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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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this is a court and institution a venerable one that ought to be respected. >> to the point earlier you can't expect everyone to read the opinion. unfortunately it is all the worse when it is a congressperson that doesn't and twist the meaning. you are filling in for jesse watters tonight and you have an exciting interview coming up with speaker johnson. what can we expect on that? >> at 8:00 p.m. eastern time i will get the exclusive reaction of the house speaker mike johnson on the immunity decision. not only that the house judiciary committee said they are suing the biden administration to get the audio that they have that merrick garland has of her interview. kate kellogg has a story about donald trump when he answered the phone at 3:00 a.m. we will compare and contrast commanders in chief. >> i will be glued to the screen tonight at 8:00 p.m. on fox news. thank you for watching us. when you can't watch us live, don't forget to dvr the show and now here are our friends at "america reports." >> the truth is i'm the only president this century that does
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not have -- this decade that does not have any more troops dying in the world like he did. >> if we want to talk about lies, i don't know if that's a memory lapse but that's untruthful. you know who did not have a single service member death on his watch during his final year? it was trump. speak to mcenany calling out the worst moment of the debate night. president biden in last week's debate falsely claiming that no american troops died anywhere in the world on his watch. biden's admission failed to acknowledge the 13 u.s. service members who were killed during the withdrawal from afghanistan nearly two years ago. among those fallen heroes marine staff sergeant darren taylor hoover. he was killed alongside 12 others by a suicide bomb at the airport in kabul. we will get a reaction from his mom's lip biting can stay in the raise and answer for everything that happened on his watch. looking forward to her joining
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us but first we start with this. the supreme court saving perhaps its most consequential case for the last day of its current session. the justices ruling former president donald trump is entitled to some criminal immunity regarding his official acts while in office. and wow is this a wake up on a monday. it's a busy day. welcome to america reports. jackie, great to have you today. >> i'm jacqui heinrich and for john roberts. this throws a major ranch into special counsel jack smith's prosecution on trump that he conspired to overturn the election and it could shape the landscape this year. letting trump spend time on the campaign trail instead of the court room. >> timing is everything. we have chief legal correspondent shannon bream standing by outside the court and we begin with judge jeanine pirro. judge, great to have you here. been watching you throughout the morning. i want to get your reaction as we do continue to hear from
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members of congress as obviously the political fallout of this we have yet to fully see. she plans to file articles of impeachment. here's the tweet. throw it up on the screen. the supreme court has become consumed by a corruption crisis. beyond its control she writes. today's ruling represents an assault on american democracy. now it is up to congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture she writes. i intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return. do you judge. >> whenever anyone on the left talks about an assault on democracy, you know it has little if any meaning. that is there go to line when they don't have a substantive argument. our government is set up in a way that there are three branches. the supreme court is a branch that has final decision on legal decisions in this country. they are not willing to accept it if it does not align with
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their political ideology. this is part of the institutional breakdown of our government. we are now in a scenario where the left and of people who call themselves progressive are not willing to accept a 6-3 decision by the supreme court but make no mistake that there have been administrations, there are been politicians who have been in disagreement with decisions for the last 150 years. but now all of a sudden they think they should be able to impeach a supreme court justice. a lawyer can be brought before the grievance committee for trashing a supreme court justice. the sad part about all of this is there is a final ruling in this case. their hatred for donald trump, their political ideology and it causes them to support someone ideologically or cognitively declined is something that they consider paramount and they are willing to do anything to destroy our system.
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>> sa >> jacqui: the timing of the decision has allowed the biting campaign to turn the page on the aftermath of the debate and we just had a campaign call that we listened in on where former capitol police officer harry dunn who is now part of the biting campaign spoke to this. listen to what he said. >> my message today is simple. this is not a drill. donald trump is the single greatest threat to the united states of america in a generation. we cannot let him anywhere near the oval office again. we can't count on the supreme court or any institution to hold him responsible. it's going to be up to the voters in november. >> jacqui: what your response to that. >> my response is if this guy was a member of law enforcement, i feel terrible for anyone that had contact with them and number two, he's a former officer. number three, explain why donald trump is ahead in so many states especially those swing states that are so important.
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these people have a big mouth. they speak about things that the american people are not aligned with and when the united states supreme court makes a decision as important as this one, the supreme court speaking for the first time because no other president has ever been criminally indicted for actions while in office. it's about time we listened. >> i want to read from the majority opinion written by justice roberts. the president is entitled at a minimum to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. that immunity applies equally to occupants of the oval office regardless of politics, policy, or party. will sharp a member of president trump's legal team joined me earlier on the faulkner focus with his response to all of it. >> they have recognized a very broad doctrine of criminal immunity for former presidents. i think there are some choice paragraphs in there from chief justice roberts criticizing the haste which with this prosecution has proceeded.
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the biting campaign of law for or against president trump has just been dealt a decisive blow by the u.s. supreme court. >> interesting part of that. >> the fact is that the supreme court also attacked not just jack smith. this is a court that has ruled against him unanimously in the past. he is not considered an ethical prosecutor. he is the one who indicted the former governor of virginia. that case was overturned. he has a political agenda. but what i think is so significant about the supreme court's decision is the final recognition that when a president is engaging in official acts that involve core essential presidential duties he has absolute immunity and of course it is remanded to the lower court to determine what our official versus unofficial acts and for official acts he has presumptive immunity but they knocked down some of the indictment.
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they knocked down some of the arguments that the president isn't entitled to speak to his vice president or to the attorney general because the president has exclusive jurisdiction and authority over those particular issues as they relate to the department of justice and crimes that are being prosecuted. the supreme court made it very clear that there are some parts of this that are protected by the core constitutional right of a president. and let me also say that a couple days ago the supreme court rendered a decision kind of dumbing down some of the january 6th charges saying that they were not supported and now some of the lower courts have to look at not just the january 6th defendants but donald trump as well in terms of how the supreme court attacked the january 6th obstruction charge. >> jacqui: i want to circle back to where we started which was with aoc calling for articles of impeachment following this ruling and you had heard ahead of this decision
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top democrats chuck schumer among them asking for justices alito and thomas to recuse themselves from this case, making allegations about impartiality questions. what kind of an impact it doesn't have when you have our elected leaders questioning the credibility of the court? >> it has a huge impact and the supreme court has been subject to tremendous criticism and i think there is a reason our founding fathers wanted these justices to serve for life. they should not be affected by the model or by the criticisms or the attempts to impeach. and i think more than anything, they recognize how important their job is. in this case, gore such that it himself. and it's not about the case report. it's a case for the ages. and they knew that. and that's what the decision looks like.
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>> jacqui: thank you for joining us paired we will see you on the five tonight. joining us for more now, shannon bream chief legal correspondent and host a fox news sunday. shannon, i want to get your thoughts because there was this line in justice sotomayor's dissent and it stands out. never in the history of our republic has a president had a reason to believe he would be immune from criminal prosecution if use the trappings of his office to violate criminal law gout. moving forward, how former presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. you had justice amy coney barrett overall concurring with the opinion but she did reflect some of the questions about the dissent in what she wrote. where do you expect us to go now that you have this window where this gets kicked back to the lower court and questions are going to be continued to probe. what does that mean for the timeline and what might happen with these cases? >> obviously there's a lot of back-and-forth with the dissent and majority here.
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bottom line is it does mean this case is going to be delayed and you saw the majority's opinion. they said you guys expedited the case to get it here. there was not sufficient fact-finding in the lower courts and you didn't handle this the way a normal court or case would be handled and that means that now you are stuck with us sending it back down. we don't have the briefing, the facts, the evidence we would need to go and parse through which of these allegations amount to an official act, was an unofficial act. the enron that you did now means it will go back and ways to even more time going back and sorting through these things at the lower court level. i have to say about the dissent, and there were multiple of them today. the majority wrote that it was wholly disproportionate and a complete overreaction to what they had said. they said it was a tone of chilling doom that comes from the dissenters but also said we said -- and i'll read for you. like everyone else the president is subject to prosecution in his unofficial capacity but as you talked about with the judge there, these are different branches. we have to protect the executive
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branch. if there are core official functions they are doing. there's also a warning from the majority that they don't want presidents to leave office and immediately be at the mercy of a political opponent who says let me find something you did and that way i will send you to jail potentially. >> sandra: i want to conclude with this. this is from a senior biting campaign advisor. responding to the outcome from the supreme court here. today's ruling does not change the fact. trump is already running for president as a convicted felon for the very same reason he sat idly by while the mob violently attack the capitol. he thinks he's above the law and is willing to do anything to gain and hold onto power for himself. we will have continued reaction to that shannon meanwhile i would you want to bring up the fact that that campaign advisor is dealing with a whole different problem. that is the debate performance of the president last week. we don't president biden over the weekend gathered with his most trusted advisors. we are told his family including his son hunter who, by the way, it is a convicted felon.
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they had this preplanned visit to camp david and they did a power with them in "the new york times" is reporting that biden's family is urging to stay in the race and keep fighting even as some members of the family of his clan privately expressed exacerbation of how he was prepared for the event by his staff. we are left wondering where this all goes next with reports that hunter behind-the-scenes is urging his dad to stay in. >> it's interesting that there seems to be a little shade throwing on some of these senior advisors or those who prepped him, that he didn't have the right makeup on or they gave them too many statistics. all kinds of those things that are dribbling out from the so-called private family conversation. but people close to the president say those are the ones that can actually sway his decision one way or another. it's the first lady, it's his children. those are the people he listens to all of any of these advisors that he has and you have seen
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the numerous editorials calling for him to step down. there was one that read this weekend and the headline was something to akin we need to have you first lady joe biden. you need to be they want to help us. and i think they use the word oust the president from the ticket. there'll be pressure on the family as well because we know that is who he relies on for making these big decisions. >> jacqui: shannon, there are so many democrats who are vying for reelection. many of them who are outpacing biden in their own polling in the conventional wisdom is the top of the ticket should carry down any ballot. lingering concern that this will harm any democrats who might have been facing a tough reelection but in public you have had a lot of these democrats showing that they are behind the president. i want to play with a montage of what we heard from this weekend. >> all the evidence we have seen after the very difficult debate performance on thursday night is that the polls have not moved. a few have moved in biden's favor. >> he should stay in this race. he should demonstrate going
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forward his capacity to lead the country. >> it was a bad night. let's not sugarcoat that. it was a bad night. it was a great presidency. that's what the american people have to choose. >> that whole abandon biden thing, that is the dumbest i've ever heard. >> can this keep up if the polls start to dip over the next week or so? >> i think it will keep be a big factor and we had a little cursing on fox news sunday. that's how he feels about this. very strongly in support of the president and a number of lawmakers for you and i had all of us who work here in washington are hearing quiet murmurs among them. they do worry about themselves and holding onto their own seats and potentially worried about the republicans flipping the senate. they want to flip the house. democrats do. they will worry about dollars and donor dollars and where those get factored in and what it means to them personally in their reelection bid. there is reporting this week and
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from some candidates or incumbents, democrats out there who do not want the president to visit. they don't want the first lady to visit. they don't want anything that would tie them directly to this administration because they aren't sure how it will fare. we have seen a couple snap polls here but i think the deeper dive and more established polls coming out and the couple of days could impact the conversation. >> clearly there was the thought from the president himself suggesting that there's a lot of other people out there. there's a deep bench of democrats that could beat trump. flash back to december 2023. >> do you think there's any democrat who could defeat donald trump other than you? >> probably 50 of them. i'm not the only one but i will defeat him. >> jacqui: probably 50 of them he said. >> what's interesting is in one of the emails that went out, campaign amos from the harris biden -- excuse me, biden-harris
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campaign had pulling against donald trump and a number of democrats. if you want to quite the conversation it seemed an odd thing for me to send out. to mention people like pete do pete buttigieg and gretchen whitmer and gavin newsom. do you want to put those evil out there when you say we are over the debate performance appeared we need your funds ande need your fund-raising and don't look at these candidates. they have to know those conversations are all ongoing but we've all talked about the logistics of how this would operate with the convention, who they would coalesce potentially around because you don't want more infighting in the party if you decide that the leader of your party in some historic way would walk away from the ticket. there's a lot more trouble it seems then resolution for democrats on that point. >> jacqui: all good stuff. what a day. what a morning it was. and we will get continued reaction throughout the hour. thank you very much shannon. and by the way, to your question to shannon just a moment ago. this is "the wall street journal" report
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on the democrats fretting over the impact of biden's debate performance on house and senate races. strategist said that the debate risks offsetting the work of down ballot democrats to separate themselves on the president. highlighting this as a reality and a real thing they will have to deal with. >> jacqui: it was interesting that political report that gretchen whitmer was calling the campaign to say i really hate that my name is being tossed around but within that report it acknowledges that anyone who has a future running for president within the democratic party is stuck between a rock and a hard place where they can't voice any concern or else risk being disavowed by the establishment in 2028. >> sandra: it is a tricky situation are so many. and meanwhile, we are watching this. an extremely powerful and potentially life-threatening hurricane that is already hitting the caribbean and is speeding now toward the u.s. we are watching it and we will
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have an update. plus this. [honking] look at that wild scene after a street take over in a busy intersection. how did it all go down? leo terrel is standing by withym reaction. out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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>> jacqui: the judge in the care and read murder trial setting the jury back for further deliberations after they indicated for the second time they are unable to reach a unanimous verdict. she is accused of running over her boston police officer boyfriend after a night of barhopping and leaving him to die at the scene in a snowstorm. the defense argues she is being framed.
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>> sandra: the first major hurricane of the season making sound fall in the southwest caribbean as a cat for storm. the first atlantic hurricane in 50 years to arrive before the fourth of july. marissa tour is alive with the forecast and where this is headed next. what are you seeing? >> a historical day nonetheless. a category four hurricane, the strongest to hit the southern islands ever in history. historic and scary nonetheless. this is the latest still a category four storm. those massive sustained winds at 150 miles an hour and six more miles per hour and we would be talking about a category five. a formidable force navigating away from the island of grenada there. the landfall was early near carico island. i was at 11 morning. it went over this very small island which is 10 miles wide. a category four hurricane the pressure of 950 millibars and it is continuing to push off to the west northwest into the open water of the caribbean.
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you have some watches and earnings out of it. newly issued this morning was a hurricane watch for the island of jamaica. this is the cone as it continues to progress into the caribbean, that only tracks the center of beryl. it is expected to say a powerful hurricane as it pivots toward jamaica where we could be talking about category two strength. right now even as it pushes off to the west, st. george's is the island of grenada there. still wind us 120 miles an hour. we are talking about when you would find within a category three hurricane. that tells the story of how strong and forceful this hurricane is as it moves into the caribbean. looking at the cone here. monday into tuesday we are still talking about a category four and as we get into tuesday and wednesday being downgraded a bit. it's expected it comes up against a little more wind shear so it will start to tear it apart a little bit and that's why we are talking about jamaica
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on wednesday. even without the close call to the dr in haiti, you're talking about really dangerous serve surrounding at least the southward part of the island here. as we head in late in the week, the question is impact to u.s. steering mechanism complements of high pressure over the united states. it looks like a precious further to the south but we have to watch the steering. it's headed toward the yucatan peninsula into the southern part of mexico. too soon to rule out anything for the southern u.s. >> sandra: keep us posted we will be watching. >> jacqui: u.s. bases across europe are on heightened alert. why military officials are taking no chances next. plus this. >> the truth is i'm the only president this century that does not have any -- this decade that does not have any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did. >> jacqui: president biden's false claim they are about no u.s. troops dying on his watch sparking fears backlash. a gold star mother who lost her
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son during the chaotic afghanistan withdrawal is demanding answers. lets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. speak to several u.s. military bases across europe are under a heightened state of alert. the big concern as a potential terror attack that could be coming soon. chief national security correspondent live at the pentagon with the story for us. jennifer. >> i'm told that the threat is not from a particular terrorist group, ia says, iranian proxies, or russian agents but more general in nature. we learned that u.s. military bases across europe are on heightened alert due to an increased possibility of a terrorist attack. force protection is at its highest level in ten years. the second highest security level worse protection condition charlie. new intelligence says some form of terrorist attack is being planned to target u.s. troops. bases are on high alert but not on lockdown. the u.s. has more than 100,000
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service members stationed across europe. the bases on high alert and includes a jurist european command in stuttgart, germany. service members have been told to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity. "our increase in vigilance are not related to any one single threat but out of a concern of a combination of factors such as ongoing and upcoming large public forums including the euro cup and the olympics along with an increase in the threat of attacks by potential bad actors against various nonmilitary targets in europe. around supreme leader issued an obtuse veiled threat. the u.s. has bases all over the world and such a situation any movement and any action any revolution that only pays attention to its own internal environment and neglects foreign developments will certainly suffer a blow. senator kevin cramer a republican from nevada sits on the senate armed services committee. >> we know that the world is a
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bit on fire right now. the fact that our adversaries are becoming allies is not an insignificant fact in all of this. >> a u.s. official tells fox news this heightened alert could last the whole summer. the euro cup or european football championship starts june 14th across germany and the paris olympics start july 26th. next week as a nato summit marking the alliances 75th anniversary and it will be held in washington, d.c. jackie. >> jacqui: jennifer griffin for us at the pentagon. thank you. >> the idea that he did something significant in the military. when he was president there were a ton of people in afghanistan and he didn't do anything about that. we found ourselves in the position where you had a notion that where the safe country. the truth is, i'm the only president this century that doesn't have any -- this decade that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did.
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>> sandra: that was president biden's very false claim about no u.s. troops dying overseas during his time in office. disregarding the 13 service members killed in afghanistan during the chaotic withdrawal. bided admission causing a lot of anguish for families of the fallen and that includes marine staff sergeant derek taylor hoover and his family paired he was killed along with 12 others by a suicide bombing at the airport in kabul. joining is now it is his mother, gold star mom kelly barnett. thank you and welcome and we have spoken over the years. i can't imagine how incredibly difficult that was for your family to hear the president say that. >> thank you for letting me have a voice. it was disgusting. but it doesn't shock me. it goes to how we've been treated. we are going on three years now. it's just falling in line to the way that we have been treated the whole time. it's not shocking. it is disgusting. >> sandra: mark schmitz,
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marine son jared schmitz was among the fallen 13 in kabul said "my phone blew up for probably 20 minutes after that came through after president biden's words and everybody was just in utter shock and my poor kids were in the next room. let's just say ultimately end up having to apologize for my language. it took all self-restraint not to put my fist right through my tv." it's important that we say their names and we put their pictures up as we are right now, kelly. we remember our heroes like your son who died that day. and we did want to give you a voice because there are some like my colleague kaylee mack at any saying a lot happened on that but debate stage but that was the worst moment of all. >> it was. like i said, i was not shocked. i was angry.
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i believe in my soul -- president biden is gone. he can't remember what he had for breakfast. i do believe he was told to say that. they want him out. i believe it was a set up and... however far gone and even if i feel sorry for him it still disgusting. >> there been so many moments that have stopped gold star families like yours. remember this moment at the state of the union when steve nicoli interrupted the president and he was ultimately forgiven for. let's listen. >> america safer today than when i took office. the year before i took office they were up 30%. 30% they went up. the biggest increase in history. >> sandra: he was escorted out and americans everywhere were saying let that father speak.
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he was shouting at the gate. united states marine second battalion first marines. as americans, we remember and we do say their names. i wanted to ask you because it was the first time i had heard the story that there was also the moment of the dignified transfer. where biden made headlines and this photo is taken checking his watch. august 29th 2021. and i know this was a horrific moment for your family and in particular your daughter. >> it was hard. i saw him check his watch three times. i told my daughter because she was getting so upset. don't look at him anymore. stop looking at him. she was getting more and more frustrated. and so finally the last service member came out and they drove away and biden was standing out there and she did scream at him. she couldn't hold it in anymore.
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she meant every word that she said to him but it goes to show you the frustration. there's no words to explain how much disrespect we have gotten. how disrespected we feel. and i think this was the only thing that she could do to make yourself feel better is to lash out at him and i know that he was quoted saying what did i do wrong? i don't know what i did wrong. he knows what he did wrong. the whole biden administration knows what they did wrong and what they continue to do to our families. again, disgusting. >> sandra: i have a last question for you as i do want to know you have told our team that president trump did reach out to you immediately. i know you told us that in the past. he spoke to you and your family directly after the afghanistan withdrawal and a loss of your son. you've also spoken to him over the years and you have grown quite a relationship with them. on the minded administration, to this day they have never reached
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out other than a form letter six to eight months later. is that correct? >> that's correct. we haven't heard a word. seven of the families, we've started a coalition and we have begged. we have sent letters and emails, please talk to us. we want to talk to. it has been refused and no word whatsoever. but trump, yes. he called and he talked to my whole family. not just me, not just taylor's dad, he talked to my daughters and my son-in-law's. he talked to all of us and we went to mar-a-lago and spent four wonderful hours. we went to a rally this last weekend and spent some time with him. he cares about my son, he cares about our military. >> sandra: finally, you say you want biden to stay in the race because you want him to answer for everything that happened under his watch including the death of your son. >> yes.
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he needs to stand. i don't think they will let him in some way, shape, or form but he needs to stay in and he needs to answer. the whole biden administration needs to answer for what they've done and i just hope that they continue and let him stay in and let trump slide right through. >> sandra: we remember him and we have been putting his picture up on the screen. such a handsome boy and no parent can imagine what you've been through. there is darren hoover pictured and we remember him today and always. thank you kelly. >> thank you sandra. >> jacqui: powerful stuff there. the president's son is reportedly one of the strongest voices urging his dad to stay in the race. leo terrell joins us with his take on why hunter might be pushing so hard. plus this. >> why are you helping illegal aliens come into this country,
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dispersed into this country, knowing that they will never leave. that's what i want to hear from biden. >> jacqui: a migrant crime wave impacting families all over the country. that was don rosenberg. his son was killed by an illegal immigrant. we will ask him what he says needs to change. he will join us soon. [buzzer] to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet.
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and it's yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. >> jacqui: welcome back. hunter biden is among the strongest voices pushing president biden to stay in the race. the fi first on's encouragement comes a few weeks after a federal jury found him guilty on three felony gun charges. joining us now is leo terrel a civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. thank you for being here. i want to start with a piece of what "the new york times" writes and get your reaction to this. it says one of the strongest
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voices imploring mr. biden to resist pressure to jump out was his son hunter. he wants americans to see the version of his father that he knows scrappy and in command of the facts rather than the stumbling aging president that americans saw on thursday night. do you think that is the extent of it? >> it's not at all and thank you for having me. let me be very clear. hunter biden wants joe biden to remain in office because biden is the meal ticket for the family. he makes the money for the biden family. in addition, you mention the charge. the gun charge conviction. he is facing tax evasion and hunter biden has a problem with the law. joe biden serves also as a person who could could mute or a part his sentence. joe biden as far as hunter is concerned needs to stay in office to protect hunter biden and the biden family. >> jacqui: let me poke one whole and that because this case that he was found guilty on, the gun charges, that was going to
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be thrown out. it was never going to go to trial until the right basically took issue with the sweetheart deal. does that suggest at all that even if the president is his father that justice will still prevail? >> if it wasn't for that judge, if it wasn't for those whistle-blowers, hunter biden would have received a sweetheart deal under the biden department of justice. the judge was the only person who blocked that sweetheart deal and that evidence was so overwhelming for the gun charges, the special prosecutor had to prosecute and i will tell you right now the tax evasion charges, again, because of that judge. i would submit to you that hunter biden received favorable treatment because his father is in the white house. >> jacqui: it looks like there is no change on the horizon. you had the first lady talking to vogue after the family huddled saying they will not let
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90 minutes influence the last four years of being president. we will continue to fight. it seems like for now a decision has been made but i want to get your take also on the wild scene we are seeing in l.a. this weekend. i will play for you some of this video that we saw. what they are calling a street takeover. so, how to something like this even happen? >> i don't see anything wrong here that's los angeles. i live here. that's not a crime. i'm joking of course. it is a crime. but we have george gaskell jackie. they don't prosecute. in that situation there there were no arrests. let me translate. keep doing it. you will see more of those before and after. why? because the criminals are not deterred. why? because george got scale, the george soros prosecutor will not prosecute those crimes. this is the problem in
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los angeles. it's a dangerous city because criminals are not sent to jail. >> jacqui: it's a problem in seattle, and even derby connecticut. this has happened a couple times across the country. it's obviously not just a george gaskell problem. what do you attribute this to? >> you meant in seattle and chicago. that sounds like democratic strongholds. democrats by and large do not prosecute criminals. and that's what we have here. we have a problem with law and order. hopefully a new administration, a trump administration will have some change but in democratic cities, they do not prosecute criminals. why? because it is racist. it's racist to prosecute criminals. believe it or not the criminal justice system is racist. that is the mind-set and that is why individuals are not prosecuted and that's why this will go on over and over and over again because criminals are
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not fearful of prosecution. >> jacqui: the election is just around the corner and at some point people who are unhappy are going to have their chance to voice that at the ballot box and maybe make some changes paired we will be watching that. leo terrel, thank you so much. as always, appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. >> sandra: france's conservative party expected to secure a sweeping majority. will the rest of europe follow suit? >> jacqui: as many make their way to the beaches for the fourth of july holiday, lifeguards all over our warning about the dangers of rip currents. what you need to do to stay safe coming up. >> we have seen locals here that of been going to the beach their whole life and they've never been caught get pulled out into a rip current will go get them and they say i can't believe that happened. here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact,
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>> sandra: pivotal parliamentary elections in france that could shift the government to the right. senior foreign affairs correspondent has been following this for a spirit how's it looking right now? >> a very shocking to a lot of folks in france. a right wing party scoring very vague and legislative elections there. the populace natural rally read by marine le pen coming in first with 33% of the vote with a high
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turnout. resonating with the french people. in second with 28% is a left-wing grouping gathering with class warfare that also seemed to resonate with folks. the party of centrist french emmanuel macron coming in third with 20%. he called the snap election after the they did well in a in e.u. vote last month. while he has another three years in office this political gamble might cost them control of the parliament. french took to the streets in paris overnight protesting the possibility of the national rally coming into power for the first time ever concerned about what they call the party's divisive polarizing appeal. runoff elections are set for next sunday. many in france seem to be willing to take a risk on something new to deal with a lot of long-standing problems. >> sandra: live in london for us, we will keep watching it. thank you. spew in the supreme court's most
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high profile case of the session getting a ton of reaction. brett tolman joins us with his thoughts on the presidential immunity ruling. that is ahead. plus, treasury secretary janet yellen was spotted stocking up at the grocery store after making what many are calling out of touch remarks on rising food prices. steve moran and robert wolf react. that and more coming up. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at oh, my leaffilter? i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything. leaffilter's technology protects your gutters for good! now my home is protected. call 833 leaffilter or visit ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪
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>> right now, biden is 1 and trump is still 0 and he is the only person who has ever beaten trump and i do believe that joe biden will do that again. >> the moment we are in right now is a comeback moment and it will require all of us to lean end. >> joe biden's decision to go forward is a decision that we will all embrace because of the record he has and the performance that will come with it. >> sandra: a number of democrats still say they are supporting president biden


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