get the worst of this and then does start to slowly does not have to quickly but slowly die down the works his way across a reviewed by the time you get on thursday night into friday, as we start to see this weekend about more and jon there are several system this the one we are talking about but there's other areas out there that we will be watching were expecting a really active season so mess like this for there's multiple storms across the caribbean at across the atlantic i think that's what a something pretty common here the next couple of months.
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jon: okay meteorologist adam, think you keep on knowing on it for us and thank you. >> is a well the caribbean islands the backing down the hatches extreme weather here in the states is poised to cause headaches for the estimated 70 million people expected to travel for the fourth of july and see be the latest from new york city. >> i cecile record-setting fourth of july travel comes with the threat of severe weather jon, we may be seeing some initial impact check this out here's a map where were watching hardware reports new york about new jersey and boston are dealing with the most cancellations and delays right now is on par with winter excellent meteorologist over fox with had been predicting round of severe thunderstorms along the i-95 order for north carolina that we see cancellations and delays for air travel is result of these going to be additional headaches during what is already going toy busy time independent state travel stretches from this
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weekend to next weekend and aaa says nearly 6 million people are expected to fly to the fourth of july destination this is a nearly 7 percent increase compared to the same time last year and experts pointing the flexibility of remote work as one of the reasons why more people traveling than ever before and so if you do have to have the airport about here's an extra poughkeepsie not travel carry-on only gives the airlines to opportunity to lose your luggage if you do check and have air tags so that you can actually keep track of your banks on your own as opposed to just relying on the airline, maybe they up to is a priority baggage or if you have status on an airline especially the holiday weekend, travel with that airlines of the new get the priority hopefully coming hiccups at first and you know was that. cb: the number of people behind the wheel were staggering aaa
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says nearly 61 million people going to get the runways nearly five person increase compared to last timeframe last year the great news aaa said that gas prices are lower in these final days leading up to the fourth of july holiday, the time we really want to avoid getting on the road come as from about 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. and that is when you're going to have a lot of just on those roadways and i like to be in the kind of best. jon: take your patients, cb cotton in new york city and thank you and some of the economy heat up or melt down in 2025 econ than a statement it depends on who wins the all important presidential election in november and economist steve morris here with his expert taken he is next. do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right?
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biden: there was no inflationben his back, 50 percent of an unemployment, he decimated the economy absolutely decimated the economy and that is why there is no inflation. trump: he calls the inflation is blaming inflation and these
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rights of this is been very bad and he costed and is killing the black families and hispanic families and just about everybody. is killing people and can buy groceries anymore. jon: the battle over inflation is president biden former president trump outlined their economic plans during thursday's debate in a new off at new york press argues president biden's policy in the national death is far worse than that of donald trump and for more on how the economy could shape the 2020 for a lunch of the economist with a heritage nation and when the authors of that new york post off and thank you for being with us tonight steve it in the peaceful you say that president biden is going to be a record setting president is probably not one that he likes to claim but record-setting amount of debt under in just one term. steve: that is right is on its way to be with you jon and if you look at the reckoning by the
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wake of the republicans do not have great record of the debt either self and you want to be clear that both parties are responsible for this absolutely insane you know nearly when the data setting to $50 trillion but i've got to tell you that when you look at what happened invited came into office about and compare where trump left the economy versus what is happened over the last three have here so we are ready for this jon, joe biden has added it seven truly with a t trillion dollars to the debt over the ten year time so trump did not do a great job of reducing the debt my god, hit is just exploded under bided pretty know the other issue was the one that you just like that soundbite on get to clarify was going on the inflation front johnson unit. jon: please do. steve: so the placement because this is the media so misreported this when donald trump left office, the month and he left office the inflation rate in the united states was 1.4 percent throughout his four years as
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president of the entire inflation rate on an annual basis was 2 percent which is actually the exact target the federal reserve onset invited came in and you will believe this come up but in month of each of the inflation rate from 1.4 percent of tonight .1 person any slimming down trump having come on anybody would honestly look at these numbers, understands what happened, biden came in and spent three or $4 trillion when you print the kind of money jon come out to you as an economist, you're going to have inflation. jon: but his that he had is been the kind of money in order to stimulate the economy after the effects of covid-19. steve: while there again i think you have to look at the facts and if you look at the last six month by the way, the first response in 2020, obviously was when we had the covid-19 crisis and we went made where the greatest mistakes in the history of this country shut down our churches and schools are coming we should never happen if you look at the next six months of
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the last six months when trump was president of the economy grew by 11 percent so we were the way for a robust recovery funding comes news fits all this money we have runaway inflation the runaway death and he's president or an overhaul. jon: he wanted to spend another 2 trillion on top of what he spent yes. steve: and for gets reelected no knows what will happen at this point, but he made it very clear factor facing wealth he was going compare all the problem when he was cool. what is missing is nonsensical and his last evening that vegas if you reelect me i'm going to raise taxes the roof going to soak the rich when is a country ever had an economic recovery when you massively breezy taxes that is a strategy that will not work any was raise the tax rate so i jauntily was the united states have a higher business tax rate come up china and russia and i make about. jon: and what about the trump
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tax because though because president biden is also a critic of those. steve: woman little biased because with larry kudlow and smothers i helped write that tax plan. the is tremendous success people forget if it's open for covid-19 the economy was absolutely booming before covid-19 hit. when the best from us about the best economy ever. you look at even the receipts, we do not have a revenue problem right now in washington if you look at the wall street journal pointed this out the other day, that the revenues and tax revenues are science ever been in the problem is spending is just going like this through the roof. but in the will solve the problem i don't know what is become a real crisis under bided. jon: okay steve moore heritage foundation we appreciated stephen thank you. steve: thank you. jon: thanks, fox report senator chris coons of joe biden's home state of delaware leading the charge to defend the president's
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continue candidacy. >> nobody has been a stronger and consequential president in my lifetime than joe biden. sue and wall street journal associated editor shares his thoughts next. ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate
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>> when debate does not define a persecord to come over the kind of person the situation come there's that thing could be freak out after my debate. in fact you might even say that i had more difficulty than the president who didn't hear him right now having this conversation. >> joe biden's decision to go forward become his a decision that we have all embraced because of the records he has in the performance will come with it. >> allies of him coming in the past, are pleading with him to step out of the race and dizzy here it and how is he reacting.
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>> of the folks are starting their, they are the new york times editorial page. >> knowing is not limited to the new york times. >> there's not a single dim got a governor sitter. >> would you pursue the democratic nomination if joe biden were to take himself out of this race. >> i will not and joe biden is not going to take himself out of this rate nor should he sue and some of us about his staunch supporters there defending him against a slew of calls to drop out of the race the supporters might be relieved to see it here many are in the process to replace him might be too complicated to carry out before the dnc convention in august and associate editor the wall street journal jon bessie is here to weigh in and jon, just talk about how we got here in the mean, everybody will people were telling us that president biden is as sharp as a tack mid office in this debate comes and all of a sudden, there is panic in the
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property and how did that happen. >> will yes his allies said that is sharp as a tack those people who want to see him run when but a lot of people they were not in i think that the voters knew this jon and next, reflected poll numbers that age was her primary concern and you folks have reported on it every day in the wall street journal had is on its front page new york times had on this front page his stories about aid to people who worked closely with him saying there were moments in the meetings where their slippage. we saw that during the debate night. jon: willis look at some of the names that have been about his potential replacement candidates and now normal white house situation vice president one would think will be front and center but well many people seem to be disregarding kamala harris a potential replacement for joe biden and then there's gavin newsom the governor of
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california who seems to be running sort of this shadow campaign for the presidency even though he said that he is said these at joe biden supporters in the transportation secretary people the judge and governor pritzker of westmore coming josh another one and of those committees see any one of them you know sort of rising to the top is a potential replacement. john: like to get a politician with her salt, runs a shotgun candidacy the president as prettily their senior people at governor and senators. when harris, is problematic because her numbers are reflective of bidens. she's not particularly popular with the electorate. this been a problem for her during this first administration. i think pritzker in illinois newsom, california, i think witmer of michigan, they're all governors of people have managed
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large administrations are pretty credible and a habit of experience and exposure to actually be candidate about their voting for a manager right, this is chief executive something they need to make sure the various agencies government operate properly that if the site can be want to be elected manager in the governors tend to come to the forefront in moments like this because they are managers a big operations but jon you know the half the getting to that point of the really is going to require bided to make a decision in a very small circle of ages around him and his wife are jiggly, he is going to have to decide to back out. if you get to the convention coming over the delegates committed to vote for biden not legally obligated to come up with there's an understanding
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that you have elected to be a debate door or delegate to the convention on the basis of your support for a particular candidate in this case biden. so he will have to make the decision to withdraw. and if you want to avoid absolute chaos at the convention and thereafter. jon: if he were the releases delegates cummings it just that simple. john: well it's would be missing a matter what and i think that you're going to have to see bided say that this is the person that i wanted to take my place and here are the ways that we are going to support him or her and here is how the money in my campaign is going to get dispersed to support him or her in the heat of signs for some reason, to go through the convention it be the official nominee, then back out afterwords, it's going to be the leadership of the dnc, that makes the decision on who will
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replace him and was again, it is going to be very much helped or hurt by biden himself making the decision indicating who you would like in the other things on, is that book, it is unclear who got damaged. it isn't clear whether biden alone damaged in the debate pretty clearly he did with a very poor performance. when it was a smaller group of people that tuned into this debate, 30 percent less in 2020, and you have to imagine that was not just those who were chief supporters of truck or biden, there were a lot of independents try to make of the mind. and they heard not just a weekly performance by president biden former president trump once again repeat these lies and falsehoods and exaggerations and denying the results of the 2020 election supporting the jan january 6 insurrectionist in all
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of this stuff they turn them off the president trump so let's watch the polls in the coming days and let's see who got damaged more fundamentally. jon: wall street journal, jon thank you will be more with the fox report after this. [music p] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. >> c1 "fox news" lauric of the u.s. military base in europe some of the hard heightened alerts now due to a potential terror attack and defense up ovr the visuals like, that there is credible intel pointing to an attack against u.s. bases in europe over the next week or so. the anonymous official said the threat is not connected to the french elections. we will keep annoy on that. jon: is attila to elections in
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europe this week, with far right politicians protected to have a strong lead in the first round of parliamentary voting in france, far left politicians, are looking to do the same thing in england and is think the popularity of both countries top officials and president emmanuel and british prime minister and stephanie bennett has more from london. >> french voters cast their ballots the first round of the step parliamentary election, they could see the country's first far right government since world war ii the two round elections wrap up next sunday and the outcome could not european financial markets and support for ukraine and how france's global military forces managed then first president called the vote after his alliance was soundly beaten in the european election by marine far right national valley earlier this month and her
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protégé 28 -year-old jordan bartel i, would be minister in the party went out right and at the national rally party wins, not chrome said that he will most have done before his presidential term expires in 2027 but cohabitation would weaken him and now in on the world stage. >> my dear patriots democracy has spoken the first people have places national rally and its allies on top and have practically raised his block. >> meanwhile the uk commander 14 years in power, for the right wing conservatives command appears left-wing they were party is on the cusp of taking over labors promises economic stability and a national health waiting times are recruiting teachers current prime minister rishi sunak hopes to repaint is retain his position and another one seems out of touch with ordinary people. >> it has affected people's views of him as well as the fact that he is really had trouble managing his party and generally week leader's bangmac that
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results will trickle in the polls close on july 4th. jon: stephanie bennett from london, thank you. and here are some of the headlines lights around the world. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] >> i want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that there are still 1129 hostages and hamas captivity. >> that is rescued israeli hostages, hostage speaking out for the first time since her rescue and her video played in the rally in tel aviv, demanded the release of all remaining hostages in eastern ukraine local officials they been russian ritual missile tackle seven people and injured dozens more ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky is now asking for more long-range weapons to halt russian to her. >> north korea is accusing the u.s. of creating an asian version of nato in the reset
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late took part in the military exercise with japan and south korea. [background sounds]. jon: in iran is expected to hold a run the presidential election this week between reformist and hardline nuclear negotiator and a winner will replace — who died in the helicopter crash earlier this year. in south africa, researchers injected the radioactive materials into the arms of 25 rhinos it is part of the project that aims to curb poaching making it harder to traffic rhino horns across the borders. eventually, tens of thousands of people are sitting died parade working 25 years since the decriminalization of homosexual la think there and similar took place in the streets of peru and other latin american countries
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is a look at some stories from around the globe. esther they have the fox report, hurricane trackers are keeping a close eye event of hurricane farrell as a moves through the caribbean and so is meteorologist adam plus. >> yes barrel still in the moon, the storm is about to dance — three weeks before typically would arrive to major would be tracking coming up in my forecast after the break. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up.
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>> were keeping on category four hurricane beryl is a makes his way across the preview of the work weeks forecast and fox meteorologist adam klotz is with us. adam: a lot going on with beginning a really powerful storm and kind of an abnormal what, for the view this out than we could releasing the sum of your much larger and stronger in the winds and 130 miles an hour category four now running right up in the last until lease with those within 30 miles an hour winds and as far as the size of this diameter is particularly large, as it was a way to get really wide area but at this runs over some of these areas it
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could to be quite devastating it out initially, it's would be really powerful storm and think tomorrow through tomorrow evening a major watching the storm across the until he said in your back out over the caribbean in which you will notice is that it slows down through the woods be thought out some of that a lot initially but over time it does by the time you get up to the peninsula there in mexico city talking about places like cancún, and it is weakening event by friday evening 70-mile an hour winds greater than that but even on thursday at 100 miles an hour winds and thursday night into friday morning at east currently is what work taking their vlan follow the system otherwise back across the country. >> tip today for the thunderstorms here across the country may be the most active in the most impactful have been up and down the east coast everybody and the checkboxes a severe thunderstorm thinking you forward a couple of days what about your fourth of july forecast, this is wednesday julg to see us as a partner in the middle of the country for your actual unity this day, this is a moves a little bit further off to be used you're looking at
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rain across portions of the midwest back into the northern plains and if you're traveling lingering there a while, friday's forecast brings the system a little bit further off towards the east so you talk about she has a right from some of the central states from atlanta, perhaps new york city getting in on the fifth of july as well jon. jon: meteorologist adam klotz thank you and up next on the fox report,. [background sounds]. jon: pride month wind is deal with when the biggest celebrations of them all, that's ahead.
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why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn. subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up.
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and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend.
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and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing]
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summa new york city wrapping up pride month of over the jubilant paraded take a look. [background sounds]. jon: thousands gathered to watch the parade what was way around manhattan this afternoon pleasing fate lgbt thin works like the stonewall national monument new york city aids memorial mr. same covenants reflect and empower unite. and for the first time in more than 20 years, a brand-new
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parent joy pandas has arrived in the united states, they are part of china's panda diplomacy program and amanda seem to be settling in well to the know-how but the san diego sue and they have already learned to follow some english commands at the fans get a few more weeks of pregnancy for the fans are able to catch a glimpse and finally a special treat as night meteorologist adam klotz is just beckman big adventure coming into the summit of mount washington state haven't tell us about it. adam: well yes because this is a bit of the show until they went out to washington and climbed the mountain and i did not make it to the summit, nobody made it up to the sum of the day we climbed over the spent three days out there jon and it was only a couple of hours from the seventh when the weather turned us around will getting wind guess of up to 80 miles an hour it had avalanches out there and so we had to turn back but it's it was beautiful and it was miserable i could away printed he over but it was an awesome
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experience. >> big ice fields mount revere. adam: is yes the most glaciated mountain in the lower 48 in there's ladders you have to walk across going to get over them any do serious mountaineering libido for a little bit more than i could chew but it was a blast. >> c1 so that is you on your way down as i understand. adam: guess at that point, like you make that was from you get up at midnight if you try to make it to the sum of that it is cold and windy going across glaciers like this then it was over like out will that picture me, like the winds is hitting my face the snow is in my face is like get me back down pretty was really cool. jon: we are proud of you and good job and thank you adam and that's fox report this sunday june 30th 2024 and i am jon scott and thank you for watching the big weekend show is up next.


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