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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 3, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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i think something needs to change. i don't see how this can continue on and us be safe. >> shannon: former defense secretary mark esper had this to say. >> it is very, very serious. if you are a foreigner, an ally, a partner, you are looking at this and you start questioning does he have the stamina to go another four years? look, you can't help but answer and say no. >> shannon: quick final word from you, colonel? >> i don't know -- it's questionable whether he can be successful in between now and january 20th of 2025. i don't see any prospect that he can go another four years. it doesn't matter who you want to vote for you have to have somebody in there that can do a job. >> shannon: happy independence day to you. >> thank you, same to you. shannon. >> mike: biden white house
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descending into chaos as president biden faces increasing pressure to drop out of the race. 25 democrats are looking to end his term for a second term. mounting concerns about mr. biden's ability to carry out his constitutional duties. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm mike emanuel. dana and bill are off today. >> shannon: i'm shannon bream. nice to do a show together. the president now facing a possible mutiny on capitol hill unless he can restore confidence within the next few days. all of in happening giving another boost to former president trump after monday's immunity ruling by the supreme court. as president trump moves to overturn his new york conviction, the judge in that case has delayed the date for sentencing. here is trump attorney last night on the ingraham angle. >> now you start to see the dominoes top el in all these other cases against president
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trump. the supreme court stood up for the constitution, separation powers and rule of law and they weren't willing to rubber stamp these insane jack smith prosecutions. >> mike: eric shawn has more in the new york newsroom. >> the biden campaign are trying to quell the concerns about the president. some top democratic officials will see him later on today. democratic governors set to go to the white house tonight to that closed door sit-down meeting with the president. a chance for them to gauge him personally face-to-face. >> i think the governors just want a direct and candid conversation with the president. we want to make sure he is doing okay. we all know him and he formed a personal relationship with us and he says he is and we take him at his word. it is always good to see somebody in person. >> this comes as a new cnn poll taken after the debate shows 75% of registered voters think that the democrats have a better
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chance of keeping the white house if the president is not the party's nominee. this comes as in the race for cash the debate may have really helped former president trump. at the end of june his campaign says it has nearly $285 million in its coffers compared to 240 million report evidence by the biden team. the former president got another break with the recent supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. his sentence in his criminal trial in new york delayed from tomorrow to september. and in -- actually next week. in her first public comments about her father's trial ivanka trump is explaining why she didn't show up at the trial and not on the campaign trail. >> it is a pretty dark world. there is a lot of darkness, a lot of negativity and it is just really at odds with what feels good for me as a human being and, you know, it is a really rough business on a human level,
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it's my father and i love him very much, so it's painful to experience. but ultimately i wish it didn't have to be this way. >> as for the biden campaign it says the president will not withdraw. this as several newspaper editorial boards have been saying it is the former president trump who should drop out citing his continuing lies and what they call his, quote, extreme agenda. mike, back to you. >> mike: we'll follow it. >> shannon: joining us for more on this jason chaffetz. welcome. you and i sat on debate night and did coverage of this. we could see that night people were worried and yet the ripple effect is turning into something different. does he ride it out or do you think there will be enough of a panic attack publicly from other democrats that he has to go? >> well, five minutes into the debate it was clear that the president does not have the cognitive capability or the
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physical strength to continue to be the president of the united states. i think it's 100% clear there is no way he has another four years in him. i think the biggest question now is what will he do for the next seven months? he is struggling to get through day-by-day and the reports we're hearing about how he is acting, who is in these meetings, what is going on is a scary time for the united states. you need somebody to be able to answer that phone, make split second decisions 24 hours a day, not just at certain hours depending on how well he has napped beforehand. >> mike: you served with then speaker nancy pelosi. she asked whether this was an episode or a condition. what do you make of that? >> i think she is lying. i think she knows the cognitive decline is real. to deny anything else saying oh, this is just a bad 90 minutes, think about all the excuses we've had. he had a cold. then he went to the waffle house
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and shook hands and did that. the president said he almost fell asleep -- you are having the presidential debate and you almost fell asleep? do we believe him or not believe him? he said he was tired because of his international travel. that was two weeks prior. he flies on air force one with a bed and staff at his beck and call. he spent eight days up at camp david reportedly not even getting up and doing anything until 11:00 in the morning. this is the most rigorous job on the face of the planet and so for nancy pelosi to try to blame something else or change the direction, that's just nancy being nancy and it doesn't make any sense to america. >> shannon: i want to make sure we touch on the immunity ruling from monday and how it is being played out publicly. here is what the left says the supreme court decided. >> above joe biden. don't care about joe biden's age. he can sit down, he could roll around in a wheelchair. donald john trump cannot be
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allowed back into the white house. >> apparently a president is above the law. and he could hire anyone to kill anyone and be immune from prosecution. we're in deep [bleep] people. >> shannon: if it's that what it said. that is not what the decision said. but i don't expect rosey o'donnell to read every word of this decision but she is being told that's what it said. it seems divisive to the fabric of this country if you are misrepresenting what the supreme court actually did. >> they obviously didn't read it. i don't know rosie o'donnell can read anything more than a tv script. it is absurd. i think it tears apart the country when you take a supreme court ruling and then try to totally manipulate it for pure political reasons within minutes after it has been released. that is not what the supreme court ruling says. i thought it was a very
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reasonable ruling and sets clear guidelines. it is common sense if you think about it. if he is acting on official acts he has immunity as president of the united states. if he acts outside official acts, then he doesn't have immunity. it's pretty simple. it makes common sense. this is not a ruling about donald trump. this is about all presidents, democratic presidents, republican presidents, well into the future. this will be with us for decades and it was a right ruling by the court. >> mike: hunter biden is apparently dropping into west wing meetings, helping to write speeches says he doesn't trust some of the president's advisors. what do you make of all that? >> i think one of the scariest moments happening in the white house right now is that if the family -- if jill biden and hunter biden will after people don't trust the senior staff, what does that say about where we are in the decision-making process? who is actually making the decisions, the split second decisions that are going on
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there? hunter biden in his nefarious background and a convicted felon, to suggest that he would join on a telephone call, sit in on meetings, that is so fundamentally totally wrong. >> shannon: all right, jason chaffetz, always good to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you both. >> mike: millions of americans set to hit the road for the holiday. if you are one of them, pack your patience. this fourth of july is set to break travel records. jeff flock is live from the atlantic city express way with a look at the highways, hello, jeff. >> always good to see you. not good to see brake lights as we head for the jersey shore. maybe you will see a look out the window. the atlantic city express way, the pathway to the jersey shore where a lot of people are headed for the fourth of july. it will be an all-time record travel holiday.
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60 million people aaa says will be traveling by car somewhere. another almost 6 million by air and another 5 million by bus, train or cruise for this fourth of july holiday. looking at gas prices that have been remarkably stable. not as low as we would like but 3.51 the average gallon of regular in the u.s. almost the same as it was a week ago, almost the same as it was a month ago. almost the same as it was a year ago. stable, if not the lowest in the world. 60 million figure in terms of folks on the road being helped by the gas prices up almost 5% from a year ago and up almost 10% from pre-pandemic. aaa says we're back and we were at all-time records before the pandemic. here is what they told us. >> what's interesting when we now compare post pandemic to pre-pandemic we're already comparing it to above average
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and surpassing that. not only high for road trips, it has been high setting the record for air travel, cruising is back in a very big way. >> talking about those air folks that are in the air, 5.74 million folks, up almost 7% from a year ago and 12% pre-pandemic. good news, mike, the a.c. expressway have opened up. a three wheeler out there. look at that guy, geez, wow, who needs a convertible? cool. >> mike: jeff flock reporting live. in jersey you don't have to pump your own gas. have a wonderful holiday. be safe. >> we're going to move forward. that's what we want to do. look forward. we want to turn the page on this. we really truly want to turn the page on this. >> shannon: while the white house gearing up for a high-stakes meeting with
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democratic governors tonight. can the president ease their concerns? >> mike: does last week's debate underscore a failure by the media to hold the white house accountable. >> shannon: how is the anti-squatting law working in florida so far and could we see similar measures all across the country? with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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>> mike: a new florida law protecting homeowners in effect. steve harrigan has the details. >> that's right, anti-squatter laws already in effect in georgia and now in effect in florida as well trying to help the homeowners tip the balance a little bit back in their favor trying to allow local law enforcement to get involved more
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quickly and they come after some high-profile incidents including one in a million dollar house in fort lauderdale that had ten squatters inside including one of whom had false documents showing he was the owner. local law enforcement initially powerless to do anything. florida governor desantis says criminals are trying to game the system and that time is now over in florida. here is the governor. >> you are not going to be able to commandeer somebody's private property and expect to get away with it. we are, in the state of florida, ending the squatter scam once and for all. >> new penalties for squatters can be steep. in florida it can be a felony charge depending on how much money and damage was caused. in georgia it could be one year in prison depending on what happens inside the house. that law could certainly have helped this woman who says she offered to pay a squatter to leave her home. >> we offered her $750.
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we explained to her this is our house, we are not a property management company, it is just us. this is the house i lived in and offered her the money and she said that's not enough to put a roof over my kids' head so i'm not going to take it. >> the law in georgia gives squatters three days to try to show proof of ownership or rent or they could face possible arrest. mike, back to you. >> mike: steve, many thanks. >> shannon: president biden's schedule laying a p.r. blitz to reassure the public after last week's debate as the white house faces a flurry of questions on the president's fitness for office. >> wondering if there has been any consideration given to like releasing a more robust set of medical records or something to show his mental acuity. >> you see we have legitimate questions. are you being straight with the american people?
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have you ever seen the president have a bad night like we saw on the debate stage? >> what medications was he taking in the days or hours leading up to the debate? >> shannon: on the president's upcoming scheduled a taped interview with abc on friday. solo press conference next week and meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu later this month. let's bring in will cain and howard kurtz to talk about it. good morning, gentlemen. the interview on abc with george stephanopolous. talking to nikki haley raising concerns with president biden's fitness. >> there is no way joe biden will finish his term. i think kamala harris will be the next president and it should send a chill up every american's spine. the fact that we have a primary. >> excuse me one second about that. how do you know that joe biden won't finish his term? what is that based on? >> ask americans. do you think he will finish his
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term? >> shannon: from the time that interview happened to the debate the other night do you think president biden changed significantly or that george stephanopolous knew last year there was trouble? >> i think george stephanopolous knew last year. almost everyone dealing in reality has known for several years. i will say, shannon, there has been a rapid increase in the rate of his decline. i saw a video from back in february and it is worse today than it was in february. but we're not going to live in an alternate reality he was somehow sharp as a tack up until this debate. what you are seeing there is the alternate reality, the lie painted by the mainstream media . all of a sudden they've come to jesus and the knives are out really coming after joe biden. you ask yourself if you didn't foe for all this time but now willing to admit the truth, is it the concern for the country? were you concerned about the guy leading this country and whether or not he was up to the challenge or just concerned about an election? i think they're just concerned
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about losing. >> shannon: let me read something from a former "new york times" editor saying. it's clear the best news reporters in washington have failed in the first duty of journalism to hold power accountable. it was a hard story to report even by those who wanted to get it. if enough reporters have pushed the story was reportable. it is laughable and immoral to blame the press for overreacting the that reality. howie, the reaction after the debate last week was, you know, shock and this is terrible and he has declined. the fact is, it seemed to me people have known he was in decline. what they were upset about then is then the american people knew what they already knew is that he was in decline. >> the reason you saw such out rage questioning karine jean-pierre reporters feel lied to and misled and, you know, this was an unmitigated failure by the media to uncover, to penetrate what was a white house
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cover-up. but it is a very hard story to get. that why i constantly question why his team kept the president bubble wrapped and away from the press. it was very telling. this also, you know, most journalists, i've covered and known joe biden since 1980s and his first campaign, didn't have any access to the president. we watched on tv with everyone else when we saw the deterioration and confusion. the white house would push back hard at any age-related story. the "wall street journal" piece accurately reported behind closed doors biden was slipping. >> shannon: we will get access next week when there is a press conference. how much pressure on the president to deliver during that presser? >> okay, i want to address the media and to address the democrat and president. we can admit a couple things are true at the same time.
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number one they hid the president kept him in bubble wrapped. that is true. number two, the administration lied to the press on a regular basis. by extension, the american people about the president's acuity. we won't sit here and pretend it was a hard story to report. somehow you couldn't penetrate the obvious common sense eyes and ears of everyone understanding the president's mental acuity. in fact, the press was a willing mark. they were partners with the administration. the a.p., "new york times," "washington post", npr all ran stories a week and a half ago about cheap fakes when it came to videos showing us the reality when it came to president biden. i have no patience for the press. no forgiveness for the press. they helped perpetrate this lie on the american people. really quickly to the president, what's fascinating to me the president really doesn't need to impress upon americans now some reality. he doesn't have to convince americans. for all their talk of saving
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democracy, you know, including they'll do anything to save democracy including discredit the supreme court of the united states. they are ready to set aside democracy. biden was elected democratically in a primary. now the media elites and political elites say we'll lose with biden and just set him aside? that seems anti-democratic. what i would say biden has to impress upon his donors, media elites and the democratic part he can win. >> shannon: a full-fledged campaign including the meeting with democratic governors tonight. will, i will see you later on the podcast and howie, i will see you down the hall. >> president biden: i know i'm not a young man. i don't walk as easy as i used to or speak as smoothly as i used to. >> mike: biden still in major damage control. now he is blaming his foreign travel for sapping his energy but will that raise even more doubts about his stamina? plus it is bidenomics versus
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call aag and get your free info kit. call this number. >> shannon: president biden is trying to turn the page following his poor showing at the debate but finding a political survival strategy could be challenging. what issues does the biden administration have an advantage on? edward lawrence is live at the white house and we'll check in with him. >> the president has an edge on abortion and healthcare doing everything he can to divert voter's attention from the economy and border and convincing his base. he came out immediately after the supreme court decision to redirect the focus on the court
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being political and trump. >> president biden: i will respect the presidential powers i have for 3 1/2 years. any president including donald trump will be free to ignore the law. >> today the biden campaign saying a new ad based on that. >> nearly 250 years ago, america was founded in defiance of a king under the belief that no one is above the law, not even the president, until now. >> so it's all meant to move attention away from the economy and the border. on the border sources tell fox news about 168,000 people crossed into the u.s. last month under either new programs or between border crossings. economy, the president cannot avoid what people see and fill. overall prices up 19% since president biden came to office. energy prices up 35%. auto insurance up 51 1/2%. food at the grocery store up 20%. the president can't run from the
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effect of his policies. >> outside of how bad he was in the cognitive decline his record is terrible whether it's energy, the border, the economy. i think what you are also seeing, guys, the final point here, is this has been true for his tenure. it has gotten worse. >> the president has one public event on his schedule today that will likely be a teleprompter at that event. >> shannon: we'll tune in. edward lawrence at the white house, thank you. >> mike: president biden is meeting with democratic governors at the white house today as fallout from the president's dismal debate performance grips the party. axios reporting the anxiety is reaching into the white house and campaign staff according to an official we can't say on air. democratic lawmaker spoke to us about the growing fears. >> 50 million americans saw the debate. they have real concerns and regardless of what the president decides, it will need to be a
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team sport. we have strong people not just at the top of the ticket but around the ticket. >> mike: joining us now is axios reporter steph. we have the democratic governors meeting. pritzker of illinois says the president will do what's right for the party. >> joe biden is going to be our nominee unless he decides otherwise. i think joe biden will do what's best for the democratic party and for winning in 2024. that's again why he has got to go to communicate with people. >> mike: how huge is this meeting with democratic governors? a bunch of them have presidential aspirations one day. >> a critical moment. pritzker has been laying the foundation for a potential presidential run. we've called this is just in case campaign forming over the past several months and whether these governors come out of this
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meeting willing to defend biden and say that he was energized and they felt like they saw the biden they always believed was there could be a key moment for the white house and for president biden to move forward. but if they come out not saying anything or unwilling to come to the defense of the president very clearly this could just mean more trouble and a continued new cycle on this issue. >> shannon: we're getting this on governor gavin newsom, communications team saying he will be here today to meet with in the and hits the trail to stump and rally support for biden and harris. michigan, pennsylvania, new hampshire, critical states. he is really all in and he was even after the debate in that tough performance the other night. 100% with president biden. people float him as a name for potential replacement and polling out there with him. not even having had the meeting tonight that we're talking about but saying i'm hitting the road on these critical states for the president? >> his strategy has been to defend the president no matter what.
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we've seen that recently and in the past few months whenever people do ask him about anything presidential aspirations he has always deflected he will support joe biden as the nominee as president. and there is a certain sense in which he has to do that right now, right? in order to have the kind of political capital he would need to launch a potential campaign and needs to be seen in step with the president right now. if we get to a situation where biden steps down, biden will likely throw his weight behind someone. so there is no risk in being one with the party and showing support at this point even if in the back of his mind he is plotting for his own next steps. >> mike: we've heard a variety of excuses for the bad performance at the debate. a cold, range of possibilities. he rolled out a new ron last night saying i decided to travel around the world of couples times and came back and i nearly fell asleep on stage. is that the way to convince people that you have the stamina for the toughest job in the
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world? >> it is certainly not convincing members of his own party. i spoke to a democratic lawmaker yesterday who said that there is a lot of frustration with the way the white house is handling it. they don't feel like they are taking this seriously and that many lawmakers feel like they are being talked down to by people in the white house and the biden campaign when they know what they saw and heard and they have very real concerns. at a minimum even democrats who are supportive of joe biden want to see him make some pretty serious changes to his team at a minimum. even that won't be enough for some democrats. >> shannon: we'll all be watching that meeting tonight and see what comes. >> mike: thank you so much. >> shannon: students getting a major break with president biden's student loan hand-outs and taxpayer gift the shaft. harder and harder for the white house to fend off questions about president biden's mental acuity so was his shaky performance an episode or a condition? that was the question the former speaker had, nancy pelosi.
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the doctor is in on that after this. >> majority of voters were concerned about joe about the debate. now it is a clear majority. and he talks about defending democracy. i think democracy would have been better served if we had a real primary. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit
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>> shannon: the biden administration is pushing ahead with student loan hand-outs putting taxpayers on the hook for up to $750 billion. some of that will add to the federal deficit. greg trimble is live in washington to explain. >> the congressional budget office says its latest estimate of the federal budget deficit jumped more than $4 hundred billion or 27% from its february estimate. the top driver of that increase in the difference between how much the u.s. government is spending versus how much it is taking in, you guessed it, the biden administration's programs to forgive student loan debt. they account for a $145 billion deficit increase. borrowers owe the government $1.6 trillion and education department data shows nearly half of them are not making their scheduled payments. maybe hoping that president biden follows through with his promise of more hand-outs if he
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wins re-election. the president's plans to cancel student loan debt or lower monthly payments are facing legal challenges but he and his vice president are campaigning on it. >> what we have done with student loan forgiveness. a whole lot of people didn't want us to do that. we've now forgiven over $160 billion in student loan debt. >> former president trump is campaigning against it. he is bashing student loan debt forgiveness and indicating he will undo it. >> this student loan program, which is not even legal. i mean, it's not even legal. and the students aren't buying it, by the way. his polls are down. >> polls show that student loan debt forgiveness is not such a popular policy and a.p. poll out last month found only three in ten approve of how biden has handled the issue of student loan debt. >> shannon: grady trimble in
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washington. thanks. >> the president has regular annual physicals that we release in a thorough report. we will continue to do that. i don't have anything else beyond that. >> does president biden at 81 years old have alzheimer's, any form of dementia or degenerative illness that cause these sorts of lapses? >> it's a no and i hope you are acting the other guy the same exact question. >> mike: they asked about the president's cognitive health and not the only one with questions. former speaker nancy pelosi says discussions about biden's mental condition are justified. >> i think it is a legitimate question to say is this an episode or is this a condition? >> mike: joining us now is dr. marty makary a professor at medical school and a fox news contributor. then there is the headline from
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of all places "the new york times." biden lapses are said to be increasingly common and worrisome. what do you make of what you observed at the debate the other night and what you observe broader with the president and his health? >> well, mike, i think there are two things going on. one is there is clear cognitive decline. dementia-related symptoms. unclear what the diagnosis is. people are not telling the truth clearly. if i put a medical student in front of this person as an individual patient and said diagnose this patient, if they said they were cognitively intact and normal that student would fail the exam. there is clearly age-related dementia or alzheimer's, sun downing is a textbook diagnosis in this case in terms of a symptom that's present. if you look at the definition of sun downing, it is late afternoon to evening confusion, anxiety, aggression, ignoring
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instructions, and pacing and wandering. it is clearly a feature of moderate to severe dementia in the textbooks. we have to be honest to the medical science here. i'm not making a diagnosis for president but to say there is normal cognition here is just dishonest. >> mike: nancy pelosi has been in policy for decades and used the word whether it was a condition. what do you make of that? >> well, we can parse words and that's what politicians do. if there is any question here. all of the controversy could be resolved in a second by the president taking any one of three majorly accepted cognitive exams that many mental status exam is one but administered cognitive exam in my opinion would strengthen confidence among his supporters he can do the job if he passed that exam. but we are not seeing any
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results of that exam. his opponent, president trump, did take that exam and boasted about the results. but that would solve all the controversy if there was an interest in clearing the air. >> mike: bottom line, whatever his issues there are no signs it will improve with age, right? >> that's right. this is age-related dementia most likely. it can be a part of alzheimer's or some other condition. i won't speculate. one thing that is clear, it does not improve like a stroke where you can rehab as we saw with senator fetterman, for example. you can have slight improvements after an acute event like a stroke but not age-related dementia. >> mike: thank you for your time and analysis today. have a wonderful fourth. >> shannon: inflation is coming for your fourth of july cook-out. how much more you'll be paying for this year's burger and dogs.
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>> mike: myrtle beach, south carolina this fourth of july americans will be paying 5% more on average for their barbecue. costs of a cook-out have jumped even more than that since the start of president biden's term. madison all worth is firing up the grill in the garden state of new jersey. hello, madison. >> you want to take a look from 2021 to today, your july 4th cook out is up 19% in cost. look at these numbers from the american farm bureau. the most expensive july 4th cook-out on record.
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it is a very important holiday. i have enlisted the help of my dad, the grill master so we can show you what some of these price increases are. burgers on the grill and here as well. two pounds of ground beef is up 55% since 2021 to today. of course, you got your berger, you have to have your buns. buns are up 45%. the price today $2.41. good news, though, if you are like me and like a cheeseburger more than a hamburger, cheese, that's actually down 13% from 2021, 4.05 today pay $3.57 today. you have to wash all this good eats down. lemonade is up 20% in cost. you are paying $3.32 today. did one side for you, mike, my dad's favorite potato salad.
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in 2021, $3.65. today an increase of 14%. it's more expensive to celebrate independence day but such an important holiday and hoping americans can enjoy a beautiful set like this. i will because i have the master on the grill cooking it up and we'll celebrate today and tomorrow. send it back to you, mike. >> mike: a lovely cool. quite a spread. dad on the grill. madison winning today. great to see you. have an awesome time. >> shannon: her dad is busy cooking. aaa is predicting a record fourth of july travel week, more than 70 million americans taking to the roads and skies. they are hoping to avoid delays. lee is a travel expert and going to join us to tell us more. all right. lee, we want to avoid delays but what can we do? a lot of this is out of our control. what are your tips? >> i'll go to her house for that
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cook-out. >> shannon: exactly. >> honestly, you know, leave at off peak times. i hope you've already left today or you will be sitting in traffic. same with the airports. consider leaving late on sunday or monday or even waiting until tuesday or wednesday to return from wherever you are going. be patient and realize that you are traveling on the busiest holiday week, weekend of all time. so things will be a hassle both on the road and at the airport. be prepared mentally. >> mike: has travel in this country gotten worse or are we testing the system constantly? >> that's the age-old question. i think there is more people traveling now than there ever has been before. it is still like a covid hangover. you hear all the stuff about the economy but people are spendsing money and traveling in the country and traveling to europe in record numbers. truth is, i think it is more volume and everything else has
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pretty much stayed the same. >> shannon: let's talk about if you are flying. try not to check a bag which i find nearly impossible to do. my husband would ask me to listen to you. if you are going to check your bags, what should you do? >> well, if you are going to check your bag, which i would encourage you not to do if humanly possible, is gait there early to make sure you can actually get it checked and make your flight on time because if you don't have status with an airline you might be waiting for a while and obviously pay some fees. in addition to that. also i would suggest doing air tags in your luggage which allows you to track your own luggage. so you are giving the airline less of a chance to lose your luggage and those things have become very popular because nobody trusts the airline. they tend to lose your luggage. always again be prepared for delays and cancellations and i always say to have travel insurance just in case to recoup some of the costs that you might
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incur if you are delayed, cancel or lose your luggage. >> mike: we had a crazy turbulence story. 30 people injured, one person in the overhead bin. what do you make of this incident? >> i saw the video like most of you probably did and thinking to myself, you are going through 20 or 30 minutes of mild to severe turbulence before this actually really went down and why are you not wearing your seat belt? you know the captain and the crew is telling you to put on your seat belt. my feeling is that it's unfortunate obviously but those peoples' own fault they didn't have their seat belt on and nothing they can do about the severe drop in altitude at that speed. at the same time the people who did have their seat belts on didn't have the injury issues. i have no idea how the guy ended up in the overhead bin. luckily nobody was injured and made it to their destination of
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uruguay. >> shannon: i don't watch those videos. it is best for me if i don't. i have a hard time flying. if you are in a airport and get stranded somewhere how do people figure out what their rights are in that situation? >> the truth is it depends on the country. in europe, for instance, you are entitled to significant compensation if you are delayed over a certain amount of time or canceled. the u.s. is completely different. it really just depends so to speak on the jurisdiction of the airline and country you are in. there is no concrete answer. for those people they are at the mercy of the airline sending a replacement plane which they did but the rights are unclear. in the u.s. you have a lot less rights as a passenger than you do in europe, for instance. >> shannon: all right, lee. thank you very much. we'll all pack our patience as best we can do. appreciate your time. >> mike: "the faulkner focus" is next. julie banderas is in for harris today. julie.


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