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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 4, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> kayleigh: it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast and this is "fox & friends" on this fourth of july. the biden administration cannot get their story straight evening while his candidacy is on the line. conflicting stories on whether he has had a medical evaluation since that disastrous debate. all while his poll numbers plunge. >> joe: taxpayer funded american dream for illegal immigrants? new york city is planning to spend millions on another round of those prepaid debit cards for those migrants. >> lawrence: i'm sure there is kids in the harlem and bronx that need that money. plus, we are celebrating independence day all morning long with adam live from coney island ahead of nathan's hot dog eating contest. and abby is live from rhode island at one of the oldest parades in the nation. this is hour it number two, and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> kayleigh: all right. well president biden insisting on staying in the race. he is defiant after reportedly
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telling dozens of democrat governors yesterday that he got a medical checkup and he is good to go. >> lawrence: kayleigh, it comes amid push back from his own party. >> joey: yeah. madeleine rivera is in washington with more. >> madeleine: good morning, guys. the white house being pressed for more transparency regarding the president's health. this reporting from politico will likely raise more questions from the white house press core. politico told in might meeting with governors wednesday he underwent medical checkup and is fine. the president has been battling a cold yet earlier in the day the white house press secretary says the president has not had a medical exam in months. >> has the president had any medical exams since his last annual physical in february? >> and -- we're able to talk to his doctor about that and that is a no. >> he hasn't had any kind of medical exam? >> no.
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>> madeleine: democratic governors emerged from that meeting publicly stating their support for the president, even if they voiced concerns behind closed doors. >> none of us are denying thursday night was a bad performance. it was a bad -- it was a bad hit, if you will, on that. but it doesn't impact what i believe. he is delivering. >> we were hobbit about the concerns that we are hearing from people. and we're also honest about the fact that as the president continued to tell us and show us that he was all in. that we said that we would stand with him. >> i'm here to tell you today, president joe biden is in it to win it. >> at least one of those governors was very straight with him about the fact that they personally thought that biden seemed fine for his age but was very clear about the fact that voters in their state do not feel the same way. so it sounds to me like the tenure of that meeting was them supporting him now and wanting to know more from him about what specifically he will do to stay on the ticket and win.
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>> madeleine: also happening on "the washington post" hakeem jeffries is trying to stem a tide of defection among democratic lawmakers holding a conference call with party leaders on wednesday. yet, the president says he is staying in the race, reportedly telling people on a campaign staff call i'm the nominee of the democratic party. no one is pushing me out. i'm not leaving. guys, back to you. >> madeleine, thank you. >> lawrence: we are talking about this on the couch and i think it's important to invite you into this conversation. earlier in the show we were saying this is conflicting because karine jean-pierre said that there was no, you know, there was no doctor's visit. there was no exam. there was none of that so now we are learning as we rewatched that clip that she got that information from the white house doctor's office. so, she didn't even get that from the president. the president is saying on a phone call that he actually did get checked out. so, there's a lot of conflicting -- it doesn't seem like they can get the story
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straight, kayleigh. >> they can't. it reminded me as we are listening to madeleine there of when president trump got covid. because i had to bring medical updates to the podium. and i remember dr. sean conley, the doctor to the president, would bring me notes signed. this is what we know. these are the details. signed. and you would bring it to the press. did the doctor mislead her? did the president mislead her? did she lie? these are all questions that reporters need to ask. >> lawrence: all fair. >> kayleigh: these are important, important questions. >> joey: or did something happen between when she was asked that question and he got on the call in front of the governors. in other words, did they go and do something with a doctor to have that as something to offer to those asking questions after it was asked by the press? i mean, it feels like the tail bag wagging the dog. it doesn't feel like think they have any strategy to overcome this and almost reacting to how other people are reacting to the debate. >> lawrence: one of the things -- this has been playing out over i would say four years because we got to include the
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political campaign as well for president. i know he was in the basement most of the time. there was a lot of questions of where is joe biden? and a lot of people in conservative media, just assume because we didn't see him, and when we did see him he was not together, that he was napping. well, we have since seen -- there was kits about it and everything, the president must be asleep. well, we since got confirmation through leaks that essentially the president does take a nap. he took a nap during his debate prep when he was at camp david. the question was posed to the white house press secretary. this is what she had to say. >> does he have to have a nap every day. >> let me be very clear about this. this is a president that wakes up every morning and puts the american people first. that's what he does. he does that every single day. >> lawrence: so that was a dodge. >> joey: that's an easy thing to answer. is he up first thing in the morning and works harder than
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anybody i know. sometimes he takes a nap before he finishes the day. not a big deal. it's the fact it's layered in this conversation where for years they have told us the spryest guy i know. he is so sharp. is he very smart and directed and then now the dam has kind of broke on that lie. and soar little thing. needing a nap look as lot worse now than it would have if they had been more for the right this whole time to begin with. >> we had the reporting the president only one i saw a scary statistic all hostile deaths in the line of duty and jordan happened outside of the hours of 10 to 4:00. >> joey: abby gate was 9:30 a.m. what do you draw from that? it's probably coincidental.
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jacqui actually asked her about that. i thought it was hilarious question because it had to be a question. is this true? she had to ask it. you sit there and almost surreal. and kjb responded with well he did this after 4:00. he did that before 10:00. i think really what that statement was about is probably this idea that he has a certain time he gets up and there is a runway before he is good to go. and that expires at some time in the afternoon. i don't know if there is a specific hour. but the whole concern, if you take all the health out of it, is does he have the stamina and cognitive wherewithal to last for an 18-hour day when we're in the middle of something bad? and that's a legitimate question for donald trump. that's a legitimate question for joe biden. the difference is we have seen more evidence that donald trump is up at 6:00 in the morning, watching tv, listening to what's being said. responding to attacks on hem. we have seen the evidence of him going to a rally. that was supposed to be an hour long and making it two and a half hours.
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and so we have antidotal evidence to show donald trump doesn't have a problem with this. and we have a lot of on camera evidence to show joe biden does. >> lawrence: the press secretary did another thing kayleigh yesterday i think it's important to notice. when they asked her about the scheduling, international travel, she went on this long rant about how they cannot keep up with him. like, they can't keep up with him. he goes so hard and we can barely -- and it's like if that is the case if i'm the wte house press secretary. it's a tough job, kayleigh. i know you know. this if i'm the white house -- what i would do in that instance, okay, if this is truly the story line. do a day in the life. show the american people that the president is working from sun-up to sundown. and just paint the picture for everybody to see but no one really believes that. >> kayleigh: the points, okay. you are sitting in the office. coming up with your talking points for the briefing. who thinks it is a good idea to say younger aides cannot keep up
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with him? does anyone believe that? i mean, my grandparents could keep up with him. i mean, then they debuted this other point is he healthier than most of us. look, i want the president to be healthy. everyone wants the president to be healthy, but no one believes this. you tried cheap fakes before that come up with better points. try one. it's called honesty. try honesty with the american people. >> joey: i think the best example of this in the last day or two. when she was asked about why did he say jet lag was a problem 12 days after -- i'm sorry, if it takes you two weeks to get over jet lag you have a medical condition. she knows how ridiculous that sounds. she threw it back. she said we didn't say that you asked us that. you came up with that idea. because she knows it sounds ridiculous and you have to deflect. it's tough. and, listen, it's not just the press or those of us at fox news that see this. we have a poll that shows where democrats and independents are on this. 47% of democrats say biden shouldn't be the nominee.
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that's inching really close a majority. independents it's not even close. 72% say no. i mean, you are talking about a big, big, deciding part of our electorate there with 72% of independents saying joe biden shouldn't be the nominee. and the take away there with the democrats, 422% they don't think he should be the nominee and he is. do they show up to vote on election day? >> lawrence: nate silver puts it this way e tracks all the polling and data there. this headline got our attention. doing nothing about biden is the rickiest plan of all. but i think they have done the calculation. the calculation when you look at all the polling with all the candidates that they have suggested could be a replacement including kamala harris joe biden still does better than all of them. i think what we are seeing right now. although america saw everything on the debate stage and the white house hasn't had a proper strategy there has been a
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calculation that it's either joe or no one else. put our bets on joe because he is the only one that has beat donald trump in the past. that's the calculation. >> kayleigh: two facts came out yesterday. all these democrats saying we are waiting on the numbers. all the reporting. we are waiting on the numbers to come in. two facts happened yesterday. the "wall street journal" poll came out. >> lawrence: yep. >> kayleigh: donald trump has his biggest lead ever. >> lawrence: six points. kay gay in the "wall street journal" poll. he even wins among latinos and young people. "new york times" and senna. he has his biggest lead since 2015. >> lawrence: yep. >> kayleigh: if that's not an alarm i don't know what is. >> joey: before we move on from this i want to say, listen, we're having a big conversation about whether or not joe biden can function as president. but he has been president for three years. he has gotten a lot done on his policy agenda largely because of function in the house and some ways the senate. of they got a lot of things passed especially in the first
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year or two. the reason i point that out they are not able to campaign on that partly because it's not the conversation but that means he owns the state of things now because he has passed legislation that effects the economy. he has passed legislation that that effects our national security. so we have this "wall street journal" headline. and it says democrats' economic message was always a hard sell. now it has a wounded salesman. we cannot overlook he is the nominee as far as we know. but what's his record? and if you read this piece it's a really good argument: not something that americans are buying take all the concerns away and maybe lack of popularity compared to where he was when he was vice president. has he been a good president. he has been good for progressive agenda. not popular among americans. >> joey, not just the economy, number one issue for voters when we were out for the primary was the border. some of the consequences of it
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are the people coming into the country. where new york is now continuing -- they are going to expand this program to give debit cards to the illegal migrants. they would distribute them to more than 3700 people over the next six months. and it's going to cost the city about 2.6 million people -- $2.6 million, here's my thing. and we have showed you the stories all across the country of me talking with -- people that are minorities. in chicago, and boston, in harlem, in the bronx. where they say what about us? what about -- our schools have been shut down. our health centers have been shut down fort migrants to be put in there. we get nothing from you. but you find $2.6 million. we got a homeless veterans that are on the streets of new york. and we have done nothing for them but we give them $2.6 million, kayleigh? >> it's so true. and how can you even explain this? they try.
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here is new york city deputy mayor she said this, quote, when we empower people, we help them achieve self-sufficiency and access the american dream, but to your point. what about american citizens? the ones you speak to every single day? >> lawrence: i'm so sorry, joey. they don't get access to the american dream. they are not american citizens. they don't get access. >> joey: it's earned. >> lawrence: there's a process to go. the fact that we are saying we are going to give the american people first act to say you know what? we are going to charge the border and take all your resources in the midst of doing that i think devalues the process, devalues the experience. that's what makes us americans that there is a process there. and everybody gets to access that the same way. >> joey: there is a certain amount of irony. it's independence day. celebrating today the creation of this country. a generation of americans that literally came here and burned the boats. right? we're not going back. we're going to make it work. it took people of all race, creed, ethnicity. slavery's involvement in building this country by any
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means. it took people of all stripes to build this country. this city is the city of world immigration. it's our congress' job to create an immigration policy, that -- or guidelines or legislation that makes sense. it's our president's job to enact it and abide by it. but it's not our mayor's job to sir couple events all of that and say, you know what? we're going to go ahead and provide the american dream. listen, we won the lottery, we know that we're lucky. i say it's earned. i believe it's earned. citizenship isn't earned when you are a birth right. but when you come here have you got to earn that opportunity. it's here for you. this idea that you can just write a check or hand out a card to someone and boom there you go call it the american dream. >> lawrence: so insulting to people that did it the right way. joey makes the point about the slaves and our prior history that contributed to the country's building. even after slavery. it took emancipation proclamation took -- >> another 200 years.
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>> lawrence: for those slaves to get the rights. >> joey: 100 years. >> lawrence: given away when our ancestor's blood is in the soil. fought wars over the right to be free. i think it's insulting. >> kayleigh: i have an idea. remember laken riley's killer the illegal immigrant came here to new york city. how about devoting every dime, resource, attention to finding the illegal immigrants kill the next woman out on the jog. all right. >> lawrence: such a good point. >> kayleigh: with that over to carley shimkus. >> carley: more news to get to rapper sean "diddy" combs back in the news today because he is now under federal investigation in new york after being hit with another lawsuit. this time from a former adult film star alleging sex trafficking through a, quote: calculated grooming scheme. colmes' legal team denied the claims saying quote no matter how many lawsuits are filed it won't change the fact that mr. colmes has never sexually assaulted or sex trafficked anyone.
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russian president vladimir putin meeting with chinese president xi jinping second time in less than two months. the two were in kazakhstan two meeting encountering western alliances. putin boasting about their fully fledged partnership and says ties between the two world powers are, quote: at their best in history. and check out this video. it shows the moment an ohio police officer jumped to the rescue after a new mom was unable to get milk or formula for her newborn baby. barging into a store that was closed at the time. >> there is a mom who has -- she said her milk dried up and she -- she can't find anywhere to buy formula. is there anywhere in here can put on a cash register? >> i believe so. >> perfect. >> kayleigh: got on body cam footage. the officer corporal w. >core corporalwilloughby.
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shared his story behind the song god bless the u.s.a. telling the "new york post" i never intended god bless the u.s.a. to be a hit but it changed my life. the star has performed that very song on this very show. ♪ because there ain't no doubt ♪ i love this land ♪ god bless the u.s.a. ♪ >> carley: that song originally released around 40 years ago now. wow. has become one of the most patriotic and recognizable songs in america. and it's great day to play it here on "fox & friends," guys. >> kayleigh: it is. >> lawrence: recognize it for the walkout song for donald trump every single time. can. >> kayleigh: lee you probably heard that song more than most
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people. >> kayleigh: it rings in my head. preview of today's big event. the hot dog eating contest. adam? >> adam: good morning, guys. i don't have a mirror out here so i don't know exactly how i look. i imagine i'm making this look amazing. again, no mirror but i'm probably making it look amazing. am i making it look amazing? [cheers] >> how do you feel about america today do we love it. >> yeah. >> do we love our freedom? >> yeah! >> do we love hot dog? >> yes! >> and do we love the weather i dontd dive into the forecast real quick. bring up forecast graphics and talk about the weather across the country. ultimately here in new york city here at coney island, rain is going to move. in much later in the day. across the midwest and back across the plains, way later. you guys are fine. we are fine. so you can be happy that you came here all the way from south carolina, which i think is really cool. you are staying on camera too, dad. real quick how many hot dogs
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could you eat in 10 minutes? >> like five dame. >> adam: what's the right way to dress a hot dog mustard, relish? what do you do. >> ketchup. >> adam: you heard it here first chech chup is the way to eat the hot dogs at the hot dog eating contest. back to you guys. >> joey: he has a lot to learn. >> lawrence: he has a jordan shirt on i see why, cool kid. i talked about barbecue. i have talked about the fireworks. you got to have ice cream. blue bell ice cream and make it into a root beer float. do it with dr. pepper, whatever you want to do. blue bell ice cream. >> kayleigh: my husband, shout-out to sean, did he homemade ice cream this year. red, white, and blue homemade ice cream. and then when i'm in florida. we have these sand witches with sausage, parmesan and lemon on italian bread. they're amazing on the beach. >> joey: we do homemade ice cream. mostly just ha vanilla though.
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i'm jealous on that. we asked you and you answered. email from scott. a picture that says we love going to the washington nationals game in d.c. there is a picture of him. i will say that is a really cool park. i enjoy watching games at that park. >> kayleigh: yes. >> lawrence: jeff says we enjoy camping in northern ohio this with our friends over the july 4th weekend. >> kayleigh: fun. then we have got jimmy i refinished an old bell and rang it 13 times at midnight to celebrate our great freedoms how creative. >> joey: got his pipe there. that's cool. >> lawrence: how are you celebrating this wonderful day. we want to see it all. send us your photos, comments at friends at fox and then we are going to put it up on the screen. >> joey: exciting news. watch the big independence day special today at 8:00 p.m. tonight. it's hosted by lawrence, carley, aishah hasnie and even joey jones. myself. you see my picture there. >> lawrence: it's double duty
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day. >> kayleigh: i will be watching you guys and eating that ice cream i talked about. >> joey: lawrence and i will be simpatico with joe biden taking a nap. >> kayleigh: it's a nap day for me, too. biden frantically trying to shore up democratic leadership. one democratic strategist says it's just not enough. >> joey: first, a special fourth of july message from hollywood great kevin costner. >> there's something to protect here. there's something to celebrate. and we're not going to protect anything by putting our ego first, by our own careers ahead of what is good for the nation. what's up, you seem kinda sluggish today. things aren't really movin'. you could use some metamucil. metamucil's psyllium fiber helps keep your digestive system moving so you can feel lighter and more energetic. metamucil keeps you movin'. and try fizzing fiber plus vitamins.
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♪ >> kayl kay. >> carley: with a fox weather alert. hurricane beryl pounding jamaica with devastating storm surge and 140 mile-per-hour winds. the storm killing one person in jamaica and seven others in the southeast caribbean. the now category 3 storm is expected to hit the gulf coast of mexico tomorrow but millions of people in south texas are expected to feel the storm's impact as well. three firefighters were hurt while battling the thompson
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wildfire in northern california yesterday. since tuesday morning, 3500 acres have been scorched. around 13,000 people remain under evacuation orders. as of last night, the fire is just 7% contained. as they continue to investigate what started this blaze bee loved theme park in north carolina gets a brand new flag one was stolen days before the fireworks show. the charlotte based business stepped in just in time providing a brand new giant flag to replace the giant one that was stolen and they are made right here in the u.s.a. police say they are still looking for information on who stole the original flag and why. but conder flag to the rescue, lawrence. >> lawrence: that's right. it's back up. thank you, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> lawrence: biden forced to do
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control-to-a sure governors is he a still a safe bet in november. team continues to deny he will drop out of the race. watch? >> is there any discussion that if the president were to suspend his campaign that he would also resign? any discussions about. >> no, no. absolutely not. is he moving forward as being president. is he moving forward with his campaign. >> lawrence: someone that knows the polls and the pulse of the democratic party. democratic strategist doug schoen joins us now. doug, thanks so much for joining the program. so we look at the matchup right now in polling. donald trump is at 49%. and biden is now at 41%. earlier, i had a bit of a debate with democratic adviser, this is what he had to say about biden. he is still only one that can beat donald trump. this is what he said. watch. >> it's important to not have donald trump be president again, which we think it is and i know you all disagree. if you think that's important,
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biden is our best bet to defeat him. he has been chosen as the nominee guy the party, twice. he has incredible brand with the american public he has presided over the strongest economy in the world by far. >> lawrence: do you agree? >> i couldn't disagree poor, lawrence. biden is sinking in the polls. the poll you suggested is one of a number that shows since the debate biden's lost 3, 4, 5, points. the swing states. the swing states even worse. behind in all of them. i think it's pretty clear that biden can't beat donald trump at this time. that his credibility with both the voters and with political leaders across the board and especially in his own party is largely gone. >> lawrence: so, doug, when we look at some of the states though, it's not as easy as people think. let's talk about the withdrawal. if he were to do it in wisconsin, they do allow a replacement for any reason
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outside of the death. when you look at nevada, can he only change -- they can only change candidates until the fourth friday in june. and then georgia only allows for the replacement until 60 days before the election. so, i mean, this is not going to be an easy road for democrats, right? >> i don't think it will be an easy road. i think the favorite would be kamala harris if joe biden pulls out. favored to win the nomination. not necessarily the favorite to win the elections. but i would advocate for an open process, what jim clyburn called a mini primary. quick with debates. open, transparent, and really, i think, riveting process. the next two weeks should be devoted to who is the strongest and best candidate, let the american people, the democratic primary voters decide when joe biden recognizes the inevitable. >> lawrence: so, doug, can i ask
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you as someone that has been around democrats. you are a loyal democrat. you love your party. you criticize. >> i do. >> lawrence: you criticize it at times it's for to grow the party. you try to get them to see the things that they are missing. what is going on behind the scenes that you have all of these governors that had a meeting with the president and, they clearly had to see that we saw on the debate stage. but they have been so resistant to criticize the president public wly. like they could provide the cover for the alleged 25 representatives that wanted him to withdraw. but they won't do it. why? >> they are not doing it because they are afraid of the down ballot races. they believe joe biden is going to be a drag on the ticket. and they believe he has got to go. which is why only three democratic governors rather at tepidly supported biden after
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the meeting yesterday, lawrence. look, it's over for joe biden. >> lawrence: you don't think he is going to be the nominee. >> is he not going to be elected president. they know it. we know it. >> lawrence: will he be the nominee though, doug? will democrats pick a new nominee? >> i hope they do. if they steam roll kamala harris in, i believe she, who pulls pos worse than joe biden will suffer the same fate biden is showing in the polls which is to lose to trump. that's why i advocate open primary debates, transparency. give the american penal some excitement, give the american people a real choice and a real chance to pick a new fresh face, a new nominee. >> lawrence: how do you explain it to your party and we got to go real quick. how do you explain that to the party by passing kamala harris? she is the only one elected along with joe biden. there is a real thing when it comes to your party about the
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identity of the party. and there has already been suggestion that the black women, which are the base of the democratic party, would revolt if you guys skipped her over. what do you make of that? >> i make it as a real problem but that's why i say a given that she polls worse than biden to say fine, we'll have an open process. we will et will the delegates and the political leaders decide in a two, three week process is the only way to go. make it fair. make it open. make it transparent. and maybe just maybe my party will be revitalized. new face, new message. >> lawrence: doug, who is your pick? who do you think is the best candidate to defeat donald trump? >> you know, it's very hard to say as we sit here today. i would rather wait, come back in a couple of weeks, lawrence. once the candidates have gotten out there. and be able to answer with specificity. the two people who can't beat
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donald trump are joe biden and kamala harris. >> lawrence: powerful words from doug schoen, thank you so much for giving us some time. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it. our friend abby hornacek is in bristol, rhode island celebrating fourth of july proud american style. >> abby: lawrence, that's right. i'm here with folks getting ready for the big fourth of july parade so stick around. ♪ something you can't describe ♪ and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. when the sawdust settles and the engine roars
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♪ >> joey: happy birthday independence day and welcome back and it wouldn't be a fourth of july all-american parade to honor the kinds of heroes that make our nation so great. abby hornacek is in bristol, rhode island ahead of the
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military, civic and firemen's parade, the oldest continuous fourth of july celebration in the entire country. abby, tell us all about it. >> abby: oh, everyone here is so excited. and lowe and kathy here actually have an historic home right on the parade route. what is today like for you guys. is it crazy? >> it is crazy. it's very exciting. you have to get up very early in the morning, set up your chairs. we have lots of friends coming and we have breakfast and lunch and you know in bristol stops by and says hello. it's great. >> kayleigh: i hear that fourth of july runs in your blood? >> it does. we purchased this home in 2003. it was fantastic. my daughter emily miss fourth of july in 2014. my daughter victoria was fourth of july 2006. my two older girls were also in the pageant and on the float later in life when they were older.
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>> abby: amazing. you are great parents. going to he can which out other people who have been here. you were actually introduced it me as the queen of bristol, dotty. >> they lied. >> abby: how long have you been here. >> 91 years old. i have been in the same spot all that time. i was born right around the corner from the house i lived in now. >> abby: what keeps you around? >> i loved the neighborhood. my neighbors are good. we treat each other -- we take care of each other. let's put it that way. >> abby: that's how it should be. >> that's right. some people don't have that but we do. constitution street is the best street in town. >> abby: i can tell already. can i confirm that are any of your neighbors here? is this a neighbor? >> yeah. this is my neighbor across the street bob. >> abby: bob you are neighbors with dotty, you lucky duck. >> 45 years i have known her. she took care of the house before i moved in. >> abby: tell me about this shirt. are you part of the fireman? >> fireman for everredies, lifetime member for 45 years. i love the town and i joined the
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fire department as soon as i came to town because it saves on taxes. you know,. >> abby: smart man. >> the neighborhood. across the street. every time i need a facial or my daughters need it she gives me a break. do you know what i mean? >> abby: when can i move into the neighborhood you guys seem amazing. >> find room for you any time. >> abby: take you up on that. thanks for your time with the fire department you are the best of the best. >> thank you for your time. taking the time to recognize people like us. >> abby: it's really such a tough job. >> okay. >> abby: no. you guys r. az imagine. thank you so much. happy fourth of july, guys. >> happy fourth. >> abby: we will be sticking around for the parade. these folks will be here all morning long and so will we. >> joey: great people up there i can tell. thanks to the firemen i have a couple of those in my family, so, thanks, abby. >> abby: thanks, guys. >> joey: don't move skip bedell has all your last minute party
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gear straight ahead. a special fourth of july message from lee greenwood. >> it really gist me honor to say that i'm proud to be an american. and that's the way i speak it, and i sing it, i sing it for all those who are proud as well. ♪ and defend her still today ♪ psoriatic arthritis symptoms can be unpredictable. one day, your joints hurt. next, it's on your skin. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. feel less joint pain swelling and tenderness back pain and clearer skin and help stop further joint damage with cosentyx.
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>> joey: welcome back. today there will be a simulcast between the nationals ballpark in washington, d.c. and the aludeid air base. i don't know how to say that i don't know how to say that air base in qatar. giving our soldiers overseas a chance to watch the nationals, mets game. my objective is to learn how to say that lucas. you are there at the ballpark. >> aludeid. there you go, what's you got lucas. >> lucas: what a great assignment. not only get country and baseball the same day and get to cover it. that's what is happening nats park to celebrate 248 years of the united states. it's pretty cool to come out to the ballpark. it's sunrise. see the grounds crew working on the grass and give the masters a run for their money. seeing the equipment come out,
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the bats, the helmets, joey love. this marine day. bullpen phone in the dugout and bullpen out there. hopefully that won't be used at all for the nationals. >> i know you are a big braves fan. kayleigh by the way i know your husband played for the mets. the nationals plays. won last night. nationals won last night. biased on this one. big die hard nationals fan you are right. later talking to the fox sports sky box at al udeid air base. home of u.s. central command control the skies over the volatile middle east and speaking to world series champion adam 320 world series two home runs only make league player, sacrifice and home run in the same gay. back to that 2019 team. the nationals, only team in pro-sports history to win all four on the road. but i digress. beautiful morning here at nats park. things coming together, it's
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11:00 a.m. game. very rare, these guys have to have breakfast and take 98 around the chin in few hours. tough for the players. beautiful day here at the ballpark. and it's really great to cover. holiday for some routine for others. here we are. >> joey: doesn't get much more american for baseball. looks like that's going to be fun. >> i would do this one for free, joey. >> joey: thanks, lucas. all right, you we are going to toss it to kayleigh and lawrence outside. they have fun stuff with skip. >> lawrence: thanks, joey. we the people like to party. >> kayleigh: skip bedell is here with the outdoor products for any patriotic bash. >> skip: what's up, guys? happy independence day. what an awesome day it is. nothing is more american than american flags and got it have made in america. i fly these at my home. telescoping made by olympic flag american business, all-american materials and made right here in
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america. mostly hand sciched and made in america. so super important. what's cool about it. we have everything you need to fly your flag whether on frontline like we are talking about. they have a home and go goes on front porch or go in your car with this trailer hitch mount. or, they even have this led flag, can you mount this right on your house and lights up the whole house with a beautiful 420 led lights. american flag on the house. >> lawrence: you said we can install all of this ourself. 40% off everything i just told you about atlantic flag >> kayleigh: love the lead flags. >> skip: guys, this is pool party season. this thing is unbelievable. pools are great but a lot of work to keep lien. beat bottom. first one five in one robotic pool cleaner. what is different from this other robotic pool clearance. it doesn't just clean the bottom. it cleans the walls and every
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level of your pool and also skims the surface. map it all out on smart phone with app. super easy take that the 00 debris and dump everything out. takes all the work out of keeping your pool clean. something this does no one else does clarify chemical cartridge puts clarify in your pool keeping it super crystal clear. the great time to get a beat bottom. keep your pool looking clean for pool parties. >> kayleigh: we use good old fashioned net at my house. >> makes it so easy takes all the work out of it. >> this is where the party is at guys he love criticry outdoor furniture. super comfortable. it feels like your living room furniture but outdoors. it is designed to stand up to the uv rays, to the weather, the cold, the hot, what is super cooling it is completely waterproof. watch this. it sheds the water right off it,
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super easy to keep clean. everything is washable. covers come off and go right in the washing machine and makes it ease to keep super clean. >> kayleigh: i need that for my 4-year-old and 1-year-old. yes. >> skip: go to 50% off. insane sales. lastly, guys, silvox outdoor television. weather proof. hot, cold, freezing rain, wind designed to be outdoor all year long. metal enclosure, totally waterproof. keep this outside with the pool and even full subject see sylvox. >> lawrence: go to his website as well. thanks, skip. >> kayleigh: fourth of july hot dog eater joey chestnut joins us live. >> lawrence: it's the final
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