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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 3, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> lawrence: nothing happening in the world, it is -- >> brian: slow news day. >> lawrence: 8:00 on wednesday, july 3rd. this is "fox and friends." fox news alert. 25 house democrats preparing to get on a call with president biden to end his reelection campaign. more inside the party come forward with concerns. >> i don't see a path now for president biden to stay in this race in the long-term. there are stronger options out there for democrats. >> lawrence: bret baier will react on the party panic. >> carley: new"new york times"
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opedclaim the first amendment is out of control. "new york times" said that? really? >> lawrence: morones. >> brian: nathan's hot dog eating contest is tomorrow and joey chestnut won't be there, where he'll be instead. >> steve: are they replacing joe, joey chestnut with biden? he's a hot dog. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. remember, mornings are betters with friends. >> brian: house democrats preparing to call for president biden to end his reelection effort. >> lawrence: comes as pair of congressional democrats publicly declare they have no confidence in biden's ability to win and serve another term. >> steve: mr. doug luzader is
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live in washington with details of the mutiny of the biden. >> doug: good morning. the president will be under a microscope and no one may be examining him more closely than this group of house democrats. this is what reuters is reporting, there are 25 democratic members of house of representative preparing to call for biden to step aside if he seems shaky in coming days, according to one democratic aide. there is a staff meeting today at the white house to boost moral and the president will meet with democratic governors to convince them he can serve as president and defeat donald trump in november. this is what they are up against. elected democrats are beginning to say out loud what many have been thinking since last week.
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texas congressman doggett among those talking openly about the party finding another candidate. >> we needed this decision to be made earlier in the process, i remain hopeful despite all the input from his own staff and family members he'll look at the numbers and realize this is a hill too high to climb and call on someone else. >> i don't see a path now for president biden to stay in this race in the long-term. there are stronger options for democrats, we have a stable of folks that can do a good job. another democrat will have a better shot at beating trump. >> doug: former president obama is publicly in biden's corner. this is what "washington post" writes, obama long harbored
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concerns about defeating trump in november, warpning how challenging it will be to win reelection. the president's schedule today, he has lunch scheduled with vice president, may be awkward, we'll see. later this evening, a meeting with democratic governors to ashes lay their fears. >> steve: during lunch with the vice president because everything the president has done has been on teleprompter, will they have a teleprompter in the lunch room? >> doug: may be dual ing teleprompters. in all fairness i'm looking at a teleprompter right now. >> steve: you are not president. >> carley: events close to the press including call with democratic governors. >> brian: obama coming out and
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saying he is worried is not new. and remind me of rocky i, apollo creed was not taking him seriously and his trainer looked at the television and rocky was pounding meat in the locker plant. they had so many court cases coming up and january 6 case and ron desantis and govern nikki haley, they said, he has no shot and key aides said don't worry, this election is not about joe biden, it is going to be about donald trump and our mid-term showed there will be no red wave. we got abortion and abortion will push the president over the top. they were wrong, wrong and wrong. look out what rocky hits the
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meat. >> steve: okay. when is that? >> brian: rocky 1 movie of the year. >> lawrence: i was wondering when i was going to connect it. >> brian: he kept moving up and apollo is about to go down, more rocky 2. >> steve: knockout came thursday night. >> carley: great point. >> steve: okay, who is that guy? >> brian: he never reached out after that horrible night, steve, they never reached out to fellow democrats to say, don't worry about it. >> steve: that is why there is axios talking about how top democrats are so angry joe is in denial along with the white house people, they want a number of top democrats want chuck chuck schumer and hakeem jeffreys to reach out and say you can't beat donald trump, don't try it. they are talking about how --
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one person spilled the beans and essentially looking at independent voters and how they are swayed. >> carley: on private call democrats way, listen to options, comatose or dead biden and alternatives. while carville offered advice to push biden out, biden had one advocate, dimitri who has been a stanch advocate for sticking with the president arguing biden should stay in the race. if swing voters already believe biden is feeble, but they like vice president kamala harris even less, kamala harris is more threatening to voters than dead joe biden or comatose joe biden. if joe has to go, it is kamala,
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if it is kamala, it will be harder. >> lawrence: it is first time in biden presidency we have gotten so many leaks. why all the leaks? biden family went after the staff and blamed them for the debate, it is going back and forth. we've gotten more quotes in the last week than the entire biden administration. looks like the insurance policy is working when it comes to kamala harris. everyone knows they cannot skip her. you cannot skip the black woman, the base of the democratic party. forget you have a supreme court justice, she was vice president already. people that vote for democrats most are black women.
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if you skip her, it becomes a big issue in the party and that is why for folks just joining us, this is why i think joe biden has to stay because kamala cannot be an alternative, they are going to lose. >> steve: i think joe biden will not be the nominee, she is the hay apparent. joe biden has to say, i've decided in best interest of my family and interest of the country, i'm not going to run. what he could do is say let's have an open convention, kamala harris would go toe to toe with other names we've been talking about. tonight they are going to have a closed meeting with democratic governors, five governors are zooming in who could replace joe
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biden on the ticket. >> brian: gavin newsom will be there. >> lawrence: if biden said have open convention, you don't think he has to endorse kamala harris? >> steve: absolutely not. >> brian: thomas friedman said, in "new york times," if kamala harris wants to be president, let her put her name in. whitney tillsons i feel i've been deceived, biden and the people around him have been deceiving the american people, we can see we have been lied to. listen to this fundraiser, fundraiser in virginia, i decided to travel around the world, before g-7 and d-day celebration and i almost fell asleep on stage, first time that revelation came forward. just to comment on this. he was home for 10 to 13 days
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after those trips back and forth and you chose to go back and forth. you wanted to be at juneteenth celebration and left early to go to hollywood fundraiser. how dare we notice obama had to grab his arm and lead him off the stage. we hear while jimmy kimmel was doing the interview, he was unattached and unaware of where he was. >> carley: of all the leaks, we are hearing about this jimmy kimmel thing. during the debate it was more difficult for president biden because of his facial expression. >> steve: that thousand-yard stare. they have to decide what the excuse was. he had a cold. joe biden said i was so pooped from flying around. >> lawrence: at the core,
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though, the staff said don't go traveling. that is part of the job and busy schedule, don't choose to be president of the united states. >> carley: you are going to get woken up at 3:00 in the morning, something have involves our national security. >> lawrence: maybe former president biden knew something when he said joe, just don't do it and he picked hillary. that was first time. >> brian: he sbeau biden had jut passed away. now clyburn plans to talk to biden and give his own assessment. barack obama said he is concerned and nancy pelosi went from how dare you question joe biden to we'll find out if it was an episode or a condition.
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that is a huge change in 24 hours. kjp walked out yesterday and did not speak to the president first, making the whole press conference useless. >> the briefing room is 30 seconds away, why not come down here and assure us and the american people he is okay. >> after the debate, did the president get examined by a doctor or get a neurological scan? >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president's health or his ability to do the job day-to-day? >> was he okay? what happened? we've gone several days he's only done teleprompter comments. >> this year the president has done more than 40 interviews, unscripted. >> lawrence: either the president behaved cowardly or
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like the special counsel said, well intended old man. to send the secretary out there to defend the indefensible. i don't think kjp does a grand central job, the but to send her out there to speak for the family is wrong. >> carley: you have to not, last thing she said, the president has done 40 interviews, it is 22, i don't know where she came up with that number. half of what she claims. >> steve: they have a whole rescue plan to have him talk to governors and do the interview with george stephanopoulos and it will be on tape, so if there is something embarrassing, they may edit. >> brian: if george
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stephanopoulos is told to go after him, he will finish him. nancy pelosi, clyburn, it is all about winning. george stephanopoulos can ask tough questions, ask any republican that comes on there. he pinned him to the mat on afghanistan and he threw the generals under the bus saying, no one told me the government would fall. >> steve: and george stephanopoulos is going to be the proxy for the united states. the biggest question, is joe biden okay? if you watch the debate, you know he is not okay in a physical way that night. he just said he fell asleep. if you watch him, he did not know his own policy, he is prompterized, everything written
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for him to say out loud. jerry baker told to brian, at w "wall street journal," editor at large, essentially things have cracked, the dam is cracked open. there are top democrats who are talking to people in the media saying, hey, joe has to go. here is jerry. >> what we've seen revealed so clearly in the last 72 hours or so, most media does not cover joe biden and the democrats, they cover for joe biden and the democrats. the fik is in, they are moving to get rid of him. they are talking to friendings in media saying, it is time to go. we should not be misled to think media outlets are submitting to burst of -- >> lawrence: problem with this, he said the fix is in, if you
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have been watching, i've enjoyed seeing democrats go after each other after calling us crazy about this. the obama camp, former advisors are going after each other publicly temperature is nasty whether on cable or tv, they are saying you counted us out before. you are self-righteous and you don't get it, you are measuring everyone up to that. they are saying he needs to get out. >> brian: is that kurusht rustl from "the miracle on ice" this is not a matter of being out matched. >> steve: who is owed a an apology is dean phillips, running opposite joe biden.
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he was saying, dean was saying, this guy is not all there. >> carley: and robert hur and nikki haley said it might be kamala. >> brian: worth saving. another person having a bad week is r.f.k. jr., revelation about the type of animal he eats. >> carley: hes goat. >> brian: looks like a dog, i'm seeing the picture and everything in this article blew up. president trump is on a roll and not just because he is lucky, great legal team and legal strategy and rulings have come his direction, disciplined campaign and candidate knows when your opponent is beating himself up, let him beat himself up. >> carley: what a difference 90
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be minutes makes. illegal migrant from el salvador has been indicted of murder and rape of a mother. victor hernandez charged with two counts of murder, rape, sex offense and kidnapping, accused of dragging moran off a hiking path and strangling her to death. he is due in court on july 22nd. dhs reporting 22 illegal immigrants coming from china making it large charter deportation to china since 2016. over 57,000 chinese nationals have been apprehended at the southern border under the biden administration. and a wildfire tearing through northern california burning
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tlan,000 to evacuate the area. s that is scorching 300 acres since. officials in deinali national park in alaska have no timeline for reopening. officials are investigating what started thatir foo. beachgoers sent running when a massive sea lion charged at them in san diego. according to eyewitnesses, the animal began to bark at people and chase them off the beach. no one was injured. sea lions bark, that is the headline. >> steve: they do and a lot of them at that beach. >> carley: they are cute, not when they are charging at somebody, that makes me think it
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has rabies. >> brian: we'll look into that at the break. the seal, walrus, right? different animals? they do it without arms. it is a motion. impressive, i'll eat you and go without arms. >> steve: like flippers. >> carley: crocodiles and alligators do the same thing. >> lawrence: they have abs. >> brian: they must. >> steve: they don't eat many carbs, they heat fish. >> brian: great time to read the tease. >> steve: find out about the walrus. >> lawrence: fox news alert, democrats calling on president biden to end his campaign. >> steve: bret baier will give insight on these possible
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game-changing developments. that is pret's theme song. >> brian: he picks his own music? >> carley: that's a great song. the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling tempur-breeze mattresses. hi. i'm gina. i was really upset at the way i had let myself go. my cravings were out of control. i had to do something. we all know it's important to take care of our health but it seems the trend is looking for a quick fix. and as a nurse it's really important to me what i put in my body. the main difference with golo is the way i felt. i wasn't jittery, my cravings went away. i felt satisfied and healthy and had tons of energy.
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give golo a shot you won't be sorry.
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>> adam: category 4 hurricane
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b beryl moving to west and northwest, hurricane warning in jamaica and cayman islands, cancun and ac tulume. by friday mexico and back over gulf of mexico and could impact south texas by monday of next week. those are weather headlines. over to you. larp two dozen house democrats prepping to call on president biden to end his campaign. his own party members are casting doubt. bret baier is here to react. you have been doing this a long time. what i upon about democrats, they do not move without leadership. when time to vote, they are in
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lock step. question is, is this actually happening or are these members trying to protect themselves in bucking the leadership? >> bret: it is combination of that, democrats and republicans, lawmakers are protecting their own hide when it comes to reelection. we are starting to get more and more internal and external polls, public polls about ramifications of the debate. there are polls that show joe biden losing virginia, new hampshire and new mexico to donald trump. that is a massive shift and would be a game-changer in the electoral college. it would mean donald trump would win going away. those numbers scare the crap out
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of everybody on down the ticket. they realize top of the tick et could hurt their chance to take over the house and hold on to the senate. that is what the seismic shift you are seeing is all about. >> lawrence: you are part of the washington press corps and covered joe biden before the debate. many colleagues in the court didn't but now are. have you been hearing this behind the scenes? headlines have changed. "new york times" in june said misleading videos. and july 2, its biden said to be increasingly common and worry some. and msnbc june 17th, misleading gop videos of biden going viral,
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fact checkers have trouble keeping up. and biden turns to family on path forward after disastrous debate. there is story of corps changing this point of view. behind scenes, did you hear a different story before these were made public? >> bret: yeah, you acknowledge cognitive issues that you were seeing with your own eyes. but reporting of it was egregious on the cheap fake video thing when they went after us and others for playing videos u unedited, they were showing what everyone is now seeing. and "wall street journal" piece that the establishment of the demo democratic party and administration and campaign came out furiously that it was a
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political effort by the "wall street journal" and now you have a "new york times" story that is 16 pages long, 3000 words going into more mental lapses. it does not start until 11:00 a.m., he has a nap in the afternoon. he told do nors, i was not very smart, it was foreign travel and 15 time zones in june was the problem. there was a lot of time between his return and debate prep. i do think the dam is breaking and i wouldn't be surprised if we see something very quickly. >> lawrence: bret, i don't want to bash the media because american people saw the debate, there was going to be some point in time when that moment h
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happened, the press not think that moment would happen? was there assurance they would keep him well contained? there was going to be a moment where conversations were going to become public. what happened there? >> bret: that is the biggest question and there is a real trust issue. people had to know and saw him behind the scenes. why don't you report that and do what we were doing, showing what we know to be the truth and talking to people behind the scenes. i think the biggest indicator this is shifting, you are seeing more and more stories how great vice president harris is and how great she is really behind the scenes working with people, really savvy on it is issue and this shift, this vibe toward
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vice president harris i think you are going to see in coming days, that is easiest way to transition the ticket. she gets access to money and defends administration and it is not a problem for the party. >> lawrence: you know when there is a shift in message, everyone gets on tv and say the same talking point. catch more bret tonight 6 p.m. tonight on special report. thanks. speak now or forever hold your peace, former obama advisor argues first amendment is out of control. clay travis has thoughts on that, he is next. ♪ ♪ if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts.
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you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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>> brian: supreme court is a frequent punching bag for many in the media. tim wu argues that the first amendment is out of control and focuses on high court's decision on moderation back to lower court. here to weigh in is outkick host and lawyer clay travis. do you think this is worthy of ridicule it is receiving? classified documents /* >> i do, most important freedom we have is first amendment, foundation of every freedom upon which this nation is based. when it read this piece in the
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times, for those who study times v sullivan, most important first amendment case decided by supreme court, that is reason why "new york times" business is allowed to exist because of robust protection the media is given. t times was the defendant hit with damages based on reporting during civil rights era. if supreme court not provided them with massive protection, it issic l likely "new york times" would have crumbled. we are letting too many opinions out there, it is too robust and antithesis of everything our country was founded on. >> brian: from the column, over past decade or two, liberal
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justices protect anything called free speech regardless whether speaker is human or corporation. that is a fine point on an overview. is that fine point worthy of discussion? >> clay: we can debate what is and is not acceptable when it comes to first amendment. the way i look at it, with tiktok, question of is it okay to allow for there to be a chinese company that owns maybe the most prominent media service in the country. we would not allow a chinese company to own cnn or msnbc, why would we allow it for tiktok? shutting it down is wrong move, requi requiring american leadership is
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logical. >> brian: have a great 4th. thank you. how well do you know american history? doos on the loose, july 4th edition in just a moment. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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>> steve: all right, okay. it is july 3rd, tomorrow is the 4th of july. we're on the streets of new york city. some people have to work today. we are talking about american trivia. i hold in my hand really good questions. here are a couple young people all dressed up. why are you dressed up? >> we work upstairs here at sa sampleo. >> steve: would you like to test your american trivia expertise? what is your name? >> jack. >> colin. >> steve: you can be a team. fis question, what was thomas jefferson's middle name? >> oh, gosh, henry. i'm sticking with it. >> steve: sticking with it. bad, he did not have a middle
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name. thank you very much. you're good sports. i will give you one swimming suit to split between the two of you. >> thank you. >> steve: have a 5th on the 4th, i know i will. come over here. this guy, you are from? >> france. >> steve: from france. here is your question. what country gave us hamburgers and hot dogs? was it france? bel belgium? i ireland or germany? >> what? >> steve: hamburgers and hot dogs, where do they come from? >> american. >> steve: no, germany. we will give you this lovely u.s. -- blouse or shirt? very nice. put that on, we'll come back. talk to these guys.
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>> john. >> steve: who is first president born in a hospital? >> jefferson. >> steve: what was jefferson's middle name? >> jay. >> steve: he did not have one. jimmy carter. proud american. change your hat. put it on. what is your name? >> tommy. >> steve: more like it. here is your question. what president is said to have slept 11 hours per day and took a one or two-hour nap? sounds familiar. >> clinton. >> steve: close, coolidge. we will put you in a visor. 0 good. put on the shirts.
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welcome to our land. are you having a nice visit? >> very good. >> steve: until now. carley, the people of new york and americans in general are fuzzy on some important trivia questions. >> carley: we know thomas jefferson did not have a middle game, we will all remember that. you did your public service for all of us. so much fun. this 4th of july keeping it american made and that includes cars right here on fox square. look at the lineup. stick with us. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling.
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>> steve: the fourth of july is one of the biggest travel days of the year and if your road trip is thinking about investing in a new car our next guest has made in america models you need to consider. gary joins us right now live. good morning to you. let's start with this car we're in. >> american cars in the racing world american made cars and brands from around the world. every car acura sells in the
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united states is made in the united states. new sporty version of the integra. 320 horsepower and check this out. you can only buy this with a six-speed manual transmission. not because it's faster and more efficient but it's more fun with the stick. >> steve: let's go on over to brian now. do you know how to drive a stick? >> this is our truck of the year. >> let's get in. >> brian: what makes this special? >> new ford ranger is all new for 2024. top of the line ranger raptor. high performance version. a special suspension that uses fox brand shocks. we like that. you can drive this through the desert and high speeds and jump it. i had it three or four feet in the air jumping 20 feet through the air. the sports cars of the day. you can go off road and have fun
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with this. $57,000, totally loaded, a blast. >> brian: carley is in another car. i should bring you over there. >> sitting by a white car and told it is a hyundai sante fe made in alabama. want to get in? >> hyundai sante fe. check out the headlights. it has crazy -- they look like space invaders, computer graphic design they've gone with here. the only sante fe. it doesn't look like anything else in the crossover class. luxurious, 35 to 50,000 for these. i will fit in the third room. very roomy. it's a cool feature here. this is a uv sanitizer, light in there and put your phone in there, maybe covid leftover a little late. put electronic gear in there and hit the button and -- >> this car is for you if you're
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germ averse. >> lawrence: this is mike rowe. let's go, you go on that side. what have we got? >> plenty of room for you and this is the luxury vehicle of the year. all electric. made in arizona. what we like about this is it costs $71,000, a pretty good price, 419 miles of range, which is tremendous for an electric car. gets the equivalent of 137 miles per gallon in efficiency. 430 horsepower and accelerate to 60 miles-per-hour in 4.3 seconds. >> i'm about to buy a car. >> this is really -- >> lawrence: i want this one right here. we got the corvette. >> the corvette, the sports car of the year. i don't know if you know about this.
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it's a hybrid with a v8 in the back, electric motor up front. 655 horsepower. 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds. the quickest car general motors has ever made. >> lawrence: i'm 6'5" and i can fit in the car. >> it looks like a spaceship. >> he will still fit. it is roomy. not cheap. 116,000, good job. >> lawrence: we have special coverage fourth of july at 8:00 p.m. me, carley, joey jones and aishah hosni. >> a lot of fun. happy independence day, everybody. >> brian: join me on the radio. >> it got to be up front and


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