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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 1, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> right now, biden is 1 and trump is still 0 and he is the only person who has ever beaten trump and i do believe that joe biden will do that again. >> the moment we are in right now is a comeback moment and it will require all of us to lean end. >> joe biden's decision to go forward is a decision that we will all embrace because of the record he has and the performance that will come with it. >> sandra: a number of democrats still say they are supporting president biden in
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his reelection bid despite the dismal debate performance and plenty of calls for the president to throw in the towel on his second term. you thought things were interesting and they are only getting more. welcome back. i'm sandra smith in new york. jackie, great to have you here. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich and for john roberts. president biden, his family in the white house are in full-fledged damage control mode following last week's brutal debate. first lady jill biden tells "vogue" magazine we will continue to fight and will not let those 90 minutes to find the four years he has been president. >> sandra: asia hosni is live in washington with the latest on all of this. what are you here a link? >> good afternoon. the scotus ruling was a nice distraction for the biden-harris campaign from this debate fall out. they just held a call with lawmakers on the house judiciary committee but according to reports out there there is still major concern coming from rank-and-file democrats, people who have races to win in november. one democrats tells playbook that it is just his egotism and
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has families enabling. jill biden of all people, she sees him every single day. she is the one person who could end this train wreck. democratic leadership is rallying around president biden and admitting that they do have to start reaching out to these freaked out members to calm the caucus. >> where in the process of having conversations with various parts of the house democratic caucus. that's ongoing and it will continue. we are in recess next week for the fourth of july holiday so we will have to have those conversations over the phone and virtually. spew in and they will have to have those conversations when everyone comes back next monday. any names being floated right now as possible replacements, they are disavowing those calls. politico is reporting that gretchen whitmer is apparently telling the biden campaign that she does not support this draft movement out there. california governor gavin newsom told me after the debate last
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week that joe biden will be the nominee, not him. and maryland governor wes moore says he is not going to step in if biden decides to step out. he was just on the campaign trail in wisconsin for biden urging voters to stick with him. sandra. >> sandra: thank you. it swung really hard one direction and then maybe it was just a bad debate performance says nancy pelosi. hang in there. we will see where this goes. >> jacqui: i think there's a couple things going on. i think there is the realization that it is too late in a lot of ways to have a real conversation about who might take his place. it would certainly be a food fight if it happened after august 7th when he will be formally made the nominee but no one wanted to have this conversation in the party a year ago. so here we are. >> sandra: and we just played sound on the president himself saying there is 50 democrats who
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could be donald trump. we will see where it goes. >> jacqui: in the meantime, a monumental decision for presidential powers as the supreme court rules that former president trump is immune from prosecution over official acts. but specified he does not have immunity for unofficial annex. bryan llenas is live from palm beach, florida, with more. brian. >> the trump campaign and the republican national committee are already fund-raising off of the supreme court decision. one fund-raising email proclaiming in bold president trump was right about everything. the former president claiming this decision by the supreme court should vindicate him for all of the criminal and civil trials against him and saying president biden it showed a "call off his dogs." he told fox digital i've been harassed by the democrat party, joe biden, obama, and their thugs fascist and communist for years and now the courts have
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spoken. now i am free to campaign like anyone else. we are leading in every poll by a lot and we will make america great again. the rnc says the ruling as a victory for the rule of law and a reminder that the constitution outweighs the left's weaponization of the judicial system against president trump and his allies. ohio senator and a trump vp hopeful j.d. vance says this is a massive win. not just for trump about the rule of law. i am still digesting but this may well destroy all of jack smith's case against the president. the supreme court decision ensures the special prosecutor jack smith election interference case it will not go to trial before election day. it also complicates his case against the former president now that the trial judge will have to decide whether the four criminal charges against a trump for allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 election can stick or whether they are immune official acts.
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democratic congresswoman aoc, she is calling for the impeachment of the conservative supreme court justices writing on x "today's ruling represents an assault on american democracy. it is up to congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. i intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return." the biden-harris campaign is also fund-raising off of this decision warning that if trump wins, he will be more unhinged and more dangerous because he knows the courts "won't hold him back." >> jacqui: thank you so much brian. >> sandra: let's bring in brett tolman former federal prosecutor and u.s. attorney for utah. always good to have you on the program. judge jeanine joined us last hour and said this on the ruling. listen. >> whenever anyone on the left talks about an assault against democracy, you know that it has little if any meaning. that is there go to mind when they don't have a substantive argument. the supreme court is a branch
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that has final decision on legal decisions in this country. they are not willing to accept if it does not align with their political ideology and this is part of the institutional breakdown of our government. >> sandra: but that is not stopping some democrats including chuck schumer, aoc to which he was responding a tweet from alexandria ocasio-cortez and others saying that this is a sign that this is a politicized court and a broken system. your response. >> it is literally the definition of democracy working. it is separation of powers. it is judges that just recently george barrett and justice roberts were praised by the left for some of the decisions that have come out. we saw several unanimous decisions. they had no issues with any of those but now when there is a very important case, divided on political lines, they have an
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issue with it. i will tell you this is a decision that was actually not difficult when it comes to analyzing the law. they came down exactly where constitution is on it, where the law is, and it is not a slam-dunk 100% win for president trump. it is a 90% win for president trump when you combine that with the fisher opinion that came out. but that's the way it should be. because we are seeing they have been using and manipulating our criminal laws to try to take out a political opponent in the supreme court said let me remind you you have to satisfy the proper show of evidence in order to pursue this. >> jacqui: democrats it seems are not reading it as a down the middle decision. you had the biden campaign holding a press call saying, and i quote, they just handed donald trump the keys to a dictatorship. you had chuck schumer tweeting
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this disgraceful decision by the mega scotus which is comprised of three justices appointed by trump himself enables the former president to weaken our democracy by breaking the law and it underlines scotus's credibility and suggests it trumps all in the courts today. the senate minority leader suggested that there should potentially be some consequences for this talk. i want to play for you what he said he and see you agree. >> this goes beyond the standard disgraceful bullying my democratic colleagues have perfected. recusal is a judicial act. the senators are telling chief justice privately to change the course of litigation. >> jacqui: should it democrats who say this to face any consequences for this? >> i think they should. the senate has rules of
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professional conduct that apply. the ethical rules. it's also concerning because the same individuals riled up their base, used very inflammable language that resulted in different attempts to go after the supreme court. literally there was a criminal investigation of an individual that threatened to take out members of the court. this is not responsibility. this is not responsible conversation. this is not senators that are acting as statesmen. this is political pouting and tantrum throwing that could lead to consequences. >> sandra: it will be interesting to see as i mentioned democrats are very outspoken on the issue with chuck schumer calling this a disgraceful decision by the mega scotus. which is comprised of three justices appointed by trump himself enables the former president to break our democracy
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by breaking the law. at undermine scotus's credibility and suggest political influence. trump is in our courts today. for that reason there are some who are saying what does this mean if former president donald trump wins another term? >> the law before this decision was that a president is immune when acting under constitutional authority. and is immune, presumption of immunity when acting in an official capacity and it does not have immunity when acting in an unofficial capacity. that was the law before this opinion. it is now the law after this opinion. the clarification is jack smith and all of you who are prosecuting donald trump, you can pursue it but you have the burden of actually showing that you are charging unofficial acts that don't allow for immunity to protect the president. that's okay. let them do it. if they have the evidence, then present it.
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that's why they are upset. because they don't have the evidence sufficient to show that these are unofficial acts. that's why the anger. >> sandra: thank you. >> jacqui: in the meantime, the house judiciary committee is officially suing the attorney general merrick garland in an attempt to obtain audio recordings of president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur. he opted against pressing charges against biden saying he was "a sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory." the committee is seeking audio saying important nonverbal context is missing from transcripts. all right. forecasters putting out their most aggressive hurricane season prediction on record. this is a live look there and it already appears to be moving up to it. a live look at the caribbean as hurricane beryl is making landfall and now we ask where is beryl headed next?
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>> jacqui: panic mode of setting and for the biden campaign after last week's debate as his family comes to his defense. kaylee mcghee white on what it will take to turn it around and convince voters that the president can in fact handle a potential second term that would end in 2029. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards i'm admiral tom lynch chairman of newday usa. we hear from veterans all across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget. refinance and take control of your credit card debt. call newday usa and get the financial piece of mind that you and your family deserve
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happening before the fourth of july. it is being fueled by record warm waters. winds up to 150 miles an hour. right now, just shy of a cat five storm. we are getting word by nbc radio in st. vincent and the grenadines. reports of roofs being torn off of churches and schools, communications are beginning to collapse across the southeast caribbean. obviously there are huge warnings for people to hunker down in their homes if they have not been able to evacuate, find shelter where you can but you are talking fears wins here. a live look at barbados. this is our live shot up right now and as you can imagine, they are in incredible conditions happening and so many other places right now. this is the latest update just shy of a cat five storm. we are watching its path and we will have another update shortly and we will bring that to you soon. >> jacqui: back to our top story now. major reelection concerns for
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president biden. so far he is staying in the race. let's bring in kaylee mcghee white restoring america editor with the "washington examiner" and blankley fellow with the steamboat institute. thank you for being with us. we appreciate your time. we have been watching the reaction over the last couple of days and there was a lot of speculation that this family meeting over the weekend and maybe would produce a decision. i was personally in the camp that may be no decision but may be a serious talk. from everything we have seen, the campaign has been gearing up to give anyone who has doubts talking points of what to say. you had a memo from the campaign saying it did nothing to change people's perception of the race. the debate did nothing. they called polls. they put out a memo saying here's what you can tell your mega uncle. what does that say to you about what we might not be hearing
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publicly? >> it means they are circling the wagons around biden. when the leftist media turned on by it and immediately after the debate, the biden campaign went into full panic mode and they are very clearly making a concerted effort to get the media back on board. to start pushing the narrative again that the biden campaign wants them to the problem is that this was such a public display of degeneration on biden's part that it really doesn't matter what the biden campaign says or even with the media repeats because voters saw this with their own eyes and we had a pull out just a day that found an overwhelming majority of voters now believe that biden is no longer fit to serve another four years in office. that's a kind of thing that doesn't go away and it's the thing that voters don't forget. >> jacqui: they just put out a new ad in the campaign in response to this i want to play it for you and get your reaction. >> i know how to tell the truth. and i know like millions of americans know when you get knocked down, you get back up.
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>> jacqui: that was sound from his rally immediately following the debate but of course anyone who is paying very close attention knows that those remarks were delivered with a teleprompter. with hundreds of supporters behind him rallying for him. is that going to move the needle with anyone who is skeptical? >> i don't think so because the state of the unit did not move the needle. this is more of the same angry biden that we saw at the state of the union which democrats really expected to help give him a boost of momentum. that momentum never appeared. again, i don't think voters are going to easily forget what they saw last week. i think of my own demographic, young voters. heading into this election cycle as of last year, 85% of gen z voters already did not think that biden was mentally fit to serve another four years. imagine what that number is now after seeing biden's performance last thursday. i would guess it is probably closer to 95%. another problem here is that democrats have backed them selves into a corner.
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they can't reliably depend on kamala harris anymore at this point and she was supposed to be the one that attracted young voters in the first place and she is as unpopular among us as she is with other demographics. they don't have great options heading into the summer, heading into the very busy election season. >> jacqui: one of the names being tossed around as gretchen whitmer. i thought it was a very interesting article in "politico" saying she took it upon herself to call the campaign and say i don't like they are using my name as a potential successor but by the way we have a problem in michigan and this debate may have made the state unwinnable for biden. that's a big deal. >> a very big deal. i'm from michigan and i've been long saying gretchen whitmer would be a perfect alternative if the democrats could pull it off. i don't think they can at this point but she has the appeal. she can easily win over the suburban moms that trump and biden need. she has already capitalized on democrats top issue which is abortion and, surprisingly, even as biden's approval ratings has tanked throughout the state, or
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hers have remained pretty steady. she's a popular figure in the state like it or not. she would be great however it's funny to me to even see the biden campaign put out these other names of biden can beat them to. regardless of if he can. but they are clearly concerned that gretchen whitmer or gavin newsom would try to make a challenge at the convention in august. >> jacqui: you would former president trump thing on truth social big leak in michigan they want their jobs and country back. i believe he was referencing a poll taken before the debate but certainly all of this will put a lot of extra attention on swing states where the biggest issue, abortion, is not on the ballot. their focus on the economy so we will continue to watch it. thank you for being here. we appreciate it. sandra. >> sandra: thank you. migrant crime making waves and we will speak to a man who lost his son at the hands of an illegal immigrant about what he wants to see change about what is happening right now. >> jacqui: plus a live check
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of the dow as we are getting some grim warnings from wall street. steve moore and robert wolf joining us with their thoughts and what we are watching next.
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hello, colonial penn? >> sandra: an update on the care and a trial. reed and her attorneys are returning to the report remount. we are told this is probably it as in the verdict may be in. the jurors returned today to begin week two of deliberation. karen is accused of killing her boyfriend during a winter storm. the massachusetts woman accused of hitting her boyfriend with the suv leaving him to die in a snowstorm. after telling a judge on friday they were unable to reach a unanimous decision so they've been deliberating and we are told that they could have reached a verdict. we don't know for certain yet but we wanted to let you know that we are watching this and we will have that for you as soon as it is in.
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jackie. >> jacqui: keep an eye on that. in the meantime grocery stores are cutting prices but many shoppers stay it is still too high. some of the president's closest advisors are getting deeper downplaying that. fox business is edward lorenz as live at the white house with more on this. edward, how much higher our prices? >> prices are still overall 19% higher than the month that president biden came into office. the president tried to turn the page on the debate and put that behind him. the administration focusing on the good aspects of the economy like for example the low unemployment we are seeing. it is up 4% while largely ignoring the price which has spiked once president biden took office he started instituting his policies. making matters worse the treasury secretary saying in speech is the amount of small new business start-ups ages showing the expense of the economy while she said this in an interview that claims she's out of touch. >> have you been to the grocery store lately? >> i have. i go every week.
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>> it is sticker shock isn't it? when you look at shipping costs. >> she says she feels no sticker shock as she was seen grocery shopping in the washington cc area with her husband after the claim that she does not feel the sticker shock meanwhile former president trump says it is president biden's policies, not his age which failed american through higher prices and president biden also blaming former president trump for all of it. >> joe biden's problem is not his age, and it's not anything really. no problem other than it's his competence. he is grossly incompetent. >> take a look at what i was left with when i became president. with what mr. trump let me. we had an economy in free fall and the pandemic was so badly handled many people were dying. >> the fact is inflation leading up to january 2021 when president biden took over was 1.2%. 1.2%, 1.4% and then 1.4% in
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december of 2020. the federal reserve could not get inflation back to 2% in that time frame. back to you. >> jacqui: to be a fly on the wall during the grocery trip with janet yellen and her husband would have been so fascinating to hear any commentary. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in steve moore sr. economic advisor for the trump campaign and robert wolf a fox news contributor and former economic contributor to obama. i look forward to our discussions. i'm going to choose to be optimistic in that from janet yellen. maybe she was going to say something after no no, i'm used to the prices. they've been on their way up for three years so maybe the sticker shock has faded. i don't know. she had about a week to clarify her comments. for everyone else that goes to the grocery store every week, prices are still extremely high and extremely painful for an american family trying to just
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make it. >> hello sandra. when i go to the grocery store which is occasionally with my wife, i am a constant for saying why are you saying prices are only up 20%. look at the price of this candy bar, look at the price of this dozen of eggs. people are feeling a squeeze now and i was surprised that janet yellen who is someone that i think is very competent would say something like that because it is kind of insulting but this has been the white house line that bidenomics is working. these prices are coming down. the inflation rate is coming down. it's at about 3.5% but when you look at these things that people have to buy, not just at the grocery store but at the gas pump. you pay your mortgage and you pay your rent. for middle-class people especially, it is a hardship. people are thinking can i take a cup a summer vacation this year. can i afford it. larry kudlow says it perfect. there is an affordability crisis in america right now and biden has done nothing about it.
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>> sandra: it's a very real thing and it's everywhere you look whether it's the utility bills, the grocery store, rent, or trying to get into a home is very difficult for so many. robert, i know you definitely do the grocery shopping and your family. i'm sure you do. >> i did. i was just at stop & shop and martha's vineyard. i'm even a cardholder. >> sandra: martha's vineyard, are you even looking at the prices? >> i do look at the prices. you gave steve a good ad there for the trump campaign so let me finish janet yellen's comment that i wish he finished. and i'm with you. i thought there should have been another 20 seconds of i don't think you know enough either. >> sandra: she wasn't cut off. she was asked another question. she had all the time of the world to clarify her comments. no sticker shock for her but this is leading to a lot of uncertainty. this affordability crisis, the policies that are causing them, people don't know where things are going. our friend charlie over at fbn, he is suggesting, and this is
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not anybody other than charlie making this call, he is suggesting that wall street is going toward a straight free fall. no one knows what is going to happen with the market. market prognostications are all over the place because of huge policy making mistakes, spending, money printing, screw up normal analytical tools and politics and policy of the presidential candidates add more confusion. what i would add to that is the uncertainty. this level of uncertainty is nearly unprecedented for capital markets. finish up robert. go ahead. >> i didn't chime in yet. >> sandra: i gave you the janet yellen question. >> i asked for a 20 seconds to finish. i would've said if i was janet yellen, wages are up 16.5%, prices are up 19% too high but on the early guest bruno i'm going to segue quickly so steve can get in. i think charlie is right.
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i think wall street can deal with bad outcomes. i think it is always tough to deal with complete uncertainty and if you look at president trump who is leading in the polls, he's talking about a 100% tariff. i even know steve moore would be totally against 100% tariffs because he was against his 10% tariff process. >> sandra: by the way i thought you were suggesting she needed another 20 seconds, not you. i apologize. we heard you out on that. but to wall street, what does happen for most investors, they are in some way in this market whether it is a 401(k) or otherwise, they are wondering and curious with the election coming up and growing uncertainty, are you making any predictions, steve? >> first of all i've never been invited to martha's vineyard to. i don't understand what's going on. >> that's not true. i've invited you two weeks ago.
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>> that's true. sorry. we are going to get this 100% tariff number. it's a 10% across-the-board tariff and i'm not in favor of that but let's get the numbers right. i think the problem for the democrats right now in the country is nobody knows right now who is going to be the democratic nominee. i don't know if robert thinks it will still be joe biden but when you have that uncertainty, three and a half months before an election and the democrats still don't know who the nominee will be? that's a big problem for the country. >> sandra: allowed to take in there. glad you got all of your words in. thank you. take him up on his invitation it apparently is there. we will see you again soon. >> jacqui: i want to take you back to massachusetts now. the attorneys are back in the courtroom as we wait the verdict in the karen read murder trial. prosecutors allege that karen read intentionally and drunkenly struck her boyfriend boston police officer john o'keefe with her suv after dropping him off at a house
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party hosted by another officer and then leaving him for dead. she has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder and other charges and her defense has argued she has been framed by someone who beat o'keefe to death inside that home and said the homeowners relationship with police and local state tainted the investigation. the jury has been deliberated for quite a while so we will keep an eye. >> sandra: violent crimes across the u.s. alleged by -- allegedly by illegal immigrants who should not have been here to commit them in the first place. we are sitting down with a father who lost his own son at the hands of a and a little emigre. dan rosenberg will join us live. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale,
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despite their exhaustive review of the evidence in this case and diligent consideration, they had been unable to reach a unanimous verdict. the judge then said to go back and keep trying. they did exactly that. molly line is live in the courthouse in massachusetts for us at this hour. we are looking live at a mistrial declared. what can you tell us molly? >> that's at. this jury of six men and six women could not come to unanimous decision on any of the eight charges that karen read was facing and this was a hung jury. it is a mistrial at this point in time after 29 days of testimony, 74 witnesses, 657 exhibits, and all ended today in this manner. after the five days of deliberation, the jury could not get to where they wanted to be. prosecutors able to prove that karen read killed her police officer boyfriend john o'keefe
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on a snowy night in january 292022 by hitting him with an suv and driving away. the defense had a very different story to tell and that this was all a grand cover up that defense attorneys thought she had been framed and a much wider conspiracy involving law enforcement officers including a boston police officer that owned the home outside of which john o'keefe's body was found. the jury was tasked with untangling each of those sides and could not find a way to do that consistently in the notes the jury expressed that they were unable to come to any sortf consensus and were sharply divided in their thoughts about this ongoing case. the 54-year-old massachusetts woman potentially now could face another trial here. that will of course be up to the norfolk county district attorney as to whether or not there will be another trial, as to whether or not these charges could potentially change her she had been charged with second-degree murder, potentially facing life in prison.
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man smaller while operating a motor vehicle under the influence and leaving the scene of personal injury or death. there were a number of lesser charges included in the manslaughter account including involuntary manslaughter but the jury could not come to a conclusion and this case could not come to an agreement. here we are with a mistrial. you can hear some of her supporters, hundreds of them happen here to support karen read in the weeks since opening statements were made in april 29th. this is been a long effort in going back and trying again and again the jury came back now on day five and said we cannot reach a verdict and this is officially now a mistrial. we are waiting to hear from the attorneys in the case as well as eventually the district attorney's office to see where this is headed. >> sandra: before we see you there, i thought it was static on your mic. it's reimann your umbrella as it's raining there outside the courthouse. we are told that following the
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judge declaring a mistrial in your case, karen read will step up and speak any moment now as she departs that courthouse. possibly her attorneys as well. 44 years old. you saw the reaction in the courtroom just a moment ago. the defense had made the case that she was being framed in this. you mentioned those that were cheering and supporting her outside of the courthouse. this was the fifth day of deliberations after the jury said they were having a tough time with us. the judge said go back. it sounds like we will hear directly from the karen read any moment. we will head back to the courthouse when that happens. jackie. >> jacqui: we will keep an eye on that. meantime we are back with a fox weather alert. hurricane beryl is continuing to turn west, northwest, significant risks to lives and property coming across to areas over the central northwestern caribbean. we have been monitoring the storm and it looks like the surf is getting pretty serious out
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there. making landfall as a category four storm. the first category for coming before the fourth of july holiday in quite some time. we will continue to watch out for you and we will be right for you and we will be right back. 'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple.
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>> sandra: fox news alert. we did just see karen read and her attorneys to parting the courthouse after the judge declared a mistrial in this case. she did not speak. her attorney did. we just got a bit of it. we will turn that sound for you as they departed the courthouse as a mistrial has been declared by the judge. when we get that we will turn that for you and when we have it we will play it out for you. now this. >> sandra: border officials concerning dozens of migrants storming the border and el paso down in march have been released into the u.s. it comes amidst a wave of violent crime all by people who should have never been here to begin with. let's bring in don rosenberg. he advocates victims of illegal alien crimes after his son was killed by an illegal immigrant ten years ago. we have spoken over the years
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and we spoke most recently just last week. it struck me what you must be going through seeing this happen to other families in this country. whether it is their children or their loved ones being attacked, brutally assaulted, in some cases murdered by people who were here illegally. many of them with lengthy rap sheets. what is your reaction to what you have been seeing? >> it's really difficult. i've been doing this for almost 13 years and it's very hard to watch something happen over and over and over again that causes so much pain which i am very familiar with and my family is very familiar with. and see our government not only ignoring it but actually promoting it. so to some extent, every day i relive my son's death through all of these other people who are suffering the same consequence. >> sandra: you look at what's happening right here in
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new york city. it was the cover of "the new york post" the other day where the new york city mayor wade and eric adams about these venezuelan games that are smuggling guns into migrant centers here in new york city. listen. >> they are extremely dangerous. they represent a small portion of our migrants and asylum-seekers. are all asylum-seekers are part of the scan, know they are not. and the best we can do to stop this trend, allow people to w work. >> sandra: you look at the map of where this is happening. it's happening in new york city, far from the border in some cases all the way to upstate new york where a 15-year-old girl was allegedly raped by an illegal immigrant. the girl whose alleged killer was an illegal immigrant in syracuse. the 12-year-old girl who was assaulted and murdered there.
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will jocelyn. what is your message as someone who lost your son to an illegal immigrant. someone who should not have been here in a horrific crime. what is your message to those in power who say this is just a f few? >> just a few actually is tens of thousands if you look at the statistics over the year. so what is an acceptable number and obviously for any crime committed by somebody who should not be in the country, the accepted number is zero. obviously you have to get rid of the biden administration but even eric adams, he speaks out but he is an enabler. you have to get rid of sanctuary law. you have to start deporting people that don't belong here. yes, we do need to reform the asylum the outlaws. yes, most of the people that
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come here don't intend to harm anybody but some of them still do and many of the people who come here have every intent to harm people and commit crimes. it's one or the other. you can either deport everybody who is here illegally, have them come in legally if they can and if the numbers support it and a lot of this goes away. obviously it would take a decade or two to do all of this and certainly the biden administration has made it a lot worse but enforce the law. don't make excuses because some people are nice and they work hard. that's not an excuse. >> sandra: your voice is so important in this. let's start with that. so many parents who have lost their children to this crisis, but let's know who's coming in and let's start there. thank you for joining us. our best to your family.
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>> thank you so much for having me on. >> jacqui: we are watching the courthouse in massachusetts where the judge has declared a mistrial in the murder trial of karen read. mistrial's are not covered by double jeopardy. we haven't heard from the d.a. if they tend to try the case again. we will be right back. . look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪
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>> the judge in the karen read murder trial declaring a mistrial. a deadlocked jury. and we just heard moments ago from karen read, her attorney spoke as she was departing the courthouse. listen. >> folks, this is what it looks like when you bring false charges against an innocent person. the commonwealth did their worst. they brought the weight of the state based on spurious charges, based on compromised investigation and investigators, and compromised witnesses. this is what it looks like. guess what? they failed. they failed miserably, and they'll continue to fail. no matter how long it takes, no matter how long they keep
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trying, we will not stop fighting. we have no quit. >> allan, you're going to stay on? >> i just have two things to say, folks, number one, i am in awe of the strength and courage of this remarkable client that i've had the privilege of representing since day one. and number two, i want to send a message to all of her supporters out there: your support was invaluable. we are touched and we ask for your continued support. i'm not from texas, like my colleague here, i'm a boston kid, but i'll repeat what he said which is we ain't got no quit. thank you. >> deadlocked jury, judge had to declare a mistrial. they came to the judge on friday, sent them back and this is where things ended up, jacquie. >> and it was fascinating to watch. thank you for being with us today. >> thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> i'm jacquie heinrich. "the story" starts right now. >> martha: thank you very much, sandra and jacquie, good afternoon, everybody


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