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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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deference was taken out becauset if you want to get rid of the te swamp chevron deference isctly probably the most devastating to the swamp.atio >> exactly. beg the crack in the foundation of the administrative state beganpi with rejecting chevron deference, jason. if donald trump wins, and i hope they will come a day one, he continues to dismantle theth administrative state. wants to drain the swamp and foundation of the swamp, break the state, drain the swamp and you get afee chance to restore the republic. the chevron deference rejection is a massive step in the right direction. >> jason: ned ryun, thank youjao for joining us. that is it for us tonight. i am jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham. it has been a pleasure doing out this. i hope you have a wonderful fourth of july weekend. check on my book, "the puppeteers." ♪ ♪ >> carley: broad daylight
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attack chicago and four migrant suspects had to court charged with attempted murder. details on the case and concerning new information we just thought about the suspects coming up in a live report. plus, a video of the minnesota families home and business falling off of a cliff near the rapidan dam and an update from the family. we will tell you how you can help them rebuild. and president biden onto campaign trail in virginia today and calls to drop out after his terrible debate performance. attorney general jason here to tell us why the blue state is very much in play for republicans come november. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this tooling warning, carley shimkus, todd has the day off, well deserved break but we do have a lot of news to get to him first, we start with fox news alert on the supreme court's presidential immunity ruling, which has former president trump moving tn
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conviction as well is democrats like aoc sharpen political attacks against the court it itself. doug luzader is live in washington with the latest on the developing story, hey, doug. >> curly, good morning, there are a number of reports president trump is using supreme court decision to try to set aside criminal code convictions in new york business records case you're the court ruled yesterday in a 6-3 decision that presidents have immunity for criminal charges or actions they take as president. official actions, private actions are another matter. many democrats including president biden are furious. >> now, the man who sent that mob to the u.s. capitol is facing potential criminal conviction for what happened that day. the american people deserve to have an answer and the courts before the upcoming election. the public has a right to know the answer about what happened january 6 before they asked to
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vote again this year. now, because of today's decision, that is highly, highly unlikely. it is a terrible disservice to the people of this nation. so now... >> okay that statement from the president drew this response from house speaker mike johnson. >> what we are seeing tonight is despicable and it is dangerous. the president has been trying to undermine our legal system. first, they weaponize the department of justice to go after chief political opponent, which of course, donald trump. now, when it doesn't work the way they planned it, the way they designed it when the law gets in the way of what they are trying to do, now he is trying to undermine the supreme court itself. >> trump, in the meantime toolbox digital i've been harassed by the democratic party, joe biden come obama, fash is coming this for s and out the courts have spoken a big win for the constitution and for democracy.
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one democrat is now floating a constitutional amendment and trying to reverse the court's decision and another representative of alexandria ocasio-cortez wrote the supreme court has become assumed by corruption crisis beyond its control in today's ruling represents assault on american democracy and up to congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. i intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return. as far as that new york a's against trump is concerned come at the moment sentencing is scheduled for next week. >> carley: all hands on deck's on both fronts, is so much all hands on deck for the biden campaign as well after last week's debate to try to convince that the president is fit to stay in the race. the campaign making calls to funders to ease their concerns, but one wealthy democrat says biden needs to prove himself. his name is whitney and he says
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"i feel deceived. it is as bad as what we witnessed thursday night, he needs to put his country first and step aside immediately." if cognitively impaired biden remains in the race, he will lose badly and forever be remembered as a selfish man responsible for giving us the world for more years of a total nightmare that threatens everything we believe in." "the new york times" how the performance might impact the way our adversary's view was pure the paper calling for the natioa time when the u.s. supposed to be leading the fight against a rising alliance of autocracies that include china, russia, and iran. it comes as u.s. military bases across europe are still on heightened alert over concerns of likely terrorist threats against installations and personnel york at the european command said the alert is "not related to any one single threat but out of concerns of a combination of factors such as
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ongoing and upcoming large public forums, including the euro cup and the olympics." four migrant's in court after allegedly attacking and robbing a man on a chicago train in broad daylight. ashley strohmier is here with exclusive footage of the attack. i met from ashley. >> i met, carley exclusive footage of the four in this way lynn attacked and robbed a 49-year-old man in broad daylight. happening during rush hour on chicago commuter train back in february. the video shows the four suspects with the victim and the back of the rain while one chokes him and the victim lost consciousness during alleged robbery but since recovered appear at the police ended up catching the suspects about 45 minutes after that incident took place very during an initial court appearance is when the four men ages 18, 20, 21, 22 also identified as venezuelan migrants spirit court records
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show three of those men already face misdemeanor retail theft charges. three of the men, of the four men will stay behind bars for a trail pet asked the judge not to release them in before the trial saying the alleged robbery was "organized and premeditated effort." all four suspects listing state-funded migrant shelters as home addresses when arrested. although, if convicted on both felony charges, experts say three of the form in the face deportation. and also court records show at the time of the two migrants, they had only been in the country for three months and that attack happened while another had been there for just one month, carley. >> carley: state-funded adds to injury here, ashley, thank you so much. democrat in the media the worst after supreme court immunity ruling. >> almost a license to thug in a
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way. you can do whatever you want. >> what matters is the other guy wants to be a king and this court has said yes, you are aching and we are the king's hand. >> our legal expert is here to break down its decision and what it means for the cases against tom in the united states, oh, no, bounced from the american tournament but not without huge controversy surrounding the game-winning goal. we have got all of the highlights on this straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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speed when we are back with fox news weather alerts appear earliest category 5 in history late last night after demolishing towns across the southeastern caribbean. at least two people in granada and st. vincent are dead as the massive storm heads towards jamaica. forecasters are warning of historically busy hurricane season. meteorologist here with fox news alert, adam. hurricane season running with the big one. >> typically receive the second-biggest storm of the year and more like july 17. so way early in this one is massive. the biggest we have seen ever when you talk about this early size up a storm. it grew really big. here is what it actually looks like right now. really define lands at 165 miles an hour and really unheard of storm this early in the season. we have seen it grow quickly 130
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mile-per-hour winds sunday afternoon up to 165 and continues to over perform. puree to forecast models not necessarily grasping how strong about storm this would ultimately become pure and you do notice by wednesday over the course of the day slowing down a little bit wins 140 miles per hour category 4 hurricane and it will run over a pass close to jamaica before continuing over towards mexico, slowing down as it makes that move and 90 mile-per-hour winds here that is more like category 1 or categore border but jamaica is really the area we pay attention to. at hurricane warnings in effect and that will be making a move on wednesday likely as category 4 hurricane. get this, we are right in the heart of hurricane season. another area back to the east of this where there is a possibility of 30% chance of running back into the exact same area, carley here are the
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ingredients are there to see another storm at the next several days. it is that time of year but a little bit early to be talking about it being so robust. >> carley: a lot of people that area of the world on edge because of the spirit of adam, thank you so much. we showed you this video last week of a home falling off of the cliff near minnesota's rapidan pam and rushing into the rushing waters below. it happened after the ban breached by historic flooding. we checked in with a family and this morning we do have exclusive update. they a physically everyone is good but emotionally everyone is broken. it was too much too fast and such unbelievable manner. we will pull through this together but history literally washed away all you have to sit and watch it is a pain would not wish on everyone. so sad. and took the store, which is known for homemade pies. they say the community is rallying around them and this morning, you can help them
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rebuild. you can donate to help wrap help wrap a store's tragic loss on they are good people and they need a little bit of help right now. after the supreme court's immunity ruling, watch this. >> what you have here is the supreme court imposing its judgment at that principle that we must have bold and decisive residents is more important than the principal we should have presidents to obey the law. >> almost a license to thug. you can do whatever you want ample supreme court will let you get away with it. >> if leaders can be immune from criminal acts while in office, it might be the end of our republic. >> what matters is the other guy wants to be a king and this court has said, "yes, you are the king, and we are the king's hand posed quote. together, the seven of us will
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roll this country. >> carley: a defense attorney, lexi, good morning to you. the democrat are reacting but what the supreme court decided yesterday is nuance. they decide that the president has absolute immunity when it comes to his constitutional authority, for prosecution for all official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts. so how do you feel about that break down when it comes to presidential powers? >> well, i'm not actually all surprised that is how it shook out. i don't think anybody believes there would be absolute immunity and all acts, even to rome's own lawyers conceded during the supreme court argument that was not reasonable interpretation what they were proposing. so what they tried to do is try to walk a very nuanced line. a lot of people obviously are freaking out about this being very hyperbolic you are to but my question to them, what did yu want? did you want a ruling that said
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presidents have absolutely no immunity whatsoever so that every single president, republican or democrat, has to look over their shoulder when making decisions necessary to make in full scope of official duties and have to wonder whether the law fair will play out when they leave office? it is not as though trump, this is only one applies to because he's the only one indicted. the only president indicted her, but it is not as though this does not equally apply across te spectrum and it is kind of laying out tests that the lower courts will actually have to apply. that will be the job to determine, which likely will be appealed either way. what acts were not addressed by the supreme court were actually official or not official. >> carley: supreme court justice sotomayor outlined the worst possible scenario how this decision could play out in her
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dissent. under majority, he, meaning the president will be insulated from criminal prosecution, orders seal team six to assassinate political rival immune. organizes military cukes to uphold and hold onto power with ra before martin, immune, immune, immune to. she is of the opinion that this decision has effectively turned the president into a king. what do you think our stomachs because she sounds like some of the clips you just played. i have to respectfully disagree with her. that is hyperbolic and i don't think based on the fact there are three kind of components to this, one of them being absolute immunity for the core powers and one of them being if official acts that are outside of the actual core powers granted by the constitution, those are only presumptively immune. if presumption and the law, you can rebut that presumption.
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i can't imagine a scenario, for example a president takes a breath and says part of my official duty. it just seems incredibly far-fetched and i respectfully disagree with her and i agree with justice roberts and his agreement that basically says some of these dissents so doomsday and not warranted based on the ruling is ruling is. >> carley: very interesting turn of events, we are learning president trump will use this decision to get his guilty verdict for the hush money case thrown out. according to "the new york times," his lawyer's will likely argue prosecutors build their case partly on evidence from his time while in the white house. how do you see this playing out? >> well, obviously, he will throw all of the legal arguments he can at this convection pier at supreme court had said evidence can't be used against him if the official -- they can't use official acts that are
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absolutely immune as evidence to support or bolster their case for acts that may not be absolutely immune to. that is really the crux of this. because this is so unprecedented which we keep using over and over again, it is applicable. who knows what will happen. but we can guarantee that his lawyers are going to be engaged in a lot of appeals as that new york decision in the coming weeks and months. >> carley: that is what lawyers do. i read the deadline for post all emotions has passed so the judge can say, out of time and sort of blame it on that. we will be watching. we want to ask about a trial of a different kind getting so much attention. that karen read murder trial in a mistrial yesterday and the jury heard twt versions of how this boston police officer john o'keefe died. prosecutors say that kieran read, who was his girlfriend, they got into a fight, she was
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drunk and accidentally ran him over with the car and left him to die in the snow but defense attorney say she had nothing to do with his death but died at a house party with other boston p. those police officers are framing her for his murder so mistrial declared yesterday. how do you feel about this case? the incredible thing, lexi, both sides had compelling evidence so where do you see this going? >> you know, when the jury was out for as long as they were, i started to wonder if serious issues in there and you have to hand it to a jury, obviously the jury did a lot of work and the lawyers did a lot of work and a lot of time dedicated to this. if a jury cannot come to a decision, you have to hand it to jurors who stand there ground. we want to go home. i truly believe this person is either guilty or not guilty and i'm not going to be kind of. pressured into a verdict,
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which the judges walk the most send jurors back and try to get them to come to a conclusion. about what was surprising to me about this how often the arguments that there is a police cover-up or some type of corruption within the police force. those arguments work. that is one of the things the seized on this case, the police officer and other police officers in this community, that that was one of the reasons why she was actually framed and they didn't look at the "right people." that was interesting to me that that argument appear to be at least in part successful in this case. >> carley: will there be another trial or is she off of the hook? >> that is what they said and they can certainly try her again based on what the prosecution said. >> carley: lexi, thank you for joining us on both stories. we appreciate it. president biden address the supreme court ruling. he read off of a teleprompter 5 minutes and also ignored
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questions from the press following. >> thank you. >> what makes you so confident that you should be the president? >> carley: in he goes, tomi lahren to react to this. keep it right here on "fox & friends first." ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ) asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. ( ♪ ) fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: president biden finally gave his first public address since alarming debate performance against president trump. he condemn supreme court immunity ruling in five-minute scripted speech and ended by ignoring reporters questions. >> i dissent, may god bless you all and preserve our democracy.
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thank you, may god protect our troops. >> what makes you so confident you should be the president? >> carley: tomi lahren is a host on elk kid, good morning to you. this was to be a big moment and the first nationally televised remark since debate performance and it is clear that democrats are trying to wage a campaign against the supreme court and a cold donald trump an even bigger existential threat than before. so what do you think about this? do you think the speech president biden delivered yesterday will rally democrats back to him? >> carley, this is all they have is the fear tactics. they keep trying to beat this drama of democracy in danger. obviously, gas living the american people that the real reason democracy is in danger because the democratic party and leftist media waging a campaign to jail their political opponent.
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that kind of skips right over the small little details that are important to understand the full situation. but i will also say this about president biden's address. if you are trying to convince people that you are, in fact, fully capable and cognitive abilities are not impaired, going out and delivering a teleprompter speech and taking no questions is probably not the best way to do that. if you want to prove to people what he said over and over again, "watch me," take external questions and a speech off the prompter personally. but he is unable and incapable of doing that. they get a sound bite and they hope they that he can stay on prompter and go back to nap the time. if he is trying to use a speech or his handlers trying to use a speech to convince anybody this is proof joe biden is back, i'm not sure they accomplish that goal. >> carley: this was a scripted
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speech and it was very short for obvious reasons. i think his campaign in the white house is trying to insulate him from any sort of immediate slip up after the debate here at the axios is reporting that president biden could hold a t town hall later this month to try to prove to the american people he can still be president. that is a risk. how do you think that can go? >> it is a giant risk. listen, there have been times joe biden has been able to be on his game for a period of time, but we know from other reporting it is a very certain and specific time. i would expect any town whole or in her field place to happen abruptly 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when his handlers say he's on his game. that is what i would expect and if it is an interview, i would expect it would be curated and the media will be very delicate with
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president joe biden. i don't think it will convince anybody. you can't have so many slipups back-to-back and escalate over the last three years and do one town hall, one sit down and concerns. i don't think anybody is buying it at this point. you have reached the point of no return with this narrative. >> carley: on this immunity ruling yesterday, a lot of democrat rich and coming up with the supreme court made this ruling on personal immunity for former president trump and all future presidents as well. aoc not happy about this. she posted this on x, the supreme court consumed by corruption's crisis beyond its control. today's ruling is in a american democracy. it is up to congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. i intend on filing articles of impeachment upon their return." she is saying she will file articles against the supreme court. is this going anywhere? >> oh, i would like to see
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alexandria ocasio-cortez file anything. i don't have a lot of confidence in her ability here appear at it but i think what you are really saying is democrats abortion message has fallen flat due to donald trump's wonderful answer at the debate last week. they have to beat a different drum and going back to democracy at stake and will use the supreme court because that will be their new one. they will say democracy is under threat and .2 supreme court decision and hope lower information and fewer "star trek" by that pure nanny anti-butter that little time to look into that knows it is incredibly nuanced and doesn't give president kingmaker powers. they have to do something because their candidate is there canada and the record as their record appear this will be of the new narrative for the last several months. >> carley: some democrats say democracy is under threat and other say that might be true that president biden is the bigger issue, james carville an important place in the
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democratic party and take a listen to what he had to say. >> we have a country 72% want something different. if the democratic party cannot produce something different that 72% of the people want, then why do we exist? what are we here for? the country is clamoring for change! what are we going to offer them at the same stuff? it doesn't make any sense, jake. >> carley: he said that, and we are learning gavin newsom is headed to new hampshire, all-important state of new hampshire to campus for joe biden but more speculation about whether or not he could be biden's replacement. what do you think? >> you know that it has been my long-held position that governor gavin newsom will be the step in. but he's been doing these campaign type of advance for at least the last eight months if not longer. that is why i have maintained he will be the one to step in and he will be the candidate, the
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nominee, because he is the one that has done the leg work. he has gone to international trips, red states, constitutional for gun control. he polished joe biden around like a little puppy. now he's going to new hampshire. governor newsom if you are trying to fool people disguise a little better and don't make it so easy to say, "i told you so." he didn't look comfortable during that white house visit last year. thank you, thank you for joining us and have a great day. >> things, carley. >> carley: u.s. soccer team is eliminated from the cope america tournament after stunning loss to euro here at a controversial last-minute coal when the referee upheld the only goal and even felt the player appeared to be offside. watch this. [cheers and applause]
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america so said appear that fishel conducted a video review. the u.s. will play next in september against canada and new zealand. 30 people are hurt and passengers after a flight it severe turbulence. that story is next. the southern cookout cost hitting record highs this year and that is not the only way americans are feeling the heat from bidenomics. we have those numbers coming up. ♪ ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> carley: more bad news for boeing. 30 people hurt after a plane hit turbulence and sent passengers flying out of their seats. one man got stuck in an overhead bin. how does that happen? ceiling panels tore off and seats destroyed, just look at that fear of the flight from madrid to your away but diverted to brazil. oh, my goodness. a judge with a major blow in the
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biden administration's claim and agenda after 20 states fought back. fox business with all the details, hi, cheryl. this is seen as a big win for the energy industry so a temporary ban on the biden administration's plan to help these projects and the court issuing the band saying, "hold on a second." the biden administration, you need to go to congress and you cannot decide to hold major energy progress that experts account for millions of jobs. this does not work. the court citing with these states that are fighting it back against the ban. patrick morrissey said this, "this is a big win for the the country's energy and their attacks from the biden administration to further radical climate agenda at the expense of our economy." the energy department did respond to this ruling in the
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court yesterday saying, "the u.s. department of energy disagrees with the ruling. the department will evaluate the order and evaluate next steps." >> carley: we certainly will and energy impacts the cost of everything here at the cost of food, as we know, very high rigt now and that will effect the fourth of july cookout's. >> it is and will be record high for americans when you put together with the big barbecue. one example of what you could be paying income attempted before for a cookout and the cost of food is higher than ever. so in 2022, $69.68 and last year $67.73, and now up to $71.22. let me give you a reason what is happening. look at pork chops, look at the jump, $15.49 for 3 pounds of pork chops. ground beef, 2 pounds, $47, $7.83, strawberries, $4.61,
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chips, $4.90, cheese $3.97, potato salad $3.32 and the pounds $3.41. when i say not a lot of chicken but the cost for a couple of chicken breast but that insoluble get if you get a couple. >> carley: the biden administration is trying to spin this saying inflation is not down but not rising as it quickly once was but still up. i remember the first debate question jake tapper asked president biden, the cost of a bag of groceries $100.04 years ago and those same groceries $120 here and how do you account for this? he blamed corporate greed. >> he does at all the time and i find that frustrating we talk about this because they go after energy industry and health care industries, hospitals, food companies when it is all the core pieces of the production process for food companies in particular. think about the gas, wages,
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diesel fuel, the trucks, the real estate, everything are these input costs. we call a producer price and inflation report that we do on fox business because this is input cost from these companies. they are trying to stay in business. their profit margins have shrunk. so what president biden says is not true. >> carley: it goes back to the rescue act pumping more money into the system at a time when america did not need to be rescued. it was a political one at the time and out facing ramifications three years later. there is a washington columnist on the vogue in what it says columnist saying question marks mccoy love the title because joe biden is bogue's cover star, what timing. you know what they are saying here after the debate. they did speak with her and the reporter spoke with her even though put together in april. the reporter talked to her over the weekend at camp david so
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shocking she made more comments about her stating in. here is the comment, pure, a savior even at the person who only truly has her husband's ear and convince him to press ahead with a campaign in deep crisis since last week's debate or step aside. by the way, bogue, has done multiple fund-raisers for the biden campaign and i want to point that out and also point out to many people have in the past, melania trump who i want to say one of the best if not the best dressed first lady in recent memory. never got a cover envelope. if anybody deserved it, it was melania trump because her fashion. >> carley: i was on fold because i wanted to read this article featuring the first lad. and there was another article that had all of the first ladies vogue and went throughout history. then it went from michelle obama to jill biden. completely skipping over
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melania trump pure they are not even hiding it anymore and i don't think they ever were. thank you so much. have a great day. i will see you tomorrow. president biden heads to virginia where the latest fox news poll shows him tied with former president trump. biden won the state by ten points in 2020. being tied right now is a big deal. attorney general jason is here to react to that next, but first, have a look what is coming up on fox & friends, hey, steve. good tuesday morning to everybody. coming up on fox & friends 11 minutes and 22 seconds in the wake of supreme court unity real, former president donald trump to overturn the conviction he got a few weeks ago in new york city. what? what is that going to look like? greg gerrit will explain what it means for the race for the white house. an unhinged and doddering, that is the quote from "the new york times" with america's image in the wake of
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last week's debate debacle. senator rand paul joins us on the need to project strength over weakness on the world stage. plus, as you can see right there virginia republican rational nominee, derek anderson joins us on his house race. brian brenberg on the value and the rise of value menu deals. you will want to hear about that. and kurt the cyberguy please stop darn robocalls. plus new trend has older americans living like the golden girls. how baby boom mates are beating inflation and loneliness. one of the best shows ever. we have one of the best shows ever and it starts just about 9 minutes from right now and the panel you trust for morning n news. news. b3 is back in a couple but you are watching "fox & friends first." ..
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dollars. >> carley: president biden heads to virginia today for a campaign reception, trying to brush off his perform debated performance, while down ballot democrats also panic over what is happening at the top of the ticket, fox news poll shows biden is tied with former president trump despite biden winning the state by 10 points in 2020. virginia attorney general jason joins me now. attorney general, good morning, great to see you. so president biden. >> great to be with you. >> carley: your home state of virginia, going to mcclain virginia to try to drum up some
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support. what do you think about that? will he. >> well, i notice he's not going to some of the more well-known swing areas of the state. is he going to pretty reliably democratic area. but, i think what you are seeing in virginia is a couple of things. one, you have had the virginia renaissance under governor youngkin people see what a strong leader who is investing in law enforcement and actually opening virginia for business can do for our state. but i also think, listen, it's harder to live right now. not just virginia, across the country. i saw a bunker sticker this past weekend that said make groceries affordable again. you are seeing that everywhere both with rents, cost of living, gas. more expensive because biden administration has led to this inflation crisis that really is a tax on the poor. i remind individuals virginia has the criest concentration of veterans than any state in the country. they have seen what the biden
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administration has done not just with our defense budget but also the weakness abroad. this impacted my hometown of virginia roads. absolutely devastated in what happened in the pullout of afghanistan and the death of the 13 servicemen that tragically gave their lives in that chaotic withdrawal that happened and for the president to sit on stage, even though we have photos of him greeting the caskets as they are returning and have the unmitigated gull to say there were no lost servicemen during his time as president, really stuck in the mind of every single gold star family in the commonwealth of virginia. virginians have given touch in defense of this country, that really stuck so many move constituents the wrong way and honestly they are seeing the chaos at the border as well. all those reasons put virginia in play. >> carley: he made that comment about afghanistan during a conversation about the economy. so not only was it an unforced error, it was a lie that offended many people who he would never want to offend but
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he did it anyway. and, you know, you say that virginia is in play. can you describe that even further? the polling in virginia is very interesting. it's an important state. president biden visiting today they are neck and neck. president biden has won the state by 10 points. president trump has made up the margin deficit in his favor. do you think republicans could win this thing come november? >> no question. i think so much of what you have seen i have to tell you what i saw at the it rally on friday. the momentum not with joe biden. energetic crowd and enthusiastic crowd. cress peek virginia in the heart of hampton roads the swing area of what has now become a swing state. so i think that was tell as well. and then just what conversations we're having every day. people turn on the news they know something is wrong. thee see weakness abroad and home.
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harder to live. rae is also a border state. we have had multiple incidences bedford and other communities illegals crossed our border illegally come to our country and committed unspeakable acts of violence, oftentimes against women. and that has also stuck with so many virginians. because, think about it. we are witnessing the largest human migration in all of american history in the last two and a half years under joe biden over 8 million people have crossed that border illegally. that is larger than the population of 32 u.s. states. so they are seeing that. they are seeing that 83% of those even apprehended at the border are given a piece of paper saying we will see new court in 2028 or 2029. it's a definition of a catch and release program. they know biden is responsible for it. so all of those factors put virginia in play as has put new hampshire and other states as the media hasn't been talking about before in play as well and i think the biden administration -- >> carley: we are running out of time here the national review
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describes recent actions of laying the groundwork for a gubernatorial run in 2025. is that true? >> i'm completely focused on 2024 and this rejection. i'm not speculating about my future. there will be an appropriate time. now is not the appropriate time. important election not just in virginia but nationally. >> carley: governor glenn youngkin is term limited sought if that appropriate time does happen, you are more than welcome to come on and talk about it. attorney general, thank you so much for joining us. >> appreciate it, thank you. >> carley: here good story to get to to celebrate imsdz day on thursday. nearly 70% of americans believe the u.s. is the best country in the world. that is up 5 points from last year according to another round of fox news polls. and here is another interesting note. one of the most significant jumps is seen among voters under 30. that is good news to kick things off to "fox & friends" which starts right now. ♪ ♪


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