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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 2, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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it. >> the union representing d.c. and federal workers say remote work is an important perk. >> federal employees make far less than their private sector and state and local government counterparts who are performing more or less the same jobs. and so the federal government needs every tool it can use to try to recruit and retain. >> argues a major train could cause a brain drain of experienced workers leaving government. >> dana: that was interesting. she did that from her bedroom. thank you so much. sandra, thank you for being here with me. >> sandra: thanks for having me. >> dana: we'll watch tennis this week. "the faulkner focus" is next. dagen mcdowell is in for harris today. i will see you on "the five" later today. hi, dagen. >> dagen: this fox news alert. white house press secretary
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karine jean-pierre will face reporters this afternoon for the first time in two weeks and for the first time since the president's disastrous debate. i'm dagen mcdowell in for harris faulkner and this is "the faulkner focus." biden world reportedly has a very specific survival strategy meant to handle the mountains of angst after that debate debacle. here are eight steps in the plan. a few of them. dismiss bed wetting, squeeze polls for juice, keep elected leaders close. biden's surrogates out in force playing defense hard. >> everybody has a bad night and i think that was a weak debate performance. i have not seen evidence that our president is not up to the task of running for and continuing to serve as president. >> debate performance does not a great president make. the president has four years of receipts. >> it wasn't a great night.
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we aren't going to ignore that and try to sugar coat that. but i will say a 90-minute bad night does not mean that joe biden should not be the one who goes head-to-head with donald trump again. >> dagen: biden's family blamed top aides for the debate disaster. reports also say they played a huge role in biden's decision to stay in the race despite many calls for him to step aside. trump's national press secretary ripping that decision. >> clearly joe biden obviously knows her husband better than anybody else in this country and world and she, too, continues to lie to the american people. it really is shameful. she has been engaging in elder abuse. >> dagen: 1-third of voters say they're more likely to vote for trump. 40% said the debate did not affect their decision.
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biden also plunging in polling guru nate silvers' election for cast model. his chances of winning dropping to less than 28%, seven point drop from the 35% he was at going into the debate. we're also expecting public remarks from the president himself later this hour. senior white house correspondent jacque heinrich is at the white house. >> you know, if you are the biden campaign you are following apparently entirely different numbers. they shared some internal polling with certain media outlets showing trump leading biden 46-45. that is about the same as their may numbers and their whole pitch is the debate didn't change anything. but the other side of that is the internal polling they are sharing shows the president losing. but the look at the bright side strategy is step two in that eight-step recovery plan that was obtained by axios. it includes number one, dismiss the bed wetting, a line that
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donors reportedly did not like to hear so much. number six is get the donor class to chill. number eight ignore the media calling for his resignation. one campaign spokesperson alleging the editorial board in one swing state newspaper is engaging in election interference. >> disappointing with the atlanta journal constitution as we have talked about making sure we're protecting elections and making sure there is no undue influence, this was undue influence by the atlanta journal constitution or attempt to influence. i think voters should be able to make the decision the same way they did in primaries. >> some biden friends and long time aides according to reports have blamed the senior advisors who prepared the president with data heavy answers and one-liners that fell flat. jen psaki tweeted the notion that the issues of the debate
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was the prep process who have successfully prepped many candidates is absurd. biden was bad. important conversations about what happens next. you aren't talking about the right things with prep. she didn't reveal what the right things are. plans for the president to engage in some of the things he has shunned for the last several months, if not years, which is big sit-down interviews and press conferences. he could come to the brady briefing room at any time. he has a room full of reporters ready to ask him questions. the nato summit is next week. traditionally presidents will hold press conferences at summits like that. we have yet to hear from the white house if he is planning to do that. >> dagen:, thank you so much.
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jason chaffetz. get the donor class to chill, jason. that's actually what you don't want donors to do. there was a call last night with the biden campaign with the major donors, the chair of the campaign was on the call, questions not taken live. participants had to pre-submit questions that the campaign chose to answer. their answer about polls was polls go up and down. one donor major donor described the call to the "wall street journal" as depressing. >> well, i find this all pretty rich. this is not something that just suddenly happened and popped up on us. this has been brewing for years, people can see it. the media did not have the intellectual curiosity and didn't do their jobs and report it. the donor class had to know this. you put in the hundreds of millions of dollars, you have been able to be in the room and see and meet this person.
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you had to see it for yourself. and so yeah, i like number seven particularly on that list, prove vitality. good luck with that. this situation isn't getting better. it will only get worse. >> dagen: i think it was a year ago karine jean-pierre said that they had trouble keeping up with biden on trips overseas. you just -- this has been just a rolling ball of i will stifle onto this. team biden in survival mode as high profile democrats say it's time to call it. long time colleague of the president, former iowa senator tom harkin saying quote, all incumbent democratic senators should write to biden asking him to release his delegates and step aside. many big dollar dem donors are not happy. a person who gave to the party some 300,000 for biden's own
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good and the good of the country he should step aside immediately. brutal assessments by carl bernstein and long time clinton advisor james carville. listen. >> the country is clamoring for change. and what are we going to offer them, the same stuff? it doesn't make any sense. they want something different. let's give it to them. >> these are people, several of them very close to president biden, who they are adamant that what we saw the other night, the joe biden we saw, is not a one-off. there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed. >> dagen: now he says it?
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what a crack journalist he is >> joe biden was elected in 1972, four years before jimmy carter was president of the united states. elections are all about the future, dagen. where we're going and what we're doing. not only is there the cognitive decline, but the benefit to the democrats they aren't talking about the issues. that's where donald trump really excels. there is no plan for energy in this country. there is no plan to tackle inflation. there is no serious border plan. and all these wars and stuff raging overseas, the democrats can't talk about any of these things. so they've built this nest and now they have to live in it. >> dagen: where was carl bernstein when the "wall street journal" and reporter just on with dana was being lambasted because of their legitimate, accurate reporting about the president's cognitive
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deficiencies? moving on. there are some big concerns about biden being a down ballot drag on vulnerable democrats after the disastrous debate and republicans are capitalizing. the chairman of new york's republican party says that deep blue new york is ripe for trump's taking. he tells fox that biden is a 1980s-era carter moment. when ronald reagan one. the last time a republican won the empire state. the national republican congressional committee feeble over people reading house democrats have stood by and enabled this crisis due to their own fecklessness and allegiance to their party over the people of the country and names these democrats who defended biden after the debate accusing them of blind allegiance and gas lighting. what do you make of this? does this work? gas lighting has been a hallmark of this administration when
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talking to the american people about the hardships they are experiencing from inflation and high interest rates. >> yeah, this administration has been lying to us every single step of the way saying the border is secure when it is not. inflation was transitory. all the stuff was cheap deepfakes about joe biden. well, just roll the tape. we got to see it for an hour and a half. these democrats that are out there defending that debate performance, just roll the tape. people can make up their minds for themselves. these are people that are putting their party and power above the good of the nation. it is a scary moment. remember the hillary clinton clinton ad it's 3:00 a.m. and the phone rings what will happen? you can have somebody with the vim and vigor of donald trump or have somebody you don't know if he is up to making a decision
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because, you know, he killed and helped take down medicare. >> dagen: hillary clinton wrote the op-ed in the "new york times" before the debate saying it's a 24-hour a day, 7-day a week job talking about the presidency. then we find out that it is really just a 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. job based on axios reporting for joe biden. jason chaffetz. great to see you. always my friend. >> thanks. >> dagen: more fallout for president biden after he bombed at that debate. republicans stepping up their calls for the audio recordings of special counsel robert hur's interview with the president. the one where he called biden an elderly man with a poor memory who he would not charge and prosecute. plus lawmakers continue to sound the alarm on biden's border crisis. >> we witnessed a group of nine migrants come across in a raft
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and two border patrol agents trying to chase them down and they couldn't do it. we're literally being invaded by individuals, we don't know who they are. they are national security threats. >> dagen: migrant crime front and center as we get new details in a heinous murder of jocelyn nungaray allegedly at the hands of two illegal immigrants. florida congressman michael waltz on all of this next. because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call.
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>> dagen: we just learned manhattan district attorney alvin bragg is not opposed to delaying former president trump's july 11th sentencing. this comes as president trump
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attempts to set aside the verdict in this new york criminal trial on immunity grounds. we'll dig into this much more with attorney leo terrell in just a few minutes. d.a. bragg is not opposed to delaying that sentencing, which is scheduled for next week. fox news has obtained exclusive video, it appears to show a group of venezuelan migrants attacking and robbing a man on a chicago train in february. the surveillance images show one of the suspects choked the man while others pick his pockets. the victim loses consciousness at some point during the incident but we're told he did recover. police arrested the four suspects less than an hour after the attack. today all four of them are due in court on charges ranging from attempted murder to aggravated battery. it is another reminder of how the border crisis is taking a toll across this country.
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>> all the local jurisdictions around the country are doing these cases gathering intel trying to survive. what they are not getting is the kind of help they need from washington that we've gotten in the past relative to these big issues. we're past the point we know we have a problem. with he have to stop the bleeding. >> dagen: mike tobin is in chicago with more. >> we're waiting for the four suspects to go before the judge. they are charged in relation to this blatant strong arm robbery on one of chicago's l trains. we told you about case in february. we can show you the video that happened before rush hour in chicago. the suspects appear to befriend the victim. drink and smoke on the train right up to the time one puts him in a choke hold and put a knife to his neck as well. the others go through the pockets. $4 hundred and a cell phone before leaving him unconscious
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in the back of the train car. witnesses notified authorities. >> guys just got off the train and robbed this guy back here and he is like -- he is breathing but i don't want to touch him. >> i'll be back there. >> the train was held until the four suspects were arrested. they had all been on pre-trial release for shoplifting case essential and now have charges from attempted murder, robbery, aggravated battery. their home addresses as state-funded migrant shelters. back to you. >> dagen: thank you so much. more horrific details emerging in the murder of 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray. houston authorities confirming she was raped before she was strangled to death. the new development makes the
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two illegal immigrants charged in the case eligible for the death penalty if convicted. meanwhile, the illegal crossings along the u.s. southern border reportedly falling to a three-year low in june following president biden's executive order to curb asylum. separate reporting by the "new york post" shows that more than 100,000 migrants were still allowed into the u.s. in june despite that crackdown. the border crisis linked to a string of violent crimes across the united states, all with illegal immigrants named as suspects. border patrol union vice president art del cueto asked where it all ends? >> when you look at the millions that have already come into the country, you know, just by simply asking for asylum and then you start looking at the gotaways. i think there will be more of these stories. it is horrifying and even if you decide to say we'll put a cap on the amount of people that are asking for asylum done by this
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administration, what's the plan moving forward for the millions they've already allowed in the country now? >> dagen: mike waltz, member of the house foreign relations and house intelligence committees, is here now. congressman, great to see you. the fact is that jocelyn nungaray would be alive, rachel morin would be alive, lakin riley would be alive and the countless children who have been raped by these illegal migrants, none of this would have happened if these illegal migrants had not been let in by joe biden and company. >> that's absolutely right, dagen. every one of these horrific, tragic stories proves in the public mind's president trump's point that prisons are being emptied, venezuelan gangs are migrating north like tren de aragua and others. by the way, venezuela doesn't
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have an extradition treaty. even if we do round them all up, which president trump absolutely plans to do. we'll have a hell of a time sending them back. look, what is president biden's solution? put a cap that still allows a million illegal migrants we know of, not counting the gotaways a year into this country? i think president trump did a great job in the debate pointing out that even if -- even for those that aren't criminals, they are still going to be a tax on social security and medicare and housing, on our schools and infrastructure and you know what? every time i talk to a veteran who isn't getting the services that they deserve, every time i see one that's homeless and you have shelters being filled with illegal immigrants, i think this issue is hitting home squarely in the minds of the american people and it is going to be the decider. i tell you what, one last thing.
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mayorkas, garland, biden should be quietly -- i bet they are quietly thanking god for that recent supreme court ruling on immunity because they are ally able at a minimum to civil liability after they are out of office in november to every one of these families whose lives were tragically ruined by their refusal to enforce the law. >> dagen: so much unless deportations so much is irreversible. the burden on our education and healthcare system. look at california. starting this year, every single illegal migrant living in that state who qualifies can get state medicaid. this is a multi-billion dollar cost every year just for that state. >> you're right. it is a generational cost and an impact on our kids and
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grandkids' generation by just these four years of incompetence and refusing to enforce the law. we haven't started talking about the national security concerns. i think another attack is a matter of when, not if. fortunately we rolled up eight isis operatives but there are dozens and dozens more. the f.b.i. doesn't even know where they are. they've been released into the interior and those are just ones we encountered from the isis-backed smuggling network out of tajikistan. the gotaways we don't even know. >> dagen: you mentioned merrick garland the attorney general. the house judiciary committee is suing garland for the audio tapes of biden. the committee stressed that the audio could provide verbal and non-verbal context on biden's answers and that could be especially important as hur said part of the reason he didn't charge biden was that he came across as a, quote, sympathetic,
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well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. speaker mike johnson with this. >> the audio tape will confirm what all of us know. the reason they've been hiding it is they didn't want us to see what we all saw on display last thursday night at that debate. the cat is out of the bag now. we need to make sure the audio tape matches the transcript they gave us. important responsibility we have. we won't let up and we went to court to force that subpoena and make the attorney general do his job. >> dagen: the attorney general held it up for political reasons. but this is in the national interest, congressman, is it not? >> that's right. the american people and committee and congress deserve to hear and see the verbal miscues and exactly what biden said because that's what hur relied on to make his judgment to not press charges, number two, we know the white house doctored and changed the actual written transcripts.
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number three, dagen, i'm on the intel committee and seen the actual documents that biden admits were down in his basement and that he was using to sell books, by the way, made $8 million. these aren't some 30, 40 years ago documents that are irrelevant. they are recent and they are relevant to the national security concerns that are going on today in the middle east and elsewhere. and they were classified to the hilt. i've never seen so many code words, some of them were president, vice president, eyes only. highly classified and we're demanding a damage assessments of what sources and methods could have been revealed another hunter biden was traipsing lord knows through the house, garage and biden center at upenn. >> dagen: astonishing. congressman mike waltz, really good to see you. thank you so much for being here and all that insight always. >> thanks, happy fourth.
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>> dagen: you as well. democrats are outraged after the supreme court granted former president trump partial immunity in his federal election case. >> it is now officially above the law. >> you better vote for your lives in november. >> this is not america. if you want to make america great again return to the rule of law. >> dagen: republicans hailing it as a victory in the weaponization of our legal and judicial system and lawfare. alvin bragg's the sentencing set for next week. attorney leo terrell joins us next. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪
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(soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? >> president biden: today's decision almost certainly means there are virtually no limits on what a president can do. this is a fundamentally new principle and it is a dangerous
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precedent. i dissent. may god bless you all and may god help preserve our democracy. may god protect our troops. [shouted questions] >> dagen: president biden speaking publicly for the first time yesterday after the supreme court ruled on former president trump's immunity claim. the high court deciding that presidents, not just president trump, are entitled to immunity from prosecution for core official acts. biden slammed that decision during his four or five minutes of prepared remarks which he read directly from a teleprompter and quickly left. no questions taken. the president joins a growing core -- >> the presidency is now
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officially above the law. >> who wouldn't want that job. because you are a king on the eve of independence day. >> when you do see president biden out on the trail, he will be talking about the reasons why americans should be scared of donald trump as he has been for months and this supreme court opinion today just amplified that. >> this decision today unfortunately is a blueprint how to end the rule of law. >> dagen: constitutional law attorney jonathan turley argues in a new opinion piece president trump's immunity ruling is what -- this is a quote, is what the body was designed for. unpopular but constitutionally correct. former attorney general bill barr added this. >> the practical effect of this is that the district court is going to do what it should have done at the beginning and which the government should have had it do. do the analysis so the facts are going up to the supreme court. so as a practical matter there won't be a trial of this case before the election.
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>> dagen: we learned just this hour that manhattan district attorney alvin bragg has written to judge juan merchan saying that he is not opposed to postponing president trump's sentencing in his new york criminal trial and conviction. right now that's still set for next thursday, july 11th. leo terrell, attorney and fox news contributor is here. leo, what do you make of all of this? >> what i make of all of this. the supreme court got it right. it is a great day for the rule of law and we are turning away from being a ban an an republic. this wasn't a ruling just for trump. you correctly stated it. it is a ruling to protect the office of the presidency from weaponization by the judicial system and by others who want to go after a former president. let me be very clear. this decision by alvin bragg is because he recognized the fact that some of the evidence in that fake new york hush money
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case was inadmissible. there were official acts and if i was alvin bragg and jack smith i would throw in the towel. these cases are dead. they were motivated simply because they do not want president trump on the ballot. >> dagen: one interesting thing is -- you keep hearing this over and over again from the left. the president is now a king. this was in judge sotomayor's dissent, i believe. but what about the checks and balances against the president and the "wall street journal" editorial board writes about that? how about congress and the judiciary, they still exist. the impeachment power still exists. elections are the ultimate check on abuse of presidents the "wall street journal" writes and how can they be shocked about this decision in the first place? the supreme court just followed up on the 1982 opinion nixon
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versus fitzgerald which dealt with civil suits. >> you are absolutely right. 35 years of being a civil rights lawyer let me be as clear as possible. the supreme court just simply followed the rules and regulations of the constitution. you just laid out all the options available to the american people. impeachment. you have impeachment there. you have the rule of law as to vote out a candidate or a candidate running for office. every avenue is available. i want to be clear, biden's corrupt open border policy is protected under this rule of law. and so what -- you have sour grapes on the part of the democrats. they are mad. why? because they want to take president trump off the ballot. i'm old enough to remember the colorado supreme court wanted the take him off the ballot. thank goodness for the supreme court and they are above the fray of politics. we have to make sure the rule of law applies. the democrats aren't done.
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they will try everything possible to try to prevent us, the american people, from voting for president trump. >> dagen: one progressive congresswoman ocasio-cortez wants to drag the high court down into the political muck. she is planning to file articles of impeachment following the supreme court ruling. she posted on x, quote, the supreme court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control. today's ruling represents an assault on american democracy. it is up to congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. i intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return. the house is in recess until july 8th. if they files it would go to the judiciary committee for review. articles against whom, bless her heart? >> i think she is trying to threaten the supreme court
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justices. that article proposal will go nowhere. you know what aoc is upset with? people like myself and over 50% of this country who want to vote for president trump. that's why she is mad. you are talking about democracy at issue? the democrats do not want the american people to vote for president trump. and the supreme court said that's not going to happen. the american people will have the opportunity to vote and elect president trump as our next president in november of 2024. and what they are also trying to do, dagen, is deflect from an incompetent, cognitively declined president who cannot articulate a thought. i challenge president biden and the democrats to -- for him to appear before the american public without cue cards or teleprompter and stand and answer questions for an hour. he can't do it. >> dagen: before we go, do you think that judge merchan will
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delay the sentencing next week? >> oh, yes, he has to because you have newly acquired information and law. he has to consider it. if he doesn't, he will become a laughingstock. he has an obligation. so bragg's acknowledgement that he has no opposition. i want to be clear to the fox viewers. that sentencing will be delayed and there will be a hearing on whether or not this motion should be set aside. big victory for president trump. >> dagen: leo terrell, always a pleasure, sir, thank you for being here. happy fourth. we're seeing so much of the democrats on defense after president biden face planted in the debate. but can they spin their way out of the hole that he dug for his campaign? plus the first lady may be digging that hole even deeper. critics absolutely roasting jill biden as way out of touch with this glitzy vogue cover.
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>> she doesn't want joe biden to take a step back because jill biden wants the limelight, rome is burning and she is basking in the limelight of the flames. in t he nineties anymore. and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return and they don't lose money. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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>> dagen: democrats trying to
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fundraise off the supreme court's immunity ruling. the biden campaign sending out this mailer saying the decision is a gift to former president trump. it also dropped a new ad with clips from biden's north carolina rally the day after his debate debacle. >> president biden: i know how to do this job. i know right from wrong. i know how to tell the truth. >> dagen: dnc rolled out a new ad in swing states labeling trump a threat to our democracy. >> a man who is liable of sexual abuse, a man who is a fraudster, a man who is a convicted felon. >> dagen: a "wall street journal" opinion piece says that argument makes no sense, quote, how could a presidential election be a referendum on democracy? the american people elected mr. trump in 2016. they rejected him in 2020.
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they may elect him again in 2024, or not. that's what democracy is. you win some, you lose some. what does it say about democracy if the people running major media outlets at one of the two major political parties don't trust the judgment of the american people? matt gorman, targeted victory executive vp and former campaign advisor to tim scott, david carlucci, former new york state senator. great to see both of you. matt, to you first. i'm sure you agree with that "wall street journal" peels from matt hennessey. >> you know, here is my thought. i have always been skeptical of this so-called democracy argument how effective it will be. let's put it plainly. if democrats believe what they are saying and the only thing standing between this country and the so-called end of democracy is an 81-year-old man
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who can't string two sentences together and works for 10:00 to 4:00. i have a hard time believing they take their talk serious seriously. i watch their actions, not words. >> dagen: is it wise to keep pushinging this democracy argument when, at least some people who voted for joe biden, have texted me and asked who is running the country? it is not him. >> well look, myself and millions of americans are less concerned about a president with a stutter than a president that is a convicted felon. i think this democracy issue is very important because yes, we've expected presidential immunity for certain official actions. but absolute immunity for anything that you could remotely say is some sort of official capacity is very troubling. and i think our founding fathers coming up on july 4th would be rolling in their graves to see
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this level of power given to the executive. it is a slap in the face i think what millions of americans have fought for, what we stand for, and i think it sets a troubling precedent to follow. >> dagen: matt, before we move on there is a lot to pick a part there. the american people regardless of who they vote for and party saw more than a stammer during that debate, number one. the high court simply said no immunity for unofficial acts. not everything the president does is official. the president is not above the law. i'm quoting from chief justice roberts. but what say you, matt? >> you are right. i'm glad also finally joe biden is over his cold. that was his first excuse, now it's a stutter. we see what they come up with next. look. i will say this. you look the news you broke the other day -- the other minute about possibly postponing the sentencing slated for next week. this last week has been the best
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week for president trump since election day 2016. the debate, the chevron cases in the supreme court yesterday. now possible postponement on sentencing. he is on a run. >> dagen: there is a title democrats deserve biden even if the country dozen. it is tempting to say to the democratic machine mobilizing against him, you don't get to deceive, gas light us for years how this man was brilliantly competent and healing force for national unity and now tell us when your deception is uncovered that it is bedtime for bonzo. it should be we the voters who get to deliver the verdict to say what we think about a party and president who even as they lectured about the importance of honesty and the sanctity of democracy were engaged in an extended act of deceit. that itself represents pure
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contempt for the democratic process. i will toss this over to you, david. >> i don't think there is any deceit here. we are all -- all democrats are unhappy with president biden's performance at the debate on thursday. that doesn't mean anyone is deceiving anyone. he went up there. called for the debates and will ask for another debate. it is about the record. what could speak more loudly than someone's record particularly in politics where people are just engrossed with all these different promises. joe biden not only talked the talked he walked the walked and got the american rescue plan, inflation reduction act, chips act, pact act. those are his accomplishments. actions speak louder than words. and that is why you see more democratic unity than i've seen in my lifetime. the fact we had a primary where people rallied behind president biden even with his faults i think it speaks to that people are standing with president biden and don't want donald trump in the white house.
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>> dagen: i want to get to this. according to nate silver, one of the most important economic variables predicting election outcomes, real take home income. real disposable personal income has fallen 6 1/2% under joe biden. under donald trump it rose 26%. that's a fact. those are numbers. joe biden is not making things any easier for democrats. critics tearing her glamorous vogue magazine cover to shreds. she talks about the debate disaster saying the bidens will not let the 90 minutes define the four years he has been president. we'll continue to fight. the "new york post" with this magazine parody mocking her. out of touch. tone deaf. former press secretary with a scathing post. i want to get to this quickly before we go. david, really quickly you have a few seconds. >> this vogue cover is not a
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cover-up. you have to judge a book and magazine not by its cover but flip through the pages. it was about democracy, education and a woman's right to choose. those are things that jill biden knows well as an educator talking about the $125 billion that the american rescue plan got for education. that's what the article is about. >> dagen: it's about a $5 thousand ralph lauren dress that sells $10,000 handbags. >> the people receiving the fame and notoriety will joe biden will tell him to give it up and not run? it's a fallacy. to say it was tone deaf is an understatement. >> dagen: for all the people hurting in this country because of inflation and high interest rates. david carlucci and matt gorman, thank you, gentlemen. "outnumbered" next. but when you get your tools from harbor freight
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