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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 3, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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father's choice of what he is doing of covering the house with the flag. it really represents my freedom. everyone's freedom. everyone's freedom of speech being able to hang this flag and having no repercussions of everything. >> i love it. like i said earlier. my vote leave it up. >> joey: i like it. it's a lot better than paint. >> john and jayden beard, thank you so much for joining us this morning and kudos to you for showing this patriotism, especially, you know, on the heels of fourth of july. have a good one. >> joey: jayden, i don't know how old you are but you are a cut before above your pers. >> dr. v. a good day. it was good seeing you will have a busy week. >> joey: i many "fox & friends" and "the five." "fox & friends" starts now. >> have a good day. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: it is 6:00 a.m. on a curvey couch. welcome to wednesday, july 3rd, one day before independence day. "fox & friends." and we start with a fox news alert. 25 house democrats are apparently ready to call on president biden to end his re-election campaign as more inside the party come forward, they're worried about joe. >> i actually don't see a path now for president biden to stay in this race in the long term. i believe that there are stronger options out there for democrats. >> steve: well, we will see. we have got a live report. as the white house prepares for an all-staff meeting today to try to calm people who work in that building down. >> brian: the press is finally hitting kjp with questions about the president's future. >> why can't he come down here and assure us and the american people that he's okay? >> is anyone in the white house
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hiding information about the president wants health? >> brian: plus a former "new york times" editor says the real reason reporters didn't ask those questions before so they wouldn't be helping donald trump. >> carley: plus joey chestnut is back. he might not be at the hot doing eating contest. we will tell you where you can find him it's really cool. >> lawrence: hour one of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> steve: well, and on this julx news alert. more than two dozen house republicans are reportedly preparing to write a letter to president biden to end his re-election effort if he continues to be shaky. >> lawrence: this comes as a pair of congressional democrats publicly declare they have no confidence in biden's ability to win and serve another term. >> carley: doug luzader is live in washington with all the details. >> good morning, everyone.
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the president may be in derek of a widespread revolt among democrats. here's what reuters is now reporting. there are 25 democratic members of the house of representatives preparing to call for biden to step aside if he seems shaky in coming days according to one house democratic aide. there is reportedly a staff meeting at the white house as something of a morale booster. and later, the president today will meet with a group of democratic governors hoping to convince them that he is capable of serving as president and defeating former president donald trump in november. at the same time, there are some cracks now emerging in that wall of support that we have seen from elected democrats after the president's disastrous debate performance last week. texas congressman lloyd doggett among those now openly talking about the party finding another candidate. >> we needed this -- we needed it to be a decision that was made much earlier in the process. but i remain hopeful that
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despite all the input from his own staff and, perhaps from some family members, that he'll look at these numbers and realize that this is a hill just too high for him to climb and call on someone else. >> i actually don't see a path now for president biden to stay in this race in the long term. i believe that there are stronger options out there for democrats. we have a stable of folks that i think could do a better job. i believe that another democrat would have a better shot at beating trump. >> all right. now let's talk about former president obama. officially, publicly, is he still in biden's corner. but, privately, he is concerned. according to the "the washington post," which writes this: obama has long harbored worries about his party defeating donald trump in november, repeatedly warning biden in recent months about how challenging it will be to win re-election. and the white house just made for this administration some extraordinary announcements, the president is going to sit down for a one-on-one interview later
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this week and pretty soon he is going to actually have a press conference. these are things that this president generally doesn't do they are clearly trying to convince democrats to circle the wagons here. >> brian: your governor out in los angeles is going to be heading to the white house. governor, as well as the vice president. we will see if they rally around him. thanks, doug. we will see. people are talking about possible replacements and then there is a practical side of it. a guy with over 1,000 delegates his name is joe biden. the vice president of the united states, even though she looks better in head-to-head poll in this poll with cnn. not in any others, she was trailing by 6 or 7 points. and who would want to jump in this bifurcated campaign? this is your career, too. if you are in your 40's and you feel as though you are the next generation, why am i going to go pick up the at at at tattersa campaign and buzz interview
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donald trump. >> lawrence: we were talking about it in the rehearsal. >> steve: yeah we came in about 3:00. pancake makeup on. >> carley: you mean 3 minutes before the top of the hour. >> steve: three seconds. >> lawrence: few reasons why i disagree with steve. steve thinks he will be replaced. >> steve: biden won't be the nominee ultimately. >> lawrence: reason why that's not going to happen. we always look at the democrat and politics and how they operate as if they function like republicans. they don't. their party leadership has way more control. i don't believe the 25 report. and if it is true that 25 dems are going out there and save him. that means nancy pelosi has flipped and that means hakeem jeffries has flipped. the second thing is, if he does get removed, there is no ifs, ands and buts about it. they have to select kamala harris. they have to. if they don't select kamala harris. they risk fracturing the whole party. for those reasons, i think joe
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is here to stay. >> steve: okay. here's what it comes down. to say did you watch thursday night? that guy was terrible. he stunk. yesterday, everybody continued to spin, kjp did. he had one bad night. he has these really good policies, ultimately what all these democrats are starting to do and 25 democrats who reuters is talking about are those frontline democrats in purple districts, and their political future is in peril. so, rather than, you know, back a guy who they feel is going to lose, they are saying you know what? we are going to write a letter and say maybe you should take yourself out. ultimately, what they are trying to do is convince him to bow out. if there is a fight, it's going to be too complicated. ultimately, here's what it comes down to. you know on one of the sunday shows, joe manchin was supposed to be on one of the sunday shows. he was going to come out and say i know i worked with joe biden for decades. joe biden has got to step aside and let somebody else take over. he got the full-court press by
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chuck schumer and other top democrats and they said you cannot be, you know, you can't do this to joe. usc a friend too long. tammy baldwin, who is the senator for in wisconsin, joe biden is going to her hometown on friday. suddenly, she is not going to be there. because of a scheduling -- >> carley: it's just amazingly four months before the election. it's too early to tell. the report of 25. >> steve: plenty of time. >> carley: it really hinges on the schedule released by karine jean-pierre yesterday where she said he is going to do the interview on abc. we're going to have a press conference for nato next week in washington, d.c. if he has big mistakes during those two public events, i don't even think it would be up to joe biden and jill biden anymore. if there is a tidal wave of democrats that say you got to go. they representing their constituency constituents, the american people and that will be the determining factor. incredibly, joe biden was at a campaign event in mclean,
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virginia yesterday. and he made an admission that will make things even worse for him today. here's the quote. he said: i decided to travel around the world a couple of times shortly before the debate and then i almost fell asleep on stage. what he is talking about is going to france for the d-day anniversary. and also italy for the g-7 summit. >> steve: back and forth. >> carley: the last time he was in europe, the trip he was talking about was 13 days before the debate. he had two weeks to recover. he is saying he fell asleep on stage. >> brian: couple of things happening. number one, is he still not telling the truth. he said he almost fell asleep on stage which is unbelievable unless you are on some type of cold medicine that should be nyquil. for you to fall asleep. number two, it also came out the revelation what he was doing rehearsing. he didn't start before 11:00 and had to take a nap in the afternoon. that is after his trip, which he chose to go back and forth on to
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go to a juneteenth event. go back and forth. not to go to ukraine peace summit but go back to a glitzy fundraiser. what i find offensive is that story in the "new york times," where they detail all of his mistakes and the people behind the scenes saying that joe zones out. he goes catatonic or rigor mortis at a fundraiser. and then they see european ambassadors and officials saying he seemed out of it that the president of italy knew -- now they are telling us, wait a second. did you have this ready to go? now you want to pretend that you are a reporter? does this pattern sound familiar? the russia hoax. >> lawrence: that's right. >> they told us this thing is worse and this president is in with vladimir putin. here to throw the country to russia. then it turns out not to be true. they move on. have their trophies and go. now they are finding out all these things we have been reporting on. jacqui heinrich and your son asking these questions. but isolated. look at these crazy people asking these questions.
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>> carley: deep fake. >> brian: they don't remember that we know they sat on their hands? >> lawrence: jacqui goes within the briefing and she gives them the opportunity -- by the way i think it's totally cowardly to send the press secretary out there. there's nothing that she would have been able to say to defend. >> she never sat with him before going out. >> steve: lawrence, we ran a soundbite with one of the reporters there who had a good point. if the president wants to prove he is okay. come down here right now and talk to us. and it's like, can't really do that. >> lawrence: steve, the real point was jacqui gave them the opportunity to take back some of the comments. >> brian: cheap fakes. >> lawrence: came out and said cheap fakes. said it was misinformation. as she said, there was a campaign to attack the president. and now we know all of that stuff was true. >> steve: well, here's the thing, so now joe biden, at in fundraiser yesterday in virginia said, you know, i fell asleep
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because i went back and forth. why did he go back and forth. the staff said don't fly back to the united states. >> carley: should be able to do all of it. he is the president of the united states. >> steve: his son hunter was on trial about that time. >> brian: he didn't go to the trial. >> steve: i know he didn't. but his wife did. here's the thing. >> brian: on our dollar. >> steve: absolutely. so the president's team says he has a cold. he has a cold. and then yesterday he goes yeah, i was tired. which is did? pick a lane. >> carley: yesterday karine jean-pierre had the impossible task of getting in front of the media who a little bit less than a week after the debate people have so many questions. the media is raring to go. and they actually asked her the tough questions. take a listen to some of the fiery questions that the media had for kjp yesterday. watch this. >> why can't he just come down here. the briefings room is 30 seconds away. why can't he come down here and assure us and the american people. >> yes. >> that he is okay? >> after the debate, did the
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president get examined by a doctor or did he get a neurologic scan? >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job day-to-day? >> was he okay? what happened and we have ghown several days where he has only done teleprompter comments. >> this year the president has done more than 40 interviews. unscripted. right in those interviews are unscripted. >> brian: i don't think conan o'brien gave him a speech. we don't know for sure. >> steve: let's fact-check that. >> carley: one of the points she has made the president has done 40 interviews this year fact-check only 22. >> steve: she also said he had 500 gaggles,. >> lawrence: this interview is he going to do with george at abc. >> steve: taped. >> lawrence: it's taped. all democrats go to george when there's a problem.
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>> carley: he worked in the clinton white house. >> steve: the thing that the white house fails to acknowledge is we know that he can do okay in a scripted moment there is moments for the media to slice and cut together. they can make him look good. what he cannot do is go into the lion's den and do unscripted questions. go out there on the debate stage. that's what he needs to do. >> brian: or make remarks. don't included post in that the post has been telling us all along we didn't need -- biden white house to confirm it. but now the rest of the media suddenly waking up doing some real reporting. jill abr abramson used to run te "new york times," used to be the editor there. i worry that too many journalists didn't try to get the story because they did not want to be accused of helping elect donald trump.
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>> carley: true. >> brian: after that last situation, it looks like donald trump is not only a frontrunner, he is on a roll. donald trump has run the most disciplined campaign maybe over the last 25 years. he has never been stronger personally. the fact that he is laying out during this whole news cycle shows a discipline at a whole new level. also, the court wins. the legal team he has assembled. the strategies they pulled off are obviously extremely effective. and now you have a situation where he is winning in the general, he is winning in the battleground states, he is attracting bigger crowds by the day. and then those fund raising numbers come in. i never thought. i thought republicans forever would never be able to match the democrats. he has surpassed it. lawfare has blown up. >> lawrence: such a good point. >> steve: after we all saw the debate on thursday. there was a call with a bunch of democratic governors on monday night.
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>> brian: are they bed wetters? >> steve: tim walt. the governor of the great state of minnesota got everybody together and said just want to take the temperature of the room and see where everybody is. yesterday andy beshear a great democratic governor in the very, very red state talk to him on a phone call. we want to make sure is he okay. this is his supporters. we just want to make sure he's okay. do you know what else? major democratic donors, do you know what they are doing? they are worried about dominican republic getting a second term. they know joe biden. that joe biden from thursday night cannot win. so what are they doing? they are putting all their money -- they are shift guilty their money now away from the presidential into the senate and the house as a fire wall against a second trump term.
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>> lawrence: to brian's point, if i could use a football analogy, donald trump is in the pocket right now as a quarterback. he is not typically he will be going on social media, going crazy on people. the bombast would be there. but he realizes that it's time to build the party. and i honestly would suggest to the former president don't even mention joe biden at this point. i mean, it's irrelevant at this point. the american people have seen him. it is about unifying the country right now. showing that you are stable. what are you going to do? name cabinet members. name your vp, do whatever. you don't even have to focus on him. everything that you have been saying for years about joe not being prepared for the job. the american people got see for themselves. you don't even need to mention it anymore. >> brian: go ahead. >> carley: did you see the cnn poll yesterday? his approval rating, president biden's is at 34%. 75% of democrats say that another candidate would be better. they would win more likely than if it's joe biden. so 75% of democrats essentially
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want him replaced. >> brian: three things bother me about him as current president to your point. hunter is in these meetings. >> lawrence: that's a good point. >> brian: on the speaker phone listening to calls. in on the meetings. >> steve: i thought hunter and his father weren't involved in each other's business? >> carley: this week they are. >> brian: he is the least qualified especially because we don't know whose cocaine. least qualified person. it is not up to the president to hut put his son as his adviser. that is a no-go zone. >> steve: his wife is his top adviser. >> brian: at least she has not spent 15 years with hookers and crack as far as we know. and also we know he just got convicted and he is about to be destroyed, i think, in that tax case. and, number two is, he said we're giving $65 billion to ukraine to build their electric grid? really? also he told benjamin netanyahu if you hit back at iran, you are on your own? so this is decisions is he making. you're on your own after
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iranian. >> let's make it a dollar bet. i bet joe biden is not the nominee. >> i bet that he stays in. >> steve: a dollar. >> ainsley: you heard it, folk folks. one george washington is on the line if you can believe on a holiday week more news to get to. los angeles police arresting a man accused of stealing a children's hospital bus and leading them on a wild chase across the city two. employees on the bus when it was taken but escaped before the driver sped off. that chase continuing on foot when the driver finally ditched the van. and ran into a nearby hardware store. what the heck was he thinking? but was eventually walked out of the store in handcuffs by police. an illegal migrant from el salvador has been indicted for the murder and rape of maryland mother of five rachel morin. the family's attorney says this is a crucial step to getting justice. victor martinez hernandez being charged with two counts of
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murder and t count of rape kidnapping. the illegal migrant is accused of dragging lauren off a hiking path and eventually strangling her to death. is he due back in court on july 22nd. italian actor and model fabio is in the news today, issuing a warning to americans. it's a serious one. he says terrorist also take advantage if lawmakers don't address security issues at the southern border. >> being, you know, america, you have a lot of enemy, so you really want to take care of your border. >> of course. >> isis, hamas a lot of cells. if somebody wants to come in your house, should be coming front door. >> right. >> not from breaking the rear window. i come here legally. i went through the system and i became an american citizen. >> carley: fabio politically tested his warning comes as more
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than 87,000 migrants illegally cross the southern border last month alone. and did you hear about this? the annual nathan's hot dog eating contest kicks off in new york city. 16 time winning joey chestnut won't be at the event after he was banned for signing with another hot dog brand. instead, this is cool. chestnut accepted a challenge to compete against four u.s. army soldiers down at fort bliss in texas. chestnut telling the base to, quote: send them their four best eaters and that he will beat them all combined. and those are your headlines. >> lawrence: what a great strategy. people were upset about the nathan -- you can't bash him competing with veterans on a military base in texas. >> carley: base released a statement on this -- no, actually it was an article i read about all of this, they said soldiers have to cram food in whenever they can. they don't have a lot of time to eat. so who knows? >> steve: i will make newark prediction. i think joey will actually beat
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them. there will be four grown men eating as fast as they can. it's hard to beat that weaner-eating machine right there. that guy. >> brian: can't wait for this fabio have a press conference on the economy. christie brinkley weigh in on foreign policy. >> carley: he was on bill maher show. >> brian: i think you should have a last name before we take your immigration advice. that was the longest sound bite. that was longer than the whole joe biden talking point. >> steve: makes more sense than joe biden. >> brian: did you cut those? >> carley: got here at 2:00 in the morning to cut the fabio. >> brian: i didn't even know fabio was still around. >> steve: are you going to be running that on your special with lawrence? >> carley: i don't think that will make it. lawrence, we are so excited to host the big independence day special tomorrow starts at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. lawrence, aishah, who is incredible, joey, love him as well. and we are going to be watching
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fireworks and talking patriotism. brian, you will be a part of it as well whether you know it or not. you are in the run down my friend. >> steve: i can get you fabio. >> carley: you have contact? >> steve: um-huh. >> carley: leave it to you. >> brian: he knows all the models, male and female. >> steve: we have a very funny soundbite with fabio from back in the day. >> brian: i don't think we have it anymore. we lost the soundbite. can't find it. >> steve: anyway, moving on. democrats vowing aggressive oversight of the supreme court ruling on immunity. what happened to separation of powers, huh? >> carley: plus new york's sentencing set even closer to the election. team works to throw out all the felonies. we are talking to someone who used to work in the mid-atlanmanhattan'sd.a. office. he is next. you will see him on the screen.y >> brian: do not give hieas name up. ♪
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♪ >> brian: a fox weather alert. at least seven people are dead as hurricane beryl roars through the islands. category 4 storm racing towards jamaica after destroying the southeastern caribbean. here at home severe storms expected across the plains and midwest today while the west
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coast is facing a potentially life-threatening holiday heat wave. so, with that, check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. adam? >> good morning, brian, yes. still a really powerful storm we are watching move across portions of the caribbean. winds at 145 miles per hour. we have a hurricane warning in place there. hurricane watch places yucatan peninsula. ultimately this storm will be moving that direction. for today, it's jamaica. it's on friday that you are talking about the yucatan and then, look at this, perhaps a chance this is all the way monday a ways away. maybe south texas result that ultimately gets in on that. it does weaken. mention the storms across the rest of the country the highlighting a place across the midwest. severe weather in the ohio remember valley and portions of the plains. so folks traveling today, take a little bit of extra time seeing severe weather in the middle of the country. weather headlines for now steve over to you. >> steve: adam, thank you very much. meanwhile former pres president
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donald trump's sentencing civil fraud case pushed into september after his team requested a delay in the wake of the supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. he has some. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg's office writing, quote: although we believe defendant's arguments to be without merit, we do not oppose his request. and apparently neither did the judge. elliott fee leg a prosecutor worked in the manhattan d.a.'s office of the joins us now. good morning. >> the judge did the right thing. >> this is little more than acknowledgment by the supreme court decisions are binding not just in federal court but also state court. trial court only mace you can develop new arguments where can you bring in potentially new evidence. you can't do that at an appellate level. it's an acknowledgment that yes there is potentially littable blame but ultimately merchan will deny this motion to vacate. >> steve: listening to analyst on the radio this morning come
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in. they said they didn't see how these would be part of donald trump -- president donald trump's official duties because a lot of it had to do with what happened when he was running for president. >> right. so most of the events occurred prior to the presidency; however, there was some testimony about discussions with hope hicks and others that occurred during the course of the presidency and in the oval office. but ultimately this issue was litigated when donald trump tried to remove this case to federal court and the judge in the southern district of new york, judge heller stein the fall judge said no, none of these acts involved the official acts article 2 of the presidency. >> steve: what the supreme court did that really hacked off a number of democrats they said the president does have immunity pretty much absolute immunity if he is doing presidential stuff. >> right. that's why it will have a huge impact potentially on jack smith's january 6th case. that will have to go back to square one in some ways. however, not much impact that i foresee on the stage. >> steve: impact is with the democrats.
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they are steamed at the u.s. supreme court. hakeem jeffries who is, of course, the top democrat, he said this: house democrats will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the supreme court to ensure that the extreme far right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the constitution. this is a co-equal branch of government. and they are declaring war on them. >> this is strictly performative. for example, they are talking about a bill to maybe add four supreme court justices. it's never going to pass the house. never going to get past the senate where it would have to get past the filibuster. neither of us have a crystal ball. do you think if donald trump wins the election and president in a year do you think those democratic senators and representatives are still going to want to give the president the authority to add four seats to the u.s. supreme court? what do you think? >> steve: ha ha ha, if i had a magic 8 ball it would say ask again later. every time a ruling goes against a party in washington. they want to pack the court. >> and you can't really say i
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believe in judicial independence so long as the court agrees with me. that's not real independence. >> steve: and john roberts has done, you know, as an analyst, you would have to admit he tries to find con census with everybody as often as he can on this one he couldn't. >> roberts always tries to -- he wants to have it as broad, as sweeping a majority to get that. he will often narrow the scope of the judgment in this cases wasn't able to happen. >> steve: all right. elliott, thank you very much for dropping. in let's see what happens. meanwhile, flipping the script, inside the media's complete 180 of joe biden conch following that awful debated performance on thursday. plus, can all the meeting participants please turn on their camera? you will never guess who is hopping on official calls with the white house. we got the list. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> brian: this friday president biden will sit for his first interview since the disastrous debate performance last week. this as the media changes its tune on the president's health. cnn reporting democrats fear he will drag congressional candidates down with him. a stark contrast from last month when they claimed a "wall street journal" story editorial on biden's mental acuity had glaring problems. the reporter behind that story spoke out. >> focusing on the president's mental decline was one -- it's the hardest thing i have ever had to write about. and we did it, you know, with a lot of sobriety and it wasn't a joyful reporting experience in any way, shape, or form. >> people love beating up on her because she wrote it. "wall street journal" editor-at-large gerry baker joins us now. jerry, suddenly, that editorial seems to be more accurate by the day, which we knew was accurate.
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but the media is not going to apologize nor are they going to acknowledge they were intentionally asleep at the switch, are they? >> brian, what we have seen revealed so clearly in the last 72 hours or so is that the media, most of the media didn't cover joe biden wants democrats. they covered for joe biden and the democrats, that exactly as you say that "wall street journal" article, which appeared two or three weeks ago was roundly condemned. i mean, first of all by democrats. there were democrats who were calling the "wall street journal" and writing to the "wall street journal" saying this is all not true. but, by the media, you quoted that cnn article, others, too. said no, no, this is, you know, this is bias. they are relying on sources that aren't trustworthy, which again, was very much in line in which they covered joe biden throughout. which is that, you know, they are buying this white house line that he was getting up in the morning and running marathons and, you know, solving sudoku puzzles and record time and all this kind of stuff. it was all nonsense. it was as we know now just,
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again, this example of how the media cover for every single problem, every single mistake. every single flaw that the democrats have. >> brian: jerry, i'm looking at this thorough reporting, 98-year-old world war vet on d-day seemed that joe biden to me in person like he does on tv he is fragile and not in charge. a european official said he was shocked to see the decline of the president. and he seemed out of it. president bologna of italy acutely sensitive to his condition discussing privately among themselves. even allies were shaken at seeing joe biden. where was this reporting behind the scenes when we said things about he froze at juneteenth. he was confused at the d-day celebration. when he didn't remember the hhs secretary's name. when he told us instead of sending weapons to ukraine we were going to rebuild their electric grid. not a word. until the debate. then suddenly all these stories
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appear. can you make sense of that? >> so, you know, again, we have the phenomenon that we have been told for weeks and months, years by the media that, you know, not to believe our own lying eyes, to believe, instead, what they told us, it is an interesting question, brian, quoting from the "new york times," piled on yesterday with their reporting, "the washington post" has done the same thing, you know, again, weeks after the "wall street journal" did. and the question is why. and i think the answer is they partly they realized the game is up. they have been exposed. that debate last week exposed all of the untruths and misinformation that they have been pumping out for the last couple of years. something else is obviously going on, brian, too. i think is a very, very clear effort now by very senior democrats who know that joe biden is on course to lose and to lose probably quite heavily if you look at the latest polling and some of the polling we are getting since that debate. so the fix is in. they are moving to get rid of him. they want him out. there was a very interesting thing that happened yesterday.
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we actually got leaks of polls from inside the democratic party itself. that is a sure sign to me the powerful influential democrats are moving. they are talking to their friends in the media saying it's time to go. so by the way, we shouldn't, again, be misled into thinking some of these media outlets are suddenly submitting to bowers of honesty. they are now essentially joining in the effort by other democrats to get joe biden off the ticket. that's what i think is pretty clearly going on. >> bret: leak at some of these headlines around the country how misleading videos trailing biden as he battles age doubts on jun. misleading g.o.p. videos going viral. biden lapses are said to be increasingly common and worrisome. a mess now all of a sudden on on july 2nd and june 29th. it's a mess as you see biden turns to family on his path towards -- path forward after his disastrous debate. all of a sudden they decide to do real reporting. it shouldn't be up to you to decide how want to win an
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election. and now their big decision is to use hunter, the president is defying logic and really spitting in america's face by using his son and all of his baggage as an adviser, as he listens in on calls that effect our nation. >> brian, we have been told, remember, for the last several years, since the hunter biden story first broke that hunter biden play nod role in president's activity. he wasn't an adviser to the president. the president -- the president loved his son and was concerned about his son. but he played no role -- no important role. now we are being told that he and jill biden are the two people that joe biden is most relying on to determine whether or not he will continue to run, continue to be president of the united states. i mean, how much more important advice could you possibly get than to rely on somebody to tell you whether or not you should continue to stay as president of the united states? so, look, again, it comes back again to the media. the media, it does make you wonder when you see all of this,
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what has the media been telling us for the last four years that we know now, we always expected not to be true but we can be confident is not true. it's not just about his age and health. it's about the way in which the media cover for the democrats and have done repeatedly. >> brian: they should not be picking a horse in the race but they are, gerry baker, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: gas prices are up but the administration is working on it? >> the president has been focused on making sure we have good supplied. we are making sure we doing what we can to keep prices down. >> brian: the president of the u.s. oil and gas association says the only action they are taking is hurting consumers. he'll explain. ♪ gain. blue-emu supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers.
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>> steve: welt, aaa is predicting a record travel rush this week for independence day tomorrow. with more than 60 million people expected to hit the road and nearly 6 million expected to fly. that includes these folks already lining up at orlando's international airport. fox weather correspondent katy berne joins us from a rest stop in new jersey with even more. hey, katie, good morning. >> good morning, steve. well, it's a smooth drive if you leave at 4:00 in the morning like i did.
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we know unfortunately we are going to watch that traffic build all day long as this is expected to be one of the busiest days for those july 4th road trips. the record-breaking 70 million expected to travel somewhere for the holiday, most of them are going to be driving more than 60 million of them. so we are going to be catching up with them really the last rest stop before they make their way to the jersey shore beaches here in south jersey. weather conditions looking good for people in the northeast. but we are expecting some storms this afternoon in the plains and across the ohio valley. for the millions expected to fly to their destinations today. you are going to' to watch out for delays. we saw that being a problem yesterday at newark liberty international airport. the faa said that happens because of a shortage of air traffic controllers covering the region. and headed to jamaica for holiday. last flights there were last night because the main airports are closed today as hurricane beryl makes its way through the caribbean right now.
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carley? >> carley: maybe not the time to take a vacation to gentleman makeca. we are thinking of all those people. thank you so much, katy. with gas prices up 45% since president biden took office. his administration announcing they are releasing the entire contents of the northeast gasoline supply reserve. and this is happening just a few months before the presidential election. >> the president has really been focused on making sure we have good supply. we want to make sure we are doing what we can to keep prices down. >> carley: but, will it make a dent for the more than 70 million americans that plan to travel this fourth of july week? here to react is u.s. oil and gas association president tim stuart. tim, good morning. it's great to see you. so that is the question on the minds of 70 million americans this morning. will this release make things cheaper for them? >> well, you know, the release million dollars of gasoline 42 million gallons. one ninth of what we use every single day. consuming 375 million gallons of gas every day.
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two and a half hours of drive time for americans. it might, it just might a little bit cut prices at the pump over a couple days. impact is only going to last a few days if it does. long enough for them to take credit or cut an internet ad for taking action. but the fact of the matter it's no big deal if you don't need it. but when you need it and don't have it, that's a whole other story. this reserve was designed to be a cushion in case of a major event like a hurricane. like we were just talking about. pretty short sighted to get rid of it, i think, i really do. >> carley: president biden just held a press conference on extreme weather and no surprise he criticized republicans. listen to this. >> my predecessor and the maga republicans in congress are trying to undo all his progress. every single congressional republican voted against the investments which created these jobs to combat climate change. many are trying to repeal climate provisions and kill those jobs. i quite frankly think it's not only outrageous, it's really stupid. >> carley: when you hear about killing jobs. you think about the pipeline workers who lost their jobs day
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one of him on the job or the coal miners saying you promised me a job on solar panels in 2021. still don't have it. what do you think about that comment, tim? >> it's interesting because our prior conversation about the reserve and increasing supply. we live in a 20 do 1 ratio in my industry. for every actioned that the administration takes say will increase supply. there are 20 actions they have taken that designed to constrain our ability to either produce or consume energy in the united states. 225 individual actions since january of 2021. that's one a week, basically, this old adage of politics saying if you are explaining you are losing, if you are losing call the other person a name or stupid. that's what we are living in right now. the administration is really good about talking about all these great things they are going to do. but radio silence on things they ever actually get anything done. that's why you got $8 billion spent to build ev chargers and eight created so far. >> that's great point.
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>> it's not stupid but okay to be skeptical. we are becoming very skeptical of what this administration says they are going to do. >> ev chargers not making gas price goes down. they are going up as we said 45%. >> carley: have a great day. brian, over to you. >> brian: caitlin clark maybe the wnba 12-player all star game the indiana rookie sensation receiving' hundred thousand votes that's more than any other player in the league. she will play alongside her long time rival angel reese. they are the only two rookies to make the team. they play the u.s. olympic team in phoenix on july 20th. and fox's newest nfl broadcaster i think you pronounce his name, chris, help me with this -- oh, tom brady says he has one regret from 23-year playing career. >> what i would have changed was okay, there is part of me still love when i see young players i
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see patrick out there quarterback running around, laughing, having fun. i used to be like that. what the hell happened to me? you know, i just got too serious. >> brian: wow. regrets and all brady is still set to make his in-booth debut for fox on september 8th when the dallas cowboys take on the cleveland browns. and those are two sports headlines. let me tell what you is next in the next two hours. how well dooce on theloose. (♪) heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back.
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