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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 2, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> katie: it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. tuesday, july 2nd, and this is "fox & friends." we begin with a fox news alert. former president trump quickly moving to overturn his manhattan conviction after the supreme court's immunity ruling. more on that. >> steve: plus, $186,000. that's a big number, right? well, that's the annual salary that the average american family needs to be comfortable as older americans turn to boom mates, not roommates. boom mates to fight inflation. >> brian: and close encounters. missouri deputies pulling over an out of the world vehicle we will tell you if this speeder came in peace. >> lawrence: i have never seen someone laugh at the script before they read it. [laughter] >> katie: i want one of those. >> brian: are you going to lock. >> steve: keep you two apart.
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>> brian: if you don't not going to be able to start the show. >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends. >> brian: unbelievable. >> katie: fox news alert. former president trump is expected to look to overturn his conviction in his new york fraud case after the supreme court ruled presidents can't be held criminally liable for official acts. >> steve: that's right. this as president biden claims, quote: voters deserve to see the former president on trial before the election. of course, that means it would help him get real he reelected. >> lawrence: doug luzader is live in washington. >> good morning. former president trump is planning to use this ruling from the court yesterday to try to set aside that criminal conviction or those criminal convictions in new york business records case. biden went after the ruling last night. >> this nation founded on the principle that there are no kings in america.
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each -- each of success equal before the law. no one -- no one is above the law. not even the president of the united states. >> now, the court ruled yesterday in this 6-3 decision that presidents have some level of immunity from criminal charges for official actions they take as president no immunity for private actions. justice sonia sotomayor authored this scathing dissent writing the president of the united states is the most powerful person in the country and possibly the world. when he uses his official powers in any way under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. orders the navy seal team 6 to assassinate a political rival immune. organizes a military coup to hold ton power immune. takes a bribe to hold on to power immune, immune, immune. that is an argument that the author of the majority opinion, chief justice john roberts sought to refute when he wrote
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this: as for the dissents, they strike a tone of chilling doom that is wholly disproportionate to what the court actually does today. concluding that immunity extends to the president and his attorney general and then remands to the lower courts to deterin the first instance whetr and to what extent trump's remaining alleged conduct is entitled to immunity. coming up short on reasoning, the dissents repeatedly leveled variations of the accusation that the court has rendered the president above the law pack it business records case. trump is scheduled to sentenced next week unless his legal team successfully argues to delay that based on this decision from the high court yesterday. back to you guys. >> steve: it's a big if. all right. thank you very much for that. >> thank you. >> steve: so, the big question is, given the fact that what they said yesterday is the supreme court 6-3 said the presidents have immunity for
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official acts, we know that donald trump, regarding the business corruption trial here in new york. >> katie: according to the conviction? >> steve: exactly. what judge merchan is going to have to figure out is okay. was that just a personal thing or was that an official act of the president of the united states? on its face, it looks like it's probably a personal thing. >> katie: the supreme court kicked back the question of what counts as an official act and unofficial act and the former president is planning to appeal this conviction and really one of the reasons is to kick that question into gear in terms of the debate surrounding that. >> brian: gregg jarrett was on earlier. the decision of the supreme court stunning, locked it out
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yesterday about 7:45 when the president walked out and gave a speech talking about how outraged he is and how wrong it was that the supreme court gives limited immunity from the president or immunes him from his official acts and just allows a lower court to decide what's an official act? not just for trump, not just for biden, but for presidents down the line. to me, this is the way it was argued out in front of all of us. we carried the audio on our channel. we listened to both sides. and we watched the way these justices were thinking out loud and arguing with both sides. absolute immunity is off the table. you can't go around killing people. and no immunity should be also off the table. because you can't be issuing rules and having your actions governed by whether you are going to get sued or not. >> lawrence: brian, to that point the opinion was a balanced opinion. first, what it does it sets it out in the sense of okay. it has to be a power of the president to begin with.
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right? so before we even have the debate is if you get immunity. does the president even have the power? is it part of the duties that the executive branch has? that's the first thing. and then the seconds thing, it says that, look, if you disagree with the supreme court on this. just so you know, we're going to let the lower court dupe this out before it even comes back to us anyway. if there is a dispute about if it's personal action of the president, the lower court is going to deal with this to begin with. i don't understand what more did they want from the. >> brian: empowers the lower court to make a decision on a case-by-case basis. >> lawrence: the argument that the left is making is that the supreme court is trying to be all powerful. the supreme court actually said look, we want the lower court to deal with this litigation. >> steve: they had to define one little part. that is president president has immunity when he is doing official presidential. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> steve: now, regarding the case here in new york state. where donald trump was
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convicted. that's different because gregg jarrett was on with us about an hour ago. he said the problem there is the judge is not a fair guy to the former president. watch this. >> if we were talking about a new central, impartial judge who actually cares about fairness and due process. then trump's request yesterday evening to postpone the sentencing, consider setting aside the verdict would be seriously entertained. but, you know, that's not juan member khan. his bias at large at trial enabled a wrongful conviction. he trampled over the defendant's rights and he committed crewly shocking cons constitutional violations. so, are we now to expect that same judge to have an epiphany of ethics and dismantle what he has done? no. that's not ma merchan. the verdict will be reversed but thought by this judge or any court in new york.
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only the federal courts will offer relief because they are the ones that care about the rule of law and due process. >> lawrence: the last thing i will say on this. public servants in this country from d.a.s to cops have some sort of qualified immunity. >> katie: right. >> lawrence: i think the court essentially said the same thing. a d.a. just can't go out there and shoot someone. but if they are doing something in the confines of their job. there is legal protection. the same for cops as well. if you are doing something. >> brian: cops had it. >> lawrence: of your job, then there is some sort of immunity. >> katie: within the law. >> brian: cops beginning to lose qualified immunity in some states. today by the way prosecutors will offer their recommendation to the judge on what type of sentence they think trump should get july 11th. so, look for that, too. and probably they are going to go for jail time looking by -- looking at alvin bragg who, after july 11th, will go in front of congress and testify and try to justify the case to
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begin with. >> lawrence: we're going to be looking for that happening today for the first time since the debate, the biden administration, meaning the press secretary will be taking questions at the white house. >> katie: it comes as anxious democratic donors reportedly grilled the campaign over a zoom call yesterday. >> steve: madeleine rivera is live outside the brady briefing room at the white house. ed in a lynn, you know there is going to be a million questions. i have a feeling kjp is going to say oh that, relates to the campaign. call the campaign. >> hey, good morning, guys, yeah. that has been her line. she says she can't talk about things related to the campaign, but, no doubt she will face a lot of questions regarding the president's debate performance. the biden campaign is pointing to internal polling that they say shows the face of the race hasn't changed. they insist the president knows how to turn things around but they are having a hard time convincing donors. axios said this about a zoom call the biden campaign had with donors on monday. it was a damage control call,
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one participant said. i don't know what the pathway forward is. and i think they are trying to figure that out, too. another donor told axios, we all saw what we saw. today the biden campaign says it raised $127 million in june, which they say was the campaign's best month of the cycle. more than $30 million came after the debate. the majority of which the campaign says were grassroots donations. they see that cash haul as a sign of a president wants viability as they try to brush off the president's debate performance as a bad night. a lot of people though argue what happened on thursday wasn't a one-off. journalists bernstein says he has spoken to allies of the president who have told him they have seen in the last six months, quoted: a marked incidence of cognitive decline and cog infirmity, here is bernstein. >> we are clearly dealing with two sets of one person. and it really needs to be explored, according to the people i'm talking to and i
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think an awful lot of major democrats believe this, including some who have made statements to the contrary. >> today, the president will have an event in d.c. where he will talk about extreme weather. he will also attend a campaign reception in virginia. guys, back to you. >> brian: thank you very much, madeleine. karl bernstein this stunned me and we watched this with anderson cooper. he came up obviously watergate made his fame but he also ran with the russian hoax. i expected him just to defend joe biden. he said he did some reporting and people behind the scenes say they are adamant what they saw of the other night of joe biden not a one off, 15 to 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did on that horror show that we witnessed. and was so significant is the people that this is coming from how many people also how many people around the president are aware of such incidents, including the reporters, incidentally who have witnessed some of them. these are the people who are
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supported him, loved him, campaigned for him. they say how often in the last six months particularly a marked incidents of cognitive decline and physical infirmity. they say reporters know it and people know it. >> katie: we all of a sudden watched this. >> lawrence: these are the people that lo him. i wonder how long has he been talking to these folks. but. >> steve: other thing about that what karl bernstein said is these people who saw joe biden freeze up at the white house or do weird stuff at the white house, they went to ron klain, the guy who was runnings show and said hey, ron, we got a problem with the top dog. >> lawrence: what should we do here? they said that sometimes they go to the briefings and is he fully engaged, and then the next day there is this new joe biden there that is not responding, that's not being interactive. i guess the big point for today is that okay. you are going to have the press secretary come to the briefing. i mean, on most days. she doesn't do a great job on -- they refer to admirable kirby to
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pick up some of the slack. but i don't think we need to hear from her. we need to hear from the president. >> steve: absolutely. >> lawrence: i am willing to hear from the cabinet members if they are suggesting the 25th amendment. outside of that, i don't want to hear from the press secretary on the president's mess. >> katie: i'm looking for two things from the briefing. the first is accountability from the press secretary and the white house for accusing people who talking, showing videos of the president for months on end. most recently the worst ones, being accused of cheap fakes. not distorturing the videos but faking the videos and making it up. >> lawrence: going after the journal. >> katie: they are trying to find somebody to blame here there should be questions about advisers who prepare the president for a week, 166 them who they trotted out. they were very specific about giving information about how the president was preparing for this debate. and it didn't work out. and now they are saying it's the adviser's fault not the president who has these issues that we are watching in real time. >> brian: katie, do you know who defended the advisers?
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>> lawrence: jen psaki. >> brian: chance to defend the president, defended the advisers. i have seen dunn and ron klain they do a great job. tough before. don't blame them. wow, that's significant. add one more thing to karl bernstein, he said there was a fundraiser at which biden started at the podium and then he became very stiff. >> steve: i remember that. >> brian: as if it was almost a kind of rigor mortis. there was a year ago almost exactly at the four seasons hotel at the fundraiser he became stiff like juneteenth. >> lawrence: they grabbed the chair for him to sit down at that event. >> brian: like mitch mcconnell. indicated indicate make the white house physician available for questioning. if they want to dispel issues here. trump did it multiple times. that's what they should do for the sake of transparency. have the president come out and answer some questions. >> steve: that would be great. peter doocy asked kjp about a year ago why is the white house treating joe biden like a baby? and she said we're not.
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because he was alluding to stories like that. the cover of the "new york post," if we could put that up for a moment, it's great today. it's very funny. screen left, see over on the left side? that's the vogue jill biden cover that katy was talking about yesterday. and so it says, as jill for vogue, here's the cover that biden should have done. and then from vogue to vague. and it says joe biden answers the question informs her husband. five ways to explain away a bad night which they are doing. hot for fall. rubber soled shoes, how to beat medicare. and the best activities between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. which is when we have heard the president is cogent. >> lawrence: which by the way they -- when the "wall street journal" presented their report they said it was false. they said it was totally false. now, you have officials that are confirming exactly what the journal put out. >> katie: they lied. >> lawrence: they have been
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lying. >> brian: look at the suffolk poll the first one we are okay with that said what's going to be the impact of the debate? did the debate impact your decision on who to vote for is the question. 10% says more likely. which is hysterical. 31 percent said more likely to vote for trump. 9% more likely to vote for a third party candidate. 44 percent said didn't impact the decision at all. 4 percent said debate made me less likely to vote in december. so, i wonder who those 10% are that said wow, that joe biden, he is my man. lawrence. >> steve: those are people that did not see the television show. >> brian: and held their ears. >> katie: if you dig into the number. it's not just on the cognitive issue. joe biden lost black and hispanic voters on issues like the border inflation and safety. it's a combination of everything that they are trying to dig him out of the hole with. >> brian: president biden, what have you done for the black community? you have two minutes. and when he is done, they said you have 69 seconds left. so that's really not a good
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look. he is like, pass. so. >> steve: good news is he beat medicare. >> brian: finally we got rid of that program. >> steve: that's right. so a lot of other news 7:17. >> brian: beat it to death. >> steve: 7:17 here in new york city. and moving on to some very serious news that we have been waiting for. lab results have confirmed finally that that 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray was sexually assaulted before she was murdered by two illegal migrants. which now opens up the suspects to the death penalty in the state of texas. >> katie: new report says she was sexually assaulted for two hours before the suspects reportedly strangled her to death and dumped her body in a houston bayou over two weeks ago. >> brian: they almost got away with it. jose martinez franklin ramos arrested and charged with capital murder. >> lawrence: due to texas law they were originally not able to get the death penalty because of jocelyn's age, but because of evidence of a sexual assault was
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found, it could make the case eligible for the death penalty. actually, the d.a. has already upgraded the charges. they will be getting the death penalty. they did find evidence of sexual assault took place. and they are going to make an example of them. >> steve: it will be interesting to see how they are indicted on that one name or two. >> lawrence: one of them is making the case, steve that's correct did not sexually assault. >> steve: he tried to end it and it all went south. in texas, i think the cut off is 150. if you are under 15, it's not automatically the death penalty, unless there is a sex crime or kidnapping. and i think. >> lawrence: both. >> lawrence: this would absolutely qualify as both. >> ainsley: absolutely heart breaking for her family and infuriating that this was allowed to occur. let's not forget these two men were allegedly vetted and paroled into the country. they were released by the biden administration after declaring asylum in a fraud length way and here we are now with this evidence which is absolutely
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awful and disgusting. and hopefully won't happen to anyone else but you never know considering how many people we have let in that are criminals from these other countries. >> brian: i love the we tort from president biden and his defenders average crime than crime in america. it shouldn't be one. this is all unnecessary. all because of negligence at the border and protecting american citizens. those critical of president trump saying they are not sending us their best and they're emptying their prisons, case in point. we are sending in new york's case, we are sending officers into the native countries to find out what they are about. we are finding out they are part of ms-13. we are finding out they are with these horrible gangs. and seeing what they are up to then and then having to come back to try the case here. they are sending their criminals here. >> lawrence: you know the headline from the debate was not
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about the conversation about illegal immigration and how it's impacting us. it was about black jobs. that's the one headline i saw from all of the media, as if -- everybody is plying ignorant. everyone knows what he was saying at that moment. he is saying because they are in the country illegally, they are crashing the market and taking jobs from the lowest within our country, when normally or minority communities, black and hispanic jobs, that they would have typically had. that's what the jobs were. but, instead of having that conversation. about that, and the illegals that are killing american citizens, they wanted to focus on that headline. >> brian: the problem is the american people are looking past the media. they are not waiting for -- to have cnn define what president trump said. we have seen president trump for -- we have already made up our mind. we know what he meant. >> steve: so now that's an update and we will seed when d.a. does upgrade the charges. in the meantime carley shimkus joins us in the big studio with more news.
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>> carley: i certainly do. los angeles city officials are speaking out, blowing the whistle on alleged and still in district attorney george gascon's office this anti-israel protesters clashed with counter protesters in the study last month. gascon's office reportedly silent on the asht first. assistant district attorney says i hate going to work and entering a building where i feel like my boss will treat me differently simply because i'm jewish. and that's how i and many others feel a story to follow there. happening today vice president kamala harris will speak at a political event in san francisco. and this after x owner elon musk ripped into the vice president claim she go lied about former president trump's abortion position now harris claimed, quote: donald trump would ban abortion nationwide. well, musk responded saying he clearly said he would not do so in the debate. and he later added, quote: when will politicians learn that
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lying on this platform doesn't work anymore? donald trump said he would leave it up to the states. new data shows that gen zers are so disillusioned by the economy a significant amount of them believe it is okay to commit financial fraud as a way of making ends meet. are you kidding me? an ai powered fraud detection company finding at least 42% of gen zers admit a willingness to engage in first party fraud. that's when a consumer disputes a purchase with their payment provider despite the sale being legitimate. naughty naughty kids. don't steal. and a ufo is spotted in missouri. kind a. deputies with the crawford sheriff's office with a car tricked out to resemble a classic looking unidentified flying object. imagine seeing that air quotes car driving down the street it.
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had expired license plate from indiana. the scene playing out like a scene out of the jettisons, the driver was given a written warning. indicate indicates should that be flying? >> carley: expired license plate it flew into the future. it didn't have time to go dmv. >> steve: do you know where that car was going? not making it up roswell, new mexico. >> katie: not shocked. >> carley: not a surprise there. >> katie: amazing. >> lawrence: you don't seem impressed with this headline. >> brian: cop coming up put your hands on the wheel. step out of the car. pop over my capsule. >> katie: looks like a nice exchange. both giving a thumbs up after giving a ticket. >> steve: looks like etterling was driving the ufo who knew? >> katie: shouldn't we have flying cars at this point? >> brian: if i get a capsule, it better fly. meanwhile flying toward the fourth of july. be sure to check out the big independence day special thursday night 8:00 p.m. it's hosted by the guy sitting
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next to us. along with carley as well. joey jones and aishah hasnie. >> katie: so fun. >> steve: 8:00 p.m. on the fourth of july. >> brian: what are you doing, lawrence? >> lawrence: i got hate mail kilmeade upset his head shot not in that promo. >> outfits planned for this like eagles. >> lawrence: going to wear cowboy boots. >> katie: all-american man there you go. >> brian: styling. >> steve: meanwhile, unhinged and doddering. that's how the u.s. times is describing america's image after last week's debate debacle. >> katie: senator rand paul why it's time to project strength over weakness. ♪ t at the right price. now you can save big on ge appliances like the ge range with easywash oven tray. with a removable tray that fits into the dishwasher. even a big mess is no sweat. shop lowe's now for great july 4th deals. the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night...
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here's our hurricane path. you do notice maybe a little bit of weakening as you either run over jamaica or pass by very closely to it. that will be happening from wednesday morning all the way into thursday you can see it make that move. ultimately heading towards mexico on friday we will be watching it as it moves that move today and tomorrow. katy over to you. >> katie: thanks, adam. the spin is on. president biden attempting to squash any fears about his age in a new political ad for battleground states. >> i know i'm not a young man. i know how to do this job! when you get knocked down, you get back up! [cheers] >> katie: senator rand paul has been sounding the alarm on the president's mental acuity for months. and he joins us now. senator, great to see you. so, just -- >> -- thanks for having me. >> katie: team biden is trying to argue the president is fit for the job, that he may be older but what we saw last
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thursday night was not normal. definitely not. what was your take on watching the president given your observations everybody the past couple of months? >> you know, my concern is that weakness invites tragedy with the evacuation in afghanistan. this is a year or two ago now, the weakness of it retreating from a commercial airport instead of retreating if we were going to leave from the air force base at bagram which would have been a much more sound military strategy, in that weakness, 13 soldiers died. but then the reaction also comes from a point of weakness and perhaps related to senility is that he overreacts, and so he says we must do something. i must show that i'm not weak. and so there is an overreaction, and killed an aid worker and several children with a drone because we must do something. the world thinks i'm weak. americans think i'm weak. they think i'm ineffectual so i have to do more.
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so really the problem with weakness often isn't inaction it's overreaction and response. it sends a signal to the world that america doesn't know what it's doing and you know we saw the warnings from khomeini recently from the ayatollah saying something is going to happen somewhere around the world at one of your bases and i take that at face value. we have to be prepared. we have to be cognizant that weakness leads to overreaction to could lead to something much worse. >> katie: yeah, the country is facing big issues, big threats. the "new york times" puts it this way. the image of the nation become combination of unhinged and doddering, especially striking at a time when the u.s. is supposed to be leading the fight of arising alliance of autocracies that lead china, russia and iran. of course senator you know over the weekend the u.s. military was warned in europe that a credible intel threat for a terrorist attack was in place over the next week or so. so, while back home we're having
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this debate about joe biden's mental acuity and, you know, trying to debunk these lies from the white house about whether he actually is having these problems or not, the rest of the world is watching and adversaries as you say are taking advantage of that weakness. >> well, and i think that you can see in contrast donald trump donald trump probably like very few other leaders projects strength, he sometimes is bombastic, but nobody believes that he will sit idly by. and interestingly, i have been around him when we were attacked. we had a drone shot down by the iranians and around him were many other people like we got to do something, we must bomb tehran and evade tehran, his response was much more reasoned but his response was also such that he cared about every soldier and he knew for every action to be a reaction. and he was concerned how many iranian soldiers will we kill? how many will they come back and kill? it was a very thoughtful process.
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much more so than i think people we give donald trump credit for. i think by projecting strength, you are allowed to have a more measured response. if you project weakness like biden does. then you become hysterical. i must do something. i must do something. we must attack. we must invade. otherwise, i will look weak. i think if you can project strength like donald trump does it. may actually save us and prevent us from entering into war needlessly. >> katie: panic never gives us good results in policy, whether it's domestic or foreign policy. senator, you have been a supporter of president trump. the rnc convention is in about two weeks' time in milwaukee. are you going to give him your full endorsement? >> you know, i have told them i'm persuadable but i will need a little bit of more of a conversation. if they're willing to have a conversation, i'm open to the discussion. >> katie: on what issues? >> well, the debt. i mean, there was about $8 trillion worth of debt added under the trump administration that will be about 8 trillion added under the biden administration.
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i'm a deficit hawk. i ran for congress because we have so much debt added. and so, we have to do a better job on draining the swamp. the fda under trump with scott gottlieb, he went right out the revolving door back over to pfizer and began suppressing speech on twitter. there are things i would like help with the covid investigation. if donald trump is willing to say when i'm elected i'm going to release all of the information for the presidency for my investigation that would go a long way towards getting me. >> katie: if you decide to do the endorsement. please come back and let us know. senator rand paul, thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> katie: $186,000. that's the salary the average american says they need to be comfortable. and as buyers battle high prices. fast food chains are pushing new value deals. brian brenberg tells us all about them. ♪ ♪ ♪ can i get it right now ♪ can i get it here ♪ can i get it right now
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>> steve: this morning. most americans still struggling with the pinch of inflation while living on a national average salary of less than $60,000 a year. that's the national average. 59,000. that is less than 3 times what they feel they need to live comfortably. a new survey shows that to be comfortable in the country, you got to make $186,000 a year. brian brenberg is the co-host of "the big money show" on fox business. and he joins us now. so, brian, professor, the average person says they need $186,000, but they are going to wind up being $127,000 short on what they actually make. >> that's the problem. they don't feel good about that.
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that's a lot of money 186,000. people have done the math. the mortgage, car payment, the groceries. if i want breathing room that's not living luxuriously. that's feeling like month to month i'm not under stress. they think they need that much money. but the scary thing about that, steve, isn't just the amount they think they need. >> steve: right. >> it's how many people think they will never get there or they think they are unlikely to get almost half of people think they can't reach that goal. as an economist, as a guy who watches markets and behavior, that's what gets me nervous when people give up on achieving that dream because then they start looking elsewhere. like where do i get that help? is it the government? is it somewhere else? that's what i don't like here. >> steve: well, a lot of people are looking at the cost of stuff, and we have some. >> we have stuff. >> steve: restaurant items. brilliantly america's top restaurants, fast casual restaurants. value meals. people are looking at value for their meals. >> brian: do you know what is
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interesting is they hear the biden always saying everybody is price grownelling you. raising prices. grocery stores. look, these guys have put together value meals that are actually not so bad. we got the mcdonald's meal here. it's a $5 meal. >> steve: says five bucks. >> i bought this for lunch last week when it launched. you open it up and oh my gosh i got a a sandwich. fries. i got nuggets. sandwich and nuggets, steve. >> steve: holy cow. >> same meal and a drink. breakfast from windy's. what's the point here? people are stretched. these companies recognize that. and instead of price gouging, they are actually trying to find a way to help you buy this stuff, which i think is actually pretty cool. i kind of like fast food. >> steve: and the thing is, it comes with a drink. >> and a drink. >> steve: i'm old enough to remember when like the happy meal was 1.99 for the kids. and then the value meals were -- i remember the big mac being a dollar. i'm old. >> brian: that ship has sailed, steve. 5 bucks in this environment is not so bad.
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that's how stretched people were. we were promised an ev in every garage. we got $5 value meals. that sums up what bidenomics has been like for people over the last three years. >> steve: which are you taking? i think i would like the taco bell. >> brian: it's breakfast time i think this is breakfast meal are from wendy's. i will go for that maybe save the nuggets for lunch. >> steve: five layer burrito, chalupa and stacked taco. >> brian: you will need to go for a run. >> steve: make sure you watch t"the big money show" today at 1:00 on fox business. >> brian: brian great to see. >> steve: president biden is heading for the commonwealth of virginia as the democrats fear the old dominion state could go red. army vet derrick anderson served our country and now he is looking to serve the people of virginia. he will join us live, next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> brian: all right. president biden heading to virginia today as the state looks like it could be in play for republicans, especially after biden's disastrous debate performance last week. i think you might have heard about that. army veteran derrick anderson is running for congress as a republican in virginia. got the nomination two weeks ago. his race is being touted as the
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hottest in the commonwealth this fall. and every race matters in the house. he joins us. and welcome, derek. congratulations on getting the nomination. so you are going to be going against eugene vindman the twin brother of vindman who went after and was a whistleblower against president trump. i know he endorsed you. i think president trump is passionately endorsing you. a lot has to do with your opponent. >> yeah. absolutely, brian, thanks for having me. you know, one of the issues we're seeing with mr. vindman is that, you know, he appears to be having a political revenge campaign rather than focusing on the things that are impacting the people here in the seventh congressional district. you know, i grew up in this district. this is my home district. this is where i spent the first 20 years of my life. i went from kindergarten to high school. you know, i working at my mom's local restaurant. i feel the impact. i hear from people every single day in our district where they talk about the issues specifically our economy. whereby it cost the average
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family here in the commonwealth about $1,100 more a month just to live. that's not to go to fancy dinners, that's not to go on vacations. that's just to live. i heard one of your previous guests talk about how people just can't catch up right now. that's what the democrats have on their plate right now. we look at a southern border that's absolutely porous. just recently here in the seventh congressional district. we have marine corps base quantico two jordanian immigrants attempt to breach the front gate. my opponent has a political revenge tour against president trump whereas me i'm focused on the things impacting the people here in the seventh congressional district. >> brian: looking at three straight polls now and president biden and president trump in a dead heat. this is the same state that's been dominated by democrats that joe biden won by 8 points. then we watched this republican named glenn youngkin come out of nowhere to win the governor's seat over a former governor that everybody knew. what's changing, do you think so, in virginia?
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>> yeah, brian. you know, i think the folks here in the seventh and the commonwealth at large want to see us get back to common sense policies. i mentioned the economy and the border, but we look at president biden's weak leadership, you know, specifically what he said on the debate stage, we have multiple military installations here in the commonwealth and here in the seventh congressional district. you know, when president biden on the debate stage referenced that, you know, i'm paraphrasing that you didn't have any troops die anywhere in the world under his watch. that hit hard to me. that hit hard to a lot of our veterans in the seventh district here about 13% of our district is comprised of veterans. so when you hear the president blatantly lie on national tv during a debate it hits hard. especially considering what we saw in afghanistan that botched withdrawal where 13 service members were killed. that's what got me into this race. that's what propelled me into running for congress because, you know, i lost several of my guys in afghanistan. i was pretty pretty disgusted n when he was looking at his watch
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over and over again over dignified transfer of remains. hear in virginia people want to get back to common sense policies where it's affordable to live and our communities are safe. and we are taking care ever our veterans. >> brian: such history in virginia. a lot of military in virginia. that's why it was republican for the longest time. but something changed over the last decade and we will see if it changes back. derrick anderson, running strong with the military foundation. and the growing up in the area. and you know the name vindman has got the president's attention. so good luck, derek. >> thanks, brian. always a pleasure. >> brian: go over to carley shimkus standing right there. >> carley: brian, thank you so much. more news to get to. starting with this the nypd hate crime task force is investigating after officers say this cab driver went on a crazy rampage smashing a statue that was standing outside a church across the street. the suspect is accused decapitating the statue of a young jesus christ. also unsuccessfully trying to damage the likenesses of mary and joseph. the diocese of brooklyn says
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it's going to cost the church $20,000 to repair those statues. wow. police officers in tennessee seizing drugs that were disguised at burritos in tortilla and taco bell rappers during a traffic stop last week. officers pulling over a woman they say was driving with a suspended license when they found meth, fentanyl laced gummies and more all wrapped up in those burrito packages. she is facing drug possession and other charges. and shoppers at a public blitz gropublix grocery store were inr a big surprise last week. >> this is happening right now at the publix on charlie road. there is an alligator under the shopping carts outside. >> carley: don't grab those shopping carts. go for another. no word on what happened to that gator but a witness told local outlets she believes state officials were told to take care of it. cannot confirm that that alligator is now a wallet but
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maybe. >> brian: no, i doubt it. >> carley: over to you. >> brian: they are prehistoric. one day they are hanging out with bront sar russ the next day they are under shopping carts. >> carley: yeah, really confused life is passing by. >> brian: amazing what happens when you last hundreds of thousands of years. thank you, carley. you can go now. squatter crackdown how florida is taking a stand for homeowners. ♪ like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. (♪)
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