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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 3, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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everyone along with richard fowler, johnny joey jones,es chilean toner and tom., it is "the five". >> judge jeanine: the joe must dam is bursting as he's reportedly giving seriousd drconsideration to weather he should chop out of the race and according to the new york timest joe toldha a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candid see if he cannot convince the public in the coming days he is up to thee job after a disastrous debate performance last week. joe biden will soon be sitting down for a taped interview withg abc's georgeeo stephanopoulos ad get this, sources say it's only going to last 15 minutes and will also hit to swing state campaign in wisconsin on fridayn
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and philadelphia and pennsylvania on sunday with president biden is saying on ar conference call "iof am runningi am the leader of the democratich inparty and no one is pushing me out. i have beeen knocked down before and counted out my whole life and when you get knocked down,t you gebat back up." he should try telling that to 8o believe biden is too old to run again for president and john pierre back for more gas lighting at the podium. >> the president is cleared i and staying in the race and responded directly when asking this question because we said we wood in the president said no, it is absolutely false coming directly from him. >> reporter: i is he considering stepping down? >> absolutely not. there is a cold and jetlagged and combine that and continues to work for the american peoplee day in c and day outda
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around-the-clocky .ep >> reporter:or what does the the hours h outside of 10:00 aoum and 4:00 pm? 4 >> pretty much out:0 there after the hours of 4:00 pm and before 10:00 am for sure. >> reporter: afternoon nap? >> i will not speak to unnamed sources out there and he is asr, sharp as ever.n when i walk into the oval office or see him on air force one, i have to be on top of my game.e >> judge jeaninebi: joe biden staring down a mutiny and it's getting worse by the second. house democrats meeting right now after reports of 25 members drafting abi letter calling for joe biden to lead the race and it's already spilling out into public view. >> concern of criminal and his gang and he may never get it back. >> lots ofsion discussion and pn weighing in and i know this is i
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moving target an cd has to happs quickly bu ht i can guarantee yu chris hayes, massive unity and focus on that task when i get ts the end of this >> has to make this decisione alone ancad no one else can buti just ask he be honest with himself about the situation and what he faces and what the impact will be on history. >> judge jeanine: democraticss oven c errors will be at the whu house for a wellness check andi want to see it for themselves that the president is still with it. >> the governors just want to direct and candid conversation with the president and want to make sure he's doing okay and we all know him and he has formed a personal relationship and wet it take him at his word and it'stos always good to see somebody in person. h >> people express they waneat to hear more from the president
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that they certainly we'ret concerned about thtoe debate performance but they just want to make sure this is the right direction and the presidentec reassures themti. >> judge jeanine: it's k interesting that you have governor christopher and other democrats saying that we're not saying he should leave the race but we want to make sure for ourselves that he is okay. what happens if they think he is not okay? >> you can't trust anyone as the turncoats are out en masse and l think regular troops... i don't up untilri today, truly believed no scenario that wasn't physical healthphys that would have him e but al.l the reporting today, some has been true. egg name wie president because she certainly isn't in the podium. doing the best truck she can but not a good job because every time she answers a question, three more come up.
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americans are sitting here looking at this going, this is a sinking ship. does the captain ride it to the ground, or to the bottom of the sea, or does he jump? i don't know. >> judge jeanine: you know, gillian, it's interesting. we heard the president had a cold, then yesterday for the first time we hear it was jet-lagged, and then karine says, it's my bad, i forgot to mention jet lag, but how can it be jet lag if he literally landed 12 days, or 13 days before the debate, and then during the debate between the hours of 10:00 at 4:00 when he is alert, he took a nap every day. >> gillian: i think, to joey's point, it all just creates more questions than answers. what she is telling the public right now. the cold excuse is, if the president was sick in the days leading up to the debate, why did they not disclose that? to staff, to the american people? and then why did they sent him to waffle house immediate after
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the debate to go shake hands with everybody and their mother and infect them? and on foreign travel, i'm not an expert on much, i'm an expert on the present foreign travel, president bush, i went on four foreign trips, you do these around the world, ten countries in ten days, they are grueling. they are exhausting. they are sometimes disorienting because you don't know where you are half the time because you work 24 hours a day, but they are a really important part of presidents baseline, his core responsibility. really important stuff happens on these overseas trips. diplomacy at the highest levels. treaties, pacts, major agreements get signed that change regional relationships. is not enough for the president to just get by or get through, as karine was saying today comee podium. it's jus just the micah just dos not meet the barbier >> johnny: to be fair, you are not bringing anything new to waffle house. you only bring something home from a waffle house. >> gillian: doesn't have to be
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from the president. >> judge jeanine: you know, tom, axios is reporting that the top democratic lawmakers are madder about the president's denial and the deflection than they are about the debate performance. and they see his remaining time on the ticket as a threat to those who are on the down ballot races. >> tom: you know why they are really mad at him? because they he made them look bad and that is why the media is in on this i'm not sure i believe any of us with the ally. who is the ally? who is the ally? does his name rhyme with avin newsome? brutus headed to rome just before julius caesar -- but i think, i think the people around him, if they really were an ally, they would have said what he told them to say, which is no, i am in this for the long haul. that's what he wants to do.
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he is going to hold on. i look at this like thanksgiving. you go to thanksgiving and you have already decided, you and you all of your brothers and sisters, we are going to take the keys away from pops after thanksgiving. but nobody speaks up. stephen, you want to talk to dad, don't you come about the keys? no, stephanie wants to talk to dad. no one is going to take the keys. if he is holding the keys are not going to give them up then he is not went to step down. that's all there is. >> judge jeanine: certainly with jill and with hunter, i mean, if they are his closest confidant, they don't want him to step down, either. >> tom: that was the big surprise. his family is huddling around him. of course, this is like "game of thrones." it's just the family, at this point. they are going to hold on and hold fast. but can they get through this? they all feel like they look dumb now because they have been defending him and he made them look bad, so if he can come out here and do these come i don't know if you were impressed by that press conference we just saw, i don't think it was the smartest thing to read about the
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civil war, seems like he was there. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: all right, richard, you know, the idea that the white house would actually come out and say, look, the president's alert between 10:00 and 4:00, but if he is preparing for a debate he needs a nap, but how -- are you confident that the president doesn't freeze up the way he did at the debate when he meets with foreign leaders? are you comfortable if it's outside of that six hour sphere? >> richard: i think that's the question a lot of the americans are asking themselves right now, how you cannot unwatch what you saw on thursday and i think now more than ever come ultimately, i agree with tom, it is the president's decision what he is going to do. i do think he is considering it. i hate reports -- i said the string must be years, too -- reports of anonymous sources. if you're going to say it, put your name behind it. but what the president did say today, that he does plan on staying, but if he does plan on
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staying, i think there has to be some change in the strategy from this white house and this campaign. i said this yesterday, i will be a broken record and say it today. if he is going to stay in this race, let's get a town hall. let's get him talking to voters. let's do some more interviews, not just one with george stephanopoulos. let's do one with bret baier, shannon bream -- >> gillian: no one is going to go to a town hall at 1:30 in the afternoon. >> richard: whenever -- listen, i think he needs to be in battleground states doing it. i think he needs to hold a prime time press conference, get out there and talk to the american people. if the press' argument is we are questioning whether or not the president is capable of doing the job or whether the president can do the job outside of a teleprompter, go show them that you can do it. and let's be very clear. we are having a conversation about age, whether it is donald trump or its joe biden, and if we are having a question about age and health, i remember -- i'm not too old to remember when john mccain was running for president and released all of his health records and journalist went in there with their clipboards and boxes --
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no, it's a conversation -- that's a conversation about health, and john mccain was running, people with their clipboards, boxes and boxes. >> judge jeanine: that's not the issue. we have a president who cannot speak -- >> richard: hold on. >> judge jeanine: to what? >> richard: that's my point, it is held is what we are having a conversation about, correct? >> judge jeanine: whether he's freezes up in front of world leaders. >> richard: not a question about his health? >> judge jeanine: i don't have anything on his cognitive health, do you? >> richard: that's my point. >> judge jeanine: what is your point? >> richard: i making it if you wouldn't interrupt me. >> judge jeanine: what is it? >> richard: if you are having a conversation about an 80-year-old running for president, you should -- >> judge jeanine: trump took a cognitive test. >> richard: all of their health, period. they are 80 years 80-year-old and leading the free world -- >> judge jeanine: you are dancing p it's b2 i'm not dancing. most millennials are against joe biden -- here is the thing peered all the
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president had to do was walk out of the oval, right down to that press room, and say on here -- >> richard: still asking questions about his cognitive health. >> judge jeanine: he is still incapable of answering. no, if he could answer that -- >> richard: you -- >> judge jeanine: no, i wouldn't. coming up, lord help us come a report claims that hunter bidenr good one -- is helping his dad on the country. ♪ ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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♪ ♪ >> johnny: all right, can the ongoing mess at the white house get any worse? hunter biden says "hold my
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beer." the first on joining jill biden at the medal of honor ceremony at the white house just moments ago. this comes as a stunning new report reveals the felon first son has been joining meetings with his dad and top aides, even important phone calls. this has been happening since the return from camp david on monday. one source telling "the new york post" "hunter doesn't trust his father's old guard of aids p akai think hunter wants to be there and potus isn't going to say no. for her part, kgpe blames the holiday. >> why is the president's son involved? >> the president is close to his family come he spent time with his family come as you all know and reported at camp david. hunter came with him and came into that meeting, that speech prep. and, you know, he ended up spending time with his dad and his family. that is basically what happened.
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>> the question will be izzy participating in meetings with senior advisors? >> what i can say is he came back with his dad from camp david. he walked him into the speech prep, and he was in the room. >> johnny: tom, this is not an anonymous source. this is michael or rosaura, who worked for joe biden as a spokesman. he told the national review, this is a quote, oh, that's pretty normal. i think he leans on hunter for advice often. i question to you is pretty simple: if a man needs someone who is self-proclaimed smoke more parmesan cheese than anyone he knows, if you need that person for advice, things are pretty bad. >> tom: he's also just been through it. just was found guilty and facing jail time, so they can commiserate over the troubles, number one. i think hunter knows a couple of things about hangover cures, probably a good guy to have, so
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he is there at camp david. i think hunter wants to be there more than joe wants hunter there, you understand? but he wants to be around his dad. also things like, hey, dad, remember when you wouldn't pardon me under any circumstances? you were just kidding, right, dad? that is something -- >> johnny: maybe he wants the parting before joe forgets that hunter is his son. >> tom: just keep reminding him. >> johnny: judge, is there a national security threat? the president has a lot of leeway, classified or not, is there a threat having to hunter biden, not necessarily because of the felony but everything else on the laptop that he now has admitted as true, is there any national security threat to having him in on these meetings? >> judge jeanine: you know, i think gillian can speak better to that aspect, but i'm concerned about the fact you have hunter, who has been taking money from countries, use becca stan, romania , was becca stan, romania,
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russia, as well as china, burisma, and here is the problem. this kid is a former, a serial liar, light on the gun forms, accused of lying on his taxes. this guy should not be involved in any discussion. yesterday it was like, he just walked his dad into the meeting, then we find out from people, gaslighting us again, he is in on the meetings, he is in on the phone calls, and i've got to tell you, joe biden thinks he is the smartest guy that he knows, so if hunter doesn't trust the aides, this is going to create nothing but a mess in the white house. i think the most important part of this as i found an article written by karine jean-pierre a few years ago, and the name of the article is "what it's like working for a doomed presidential candidate." she's talking about john edwards and anthony weiner, but here is the quote that i think is so
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telling for people who question karine jean-pierre. "you show up at the office. you are pumped. you attack the phones. you deliberately put pep in your voice. everything is going great. we blatantly lied to the movers and shakers we were calling, but the more we tried, the less it helped." i mean, that tells you how she handles presidential campaigns. >> gillian: how can you have the misfortune of working for anthony weiner and john edwards? [laughter] and joe biden. >> johnny: when you develop a certain set of skills. gillian, what do you think? >> gillian: the moment is not just about the president or what his family wants to do or what he decides to do. it's about the fact that down ballot democrats are now widely in peril and they are feeling the pressure and anything he decides is going to have tremendous implications for the rest of the party. fox had reporting today from hill sources that said democrats in safe and swing states are now drafting letters today,
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preparing letters to deliver to the white house to formally ask the president to step aside. we also have reporting from our hill reporters today that they are considering, i guess, the possibility that if the president, i want to make sure i get this right for you guys, they want the president, they are sort of biding their time because they want the president to come to the conclusion first, himself, and then talk to him about it. they don't want him to be the ones to bring it up to him directly. so it's kind of an ominous cloud of circumstances now. he's operating under termite's pressure, but it's not really just about him and his family, it's a much bigger problem. >> johnny: richard, empathy or simply should be a part of the conversation, i don't know that i believe that because i don't have a lot of empathy for him as a guy that has been around for 50 years in politics, but there was another anonymous report, and i hate those as much as you do, that jill and hunter specifically were huddling around him and telling him, you need to be in this race, you don't need to drop out. if there's any modicum of truth
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to that, that means they are with him a lot, and now we know hunter is in on this meeting. we have a headline from februarn interview with "people" magazine and it was reported by cnn, and it said, no family members will be involved in any government decisions. i think it even said foreign policy. is that wayback machine, is it wrong? was he lying about that? >> richard: i think there is a clear line here. you want your family around you in trying times. don't we all want our family around us and trying times? so i think that is why you saw him go to camp david. he had a really tough debate night. we all saw it. we all watched it. where you want to be as with your family. i'm having a tough day, i want to be around my mom, period. but i do think gillian things up a good point that we are talking about because in this moment if you look at the congressional map, it is very likely that democrats will regain the house, if the election were to happen today, democrats would pick up five seats and regain the house. that was likely going to happen. and i think for democrats in
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this moment, they -- >> gillian: at the status quo -- >> richard: if the election were today, democrats would regain the house. alabama and louisiana, three seats in new york, seem likely, so i think there is some nerves with democrat leadership and the house of representatives, how do we maintain mislead that we have in many of these house races beyond that, there is a number of senate races where the senators are outperforming the president. tammy baldwin and wisconsin -- >> johnny: going to separate -- >> richard: shared brown in ohio. some of that seems to be happening, which is why they are waiting for the president to make some decisions, which is why you see governors going to meet with the president today because they also do see the possibility of them losing some governors if the president makes a decision p it's been great pivot remake crack head to oval, i appreciate it. up next, democrat lawfare will not start on election day. the biden doj will go after trump, even if he wins. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> gillian: welcome back. the doj is still coming after donald trump, even if he wins the presidency. that the headline according to "the washington post." special counsel jack smith will still pursue criminal federal cases against him until inauguration day if trump wins. here is why. the long-standing justice department policy says officials can't criminally charge a sitting president. there is no rule on paper about a president-elect. while we are on the subject of the former president, a lot of folks today, supporters of the president, noting trump has been showing summer remarkable restraint, the debate fiasco, the more disciplined trump
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freaking out the biden campaign p it's pico going to see him on the campaign trail and the white house, see him sit down with george stephanopoulos, d hn key battleground states. he is making the rounds, he is traveling and doing what he needs to do not only to reassure americans, but also remind him what is at stake in this election, how dangerous donald trump is. i have to say, haven't seen him much. >> has donald trump been? we see him sitting in mar-a-lago tweeting about being happy that they have told him he can continue to rip away freedoms that basically do whatever he wants if he regains the keys to the white house. >> gillian: okay, so judge, should trump become the president-elect, and should the doj decide go down that path and pursue him as a "president-el "president-elect," would that be, in your opinion, is that safe legal ground? is that crazy? what do you make of that? >> judge jeanine: i think it is so disingenuous.
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it shows how political the department of justice has been. they are basically saying we are going to prosecute him until the day he puts his hand on that bible and swears to support the constitution of the united states. look, the supreme court has ruled that a president has immunity. he has absolute immunity when it comes to issues that involve things that are central to his mission as the commander in chief pursuant to the constitution, or federal statute, and he has presumptive immunity on official acts. now, what they are basically saying is we don't care about this, but the ripple effect of the supreme court ruling is great that even judge merchan in new york knows that conviction is literally on thin ice because so much of the testimony involved evidence when donald trump was president and evidence from the oval office,
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when hope hicks testified, when madeleine wester testified. when he he filed the office of government ethics forms. so much of this the supreme court has said is exempt from any kind of prosecution. was the essential evidence in merchan's case, and that is going by the wayside, you can bet your house on it. this guy, jack smith, so focused on destroying people -- and he is an apt. he is an apt b or lee prosecuted governor of virginia, mcdonald, that case was reversed unanimously by the out-of-state supreme court. and they trashed -- he prosecuted john edwards, who ran for vice president, in that case, there was an acquittal. he prosecuted the first bob menendez case. that ended up in a mistrial. now he is going after a president. the guy is beyond any kind of ethic regulations. he is just out there to hang
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people. >> gillian: richard is looking at me like we are in crazy town, so i want him to respond. >> richard: no, listen. i do think the supreme court ruling will weigh heavily on how this case proceeds. rep to see what judge chutkan does, holding onto the january e special counsel's case, but the other case happening in florida with the documents at mar-a-lago, there is questions around that that don't necessarily deal with official presidential acts because many of these things happened after he was president. these documents were found in his home after his time as president. we have to see how this all will play out. where i disagree with the judge a little bit, if they meet at the stop prosecuting the moment he wins the election, then we would say there was a political prosecution, right? i think it is the opposite. if they prosecute him until he fires the special counsel or appoint a new attorney general that stops the special counsel proceeding with his mission, that shows it is not political at all, it's the opposite, i'm here to do a job. my job is to investigate the president.
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my job is to prosecute him. i'm a prosecutor p until he taught to tell me to stop doing the mission, that's what i'm going to do and that is what a special counsel does p at >> judge jeanine: how about you stop prosecuting based upon a decision from the nonstate supreme court -- >> richard: but that's not -- parts of it don't fall under the supreme court ruling, do you agree there? >> judge jeanine: part of it that don't fall under the supreme court ruling? but the point is the whole case -- >> richard: there are two cases be at >> judge jeanine: there are three peer at speech i'm talking about the two federal cases. >> judge jeanine: i'm telling you there are three peer you cannot make a decision based upon part of the case. you make a decision based on the whole of the case on how much of it suffers. >> gillian: i want to ask about this, joey, i pulled this tweet. it's from yesterday, contributing editor of "politico," i should have put it on the screen but i will read it quick, what are the odds that a rogue scotus is is "rowboats excitement three the 27th amendment meaning two
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consecutive terms? green lighting trump to run again in 2028? this is the latest. >> johnny: i think the odds are astronomically low peer i can't say zero because i'm not a lawyer. when i lived in law school in d.c., went to texas, davy crockett, tells you what i thought about the rest of them. they sit there, one commentator after another says where is trump? from what i can tell, he is sitting somewhere raking in cash and walking poles and swing states going his direction. if he is elected, i don't think he is concerning himself over these cases because there are a lot of challenges to each and every one of these cases, whether the supreme court decision or just where they are. it seems like every week we see some, may be small but some sort of procedural victory for president trump. judges aren't partisan and political these days. he's got one that seems to be in his favor in one area and one that certainly is not in another.
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but he looks put to good for it. >> gillian: only one person really knows where the former president, donald trump, has been this week, and that is the guy sitting next to me who is going to now tell us. >> tom: i think it is smart that he is out of sight because he knows when they are talking about joe biden, you stay out of it because we don't need to be reporting on trump's tweets, we are reporting on joe biden and showing video of him that makes him look bad. he is going to stay out as long as joe looks bad, and i am not surprised that if trump does win, that during the transition, that's when you do all your dirty work. that is where the russia hoax went from election interference to being government interference. it became policy of the obama administration, and they did it. that was not only against donald trump, it was against the united states. they were messing with trump anr foreign policy. >> gillian: but it is unlike him to not gloat in the aftermath of a victory. >> johnny: saw it at the debate -- i remember one thing he said from the debate.
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i don't know if this is wisdom or the way it has worked out, but it is working. >> gillian: coming up, the 2024 race get any crazier? it can. rfk jr. just denied eating a barbecued dog. we are going to dig into that, pun intended, coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. come on, scout. now, there's librela. the first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life! power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety.
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your gutters for good! now my home is protected. call 833 leaffilter or visit ♪ ♪ >> tom: this scoop has gone off the leash. rfk jr. is barking mad and denying a report he barbecued and ate a dog. vanity fair claims the presidential candidate had a photo of him next to what looksa friend and suggested trying it. here's what he said he was actually challenge down on. >> that is a real photo. it's of me and a campfire, eating a goat, which is what we
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eat down there. >> tom: of course, that's what we eat down there. rfk jr. says dog is not on the menu. so what's off limits, then? >> virtually anything. there are two things i wouldn't eat -- well, three peer i wouldn't eat a human. i wouldn't eat a monkey. and i wouldn't eat a dog. i think i would eat anything else but i just couldn't bring myself to do those things. >> tom: okay, i will vote for you, then. by the way, what's the deal with notations and their wild dog kills? kristi noem claims to shoot and kill one. romney gave his the first road trip ever. biden's dog out their commander turning secret service agents into chew toys. jillian, you know the interesting thing is, who got the worst press of all of those? the guy who ate the dog? the woman who shot the dog? no, romney for putting the dog on the roof. >> gillian: 40 years ago. we were talking the commercial break, still lives, the images, terrible.. all of these are unforced
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errors. it's like a cardinal, unspoken rule of american politics that if you don't like animals, you can't be nice to them and treat them well, especially dogs, your political career is sunk. you are finished. nobody is going to support you. do you remember the clintons took a lot of flak because they didn't have a dog? they had a cat but did not have a dog. >> tom: trump did not have a dog, did not want to buy into it. >> gillian: not part of the normal rules of anything, that's different. people are still met at the clinton's because they didn't have a damn dog. >> tom: joey, i have you on the cover of a hunting magazine at home, so was it a dog or a goat? >> johnny: a grown man in a dress can pee next to a little girl at target, but can't eat a dog real quick? trying to eat uncle boozy down in new guinea. he's got some separation there. listen, here's my point on this -- i think it probably was a dog, but i don't care. i did a dog if i go somewhere where the eat dogs. the reason why is this. we have a special place in our
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heart for ducks because we are domestic and can develop a bond with them. farm animals and wild game animals my whole life. you don't think you can train a cow to be just as loving as a dog, you are wrong. so if you have this unvented ethics about what you eat, that's fine. don't commit them this man for it. >> tom: george, can you train aid cow to be as nice as a dog? >> judge jeanine: i had pigs and they were very sweet, potbelly pigs, one for 15 years be a here's the thing. if i tell read ted, stella, and duly to stay away from washington, because they are in danger. you got to hide your dogs. kristi noem is out there come hide your dogs come hide your goats come hide all of them, you know? who is the other one, with obama eating dogs? i would never eat a dog. i think you are right, gillian, i think americans are just horrified at the idea of beating a dog, billy abusing a dog. when i was d.a., i prosecuted a
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crime someone abused a dog, i would get email from australia, they were so fired up. >> tom: richard, shouldn't he turn this into a moment? you can take advantage of it. asked not whether ate the dog -- get a good speech and get some attention. >> richard: i looked at the photo, it looked like a goat to me, to be fair. while it is not commonplace in america, eating goat as a delicacy in other parts of the world, in jamaica we eat curried goat, it's on the menu of most jamaican restaurants in the united states. >> tom: you had goat? >> richard: curry goat, it's very good, go to your closest jamaican restaurant and have curried goat and tell them richard fowler sent you. >> tom: all right, "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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♪ ♪ >> richard: welcome back. it's fourth of july and it's time for "the fastest." first up, hitting the beach fourth of july tomorrow? watch out for the angry seals. [seal noises] i meant to say see lions there.
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dozens of beachgoers in san diego are running for their lives as defensive sea lions charge at them. it's dangerous for humans to get close to the creature during pumping season. judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: first of all, if you ever see an animal, a mom and baby's, number one, stay away. and number two, there is a reason they call it a sea lion. that gave it away. >> richard: why -- >> tom: they don't seem like lions at all. >> johnny: if you call them sea dogs, you can't eat them. >> judge jeanine: good point. >> tom: they go 6.7 meters per second. >> judge jeanine: a second? >> tom: yes! they can run faster than people. >> gillian: that's why they call them ac lion. >> richard: gillian? >> gillian: they are just so cute. there was one with a huge walrus last year that kept getting on people's boats in florida or -- >> judge jeanine: is a sea lion like a walrus? >> gillian: they must be
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related in some way. every story with animals getting too close to people, they are dead. of the animals always die. it's a sad story. you know that's what's going to happen here. stupid people are going to approach them, when they are sitting with their seal pups, and then they are going to get aggressive, and -- >> judge jeanine: kill the mom appeared >> gillian: exactly. >> tom: i've been to the speech, they tell people stay away and they won't do it. >> judge jeanine: specifically stay away from the rocks. they are rock stars. >> johnny: stay away from them, that's their home in where they live, go to the beach somewhere else. >> richard: stay away from the rocks. up next, "the new york times" putting a damper on the best part of fourth of july. take a look at this headline: enough with the fireworks, it's bad for climate change, scares pets, and causes conflation of selfishness and patriotism. it is scary for the pets. judge jeanine, what do you do for your dogs and fourth of july? >> judge jeanine: they wear
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hats, red, white, and blue appeared >> richard: with the fireworks. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: they are use to a lot of crazy in my house, so they are good. i just want to say, this is an attempt to erase american traditions come all right? if i want to have fireworks, i'm going to have fireworks. >> richard: fair enough. >> tom: i'm in the suburbs. in this way, i agree with "the new york times." they are a little louder when then they used to be peer when i was a capable fireworks were firecrackers and roman candles. now everyone and his brother has the regulation fireworks or they are too loud. >> gillian: and he goes on for days, literally days, it's insane. i think we should outlaw it or ban it or whatever. that's enough, thank you. >> richard: johnny? >> johnny: went after guns, burgers, fireworks the icing on the cake. get rid of the trash. >> richard: i am here for the big fireworks. the ones that go for three weeks after fourth of july, still
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popping them on the street -- >> gillian: at 2:00 in the morning. >> richard: it's just annoying and my cat hates it. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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with no annual fee. how do you cash back? chase, make more of what your just got a little better. we're still the go to for politics breaking news. we've got so much more. sports, entertainment, lifestyle, bringing you the world according to fox . >> before we get to one more thing, don't miss our july 4th special tomorrow. it's a fun filled, patriotic show. celebrating our nation's independence. don't miss it. okay, richard, hit it. >> tonight, we send our prayers to the island nation of jamaica as they as hurricane burley battles the island. the massive historic category 4 hurricane is lashing the southwestern isles with 140 mile winds now. jamaica is feeling burley's fury. residents are making last minute preparations and this hurricane earlier this week also hit grenada, st vincent and st lucia where they were left. thousands of people homeless. >> and we're sending our prayers to all those people today. all right.
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absolutely. okay. a trip abroad is always nice, but these kids from florida return home right before the fourth, and they received a very patriotic homecoming at the airport as their friends in american eagle costume swarmed them with hugs for everyone to see. the group looks very excited. you can hear them. there should be sound on this thing. they're screaming and laughing because it's an american. >> get it? 4th of july weekend. that's it. >> all right, joey. and they put hats on those eagles. okay. listen, you guys need to see this. so, you know, you're shopping sometimes. you see videos of crazy things happen in the supermarket. what about a gator? here's a video of a of an alligator that made its way underneath a row of shopping carts there. and now this is in south carolina. a lot of people were worried, but the alligator was removed. come to find out, it wasn't even wild. >> it was a pet. that is trey gowdy, service animal. yeah. jillian. okay. >> take a look at this. seven-year-old boy in texas has won the blue ribbon top prize at the state fair.
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that is seven-year-old texas native alan gage. he won the prize for making his grandmother's recipe blueberry pie. he's now the youngest person ever to qualify for the fairs. best in show. >> that was in october. he thanked his grandma when he won the award. >> oh, that's so sweet. looking fantastic, tom. okay. this is a sport that will sweep the nation. a town in england held an egg russian roulette competition over the weekend. >> and the game is simple. you have six eggs. all but one are hard boiled. >> the loser literally has egg on their face. >> look at that. that is so well done. do they get salmonella? >> keep it away from your mouth. you know, you don't want the raw eggs going near your mouth. >> it's in the u.k., not a waffle house. all right. and by the way, we found out that sea lions and walrusesthis are part of the same family. so that's it forspecia us.ngle. >> have a great night. >>


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