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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 1, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah.
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(elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> katie: it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's monday, july 1st. this is "fox & friends." great to be with all of you for a new month, of course, exciting. all right. here we go. first lady jill biden gracing the cover of vogue as a billionaire blames her for keeping joe in the race. >> steve: and to a potential second lady. brian gets to know the wife of governor doug burgum of north dakota as "fox & friends" gets an exclusive look into trump's veepstakes. >> we met through mutual friends and then a all of a sudden, doug burgum the businessman says i would like to get into politics. >> sometimes i have called
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myself the accidental first lady because it was never on my radar. >> lawrence: and last night bet awards was the place to be as vice president kamala harris makes an appearance. >> yeah, girl, i'm out here in these streets. and let me tell you there is so much at stake in this moment. >> lawrence: will smith steams sleek redemption for the slap heard around the world. >> katie: "fox & friends" starts right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: nailed it. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't deny. [cheers and applause] >> i got hungry eyes. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> brian: randy diner's two in too.the line is out the door.
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do you like this? maybe on a saturday morning but not like this. so we are bringing business in. and we're having a great time here. and the person who got a huge round of applause you are going to meet shortly just walked in the building governor doug burgum. very popular here in north dakota. he has decided not to run again. and have you seen him out and about, representing the president as a surrogate. the former president as a surrogate. you see him on all the sunday shows. he is going to be here. you will hear from him shortly. you will also get a chance to hear from the first lady of north dakota, catherine, who talks about her journey, her role, and what is it like to date a businessman turn politician. and, you of course, married along the way. a lalong with having three kids making their way in this world. kids, exciting, historic day. "fox & friends" has never been here. lawrence, steve, and katie. you guys are travel a lot. our show has never been in north dakota. >> steve: it's a first. >> lawrence: did you such a good job on that interview.
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i know you have been waiting for that full screen. you don't have prompter there. full screen with your head shot. i want you to know we just put it up on the screen. brian kilmeade from north dakota and it was a big one. and there it is. >> katie: there you go. >> steve: graphic artists are working to change it to put you on a horse. >> katie: yes. >> steve: you would be on a horse. [laughter] >> steve: photo shop you on to roy roger's body. for folks who misseds last hour. coming up this hour, you will see brian kilmeade in a "fox & friends" exclusive on a force that is standing still while other people on horses that are moving. [horse neighing] >> steve: circle around him. >> brian: i wish i could dispute that steve and say you are exaggerating. did i get to move a little bit. i had no idea that you are supposed to take control and you should stop a horse from eating. i'm saying to myself do i have to wait for him to finish. and we are all in tall grass. it is great to be a horse in so many ways because you're never -- dinner is already
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ready. >> katie: at least had you some boots on, right? no? [laughter] >> katie: that's all right. next time. >> steve: can't take the city boy out of the city. >> lawrence: you made us real proud, brian. >> steve: very smart for getting own that horse more with the governor and his wife in a minute. lead story. president biden after a disastrous debate is going to head back to the white house today after spending sunday with his family at camp david. is he returning to serious questions about the future of his campaign. will he go on. >> katie: his family reportedly telling the president to stay in the race as they blame his advisers for his debate performance. >> lawrence: truly unbelievable. madeleine rivera is live at the white house. hey, maddy. >> hey, guys, good morning. as the president's family talks about how to move forward after the president's debate on
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thursday night. it appears that there intlam game going on behind the scenes like you guys said. politico reporting that the family is pointing the finger at his top campaign advisers for how poorly the president did thursday night. politico says the blame was cast widely on staffers including anita dunn, the senior adviser who frequently has the president's ear. her husband, bob bauer, the president's attorney who played trump in rehearsals at camp david and ron klain the former chief of staff who ran debate debate prep and previous session. bilbill ackman a critic of president biden pointing fingers at the first lady. posting on x i no longer blame president biden for not stepping aside. know longer has the mental acuity to make mental judgements about himself. it's becoming increasingly clear, however, that the fault lies with first lady jill biden. now, if the president were replaced at the top of the democratic ticket, the process would be messy. nbc reports people familiar with the talks most of the campaign's
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significant war chest would fool vice president kamala harris. only a smaller pool of money would be kept by the democratic national committee. as you see on the screen over there the first lady will be the subject of vogue's august cover. it appears that the bulk of the interview was done in april but the outlet did reach out to the first lady for reaction after thursday night. the first lady saying we won't let those 90 minutes define the four years he has been president. we will continue to fight. steve, katy, and lawrence. >> steve: all right you, madeleine, thank you very much. >> madeleine: you got it. of course. >> steve: according to the "new york times" while the president was up at camp david over the weekend having his picture taken by annie l liebovitz, apparently talking to his family not only about the future but reaching tout friends and allies calling on the phone including the historian john wheelchair dhowm ask not for advice but instead, you know, what are people saying about how the debate was? >> well, you know what?
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>> katie: turn on the tv. the president is not going to call me, but, let me tell you. >> i was talking to two of my neighbors yesterday. it's a husband and wife. they are prolific democratic fundraisers. they have raids so much phone more the democratic party. they were so behind joe biden until thursday and i asked them both last night what should he do? they both said joe has to drop out. throw it into the open at the convention, it could be a debacle. but a biden loss, if joe biden is the democrats' nominee, my friends, the democrat neighbors of mine said joe biden would lose this donald trump. >> katie: with all due respect though we knew this six months ago when democrats would not allow a primary, an open primary purpose protest snks. now all of a sudden want to have essentially open primary at the dnc. in that vogue article that came out this morning. i found it interesting. she said, also, not -- we will
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continue to fight but that, quote: we will always do what's best for the country. if thursday night was any indication, is that really what is best for the country? i think a lot of americans say no. >> lawrence: everybody is talking about the election. we should be talking about what is happening now? county president effectively run the country right now. especially when what have you the special counsel saying. brian, did i something interesting yesterday. i kept it in the family and watched "fox & friends weekend." after that, i just wanted to see on the networks what they were saying for the whole day. i went back and forth between all of them. it is clear that the marching orders have gone out to all of the pundits now because they have shifted. and they are saying biden is here to stay, that the debate performance was bad but not that bad because on substance, joe biden was better. so, the gaslighting has begun. >> brian: yeah. jason miller said yesterday i don't know why people are talking about joe biden dropping out. they can't do anything else. if you think about it, lawrence.
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and i always do the same thing. i not only want to find out what is going on with us and want to find out what is going on. that's why we try to read everything. what do you want to do? do you want governor pritzker a bad governor from illinois a huge problems? governor newsom was not popular in california although he looks the part. governor whitmer? fine, untested and unknown. this woman named kamala harris whose vice president said it's got to be me. the word is they did look into it. if she was to be number one on the ticket, she would get this donation money, so she would hit the ground running. the problem is she is about 5 points down to president trump now. can you imagine how many points she is going to be down when we get to see her campaign every day. right now we only see her once a month and that's enough. i want to talks to some of these people right now. i did a d.n.a. study before and it turns out these two are brothers. don't ask me how i know. ththis is asher and this is cooper, right? you have school, don't you?
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>> brian: yeah. >> brian: you wanted to come here first, why? >> because i wanted to be on tv. >> brian: so did i. i came here for the same reason. cooper, what matters most to kids your age and how old are you? >> i'm 9 years old. and. >> brian: what matters most for you? because you can't vote. you know that, right? >> yeah, i know. >> brian: even if they mail you a ballot, you cannot vote. >> yeah. >> brian: what matters most to you? >> my family. >> brian: all right. good. your family wants you to vote for? >> trump. >> brian: there you go. good job. nice meeting you guys. now you got to go to school. round of applause for you two. what's your name? [inaudible] >> brian: what do you think of your governor? >> i don't know yet. >> brian: you don't know yet. governor burgum? >> yeah. >> brian: so what matters most to you? in terms for this country. >> oh, everything. like the border.
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>> steve: steve. >> brian: the border is new testament believe it or not the border is issue north dakota fentanyl coming in here. cartel presence indian tribes in the area. what's your name? >> jody carlson. >> brian: you just got sat. how long did you wait? >> probably 25, 30 minutes. >> brian: i apologize for that. that's all my fault. what you matters most to you besides what you are going to eat today? >> what matters most to me is that mr. burgum is properly vetted for any position within president's. >> brian: you would like to see him as number 2? >> know would not. no, i don't support that. i actually am part of -- i'm part of a group that fought against too fong, the chinese core meal coming to our community. >> brian: that would be a whole after school special we are going to do maybe on fox nation. so, after i want to doo to go talk to this guy who got up early that hosted me on his ranch yesterday. along with his wife catherine. and this is -- guys, a round of
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applause for governor doug burgum. [cheers and applause] >> brian: great to see you, governor, thanks so much for coming down. so i watched you on the sunday shows yesterday on meet the press. they have the same interview with you every week. what about january 6th? and will you accept the results of the election? are you surprised? >> no. >> brian: why do they have that theme over and over again? >> i think after the disastrous debate performance by joe biden on thursday night, they had nothing to talk about. joe biden is wrong on all the issues that matter. you heard it here this morning in north dakota. the border, the economy, inflation, national security, he has got no answers on all those, and so they have to just turn around and try to attack president trump about stuff that's four years ago. >> brian: so they are trying to go after his advisers have been with him for 20 years, ron klain and anita dunn. but you point out that ron klain is the chief of staff. but he is acting like the chief
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of staff outside the white house, still, because he is controlling jeff zients who is controlling the president. >> well, it's broader than that but you have got the whole democratic machine that had to devil's bargain four years ago that said joe biden is going to be the presidential candidate, kamala is going to be the vice president. and then they all got together, elizabeth warren, bernie, obama, everybody got together and said this is the ruling package we're going to have. and that package all got exposed on thursday night. it's all falling apart. they are in total chaos. donors are fleeing. and president trump is looking stronger than ever. >> brian: number one, thanks thanks for having me at your place yesterday. as comfortable as he looks in a suit. much more comfortable in jeans on your ranch on a horse. what was the difference between my horse and your horse? >> i would say about 15 years. [laughter] >> brian: my horse is 26 years old, right? >> yes. >> brian: right? i not know that still, it was a
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handful. one of the serious conversations that donald trump is going to have everywhere he goes is going to be about abortion. in fact, the only research there wasn't a red wave was about abortion and roe v. wade. what is your message on that in north dakota it's six weeks. no exceptions? >> passed by the legislature. that's the law in north dakota. president trump was so strong on this. this is the first time we have ever had a republican win presidential debate on the topic of life. did he that because he was very clear. president trump is opposed to a federal abortion ban, which is the same position that i have had. >> brian: let the states decide. >> states decide, tenth amendment. what president trump then turned around and said to joe biden is there -- are there any restrictions you would accept? joe biden wouldn't answer the question. the mod derby raiders asked him. of course, the democrats have got the extreme position here they are willing to support, you know, doing an abortion in the 30th day of the ninth month which every american finds abhorrent. >> brian: have you been flying
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around with the president playing a big role. i talked to him right before we did the interview. j.d. vance was very honest with lawrence what do you think about being number two if you don't get it? he said look, i will be disappointed if i'm not the number two. if doug burgum doesn't get it, would you feel the same way. >> only thing disappoint catherine and i is if frump is not elected again. that's what we're spending our time and energy on right now. we know it's the right thing for north dakota. we know it's the right thing forever the country. >> brian: what did you not know about president trump that you know now that you have been with him so much so often? >> i think everybody that has seen him in our country sees him through the lens of the media and how they interpret him. i think one thing if you spend time with him, of course, is he smart. he is very funny. i mean, super funny. but he is also super curious. when he is around people and when he is not -- when he is not at a rally and around business leaders, silicon valley, energy leaders, wall street, the guy is
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asking questions. he absorbs all that information and moves forward. he has great sense as a business guy. who is the customer and how do we take care of him? >> brian: if you do in fact get donald trump out to your farm. he will not get on a horse. i guarantee you that. even if it's 26 years old. governor, thanks so much for coming down,. >> you are a natural on horseback. get you back out here for round up. >> up until this moment you always told the truth. you just told america a lie. how dare you. governor, thanks so much. rawption for governor doug burgum. [cheers and applause] back to the couch, guys. we will check in again. meet more people shortly. >> steve: okay, very good. >> lawrence: interesting thing i found in just that answer with brian was his thoughts on the national abortion ban. if you watch the debate. you realize when joe biden was on the ropes. they went back straight to abortion. and the frame is that the republican party as a whole is against abortions in general.
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>> steve: has lost on that issue brian. >> lawrence: looks like doug burgum taking the same position. whatever state is up to you, katy. >> katie: that's been the consistent position since roe v. wade was overturned. that's something that the president heavily relied on and they finally turned the tables to point to what the democrats' policy is. which they will not actually. >> lawrence: made joe biden answer it at the debate. >> katie: exactly. going on offense. >> lawrence: on record is he is saying that he is against third trimester. that's not what other democrats have said. he has finally said that. >> steve: a little while ago, we showed you that the mainstream media is touted prop up the bidens, vogue has got the first lady on the cover. just came out about an hour and 17 minutes ago. and last night, at the bet awards. the vice president did some facetimeing with the host of the show who oea parentsly kamala too busy to show up.
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instead, the hostess henson was asking her about the election and. >> ma dam v.p. i know you have been traveling across the country what are you hearing. >> yeah, girl, i'm out here on the streets. you are right there is so much at stage in this moment. the majority of us believe in freedom and equality. but these extremists, as they say, they not like us. >> no, they not. there is a full on attack on our fundamental freedoms. the freedom to vote. >> yep. >> the freedom to love who you love. the freedom to be safe from gun violence. the freedom for a woman to make decisions about her own body, not having her government tell her what to do. that's why i have been so busy trying to make sure everyone is registered to voted and that they head to the ballot box on november 5th. >> sometimes you got to pop out and show them, right?
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>> katie: lawrence is, she an actress now? >> lawrence: i get code switching but you can't change all the way up like that. i would, just for the record, black america rejected kamala harris first. she was the first person out of the debate. she got the least amount of black votes in the democratic primary. so i don't know what the white house wants to gain by going on bet as if this that is going to get us to the polls for joe biden. i think it's a bad strategy. there is not an offensive bone in her body. >> katie: needs to be fact-check on what she is claiming. attack on the freedom to vote. a lot of these states have expanded early voting. and they have tightened up the ability for people not to show identification, for example, not to match signatures that's not an attack on the right to vote. making sure that people's votes are secured. >> steve: she started that off by saying she was out on the streets. but actually she was in an office at a desk facetiming.
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are. >> lawrence: they said this about georgia. and georgia had the most black voters ever. a record election after claiming that there was some expression of the vote. the wrults a different. >> katie: more early voting in georgia than there is in delaware. joe biden's home state. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> steve: also last night. after the slap heard around the world when he slapped chris rock, will smith actually showed up and look at that he was surrounded by a ring of fire before he sang the first single he has recorded since 2017. he had a little something to say. and it sounds a lot like this: >> ♪ i know you can make it ♪ yeah. ♪ the darker the hell you got to endure, the brighter the heaven you get to enjoy.
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the god opens a window. they tried to beat will smith rear view. i see it first. gift to lift me higher. gifts required. ♪ so dry your eyes and then you'll find your way. >> lawrence: i think it was filly where chris rock had his first appearance. you i flew there for his response to will smith at the time when we had to show. and chris was upset about it. did he a netflix special. he said this would be the last time he addressed it. i'm all for redemption. i went to see bad boys 4 this weekend. great movie. i just hope that at some point it does have a conversation with chris rock. because, from what i hear, he is still upset about it. >> katie: of course. >> lawrence: has every right to be. i don't think the issue is with us, the american public. but he needs to talk to the brother, smooth it out. i don't know what possessed will to do that. >> katie: is he on his
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redemption tour and did it with a gospel song. ness meantime, carley shimkus is here. >> carley: i sure am and interesting one to start things off. california prisoner on the run for 13 years has finally been recaptured all the way across the country in new york city. his name is guard dough hernandez he was in the middle of his prison term for armed carjacking when he broke out in 2011 after more than a decade as a fugitive. he has taken back into custody in may and exppsd to be brought back to california to face charges. local reports say he escaped with another inmate who is still on the run new state law preventing minors under 16 from using social media. goes into effect auto. anyone under 16 who wants who use social media would need permission from a parent or guardian. requires social media platforms to make commercially reasonable efforts to verify the users, the age of the users.
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anyone who can't be verified would be considered under age. and have you heard about this or should i say tasted it. pickle mania taking over new york. the pickleball bun sand witch is going super viral on social media. and selling like hot cakes at places like seven brothers gourmet on long island. it replaces the bread with a pickle. how about that? we have pickle bun sandwiches on set to try. >> katie: for breakfast? >> steve: no budget the bun is a pickle. >> lawrence: i want the record reflect the producers are making us do this this is disgusting. >> carley: if you are in to salts and vinegar this is for you. >> steve: a spibleg a cucumber. this saku cumber sandwich. >> carley: basically eating a salad. indicated indicate it is a salad. >> steve: this is delicious. lawrence, you should try it. >> lawrence: did i try it. i have had enough. >> steve: there is bacon.
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>> lawrence: destroyed a perfectly good sandwich. more "fox & friends" coming up. >> steve: what he said. ♪ don't make me work y ♪ so weou can work to work it o. s and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> steve: coming up on 7:30 here in the east. look at this. a fox weather alert.
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hurricane berle is a cat 3 storm after becoming the earliest cat 4 hurricane ever recorded in the atlantic is ocean. look at this video of lightning striking the eye of the storm. see those little flashes around the center? meteorologist adam klotz is here with our fox weather forecast. this is so early it looks now like it's going to be a long-season. >> adam: yeah it, really does. active start very early to be seeing a large powerful storm and kind of a unique position much further south than we typically see these storms. category 3 or higher it. is a big one as far as wind strength goes 120 mile-per-hour winds. expected to make landfall later this morning as it continues this move 20 miles per hour off towards the west. the winds beginning to climb up here. we are now seeing gusts up to 5. still several hours away from ultimately a landfall. i will leave you here with the storm track. once we make that landfall. probably not again until you get to mexico that will be on friday
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morning. weakening as it makes that move. those are your weather headlines, lawrence recommendation for now tossing it over to you. >> lawrence: thanks,adam. a fox news alert this morning. the supreme court is set to make one of the biggest rulings of the year on whether former president trump is immune from criminal prosecution. and it could have a big impact on his race for the white house. fox news contributor and former deputy council sol wisenberg joins us now. sol, explain to me. this so i get it. the supreme court is going to decide if a president is immune or not. but it's also going to decide, i think, what is official -- unofficial business. if they make a stance on that. who would then be the arbiter of what is official or unofficial? >> well, they are going to send the case back one way or another the case is going to be sent back ultimately to the district court. unless they just throw the entire prosecution out. which they will not do. and so at the first level it's
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going to be the district judge that makes some determinations possibly about that. but, keep in mind, i don't think any side going to get exactly what it wants. i think president trump's position will not prevail. that to me seems like an almost absolute presidential immunity for official acts. but i think what troubled the supreme court and why they took the case is the expansive language from the court of appeals. they said any executive immunity that would have protected president trump while he was in office no longer protects him now. that's a sweeping statement. and i don't think that will be sustained by the supreme court. just ask yourself whenever people talk about president trump and how much immunity he should have had, just imagine if somebody had tried to prosecute president obama for the drone strike on the american citizen who was over in afghanistan, you know, helping their war effort. think about people who wanted to
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prosecute nixon for bombing cambodia. and think about that statement by the court of appeals. i just don't think that's going to be upheld. >> lawrence: so, i guess, my question would be why is the supreme court kind of punting it to the lower court instead of making a decision on this? or could it go back to the high court after the lower court adjudicates it? >> absolutely. remember, this was -- it could absolutely go back down and back up. it's an interlocutory appeal. in other words, unlike the typical situation. it wasn't an appeal after a criminal conviction. so, it has to go back. the supreme court is going to say here's what your standard is going to be lower courts. and that's up to you to operate within that standard. the problem with what the district court here did, i think, and what the circuit court approved is that sweeping language that basically said the minute you stop becoming
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president, even when we examine acts you took as president, you have lost your executive immunity. and i just think they are not going to buy that the supreme court is not going to buy that. >> lawrence: that's a terrible argument to make. no matter where you stand on this debate. if you did things while you were president, suddenly, when you are out of office, because every president leaves office eventually, in our constitutional republic. sol, thanks so much for joining the program. >> thanks for having me. >> lawrence: you got it. so brian is live from the great state of north dakota for breakfast with friends. how the rough riders voters feel about the white house race coming up next. ♪ goes good with wish on a hook and a hook goes good with country song ♪ song good new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪)
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♪ >> katie: to a fox news alert. protests break out in paris after france's conservative national rally party made gains in the country's first round of snap elections. now france's president is reportedly on edge after calling for the election after a centrist party lost the vote for european parliament last month. alex hogan joins us now. alex? >> hi, katy. the way it works is if a party wins a majority aside from french president's immanuel macron central alliance the president would knowed to decide on a prime minister in that specific party. this is called cohabitation in france and yesterday when the country's hard right party, the national rally took major gains. this historic win coming out on top with about 33% of the vote.
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[speaking french] indicated indicate the french have placed the national rally and allies on top and practically erased macrons wants block. protest broke out. second left wing coalition with 28% of the vote. third macron centrist alliance with about 22% of the vote. really showing that the gamble he took in calling for this snap election might mean a loss for his own party. now, in the event of cohabitation, the p.m. would lead the government and introduce bills whereas the president would focus on defense and foreign policy. macron will remain in power until 2027. he said he would not step down before then. wibut this is the first phase of the snap election. the final vote, the second vote will take place this sunday on july 7th. katy? >> katie: all right, alex, thank you very much. now to another fox news alert. u.s. military bases in europe
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are now under a hidenned security alert everybody threats for potential terror attack. brian is live with the senate armed services committee member senator cramer. brian? lots the news. >> brian: senator cramer. great to see you. >> great to see you, too. >> you are on the armed services committee. we got to tap into this for a second. u.s. commands headquarters raised a force protection level to condition charlie until further notice. how significant is this? >> it's pretty significant. charlie is the second highest level. obviously a., b., come before c. alpha bravo are the two lowest and normal is well normal. charlie is pretty high. my sense is this is based on intelligence more than any specific events. but you also have the geo politics of some really big events coming up like, of course, the olympics. and when you have the opportunity, as well as some
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intel that is some unrest. we know that the world is a bit on fire right now. i don't know the specifics, i don't know necessarily the countries that he are looking at or where these signals are coming from. but enough to put it on high alert. this hasn't been on this high of an alert for a decade. >> brian: this administration telling everyone what happened and back off. okay got to be islamic extremists. not necessarily. you look at russia. look at iran. you look at north korea. alliance with china. nighttime saying china would go on the offensive. but the russians are pretty ticked off. i don't know if you have noticed. >> i have been banned from russia for life. >> brian: congratulations. >> the fact that our adversaries are becoming allies is not an insignificant fact in all of this. the world is on fire. it's unstable. we are not projecting a lot of leadership from the united states. i suppose the hope is if we announce this that it becomes a deterring factor. let's hope. but i don't know why anyone would be deterred right now by
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this leadership. >> brian: great to see you. governor burgum finalist to the running mate to president trump. you know him since he was in business. >> yes, sir. >> brian: where do you stand? do you think you know trump, too? this is a good fit? >> i think it is. president trump and i have talked about it a couple of times, as recently as last night while i was driving over here. do i think it's a good fit. they are united in their experience as business people. they understand both sides of a paycheck. they understand how to work with a growing economy. and, of course, governor burgum knows a lot about energy. north dakota is a major energy producing state. so he brings a lot of that but, on the other hand, their differences are equally, i think, good. because doug ads tremendous depth. you know, seriousness, on the issues. a stability that i think helps. while president trump does what he does. president trump doesn't need any help getting elected. but, in an administration doug bburgum would --
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>> brian: he brings up the secretary of energy, too, when it documents doug. >> he does. he has asked me a couple times, he, being president trump if i thought doug would be great secretary of energy. although i think he would be great commerce secretary, treasury secretary, interior secretary. agricultural secretary. there are lots of things he could do really really well. >> brian: governor nikki haley said trump should be ready for another opponent. do you believe they should be ready for another opponent instead of biden? >> i don't know. personally they have a lot of bad choices in front of them. i actually think their least bad choice is to try to resurrect joe biden because anything else they do is going to divide their party in a very short time frame. now, they unite pretty quickly as you know, brian. but all of their options, other than joe biden, really don't help them much. so i personally think they have hard time getting i knocking joe biden off the perch. >> brian: senator cramer, great to see you. they threw him a lifeline on
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sunday we saw that sunday shows. hopefully this is a scare and adjust. great to see. >> great to see you too. >> brian: coming up next, rachel campos-duffy is going to be here she will be talking to you the wlegend dear co-host. that's exactly what she looks like. don't move. watching "fox & friends" coming watching "fox & friends" coming to you from west fargo and new? york. ♪ platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight.
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♪ >> katie: remember this video from march? well, dozens of these illegal migrants who rushed the border and attacked texas national guard troops in el paso are reportedly now free into the united states. here to react is "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy. this is the same story over and over again. we see these people committing crimes, they get processed and released into american communities technicalities. it's very frustrating. >> rachel: good morning. it's so interesting to think how far we have come from the image of legal immigrants who waited for years to get into tour country because they respected and loved it so much. and then they learned our language and our history and our customs took a test and put their hand over their heart and
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pledged pledge of allegiance to the constitution and defend our country. does anyone think looking at that image that any of those people love and respect our country like that? it's just -- it's a travesty. the other point of that, katy, is just think about the contempt that that judge who released them on these technicalities have for the american people. these are people who, you know, attacked, violently attacked the national guard, and this is on the heels of, you know, laken riley, you know, 12-year-old jocelyn. rachel morin the mother of five. these are our children, mothers being killed by illegal immigrants. he was willing on a technicality to let them go. think about this katy. think about how americans -- flag waving americans stormed our capitol. the full force of the doj and the fbi went after them. and many of those people are still sitting in jail. some of them in solitary confinement. but illegal who did this are set
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free? and one of them is a venezuelan, the ringleader is a venezuelan and our government knows that the government of venezuela released them -- released these prisoners from venezuela. and so they know that that happened. and they still left the border open they still released these people. >> katie: first act break the law and people seem surprised continue to break the law including young women here in america. the media, of course, is taking the side of the illegal behavior. you have the atlantic attacking president donald trump donald trump anything no matter the question his answer is illegal immigrants basically saying is he focusing way too much on this issue. >> yeah. this, of course is, a response to donald trump very, you know, side stepping the j-6 question during that debate. what he said i'm not going to talk about that essentially and focused on immigration, on the
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economy and all the things that were going right on january 6th because of his policies. so before katie, you know, if you came out against, you know, illegal immigration, and all the negative consequences and crime that's caused by it, then they called you a racist. the problem for democrats now is that so many hispanics and blacks have now ranked illegal immigration right next to the economy and the cost of living as their top concern. so racism isn't going to work. now they have to say you are obsessed. you're crazy. you're a bad person. you know. and that's how they attack to get you to in some way second guess what you know to be true. >> katie: yeah. >> rachel: american people ranking immigration that high on the list right after the economy and cost of living. it's impacting their lives negatively. and it's impacting the middle class and the poor. it's not -- it's not impacting the rich and the elite the same
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way. >> katie: not just donald trump focused on the issue. it's americans who plan to vote in november. >> rachel: correct. >> katie: rachel so good to see you. >> rachel: you too. >> katie: carley over to you. >> carley: actor kelsey grammer taking viewers inside the most famous sounding father in a brand new fox nation docuseries. [explosion] >> story of america's rise to independence is one written by many heroes. but there was only one man who would ultimately step forward to lead that fight. a man willing to risk everything, to stand up against tyranny >> but the story of george washington's rise begins a many years before. >> carley: that looks cool. the four-part series george, rise of a revolutionary tells the story of a young george washington trying to make his name on the battlefield. watch it now on fox
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and check out this hilarious homecoming a couple of college students set up for their friends who have been studying abroad in italy. the students were away from the u.s. about six weeks when their friends greeted them dressed in inflatable eagles costumes. the patriotic display giving passengers something to smile about as they got off at the jacksonville airport. this also serves as an awesome way for us to kick off fourth of july week and those inflate being eagle costumes. i want one. >> katie: i want one, too. you never know what you are going to see at the airport. car thank you, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> katie: expecting a decision on trump's immunity case. shannon bream is up next. ♪at! ton. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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