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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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ralph lauren coat and it is a bia g coat. it's got a christmas carol vibe to id t but whatof is under the hunger and want or hunter andkn want to?owshe' i don't know what she's tryingsl to convey but it is all bad and> terrible at this moment. >> brian: i know "the new york post" called her vogue and him vague. have a great weekend and thank you so much and i should say i am not laura ingraham, i filled in tonight. catch me on one nation, we have a great lineup. sh it is jesse watters next on prime time. watch. >> democrats are breaking ranks with president biden before
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election day and two dozens members of congress are gearing up to ask biden to step aside. live in washington. >> white house going back to the well to bring gas prices down before the 4th of july rush and a cabinet member for biden is trying to explain away impact of bad policies. >> one reason inflation has been high is energy costs. the president is looking to bring down costs for people if they want to transition to electric vehicles, as well. >> and taking love of country to a new level, draping an entire house in a giant american flag. they are both here to help us ring in independence day. this is wednesday morning, i'm ashley. >> i'm joey jones in for todd piro. thank you for joining us on this
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busy wednesday morning, july 3. get to our top stories. 25 house democrats are reportedly ready to ask the president to drop out of the race. >> today biden will try to calm the nevers of worried governors gathering at the white house. doug luzader has details. good morning, doug. >> doug: good morning. this meeting today between president and group of democratic governors is designed to quell their fears about continuing in the white house, much les defeating former president trump at the ballot box come november. we have a number of democrats that are now breaking that wall of support we had seen for so long among them. representative doggetts he wished he had called on biden
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sooner to drop out. >> i remain hopeful despite input from his staff and family members, that he will look at the numbers and realize this is a hill too high for him to climb and call on someone else. >> democratic congressman jared golden of maine wrote this, biden's poor performance was not a surprise, donald trump is going to win and i'm okay, there are winners and losers in every election. reuters reporting 25 democratic members of house of representatives calling for biden to step aside if he seems shaky in the coming days. there are reports of a big staff meeting at the white house today
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to boost moral. the white house announced the president will sit down for a one-on-one interview later this week with abc news. >> that is rare. thanks. >> joey: even form upper president obama is concerned debate might be too much for biden to bound back from. obama has long-harbored worries about his party refeeting donald trump, rather thanking how challenging it will be to win reelection. it goes to to clarify obama is not calling on his former vice president to drop out of the race and the biden campaign thanks him. president biden is grateful for president obama's unwaiver ing support since beginning of the campaign as powerful messenger
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and trusted advisor to the president. >> vice president kamala harris is tweaking her schedule to get closer to the president for independence day events. she is outperforming herun aring mate, she says she is not interested in being at top of the ticket. >> many have expressed concern about president biden's health and doggett is calling on president biden to withdraw from the race. what is your response to this? >> joe biden is our nominee, we beat trump once and we'll beat him again. >> are you ready to lead the nation if necessary? >> byron donaldses she couldn't do the job if she wanted to.
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>> what we've seen in limited ability with kamala harris, she does not have ability to do it. she was border czar, tapped by joe biden to fix the northern border and she did not spend time on the southern border understanding implications of joe biden's reckless policy decisions and we have not seen her since. her schedule is wide open, indicative of a couple things. she does not want to put her hands in any of this mess. it appears joe biden does not want her involved at all, there is division in the white house. >> joey: division, to say the least, i don't know the president and vice president of sympatico. and the legal cases against former president trump. democrats are not happy and vowing to get agresive, live
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report next. >> plus, all-star lineup with lara trump, joe concha and cheryl casone. keep it here on "fox and friends first."
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm.
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it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> ashley: los angeles police arresting man accused of stealing a children's hospital brous and leading them on a wild chase across the city. two employees were on the bus when its taken but they got away. you can see him narrowly missing
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oncoming traffic after getting back on to the wrong lane. the driver ditched the van at home depot, ran into the store and walked out in handcuffs a short time later. former president trump's new york case is delayed after supreme court's recent ruling. >> chanley painter joins us with more. >> trump's team moved swiftly in asking judge juan merchan a de delay. >> judge merchan has a serious problem on their hands. there were items introduced that i believe are covered by the supreme court immunity decision that corrupts the entire trial and could be grounds for a
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retrial. >> it is not clear how this will affect trump's 34 counts, judge merchan issued a letter saying he will make a decision september 6 and sentence if such is still necessary. the former president celebrated the delay saying impact of immunity ruling is loud and clear signal for justice in the united states. democratic lawmakers are not pleased. ha hakeem jeffreys, says they will ensure extreme for right justices in majority are brought into compliance with the constitution. voting on not-for-profit ethics
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council, term limits for justices and reversing presidential immunity decision. all longshots given gop control the house currently. >> ashley: thank you. editor of restoring america kale /* kaylee mcgee white. >> this is nothing new, they have been attacking the supreme court every time they release a decision that challenges the left agenda. this ruling yesterday, fact alvin bragg was so quick to give into trump's request for delayed sentencing and merchan agreed, proves alvin bragg's team is a little nervous about what is to come. we know the hush money payment alleged was not an official act
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because president trump was not president then. merchan made it political and did introduce items of evident that happened while trump was pres president. it does not matter if hush money payment was an official act, th that will have effect on legitimacy of the trial and sentencing moving forward. >> ashley: if you turn on liberal media, all you see is democrats hammering the supreme court. that is all i saw yesterday on the news. my question to you, is this just a distraction? biden is taking a lot of heat from all directions, even some democrats. >> kaylee: attacks on the supreme court are dangerous.
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there is reason there was a man camped outside of brett kavanaugh's house threatening to kill him. the left refuses to face the music and consequences of its own policies and try to blame individuals on the bench and undermine the legitimacy of the supreme court. this affects future democratic and republican presidents, it is not a partisan ruling. democrats need to be careful who they are attacking and why they are doing so. >> ashley: white house staff is stunned to see hunter joining meetings with the president. any to the soundbite with karine jean-pierre talking to reporters. >> it is a week where there is more family members who will come to the white house, i'm
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sure i r you will see them on 4th of july. >> the question would be is he participationing in meetings with senior advisors? >> he came back with his dad from camp david, he walked him into the speech prep and he was in the room. anything else coming out of that epiradioing, i can't speak to. >> ashley: this is not small business, help your son out, this is united states of america. and american lives are in jeopardy when you have people like this sitting in a convicted felon, what could he be advising the president on? >> kaylee: i'm sure all americans are resting assured that a crack addict is one of the president's closest advisors
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and undermines what biden has been saying about trump for past several weeks, arguing donald trump is unfit for presidency because he is a convicted felon. biden has no issue taking political advice on strategy and policy matters from his son who could be addicted of additional tax fraud charges. there is good chance hunter wants his dad to stay in the race because he would benefit personally from that. if biden were to win a second term, he could commute any sentence hunter is given or pardon him all together. are family members exploiting biden for his political power. >> ashley: this is his son, he
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is going through a lot but the white house and advising the president is nowhere where he should be. thank you for your time. turning to foreign policy, former white house pres secretary jen psaki agrees to testify about the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan, details coming up. >> joey: and next guest just briefed military about threats being posed by vladamir putin, she is here next to brief us. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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putin is in kazakhstan for security and defense talks with u.s. adversaries, including china and iran. just briefed norad on threat russia poses, rebekah koffler joins me now. thank you for coming and
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bringing your book, "putin's play book." what did you brief the military on? >> this is unclassified level. i briefed them on my book. a lot of them are reading my book now, the book describes putin's war-fighting strategy and all the instruments that go into it, space warfare, cyber warfare, nuclear doctrine and a lot of other things. our military is the best war-fighting force in military history. you were in the marines and had your legs blown off, you put it all out there. i explained to commanders that is how we need to win wars. >> joey: how was that message received? >> rebekah: extremely well. our commanders at norad, north
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american aerospace defense and northern combatant command protect our country, united states and canada from missile strikes. the pentagon dismisses the russia threat, they recently said when putin sent war ships 30 miles off coast, and i just described that in an article that will be published on fox news at 7:00 a.m. the pentagon does not understand the threat, our guys do. they received my me message extremely well and they invited me to air force academy to brief them and give them more
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information. >> joey: the military is going through growing pains. when we look at the threat, we are solely focused on china as country and military, are you saying we're overlooking military threat of russia? >> rebekah: i am saying that and we have been overlooking it for years despite the fact i personally briefed the obama white house, nato, scores and scores of pentagon officials and command and highly classified level, this is unclassified version. nobody bothered to develop a de deterrent strategy against putin. i'm also saying that tactics, we have brilliant tactics, they don't win wars, strategy does. we never have one before going in. we go in and think we are going
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to roll over and defeat these people. people who are low tech with homemade gadgets, ieds, were able to mangle our forces and hardware and drove us out and 2.2 trillion dollars and 6000 american lives, same lunatics with towels on their head are ruling the country. that is lesson i'm trying to share with our commanders, trying to explain to them how to win wars. to win wars we need to understand the adversaries before we go in. >> joey: you brought up lessons learned, when i was in afghanistan we read the bear went over the mountain and fought a 20-year war against the taliban. moving on, jen psaki has agreed
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to be interviewed in the probe into how the u.s. withdrew from afghanistan. is this important? why is this important? >> rebekah: it is not, nothing this woman can say will x exonerate joe biden for what he did in afghanistan. it will not bring 6000 americans back who died, it will not bring the 13 marines. joe biden has blood on his hands because of his inkocompetence. right now, putin and xi have seen the debates and seen that our president is basically half brain dead and they are preparing their strategies so jen psaki, whole bunch of other lies just like joe biden said, there were no americans who died on his watch. are you kidding me?
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13 guys like you died in that botched withdrawal. i don't care, i'm not going to watch it. >> joey: thank you for joining us, i could talk to you all day, can't wait to read your book. >> rebekah: thank you for your service, joey. >> joey: thank you for yours. send it to meteorologist adam klotz for a look at the 4th ever july forecast. >> adam: does include hurricane season continue to be very active as we are talking about a really large storm out there, category 4 hurricane running down on jamaica taking place over course of today, winds 145 miles per hour. some winds running toward haiti, watch this play out past jamaica and running across mexico by friday. looking at weaker storm by then.
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if we continue to track by monday morning, there is risk we are running up toward south texas. this is storm to pay attention to. otherwise record across the country, folks, it is middle of the country, best chance of severe weather from ohio river valley across portions of the plains. i will leave you with the f forecast on 4th of july. best risk of rain or severe weather across midwest and stretching across the plains. coast is clear and west looking mostly clear. that is weather headlines, back to you guys. >> i thought, rain where we are on saturday. >> joey: it will make fireworks safer. stop people from getting too risky. >> ashley: "washington post" oped claims biden may not be popular, his policies are, is
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that true? unpacking with joe concha. >> joey: and talking to the family behind this awesome 4th of july display, straight ahead >> ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪
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>> joey: president biden selling off million barrels of our oil from our emergency stockpile in effort to slash fuel prices ahead of tomorrow's holiday travel rush. >> ashley: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: president biden is putting americans at resque by dipping into emergency oil reserve, spr, to cut down on rising cost of gas under his administration. department of energy will sell each barrel of boil for $2 per gallon, gas cost 3.50 yesterday, that is higher than last week. >> the president in particular from scranton is focused on
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reducing cost for everyday citizens and one reason inflation has been high has been because of energy cost. remember in the wake of the war in ukraine, gas prices were close to $5 a gallon and have come down $1 kno.50 since then. the president is looking to bring down cost if people transition to electric vehicles. >> cheryl: his administration sent 180 barrels to the open markets, six million barrels went to a chinese-owned company. the more oil you have on the global market, including with iran, which has been flooding the market selling their oil to china. you have domestic gasoline
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prices. ask yourself why we are not enforcing sanctions on iran and many energy analysts have been pointing to that. >> ashley: don't miss cheryl, she is hosting with maria. looks like president biden is about to set off on a damage-control tour. he will sit with george stephanopoulos, as a new "washington post" oped points out biden policy wins are not helping. president biden policy agenda is popular, more popular than his p opponent's but the president not so much. who is to blame, voters, media or biden himself? >> joey: joe concha joins us now. joe, when i look at this, i think how did they ask this
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question, what policies did they decide to put out there? do you believe it is true joe biden's policies are popular, he isn't? >> joe: great to see you. friendly reminder "washington post" has never, not once, endorsed a republican presidential candidate. mondale, and they thought john kerry was the guy . post says joe biden's policies are popular. what galaxy are these people living in is biden's approach to inflation, remember inflation reduction acts, is that popular? biden democratic approach to fighting crime, police arrest people and the people are back out on the street in the time it
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takes to deliver a pizza because district attorney's like alvin br bragg. how about illegal immigration, 10 million people coming into this country illegally, hundreds on the fbi terror watch list. how popular is that? they support biological men competed in women's sports. we have finite time. our media is a joke. there is a reason donald trump is winning in every key state and new mexico, new hampshire, new jersey, maine because no one is listening to these folks anymore temperature is common sense versus chaos. >> ashley: are they looking at same policies we are or am i missing something? talking about trump leading and trump is dominating on economy, people trust trump over biden.
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he is up on immigration and on foreign policy, trump up by 10 and he has edge over biden who is best fit to serve in the white house. my question to you and i was talking to the producers about this, some polls show he is neck and neck with trump, 42% and 48% with trump leading. that is not that big of a dpap for what we saw on that debate stage and this poll started after that debate, what does that show you? >> joe: six-point lead for trump is bigger. in 2016, he did not lead in one poll. hillary clinton 75% chance of winning. fact trump is up six nationally, national polls are pretty good
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indicator. based on fact, california, illinois, deep blue states are f factored in. swing states decide elections and donald trump is leading comfortably in north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania and. he is leading in all seven and all states i mentioned. 43% supporting biden is more anti-trump than go biden. don't wins. unless things change on the ground, donald trump is your next president. >> joey: the president will sit down for an interview with abc on friday. >> we understand concern and get
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it, president did not have a great night. it was a bad night, it is not uncommon for inkcumbents to hav a bad night. it was a bad night, we all have bad nights or bad moments. it is not unusual. >> joey: joe, i think it was a bad night? >> joe: she's utterly bad at her job. she said at least on seven occasions, mentioned a cold the president is suffering from. one hell of a cold. it affectses you cognitively and you cannot artic lalt thoughts. for biden to do this interview 10 days after the debate shows
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how slow and inkocompetent this president is. abc news obloige that this be pretaped on friday and will be shown on sunday. you will not see joe biden do a live interview again because of what happened on thursday. this is guaranteed, guys. >> ashley: thank you so much. now we're going to send to lawrence jones for a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends". >> lawrence: not like there is anything happening in the world, crazy couple days since the presidential debate and more news on this. 25 house democrats are reportedly preparing to call for biden to end his reelection bid after last week's terrible debate performance. migrant crossings sky rocket,
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maybe drop in confidence is rooted in his policy failures more than we realize. andrew yang, i wonder if he regrets endorsing biden, he is calling on biden to get out for good. white house confirming hunter biden is joining meetings with his dad, advising his father and talking to senior white house staff members. bret baier will react to that and former president trump sentences pushed to september in wake of supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. plus, the duce is loose, hitting streets doing independence day trivia. we'll see you on the street of new york city. and on the air at top of the hour. we have a big show coming up, see you in a bit.
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♪ >> joey: welcome back more headaches for president biden after disastrous debate performance. today try to calm the nerves of worried governors who are gathering at the white house. rumors report, quote: there are 25 democratic house calling for biden to step aside if he seems shaky in coming days that is according to one democratic
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aide. lara trump is here to discuss. lara, off the top here, all these governors, meeting with the president. they didn't want to take a meeting with kamala. they wanted to meet with the president. some are traveling in person to include gavin newsom who is come across the country to d.c. what does this mean? >> well, obviously, gavin has been touted as a potential replacement for a long time for joe biden even before last week's disastrous debate for him. i think a lot of these governors right now are feeling are feeling across the country are there is a stench and stain right now on the democrat party in the eyes of the american people. people look at this party now and they say wait a minute, there are so many people who knew how bad things had gotten with joe biden and, yet, they came out and they lied to the american people about it. many of them, by the way, are continuing to lie about joe biden's fitness for office right now. i imagine they want to get in there. they want to see for themselves.
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they want to talk about a plan and figure out the next steps going forward to really salvage their party because joe biden is the anchor around the neck of the democrat party right now. it is a disaster for them. some of these people have been talked about as possible replacements for joe biden like gavin newsom, like gretchen whitmer. the problem that democrats really have, joey, right now is that the only person who could actually be the nominee for the democrats if it's not joe biden himself and use the hundreds of millions of dollars that the democrats have raised is one person, it's kamala harris. and i don't think anybody in that party wants to see her right now at the top of that ticket. of course, if joe biden steps down or they use the 25th amendment to remove him. they are in panic. they are in a corner. they have a huge problem on their hands. so i will be curious to hear how the meetings go today myself. scro joey the conversation not
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here at fox news or republicans but across the board since the debate has been biden's performance. normally when president trump is in a debate we are talking about his performance. a zinger, something that was said. you know, some -- the way that he presents himself. i watched that debated and i saw president letting the other president on stage kind of control his own narrative, letting biden show the people what he is. was that a strategy? did it happen that way? can you give us insight on that? >> i think certainly we wanted the american people to see joe biden. because, let's be honest, they really haven't seen joe biden in his full capacity or what capacity he has left at this point. yeah, i think the idea is let joe biden talk. let him show himself. and, of course, some people said well, how will donald trump do? hows was he preparing? joey, he was president for four years. he understands these issues. he understands these topics. he understands and demonstrated on that stage exactly what needs to happen to give this country
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back to we, the people to really turn things around on the world stage for us. and you saw a mastery of those skills, i think, on that debate stage by donald trump. i would argue it is one of the greatest debate performances i have ever seen. there wasn't really a hillary you would be in jail mic drop moment to your point but i think the entire thing was a bit of a mic drop moment for the american people and really the rest of the world because joe biden actually had to stand out there and show himself to the world and certainly that was part of the strategy. >> joey: all right, quickly, i know you released the trump campaign released second quarter fundraising $330 million compared to biden's 264. by my count that's a lot of money that you are raising and a lot more money. what's the strategy moving forward? how are you going to use that money and how are you going to secure some of these swing states you may be leading? >> have you seen donald trump all over the country and you will continue to see that this
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is a man that likes to get out, interact with the people of this country. you will see hem at rallies. use that money also, joey to ensure a free fair and transparent election. the largest integrity operation at the rnc in the history of the country. we are making sure that every american, when you cast your ballot this election season feels confident in your vote. protect the if anyone wants to be part of our team. we are going to have a ground game unlike anything you have ever seen. despite the fact that we are ones against joe biden and i believe they're stuck with joe biden, joey, we are taking nothing nor granted. polls are great. we are not taking our foot off the brake. go to bed early on november 5th because we are calling it early as donald trump for our 47th president. >> joey: lara, thanks for coming on and answering questions. >> thanks, joey. >> a father son duo covering house with 50-foot american
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flag. >> joey: john and his son j.d. join us now. gentlemen, thank you so much for showing your patriotism and letting us report on it. where do you get a flag this big? where do you get this idea? >> the flag was given to us by a marine veteran as a parting gift from when we moved from tennessee down to louisiana. so he had given us the flag. and we had it for about a year and a half now. and we don't have a huge flag pole to put it on. so we decided in order to show our patriotism this is how we were going to do it. we put it on the house. >> i love how you were so, me particularless about not damaging the flag. you made it clear you wanted to respect the flag. my vote is you leave it up indefinitely. but i don't know how your family would feel having it 24/7. j.d., my question to you is what do your friends think of this? >> they were pretty surprised
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about it. and even my friends around the neighborhood, they decided to come and help. and they were all for it. >> joey: john -- go ahead jaden. >> i was going to say they were very big on it. >> joey: john, you talk about friended from the neighborhood coming. how is the neighborhood acting? any negative feedback? people stopping to take pictures? what's the rabz around you. >> in our neighborhood, everybody loves it. absolutely phenomenal. there has been a little bit of push back online about it but, you know, we just kind of think if we are upsetting the liberals then you must be doing something right. >> that's back drop noise. don't pay attention to that jayden, what does the flag mean to you. you have the flag behind you. you love it. it's on your home. obviously you have love for country. >> yes, i do. very much. and i just agree with my
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father's choice of what he is doing of covering the house with the flag. it really represents my freedom. everyone's freedom. everyone's freedom of speech being able to hang this flag and having no repercussions of everything. >> i love it. like i said earlier. my vote leave it up. >> joey: i like it. it's a lot better than paint. >> john and jayden beard, thank you so much for joining us this morning and kudos to you for showing this patriotism, especially, you know, on the heels of fourth of july. have a good one. >> joey: jayden, i don't know how old you are but you are a cut before above your pers. >> dr. v. a good day. it was good seeing you will have a busy week. >> joey: i many "fox & friends" and "the five." "fox & friends" starts now. >> have a good day. ♪ ♪


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