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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 4, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> julie: fox news aler.
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defiant president biden and white house saying he is not going anywhere as calls mount in his opponent party for him to drop thinks 2024 bids in the weight of his debate performance. happy fourth of july to everyone. i'm julie banderas. >> mike: great to be working with you on independence day. the president trying to reassure his team in an all-staff call saying he is staying in the race to the end and shared that message with more than 20 democratic governors who left the meeting saying they have the president's back but all this is doing little to quell concerns about his health and mental acuity. the white house getting peppered with questions about the president's ability to serve a second term during yesterday's briefing. >> does he really need more than a week and a half to recover from traveling abroad? >> what does the in the do outside the 4:00 p.m.?
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>> why aren't we seeing the president out there every day. >> has the president had any medical exams since his last annual physical in february? >> what steps would the president be taking or would you as a team plan to try to prevent another episode in public that would be deemed worrisome? >> i would not call it an episode. i would call it we had a bad night, right? it was not his best night. he had a cold, he was jet lagged. >> julie: this as the "boston globe" joined a growing list of media outlets pressuring biden to step aside with the release of a new op-ed. cnn commentator van jones praised the president but said it was time for the party to turn the page. >> i have just will be honest. everybody comes on the air and says the great stuff. behind the scenes it's full
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scale panic. people are passing around legal memos, pdfs are flying back on forth trying to figure out what are the options, how can you replace biden? he may not be able to get across the finish line. >> mike: "new york post" editorial board has the headlines. with biden's political future dead dems need to read grief's final stage. a new poll shows that mr. trump has widened his lead against biden by six points after the debate. white house correspondent jacque heinrich is live from the north lawn. hello, jacque. >> the president has a big interview with abc news tomorrow. it could be a watershed moment that either solidifies or he roads support among democrats. he got reps in yesterday taping two black radio interviews that aired today. the majority, vast majority of the questions asked him to talk about his accomplishments but he
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got one question from each host on his debate performance and his candidacy. >> >> president biden: i had a bad night. the fact of the matter is that, you know, it was -- i screwed up. i made a mistake. look, i came back from -- i was in a situation where -- why i didn't have a good debate. that's 90 minutes on stage. look what i've done in 3.5 years. >> but the president faces a battle convincing the american public to in his words keep moving. get this, the "washington post" editorial board wrote a fictitious biden withdrawal speech framed as if he would announce it today on the fourth of july. it says the democratic national committee, senior democratic leaders and i have agreed on an orderly process that includes debate between now and our convention in august. my vice president kamala harris
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has agreed to participate though democratic primary voters cannot be included their delegates will make the final choice. again, this is a fantasy withdrawal speech written by the "washington post" editorial board. not something that he actually wrote or we have any indication he would say. but at the same time, the co-chair of the biden/harris national campaign committee is voicing his support for a mini primary if biden calls it quits. >> you can actually fashion the process that's already in place to make it a mini primary and i would support that, absolutely. i think that kamala harris would put herself very well in that kind of a process but it would be fair to everybody. to all of the other governors who may be interested. >> president has maintained that he is staying in the race. the campaign also denied a cnn report that said there is a succession plan taking place, campaign telling fox news quote,
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there is literally 0 truth to that report, mike. >> mike: busy times on your beat. jacque heinrich, thank you very much. >> julie: i don't remember ever having to cover anything similar to this. alex is a former new jersey senate candidate, and then we have a digital organizer for clinton's campaign. this is really history in the making and it is quite incredible to see the number of democrats who have come forward essentially just asking the president to do their party a favor and step aside and allow somebody able minded who cld de party to a win. right now polls are already looking not good for biden. it is onlyo get worse, i would imagine. let me ask you, alex, where do you see this going? the president is pretty -- remains pretty steadfast that he isn't going anywhere. >> right, joe biden is an arrogant and proud man but the
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weight of the polling and the weight of the party is shifting against him. if you look back to 1984, president ronald reagan had a bad night. not as bad as president biden did on the debate stage. president reagan dropped seven points but ahead by double digits. president biden can't afford to drop a single point. now that's why democrats are seriously considering whether or not the throw this president over the side of the boat and continue on without him. >> julie: i don't think the damage control has really been there. if there was real damage control he would be holding news conferences and doing live presentations. but his excuse that he had a bad night and the white house repeating the words bad night 10 million times and the president in fact saying i made a mistake. you don't make a mistake for 90 minutes. you make a mistake because you misspeak a couple of times. 90 minutes is a big mistake? >> it sounds like that is your opinion. i will say there haven't been
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these top democrats calling for the democrats to step down. van jones or tim ryan aren't top democrats. all the elite papers across the country are not the real democratic party. i have not seen one democratic leader make that statement. i will say that democrats don't suffer from the founders' problem we talked about in business that maga suffers from. they live and die with the cult of donald trump. biden has been a great president. this week alone border crossings at a record low during his tenure. we should cover that more i think. kamala harris is an excellent vice president. this entire administration has restored competence to american government and that's what is important. putting forth this agenda, continuing to have the best economy in the world under joe biden's leadership. people don't want to talk about that but i do think there are months left in this campaign and look, donald trump hasn't even been sentenced for his 34 felonies counts. a news cycle.
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>> julie: the consensus is growing among democrats across the board. >> any leaders -- >> julie: i think nancy pelosi sees it. she hasn't come out. she won't do that. the president is still in office but -- >> that's your opinion. >> julie: have you watched her speak recently the way the president has been a bit off? it is not just these democrats that are in elected positions. when you have "the new york times" that comes out with an article yesterday quoting a key ally that had said they had a conversation with the president that in fact he was considering whether or not to step aside, and then you have the "boston globe" that's coming out and reporting their report. that says a lot. these are liberal publications. liberal publications that are usually sticking up for the president. >> they're not. >> julie: "the new york times" you don't think it is a liberal
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publication? >> no, they have a problem with the editor standards against joe biden. >> julie: "the new york times" isn't a liberal -- >> we can talk about elite institutions and that's fine. what about the average person, the people that we will meet at barbecues and picnics today across this nation? the average person who watched that debate thought that joe biden was not mentally competent. their votes are the ones that matter on election day and leaders, whether they are top of the party or not should be looking to the people who thought joe biden performed poorly and that poor performance is indicative of the man he has been all along. i think we should judge president biden by his own metric. he said look at the past. if we look at carl bernstein's reporting in the past 18 months the president has been confused, frail, disoriented 15 to 20 times that people have seen this public. the average voter recognizes this and it will have weight on election day if president biden
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stays in the race. a campaign issue. >> julie: several house democrats have described the movement on wednesday with one saying over the last few hours i'm starting to hear from delegates they love joe but want him to step aside. the dam is breaking. a third house democrat said biden -- they are still -- new york city unfortunately that is how politics worse. they won't bury the president. there you go. they'll speak on conditions of anonymity which is what happens when you work under the certain president. >> the media today. >> julie: this isn't the media. these are politicians that are speaking to the media off record. it happens all the time. >> all of those stories were not properly tracked. you had most of the stories, the story of the president >> julie: politicians speak to the media off the record all the time. there is a reason why they are off the record. they are protecting their own constituents and they want to get reelected. that's how politics works.
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that's all the time we have for now. thank you. alex and tyvon. thank you. >> mike: former president's team is on his toes. we are expecting closing arguments against bob menendez as early as monday. why he decided against taking the witness stand ahead.
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>> mike: the judge-pushed back his sentencing in new york until
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september. his lawyers argue the conviction should be thrown out entirely. a former federal prosecutor says it could be possible. >> we're in such a novel position at this point. it was a great week for former president trump legally speaking. as far as judge merchan reviewing this case before the sentencing, he essentially has to look at whether this evidence would have potentially changed the outcome. because as you just showed, any evidence of any official acts is not to be used in a prosecution whatsoever. >> mike: let's bring in an attorney in northwestern adjunct law professor. welcome. >> thank you. >> mike: your reaction to the latest developments as it affects president trump's legal team. >> look, i think this is a pretty good development as the sentencing has been pushed off. clearly what president trump allegedly did were not official acts but it is all about the evidence and the supreme court has been crystal clear in its
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immunity decision this week that if you have official acts taken by the president, that can't be used as evidence in a criminal trial. that's precisely what the prosecutors did in the new york hush money case. juan merchan has a real problem on his hands trying to decide the evidence presented of the official acts is enough to basically overturn the decision. this is a close one. i don't know what will happen. this judge has shown no preference for donald trump and gone to the other end of the extreme. we'll see what happens. >> mike: here is the status of mr. trump's legal cases. the florida classified documents case is delayed indefinitely. the georgia election interference and federal election case both on hold. as we mentioned, the new york versus trump trial sentencing is delayed. what effect could the supreme court decision have on these other cases? >> well, i don't think there is any question the atlanta state
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course days is doa, dead. crystal clear these were official acts. with respect to the classified document case, i think president trump has a real problem on his hands with respect to that case. specifically most of the comment that took place was conduct that took place after he left the presidency. that wouldn't be connected. i think that case will go forward. i think anything related to election interference is really dead for prosecutors. it is good news for president trump. >> mike: prediction how things play out in new york in september? >> i put the odds at 65 or 70% these charges get tossed. what is funny is there are so many other appealable issues with respect to that case. you had misdemeanor charges turned to felony charges. outside the statute of the limitations, a novel argument never used. ultimately those charges will be overturned and conviction overturned.
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i don't know if it will be because of the supreme court immunity decision. >> mike: another legal matter. we expect closing arguments in the trial of bob menendez as early as monday. this week he chose not to testify. here is why. >> from my perspective, the government has failed to prove every aspect of its case. and for me to testify and give them another chance to have a second summation, go through the whole case again and then go ahead and have their summation and then have a rebuttal case at the end is not something that makes any sense to me whatsoever. we look forward to the summations. >> mike: do you buy that or is it about the gold bars and some of the other stuff are hard to explain? >> look, i don't blame him for not testifying. clearly his lawyers were telling him not to. i think he has an uphill climb
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in this case. hard to explain to a jury why you have $1 hundred thousand worth of gold bars in your heart and $410,000 of cash in your house. devastating to him is the new jersey businessman who basically said look, i bought his wife a mercedes benz as a bribe. that is devastating. that's the sort of direct evidence that jurors like to hear. i think he is some real trouble, mike. >> mike: politicians and alleged corruption not a new thing. how serious is menendez versus some of the other cases we've seen over the years? >> i think it is pretty serious. you have something that strikes at the core to democracy. a senator who is the chairman of a very powerful committee in the senate taking bribes from egypt and other people. that's real serious stuff. i think if he is convicted, he is likely going to go to prison. remember, 2017 he got a hung jury in another case on a corruption charge. so i don't know if where there
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is smoke there is fire but i think he is in serious legal peril. >> mike: thank you so much for your legal analysis today. >> happy fourth, thank you. >> julie: hunter biden is staying close to his father. in fact, too close for comfort if you ask some according to some reports. is his influence growing in the white house? we'll find out. plus illegal immigrant crime is getting a lot of attention this week with high-profile cases popping up all across the country. congresswoman claudia tenney joins us on that next. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. -yes! -that's how you waffle! a romantic weekend escaper at a cambria hotel. or mr. get the party started! heyyyyy!! be a pool lounger. or, a big room relaxer. with 22 brands and the best value for your money, choice hotels has a stay for any you.
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red light and kill a 22-year-old man. here in new york city ice arrested an ms-13 gang member wanted for murder in el salvador. authorities say he also crossed into the u.s. illegally and getting new heinous details in the houston murder of 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray as her family confirms jocelyn was indeed sexually assaulted before being killed. the two suspects also illegal immigrants. republicans warn this sort of crime could happen anywhere. >> we're seeing so many angel families now popping up and being created, folks that are victims of crimes committed by illegals around the country. there is more to come. if people think that this is it, it is one and done, they are sadly mistaken. this is happening in every single community around the country. every state, every town in
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america is a border town thanks to joe biden. >> julie: joining us now is claudia tenney, member of the house ways and means committee. when i interviewed kat cammack yesterday she made a great point. the fact that every single town is a border town in this country. if you were to back up. the border patrol crisis has actually been an issue for over decades. but every border town is in new york city, is in texas, not only texas and arizona but in los angeles. this administration opened the border and allowed to spread all over the country freely and now these democratic cities are paying the price. >> exactly, what's equally as bad states like new york. the green light law that gives licenses to illegal immigrants and a special status so that our police cannot share with ice, with other customs and border protections agents as to the
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status of this people is why lakin riley was murder. they had to let the murderer go. even though they suspected he had ties to an illegal gang and ties to crimes and they had to let him go and went and killed lakin riley down in georgia. that's why every state is a border state. i represent the northern border of new york state. 85% of the people on the terror watch list according to the border patrol is coming across the northern border because new york's laws are so lenient and because new york state does not impose any restrictions on these people, and you end up having the cartels saying this is a better option. let's go to new york and get closer to new york city where they can pretty much live without -- without anyone finding who they are. they can go into the seams and nobody finds them. it is a problem. it is everywhere. upstate new york. we had a horrible tragedy in
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albany. another killing by illegal immigrants. we're seeing rapes and murders and the worst kind of crimes against children, which i can't think of anything worse at this point. july >> julie: these are repeat offenders. our law enforcement isn't allowed to keep them in jail. being let out on bail and reoffending. the land of the free for criminals and you can come to the united states and commit crimes, not do the time, and there is no accountability whatsoever. although the administration is now, believe it or not, after all of that. now in the final year of his administration, doing a victory lap saying that after three weeks president biden's border executive action appears to be working. okay, so june numbers hit a three-year low. what about the millions here already including these gang members that are reoccurring and
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killing and maiming and murdering and attacking children? what are they doing about that? >> talk about the gang members, the murders, rapes, these people are coming across. famous trump said that. they aren't sending their best. they are sending everyone they can. it is not the countries that are doing this, it is the cartels. they are finding a way to human traffic people and murderers and anyone who wants to come to the country. we're overstressing the systems. customs and border agents don't have the resources to keep the border safe. they can't control ice. all we needed to do at the very minimum is go back to remain in mexico and stop catching and release, two things that president donald trump did, two things joe biden erased on day one and why you are seeing this record number of people coming across. it is terrible. not just from a security standpoint. the cost is unbelievable. hundreds of billions of dollars
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across the nation and now we're seeing billions of dollars to new york taxpayers alone to take care of illegal immigrants whether it's their housing, everything. it is just not prioritizing american citizens and people here lawfully. the other thing is we have millions of people waiting to come here lawfully. why are we allowing these people to come and be trafficked and allowing the gangs to actually have operational control of our border? we aren't a country if we can't protect us. independence day. in order to be independent we have to have our border secure. >> julie: americans having a hard time putting food on the table. inflation, people unable to pay for homes but they come in. they get free housing and very expensive cities such as new york and also a surge in illegal crossings like you touched upon along the northern border according to a new report. border officials have arrested 3300 illegal crossers in the
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month of june alone, up 420% over last year. i would like to see the biden administration do a victory lap around that number. >> you know it's interesting. that number is up. it was 330% a few months ago. now it is continuing to rise because guess what? new york state encourages this. you can come across, as i said, under the green light law. come across the border. police can't do anything. they can't call up and ask, you know, ice, who is this guy? we suspect a person. they have a car full of drugs and young children that don't look like they're own children. we have to wait for an ice agent to get them. we allow these people into our communities. i see people a little outside of my district all the way into st. lawrence sea way of new york. i have people sending me video footage from their ring spotlights in front of their trail cams showing people walking across the border in
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northern new york. it is very scary and expensive and this is just incredible that kathy hochul doesn't do anything. joe biden does nothing and by the way, guess what kathy hochul did yesterday. stood behind joe biden and said you have to run. you are doing a great job. what a wonderful job you are doing from the country, one of the worst governors in the entire nation and the worst president i can think of in the modern era and maybe forever. they're destroying our country and we have to stop this. it just sars scares me. it is 85 degrees and sunny beautiful day with 102-year-old word war ii veteran walked in the parade with me. this guy is amazing. he sacrificed for our country and served. so many other died for our country and for us to have this special day that our founders created and stood up for something. now is the time we need to protect our sovereignty and self-governance. this is a day we can start doing this. i just don't see it happening
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with this administration or with the governor of the state of new york or gavin newsom looking to take the top spot in our country. >> julie: he says he is in it for biden. very well said. >> we'll see. >> julie: we appreciate the story about the parade. thank you for joining us happy fourth. mike. >> mike: the washington nationals are bringing the game day experience all the way to qatar. plus brutal fourth of july heat wave hitting tens of millions americans out west. the worst may still be to come. >> it's important to remember and celebrate america's independence. >> important to remember for the history, people who lost their lives fighting for that and just all the freedoms it gives us. >> take a lot of pride as ourselves as americans.
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>> we're at the air base in qatar. thank you for all your support and have a happy fourth of july. >> we want to say thank you for our air base in qatar. happy fourth of july. >> go nationals. >> mike: beautiful. love from our washington nationals and for our washington nationals for our troops overseas. the team is hosting is mets on this independence day and has special plans to honor our service members stationed overseas and families as well. lucas tomlinson is live at the ballpark in washington. lucas, with the assignment of the day. hello, lucas. >> that's right, mike.
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holiday routine and the bottom third, no score here at nationals park. this is a special day. fourth of july, about baseball. not often teams play this early. i can only think of the red sox who does one of the 11:00 a.m. start. breakfast, get 98 around the shin. this is about honoring the troops at the air base in qatar. two former nationals. a bulldog during the 2019 world series team hit.320, 4 walks, 8 hits. we spoke to adam and doug fisher and went there to visit the troops. my interview with adam early year. >> i don't feel like i give back. they give more to me than i can ever get back. my whole family is military. my dad and mom served, my brother currently serves and grand parents on both sides
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served. wife's family served. the least that i can do is take a little time out of my freedom to come and be able to play catch with these guys. >> there you have it. former nationals in air base very patriotic honoring the troops. the largest u.s. air base in the middle east in qatar the home of u.s. air force command that controls the skies over the middle east. still have some stragglers here getting into the ballpark. for anybody that's thirsty, budweiser for all fans 21 and over budweiser is giving the first beer on the house to those fans. perhaps if some fans are thirsty they would enjoy a nice cold one. we're in washington, the nation's capital. baseball, fourth of july. a lot of fans waiting for fireworks later today. a great way to spend the fourth in our nation's capital.
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>> mike: no bigger baseball fan than lucas tomlinson. thanks very much. >> thanks, mike. >> julie: as millions of americans prepare to celebrate the fourth of july, high temperatures could impact some celebrations out west. in california several communities canceling fireworks over wildfire concerns. a live look from santa monica, california. that's why we also find christina coleman live from the santa monica beach. this is your annual thing, right? i remember you being at the same location last year. >> my sixth year. >> julie: it's still hot. july 4th and it's warm. >> that's right. you know, despite the scorching heat a lot of people are out and about celebrating the fourth today. pretty soon this beach is going to be packed. folks around here know they are lucky they can still enjoy being outside today considering the stormy and hot conditions in parts of the country.
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summer storms could impact july 4th celebrations in the midwest and southeast. california's coastline families are packing beaches to stay cool. excessive heat warnings and watches remain in effect for much of california today where temperatures are set to exceed 110 degrees throughout parts of the state this week. one of 21 states under heat alerts affecting 151 million people. >> we'll head to the beach for the fourth to try to cool down and get closer to santa cruz, monterey. >> in georgia families kicked off the day with the annual atlanta peach tree road race celebrating the fourth and get miles in before a day of barbecues. a race was canceled earlier. some of the kids helped the runners stay cool. >> we're cheering for everybody and handing out popsicle and spraying people. it's hot.
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>> on the east coast 48th annual macy's fourth of july fireworks show kicks off tonight lighting up the new york city skyline. area folks got to enjoy fireworks last night at yankee stadium in honor of independence day as americans celebrate the fourth and reflect on this great country. >> it's important to remember for the history, people who lost their lives fighting for that. and just all the freedoms it gives us. >> i think we should be patriotic. number one country in the world and we want to remain that way and take a lot of pride in ourselves as americans. >> back here in california, in los angeles there will be a massive drone show tonight. organizers are doing it for fire safety and cut down on pollution. it will be a pretty big and cool event. back to you. >> julie: all right, christina coleman. happy fourth to you. thank you so much. mike. >> mike: grills across the country are firing up for fourth
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of july cook-outs. it might cost you more than you think. why that is ahead. >> there is something to protect here. there is something to celebrate. >> i think we live in the best country in the world. >> it really gives me honor to say that i'm proud to be an american. >> i wave my red, white and blue flag proudly and proud to be an american. ♪ the world has changed. clearly, it's not the eighties in the nineties anymore. and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return and they don't lose money. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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>> julie: sources say president biden will be speaking with israeli prime minister netanyahu as the prime minister weighs a new cease-fire proposal. at the same time israel's northern border is heating up after hezbollah fired off more than 200 rockets. trey yengst is live in tel aviv with more. >> today we do know there was a massive attack conducted by hezbollah against israel. they launched around 200 rockets and 15 drones into the northern part of this country. it follows a large attack yesterday that included around
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100 rockets in a barrage in response to the killing of a senior hezbollah commander, one of the highest ranking since the conflict began. israeli forces are now reportedly shelling southern lebanon going after some of the rocket launch attention positions used in the attacks. exchange of fire led to no casualties but continues to cause widespread damage to northern israel. with the war unraveling arond israel's northern front military activity continues in gaza where two soldiers were killed yesterday. israel's defense minister met with soldiers in central gaza and rafah. a new cease-fire proposal is being considered by israel and hamas that has the potential to end the war. qatar and egypt are working toward such an agreement. today president biden and prime minister netanyahu are scheduled to discuss the possibility of a cease-fire and new security
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developments. julie. >> julie: thank you very much. mike. >> mike: mortgage rates ticking up towards 7% pushing up borrowing costs on a home loan since may. the average rate on a 30 year loan is 6.95%. when president biden took office it was 2.7%. the high rights are a major drag on home sales which have been in a slump since 2022. former housing secretary under obama said this. >> we're just coming through the worst housing affordability crisis we've ever seen in this country. we had 18% year-over-year increase in rents. home prices rising at levels we've never seen. we're seeing leveling off but at a level that is well beyond what folks can afford. this isn't just going to turn around by itself. we have too little housing in this country and we have to build more. >> mike: let's bring in steve moore, a trump economic advisor.
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steve, welcome. >> hi, mike. >> mike: you are adviseing the trump campaign. what would you do with b this crisis? >> first you cited the statistics very well. there was no housing crisis when trump was in office. in fact, mortgage rates were as low as they have been in 40 or 50 years under donald trump because we brought inflation down to the lowest levels in a long time. biden came in and within 18 months, mike, he took that mortgage rate from less than 3% up to above seven and hit 8% in many areas . a concrete example of what we're talking about. if you want to buy a new home, median value home, your mortgage rate on a 30-year mortgage when trump was president you were paying $2 thousand to 2500 a month in your mortgage payment. you know what it is now? closer to $4 thousand.
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yes, you have an affordability crisis. it didn't happen by accident. it is because biden's spending spree caused a massive increase in inflation and a massive increase in mortgage rates. by the way, i don't think we're done here. i think you will see that mortgage rate go over seven, maybe head to 7 1/2% and make it worse, not better. >> mike: people with 3% or 4% mortgages aren't eager to flip houses and jump back into the housing market. >> people are stuck in their current mortgage. i can't say it better than you did. if you are paying say a 3% mortgage, you sell your house and you have to buy a new house now paying a 7% mortgage. that's a big problem for people. there is a housing affordability crisis. people are victims of this are young people. people like my kids that are about early 30s, they are starting to look at starting a family and buying a home.
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that is the ultimate american dream. buying your own home. they are priced out of the market now. it is very sad. >> mike: the national average for a gallon of gas is $3.51 down slightly from last year. nearly $0.40 higher than 2021. biden administration released oil from the reserve and it is not just gasoline hitting your wallet. july 4th cook-out staples are up 5% and whopping 30% from five years ago. one survey pegs the average cost of a cook-out for ten people at a record high $7one. last time i checked, everything is up except for cheese. i don't know why. steve, what about the expensive cook-outs? >> everything from the burgers to the hot dogs to the buns and potato chips to the soft drinks and beer, everything is so much more expensive. this is something biden doesn't
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get. his policies led to this enormous increase in inflation. if you look at the average income of a family and you look at incomes are up, mike, for families but guess what? inflation is up even faster. so this means there is a crisis in what people can afford and you know what they are doing the keep their -- pay these bills have to rack up credit card debt. this is a prescription for economic disaster. i guarantee you we get trump back in and bring the inflation rate back down and start to see interest rates come down and one quick thing. you are right just from last year or so the price of gasoline is up only $0.40. if you go back to when trump left office, the gas price was somewhere around $2.29, now $3.50. $1.30 a gallon.
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$20 more every time you fill up your tank. a big tax. >> mike: thank you so much. >> happy fourth of july. >> mike: thank you for joining us for a special edition of fox news live. julie, great working with you as always. >> julie: that three hours felt like nothing. happy fourth of july. i will be on america reports tomorrow at 1:00 eastern. see you then. inds me of my bike . the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. . have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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