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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  June 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> weirdest thing you've eaten? >> weirdest, maybe a zebra. >> a zebra? >> yeah. get it katie pavlich. >> there you go. >> does it taste like chicken? >> no, it's like a chew wee weird thing. >> sense of aloha ragaini tastee horse. >> what does cat taste like? >> like bubble gum. >> before we go, don't forget to follow the big weekend show on x, facebook, and instagram. iit is at @bigweekendsomehow. appropriate. that's it for us. jason, katie, gianno, it's been a pleasure. we'll see you next weekend. life, liberty and levin, the legend starts right now. enjoy every moment. ♪
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mark: hello, america, i'm mark levine this. is life, liberty and levin. vivek ramaswamy and january nguyen. we want to -- john nguyen. we want to pick up a bit where we were last night and underscore an issue here. the same media that helped force joe biden on us is now leading the way to remove biden is get a different nominee. if this doesn't demonstrate once and for all the media and democrat party are one in the same, in fact the media lead the democrat party in many respects to nothing well. nothing well. this is a battle now between the media and democrat party activists. that is media wanted to replace
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biden activists and some do and some don't. 99% of the democrat primary are committed to joe biden. that's not giving up and saying the new york times tells us to throw off biden. what the media want is the complete dis-enfranchisement of millions and millions of voters throughout spring, early summer and primary period. they promoted them and they would run in the democrat primary and came out and he runs
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as independent and there's biden. they to h to make sure biden was comfortable and have advantage. there's the debate and it was catastrophic and the media are the first to say we're getting all these calls and everything from democrats, which is kind of interesting, isn't it? working with her democrat friends but all this talk and stories in the media and particularly the left wing democrat media saying this is how you would remove biden is get somebody else. here's three ways to do it and going on and on and on and media asking on capitol hill if they still support biden is what the media are saying is we help bring the nation to this point,
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which is a damnable thing. we help bring the nation to a point or one of the candidates for the biggest party in america is not fit for office. we lied, we covered up, we censored, we provided propaganda, we told you videos weren't videos, shuffling wasn't shuffling. we came out on our own and talked about how brilliant joe biden s. sharp as a tack and then the american people saw the whole thing and it collapsed. if they succeed in this, it means tens of millions of people who were activists and donated and voted and participated in
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the process, they'll be broomed out too. think about this because the media are not about america, the constitution, the process or anything else. the media are about power. they've exposed themselves over and over again and this one is addadoozie and lack of connectio the democrat party and lack of this is on full display. another subject, court ruling in fisher vs. unit on the obstruction issue, was a 6-3 vote and i want to point out that judge jackson voted with the majority and what the court said in some. the it imposed criminal liability on anyone that correctly alters, destroys,
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mutilates document or other object that intends to do so with intent to repair the object's integrity and availability for use in official proceeding and general language in the end that says otherwise obstructs influences and impedes and so forth. 6-3 decision. justice barrett wrote the decision and she and two leftists. they thought that should stay in place. barrett is gone. barrett is on her own now. all that said, what does this demonstrate? why were these charges brought, four charges on the so-called january 6 case, two of them related to this law. the district court upheld it, the circuit court panel with two biden appointees upheld it, supreme court 6-3 with justice jackson joining in the majority said no, that's not what the law said and no intent to apply to anything like this. so 50% of the case that jack
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smith brought was just thrown out against donald trump and all these january 6ers and their lawyers will take a look at this. this is more evidence about jack smith. a reckless rogue prosecutor. you're going after a former president who's running for president and you take a statute with no application and you desperately try to massage it and rework it and take take so-called facts and shove it into it. like a square peg into a round hole. you don't bring the country to this point by playing loose with the law and loose with the facts and that's what he did. that's what the u.s. attorney's office did in washington dc and that's what everyone of these damage district court judges did in washington dc and a circuit court panel. they don't care. this is a very simple law. it's black and white.
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it's quite understandable. they didn't have anything to hang their hat on and boy they wanted to hang somebody. that leaves two charges left against two -- in the january 6 case by the constitutional prosecutor that was appointed in violation of the appointments clause of the constitution. count one is 18us c-section 371. if they conspire to commit any offense against the united states o defraud the united states in any agency and manner or purpose of one or more such persons, do any act to affect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fine. this is a statute written and deal withs federal contractors. has nothings to do with
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january 6. there's jack smith and loads it up with facts of donald trump working with arizona and he worked with michigan and spoke to the people and have fake electorates and have nothing to do with this. that's one of the remaining two charges but jack smith is hoping as he get as break of the alvin bragg judge merchan type and one word of evidence presented and 18 u.s. codes 371 and two remaining and you read this in guidance and the grand jury indictments and you'll notice all the trampling all over the free speech and jack doesn't care and jack's a hunter. there's another section and the
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other law that's left is 18usc and section 241 and ku klux klan act of 1871 and that's what it is and look where jack is going to find the laws trying to apply against trump and going to injure, threaten or intimidate a person in right or privilege and constitution or laws in theout and his or her having a right and this is basically a civil rights law. it was passed because it was directed and named at klan preventing black people from voting from exercising their constitutional rights and elections and other activities. this has nothing to do with january 6. nothing. so that's what's left in the so-called january 6 case and i've heard people say if jack
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smith wants to go ahead, he could just forget about the obstruction charges which is true and go ahead with these two. he shouldn't go ahead with these two. can he? i guess he can. i guess he can and seeking an appeal and before we start this whole trial, we have to get, we have to get the laws straightened out and jack the ripper smith have already been admonished by the supreme court and not the first time going with the governor of virginia and that was another time and so forth and not suggesting to pull the trigger. then we have the case in florida, what's going on in florida. she's smart and prepared and questions are right on and what
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you like and when this is a woman that spent seven years as a federal prosecutor and significant position for the private practice and going for the trial and she's methodically going through the issues and these issues are huge and going for appointment after jack smith's constitution on the appointments clause in the constitution. and place ago massive gag order on donald trump and said wait a minute, i'm not so sure about that and i have to look at it and it's the manhattan courthouse and the star chamber but it's not.
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then she says the court of the trial and it was evidentiary and the judge of the trial and senior status in washington dc ruled that attorney client privilege information that donald trump shared with his lead council. violating the crime fraud exception and can't use your attorney to conspire to commit a crime. i need to review that because i can't act based on what another trial lawyer said on the jurisdiction and the case that should never have been brought and jack the ripper smith brought it again and grand jury in washington dc and i got to look at that too. pushing the biden nomination and
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attacking anybody who was challenged his lack of sense. now is trying to push them out and he's constantly attacking this judge cannon as nbc and cnn lying and lying and lying to you for years about joe biden. this is a standup judge and not agreeing with her. but these judges and serious judges going to look at them and saying wait a minute and fani willis, wait a minute. we need to look at conflict of interest and supreme court said this obstruction statute, jack, has nothing to do with your application. the judge in florida said wait a minute, i don't even know if your appointment is constitutional and on top of that, you're making extraordinary demands. this is what judges are supposed to do. this coming week, the supreme court will issue it is immunity
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decision. i was here in front of you, i said this is a big deal. most people dismissed it and it's turning out to be a big issue. so you need to pursue the avenues that are available to you to challenge what is taking place. i've urged president trump's lawyers to take it. look at all ritz statures or the
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common law and to really beat a path to the supreme court whether they take it or not. which is what's taken place in new york, what's taken place in new york is a violation of the fifth, sixth, eighth, 14th amendments. it's a violation of federal jurisdiction, and an abuse and misuse of federal election law. social security one man's opinion and we here happen to be with the philadelphia phillies of lawyers right now. don't they have the best average in baseball? i think they do. i'll be right back. ♪
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>> welcome back to america and good man, we've never really done this before, have we. hear's my talk about the democrats and media and substituting joe biden for somebody else and i'm thinking we went through an entire primary process and tens of
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millions of people are in the primaries and some cases in independents and the point is they voted. 99% are buying dells and the media and new york times and axios and all pushing for another candidate and going to dis-enfranchise tens of millions to swap out biden is allow the democrats. jaire this was not a careful reaction after the fact. this was a carefully hatched plot beforehand if you think about it. they demanded this debate occur in june. the earliest ever presidential tv debate in history. the first ever in history before the nominating convention of either political party. for me it was obvious exactly what they were doing. i said this over the course of the presidential race last year that i doubted we'd be running against biden.
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but the problem with now them putting this bait and switch now is that it instills a sense of dishonest city with the public. you have a government in a media complex that's lied systematically to the public from the hunter biden laptop story on the eve of the last election and origin of covid-19. now lying about their intentions of who their nominee will be and how healthy he was and even good to make that switch and i believe it's now likely. i think it'll erode public trust even worse than it already has been. not just speaking as republican and speaking as american and dangerous for the country and shame on them for doing it. let's play it out a little bit. >> let's say they do this, biden announces he's not going to run. the delegates were free to choose whoever they wish but the party doesn't want kamala harris and going for an awful candidate and she speaks worse than biden did and then what, they're going to have a battle within the party over race, and over
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whether it's a female. what happens then. >> they have a problem and they put someone in that role and be honest and the race in january and there's no other qualification for that job and no other capability to bring to the roll of vice president and she's in charge of ai policy and can't even spell ai. let's be honest about that and going to pick somebody else for those identity politics problems and somebody rises above the fray and stops them from having in-party fighting for people vying for the same role. that leaves them back and michelle obama. we'll see what happens and this prediction long ago and play this forward and going to stop at nothing to keep donald trump out of office. the best shot they can. how we protect ourselves against that mark, first of all president trump has done it and he's demonstrated on vinceingly the american people at that debate.
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convincingly that lawfare was completely just that and a politicized prosecution even centrist friends, ceos and even people would be skeptical of that argument and see the way we do and it's political lawfare. i think those people are in trump's cam and here to say regardless of who the democrats put up. but the other way we do it and where i believe we've not yet been good enough as republican party. we have to articulate who we are and what we stand for. irrespective of the poison the left gives us and going well against the radical biden agenda and he'll not even be the no, ma'am feoffment it's a democrat machine that we're up against. i think we're in something of a holy mission here in this psychoand will going in and shutting down that deep state. this is a generational opportunity and once in a century opportunity we've been given as americans as founding fours did in 1776 and this is our moment to step up and say
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we're restoring our constitutional republic and we have a god-given opportunity and up to us to seize it and swannedder this november and -- squander this opportunity and this is our chance to get it right. >> appears the supreme court has given us a very powerful tool, they've gone pre-984, pre-chevron decision meaning in other words they just ruled that the bureaucracy doesn't have the power to issue regulations, to enforce regulations, and adjudicate regulations all at once. companies, small businesses and more can bring lawsuits and that's a monumental decision and the average person or small business can challenge these regulations with a opportunity of really getting a fair hearing. what do you make of that? >> outstanding outcomes and most important supreme court cases of
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our lifetime and started two years ago with west virginia versus epa and said these regulators can't write rules with a big impact if congress never passed them into law. that was in 20226789 now this cycle you got two decisions just coming out in recent days. one which said the sec and other agencies can't house judges, prosecutors, and rule writers under the same agency and that was a big win and saw the overturning of the chevron doctrine itself and courts no longer have to defer to agencies after the interpretation of the law and the most monumental pro constitutional decisions we've seen and for the next president to go in there and dismantle that regulatory state. we now have the legal tool kit to do it. i believe that man will be donald trump if we succeed this november. november >> when we come back, my question is what do we do about the media? not the government but there are private corporations and have boards of directors and ceos and
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people responsible to investors and they're destroying our country and look at what they did with joe biden is what do we do about this? we'll be right back. the cockroach. resilient creatures. true miracles of evolution. where there is one, others aren't far behind. always scavenging for food, the cockroach... well that's horrifying. ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. not in my house you don't. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be. my name is brayden. i was five years old when i came to st. jude. i'll try and shorten down the story. so i've been having these headaches that wouldn't go away. my mom, she was just crying.
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>> level of forced protection was raised to second highest level and bases include u.s. army garrison in germany where u.s. european command is head cart quarters and the championship ahead of paris july olympics. president biden is hunkers down at camp david this weekend and reportedly discussing the future opportunistic presidential campaign and they're pushing back saying it was planned ahead of the debate. now back to life, liberty and levine. >> welcome back. we're here with vivek ramaswamy.
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why do we treat the media like it's some form of government and we are supposed to have a free press and don't have the free press and not talking about the government doing anything and dealing with boards and ceos and managers for example. >> this is what i'm going about it and remains a focus after my presidential run as well. through the private sector itself. i'm on your page and don't want the government interfering and doing what they can and can't say and media is behaving wrongly and u sc recently and second largest class shareholder with buzz feed and the initial
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story of the steel dossier and going to require more competitors and change to a platform and going for the financial marketplace and alternatives to the likes of blackrock and state street and vanguard and that's why i founded stride, asset manager and financial institution that competes directly against them. that's going to require citizens in the private sector saying there's opportunity here as entrepreneur and skills outside of politics and going through the front door and setting down the deep state and also a private sector center of alternatives that fill that vacuum and both of those will be requirements for reviving the country. >> i think so too. we have independent sources and they're very, very good and i'm involved in several of them and different platforms.
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>> i'll circle back to this debate and the media are telling the democrat party get rid of biden is replace him. the same media this was the guard protecting biden and their influence and they're likalgia xeroand clips aren't legitimate of him shuffling around and the media say they're not legitimate. same thing over and over again and it's a prop began data committee operation and not multimillionaires and can't they buy a bit of stock and show up at board meetings and so forth? >> absolutely they can. the other thing the little guy can do and following what they're force feeding you. you don't have to take what they give you and the american people are, mark. even lot of centrist friends and center left friends from college
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or otherwise and their views are changing and they realize they've been lied to and a few years ago may have call it had a conspiracy theory saying covid began in a lab in china and lied to enough times and they're prepared and cnn and whoever is telling me something doesn't mean i automatically believe it because the new york times print it had and that's a powerful source of our own redeclaring of independence and that is the moment i do think we're in right now. that independence starts with our own independence of thought. can people buy stock and show up at board meetings? yes. shop at alternative companies? yes. the biggest source is from yourself and your own convictions not shaped by what you happen to read on the front page of the washington post on a given day. that's how we're going to regain their independence and violence and knowledge and with self-sufficiency of our own convictions and we see a title
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wave of that. now brewing in the country, mark. >> you're very optimistic, why so in >> i don't believe in peddling fake optimism and it's not morning in america and i'm not going to tell you it is. a lot of people say the american dreams are alive and well and it's alive and barely hanging on for life support and price haves gone up and wages have stayed plat and not going to pedal fake optimism and i don't believe we have to be this nation in decline and we are a nation in decline but doesn't have to stay that way and i believe in my heart of heart we can be a nation in dissent and comes down to the decisions we make and not donald trump coming down from on
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high to save us. he's doing his part but we have to do ours too and the biggest part is doing our part as republicans and patriot and americans between now and november and i'm optimistic we can deliver not just a small electoral win, but this is the first opportunity we have to deliver a landslide of a kind. we haven't seen it in a generation since reagan and there's nothing more i could imagine, mark, that could unit this country than a landslide election of 1980 or 1984 proportion. after that debate this week, this is our opportunity to actually see it and that's what gives me that sense of optimism. >> vivek ramaswamy, thank you very, very much. keep it up. you're a really fascinating individual as i observe you. take care of yourself. >> thank you, mark. good to see you. >> we'll be right back. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face?
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>> welcome back. we're here with john yoo. this obstruction issue, 15-1 issue with folks on january 6 and two of the four charges against donald trump, stat chute was rewritten for this purpose and doesn't say what you say it says and applied to all the people and donald trump and therefore you're wrong. my question is you have a prosecutor in the case of trump, this guy jack smith that was already admonished by the supreme court and did the same thing and took a law and massage it had and took the facts and work it had in and the court was
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ewe man mouse outer they're saying no, the violation doesn't fit within the four corners of the statute. what kind of prosecutor take as law like this, uses it against a former president of the united states when he has to know he's pushing the edges of the envelope going over the edges? >> marks thanks for having me back. i appreciate it. you're exactly right in this respect. this prosecutor should be obeying the rule of law too. and making sure equal cases are treated equally and making sure the law is read properly and not just a job of courts and it's a job of prosecutors too. and the prosecutor can try to destroy a suspect's life before
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the case even starts. it's the governor of virginia and court slaps him back again. this is not just the first time but the third time now ask arkansas that the justices have chastised and rejected the theories of the special council is pushing. look, if the special council wants to accuse donald trump of waging an insurrection and trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power and there's crimes that allow you to do that. insurrection is a crime and biden doj de-excite what they're saying about donald trump has scrupulously not charged the former president with those crimes. instead as you say, mark, they've taken these crimes and charges that have nothing to do with what happened on january 6. this is about preventing people from destroying evidence. and that's needed for congressional investigation. and there's no evidence of them on the january 6 protesters
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destroyed and trying to obstruct a proceeding and now i think rip it had out and the other charges are flown out too and the claim that donald trump somehow committed fraud against the united states, that's a government contractor case in fact the supreme court has already rejected several times the kind of theory that smith is maybing that oh, to try and pursue your political interest is somehow fraud against the united states. and use of ku klux klan act and it's transformed in the statute and the charges regardless of
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whether president trump has immunity, the charges that jack smith brought will all going to be tossed out. >> problem is this, it's the manhattan problem that as smith goes forward with the other two bogus statutes and 182sc141 and the klan act or going through with the other statute involving federal contractors and so forth. and he hopes to get a friendly judge, he'll have a jury not of his peers but biden's peers and he can hope he'll get something on tram and we come back and my question to you, john yoo is this, shouldn't there be universal condemnation of what's going on? it's quite obvious what the hell is going on here. there's out of control department of justice and prosecutor and he's old and vicious and violent and trying to completely interfere in this
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election, even when he gets checked by judges. we'll be right back.
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>> welcome back. professor john yoo. i want torquing down to florida and we heard for a long time that's a slam dunk case and even some of the friends said it's a slam dunk case. and i've thought wait, wait, hold on. you've got motions to file and serious issues that are being raised and constitutional issues and slam dunk for a president that's basically retiring and even before we get to that and have the question of whether his appointment was constitutional and two former attorney generals have felt that's important enough and they've gotten that question and smith demanding there's overwhelmingly broad gag orders and trying to control the use of evidence and classified information and the attorney
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slept client privilege case and the judge is saying i'm going to look at it and they're trashing her. isn't the one that should be questioned jack smith and not judge cannon? >> one thing you're pointing out and i hope it's clear now to everybody is that the department of justice is being becaused by the biden administration and we're going to allow the constitutional rubicon and for the first time in american history prosecute a former president that's the leader of opposition party and after thursday ahead in the polls after that debate and judge cannon saying everybody better be shipshaped and buttoned down and crazy theories and outrageous pressing the law and go and prosecute a former president and leading opposition candidate and everything has to be perfect.
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she's fight ago lot of resistance to basic questions and is the special council properly appointed and how are we allowed to use president trump's lawyer as a witness against him on things covered by the attorney client privilege. how do we allow the introduction of information if that's what's at stake and open court and preserve donald trump's constitutional rights so i think judge cannon is being careful and getting to the right answers hearing all the arguments and such a great contrast of what happened in new york city, with judge merchan brushing aside the constitutional issues of the free speech rites of a defendant and running for president in his quest to speed up the trial and get donald trump. but i think what we saw in the debate, i hope people realize all this lawfare didn't work. but what it was doing was trying to knock dantrium and cover up
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joe biden's obvious de-efficiencies. >> obvious de-efficiencies. this attorney general merrick garland plays the role of a wise jurist. this attorney merrick garland concocted some privilege and got biden to sign it and prevent audio tape from that interview with special council hur be made available to congress, which congress has a right to and might consider impeachment on the audio tape. and he was trying to prevent us from seeing what we saw during that debate, wasn't he? >> i think this is another problem. you and i, mark, we both worked at justice department and i really respected it as a institution and it's the key a good government and fair and constitutional execution of the law. preventing audio tapes from
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being provided to congress conducting an impeachment investigation and has no grounds after you release the transcripts and i hope that congress not only investigates the justice department and the people keep that in mind when they vote this november and what happened to the enforcement of law in the country. >> thank you, john. take care of yourself. >> thanks, mark. great to be with you again. >> we'll be right back. the cockroach. resilient creatures. true miracles of evolution. where there is one, others aren't far behind. always scavenging for food, the cockroach... well that's horrifying. ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. not in my house you don't. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be.
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welcome back america. who knows what schemes that mediate their democrat party will come up with over the course of the next four or five months before this election. you can be sure they will. here is what we want as a people, as a free people. we want these so-called the so-d journalists the so-called hosts who were involved in the lies about joe biden to be fired. if there's any integrity left in that media, and i doubt there
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is, they should be fired pit the guests that came on and clean democrat members of congress, staffers, former mouthpieces for biden who have lied all of these months they should no longer be invited to be heard by the american people. that mediate in this country's the big problem and if they do not correct it will correct itself meeting there will be more competition, meaning more and more people start investing in these companies and demanding accountability because a country cannot survive with immediate like this. we do not need al jazeera we need our real media back. i will see you next time. ♪ ♪ ♪


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