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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 3, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. out of time, thank you to our guests, our studio audience, "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher, i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm in for trace gallagher. 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is
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america's late news, "fox news @ night". we are all looking for the path to win, all the governors agree in the president agrees. >> when you love someone, you tell them the truth. the president has had our back and we will have his. >> joe biden is in it to win it. >> breaking tonight, more than 20 democratic governors coming together with president biden in a "crisis meeting" tonight with only three of those governors and speaking to the press. senior white house correspondent saying their words did nothing to quell concerns that biden may drop out of the race. >> it wasn't until the third speaker cathy hochul that we heard definitively that biden is in it to win it. this moment from the democratic governors who met with the president, 22 of them, not hearing that he's and it firmly until the third speaker really means this question continues
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into tomorrow. >> and this just in, a second congressional democrat officially asking president biden to drop out of the race saying "president biden is not going to get younger." the washington post meantime unveiling a tracker of democratic lawmakers who are calling on biden to step aside. cnn reporting a succession plan is being put in place should biden decide to step down. matt finn joins us live onset for more on the uncertain future for the president and of course the country. >> reporter: as you just summed up, there is intensifying speculation about whether president biden is considering dropping out of the race. the new york times reports the 81-year-old president told a key ally that he may have to drop out if he's unable to convince the american people he's fit to serve another term. that report reading, the president had privately acknowledge that his next few
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appearances heading into the july 4th holiday weekend must go well, particularly in interviews scheduled for friday with george stephanopoulos and campaign stops in pennsylvania and wisconsin. however on a campaign call, president biden reportedly tried to quiet concerns he's in a tailspin saying let me see -- say this is clearly as i possibly can, as simply and straightforward as i can, i am running, no one is pushing me out, i am not leaving, i am in this race until the end and we are going to win. biden's insistence was also echoed by the white house today. >> is president biden considering stepping down? >> absolutely not. you heard i believe directly from the campaign as well. >> reporter: earlier tonight that group of democratic governors including california governor gavin newsom met with the president in dc tonight. according to close contacts the governors wanted to lay out how biden might hurt their own elections, jonathan. >> jonathan: thank you match.
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let's bring in now former chief council for the house to do sherry committee along with former white house spokesman and trump 2024 surrogate. great to have you both here. i was looking at the new york times see and uphold today and if we can put up those figures, registered voters, biden 41%, this is a postdebate poll. biden 41%, trump 49%. likely voters, biden 43%, trump 49%. that's a 6% gap among likely voters. is there any way at all that democrats can in good conscious allow president biden to stay in the race, don't they have to do everything at this point to get him out? >> i think so. thank you for having me on and good evening. i think the fat lady has sung. you look at the wall street journal, i think it's a ten-point lead in registered voters.
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the governors coming out today with empty platitudes, in it to win it. that is sort of the tell. there's really not much of an argument you can make at this point given what 80% of a public is saying which is that biden does not have the mental capacity to run. but there needs to be a reckoning because groupthink is a hell of a drug and it is what really has infected the democrats and gotten them into this position. we knew as early as august of 2021 when the president did not know that his own generals opposed a complete withdrawal from afghanistan and was unaware of where they stood on the issue. we've known there have been problems since then and there have been dozens if not hundreds of examples of the president being sort of having these major mental slips and errors. i think there's a reckoning that has to go on about the groupthink in the democratic party and also with the news media. they have pushed back on all of these stories, even though it's plainly evident to all that the president was in capable for a
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second term. donald trump calls it fake media at i've never particularly liked that but what i think the democrats are doing is they are doing everything they possibly can to prove donald trump right on that. >> jonathan: harrison, when you look at those polling figures, i assume you would love president biden to remain the democratic nominee. >> first, thank you for having me on this evening, and you cannot make this level of dysfunction up. not even vh1, mtv or bravo has this level of dysfunction. on the heels of july fourth that is. joe biden of course, we would love for him to be the candidate but if you go down the list, kamala harris, gavin newsom, gretchen whitmer. president donald trump is beating them as well. there is no candidate in the democratic side of the aisle that is positioned to be trump and it's not just because of joe biden, it's because of his policies. the age is one thing but we cannot forget that the american people who were already showing signs of shifting from the
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democratic party because the policies have been disastrous for this country. >> jonathan: >> harrison makes a good point. i think in the same way that groupthink has infected the democrats, groupthink has infected them on the far left policies. democrats think that the 2022 midterms were good but there was actually about a seven-point shift towards the republicans. biden won in 2020 by about four and a half points, the republicans won by over three in the midterm elections, a seven points which, and all of the polling shows the democrats have gone way too far left on immigration, a crime, race, critical gender theory, on economics and the deficit and the same way the democrats are not doing self-examination on who they chose as a nominee, they are not doing self-examination on a whole range of policies. just as harrison rightly points out, they've gone way too far left. that's why i say the party needs a reckoning. >> jonathan: harrison, if we look at the potential match ups
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as you were mentioning for president trump, the reuters postdebate poll, you can see it there, has biden and trump level which is very different to the new york times cn uphold. but then you go down the list there, kamala harris gets very close to president -- former president trump, certainly within the margin of error. michelle obama who i assume, that's more aspirational than real, as a prospect, but who do you or who would you fear the most as opposition for president -- former president trump? >> i think the only person who could probably beat donald trump is jesus christ and last time i checked he would probably not run for president. we've seen a former first lady run against donald trump. s what, she lost. i'm not too worried about michelle obama, definitely not worried about kamala harris. she was in charge of the border. she was looking for root causes. she could have just gone down to
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the border and found them. no one on the democratic side of the aisle is capable of what donald trump is capable of doing, which is reducing inflation, securing the border, stopping these endless wars, stopping this crazy crt and dei that is infecting our schools. the american people have seen enough of joe biden, they want donald trump back in the white house and on november 5th you will see that. >> jonathan: all right, we have to wrap it up, julian, harrison, happy fourth to both of you from this guy born in britain, grateful to be an american citizen. great to see you both, thank you so much. >> happy fourth to you as well. >> have a good night. 's president biden considering stepping down? why are we not seeing the president out there every single day in an unscripted way without teleprompters? has the president had any medical exams since his last annual physical in february? did not mention travel, jet lag, so i guess i think you can understand what it was a bit
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puzzling to here the president mentioning that as his explanation. >> dozen that raise questions about his ability to effectively serve another second term until he's 86? >> do you know if they discussed vice president harris taking over? >> does he need more than a week and a half to recover from traveling in europe? >> he's absolutely running. i'm sharing with you his view and we would invite the president to come here and tell us. >> noted. >> jonathan: that must be the worst job in america right now, white house press secretary. taking the heat for her boss again this afternoon amid growing calls for president biden to make himself more available to the media. let's bring in district media group president and the kings firm founder. let me ask, should the president
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do a lot more than just one interview? >> he has to do more than one softball interview, he needs to be doing live town halls, he needs to take questions that aren't scripted. he needs to sit with fox news and do an unedited interview where no topics are off-limits to really prove to people that he can think quickly on his feet he needs to prove that because apparently people just woke up and found out he has dementia but he needs to do a lot more to win them back. >> jonathan: beverly, it strikes me that you can't put the toothpaste back in the two. it doesn't matter how many interviews he's done, a lot of americans saw that and they are just thinking that's it. it might be one pad night but it's one pad night for a very old man. there will be more bad nights. >> also the american people have been seeing this for quite a
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long time so this just confirms the fears that many people had. i agree, anything he does has to have three major components. needs to be live not edited, it needs to be off the cup -- cuff and he must take questions from the press. if he does all of that, he still has to deliver with clarity and deftness and i'm not sure that he can do that. i also don't know if it would do any good at this point. part of this is his campaign has rolled out these interviews too late and also some of these been jobs, saying that the reason the president did so poorly was because he had a cold and jetlagged from a trip 12 days previous. it's really been quite stunning what seems to me to be amateur hour on the pr front. i think the american people aren't going to believe that. >> jonathan: it does seem as though -- there was a long exchange today where it was being said is it a cold or jetlagged and karine jean-pierre saying it's both.
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have you ever traveled and had a cold? i mean do they honestly think that the american people are not going to believe what they saw on that debate stage? it seems insane to suggest that a trip to italy, first class on air force one by the way, 12 days before the debate, can impact a president that much. nevermind the 4:00 am phone call, we want a guy who will jump up and be ready to get in the situation room and react instantly. you can't say you are tired after 9:00 and you have jetlagged, can you? >> no you can't. to your point, air force one has a bad on it. he could have been sleeping. but every american who has working eyes and ears, they've known that this has been an issue with biden for a while now let's get it straight, the mainstream medium on the left have not just been covering biden, they've been covering up for biden for a long time. right after the 90 minutes that he had with president trump,
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they went on to attack him and are now walking it back. they want to keep them there and keep guarding him so they will keep making excuses, they've been making excuses for the last few years, they won't stop now, but everyone saw it, the shadow has been lifted, even the left saw what the right has been seeing for a long time, that he's not well. these excuses don't add up and i don't think people are buying it on either side of the aisle. >> jonathan: beverly, do you agree the media has been a little derelict in it's duty in certain parts of the media at least here in questioning president biden's apparent decline? >> more than just a little derelict. i think this is a complete abdication of their role of trying to bring the truth to people. here's the part i think is just so absurd. anybody who spoke out about what i would consider a hard topic, talking about the age of a person and their mental decline, i don't think any of us want that to be the case for a person, especially a president.
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they were told they just had some type of conservative conspiracy, that we were just pouncing on a story. and people can see what is going on. it's actually quite a sad thing to see somebody decline like this. when you think about the president of the united states, i think our media put our national security at risk by hiding this. this should not be about just making sure joe biden doesn't look bad. the reality is, we need our president to be strong and able to answer the call no matter what time of day. >> jonathan: beverly, julian, great to see you both, happy fourth, thank you for being here this evening. president biden's recent actions on asylum rules for immigrants appear to be having an effect at our southern border in some areas a significant reduction in the number of people attempting to cross legally. but that's all leading some of the president's critics to ask what took so long. there's all developing as diplomatic efforts to deal with the border crisis intensified. ashley strohmier is taking a
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closer look tonight. >> reporter: president biden is taking another step to stem the tide of migrants flooding to the southern border. the administration striking a deal with panama monday to intercept migrants before they reach the border here and then fly them back to their home countries. for many, the approaches too little too late, including former border patrol chief rodney scott who told the new york post, let's not forget just a few months they were intentionally making it easier for migrants to get through the gap and get to the united states, so why the change of heart all of a sudden? maybe it's because it's an election year. the strategy is not unlike what the drop administration did when they asked central america and mexico to tighten their borders to strengthen hours. meantime migrant crime is continuing to be a major issue. it's been confirmed that a 21-year-old who allegedly killed a man in a car crash while driving under the influence is
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in the united states illegally. i.c.e. has placed a detainer on the suspect and says they have had no run ins with him the past. >> jonathan: ashley, thank you. let's bring an republican candidate for congress in arizona's eighth district, blake masters along with founder and ceo kate monroe. great to have you both. blake, if you look at the numbers, the new asylum rules are working, so i'm assuming you are here tonight to heap praise on president biden. [ laughter ] >> no, no, no, no praise for biden from me. you know it's too little, too late, at such a pathetic excuse. biden is the guy who reversed all of president trump successful policies. biden just got rid of them, to open our border, biden led in 10 million illegal aliens. i think he committed treason against the united states when he did that. no, it's president trump who is
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the border security president. president trump understands that border security is national security. voters understand it too. they know trump delivered border security and biden delivered border anarchy which is why trump is dominating in the polls. i think he's up in every swing state. voters want border security and that's why they will elect president trump in november. >> jonathan: kate, would you agree? >> way too little too late. i went down to san diego's border with my own razor wire to secure it. >> jonathan: really? >> i did and when i was running for congress i knew this was the number 1 topic on americans minds. i had no idea i would go viral for this and it wasn't because i went down with razor wire, it was because everybody wants something done. the only person that will get something done in this election as the next president is going to be president trump, we just need to go back to where we were when he was in office. biden doing these policies this late is not doing much and i will give you a hand, san diego's border crossings are up while they are down in tucson. it's 120 degrees in tucson, they
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are just coming across san diego's border. >> jonathan: your point would be that this is about displacement. >> just a shell game. we haven't had less border crossings, just lesson tucson. >> jonathan: blake, i hear you saying at the end of your first answer there that people will vote for a secure border. but i'm looking at what is going on right now politically speaking and i wonder, given the president's debate performance and all the questions now about him as a candidate, as the presumptive democratic nominee, to policy debates even matter to voters at this point? >> look, i know everybody is talking about how horribly joe biden did in the debate and i get why, he did really bad. i blame the people propping up joe biden, i think they are committing elder abuse, but that's only one half of the story. the other half is president trump did a really great job at the debate. he dominated, white to the floor with joe biden and what did he
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do for an hour and a half or two hours? he talked policy. you don't have to wonder what president trump's policies do, we lived through them, they deliver border security,'s policies delivered low inflation and world peace. i know it's hard to imagine all that biden is in and everything is on fire but president trump is the policy president. biden is a policy failure, biden is turning america into a third world failure and president trump will make america great again. >> jonathan: kate, i'm intrigued by your experience. when you talked to the people who live, and i know not a particularly populous area but there are people who live there along so many of these border sections. what do they say to you that they need and want? >> they want the border patrol to be empowered to do their job he goes right now what's really happening is the border patrol when i go down there every two weeks with the border vets, they tell us where to go, where they are crossing, take your wire over here, over there. what the people want is a wall
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to be finished getting build. they are tired of the cartel visibly dropping people off. 30-60 every hour. they want support, they want help and are ready for trump. >> jonathan: kate, great to have you, blake good to see you, thank you both. coming up, the latest on israel's war with hamas and escalating tensions with yet another iranian proxy group, next. and later in the nightcap... >> we all love george stephanopoulos and that's great but it's got to be a lot more than that, it's got to be a barn storm, it has to be town halls in hostile environments, probably like fox news, show us you can make the case. >> one single interview with a man who used to be the press secretary for bill clinton who is now peddled as a mainstream journalist, taped and edited, won't be enough. >> jonathan: president biden scheduling his first postdebate tv interview with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos.
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it will air in "primetime", we are told, friday night, but will it have any impact on concerns about presidents -- president biden's mental and physical fitness? can one interview save the president? if not, what ken? let us know what you think, x and instagram, @foxnewsnight. we will read your responses in the nightcap. [♪♪]
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[♪♪] >> jonathan: breaking tonight, as you look at that hurricane beryl is threatening to cayman islands after pounding jamaica with intense wind and rain for most of the day wednesday. at least nine people have been killed so far as the rare early-season category four storm rolls through the caribbean.
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the hurricane is expected to emerge into the gulf of mexico over the weekend, we are told, and then head northwest. that is according to the national hurricane centers latest bulletin issued just a few minutes ago. that means that the u.s. southern border and that corner of texas is in the eye of the storm. be careful there. the israel-hamas war -- this weekend with israel pressing its major offensive in southern gaza while it israel's northern border, strikes intensify between the idf and the lebanon-based and iran backed hezbollah terror group. the latest from on the ground in tel aviv tonight. >> reporter: more than 100 hezbollah rockets rained down on northern israel in the span of an hour. the barrage in response to israel eliminating a senior hezbollah commander, one of the
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highest ranking since the conflict began. >> we are striking hezbollah very hard every day and we will also reach a state of readiness to take any action required in lebanon or to reach an arrangement from a position of strength. >> reporter: israel's defense minister made those remarks after meeting with soldiers today along the gaza border. this week israel urged thousands of palestinians to evacuate southern gaza for humanitarian zone along the mediterranean sea , raising new questions about israel's plan for the day after the war. >> people are left with the impossible choice of having to relocate, some most likely for the second or third time to areas that have barely any space or services or stay in an area where they know fighting will take place. >> reporter: amid questions about land in gaza, israel is reportedly seizing new land in the west bank, a settlement tracking groups is around five square miles of territory will be taken over in the jordan
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valley to build thousands of settler homes, a move that further chips away at palestinian claimed land in the middle east. >> it should come as no surprise that we view the expansion of settlements and outposts as inconsistent with international law. >> reporter: the united states has urged israel against expanding settlements in the west bank over tension it causes in the middle east. >> jonathan: trey yingst, thank you. as war rages in the middle east, what's talk about the ongoing fight against anti-semitism here in the u.s. the law fair project ceo brooke goldstein and rabbi chaim metz join us live. rabbi, if i can come to you first on this because it was brought to our attention today, this poll which has new figures, do you think that anti-semitism will -- or prejudice against jewish people is currently a very serious problem, was the
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question. 2003 was 9% of people who acknowledged it as a serious problem. 2024, 49%. i mean that's a frightening increase and it begs the question, what do the other 51 percent think, that is not a serious problem we it's terrifying. >> it is terrifying. 1 of the most beautiful things is when i come onto fox news, i get people from all over the country telling me we love you and we stand with you. i really believe it's a lot more than 49%. that love us. the reality is, anti-semitism has become institutionalized in many of the high places, whether in government, in universities, and it's allowing things to happen. yes, our government allows things to happen. so when you go and start seeing all of this stuff happening in the street, the average person going maybe there's a reason to hate jewish people, maybe there's something going on, but then not really looking at what's going on. the answer is nothing. >> jonathan: and then you look at what's happening at some of our universities for instance,
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columbia, we got this new text exchange revealed recently between 2 deans. 1 of them saying, laying the case to expand physical space, referring to jewish students, they will have their own dorms soon. the reply, comes from such a place of privilege, hard to here that what was me and then columbia puts out a statement saying we are committed to combating anti-semitism and taking sustained concrete action to ensure columbia is a campus where jewish students and everyone in our community feels safe, valued and able to thrive. if they are not taking disciplinary action against members of faculty who are saying things like that, their words or something but action surely would speak a lot louder. >> you are absolutely right. their words mean absolutely nothing. the law fair project filed a complaint on behalf of -- over four and a half years ago, a jewish-american israeli student who was spot on and called a
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dirty zionist baby killer. wanted the office of civil rights to just recently? it dismissed the complaint. but why are we talking about columbia? because what we are really talking about is the future of this country and we are being destroyed from within. our educational system is rotting from the top down with these hating administrators and faculty members who should be fired immediately and it's rotten from the bottom up with these nazi student groups. we are celebrating independence day soon, how independent are we really when we have billions of dollars coming from foreign governments like qatar funding our educational system, when we have the flags of foreign terrorist groups flying at pro hamas marches all over this country? if we fail to protect the civil rights of the oldest most persecuted minority community in human history, the jewish community, what is the future
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looking like in this great country of america? this is not an issue of israel versus palestine, this is a battle for the soul of democracy and the soul of this country. >> jonathan: and then rabbi, you see these sort of microcosms of what's going on here. la city council for instance here yesterday was supposed to vote on this million-dollar funding to protect synagogues and jewish places of worship. it was pushed back on because the argument was from some council members you cannot just protect synagogues, we have to protect every place of worship. sure, but i don't see mosques being attacked in la, we did see very clearly an attack on a synagogue just last weekend. so where is this sort of moral equivalence coming from? >> there is no moral equivalence. what people have to know is that you are having right now a small
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group of people holding hostage the democrat party totally. but why is the democrat party really buying into this line of thinking? you must remember, i've said it before, this is institutionalized. president obama was in the head office, the white house, but his teacher was the greatest anti-semite in chicago. took him a long time to say i don't believe in what he says. he immediately called on day one. the next thing he did was he got a peace prize because he talked to the muslim brotherhood of the world. >> jonathan: brooke, would you agree this is messaging from the very top of our government? >> absolutely. i think is the rabbi said, the issue is systemic, the virus of jewish hatred infects all levels of government and it certainly has infected our state department for quite some time. really the question is of a quality. this country was founded on the basis that all people are created equal.
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are jewish people equal in this country? are jewish people entitled to equal protection under the law, and if so, where does the department of education what is the department of education doing, what is the fbi doing, why are they not reacting the way this country reacted when it was the black civil rights movement? we overcame that, now is the time for a jewish civil rights movement and it will determine the future of america. >> jonathan: brooke, a very powerful message, thank you. thank you rabbi for being here as always. thank you. coming up, president biden's debate performance is not just causing many americans to ask whether he's fit to stay in the race for president. overseas, allies are concerned and enemies might be emboldened. more on that next. [♪♪]
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[ music playing ] hey, flo. cool leg warmers. thanks. they are just for the bus ride to work. they are not part of the official uniform. no tunes today? no. my apartment was robbed last night. took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassette player. yup. all the latest tech. if only progressive had renter's insurance like their home insurance. then we could bundle our cars and get the same 24/7 protection. -i think we just invented that. -huh. this is the best day ever. well i still got robbed. well still pretty good day. [♪♪] >> jonathan: back to tonight's top story, the question pretty much everyone is asking, to paraphrase those rock icons the
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clash, will he stay or will he go? the new york times reports 81-year-old president biden told a key ally that he may have to drop out if he's unable to convince the american people he's fit enough to serve another term. numerous lawmakers and pundits including those inside his own party also now calling on him to step aside. the white house however insists the president is absolutely not stepping down. let's discuss what u.s. allies and enemies are making up this presidential race chaos with fox news contributor steve hilton and the republican nominee for congress in virginia's seventh district, green beret veteran derek anderson. derek, to you first on the question of our enemies, you pfaadt those enemies on behalf of of this country, what do you think they would make of this absolute chaos in the presidential race?
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>> i mean one of the things we have to look at is president biden's performance at the debate. not only from his mental state and/or physical state but his positions in general, they have been weak and so it emboldens our enemies, our adversaries, whether it be russia, china, the south china sea, whether it be hamas and their attacks on israel, whether it be the iranian backed roxie's that continuously attack our service members overseas. when our enemies smell weakness, they will exploit it and that's what we have on our hands right now. so we need to be showing strength, deterrence, in this wide the election in november is so important. >> jonathan: steve, one of our allies, nongreater obviously than the uk, you are so well-connected there, what do you think they are thinking as they look at what is going on here? >> well we don't need to guess because we've actually seen a number of leaks messages from diplomats in the uk and elsewhere, horrified by what
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they saw, because they believe in the transatlantic partnership with america, particularly the uk, and they want to see a strong president. that is more important than the party because often when it comes to the foreign policy decisions that formed the basis of international discussions, it's not really that partisan compared to some other areas of policy. they just want to see an america that can lead. what they saw -- this is just one of them, you saw that this isn't a great look for america, at the risk of stating the obvious. the u.s. -- u.s. allies windsor biden debate performance. they just can't believe it. they should believe it because if they'd been watching fox news the last couple of years, they'd have seen that the debate was no aberration and this is who he has been all along. >> jonathan: derek, i imagine that every single member of our
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military wants to know that if the call comes in at 4:00 am to the white house, you do not have a president who is going to say i'm a little tired, i'm a little jetlagged, you want a president who will run to that situation room and make decisions to save american lives in an instant. i assume that's what our military wants. would i be wrong? >> no, i think you are absolutely right. that's what being a leader is, is being there during those tough times and making those decisions. i can say one of the things, being a veteran myself, president biden's statements on the debate stage, when he said, you know, under his watch, you know, there were no deaths. that hit hard to me, especially when the white house just recently put a press release out talking about how president biden acknowledged the fact that he saw the 13 u.s. servicemembers in their transfer of remains. it hit hard to me.
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hit hard a lot of our servicemembers because, you know, we see him just not paying any attention, not even acknowledging it. it's hit hard to me. i think it's a slap in the face not only to our servicemembers, their families, but to the goldstar family members as well. >> jonathan: derek, sticking with you for a moment, do you get the sense from your contacts within the military that a lot of military personnel simply believe that president biden should not be the commander-in-chief? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean one of the things -- i have a whole bunch of green beret friends that are still serving overseas, in fact if you just came back recently, and one of the things that was disheartening for them is while all of these iranian backed proxy organizations and people were firing upon our servicemembers with comic cause he drones and what have you over the last several months, they were told to sit tight, they were told they could not respond. so when you are giving that sort
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of rhetoric to our servicemembers who are fighting our fights overseas, it does not sit well with them. >> jonathan: steve, let me wrap up with you with a slightly different subject quickly. we've got elections in the uk and france, the uk seems to be turning to the left with the labour government likely to be elected. france and other nations frankly in europe seem to be turning to the right. what does that say about politics in europe overall, if anything? >> well i think the common factor in both the french and the uk elections and elsewhere is a ruling establishment, a ruling party that is totally out of touch with the people. in france you have this arrogant , they call it macronism, total disregard to climate policies, gas prices for people who work in the agricultural industry and so on, and also the impact of immigration. in the uk you have a conservative government totally failing to make the most of the
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opportunities of brexit, to cut taxes, cut regulations, make life easy for small businesses and to control immigration. none of that happened and that's why they are going to get kicked out tomorrow. >> jonathan: steve, great to see you that another brit who had the good sense to become an american citizen. and derek, thank you for your service, happy fourth to both of you, thank you for being here. >> thank you jonathan. my recommendation, my recommendation is for him to have some interviews with serious journalists, no holds barred, any questions, and just sit there and be joe. >> jonathan: president biden taking nancy pelosi's advice to some extent, scheduling scheduling his first postdebate tv interview with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos, now set to air in a "primetime" special friday. but will it make a difference? can a pretaped interview ease democrat concerns? can one interview save president
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biden? if not, what can? let us know what you think, x and instagram @foxnewsnight, we and instagram @foxnewsnight, we will read your responses in the nightcap. that will be fun. [♪♪] one ve h with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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we are back with the nightcap crew. tonight topic is the interview and president biden scheduled his first post debate interview abc news friday in prime time and will it be enough to save president biden and if not, what can? what say you. >> the last time biden did an interview with this guy george it did not go well as he caught him in one of the most outrageous lies about the most distressful topic, withdrawal from afghanistan where biden claimed no one told him that he should lead some troops there and biden's declined an awful lot since then so could get even worse. >> if we get the transcripts released, have an idea. >> unless the full unedited interview is released, people
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will see this as more smoke and mirrors. >> nikki haley just interviewed by him and the way he reacted to our saying biden would not make it tells you everything you need to know about how in favor he will in make it for biden. >> we asked what you think and will do anything to settle democrat concerns, yes 7 percent. 93 percent said no. sister sarah and, said of course it will and it will be heavily produced and said. >> he's been exposed and no going back no matter how much they try, they can't cover for him anymore. we shall see everyone watching and every night of course watching fox news at night happy fourth to you from the brit steve helton and the brit jonathan hunt. we will see you again tomorrow night.
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