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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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a 5000-dollar ralph lauren coat that kind of has a christmas carol vibe. what is under that hunter? i don't know what she's trying to convey here but it's all bad. >> new york post went off on it and called her vogue and him vague. have a great weekend and thanks so much. that is it for us tonight. filling in for laura tonight and you can catch me at saturday at nine. that's it and i just checked the tv guide and it is jesse watters next on primetime. watch. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> welcome to jesse watters primetime. i am kayleigh mcenany. we start with the fox news alert. breaking now hours ago, president biden told donors and a six minute speech that he nearly fell asleep on the debate stage thursday night. the president blamed his european travel schedule even though he returned to america to full weeks before the debate and spent that entire week preparing at camp david in this omission comes as top democrats listen closely they want the president to step down from the campaign as early as the end of this week. we will have those details straight ahead. we're not used to seeing this many weeks from the white house but everything changed after biden showed the entire country he was not mentally fit
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to be president and too much for the media to ignore so today the press and something they don't often do, their jobs. she had her first press briefing since thursday and plenty of time to get the story straight but she was unable to answer questions. >> after debate contacted the president get examined like a neurological scan? >> neurological scan? what i can say is just to take a step back a bad night when president has regular annual physicals be released in the thorough report and we will continue to do that and i don't have anything beyond that and i understand i was asked about the cold medicine and he was not taking any cold medicine and/or have anything beyond that.
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>> to speak one-on-one up to vice president harris after the debate? >> and can't speak any conversations. >> kayleigh: what can't she speak to? got a taste of what to look like a republican administration but if that was me at the podium is speaking on behalf of president donald trump, these wouldn't be the headlines. press secretary will not confirm if the president had a brain scan after the debate and press secretary does not deny the president was on drugs other than cold medicine and press secretary to see if the president and vice president are even on speaking terms. what exactly will they tell us about happened thursday night? >> he had a cold and a hoarse voice. >> i can tell you he had a cold and a bad night on top of that
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he had a cold and that is the reality of the situation. >> look, i know he had a cold and many looking back my team and myself directly we were able to confirm he had a cold and under the weather obviously when he saw him last night and today but he doesn't see -- indeed still have a cold. >> kayleigh: for three and a half years? biden did not have a bad night but has been declining for a long time and people close to him leaking the details of the press. >> these are several people close to president biden who love him and support him and have been among them people who have raised a lot of money for him and they are adamant what we saw the other night the joe biden we saw is not a one-off that there have been 20 occasions in the last year and
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half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show and started at the podium and became very stiff according to people there in some kind of rigor mortis. >> kayleigh: that's your commander-in-chief and that's carl bernstein. the watergate reporter. anyone around biden feels it but if they say it in public, will feel the wrath. >> not a pleasant person around to be around and briefed it's very difficult and people around him are scared [ bleep ] of him. biden's little team going behind his back and going to the press deliberating delivering post like this. >> mr biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day.
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and nap and is not just a staff but biden's big donors are leaking some telling msnbc they are freaked out biden uses a teleprompter during intimate fundraising dinners and biden's team try to call up some donors to tell them everything is fine but that only made things worse it was a damage control call one person said in biden's campaign manager insulted donors by saying things like this. biden is probably a better health then most of us and does anyone believe that? that is the campaign strategy. do not believe your eyes but just listen to us biden's white house deputy press secretary says not only does the president perform around-the-clock that maintains a schedule that tires younger aides so young staffers can't keep up with biden? how many napster they need a day? campaign cochair said he's the strongest president in 80 years.
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>> do you truly think president biden is the strongest candidate to take on donald trump in november? >> i think joe biden is the strongest most accomplished president we've had in my lifetime. >> not the question. >> kayleigh: if they want voters to think biden is fixed, they need to prove it. >> one of the options is he would sit for a high-profile interview show up at north carolina rally that it was not just a one-off that he can do a sitdown interview and a spontaneous interview but the fact that we're having this conversation that the president can do an interview shows you where they are right now. >> kayleigh: part of the interview will air on friday but could do more harm than good and here's another idea they had to
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save the campaign. >> it is easy to settle this right now buy president biden going to the press centre and the white house and doing a two hour press conference and everyone would cover it life, networks and he could answer all these questions. in this crazy thing to expect the president to do and you know that in the campaign knows that that's how you settled this, put them in front of reporters and we handles himself with acuity say was just a fluke and remove on but the fact you haven't done that says quite a bit to me he went biden committed to a big boy press conference. interesting language last night opted instead for a four minute speech off the teleprompter but
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what did you expect as yesterday we learned biden only functions between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm and the speech was late so the president did debut a new look. let's bring it in. bronze at biden sporting this orange glow with the podium and much different from the pale look we saw at the debate and his team was mad at cnn makeup artist not making him look 20 years younger so bring it bronze biden and they are desperate pulling out all the stops even plotting ways to secure his nomination early as july 21st according to bloomberg but the truth is biden does not need an early nomination but the 25th amendment removal for office for lack of capacity and when trumpets president and the media mentioned that more than 600 times. >> what would have to happen to evoke the 25th amendment? >> look at the 25th amendment and the cabinet and congress
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have to stand up and do their duty and say the man is incompetent. >> 25th amendment. >> inner circle brought up 24 the amendment at least 20 times. >> this is 20 fifth amendment kind of stuff. >> it would take 20 fifth amendment. >> a lot of people talking about invoking 24 the amendment. >> cabinet should convene immediately to discuss the 25th amendment. >> kayleigh: where all those people now? no evidence to support invoking the 24 the mem against trump but with biden, a mountain of video proof his own people leaking about how gone he is and how much more do we need before democrats but the country over their party? join me now former presidential candidate. i've been dying to talk to all day and here is why. i spoke to predebate and you told me biden would not be the nominee and said over and over
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postdebate, i suspect you still believe that but tell me how it plays out. >> the reality that managerial class around biden have also used for him and this is been obvious since last year as he is not the strongest candidate they can put up and people have stopped at nothing to keep him out of office and you think the stop at this step? a different game they're playing is they want this to happen as late as possible into the cycle and the honeymoon phase of a new candidate initially the honeymoon phase before the scrutiny comes in the swap outcomes in august or after august they put up a candidate who will not get have had the scrutiny and keep the public guessing and that's a game i think is going on here in the reality there's only two viable choices as the democratic party wedded to identity politics and the only waco harris got the job is because she was a black woman and don't take my words but the words were the democratic party themselves and that's where i
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predict this plot ends and i don't think it will happen soon but it is their incentive to wait as long as possible and i think that's where the game goes >> kayleigh: august and you name to in individuals and in the meantime what's going on with our country as troops have died overseas in the phone rings at 3:00 am and we need answers. do you believe congress should use or oversight authority to subpoena whomever they can with current administration but with former that that should there be congressional subpoenas to see if there correctly nothing hidden from us? >> we should use every toolkit and arsenal right now as there is a heightened obligation now more than ever as a president who was absent and forget the election just speaking as an american, americans deserve an answer to the question is who is
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actually running the country? clear after that performance is not biden but that's a worrisome concern when are facing some of the greatest risks we face in a generation right here in our homeland. are there parallels to lbj? in an era of global instability and in some cases multiple times over not only around the world but the risk we face a home as now is not a moment to have a commander-in-chief who c. is functionally vacant so should they be doing everything they can to secure this country? absolutely. >> kayleigh: breaking the reporting coming up about who was running the country and a new white house aide you will not believe who it is. thank you very much. coming up, shocking new report top damsel want biden home is al. out now. pilates exist in harle? so i started my own studio.
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>> kayleigh: fox news alert as the pressure for the president to remove himself from the ticket reaching a fever pitch seeing all day long but now some top democrats telling cnn they want this done by the end of the week. >> the dam is breaking as top democratic leaders and former administration officials and current officials, major donors all telling us privately and we're hearing it publicly that they think president biden needs to step aside for the good of the party and the country. >> kayleigh: this did not happen overnight as house democrats were this close to publishing a letter expressing their grave concerns about the president but they held off after house leaders told them to
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wait for the numbers to confirm their fears were justified but now the numbers are in and it's worse than democrats could have imagined as the latest poll has trump winning by six points nationally and if that doesn't scream lights out for joe, cnn reporting 72 percent of americans don't believe biden is mentally fit to serve. >> looking at the polling now compared to predebate it is not just even on the same planet and if you ask voters now if biden has the mental fitness, those numbers incredibly low and percentage say he does not have it. 72 percent say they don't have the mental fitness to be president. take a look this is a six-point lead and this is unchanged since our last poll in april. joe biden's approval rating down
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to 36 percent that is his lowest approval rating of his entire presidency in cnn polling as his lowest number for months out from the election and that's not welcome news for any incumbent. >> kayleigh: biden campaign trying to put the brakes on it and looking at a fundraising e-mail they sent out touting while biden is losing to trump, he's losing to him i lessen other democratic replacements but there is one problem that it turns out that is not even true as the new poll has all other democrats pulling better against trump and joe biden and the floodgates are opening in the white house holding an all hands call conference call 1230 afternoon as elected democrats openly calling on joe to drop out. >> it has been apparent to me for some time that the debate only reinforcement that neither candidate for for president and we need a president that can
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unite america to realize our nations potential and we deserve better. president biden should withdraw from this race. >> i hope he will put country first and i know trump will never do that and decide to step aside. >> kayleigh: those are elected democrats and has anyone checked on nancy pelosi lately? something's up. saw her sunday insisting joe biden the best man for the job and trump is the one who has dementia. >> my people are very much biden will harris and this is an opportunity for joe biden to go out there and show he has the stamina and by the way, while the press for some reason they don't there are healthcare professionals who think trump has dementia that his thoughts are not going together. >> kayleigh: i would love to me because healthcare officials,
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they don't exist. she goes on nbc and says this today. >> i think it is a legitimate question to say is this an episode or a condition and when people asked that question it is more legitimate. >> kayleigh: there's a lot we can say about nancy pelosi but nothing if not precise and calculated and chooses her words wisely and a massive shift in messaging sounds like the winds are shifting and no coincidence biden has not even met with party leaders since the debate and now whispers of a paris candidate see growing louder. >> i think she is the person she's a seasoned campaigners now of three and half years of experience so i think people would be very excited. >> how would you feel if they worked around on will harris
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because of our lack of high poll numbers and popularity and do you think it's hers to have if it's not his? >> no. this party should not in any way do anything to work around miss harris and we should do everything we can to bolster her >> kayleigh: maybe that's why she's doing little to bolster joe as political reports those no plans for her to go on a biden defence tour and james who just saw there the one who sealed the democrat nomination for joe biden in 2020 but will he be the one to remove him from the ticket in 2024? fox news contributor joins me now. mark, you worked in the bush white house and i was in the trump white house and we had our fair share of leaks but nothing like this. this torrent is this indicative of something going on and the pressure is real?
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>> what's indicative that they are panicking but running around like chickens without a solution because they can't remove joe biden as number 1 they can't get pascoe will harris problem as the party of identity politics will not replace her and they will not kick the first black vice president to the curb so none of these guys will get it from her and she is less popular than she is and hers is 36 and his is 39 and she probably does not want him to win the ticket because there's no way he will serve four years so she stays on the ticket she becomes president and second problem is what's the alternative? that they could get pascoe will harris. yc president because there's no other alternative in 2020 and everyone else failed and bernie
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sanders heading towards a nomination so they all panicked this to the old moderate joe biden and he'll be our trojan horse and there's no butterfield right now and you think bernie sanders will set back and say yes let's nominate josh harris as a democratic socialist will try to nominate their own person and a democratic civil war if they release the ticket and bernie sanders might run again or nominate aoc in the squad want to have a say is not the party of bill clinton anymore so there is a lot more complicated elements of this than simply saying let's put joe biden to the side and find someone electable because there isn't. >> kayleigh: what's on to see joe biden has yet to reach out to governors or to all these people and what's he doing? i only have a few moments here
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but wouldn't you be calling allies? i know trump would. >> i'm sure he would but is not planning to do anything and the other thing is in our system, he has to agree to leave as he is all the delegates of numbing can push him off in his families knocking to push him off, they are all grifters and he is there gravy train putting him out there was like elder abuse and they don't care about him and we shows their tool to stay into power. >> kayleigh: you're the best and thank you. up next, joe biden has a new advisor.
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>> kayleigh: that's reassuring. i do like his artwork and now it looks like he's trying has been less than inviting. check this out. an nbc reporter posting, quote, the reaction from some senior white house staff has been, what the hell is
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happening? the white house says it's no big deal. why is the president's son involved? look, the president, as you know, is very close to his family. he spent time with his family, as you all know and reported at camp david, hunter came back with him and walked with him into into into that meeting, that prep, that speech prep, and, you know, and he ended up spending time with his dad and his family that night and that is basically what happened. >> reporter: is he participating in meetings with senior advisors? >> i can say he came back with his dad from camp david and walked him into the speech prep and he was in the room. >> kayleigh: maybe he's clinging to him because he's unwilling to give him the hard truth as hunter has a lot to lose, his legal troubles have hit a fever pitch and dad has the power to pardon.
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former assistant secretary joins me now and monica you know a lot about national security and foreign policy. are you comfortable with senior advisor hunter biden? >> the democrats are right now in the moment of case of emergency, break loss is not reassuring whatsoever the cognitive mess of the nonfunctioning president now turning to his son with a long history of drug addiction and now convicted felon also still under indictment for tax felonies in california and this will be his main advisor. a lot of times when presidents are under the gun and scandal tarts to envelop them correctly turn to their family members because they feel like they are the only ones they can trust and as you been reporting for so many others, white house aides turning on each other and starting to cannibalize each other so now they feel like the only people they can turn to our jill and hunter and hunter also
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a set of eyes and ears for joe and jill and the rest of the west wing so he is essentially a mole for their family in their own white house and this is a very dangerous moment for the country. >> kayleigh: that is very smart as the white house is leaking and do you think joe biden will be the nominee? democrats want him out as soon as this week. >> i have been saying for two and half years i thought the democrats would swap him out because since day one he has been a cognitive mess and unable to function in the full capacity the job requires so i have been saying this for a very long time. i don't think they would have prominent democrats and mouthpieces like the editorial board of new york times coming out with declarative statements saying joe biden has to go. they cannot go into the selection with him at the top of the ticket i don't think they
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would be sending him out to twist in the wind if the plans were not afoot among the left powerbrokers to replace him. >> kayleigh: we will be watching and news's breaking by the moment and thank you very much for being here. >> kayleigh: campaign against trump here is dead. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet,
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> kayleigh: it keeps coming. this time, a second democratic congresswoman now warning biden will lose to trump in november congresswoman perez told the local station that millions of viewers can't un- see the debate and not happy but trump will win and joins another joining the chorus of democratic lawmakers speaking directly to joe biden and we will keep you updated. yesterday supreme court ruling on presidential immunity will crush the campaign against trump and another when as jeffrey toobin from cnn sank january 6th case is as good as dead. >> it means the january 6 case
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is at a minimum delayed until after the election but i think will never be tried because if you look at how chief justice roberts framed the issue, he said all official conduct is not only off-limits for prosecution but there can't be any evidence presented about official conduct. >> kayleigh: bad news for jack smith and alvin bragg as this will have an immediate impact on the house when he case in new york the judge now delaying former president trump sentencing until september following a request from the former presidents attorneys and now the original sentencing date set for july 11th, days before the rnc but there's a chance chance the sentencing may never happen at all trump's lawyers intend to argue the supreme court decision should void his recent felony conviction and they make it their way as the
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judge ended his response to the trump team is saying, the matters adjourned to september 18th, 2024 at 10:00 am for the imposition of a sentence if such is still necessary joining me now attorney in these words are pretty important if the sentencing is still necessary and to you in the trump team believes this could throne out altogether? >> i definitely believe it as a supreme court was very clear about presidential immunity and at the end of the day, president trump has been right all along as there was an admissible evidence presented in this case and should have been thrown out from the gecko and a bias judge and now for this judge to finally realize the rule of law will prevail and he has to at least push sentencing is only a matter of time before he realizes he need to dismiss the case and a case closed for trump
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>> kayleigh: basically what's happening is the trump team said earlier on that some of this evidence relates to official powers and should not be admissible and judge refuel to rule on it and this could've been avoided but here we are so that has moved to september and in the january 6 case you heard jeffrey toobin who thinks that has gone entirely and do you agree? >> i 1 percent agree and what the supreme court has said that no president is above the law meaning if they are acting within presidential scope and authority which president trump was doing not only january 6 to talk about election results but through his case even in the hush money case and he continued to tell courts these are presidential and official acts and the judge because he was biased refused to allow the courts to actually understand there was a proper legal
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argument here and his bias continue to control this legal case and what we are seeing as they are backpedaling fast as the supreme court pushed back from us amenity case will have a massive implication on every single case pending including this new york sentencing case which will be thrown out. >> kayleigh: i hesitate to ask this and quickly here but is welfare dead officially dead? >> i think law fair is but democrats will continue to try to take trump down at any cost so we have to be vigilant and strong to continue to abide by the rule of law and win this election in november. >> kayleigh: thank you very much. ramping up to extreme new levels hysteria since the ruling as news outlets as well as elected officials cares -- carelessly toying with the ideas of death squads and assassination
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attempts. "presidents can murder, rape, steel and pretty much do whatever they want so long as they argue that's part of the official job of the president of the united states and there is no crime that pierces the veil of absolute immunity." i was not aware murder or rape car -- part of the core parts of the president but apparently missed out and is not only the rhetoric disturbing but is not true. read what chief justice john roberts wrote yesterday and said the president is not above the law but these liberal fanatics don't care about the fact and certainly don't care but the weight their words carry. >> as justice sotomayor says, the president could order seal team to assassinate the president. >> assassination attempt on democracy by donald trump supreme court. >> people exploring options to live in other countries if they
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think they could be targeted by prosecution for donald trump so targeting queue or meet would be an official act. >> this is a death squad ruling. >> our democracy really took a stab in the heart. >> theoretically, president biden acting within the scope of his official duties could dispatch the military and take out the conservative justices. >> kayleigh: violent and crazy rhetoric with no signs of slowing down and without skipping a beat, democrats seizing on the decision using as an excuse to bring back your un-american arguments to remake the high court in whatever way they see fit. elizabeth warren saying donald trump and mitch mcconnell stole two seats on the supreme court and we are living with the consequences and i've said it before it's time to expand the court. elizabeth warren is not alone as other democrats calling for radical changes to the court that would swing it in their favour.
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>> this is a rogue supreme court and it must be reined in. >> the court is out of control this is not the way courts ought to behave. >> they have shown a propensity to completely overturn willy-nilly long-standing precedents the next court may need to do that to get us back in firmly into the centre. >> kayleigh: ned ryan joins me now and i'm laughing and maybe you can explain this one for me but i could knock it over the quote about presidents cannot murder, rape and steel we know only official actions protected. where an article to presidential core powers are reaping stealing and murdering? >> i'm afraid that's not there but typical of the neurotic left is all they have delusional paranoia the president can assassinate political rivals that scotus has elected an american king and all they have is insane lies and they're not right in the head and we should
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all agree all those people on the left are truly living in an alternate reality and very disturbed mentally but nuclear away they're deeply frustrated and angry and arranged about you mentioned there law fair is dead as scotus said, hey, just because you don't like a previous presidency it's not a crime because you don't like your political opponent, you can't throw him in jail is that's unconstitutional knot that the left really cares about the constitution but all they care about is power and they will destroy norms in the constitution and our electoral process whatever stands in the weights again and achieve power and that's their one goal and the one thing they seek and i find it deeply hypocritical knot that they care that they are hypocritical but sometime scotus when held by a liberal majority the best thing in their world as the super legislature does what they want but sometimes it's
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outside constitutional bounds and should be packed and have term limits on supreme court justices and remind the left and remember when fdr tried to do to pack the court that it was soundly rejected by the american people in congress because they saw it as what it was as a power grab. >> kayleigh: i don't believe there will be a second biden term but you think they will try that? >> i think they would be fools to try it that there are enough sane american people and even some sane democrats who say you can't go that far and you know exactly what this is as this is a power grab and you can't do that and destroying the norms he lived under for decades and we can't live at that so they are deranged and insane but i think there'd be significant political backlash if they did. >> kayleigh: there is through lying to what we've been talking about the dems want biden out
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this week and will happen today the judge is sentencing not till december and all of this puts more pressure to get biden out and do you see the connection there and think there's more pressure and heat among democrats to get him out? >> absolutely because it was central to his reelection campaign in some ways essential part was part of the campaign banking on somehow get trump thrown into jail and not have to face him and now they realizing it's collapsing and president biden has reached almost complete cognitive collapse and they realize all their plans to take out trump are not working and now have to run a campaign and now potential nominee can barely put together two or three sentences on the stage and had to use a teller prompted her -- teleprompter for his attack and they realize they have a serious problem but last thing i don't know if the bidens will go quietly into that good night and
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i think of real resistance of that and what i would love to see biden go to the dnc and there be a floor revolt and a bloodbath. >> kayleigh: he may feint on stage and he admitted to donors tonight that he almost fell asleep on the stage so we'll see if he. >> he is not well. >> kayleigh: know he is not. what you need to know ahead of the fourth of july.
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>> kayleigh: if you're flying this fourth of july weekend, keep your seatbelts fastens a new tray pot tree table lock as you might have a bumpy ride. flights from spain had such bad turbulence over 30 people injured and fox news correspondent here with the latest. >> turbulence hit so hard it launched one man into an overhead bin during the flight. take a look and see his feet
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sticking out another passengers help them come down and over 30 people suffered from injuries and one passenger described it like this. >> reporter: from one moment to the next, the plane destabilize and went to a dive and the people to not have seatbelts went into the air and they got hurt and those who had sepals on not so much. >> see the remnants of that which what appears to be a bloodstain on a cm business class and back in economy, an entire seat collapsed and emergency responders carried at least one person off the plane and a stretcher and here's another passenger talking about the chaos onboard. >> reporter: fractures and injuries and pretty horrible feeling and thought we were going to die but thank god it didn't happen. >> they tell fox that the injured, most suffering from bruises and contusions treated in various hospitals and at the moment only six passengers remain in the hospital.
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flight took off from spain headed to uruguay and the boeing 7879 dreamliner emergency landed in brazil and airline confirms external conditions because the turbulence and nothing malfunctioned with the plane and all but seven of the passengers now their final destination six still in the hospital and one passenger had enough and immediately flew back to spain. >> kayleigh: wow and prayers for those passengers. quite a week and only tuesday. the campaign is on. joe has got to go some democrats wanted this week and more news all week leading up to that blockbuster interview and all eyes on joe biden. is this the beginning of the end for joe. that's the question and all we have tonight and 'hannity' is up next. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]


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