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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 2, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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gubernatorial run in 2025. is that true? >> i'm completely focused on 2024 and this rejection. i'm not speculating about my future. there will be an appropriate time. now is not the appropriate time. important election not just in virginia but nationally. >> carley: governor glenn youngkin is term limited sought if that appropriate time does happen, you are more than welcome to come on and talk about it. attorney general, thank you so much for joining us. >> appreciate it, thank you. >> carley: here good story to get to to celebrate imsdz day on thursday. nearly 70% of americans believe the u.s. is the best country in the world. that is up 5 points from last year according to another round of fox news polls. and here is another interesting note. one of the most significant jumps is seen among voters under 30. that is good news to kick things off to "fox & friends" which starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 here on the couch in new york city. welcome back, tex. >> brian: north dakota and texas. >> steve: you were on a horse. hey, it is tuesday, july 2nd, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends" and welcome to you as well. >> katie: thank you. great to be here again. >> steve: we start with a fox news alert. former president donald trump quickly moving to overturn that manhattan conviction on business fraud after the supreme court's ruling on immunity yesterday, gregg jarrett is standing by. there is he, he is live. we will talk to him in just about two minutes. >> lawrence: white house is set to take questions for the first time. we should say the press secretary. >> brian: not the president. >> lawrence: since biden's terrible debate. growing calls for him to step down. >> katie: plus, older americans turning to boom mates to combat both living costs and
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loneliness. hey, it worked for at least one group of retirees. >> if there is ever a night you can't sleep i will come to your room and sing kum ba yah. >> rose, i don't know what to say. don't ever do that. >> brian: all right. i remember that "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: all right. and we start our program today with a fox news alert. former president donald trump is expected to try to overturn his conviction in his new york business fraud case after the supreme court yesterday ruled the president cannot be held criminally liable for official acts. >> lawrence: so this as president biden claims voters, quote: deserving to he soot former president on trial before the election. >> katie: doug luzader is live in washington. >> there are reports that former president trump is planning to
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use this ruling to set aside his criminal convictions in new york. president biden, meantime lashed out at the supreme court. >> this nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in america, each, each of us is equal before the law. no one, no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states. >> the court ruled yesterday in a 6-3 decision that presidents have immunity from criminal charges for official actions they take as president. there is no immunity for private actions, justice sonia sotomayor authored a scathing dissent the president is the most powerful person in the country, possibly the world. when he uses his official powers in any way under the majority's reasoning, he now be insulated from criminal prosecution. orders the navy seal team 6 to assassinate a political rival, immune. olingers a military coup to hold on to power, immune.
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takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon, immune, immune, immune. now, this is an argument that chief justice john roberts sought to refute in the majority's opinion. and this is what he wrote: as for the dissents they strike a tone of chilling doom that is wholly disproportionate to what the court has he does today conclude that immunity extends to discussions between the president and his attorney general and then remands to the lower courts to determine in the first instance whether and to what extent trump's remaining alleged conduct is entitled to immunity. coming up short on refining. dissents repeatedly leveled accusations that the court has rendered the president above the law. but, this decision has touched off a firestorm among democrats here on capitol hill. there is a faulk of a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision. and even an impeachment effort against the courts. back to you guys. >> steve: that would be from
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aoc. >> brian: thank you, doug. they are also going to be talking about expanding the supreme court again. adam schiff doing that the supreme court is so unjust. amasdzing the president of the united states saw an opportunity to distract yesterday. there is no doubt about it. if he didn't have such a hid i don't say debate people not only questioned the quality of his competence whether he is old air he come out and said i have a speech information he didn't take questions after. he was ridiculing president trump for the new york verdict. he says how dare you attack our justice system oh, by the way i would like to attack our justice system and start with the supreme court and start invalidating it while mischaracterizing what the decision actually says. >> katie: this is the same guy who openly brags about defying the supreme court on things like student loans and other issues, and he is really upset that the supreme court stepped in to stop the lawfare that democrats have been launching against his top political rival, this wouldn't have been necessary if they would have just beat him at the ballot box, rather than trying to take him out through the
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department of justice. >> lawrence: i think the big thing is that two hours before, maybe a little bit more before, you had his successor, chris coons come out and say that the president needs to do a two hour press conference. that's what i'm recommending jake tapper saying so bad what going on here with the president? and chris coons says i recommend him to do it. he goes out there. >> brian: what did he do? >> lawrence: five minutes. we know he can deliver some days a prompter speech for five minutes. i don't know if there could be a lower bar. >> katie: he walked away so fast from the lecturn, as fast as he could. >> lawrence: it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of all doubts, but, instead, he took as it a moment to change the narrative. that's what all the democrats are doing right now. they want to make this about the supreme court. there was nothing to see last week when it comes to the president and his mental fitness. it's all about -- this is them reacting by the way. ains. >> katie: they goes back of his
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head. >> this is a squad ruling that says swlongs is you cob view it as official or quasiofficial act, you can do absolutely anything, absolutely anything to. and never be held accountability, not only while you are president but forever. >> they declared the president and former presidents to be kings. they also declared themselves the hand of the king. >> a thug, you can do whatever you want and the supreme court is probably going to get let you get away with it? >> something the justices write down and put in writing which is now that we do have a king. >> steve: yesterday, it was very clearly a huge victory for donald trump. he wanted absolute immunity. they gave him immunity; however, when he is in the commission, the president of official acts. let's bring in gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. he has been chewing on it for a little while. gregg, it's all going to come down to -- i don't think any of those people we just saw actually read the opinion.
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because john roberts, the chief justice made it very clear. the president and no person is above the law. but, if he is in the commission of an official act, that's okay. now of course the lower court, chutkan, the judge, is going to have to determine whether all that stuff was official or nonofficial. >> gregg: the mass t hysteria nw england among the legal media and democrats is quite wrought. exaggerated vitriol. this was a common-sense, well-reasoned opinion. it was quiet obvious and predict being. the supreme court did exactly what i said they would do month ago. which was extend the 40 year long civil liability protection to criminal culpability. because the same reasoning applies. and, steve, i think the immunity decision effects all of the trump cases. at minimum, it delays them
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because the admissibility of evidence now has changed rather dramatically. the supreme court said prosecutors can not even introduce testimony of official acts at trial. so that means special counsel jack smith will have to scale back his two prosecutions considerably. maybe abandon some of the charges entirely. if he does go forward, the trial courts then have to hold evidentiary hearings. what's admissible? what's not? and trump can appeal those decisions directly, which only delays the trial, so this, i think, makes it nearly impossible for smith's case to happen before the election same with the georgia case. >> lawrence: what about new york though, gregg? the whole defense of the former president was that it was a business expense, it was a legal expense. he was president at the time where the expense happened but it was a business transaction. so, this new appeal to the court court, would this have the standing for the court to hear?
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>> well, you know, lawrence, if we were talking about a new central, impartial judge who actually cares about fairness and due process, then trump's request yesterday even, two postpone the sentencing, consider setting aside the verdict would be seriously entertained. that's not juan member khan. his bias at trial enabled a wrongful conviction. he trampled over the defendant's rights, reversible errors galore. he obliterated the rules of evidence and committed shocking constitutional violations. so are we now to expect that same judge to have an epiphany of ethics and dismantle what he has done? no. that's not marshon, verdict will be reversed but not by this judge or any court in new york. only the federal courts will offer release because they are
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the ones that care about the rule of law and due process. >> katie: gregg, i have a follow up question on the jack smith case against the president. what is under the radar is dissent why justice clarence thomas where he actually questions the constitutionality not just of special counsel jack smith and the way he was appointed but special counsels in general. so, is that a question that may come up and when this is returned to the lower courts potentially sent back to the supreme court at some point? >> gregg: katie, absolutely. i think you are right. it is an issue and a pre-trial motion and hearing already by the florida judge aileen cannon, and she paid attention to the friend of the court brief that was filed by two former attorneys general edwin mease and michael mukasey. they make a very persuasive,
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compelling argument that there is no law establishing this special counsel, only regulation. but, under the law at minimum it has to be a senate approved position. look at all of the other special counsels. they were former u.s. attorneys who were senate approved. that's not jack smith. for a nanosecond he was an acting u.s. attorney, but he was never senate approved. so, you know, that is for consideration, not just by the trial court in florida, but on appeal as well. >> brian: so, gregg, this question about be make it abundantly clear i didn't go law school. but just to dumb it down a little bit. nixon tried to do immunity with watergate. i'm immune i'm president of the united states but he did something illegal, goes into the dnc and tries to break into watergate, their headquarters. so if you do something -- the example that dissent gave of bribery, murder, that's against
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the law. that would not exonerate the president. just because you are president and this ruling is handed down doesn't mean can you just bribe people and murder people. it's about his actions as president, correct? >> gregg: i think sotomayor missed the majority point of the ruling the things she is citing seal team 6 can kill a political opponent, that's not a core constitutional pursuance. and the supreme court made it abundantly clear in their ruling that only core constitutional purposes, official acts are protected with immunity beings all other things are not official, they are private acts, and if they're criminal, then a president or former president is criminally culpable.
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>> brian: president obama killed al walkie. he was in yemen but an american citizen. could barack obama be brought up on murder charges? is that what people want? >> gregg: yeah, i mean that, is the classic example. there have been other actions by prior presidents that may well have crossed the line. but, they were never criminally charged because there was a respect for the office of the presidency. presidents sometimes have to make tough decisions. they don't always get it right. but the court has finally gee bee lathedly, bylaws because of the rise of lawfare now decided we have to extend the civil immunities to criminal immunity with limitations that are common sense. >> katie: despite the unhinged nature of the response, this ruling actually protects republican presidents and democratic preside presidents fm
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prosecution in office. >> lawrence: i found it interesting that the justin sotomayor would say that seal team 6 would be operating on american soil. i mean, the idea -- they don't operated on u.s. soil. >> brian: brought up in hearings thrashing through it. we listened to a lot of it, that they were really rest ling with the different scenarios about what to do. now this doesn't mean that donald trump is exonerated. means they are going to go give it back to the lower court and going to have an open hearing, perhaps, and they are going to say this is what i have against the former president. and they are going to say defense is going to go this is why that's not true. so it might not benefit president trump to have all of this out there. then you think to yourself we just saw the january 6th trial, a prime time show for two and a half weeks where there was no dissent and people still moved on and he is still winning. >> katie: current president, a democrat, continuing this attack on the legitimacy of the supreme court so they can ultimately
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pack the supreme court with people who will rubber stamp their agenda. for joe biden to go out at the white house last night to attack the justices and then to fund raise off of it this morning, while distorting what the actual opinion said, is an unprecedented thing as well in terms of where we are in this country. >> steve: the white house and the campaign are monk erred down. after the debacle on thursday, he had had to change the subject obviously. what do they do? hey, let's make the supreme court boogie man along with donald trump. we have been saying donald trump is a grifter and stuff like that. now let's attack the supreme court. it's interesting, whoever -- i think on thursday night, they had a mortician do his makeup. last night spray tan or something. he looked a lot better. of course he read for four and a half minutes right off the teleprompter. and then the one unscripted moment was when he had the opportunity, when he turned toward the closed doors behind
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him there in cross hall, would he answer a question? well, he's got, to right? well, you don't know our president. watch this. >> thank you. may god protect our troops. [shouting questions] >> would you drop out of the race? >> [inaudible] beat president trump. >> steve: i got a feeling we are not going to hear from him. for a very long time people have said, you know, you are an old guy, are you sure you are up to the job? he has said a million times, watch me. well, we watched him on thursday and we're terrified. now he has pretty much adopted a new kind of idea and that is trust me. and that is one of the reasons why apparently they are rushing behind the scenes to try to nominate him a couple of weeks early virtually before the convention so that somebody else can't replace him. >> katie: they are desperately trying to save the biden campaign as a number of high profile democrats call for the
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president to drop out. axios is out with a new story today. talking about hind the scenes on this saying behind the curtain, biden, who has ducked tough interviews and avoiding no holds barred press conferences is now considering both. look for a town hall or big one-on-one interview this month. so, it would be nice if the president showed up in the white house press briefing once in a while. he has never done that it would be great for him to answer questions from more than two reporters who has prescreened note card. and we will see how that goes. the american people deserve that to see more of the president. >> brian: so, here's the deal. the president behind closed doors with his family is going to try to fight. this and this is the strategy, according to axios. number one, dismiss the bed-wetting. people panicking because of his age and performance. squeezed polls for juice. try to find something good in what has been emerging for example things aren't nearly as bad after the first polls start coming out after the debate. warn of chaos. everything trump.
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trump is chaos. trump is chaos. trump has got to be ready answer to that meanwhile one of his best answers would be just continuing to be consistent in his appearances, his interviews, and his rallies. limit he dissent? good luck with that keep elected leaders close. i guess he wants to make sure that other senators and congressman don't speak out. but his main problem is james carville and david axelrod. get the donor class to chill. he has not had success with that yet. prove vitality. okay, run a triathlon, that's my recommendation. ignore and -- ignore or engage the media. they are saying that maybe he should do a massive sitdown a long sitdown, they are talking about that or a long press conference. the problem would be performance. >> lawrence: i guess by point with all of this they are operating under a theory that this is curable. that there is somehow -- we know that there is good days and bad days. that's part of the thing. there is going to be days where
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he comes out swinging because it was a good day for him. but then the next day he will be under just like what we saw on the debate stage. so, i mean, i get it. i get you have to do something. but i just don't understand the democrat strategy here. when you could have another candidate, brings someone else out there, you have this deep bench of, you know. >> brian: who wants to do it they want to get ready for 2028. i think it's a huge risk. >> lawrence: difference from the republican and the democratic party they have the power of the purse. people compliment nancy pelosi power in the house. guess what? she can campaign against him. republicans you can't do that it's the same thing for when it comes for this. white house sent out a memo to essentially all of the democrats that are senators well governors the money is going to go behind kamala harris. don't do it. >> steve: here's the thing last night at 5:30 they had a zoom
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call the dnc the money people talked to all the big donors. there were 500 of them on the zoom call and essentially what they said was hey, what happened to our guy on thursday night? hot hell was that guy? and the answer was, what we have heard over the last 72 hours well, he had one bad night. one person said it was obviously just damage control, but at the same time, while the campaign was going through well, you know, our internal polling shows we might lose a little something for a little while but we're going to come back. the people on the phone call who talked to the "new york times" this morning apparently they said we did not find the campaign's answers totally satisfying or honest. >> katie: super bowl interview. they skipped the super bowl interview and now they think it's great idea to put the president out there? the other thing about the candidates is nobody can beat trump at this point. they have done this polling where they have the bench for the democrats and trump beats all of them. >> brian: katie, that's the thing. if you're whitmer, if you are
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newsom, if you are wes moore you want to queue up for 2028. you want to wait for these guys to get out. trump will cut up. if you find a way to survive, you will be damaged and ask all these other republicans that ran against him. and, again, they tried it and it didn't work. ask governor desantis, he's damaged. so i think people like -- excuse me, you work this out. i'm waiting for 2028 when this guy ask gone. i'm not going to come in the middle of it and below it and have to be a loser when i try run in 2028. i feel like it's a risk. a lot of democratic upcoming so-called stars. you can have it now finish up strong. >> steve: another thing to add is our top story. the supreme court ruling has energid his base. we don't like him because he acted like a dead guy the other night but at the same time we don't want donald trump. >> brian: see if it energized the base i have seen enough and already know trump. there is nothing you could do to
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get me madder or like him more. >> katie: there is more news coming up today. carley is here. >> steve: she is energized. >> carley: a carjacking suspect in florida has been arrested after this video shows him leaving the victim's 3-year-old daughter on the side of the road. investigators say the mother was involved in a car accident with another vehicle when the suspect entered her suv as she got out to exchange information with the other driver and took off. what a wild situation. he was arrested af abandoning te vehicle including kidnapping and carjacking. at least 30 people are hurt after air boeing plane hit turbulence that sent passengers flying out of their seats. one man even got stuck in the overhead bin if you can belief it. ceiling panels were torn off. seats destroyed. the flight headed from madrid to
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uruguay but diverted to brazil on monday. my goodness. that you survey reveals the average american feels they need to earn $186,000 per year just to live comfortably amid back breaking inflation. but some baby boomers are choosing to room together to combat high costs of living as well as loneliness. they are becoming what is now termed as boom mates. >> brian: love it. >> carley: it has us thinking there are going to be a lot more odds couples out there. >> what's wrong? >> something wrong with this system. that's what's wrong. i don't think that two single men living alone in a big 8 room apartment should have a cleaner house than my mother. >> carley: history is repeating itself that's happening now. one tells the post is he happy as a clam with his new house mate and those are his headlines. isn't that cute?
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>> lawrence: elderly frat house many. >> brian: it is. my mom never wanted to sell her house. when she finally did, she moved in a senior community. best time she ever had. like being in high school. >> car car. >> katie: i don't like the reason but the idea. >> brian: guys all the same age is, same challenges. >> steve: this is the house your family grew up in. kids moved away. now you haddenly gus is living up in peter's bedroom. hey, gus. >> put that down. >> brian: i think it's a great idea. >> katie: this is not a great idea. fox weather alert. the earliest category 5 hurricane bridging damage and destruction to the islands. adam is tracking the intensdu storm. 's pri and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre.
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♪ >> steve: all right. coming up on 6:30 here in new york city. we got a fox weather alert. hurricane beryl is becoming the earliest category five storm in history late last night after demolishing towns across the caribbean. look at that mess in bare bare dose. the storm now is tracking toward jamaica. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz with our fox weather forecast. cat 5 that's crazy. >> adam: it really is crazy, steve. it is a storm continue to perform what wind speeds we are seeing out of this 165 miles per hour west northwest, 22 miles per hour ran over the lesser
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antilles yesterday evening. now continuing to track its way ultimately towards jamaica. here is how it has intensified 135 miles per hour on sunday. jumping up to 165 miles per hour overnight. we are expecting it to interact with some conditions that maybe lower the strength just a little bit. still a really powerful storm by the time you run up on jamaica. that is through the day on thursday, into thursday morning. so think wednesday through wednesday night into thursday morning. you're talking about a category 4 hurricane at that point. continuing to weaken a little bit ultimately make thes its move over towards mexico. maybe a cat 2 or cat 1 finally as it makes that direction. but, again, all eyes on jamaica here as we get throughout the course on wednesday into wednesday evening. that is when that storm will be passing the island of jamaica. those are the weather headlines for now. lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: thanks, adam. weather got you covered. this morning death penalty could be back on the table for two illegal immigrants accused
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murdering jocelyn nungaray. she was sexually assaulted before her body was dumped into a houston bayou two weeks ago. national border patrol council president art joins us now. the moment the results came back from the lab and if it was true the death penalty was going to be back on the table. what's your reaction? >> it's horrifying that it even happened, to be honest. that's the true reaction. it's just horrific that it happened and unfortunately, i think that because of the open border policies that this administration has exhibited, i believe that we're going to see more. it's just -- it's very unfortunate, when you are looking at the millions that have already come into the country, you know, just by simply asking for asylum, and then you start looking at the got-aways. i think there is going to be more of these stories. it's horrifying. if you decide to say we are going to put a cap on the amount of people asking for asylum like
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has been done by this administration. what's the plan moving forward for the millions they already allowed into the country now? >> lawrence: it's clear that they were getting away with this in the country that they came from. it looks like texas is going to send a message that's not going to be tolerated i think that's important. now to this in chicago. it looks like four illegal immigrants between the ages of 18 and 22 are going to be back in court today. accused of attacking and robbing a man in chicago on a train in broad daylight. and we got exclusive video of that, art. it looks like there is no end in sight to this crisis. the president has responded on the debate stage by saying that you guys endorsed them. right. my initial reaction when i heard that, i was in shock. you know, obviously, i got a lot of phone calls, a lot of individuals reaching out. and it is immediately the national border patrol council sent out a statement we absolutely did not endorse this
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administration in any way, shape, or form. nor would we because it's -- how do you endorse an administration that has completely turned their back on the borders. border security defending our borders better future for america. that's what it comes down to. that's not a racial issue. that's been thrown out there. it comes down to americans as a whole should be safe, regardless of what political party -- what side of the aisle they are on. they should feel safe at home and everyone realizes under this administration, it hasn't mattered. and the reality is that our nation's borders is pretty wide open to the bferld. all they have to do is say claim asylum and everyone has been allowed to be released. even individuals that may have a criminal record in their country, there's no way to actually check in this country to see what their records would be. >> lawrence: we don't have the records to check. and the racism argument is so -- such nonsense, art. half of the border patrol are
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minorities. so, they got to find something. art, thanks for getting up for us. >> absolutely. have a good day. lawrence lawrence you got it, brother. yesterday's ruling on presidential immunity allow democrats to pack the supreme court? we will ask one republican congressman, greg "studio by." he is next. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer,
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>> president joe biden just put a political target on the back of the supreme court. remember, the democrats have been talking for years about packing the court, the greatest threat to american democracy today has just become joe biden. is he reinforced his position of weaponizing the justice system and now weaponizing the supreme court. >> brian: all right. there you go. that was tim scott responding to the president's speech last night in the supreme court decision in the afternoon. it's a fox news alert.
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president biden facing strong backlash after lashing out at the supreme courtens ruling on immunity as critics warn democrats will now double down in their push to pack the court. adam schiff has said as much. congressman greg steube joins us now on the weapons of the your reaction to the supreme court ruling. >> fascinating biden gets up there for five minutes and criticizes. changes the ruling. in the ruling it says no president is above the law. now biden is saying that trump is going to try to use this and now that any president that's in there is going to be able to do critical acts and get away with it it's fear-mongering by the democrats. it's your typically no make it about trump taking over the country and fear-mongering the american people. the american people are smartedder than that have you seen trump's poll numbers increase dramatically after each one of these indictments.
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it's because the american people see that joe biden has weaponized the court system and the doj to go after his political opponent and finally the supreme court has had a case that been able to reset the pendulum back to the law. >> brian: so, gregg, you are the lawyer. what is he saying go to the lower court and case by case find out and let the judge rule, whatever that would be, whether that person, that president is doing. is within his job description. and if it's not. then is he going to be tried like everyone else. is he not love the law. that's not the way it's been characterized. right? >> yeah. within his official actions, which very clearly, this case stems from january 6th, president trump just had a rally that day and told people to peacefulfully and patriotically let their voices be heard, which is clearly within the confines of his responsibility as president of the united states. obviously the president in his
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official actions has the ability to have a rally and talk to the american people and tell them to peacefully and patriotically have their voices be heard. it completely up ends and gives the president immunity for official actions and it up ends all these jack smith cases. i think one of the pieces putting my lawyer hat on for a second was clarence thomas' he agreed with the majority. what he said was jack smith and special prosecutors aren't even constitutional because they haven't been appointed by congress. congress didn't create special counsels to go after the president. so, he says you have a civilian going after the president and prosecuting the president of the united states and i think that's something that we in the house should focus on. >> brian: listen to aoc i always get up in the morning and think to myself what would aoc do? i'm sure you might have a bracelet like that. look at this tweet she put out letting everybody know exactly where she stands. she says the supreme court has become consumed by corruption.
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crisis beyond its control. today's ruling represents an assault on american democracy. it's up to congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. i intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return. how is she going to do that? she is going to impeach all the justices? >> and she would have to impeach six of them. three of which are only appointed by president trump. and obviously the republicans have the house so that's not going to happen. you would have to have them removed by a -- a u.s. supreme court justice has never been removed in the history of our country because it takes two thirds in the senate to remove them. again, they are weaponizing the justice system. going after the court because they don't agree with them. heaven forbid they are not all leftist propagandists like they're in their progressive ideology. and when they are not, they attack them. this is the same group of people that for years now senator scott is right, for years they said they want to pack the court because they want to make it full of leftists that do the will of the democratic party. >> brian: it will be a battle to see if you guys can retain the
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majority, take the senate as well as the presidency. another reason to pay attention right here. congressman steube, thanks so much. >> any time, good to see you. >> brian: 60 minutes before the top of the hour. can you tell the difference between a robot voice and human voice. ai chat seems to be fooling some by phone. kurt the cyberguy is here with his real voice and his real persona. ♪ with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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>> katie: welcome back a mistrial declared in karen read's murder case after jurors were still split on a verdict following the five days of deliberation. read was charged with the murder in a january 2022 death of her boston police officer boyfriend john o'keefe. prosecutors claim read hit o'keefe with her suv after a night of drinking when she dropped him off at the home of another officer. but readens attorneys say she is being framed by authorities in a massive conspiracy claiming o'keefe died at the officer's home and was dragged outside this coming as an investigator was relieved of his duties in the state attorney's office. michael proctor now facing an
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internal affairs probe over, quote: serious misconduct after he read text messages about karen read on the stand making comments about her physical appearance and medical condition. proctor acknowledging on the stand that the messages were, quote: unprofessional but said they had no impact on the investigation. prosecutors say they plan on retrying the case. no date has been set so far. over to you, steve. >> steve: all right. thank you very much, katie. meanwhile, an artificial intelligence voice bottom caught highing on a simulated fix stard up bland ai was tested to pretend to be from a doctor's office and able to retrieve personal information, medical information from a hypothetical teenage girl. kurt knutsson, the cyberguy is here with more on this tech tuesday. you know, i get why some
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companies might want to hire a chatbot rather than hire a person because it could do stuff. but there is peril in having a robot do your phone calling. >> kurt: when it's lying to you for sure. good morning, steve. this one so convincing what it sounds human and then you ask it if it's human and it says yeah, i'm human. san francisco based ai making this customer service ai tech in the market. programmed to sound just like the real person. in fact, it sounds a lot like scarlet johannsen again. they say it's not. but she has been mimicked so frequently she has earned the name scar jo for these ai rip off voices. at this point, annoying robo calls are already bad and they are on the rise enough, so, i mean, i don't like any of this technology. i wanted a stamp to know i'm talking to a human being. >> steve: right. >> kurt: it's it's going to a machine tell me it's a machine.
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>> steve: exactly. bland ai gave us a statement. while there may always be bad actors and people who attempt to abuse new technologies, we are yeted to adapting to these safety challenges. you say the most important way to stop robo calls is to remove your personal data from the internet. go to more information. in the meantime, kurt, i know your mom lives down in florida. and this is great news for people down in florida and along the coast. there is now a drone that can fly above the shore and if somebody is going down, drowning, it can rescue them. >> kurt: it is called the ty flying life buoyy. dispatched to someone who is in a distress in the water up to a half mile away. human lifeguards will dispatch this and watch this and at the same time there is a human response behind it, but this thing is flying at 29 miles per hour. and then drops directly to the person needing help in the water.
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it can hold two adults up at one time with a one single floating device. and pretty incredible. it is coming to the states. it's not here quite yet. it's on its way $11,803 will be the price tag when it hits u.s.a. shores. might be worth the money. >> steve: if it saves one life it pays for itself right there. that's amazing. for more information about both of those topics go to cyberguy, thank you very much. >> kurt: good to see you, sir. >> steve: have great week. now carley joins us with news from out west. >> carley: that's right, steve i certainly do. wildresidents evacuatedollars ad a brush fire that's now burned over 900 acres. they say the blaze is spreading at a moderate rate. only the driver in the car accident was hurt so far. they were taken to the hospital with unknown injuries.
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senator bob menendez' sister taking the stand in the new jersey lawmaker's bribery trial yesterday. she testified it was common practice for cuban americans like themselves to stash cash in their homes saying, quote: it's normal. he is a cuban. every cuban that came to the u.s. you would find that they would have cash in their home because in cuba they can take everything away from you whether you like it or not and a tough sports day to pass along. uruguay sending the u.s. national men's game packing from the soccer tournament after a 1-0 loss. this goal causing some controversy as a player from you're gray appears to be outside on this free kick. but the goal stood after a video review. the u.s. plays next in september. so, big bummer day for u.s. men's soccer fans, steve, over to you. >> steve: no story book ending. >> carley: not this time. >> steve: all right. >> carley, thank you very much.
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>> carley: you are welcome. meanwhile, your wallet should be loving it. fast food chains are pushing new value menu deals to fight inflation, who has got the best one? stick around, folks. you are watching "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia,
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