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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> carley: it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is wednesday, july 3rd. and this is "fox & friends." and we have a fox news alert. 25 house democrats are preparing to call on president biden to end his re-election campaign as democrats remain sharply divided over their future. >> salute president biden, i just feel that it's time for him to step aside. >> joe biden is our nominee. joe biden is our leader. >> brian: congratulations. >> carley: special property anchor bret baier. >> brian: wake ever the high court decision on immunity. legal experts say don't hold your breath on a dismissal. >> it's an acknowledgment that
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yes there is a potentially littable claim but ultimately merchan is going to deny this motion to vacate. >> lawrence: rain or our parade as we gear up tore the fourth of july. one op-ed says enough with the fireworks talking about the fireworks at the white house? because we will in 15 seconds because the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better when you are watching this show. ♪ >> lawrence: we begin with a fox news alert. more than two dozen house democrats are reportedly preparing to call for president biden to end his re-election effort. >> steve: this comes as a pair of congressional democrats declare they're have no confidence in joe biden's appears to motive term so i say trump is going to beat him. >> brian: lieu custom lynnson live at the white house. >> first the editorial board and
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columnists and many calling for the president not to run for re-election. that report from reuters which you read off the top. let's dive into the piece, it says, quote: there are 25 democratic members of the house of representatives preparing to call for biden to step aside if he seems shaky in the coming days according to one house democratic aid. aide. yesterday at the white house karine jean-pierre held her first press conference since that debate late last week? >> we're not taking away from what you all saw. what the american people saw. we understand. it was a bad night. it is not uncommon for incumbents to have a bad night on their first debate. and we are going to continue to do the work we have been doing on behalf of the american people. >> now, after the debate and through the weekend, no democratic lawmakers had called for biden to leave the race. a different story now. congressman lloyd doggett from texas became the first house democrat to call on biden not to
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run. then democratic congressman jared golden from maine represents a district trump won in 2016 and 2020 said he had no comments on biden's chances of beating trump in november. here's the president's schedule today today and in the days ahead. take a look. today he has lunch with vice president harris. on thursday, tomorrow, of course, our nation's birthday. july 4th celebrating independence day. on friday the president is scheduled for a sitdown interview with abc news and george stephanopoulos. remember, he sat down with stephanopoulos during the afghanistan withdrawal and talked about that. and that is the schedule for the president in the days ahead, guys. send it back to you. >> steve: all right. lucas. thank you very much. it's interesting because there are a bunch of stories out this morning just about how and we have got some headlines to show you just about how essentially this is a white house in crisis. the headline from the "new york times," biden's team scrambles to contain first democratic defections, the "new york times"
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also, big donors turn on biden quietly. the hill says biden campaign fails to quell mounting item frustration and axios behind the curtain, democratic rage as biden rises. so, one particular story in axios talk as little bit about how, you know, we have been hearing from the campaign oh, our internal polling shows there the imhan is unchanged. one of the polls was leaked to puck. and it shows that joe biden is down 2. suddenly joe biden is trailing in new mexico and new hampshire and virginia, which were safe states for joe biden just a couple of weeks ago. and one of the most damning things is james clyburn, who pretty much put him on the collide path to his presidency. >> lawrence: south carolina. >> steve: that's right. he says he wants a harris-biden ticket, wants them together but if joe steps aside, he wants kamala harris to be the nominee. so, in other words, okay, if this works. i'm with her.
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>> lawrence: this is what the "new york times" is also saying. there is very little reason to trust anything the biden campaign says about his age. >> steve: he is old. >> a lot of stuff happening at the press conference yesterday. the president has one way to share this in my humble opinion. he needs to do a day in the life. they say he is always working. you got to show the american people that he is always working. we would love to see that. pick a network. we can do it here at fox. >> steve: put a body cam on him. >> lawrence: i will give you any place any time on fox a day in the life. >> steve: you are saying you want to interview him. >> lawrence: yeah it. can be anybody. then, after that, you have to do the two hours of every question from the press back-to-back-to-back-to-back. to send an aid out there to speak on your behalf, that's not going to cut it because they're speaking for you. and to do a canned interview with someone that is a known democrat, he says he is fair, hard news, he is not. used to work for a democrat.
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that's okay. every time there is a democrat in trouble he seems to be the guy to get the interview. >> steve: george. >> lawrence: i don't think that's going to repair. >> carley: he hasn't done any of that yet. democrats are now all over the map when it comes to how they feel about how their party should proceed further. listen to this. >> i am for joe biden. i'm going to tell him how i really feel but i will tell you this i'm going to tell you what it is not. it is not to say to him get out of the race. >> this is not about one night. this has been a problem for a year. i salute president biden. i just feel that it's time for him to step aside. >> joe biden is our nominee. joe biden is our leader i will proudly be supporting the president. >> do you think he should drop out of the race? >> yeah. absolutely. i believe that there are stronger options out there for democrats. we have a stable of folks that i think could do a better job. >> i think that, again, he is our nominee. so, unless he makes a different
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decision, i'm on board and i'm supporting the president. again, he has been good for the country. >> one says drop out one says stay in. >> 538 says the approval rating on joe biden is 37.5. harris 39.4. you can't automatically say harris is least popular. she is getting more popular than joe biden but that's not saying much. michelle obama would be the strongest foe against donald trump but she is not going to run. word is though she is raising money for a possible kamala harris at the top of the ticket. harris against trump. trump wins. newsom against trump, trump by 7. whitmer against trump, that's going to be -- that would be 5. and the governor of kentucky beshear against trump, it is trump by 4. pritzker does a terrible job in illinois. he loses by 6. these are some of the people like governor shapiro not up there that you would think might be likely if there is was no joe
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biden. question is, they could still throw their hat in the ring in four years. why would they jump in against donald trump in the next four months because once you are a loser, you are a loser. >> lawrence: brian, also to that point. >> brian: got to beat kamala harris. >> lawrence: best point some of the republicans which they would have stayed out of it. they could have just waited. >> brian: they tried. they are allowed. that's an open party. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. why would joe biden get out looking at that? it's not like the alternatives are going to be better for the party right now. >> steve: at least that's what the white house says. >> at least a dead heat. the latest polling shows trump is up plus 6. but at least there is a fight to be had between joe biden. >> brian: he has got the thousand delegates. it's up to him and they are going to rush. of thely going to july 18th looking to give the nomination. quickly get it. but, the other thing that i think is under appreciated is that joe biden's universe, you think he has the whole white house and whole party.
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ron klain, and a couple other names. those 00 only people that talk to him. is he able to say -- insulated. then when you find out gave that speech when he first got the job if you treat a subordinate without respect you will be fired. word is people are afraid to approach him. he bites everybody's head off. afraid to brief him on things he doesn't like. when they disagree with his recommendation. he screams and yells. so they shake around him. so, what kind of white house is this? run by four people who are friendly with a guy that can only work between 10:00 and 4:00. >> steve: here's the thing. looking at that poll. you know, and i think that's right. if michelle obama wanted to run against donald trump she would beat him ultimately. >> brian: got exposed. >> steve: other names on that sample right there, you know, a lot of people don't know who whitmer, beshear, or pritzker are. just by name recognition. it's interesting. there is a story in the "new
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york times" right now about how, you know, big donors are going to be watching the polls over the last two weeks. they started early to try to force him out and this kind of fizzled. the american bridge had a call yesterday with only a dozen donors spoke out. only one person was supporting -- was supporting joe biden. some donors are calling gavin newsom, saying will you get in? and apparently some other donors are calling the top guy over at j.p. morgan chase, jamie dimon. jamie, will you be the savior? >> carley: pipe dream. >> steve: he has said in the past i'm not going to run. it was before thursday. keep in mind. thursday, the debate revealed everything. it changed everything. >> carley: this hypothetical matchup approves that democrats have no other option. they have no other path forward. michelle obama is not going to run with 4 months to go. >> steve: we don't think. >> carley: biden hairs campaign
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that money is theirs. it can't transfer to any other candidate. >> that's what's going on with the democrats. but, also, other polling shows that trump is so far ahead of biden on the issues outside of the performance he is up 20 points when it comes to the economy and immigration. those are the top two issues that americans are focusing on right now. this cnn poll also shows that president biden's approval rating is at 37%. >> lawrence: there is a lot to learn from this situation. i hone the press, the democrats learn a lot of lessons from. this first of all, don't lie to the american people. don't pretend like people are crazy because the truth eventually comes out. number two don't usurp the process of the primary system. when voters have a right. there was 70% of democrats saying they wanted a different candidate. they should have gave them a primary process. they wouldn't be in this situation if they would allowed a debate to happen. if joe biden won, great.
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the third thing is the press. you can't cover for political party. even if you don't like the other guy. there was stories for years now but you guys didn't run it. you have seen the president just like we have seen. he has been spaced out in meetings. not remembering things. shuffling all over the place. you called for the 25th amendment with donald trump, when there was no reason to do so. over 200 times. he gave you two medical exams. and that still wasn't enough. so, do your job. and you don't have to wait until the end of the process to start talking about replacing the candidate. >> brian: you know why he got it. he got it because the midterms were not a red wave and he got it because they thought for sure if trump is the nominee and they predicted correctly they thought he would be. it's going to be all about trump. he could just sit back. do his job. let the surrogates work. they didn't think it was going to collapse. they didn't trump would be this strong. they didn't think lawfare would fail so epically as it had to this point.
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now all of a sudden looked around and said everything we have counted on has fallen apart. trump is not going to give it to you. trump is not going to turn around and do something that's going to change the narrative. you tried to do that with immunity. also under appreciated. after his failure at the debate. they went four days and tried to go business as usual. that really infuriated. never reached out to congress or leaders. that infuriated people. >> steve: brian, speaking of congressional leaders, you know, they are furious that he has not reached out to them. according to axios, he has not spoken to hakeem jeffries or chuck schumer. although the "new york times" say they think that hakeem jeffries spoke last night. >> brian: i think schumer went over there yesterday. >> steve: it's not in the "times." they have circled the wagons. to your pointed, there are four people around joe biden. this is exactly as it was four years ago. keep in mind, when he was running for president, he was in the basement.
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>> lawrence: yes. >> steve: the entire time. >> lawrence: they let it happen. >> steve: only four people saw him. when he would go out in public it was on zoom. things go haywire, we lost the connection. these people have known for a very long time that this guy is not the guy we thought he was. and suddenly now there are stories. and it's a couple of democrats have said the dam has broken because there are those 25 who may send that letter goes a little shaky. now. people have worked with him in the senate for decades start starting to tell stories i was at this party and saw joe do this. i was in the oval room where saw that. they are revealing to reporters embarrassing things about joe biden, it's not going to help him. >> carley: that's all the news going on with president biden. there is a lot. also news involving former president donald trump's sentencing in his new york case is delayed until at least september now. after the supreme court's recent immunity ruling.
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>> lawrence: chanley painter joins us with the latest on that case. >> former president trump was set to be sentenced next week in his manhattan case w but now tht won't happen until at least september. it's all because trump's team moved quickly if asking judge juan merchan for a delay after the supreme court handed down its decision on presidential immunity. and while it's not clear how that landmark decision will effect trump's convictions on falsifying business records, a former manhattan prosecutor says this. >> it's an acknowledgment that yes, there is potentially littable claim ultimate -- huge impact on jack smith's january # case. square one. not much as i see on the judgment. >> judge merchan said he will make a decision september 6th. next court date september 18th for quoted the imposition of sentence if such is still necessary. the celebrated the delay on truth social.
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impact ruling is allowed and clear signal for justice in the united states. democrats are pleased, house minority leader hakeem jeffries. activity with respect to the supreme court to ensure that the extreme far right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the constitution and some of those measures include proposing voting on a bill establishing an independent ethics council the supreme court passing an ethics code term limits for justices and even introducing a constitutional amendment to reverse the presidential immunity decision, guys. >> brian: which is never going to go anywhere. >> steve: chanley, thank you very much for the report. >> brian: not going to get a congressional amendment. two thirds of the house. aoc is doing the same thing. >> lawrence: just posturing. >> brian: that's what the supreme court has laid out. keep in mind if you vote for a
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senate candidate. if you want to pack the court, vote for a democrat. if you want to keep things normal. you wouldn't do that because joe manchin and sinema are not there to govern the senate. >> lawrence: every single time, steve, they don't by -- when there is not a ruling, most of the way most of the rulings 9-0. and this was a balanced ruling. >> brian: 6-3. >> lawrence: every time it doesn't want to go their way pack the court or redefine the court. by the way, can't not forget there has been attacks on the court when it comes to was it gorsuch or kavanaugh at his house where there was an assassination attempt. so, can't forget that either. >> lawrence: all the protests. >> lawrence: don't know who the leaker was by the way. trump camp hoping to get this whole conviction thrown out. they used evidence from his time in office during the trial which goes against the supreme court ruling. >> brian: trying to figure it out. it's good news. rnc will come off with a presidential nominee who will actually be there. no risk of being imprisoned.
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>> carley: what a year. >> brian: every day is unprecedented. >> carley: more news to get to starting with this missouri remains in critical condition after he was shot in the head without warning during a botched armed robbery attempted at his own wedding reception over the weekend? the bride's sister telling their local fox affiliate, quote: they took nothing, yet they took everything from us. what a powerful statement. party goers say they believe the two suspects looked like teenagers. but police say they are still investigating. the group is just 32 years old, god bless him. florida police having -- to travel by boat to a small island near daytona beach in order to reach a suspect who they say was camping out on the island to avoid being arrested on alleged battery charges. >> police department, show me
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your hands. >> carley: police say the suspect had called police and dared them to arrest prior to being found. that's bold. the fda approving a new alzheimer's treatment for patients facing the early stages of the disease. president of eli lilly's neuroscience arm saying in a press release the drug demonstrated very meaningful results for people with early symptomatic alzheimer's disease who urgently need effective treatment options. the company says it will be available within weeks. and in a new study revealing the age divide in who believes in the american dream and if it's still possible. 51% of 18 to 29-year-olds think it used to be achievable. but is it now? while 68% of those who are 65 and over believe it is still feasible. and country singer craig morgan believes young ages don't appreciate freedom for the u.s. telling fox news digital i see things that people are doing that just make me shake my head
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in a lack of understanding, they can't appreciate how fortunate we are. i think a lot of that is attributed to lack of education. there is some ignorance in the world, in our society in particular, and in states where people don't understand the importance of the freedoms that we celebrate. and i think a lot of people will likely agree with what morgan has to say about that. >> steve: right. particularly older people who have seen so much. i think that's why we have a better appreciation than you young people. >> lawrence: that's true. >> steve: about what a great country we live in. >> i feel like also our elders generally have failed the young people because they haven't educated them about it. i have a friend that's an operator and served our country and he was messaging me because his daughter was saying free, free palestine. i fight against hamas, how can my daughter have this position because they have the education gap. >> carley: i don't know if it's education. i feel like when you are young you go against what your parents
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say. >> steve: question authority. >> carley: you need perspective, which is why older people do still do believe in the american dream and a lot of new u.s. citizens coming from different countries also do as well. they have that perspective of what it's like in other countries and they are so grateful to be here today. >> brian: two things over the next two years go out of our way instead of condemning, educating insightful way. hopefully going to do this at this channel on these great stories in american history and start comparing it if it need be to other countries. how unique our background is. the progress that we have made. how we went from a nowhere town to everybody wanted to see fail to the place where everyone wants to be. and if you can't travel, it costs money, i understand it, but, if you can travel and if you find some place that's better. please stay. number two, i think as a country, we should not have mandatory service. we have should have mandatory anthony robbins courses let you understand that you are responsible for your american dream. don't look for other people to outline it for you.
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figure out what it is the hardest part and then pursuit it and enjoy every second of it and realize other countries don't have that. >> lawrence: wish some author write book mrs. american history. pass it out and tell them these stories. >> steve: anthony robbins saying wait a minute are we selling my book or brian's book? >> carley: both. >> brian: bret baier is coming up in a while he has a good history. >> carley: good news for america we have a wig show tomorrow 8:00 p.m. eastern time. the big independence day special. if you do want to learn about what is great about america. i'm sure you already know. we will shilt those details. fireworks and music and trivia. cameos from all your favorite fox news permanents, it's a good time. >> brian: can i see that full screen one more time? do you know the men are having a good time and women are dead serious. can we see it one more time? >> carley: i don't think i have ever been more serious than in my head shot.
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>> brian: my goodness looking right through me. like a super hero. [laughter] >> brian: got on carley's wrong side. you look fantastic. >> carley: woke up on the wrong side of the bid that day. >> brian: no. you look serious. calling on joe biden to step aside if he can't step up. >> lawrence: andrew i can't think once ran against him he said it's time to replace him as the democratic nominee. he's next. ♪ this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is. lowe's knows the right paint at a great price
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5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. >> carley: a fox news alert. at least seven people are dead as hurricane beryl roars through the win ward islands. the category 4 storm is racing toward jamaica after destroying the southeastern caribbean. here at home severe storms are expected across the plains and midwest today while the west coast is facing a potentially life-threatening holiday heat wave. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz with our fox weather forecast. hi, adam. >> adam: good morning, carley. a lot going on across the caribbean as we continue to track this very powerful hurricane. winds at at 145 miles per hour. hurricane warnings are in place there. if did you go a little further down the road suddenly you have cancun.
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yucatan. mexico. big tourist areas could ultimately be impacted by this storm. here's the track you see today jamaica, friday running up along the coast of mexico and by the time you get into early next week there is at least a chance there is going to impact southern texas. of course watching as it makes that move. right now back across the continental united states looking at a couple of areas particularly in the middle of the country where you see risk of severe weather. ohio river valley, back across the plains, these are spots today where you can see severe weather. give yourself a little extra time if you are traveling here before your july 4th holiday. those are your headlines. steve throwing it back over to you. >> steve: thank you very much. on this wednesday morning there is a new reuters report revealing that 25 house democrats are preparing to call on president biden, write him a letter, drop out of the race if he appears shaky in the coming days and even some of the biggest names to endorse the president in 2020 think that his pawpath to a second term is
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unwinnable. >> i think the democrats would lose the house and the senate as well as the white house if joe biden was at the top of the ticket. right thing for him to do is to step aside. >> we heard that and called him up. andrew yang debated joe biden when he ran for the democratic nomination in 2020 and eventually endorsed him he joins us now. andrew, good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. it's great to be here. >> steve: the guy you debated. the joe biden you debated in 2020 where did that guy go? i saw him thursday and that wasn't him. >> i agree. i debated joe seven times in 2020. and the last several years have taken a very clear toll. it's why i believe joe biden should do the right thing by the party and the country and step aside as the democratic nominee. he said himself he wanted to be a bridge to the next generation. now is that time. >> steve: well, andrew, the white house and the campaign team, they say, you know, regardless of what happened, they are telling the donors that the race is unchanged, the polls
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are flat, apparently that is not completely accurate. but they are circling the wagon around joe. there are a number of democrats though. high ranking democrats who say, you know what? he can't beat trump. so let's go to plan b. what's your plan b for joe? >> i think that the democratic party has a lot of talent. i think there are reasonable governors around the country, by the way i think is he meeting with a number of those governors today. >> steve: he is. >> lloyd doggett a member of congress from texas came out and said that joe should step aside as the democratic nominee. i think there are going to be many other voices joining him. i feel like a dam is about to break. and you're going to see more people go public in the coming days. >> steve: somebody who is public over the last six months or so. >> dean phillips, of minnesota. who ran against joe biden. of course, he eventually had to drop out because joe got so many more delegates.
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i think dean phillips has 4. but you supported him. but he was right. and he is owed an apology by a lot of people in the mainstream media and the democratic party because he was saying joe biden of 2024 is not the same guy who debated andrew yang. >> i'm so glad that you raised that dean phillips staked his career and so many people talk pot shots at him and now he has been proven right. i hope that people recognize the sacrifices that dean made to make his case that now millions of americans can see to be true with our own eyes. dean stood up for his principles if the face of his party and now there are many other people that are going to be joining him after the fact. i wish that this had come out five, six months earlier. >> steve: no kidding. i think there are a lot of democrats who feel exactly the same way as you, andrew. ultimately though, let's
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fast-forward to the convention. is joe biden going to be their nominee? your nominee? >> i think it's going to be an open convention. i think you're going to see folks like andy beshear of kentucky. josh shapiro of pennsylvania. gretchen whitmer of michigan, all contending and i think that's good. i think that's healthy for democracy. the fact is a majority of voters were concerned about joe before the debate. now, it's a clear majority he talks about defending democracy. i think democracy would have been better served if we had had a real primary. but a contested convention at least is still much better than coronation of a candidate that in this case is best served by following george washington's example and stepping aside for the good of the country. >> steve: that's right. andrew yang, sir, thank you very much for joining us on this third day of july. >> happy free 4th to you all.
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♪ >> carley: listen to this. aaa is predicting a record travel rush this week for independence day with more than 60 million people expected to hit the road in nearly 6 million expected to fly. >> lawrence: fox weather correspondent katy berne joins us from a rest stop in new jersey. hey, katy. >> good morning, you guys. yeah, i'm talking to a lot of travelers this morning. some people are heading straight to the shore. but some people are actually driving all the way back from orlando. a lot of people doing two for one trips this holiday period.
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this is supposed to be one of the busiest days of the entire fourth of july holiday. so, we have at least # 0 million americans traveling somewhere throughout the holiday period. and more than 60 million of them are going to be driving. so we're expecting those roads to get pretty busy. we are going to be keeping our eye on them. where we are live is really the last rest stop before people hit the beaches at the south jersey shores. we are catching up with the early birds. >> beat the traffic. yeah. we -- we got up at 5:00 and left by a quarter till 6:00. >> i don't mind this time but i don't like driving necessarily at night. and i don't like driving in traffic. >> of course we know the airports are going to be busy. 2 million expected to fly all over the place today. we have delays at newark liberty international airport yesterday because of a shortage of air traffic controllers according to the faa. be watching out for that for
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those drivers can you tell right now looking like a good time to hit the roads. not a lot of traffic here behind me. of course, that's going to change once we get into the afternoon hours, you guys. >> carley: that is good news. now that you told everybody the roads are clear. they won't be. they will be we are leaving now. thanks, katie. >> lawrence: thanks, katie. just in time for independence day. a "new york times" op-ed telling americans to get rid of their fireworks because they are danger for the environment. >> carley: listen to this. the author writes, quote. >> conflation of selfishness with patriotism is the thing i have the hardest time accepting about our current political era. maybe we have the right to eat a hamburger or drive the biggest truck on the market or fire off bottle rockets deep into the night on the fourth of july but it doesn't make us good americans to do such things. fox news contributor and retired marine bomb tech joey jones and fox news correspondent aishah hasnie joining us now ahead of the big independence day
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special. we will get to that in a bit. good morning, guys, great to see you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> carley: are we come flatulating patriotism with selfishness fo fourth of july. >> joey: may not make us good americans but it does not make us bad americans. i read this piece, painful. i looked up the author. i'm pretty sure she a bird watcher. we don't have much in common as a duck watcher myself. segue to condemn everything about american life. listen, i'm environmentalist. i like it hunt ducks. i want to take care of the environment so i have got a place to do it. i don't want to be wasteful. the authority in which this person writes this and fireworks is the hill you want to die on? i mean, i don't get it. i don't understand they think we're stupid and they can use any little thing to say oh, you know, it's okay for the city or disney world to put off fireworks but you shouldn't be able to. and she talks about her dog. i mean, i don't know. listen, gun train your dog and you don't have to worry about
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fireworks. >> lawrence: aishah, joey makes a lot of great points there. at its core they are just against fun. this is like for kids and families to have a great day. issue iron aren't fireworks for the kids anyways? what child is reading this op-ed right now so many few things left that bring us joy in the world. fireworks is one of them. like most towns and cities only do it once a year. what are you supposed to do about the fireworks on new year's eve, just not do those? do they stop doing them around the world? go and police everybody all across the world? by the way on the dog issue apparently this is a problem. one of our hairstylists told us there are like little thunder snugies out there that can you wrap your chihuahua or whatever around and feel more comfortable. >> carley: i have seen those commercials before thunder blankets for dogs.
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>> aishah: i wonder if they work. >> carley: all together right now you get to see the four of us together again. 4:00 p.m. eastern time. for the big independence day special. we're going to be showing fireworks. sorry this "new york times" author. they are going to be going around the country and you will see them on the show talking about patriotism. we have done it before together. it's a great time, right, guys? >> joey: yeah, absolutely. i hate it for the "new york times" opinion editorial board but we're going to show a lot of fireworks. >> aishah: we're going to eat a lot of hot dogs too, carley. >> carley: yes! >> lawrence: share some american stories, too. >> aishah: so many amazing incredible stories and heros to talk about. all looking forward to doing it with you. i want to say i don't know who picked us to be together, but they picked like four best friends. so i'm just excited. i haven't seen you guys in like months in person. so super excited. >> lawrence: a family reunion. >> carley: i remember last year aishah we spent so much of our prep time like gabbing in my
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office. we have a show to do. so i can't wait to see you, joey, great to see you right over there. can i see you in my line of vision. i shall see you in person tomorrow. give you all a big hug. arab. >> aishah: see you soon. >> carley: independence day special tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. don't miss it. >> lawrence: more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ ♪ goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute
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♪ >> brian: satellite images are reportedly showing a growing number of electronic eavesdropping stations in cuba believed to be linked to china and the china threat has become a top issue in one of the most competitive senate races. you got republican candidate mike rogers looks like a shoe in for the nomination accusing his opponent congresswoman elise slotkin cutting deals with chinese battery maker in their state. congressman mike rogers who wants to be the next senator joins us now. how big a deal is this first off chinese bases, those eavesdropping towers? >> well, it's pretty significant. we knew that a lot of this footprint, brian, was where the russians used to operate. so another example of why when china and russia are saying there's no holds barred relationship, that means they are sharing intelligence places around the world and other
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things. that's why the chinese were able to, i think, set this up so quickly. they were using that footprint that the russians, at the time the soviet union were using to spy on the united states. except now, that was back in 2,000 when they closed it down. the russians, now it's just a lot more sophisticated. so having the chinese, 90 miles off our coast with really sophisticated electronic elections, is not great for us. and if you remember, about two or three weeks ago, the russians sent a nuclear powered submarine on a show of force trip to cuba, and so, what we're seeing here is an escalation of all of this, so, this is a long way from the spy air balloon that flew over the country, and our -- the biden administration looked bumbling and fumbling, now we know why, this is this next level of escalation, that we should be concerned about clearly that we're going to have -- the world is looking at
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us as vulnerable, that's not good for us. >> brian: thousands of chinese coming across the border roller bags and military age. reported back to china. hopes that continues. elissa slotkin closed door discussion about a chinese battery company building a factory right there in michigan. it would be for electronic vehicles. it will be in big rapids, michigan, outside of slotkin's current congressional district. is that okay with you? >> no, it is not okay with me. it's not okay with michigan, either. and that's the reason that they signed -- this is a public official signing a nondisclosure agreement that received public money. it received state of michigan money and the federal government money and the people in michigan are outraged by this and they should be. this is a result and a consequence of mandating that you have to buy an electric vehicle where 85% of it is processed in china. and so when they were getting this deal together, and spending
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our taxpayer money on bringing a chinese company to the state of michigan and chinese engineers, this is why people are upset. it's about 80 miles from our camp gray ling. there are no travel restrictions for any chinese employees that are there. leon panetta, the former cia director for barack obama said there is a 100 percent chance that they will use some of those people for espionage agents to find out what's going on at grayling and other places and try steal technology and ip and the list goes on. this is why this attitude of, you know, this is a great job. it's a battery job. by the way which has never lived up to the hype. 30% less labor for a state like michigan to build an electric car. it's not as good for the environment as they tell you it is. that's why china is overbuilding and using coal powered plants to build electric vehicles to sell to the united states. you couldn't write this script in a worst way.
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>> brian: it's so dumb. >> michiganders are getting on to it. >> brian: i would think if you are in the auto business you don't want china building batteries put into cars that require less labor and less efficient and no way to get rid of them. finally governor whitmer was evidently reported that governor whitmer told the white house you're going to lose michigan because of their policies, hamas, and things like you just mentioned. she has since walked that back. but, as you look at right now, trump leading by about 4 in michigan. it's going to be tight. we know that's a battleground state. what do you think governor whitmer was meaning? >> i think the most dangerous place for the president is on a staircase with governor whitmer on the top stair. she definitely is positioning her self to try to take the place and be on the ticket for the next go around. and it's not good for michigan. certainly not good for the country. and they are not going to win, brian. they are walking it back because they're all playing internal democrat politics. you know, our folks here in michigan are having a hard time
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making their paycheck meet the end of the month food bill. and that's why they are not going to win the next election. >> brian: traversing the state drying to get an ear for it and you will get the nomination officially the first week in august. thanks a lot, congressman. best luck in your senate race. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: up next "special report" bret baier joins us as president biden faces more questions about his future and ours. ♪ lowe's knows when you need a new appliance, you want it at the right price. now you can save big on ge appliances like the ge range with easywash oven tray. with a removable tray that fits into the dishwasher. even a big mess is no sweat. shop lowe's now for great july 4th deals. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time.
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