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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 1, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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you have to be the one who wakes up and says, today is the day i go out and start something new. when you can find a plan to connect to you strategy, you build confidence that you can succeed. >> trey: you gave them a strategy, i wish i had known about you when i was mired in debt. i'm going to learn about you, i may be back there one day. jade warshaw, thank you for joining us on sunday night. thank you for spend ing part of your sunday with us. until next week find us online or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. >> carley: a fox news alert, right now extremely dangerous
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hurricane beryl is closing in on the caribbean. adam klotz will tell us what that means at home. caogs in france after right-wing nati nat nationalist party wins big and first round of elections. the white house watching this closely, seeing this as warning assign for president biden, we'll explain how. speaking of white house, vice president kamala harris makes a post debate pitch to black voters at the bet award. >> you are right, these extremists, they not like us. >> carley: david webb will respond to that. you are watch ing "fox and friends first"s, i'm carley shimkus. todd has the day off. we have all that and more coming up in this 5:00 hour. president biden heads back to the white house after spending
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sunday at camp david. he is returning to tough questions. doug luzader has an inside look at where things stand for democrats. >> doug: stay in the race is message president biden is getting from his family and close advisors. nearly all elected democrats are at least publicly behind the president's despite last week's debate performance. >> he should stay in this race. he should demonstrate going forward his capacity to lead the country. >> one debate does not define a person's record, there is same kind of freak-out after my debate. >> the stakes of the race couldn't be higher. only democrat that has beaten
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donald trump is joe biden. >> president biden is good and honorable man and a hard-working family man. we are running against a con-man who lied through entire debate on thursday. >> doug: there is report from politico that some biden family members are putting blame for the debate meltdown on advisors who helped prep the president. trying to calm nervous donors. a number of party insiders and "new york times" editorial page are urging biden to drop out. one campaign e-refer to skeptics as the bed wetting brigade. the president is maintaining a light schedule this week. >> carley: i'm sure that light schedule will be analyzed throughout the day. the day is here, supreme court
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is set to rule today in former president trump's claim in presidential immunity. trump shared thoughts on the case yesterday, without presidential immunity, a president of the united states could not function. our country can be pourpful and thrive and opponents cannot holdup and extort a future president for gain. katie, we know for a fact this decision is coming down today. you heard former president trump's comments there. >> i think president trump makes good point, the test the justices enact is something that can avoid endless prosecution, when you look at the acts of a sitting president, they are always on duty. test between official and
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unofficial acts, cha is civil standard right now, how do they define what that is and where the line is drawn? i'm curious to see how they come down here. >> carley: during oral arguments, donald trump's lawyer argued if presidents don't have presidential immunity from prosecution when it comes to official acts, what is to say joe biden will not get prosecuted for things he did related to southern border decisions that resulted in deaths. this will haimplications for presidents down the road, as well. >> that is right, that is what everybody needs to focus on, this is not just trump, this is the american presidency. it has to address hypotheticals and you mentioned southern border, there is also the withdrawal from afghanistan, how do you determine if something is
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criminally prosecutable versus immune? >> carley: with donald trump, what is an official act? the expectation is lower court will have to decide what is an official act, is donald trump's conversation with mike pence, or others official or for political gain? >> it is deleniation between official and unofficial acts. it there has never been a definition put forth about where the line is drawn and how you can determine if something is official or unofficial and in this case, itthe acts might nee additional fact finding. the case should be sent to the trial court. >> carley: when the decision comes down, they are supposed to release at 10:00 this morning, what wording are you looked for that would be considered a win
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for donald trump? >> i think he's going to get a win, there will be some form of presidential immunity, the question is how they define that, what the tests is and whether they apply it at the supreme court or send it for fact finding, they can't figure out if the acts are one side or the other. you are looking at what the ultmalt holding is. >> carley: could this case be decided before the november election? >> there are theoretical ways that objection happen if supreme court makes determination about the stairn and apply and determine these acts are not within immunity the president holds, that would move ahead with trial. that is probably not very likely, you will need additional fact finding which would lead to
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more litigation. >> carley: timeline is a big thing, . federal court will be reviewing -- obstruction which came down last week. >> absolutely, that will knockout half the charges, it is not supposed to be used for that type of conduct according to supreme court. >> carley: thank you. another supreme court ruling on case out of organization will impact the way american cities crack down on homeless camps. our next guest is a portland business owner here to react to that. plus -- >> fouled off about two -- jose is out and he fired his helmet down and he gets tossed in his
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first game as home plate umpire. >> carley: astros star gets ejected after a showbound with the umpire. highlights on that. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct. my secret? i'm the sweatiest person on the rugby team. but you smell fresh as a swiss spa. i know right?! it's secret outlast. it gives you 72-hours of odor protection. secret outlast. official deodorant of team usa. i told you it lasted a long time.
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>> carley: back with a fox news alert. u.s. military bases in europe are on heightened security alert after threat of a terrorist attack. there is intel over the next week or so. the alert apply to all military bases and personnel in europe. iran superior leader says the u.s. has bases all over the world, any movement and any revolution that pays attention to own internal environment will certainly suffer a blow. this all comes after fbi director christopher wray said we've seen threat from terrorists rise to another level
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after october 7. to a fox weather alert, hurricane beryl is closing in on the caribbean. beryl is a category 3 storm, ea earliest category 4 storm ever recorded in the atlantic. this is lightning striking within the storm's eye wall. beryl will bring wind and nine feet of storm surge to the w windward island and could develop into a major hurricane. adam klotz is here with the fox weather forecast. this looks like a big one. >> adam: tropics have gotten active quickly. we are just beginning to see that across this region. these systems are across the tropics and we have tropical storm chris off coast of mexico and another system with chance
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of development in the next week, this is time of year getting a ton of activity. was a category four. it is a small storm, a powerful storm, small as far as diamtergoes. hurricane-force woinds 30 miles out. we are still 100 miles outs, some areas seeing wind pick up. 54 miles per hour. 100 miles out from the windward islands, that is five hours from making landfall. you see hurricane warnings and will be back over caribbean and it will run for a while as it makes that move it slows down as far as wind speeds go. a path taking this toward the yucatan. wind 100 miles per hour, that is
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powerful and will fall apart as it makes that move. i told you about tropical storm chris. this is running up on coast of mexico and formed off coast of mexico and expected to fall apart. across the country, a lot of folks are going to be traveling and plenty of storms slowing down travel a bit here. it is summertime. >> carley: tis the season, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. portland, organiegon has a new emp . . a business owner joins me now. on its face, this seems like a notable change for a city with 11,0
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11 11,000 homeless population. what do you think about that? >> i don't know, we'll find out how it is going to go, i dope have much hope in leadership right now. we have the house bill that is like the issue rights now, some say nothing is going to change, others think it is a slow process. it is sad, we have people outz there, a lot is drug use that has caused mental illess ness and we have called portland street response but there are only certain hours they can come check on somebody like when they are passed out. it is a sad situation to see people out there like this right now. >> carley: it is. i mentioned it is a notable
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change. it says if people sleep on the street when there are beds available, they'll be sent to jail for a week or get fined $100. they are homelessn and cannot pay. do you think this is lip service and will be more of the same? >> the people can say, to try to get them somewhere, the people can walk downl the street and te process starts over. it is like they are just talking, we'll see when our streets are clean, i don't believe they have enough places for these people who are -- there is a lot of mental im illness along with the drug use.
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not everybody is homeless because they lost their job. we have people who are mentally ill and then people who are really comatose from drugs right now. >> carley: i was reading this morning one single homeless person can cost taxpayers up to $40,000 per year. this is expensive. can you describe the situation in portland? some imageings we were showing, you took personally, what is it like and how is it impacting taxpayers? >> right now, the know tentses a and tarps, they have 88 nonprofits that can come get nine or 10 tents per day.
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i could go get tentses and tarps and needles and hand out to people. they are blocking the street and if is hard for people with disabilities that have to walk into the street instead of the sidewalk. it is unfortunate for them and violation of our settlement agreement they have. it is really bad. this lady, they have sometimes this lady had no pants or underwear on and curled up in a ball. i went over and talked to her. it is really sad because there is nobody to call to get them help. >> carley: you have a big heart. it is sad.
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it is a perplexing problem. thank you for talking about this issue that is impacting the city you love very much. have a great day. dozens of migrants who stormed border and attacked national guard have been released into the country, the reason why will make your jaw drop to the floor. matt whitaker will react to that next and nancy pelosi is de defending president biden after his terrible debate, her's was not great either. >> it was a bad night, let's not sugar coat that, it was a bad night. there are healthcare professionals who think trump has dementia. >> carley: joe concha is on deck to react to that.
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>> carley: spokesperson confirmed doz knows of migrants who attacked border patrol have been released into the u.s. releases are on case-by-case basis.
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a post source ice releases migrants into the u.s. because they can't deport them fast enough and they need room at detention centers for the worst of a worst. sometimes a child molester gets rel released. matt whitaker joins me now. had there is so much wrong with what i just read. child molestsors can be released because of lack of housing space. how suspect deportation not the hard and fast rule for people coming in with criminal records? >> you are right. this is a broken system because joe biden is unwilling to enforce the laws on the books. we had this working in the trump
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administration. folks that violated laws, assaulted bore patrol agents should be sent back. this is a fal see of the biden administration, they believe they have to let everybody in, including ring leaders of this riot. it is a shame, it is just a small example of broader problem caused by policies. >> carley: one issue, there is so much red tape and rules that border agents and ice officials have to follow that allow people with criminal records who the country and then they have a notice to appear in court and it never gets followed, is there an
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easy way to stream line this process so known criminals are not in this country keeping americans safer? >> first thing is rolling back joe biden's executive order. he approved and signed almost 100 border policies that undid everything we had done in the trump administration and it is causing chaos. if we allow border patrol agents to do their job and enforce the law to remove criminal aliens and those that have no right to be here and implement remain in mexico and a couple other key policies, we could have s significant drop in apprehensions at the border and notz allowing terrorists into our country pending a year-long
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pro process. >> carley: matt, given your background, we want your take on presidential immunity, what is your prediction? >> my prediction, they will find a very broad immunity for presidents. official acts, they will put a law down that says this is what it is going forward and send it back to the judge to look at jack smith's allegations. presidents need to have broad imun mooity from action, we cannot have what we have now, next administration prosecuting the president. that is a banana republic.
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>> carley: they release opinions at 10:00, we'll be watching. thank you. president biden's family is urging him to stay in the race with hunter biden being one of his strongest supporters. the family is blaming the president's advisors for his flop. joe concha joins me now. latest reporting is that biden family is united around him staying in this. and ron clain said he is 100% confident the president will stay in this race. >> joe: wow, good morning. if you support president trump, you want joe biden to stay in this race. only better option for biden as far as if you are looking at
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trump winning is for biden to drop out and kamala harris to be the nominee. polls are horrifying for biden and democrats. as it stands, donald trump will win every swing state from north carolina to georgia to arizona, nevada, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. he may win states like minnesota, virginia, maine, new jersey, our home state where i amming sitting right now. a poll shows trump winning here. i don't know what democrats do because it may be very well impossible to replace joe biden, he does not want to leave and his family does not want him to leave. he is the nominee and what he woo saw on thursday night is impossible to reverse. this man is too old and his policies from economy,
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inflation, crime, the border, foreign policy just they are not going well. >> carley: on thursday night we saw sliver yesterday but nancy pelosi made an appearance to defend joe biden. sglps joe biden's decision to go forward is decision we will embrace because of record he has and performance that will come with it. it was a bad night, let's not sur surar sugar coat that. by tz way -- there are healthcare professionals who think that trump has dementia, his connection and thoughts do not go together. >> carley: difficult to watch
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nancy pelosi stumble while talking about joe biden stumbling. >> joe: if you had an age rule where you say okay, you can't serve in the senate after age of 70, 75% of senate would be gone. three quarters gone because everybody is old in that chamber. i don't know if this could go worse for biden and that camp. to send out 84-year-old nancy pelosi who sounded like she did eight shots after a bottle of wine perform that perfect ly jut is ultimate capsulation of the
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state right now. >> carley: that is a stocked fridge and probably expensive ice cream to go along with the booze. joe biden's advisors are trying to figure out how to proceed to give the president a win ands toing around idea of news conference or sit-down interview to show people he is able to make a strong public statement and be in the public eye. do you think that will work? >> joe: i think in theory, it is a good idea, what we need to see is not joe biden reading a teleprompter and doing a speech where his remarks are written for him. we need to see him do a solo press conference. take questions from not hand-picked reporters, take it
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for an hour and she you can put together thoughts. if he category do that, maybe for some folks that will be assign he's all right and can serve until he is 86 years old. i don't see his handlers putting him out there. i think that is only solution. he has to sit down during a live inte interview. live. a press conference, only thing that could remedy this situation. this is a mess. i don't know how to put this, it is the weekend made things worse. >> carley: we are in uncharted territory. thank you. to baseball, astros star jose altuve ejected after going off on an umpire after this call.
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>> and fouled off. jose is out on the groundout and josegets tossed by the home plate umpire. >> carley: and got unexpected standing ovation on his way out. astros beat the mets 10-5. on the basketball court, fight breaking out between fphoenix star and -- she tried finishing the play anyway. t teammates tried to step in, they got too close to each other. >> a little truck lance going on. >> c
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cantankerous activity. caitlin clark stepping in to break it up, fever go on to win 88-82. chaos in france overnight after right-wing nationalist party wins big and first round of macron's election. there is worry for the presidential race in november. details coming up and tractor supply is ditching dei after res reso resounding response from their customers. cheryl casone will explain that next.
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when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> carley: the justice department is urging boeing to plead guilty or face criminal trial over two deadly 7tl37 crashes. cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: good morning. the families are upset, they
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were briefed on this deal before boeing was notified. this has been a long time coming. these criminal charges result of boeing's failure to not correct safety and manufacturing issues at the company. lead counsel in the litigation i can tell you, the families are angered, there is no accountability or admission and families will most certainly object and ask that he reject the plea if boeing accepts. on the other side, painful as this has been for the families, other side, you have boeing, a dow component and major american
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company that is a crucial part of our economy. when you have that those that want to attack boeing, overall the company is making the point that boeing needs to stay in business. all those jobs could be lost. there are two sides, which is tough. >> carley: those families deserve more than they have seen so far. this would not get any attention if the door plug had not blown out. joe biden is getting called out b by coal workers. >> cheryl: story number two about joe biden. when joe biden came intoes office he was talking about the green new deal, climate change,
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more solar and more wind. that was an issue for those swing states like pennsylvania, coal workers and coal community. now here is what they are saying about where they are today versus where they were in 2021 when joe biden took office. i come from a coal family and energy community and part of what happened, people feel left behind and forgotten. remember, biden promised jobs and that he would save the workers. we will get you green jobs. they are saying this has not happened. white house national climate advisor says the president prioritized lifting up the community. the communities are saying
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diff different. president biden has been pr promising clean energy jobs. watch. >> president biden: i'm taking most significant action ever on climate in history of the world. cutting carbon emission in half by 2030. 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. >> cheryl: new poll that half of those that bought electric vehicles want to return them. >> carley: they say if they get another car, it will not be ev. what is tractor supply doing with dei? >> cheryl: dei does not always work out for companies. tractor supply company is backtracking on several policies eliminating dei rules and withdrawing carbon emission goals, walking back support for
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lgbtq communities. if it does not make financial sense for your company, dei becomes an issue. tractor supply said this and they did issue a statement about changes they are making. we work hard to live up to values everyday and represent values. we have taken feedback to heart. they got criticized on social media for stances they were taking from customers. >> carley: you are hosting all week this week. you can handle it and you can is s succeed. >> cheryl: check is in the mail. >> carley: vice president kauchl makes post-debate pitch at last
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night's bet awards and david webb will respond. first brian kilmeade will preview what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian: top of the hour, we'll be at randy's in west fargo. governor doug burgum is a fi finalist on the short list of v.p. candidates. it should be announced soon. i spent a day on his ranch farm. >> how much has your life changed since you decided to run. >> when you are governor and first lady, you have a full schedule and it has not changed much. >> sometimes i have called myself accidental first lady, it
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was never on my radar. my life has changed in many good ways. >> brian: that is catherine bu burgum. this is in the series of looking at vice president candidates for donald trump. and legal minds are talking about immunity claim by the president of the united states, should they be immune from prosecution? what does it have to do with the january 6 decision? that decision is coming down today. dennis quaid is here and marc siegel, medical condition of one, joe biden, who many think should drop out and others say he has to stay. donal don't miss a minute of "fox and friends" starting nine minutes. go ahead, throw in the animation. it has superior hold
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plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip.
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>> madam, i usc across the country what you are hearing. >> you are right, there is so much at stake in this moment. the majority of us believe in freedom and equality. but these extremists, as they say, ain't going to like us. >> no, they not. >> vice president kamala harris quoted a kendrick lamar rap song in pitch to black voters at last night's bet awards they are just not like us.
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david webb is the host of the webb show and joins us now. >> i don't want to. >> carley: she is out on the street. this can't hurt but will it help? >> okay, cringe-worthy, not genuine. remember when she talked about jamaicans? >> carley: head hurt? >> jamaicans because she is -- everybody -- inton nateed that they all smoke potted. same kind of moment. it's that hillary moment, no matter what, it's not genuine. it's fake. look, it's okay to quote a rap song. it's okay to quote a rock song. it's okay to quote something from a great song. but to do it badly and to look this fake, that takes a special kind of lack of skill. >> carley: very staged. what do you think about there is so much energy around this conversation of joe biden dropping out of the presidential race. but then you have deputy campaign manager rob later in he
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sent out an email to supporters and said if joe biden goes, it will create so much chaos within the drank party, it would be even worse, paraphrasing here than if he stayed in. i think he might have a good point. what do you think about that. >> i happen to agree. oh my god. let's not have that look, the 25th amendment calls are ridiculous. and here's why. strategy joe biden drops out in any way. the committee is still running the white house in the biden administration when kamala steps. in what do we get? instead a weakened and addled candidate donald trump suspect against as the presumptive nominee for the republicans. that means we have a weakened candidate to beat in the general election. things strategically. people like the sound of their voice. pundits, consultants or politicians. frankly, in this one, go for the weakened opponent. >> carley: speaking of elections and potentially weakened
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opponents. there is a situation in france where these snap elections were held and the conservative party there won and created chaos and riots. now the white house is looking at this staying oh my goodness could this be a sign of things to come here at home? what do you think about all of this? he noticed in a lot of news stories far right, far right, far right. and whether it's marie le pen or victor in hungary or others. they are being pigeoned holed in the media what it really is people have gotten sick of liberal progressives. fake climate agendas. of all of this stuff and their lives are getting worse. >> carley: they are letting their voices be heard. david, thank you for joining us. car. >> at all. >> carley: you are the best. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪


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