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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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headed to uruguay and the boeing 7879 dreamliner emergency landed in brazil and airline confirms external conditions because the turbulence and nothing malfunctioned with the plane and all but seven of the passengers now their final destination six still in the hospital and one passenger had enough and immediately flew back to spain. >> kayleigh: wow and prayers for those passengers. quite a week and only tuesday. the campaign is on. joe has got to go some democrats wanted this week and more news all week leading up to that blockbuster interview and all eyes on joe biden. is this the beginning of the end for joe. that's the question and all we have tonight and 'hannity' is up next. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> welcome to the special addition of 'hannity' ate meant for sean and tonight panic and desperation at 1600 pennsylvania avenue as a frail and cognitively impaired president selfishly clinks a power moments ago at a closed-door fundraiser in virginia, joe biden spoke for just six minutes reportedly telling donors his poor debate performance was because he "decided to travel around the world a couple of times shortly before the debate and biden says he almost fell asleep on stage and in reality, prior to the debate, seven full days hold up at delaware in camp david to her hearse and rest but meanwhile earlier today and what another sad attempt to demonstrate vigour, joe biden shuffled out to a location near the white house at about 1:00 pm for a short prepared speech about the
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weather. >> to folks who know these resources available to them telling the group that you have to know how to know and we think everyone understands and it's complicated we've invested billions to enhance her power grid and expand energy shortages >> kelly-ann: wise shall biden using a teleprompter for a short informal speech? is he not able to speak on his own and the people behind him don't look exactly thrilled's. per usual, biden took no questions and at one point focused in the wrong direction with that same thousand yard stare we all saw at the debate last week and later he strong commands arm skin apparently enamored with his tattoo and finally biden got confused again
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and needed to be directed to the exit and that's all in a days work but according to his press secretary, his horrendous performance of last week's debate was just an isolated incident due to a simple cold. watch this. >> let me step back for a minute and deal with the questions i have come in about the debate and honestly something the president has addressed himself multiple times since this past thursday and first of all we understand the concerns and we get it as the president did not have a great night as you all know and many of you reached out during the debate in the president had a cold and a hoarse voice. >> if this is an episode or a condition? which one is it? >> what i can tell you is that he had a cold and a bad night and i would not see this as an
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episode but as what it was in what we believe it to be which was a bad night. >> kelly-ann: the lies between them, there's not a doctor in the house there. kj p. under fire refused to say from the white house press briefing room whether biden on any medication and she also refused to say if biden would ever take a cognitive exam and this comes as democratic donors reportedly freaked out by the president's poor performance at private fundraisers and now even james carville demanding his party nominate someone else. meanwhile, notable left-leaning statistician nate silver calling democrats [ bleep ] cowards who should be shunned from public for not speaking out and right on cue, congressman doggett of austin texas became the first elected democrats to publicly
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ask joe to drop out and another democrat in a swing district penned this op-ed "donald trump will win the election and democracy will be just fine. at the same time, other top democrats continue to stand by the president despite a mountain of pressure as nancy pelosi laughably called biden masterful but now even biden's powells in the mainstream media painting a different picture here's carl bernstein on cnn. >> part of the people you're talking, what are you hearing? >> these are people very close to president biden who love him and among them are some people who have raise a lot of money for him and they are adamant that what we saw the other night the joe biden we saw is not a one-off that there have been 15 or 20 occasions in the last year
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and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show we witnessed >> kelly-ann: biden will spend days preparing for speeches and debates but yet he steer -- still struggles but on the other hand according to a report in the washington post, vice president really prepares for anything and constantly refuses to put in that prep work according to our staffers. this administration has been doomed from the start and joining us now it's reaction is florida congressman and fox news contributor and thank you for joining me tonight and i want to focus in on common harris because here we have chilled biden over prepared rushing and goosing and juicing at camp david for a week for no good results but harris has opposite problem as most days it says the vice president has nothing on
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her official schedule and she's turned the vice presidency into no-show and her own staffer said she refuses to prepare so are we worse off with the cognitively declining president who over prepares or a cackling vice president who under prepares? >> it's good to be with you and i will tell you we are worse off no matter what the outcome is and we know joe biden can't do this job and what we've seen and limited ability with common harris the dish she does on the ability to do it as well as she was the border czar tapped by joe biden to fix our southern border and she went down to the northern triangle countries instead of spending time on the southern border understanding all the implications of joe biden's reckless policy decisions when it came to securing this nation we have not seen her sense and the factor schedule is wide open indicative of a couple things and number 1 a looks like she does not want to put her hands on this mess and she's trying to stay out of
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the way and it appears joe biden does not want her to be involved at all and israel division in this white house and that's the way it appears to me but the american people need to understand whether joe biden or anyone else that the radical democrat agenda remains the same the democrats all agree in open borders and massively overspending and being weak on foreign policy front and none of those things will work out for the american people they both need to be defeated. >> kelly-ann: you served with some of these house members today coming forward and asking joe biden to drop out in one row and op-ed that it was not a spontaneous thought that planned and published it and said he's been in congress for 30 years into you think others of your colleagues in the house will follow or people will circle the wagons around joe biden and the question for the audience that does even matter if all these members drop out and joe and
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jill will stay in? >> it doesn't matter what they say that joe biden will make this decision and along with hunter and will go from there. the have a lot of democrats come out because now they're trying to save their own political skins because they have seen they cannot hide behind joe biden and the media is not protecting joe biden because the media lied to the american people to and they knew what was going on with joe and did not want to report it but now they have to because everyone has seen a tragic shape reason so these democrats will come out more and more but it won't matter because joe biden has to decide what is going to do this family which has been masterful at grafting on behalf of the american government for decades now, i don't know what they will decide the hymn and calm of the harris they both need to be defeated. >> kelly-ann: thank you congressman and told us
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basically the media instead of covering joe biden which is their job as they have been covering for him and they need to forgive him because they've suddenly found religion on joe biden and you have such a sharp eye and criticizing and calling out the media not just as bias but i think the joe biden cover-up is really a story about the media as we already know what we see in right now this comes down to do you believe as an american what the democrats are saying or what you as an individual are seeing? after 2016 when everyone got the election wrong, no one lost her job they all just stayed in d. you think there will be some kind of reckoning in the media for covering up the lie of joe biden's mental and physical fitness?
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>> i think the reckoning only comes when accountability is applied in other words when people start losing their jobs actually are suspended or reprimanded by their bosses by saying, how could you go on national television after hearing joe biden mingled the english language or when he forgets the names of world leaders were talks about speaking to world leaders that died years ago or can't remember cabinet member names or said he inherited 9 percent inflation or that his uncle was even by cannibals or you saw him fall down on a stage or fall off his bike or fall going upstairs at the steps of air force one and tell the american people with a straight face mind you the everything you heard is a cheap fake manipulated and edited and don't believe what you just saw and heard is that never happened and there should absolutely be a
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reckoning and maybe that comes in ratings and subscriptions in the industry continuing to fold and by the way i love the excuse that he had a cold in the first cold in the history of colds that make someone completely inarticulate and incoherent and it now forces people to be confused while morphing into somehow the version of the grandfather of max andrew? anyone who melted down the way joe biden did five nights ago call a press conference to show he can do the job but instead of that he's running with george stephanopoulos a former clinton temple who's totally an objective journalist that that's the ticket in the interview air 10 days after the debate happen on friday pretaped so they can edit and homogenize it before presenting on sunday and know this that you will see list cheney poolside at mara lago
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before you see joe biden to any interview live on television again without editing. >> kelly-ann: there is an analogy for you and if you told me we were living in a "saturday night live" skit, i would believe you but grateful for this powerhouse panel thank you for joining us. this won't come as a surprise but polls showing massive swing towards donald trump as according to a new survey, trump is now up two points in new hampshire and a 12-point swink and meanwhile debate sponsor cnn came out the new poll shows trump increasing his lead nationwide and most voters indicate democrats have a better chance of keeping the white house if biden is not the nominee and what used to vex a donald trump the electability now being applied and nate silver's forecast confirms the sentiment finding trump has a 7n
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november. remarkable. joining us now pollster and also deputy campaign communications director caroline sunshine nsi to have both of you join us and we're just starting to get the new numbers in from the postdebate polls and it looks like everything coming up trump but on the other side everything was down for biden which are very different things and how would someone like joe biden to recover from poll numbers generated by what we saw? >> the only way to recover if he can demonstrate if he's able to hold a conversation and have a press conference and take questions and be able to do the job in people's concern is significant as when i had the focus group live on debate night , we had democrats and
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independents and republicans and jaws were dropping and so concerned. nothing joe biden has done so far alleviated the concern and he went on friday and did his rally and we have not heard him unscripted yet not until sunday any has to be out there changing the narrative so the question is getting worse and people are saying is he capable of changing the narrative? until he's able to do that, this is the tip of the iceberg and i think we'll see them get worse and worse and undecided voters we had packed four of them switch the donald trump that night and not all of them republicans but three of them independents and one was a democrat and said they could not vote for joe biden after watching that debate and i think we will continue to see this until a change happens or something gives. >> kelly-ann: thank you very much for joining us as i see this contrast that joe biden not doing press conferences are
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unscripted interviews but apparently not talking to members of his own party and yet to reach out to jeffries the minority leader in the house poised to be speaker if joe biden has a wave. how is that working? year with donald trump most days and you know he's constantly working the phones because when you're the nominee, you're the leader of the party and it strikes me that joe biden is making a huge mistake by isolating himself and how are you dealing with what's been the best week for a donald trump in quite some time but the supreme court decisions and the debate in the polls predebate and now postdebate and are you keeping a humble trying to win or celebrating a little? >> i can tell you the conversations in our campaign and our party are very different from the democrats panic and
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disarray and we cannot be prouder to have president trump as our nominee and he is unified and inspired our party and our conversations about how much money we are raising on the liberal reporters in our inboxes asking us how we are celebrating and capitalizing on so much winning in one week and thinking about which states like virginia and minnesota we will flip and think about which big beautiful massive crowd we will put president trump and his winning message in front of next as president trump continues to win for our party and our movement for rachel moran and will keep winning on behalf of all the forgotten men and women of our country. >> kelly-ann: he's lucky to have you caroline and lee,'s seems like joe biden maybe contracting his map in dc of root for him in north carolina or nevada which is not gone republican since 2004 but we're donald trump consistently ahead
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in the racially diverse states? can you think of any state where he can expand his map? >> know and in fact thanks are looking bleak and getting worse and did not expect to see poll numbers like this and trump is winning in those states and look at what's happening in new hampshire and yet here we are here you pointed out 2016 posters had things wrong but 2020, donald trump never leading in the polls and anyone said he would went doing that understand they would underestimate him and he overs -- always over performs and even outperformed in 2020 expected joe biden to win on a landslide and yet here we are and we have not seen joe biden ahead of the poll since april and things are getting worse and worse and i think we'll see some real shifts and among some audiences you would not expect with shifts and black voters and
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hispanic voters and even in female voters which we did not think was expected so across-the-board, the for joe looks worse and worse. >> kelly-ann: a new gender gap in american politics even if the biased media does not cover it and the biden's problem with men dipping terribly even before the debate and i think this is a very important conversation to have so we will all be watching and the senate race democrats eating republicans in many places. thank you so much for your time tonight. serious question tonight if biden is not fit to run for reelection, how can he possibly carry out his critical duties as commander-in-chief right now and joining us with his reaction is south carolina senator lindsey graham. let me put that question to you if the man we see in front of us cannot handle an answer to an obvious debate question feet
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away from donald trump, how can you handle being the commander-in-chief of our armed forces of feet away from world leaders who don't exactly like america? >> how does he absorb what's going on in the world given what we saw on the debate as our enemies are watching that debate and i'm very worried about what they took away from this debate and if you are iran text you push thinking biden is compromised? bottom line is this is a very dangerous time and when president trump told her enemies watch what you are doing here and don't take advantage of the situation, i hope our enemies are listening. 76 percent believe joe biden is not capable mentally of having the job and if you are a democratic senator in these contests as joe biden will saying you and i think they will replace them and i think it will be abundantly obvious you cannot
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convince the american people this guy can serve another four years that he is not mentally with it in the world is too dangerous to have him in the commander-in-chief chair so i think a real move soon to replace him but here's what i want you to know you may change the name of the person but they all have the same policies. >> kelly-ann: that's what's important as is not just the energy and the policies and trying to convince us that joe biden the secret trapeze artists behind the scenes and no one's buying get senator i want to ask you that do you see anybody in the democratic party in the united states who is willing to stand up to say joe, you have to go? >> i think you'll see more and more of that. if you are a tester in montana or end of ada or bob casey, asking until the cows come home
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you think joe biden fit to serve for more years and mentally capable and 77 percent say he is not so you will be running against the headwinds of the folks in your own state and we need the tapes did he have a cold? does not explain his behaviour on that night or is it deeper what they said it's been a long time in the making and have they been lying to us for over a year? remember when special council interviewed president biden and concluded they would have a hard time convicting him because the jury would believe he's a nice man with the bad memory and i want those tapes and i want to hear them because that will be a good comparison as to weather or not i was a cold or a continuous problem or they are withholding information to the american people to make a good judgement biden should serve former years and i want to hear those tapes and i don't think this is a cold
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but a problem in the making for over a year and they've been lying to us and covering it at up. >> kelly-ann: release the tapes and in a people power and yes, you serve with harris in the senate initiate up shift to the job of president? >> i think all of her in six or bad when it comes to making a safe and prosperous she's capable physically butter policy choices are horrible in a nightmare for the american people if she gets to be president of the united states. >> kelly-ann: to get to the bank as senator graham spent the time with her the most of us and south carolina, thank you so much for joining us. coming up. the media is having a meltdown over the supreme court presidential immunity ruling and we will show you the worst of it and plus an update on trump's new york since -- you're not gonnava believe this
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[ ♪♪ ] >> kelly-ann: welcome back for this special edition of 'hannity' predictably, supreme court ruling calls a ways -- a wave of hysteria and here are some of the highlights. >> donald trump tells every chance he gets the he believes deeply and fully the he should be above the law as president and it is in a deep sense of core campaign message for a second term to finish the job on january 6 and asked the court to grant him the power and today shockingly and appallingly. >> this is a desk audit ruling in a ruling that says as long as you can construe it as an official act, it's a death squad act and never be held
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accountable not white while your president but forever. >> we should pull the curtain back as people are exploring options to live in other countries if they think they could be targeted for prosecution because they're targeting you and would be an official act. >> kelly-ann: congressional democrats out for revenge and aoc once to impeach some of the justices and another new york democrat once a constitutional amendment to overturn a decision based on the constitution here senator elizabeth warren renewed her a call to pack the court in meanwhile earlier today, even more heads exploded on the left as new york judge announced he's moving trump's sentencing date from next thursday to september and says he needs time to consider the impact of yesterday supreme court ruling and also
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writes a sentence may no longer be necessary at all another huge win for donald trump in here with reaction to all of, former advisor steven miller and former massachusetts and also ambassador to new zealand and samoa steven miller, a week like this seems to highlight the real dangers i'm when you have members of congress calling for "revenge, impeachment and constitutional amendments, draw a straight line from the two assassins being outside their houses so hope you're more careful but why do you tell us three big things that happened this week we all need to know that are different from last week? >> first of all as you mentioned, the widespread calls for political violence from prominent democrats up and down the country talking about assassinations in this endless
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list of horrors but the second and most important thing is how unhinged and angry and unhedged democrats are because the supreme court impeded their plan and their plot to jail and frame joe biden's opposition leader before the election and what all this comes down to year after year of unending law fair and we know about steve bannon and peter navarro and all of these advisors harassed and hounded and persecuted in the january 6 on select committee and about willis and jack smith and alvin braga. they are enraged because the supreme court dared to stop their communist witchhunt into impeach again there way for an effort to turn this into a fully communist lawless country in the third point what's dawning on us right now is that we are living in the most vulnerable national
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security moment in the history of our country because we have one president who is incompetent by means of senility in a vice president incompetent by means of imbecility so the scene out joe biden and the imbecile combo harris and as a result we are not safe. >> kelly-ann: a scary portrait he painted and you had ted community's seat and your prediction on nonelectability so you know it is a job to advise and consent on judicial nominations to search and destroy what your colleagues have done and how do you feel about the immunity decision and as a former senator that you have former colleagues calling notches for political violence but really for constitutional amendments throwing connections every time they don't get a decision their way and they whine and stomp and mommy is saying you can only have two
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cookies with your milk tonight. what's going on? >> first of all it's great to see you and it was the people see and not just community seat and i took that job seriously and especially with the dissent and fantasizing about these crazy things that may are never ever happen and i've never seen anything like it and it's juvenile handing out political leaflets they will pack the court whenever they don't agree and who is really happy right now is joe biden the people murdered as a result of the illegals coming into this country the people who died protecting our country and the terrible exit from afghanistan and do you think there is a conservative da or parent in a conservative state that wants to do something to joe biden when it comes to the law after he's out of office? of course there is sovereign
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immunity and chief justice spot on saying as long as any actions taken with this time as president would be protected as we don't want the president immediately sank what will happen after i make it they need to make a split decision period and if it's not done within the course of his octaves president and that's a different story. >> kelly-ann: all excellent points and steven miller sounds like you're playing defence but what can you tell the viewers about what you've been up to in terms of filing the suit with groups like yours calling out the left by filing suits and making sure if it's overregulation or other nonsense the left can get away and tell us what's happening there. >> one of the most important lawsuits is against the department of justice to obtain records that show the extent to
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which the new york city trial is a biden trial and we all know how the number 3 doj one of the most powerful legal jobs left mysteriously to take a day to day job in the city prosecutor's office and the only reason you do that is to orchestrate the prosecution from biden on down and refused to turn over the records as the law required so took them to federal court and eagerly await the opportunity to share them on these airways. >> kelly-ann: and important conversation because it seems like the last many years that the lawfare going in one direction so quickly it seems like they keep saying donald trump is not above the law but they kinda want him to be below the law have you ever seen anyone treated this way by so many people at a time such as this?
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>> our country needs to get back to civility is everyone pushing to get joe biden now and i can reflect in new zealand that no one new her in the person of the labour party stepped down and forced her into the spotlight and you had jacinda return and ruled the roost forever and i have real problems the country has gone back to the right so let's not take a win so is not over till it's over and have to make sure we cross our teas to get every single vote out and have those spotters at the ballots and don't shut down the polling and have cameras everywhere so they can to any hanky-panky and let's go when an election. >> kelly-ann: a great blueprint for november and thank you so much for joining us here up next, senator tim scott to discuss plus our identity
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politics preventing dems from pushing biden out? we will the senate he thinks coming up. 's
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[ ♪♪ ] >> kelly-ann: welcome back. trump search for a running mate continues a new report says biden disastrous debate performance slow down trumps rush to announce a decision and according to a new poll, to candidates in particular gave the trump campaign a big boost. florida senator marco rubio and tim scott. meanwhile as questions around biden ability continue to grow, his campaign is based on identity politics and we knew that from 2020 so is it identity politics preventing them from
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dumping joe? if biden drops out, will harass seemingly next in line but her approval ratings almost as bad as biden's and that did not stop one democrat from mourning the party against bypassing the vice president. >> a long list of democrats of the harris and gavin newsom and the list goes on and on and where is their consensus? you have to build consensus and there is not it right now and if you pick a white man over harris, black woman will blow the party up. >> kelly-ann: wow he or care with reaction south carolina senator tim scott and you served with commonly harris and you think she's up to the job of being president? >> the one thing to be clear about is harris has been an abysmal failure as a vice president but it terrible leader
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when it comes to beating the borders are. our border is an absolute disaster in crisis over 10 million people across our borders illegally and she has been unable to find the southern border for nearly three years she could not find it. 70,000 americans have lost their lives because of fentanyl coming across our southern border and i can't think of a worse person to ascend to the nominee then her with identity politics of race and not competency has got them stopped with only two choices, joe biden and calm will harris and she is worth her ticket but if you're a conservative or a republican or independent or american patriot you get former years of donald trump and that is good news for our country the
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most dominant performance we seen in a debate delivered by donald jay trump. >> kelly-ann: it was something in the polls reflect that and it was a great night and joe biden lost the debate and had a cold travelling around the world but forgetting to say trump won that debate so thank you for amplifying that. senator scott the selection of commonly harris in the first place is joe biden out in front sink he sounded like a sophomore frappe boy at the end of, -- a keg party saying i need a woman and stuck with commonly harris and said i want to choose a black woman and that is fine except he said the quiet part out loud told us how he got her and she saying she just hasn't performed capably in the job. let's fast forward to a big selection president trumbull make his vp choice in the coming weeks we think by the convention and he has a very long shortlist
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and you are certainly on and everyone knows that and senator scott, whether you serve as number 2 on the ticket or on the campaign trail, what do you expect between now and november and what keeps you up at night despite the great polls on the wonderful debate performance and will have say worried about another four years of joe biden? >> the democrats are absolutely desperate and the big story this week is the media and the democrats along with the white house have been deceiving the american people about joe biden's mental acuity for years and they are actually involved in election interference trying to keep president donald trump off the campaign trail and that's what's got me worried but they will lie, cheat and steal to win this election in this election very close until october heading into november so we have to have every republican
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and every patriot and every independent out working the polls and start early and go often and have to have all her folks working every single day and democracy is at stake and we seen joe biden weaponizing the doj and that causes an implosion of the greatest republican the entire world and how do we stop that from happening? show up at the polls and have to have the day of reckoning in the day is november 5th but it starts in september and north carolina and spreads and we have to vote early and by mail and use every tool in the toolkit to make sure the american people awarded with former years of donald trump and more years of prosperity. >> kelly-ann: glad to hear you talk about early voting basically still a message but important to vote early and i'm glad they have swapped the vote.
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wire usage an advocate for school choice? >> every child and every zip code deserves quality education in four years of donald trump will have charter schools back around the country and donald trump will bring it back to life >> kelly-ann: thank you both so much for joining us. straightahead, since a presidential debate, biden team keeps making one mistake after another and we will bring you the latest and greatest thing it reaction on all of it. next.
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[♪♪] welcome back to this special addition of "hannity". amid the ongoing debate fall
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out,'s pr choices have raised eyebrows. during his speech just today, americans could not help but notice the president's fake orange glow. which led to relentless mocking on social media. with some users saying they spray tanned biden to make him appear younger. and today more controversy surrounding jill biden's vogue interview. this was her third cover in just three years and a clear indication of how much the first lady loves to be in the spotlight. here now with reaction, host of -- along with a host of the tudor dixon podcast. charlie, i'm really struck by some of the quotes from jill biden, she says if you want to know what power feels like, try to get yourself driven around in a motorcade, flashing police chaperone lights as you blaze down an empty highway, cars waiting on the overpasses as if the world is holding it's breath for you. she's like our modern day evita.
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i know we all miss millenial trump, a humble, graceful got brilliant first lady who does not want to inconvenience people, but my goodness, the more we learn about jill biden even this last week it seems like she's the hand rocking the cradle and keeping joe in the race. what do you think? >> i think first of all let this be a lesson to the younger viewers out there that it really is important how you decide to marry because eventually they will become a representation of you. i think we've all known when joe biden's ambitions have been for quite some time but now jill biden's ambitions are becoming ever the more clear. she just got her third folk cover but right now it's become very evident that she's willing to do whatever it takes to drive her corpse of a husband into a second term if it means maybe securing her fourth vogue cover because then should beat michelle obama. and trump, zero covers, and i
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don't expect that to change at this point. but i think really jill biden proved what she's made of the other night when she disgustingly paraded her husband joe out in front of everybody, making a mockery out of him, like a kindergartner, really showing that elderly abuse, not above what she's willing to do if it means four more years of glitz and glamor but i hate to break it to her, we will call her queen, dr, whatever she wants, she should soak it in because is not going to last much longer. soon enough she will be sitting in traffic with the rest of us. >> everyone has a relative or friend who has a relative who experiences physical and/or mental decline. that's okay, but we usually give them privacy and comfort and support and love, not the pulpit and the presidency of the united states and insist to loved ones that we do that. joe biden seems to be next level and i'm curious, as somebody who has her own podcast, communicating with the public and has one for public office, i'm curious about the lack of transparency that the democrats seem to get away with, that we
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are just starting to see why joe biden and jill biden are clinging onto power. first he has a cold, then he's traveling around the world, then it turns out he's too pay also be have to spray tanned him. what do you want americans to take from this, even just the last week alone? >> i've thought about this so much, just the difference between what it is to run as a republican. i think everyone has seen it on the large-scale with donald trump and what the media has done to attack donald trump, but even in a race like in michigan, the media is so unfriendly and to the fact that they go after republicans, they dissect every aspect of your life and yet they have held for this man this position and pretended that he was well when they knew he was not well. they knew exactly what was going on and they knew that they weren't getting the access they should and then when they did get the access, they covered
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what they saw when they had it. it's totally irresponsible for journalism. i've seen some people, it's almost like you see a breakaway of the mainstream media because i've seen some say man, this was a huge mistake, how did we miss this? journalism has to come back. others defending. i'm hoping it changes things. >> i agree, i do hope. you said an important word, we know they are unfair but you said unfriendly and conservatives know that. thank you for joining us, happy independence day. "hannity" right after the break. t bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. greg gutfeld is next. have a great night. [♪♪] [ cheering and applause ] [♪♪]