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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 4, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> kayleigh: happy fourth of july and welcome to the special edition of "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany and 20 may fox news correspondent, molly line, fox news contributor and president of american spirit enterprises, to tammy bruce, buck's medical contributor dr. janette nesheiwat and fox news contributor and nation host, tom shillue. this, president biden at the white house right now facing what may be the most critical 48 hours of his entire career as he battles to save his candidacy. the president is in danger of being forced to step aside as more democrats expressed doubts he can beat donald trump, a special relation exploded that he may be considering pulling out of the race bear the president unequivocally declared that he was in it to win it. biden has called democratic congressional leaders i met with 20 governors and had a pep talk with white house staff and days and days too late but part of an effort to convince skeptics he
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has the energy, the mental acuity to win and lead for four more years. now he will try to prove it to americans tomorrow. he began's swing state blitz in wisconsin with an interview with abc news heward but the tough reality is the assurances, the shifty explanations to a spin to political aides they have come up with so far is not working. just take a look at this brutal, new cover from the economist. no way to run a country. tammy, that image is a lot heward a walker with presidential seal from well-respected british publication on the fourth of july, no less. >> there to the left, course the general media has fascinated all of us that this biden we see is not a new biden. this has always him and why he was in the basement in 2020. i'm sure he's more confused than usual that suddenly people have turned on him when this is what his life has been.
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they are trying to figure that out and i think that is a little misleading. he doesn't need a walker. it is not age. that implies age. he is half old. there is a cognitive issue as we are tending to say. americans know it too well and too many american families know what that is they have been seeing and it has gotten worse, perhaps but this is an issue from the start. when he was first running, he said i will be a transition or a president. it will be one term. even then they knew this was not probably going to last. i think it is fascinating suddenly everyone gets it what we have been saying for four years, but if he was ahead in the polls, this would not be happening. despite their performance, let's say the performance no bump and everything was fine even though he has been unable to run the country, they would still be supporting him here or there would not be this rush. that is the panic because at this point he can't win commit that simple. >> kayleigh: it is an interesting point because the
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governors met in the white house, democratic governors and these were the talking points. notice gavin newsom is not here, pritzker and these governors come here with the talking points. >> the number one priority, that is the number one priority of the president. >> the president was clear that he was in this to win this. >> president biden is in it to win it. >> kayleigh: in it to win it and as i said tom shillue, we get the real story from the weeks, not from the talking points. the leaks came and here they were to go democratic governors, new mexico janet mills may have expressed concerns whether he co by 11 and maine by nine and that is the real story. >> tom: you can tell by these statements, kathy hochul that look like a hostage video to me. he is in it to win it you are not very convincing but the thing is, is he in it to win it
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or is there are they buying times to make time to step down and a powerful way bringing kamala harris, we don't know. we are smart people but none of us know. it doesn't matter. he is sticking around and holding on. he has the keys in his hands. grandpa, we have to take the keys away or you cannot drive anymore. will not let go of the keys. when grandpa won't let go of the keys, what are you going to do, tackle grandpa? no! they will go as long as joe will go. if he will wait until the convention and set up kamala harris, we don't know what his plans are. is meeting with this panel like a "game of thrones." sitting on the throne and he is not gettin. >> kayleigh: this is fantastic analogy and it's very visual, smallie, that is governors but then when you flip over to congress, they had a call yesterday 5:00 p.m. congressional leaders and reporting is interesting and this is cnn house democrat leadership divided over biden
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uncle sam said biden needs to step aside. several effectively told to go to biden and others raised concern about frenzy. biden withdrew. jeffries, house minority leader wasn't listening. >> you know, there are reports there are various orders drafted and members of congress trying to figure out what to do. we know to do dozen members of congress are considering calling on him but they are worried about their seats, the swing districts and concerned what this could potentially mean for the races. the town party impact across all of the house heading into this election year. to congressman from massachusetts, blue states, save state that are not worried about their seats stepped up to say something, raising concerns about the president's continuing nation under the party. grave concerns about his ability to defeat donald trump, congressman jake, biden need to consult with fellow elected officials to determine if he is the strongest candidate to defeat donald trump in november.
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the calls of concern coming across the board whether concerned about their seats or not. >> kayleigh: that is right. this is all from weeks we are gathering and few people have spoke openly on the side of the aisle, big time dm comeaux he says what is going on. >> everybody comes some parents has all this great stuff but behind the scenes, full-scale panic. people are passing around legal memos and flying back and forth what's up trying to figure out what are the options and how can you replace biden, how do you get him to do it where he feels respected as he should be respected. who showed kamala harris' vice president be? the conversation on air and all or completely different. in a big conversation happening right now how this is happening. >> kayleigh: they are pdfs going around, doctor. >> dr. nesheiwat: at it's about time they acknowledge and respect for truth and the facts we have been sink this past year. but we have to remember,
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the office of the presidency is, grueling, demanding job. that chronic stress, it causes your body to release a hormone called cortisol. cortisol damages part of your brain responsible for memory, thinking, decision making. it is important now more than ever presidential health, now more than ever is critical, especially for americans to know what is going on. because over time since george washington to fdr, ronald reagan to biden now, the health of our presidents influence impact the decisions they make and have an impact on us and on a global stage. >> kayleigh: to make, vivek ramaswamy told me if this happens and he thinks he will step aside, he doesn't think it happens now but a little later in the cycle where they can debut a new candidate and there is his honeymoon period. it is an interesting thought but i don't know the practicability of it. >> tammy: they might need time for the legal problems. this isn't just a declaration
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and suddenly all of the ballots changed. of course, these are state run dynamics, right? state-by-state, electoral votes and you've got different state rules and when you can take someone off the ballot and if and when you can put someone on the ballot or you can't, it is not all delivered by leprechauns. it is not just to the convention, right? he won the delegates. it will be official at the convention, even if he says okay, never mind. early voting starts. you have ballots that cannot change what are you going to say, vote for joe biden but it really mean kamala. what is he going to do, say yes, both for me. this is a possibility and then he will step down and then it will be kamala? you are voting for him but they tell you it will be a different president? all of this is unprecedented, but that is what they are trying to figure out at this point if it is even possible or more
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chaos generates distrust amongst the american people. >> the g.o.p. election journeys, they will be filing suit spirit up next new details have biden's crucial interview hosted by ex-clinton official. the president desperately tries to prove he can stay stay in the race. ♪ ♪ can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: president biden will sit for a high-stakes interview with abc news tomorrow and an effort to prove he can stay in the 2024 race. the world will be watching every single public appearance for any sign that biden is the mentor's
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commander-in-chief. biden will speak with x clinton made, george stephanopoulos and erred in its entirety, however but the interview for scheduled to air sunday morning but now pushed forward and will air during prime-time special tomorrow night here at dr. jeanette, the stakes could not be higher and what is interesting, we know because we have covered it, that he will have a stumble again but it may not be tomorrow. it may be at the nadel press conference. it may be at a different public appearance. it will happen and the scrutiny will come will come. >> dr. nesheiwat: i absolutely agree with you and i don't think this interview will make much of a difference, especially because it is not lib and they can edit and make him shine as best as possible. everyone is saying it was one bad night and only 90 minutes but 90 minutes is a very long time a flight from here to florida. so, i think what we saw during the debate performance with biden and trump really truly solidified and emblematic of what we have been seeing the
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past few years. this decreasing cognitive capabilities. let me tell you something as a physician who takes care of people all ages and those who suffer from mental deficiencies, this is not reversible. a cognitive deterioration and impairment is not reversible. it will not get better. if anything, it can be destabilized. as a society, it is important for us to realize how inhumane it is to force an 81-year-old male to go through what he is doing. other than the fact that may be some people have ulterior motives to keep pushing him at decline. >> kayleigh: diplomatic hear it as a reminder, his last interview was to not go well and this was 2021. a lot has happened since then, a lot of decline. but this was it. >> we have all seen the pictures and a hundred people packed and we have seen afghan fallout.
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>> that was four days ago, five days ago. still a lot of pandemonium outside here. >> but look, no one's been killed right now. god forgive me if i'm wrong about that but no one's been killed right now. >> kayleigh: their work people getting killed, afghans under the wheels of airplanes and 13 soldiers at abby gates. that was very telling, and that was last time. >> and in the debate the moment that stuck with meat was near the beginning when they talked about under his watch or the last decade because he tried to rephrase himself not acknowledging the deaths of service members who died in afghanistan. that makes fact even more glaring. the other issue, the repair job under way that they think they may be able to do in a press conference when nato leaders meet next week, 50 million plus people watch that debate live here they won't have the audience for this interview. they won't have that audience for a press conference. so there's only so many
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opportunities. and as you mentioned every step, every stumble whether stumbling over words or outsized impact. so a big wall to climb past when this many eyes are on. that is just to get to next week. there are many weeks ahead. >> kayleigh: the question of objectivity of the moderator. by way of reminder, george stephanopoulos is a mental acuity denier. >> there was no way joe biden will finish his term here and i think kamala harris will be the next president that should sendd show up every american spine. but i also think the fact we have a primary, primary -- excuse me, excuse me one second, how do you know that joe biden will not finish his term, what is that based on? >>esque americans, do you think you will finish his term? >> kayleigh: will heap be that tough on joe tomorrow? >> he has always been a democrat operative and that is fine we know that door from washington to the media, exciter.
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people are used to being to talk to the media that he's going into an environment where he might be tough it's friendly. it is a friendly environment and we all know there is a different strangely enough when you are taping an interview or a show, there is less adrenaline versus when you are live like we are right now. it is a very different experience. i would also say serious about wanting to show up let's say we are wrong but we aren't, that he would be sitting down with you, he would be sitting down with sean hannity. would be sitting down with anybody who is not in the pocket of the party but they can't, that shows you the importance and how much they are relying on the friendliness of that environment. >> kayleigh: and how it is manicured. i made the point before, and lending more credence to that. i want to hear from the one person, one of the two people who have interviewed him
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postdebate. here was her experience. >> real quick, andrea, i have to ask you did you ask specifically about the call to step down and would he support kamala harris if she were at the top of the ticket? >> i did not, i did not. i had four questions i was allowed to ask him. and i asked those four questions. about on friday when we go back on erica my will ask the people to give me their opinions on what they thought of the scuttlebutt about him stepping down. >> they didn't provide the questions but you obviously had your own questions but you had a total of four that you could as. >> kayleigh: you heard it lo loud. that was a fix right there. >> let me help you answer this question right now. i think it is very interesting and we are coming into a weekend and molly, you said holiday weekends, these are the times when people like to put bad news to bed, you know question write something bad happened, we will
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get through the holidays and talk about something else. you can't talk about something else. this is not the kind of story that goes away. what they are trying to do with anarchy was make this weekend where the good news comes out, but it is hard to bring good news on a holiday weekend. people aren't paying attention, they are sitting around barbecuing talking. did you see that debate? and even people that maybe don't like president trump. you know the relatives who you get into these arguments, they were going to say, can you imagine we are going to get trump again? what will happen when trump happens? maybe things will be like they were in 2017. all of these conversations, none of them are good for joe biden. >> he doesn't do a lot of press conferences. >> kayleigh: to your point, not many big moments and he squandered one of them. the white house getting called out over conflicting answers about president biden's health. we will show you what they said. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: a lot of good country music today but that aside, they were new questions about the white house was cover-up of president biden's oath that is threatening reelection bid. during the white house press briefing, we expect to get accurate information. press secretary snapped at one reporter at a job at president biden. >> we would invite the president to come here. >> noted, noted. >> he is awake. >> that is inappropriate. as you heard from your colleagues, the president of wta, that is an appropriate. >> kayleigh: that exchange caught a lot of attention. it is this moment that has reignited questions about the white house's lack of transparency. >> i want to clarify one thing.
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i know you have a lot of questions yesterday, how is the president and has he had any medical exams since his last annual physical in february? >> we were able to talk to his doctor about that and that is a no. >> kayleigh: pretty categorical. hours later, white house spokesman andrew bates said otherwise. fox news quote, several days later since the debate, the president was seen to check on g well." wow! molly, that wasn't truthful in a press secretary only as good as the information she was given. when the president of the united states, trump got covid i had to go to the white house doctor, he would sign and it would take it and delivered to the press. that is one think but it doesn't change the fact it makes it difficult to trust the information coming from the podium. >> i think what this highlights is a lack of communication going on. and does she have accurate information or is what she's
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saying is the best thing to say in the moment you are to one deputy press secretary is correcting the record on something as important has basically the whole press conference is about, his health, his napping, how is he doing, is he all right, does he see a doctor, what does he see doctors or, what condition might he have? those are the questions they are facing now and when you are getting muddled answers, you don't know if you can trust the information. this is the exact information the american people need after what we seen with the debate as they head to the polls and vote. they want to know how he's doing. that is what the governors wanted to know coming into town to meet him, the well being, i was he doing come everybody is trying to figure it out and you don't want mixed messages something a clear question of the day. >> kayleigh: i have questions not just based on that but based on this and stick with me for a moment because this is impo important. 10:42 a.m. yesterday, a story broke from "the new york times" that said biden had told an ally that he had considered stepping out of the race.
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that is 10:42 a.m., 10:52 a.m., look at this, the deputy press secretary andrew bates denying the story, absolutely false, he says. he notes, you see it there actually had 7 minutes to respond to the story. when you do the math, he had 15 minutes between the time he learned of the story and the response. it was a private conversation biden had appeared deputy press secretaries don't have access to the president so the question becomes did he ask the question whether it was true or not or asked the chief of staff or did he just deny something he didn't know if it was true or not? these are questions reporter should ask in the briefing. >> tammy: we don't know because we haven't adds consistency as molly was noting. we don't have trust we don't know who is an insider and who will get the right information for information purely because it was so quick and somebody needed to do it, it was him and it goes to my earlier point of the chaos in the white house go we also have to remember "the new york times" has called
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for biden to step down. that is their agenda. they made it clear as a newspaper. they used a horse may be considering that. we also know kamala harris is a political person, obviously and very famous history in the white house where she doesn't get along with people. she doesn't get along really with the biden s and she can't hold on to step year of "the new york times" have had negative stories revealing the nature of what was going on in her office. so we have to remember that people who have an interest in him stepping down or going to be talking to a newspaper who also want him to step down. that is where you are noticing this could lead information versus politics versus an narrative that you want to move, but that keeps the biden poets on their heels and joe biden is not making this decision. generally there is an understanding it is joe biden and people have been discussing that about the person who is deciding and the family is deciding. so i think that is kind of what
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you have gotten that situation. >> kayleigh: there is an easy way to resolve all of this. phil wegman from real clear politics was in the room yesterday and told by karine jean pierre biden is sharper than he has ever been. i don't know how anybody believes that. and she also misled the press corps on that clip we showed you earlier. here is what phil wegman had to say about this new revelation here and speak with the said, no, the president said yes and i get she is only as good as the information given to her, but can you trust the information coming out of the white house? >> frankly, that was a disappointing exchange because we heard from the president spokesperson that no, he had not had a medical exam and only later this news leaked out from this meeting with the governors that president biden was telling these governors that yes, he had a checkup. it is a difficult situation currently for the press secretary. i don't know if her wires got crossed where she was given the wrong information. but again, kayleigh, with the
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press has been saying to this white house again and again, this could be solved if they brought the president's position to the briefing room and let us ask him questions or better yet, bring the president himself out. >> kayleigh: tom, there is no universe in which president donald trump would allow me to stand out a podium and pouch for mental acuity over and over. no, he would have gone himself to vouch for himself as he did every day of covid and any talk to the american people and why doesn't biden do that? >> tom: pick up your phone and look into it. we are in modern times and you don't have to wait and schedule the press conference by at any time you camp prop up a phone and have a little visit with joe biden. if he doesn't like the video, delete it and hey, everybody i'm doing okay but i don't believe much of what happens at the press conferences, but i don't think anybody does. i watch the kj p thing and they were throwing questions at her and she did her best to answer but no one wants to hear from somebody else and i don't think it will help to hear from a
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doctor because if a doctor comes out and says, he's totally fine, what do you say? you say he's fine, there's nothing wrong at all asked mark why is he acting the way that he is? that is even worse, he doesn't have an excuse like a cold. >> kayleigh: the doctor is saying we spoke to the doctor, no. >> it makes no sense an american should not be in a position to determine is headache communication failure or cover up. what i think especially seeing the behavior at the debate even though i'm not the president's doctor and i have never examined him or evaluated him, but we saw signs of phenomenon son downing here at this is what happens lay evening to see behavior of confusion of agitation, aggression my pacing, wandering and even sometimes hallucinations. if this is an effort to cover that up, it is unfortunate. usually, that is a sign of something bigger to come here it's been when a lot, son doubting, cortisol.
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next up, never mind the so-called word salad and the failure as border czar. it seems the left getting very excited about vice president kemal i hear is taking president biden. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live.
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subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing]
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: all right, the white house says kamala harasses the future of the democratic party. some on the left don't want to wait. they are pushing for biden to step down so harris can replace them like firing off headlines like this. here comes the cave hive, and bows grows after debate stumble. "washington post," democrats began to consider harris at the top of the tickets appear at the atlantic, boldly out with biden most and his office to harris if you wants to keep democracy. reuters with several democratic insiders see harris the top choice to replace biden as he steps down. kayleigh she is the vice president and if something happens to the president, she becomes president.
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no one is einstein but this opens up the argument that there is a conversation about other people taking that job, making a statement about her worthiness or capability of being the president. >> kayleigh: i think axios has three scenarios and how they are playing out, kamala inevitable with many primaries that jim clyburn brought up. it is anybody's guess but what i would say about kamala harris and you know this well, to me, the media will do a heel turn the moment they figure out who it is. biden, they are back on his team and if kamala on her team. don't underestimate the power of aiding and abetting media. kamala has media training, that is what i'm guessing because she came out and the watch interview, it was actually pretty good at. i don't agree with what she said but she printed senator southwell. her staff doing no good putting her on bet and statements out on the streets. but manicured and put in the right places, she actually performs better than what people
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expect. imagine a scenario where she's out there and gets glossy magazine covers, a fawning press here and she is the savior of the party, the obama's arm in arm in hollywood at her disposal. i would not estimated to be weakest candidate is joe biden. >> tammy: molly come at the same time certain politicians have high numbers like bernie sanders, but he was never critically looked out. you have politicians out there and never drilled into them. she's been in a similar position and she has been critiqued for her performance, the laugh, not getting anything done, but what do you think will happen when this occurs? suddenly a sharp focus on her and american see someone perhaps a little bit different than they were thinking they saw. >> molly: one of the big challenges they are facing making the switches they haven't done, the biden administration building her up for the baton pass. they've given her important jobs, but we haven't gotten the follow through to show that job is getting done. the one level, she's done a great job with the issue keep
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for democrats, the pro-choice abortion agenda. she has traveled well and received that, but the border czar, that sort of think i'm a lot of things people can point to from the other side of the aisle and say she did not do a good job on that and why would she be a great resident? there is a powerful media doing a cleanup job and the other big aspect is the money. it transfers $240 million for transfers a lot easier to her than things that would have to happen to make it go to another candidate. >> tammy: she is part of the system now in the white house. whoever is running the white house, the obama crowd, we know he likes her here this is more easy transition instead of having a stranger go in there to see what is going on. >> tom: legally the biden the is to cut it, not the babylon bee, that was the atlantic and in order to protect democracy, e must and his office to someone who hasn't been elected by the
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people. we hear this democracy thing, democracy is in danger. we heard it from for supreme court justice the other day. look at donald trump and can trust him, of the establishment put people up against him here they said some of these guys are more electable. these guys and gals are more electable venue in the american people said, no, thank you. that was democracy at work and yet on the other side, democracy, that ship sailed along time ago with 2016 where they took bernie and iced him out here they have been doing it. there is no democracy on the democratic side. political operatives are making the decision and the atlantic say we have to protect democracy. what let's appoint someone as the new president. >> tammy: dr. nisha what, -head but her approval rating is still lower than joe biden's. so americans don't like her. as a woman come i want women in these positions, but i want women who know what they are doing. >> dr. nesheiwat: if we were
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to give performance a report card would she get an a or d? that is something to think about. she was charted with being in charge of the border, space exploration chairwoman who is also in charge of safety when it comes to artificial intel intelligence. how has she been doing? the problem is limited experience to those issues and she has low ratings, like you said. low ratings mean lack of public support and if you don't have the support of americans, that impede your ability to lead and inspire and motivate. most people don't designate with her style of communication, which i think is critical in the upcoming election. >> tammy: you mention, kayleigh, yes glossy magazines like dr. joe on the cover of "vogue" but this is unprecedented what we see. it is going to be a rush in a crazy time and that take somebody frankly like donald trump who is comfortable and likes that stuff here that is going to be unusual for someone like harris. >> kayleigh: i think you are right about that, yes, we have
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seen that, but axios, they point out and a good point, imagine the excitement and the rush. if biden steps away and it is this big drama and everyone is focused on the democrats and this new ticket comes together and she picked some young, moderate democrat who was a governor somewhere. you can see energy getting behind the ticket. with that being said, i don't think you can hide it to to toe with donald trump on the debate stage. i think he is the best debater in modern history and i put them right there with obama. and i think her against donald trump, he can unseal that image that the media portrays. >> tammy: the issues remain the top here or there might be glamorous excitement, but people are looking at gas, rent, mortgage, food, energy cost and she has a part of that problem. coming up, it is the fourth of july, independence day so there is a new op-ed preaching fireworks and hot dogs are bad.
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>> i want to say happy fourth of july to mom and dad in las vegas. it is me, major, your lovely son and we defend. god bless you all. happy fourth of july. ♪ ♪ >> leading up the skies across america for the fourth of july. it is an american tradition like no other, but leave it to the liberal media to find a problem with something we all love. i love fireworks. "the new york times" with an op-ed entitled "enough with fireworks already." we need to keep them to public displays. it is not just fireworks. she wants us to give up the meat, one of the biggest barbecue days of the year and a lot of people grilling it up, that is for sure. i love fireworks come i can't get enough and i love them every year. >> tammy: i can't get enough and i was ready to scream and
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yell but they said they keep them to the public displays and that is what i believe, keep them on the barges in the harbor and things like that and i love when you go and get together, one of the few things we can do together as a culture. you look up in the sky and the kids love it but the dogs don't love it so much. so you have to protect the dogs them up but i love fireworks. i don't love the young punks in my neighborhood doing the fireworks at all hours of the night. when i was a kid my had firecrackers maybe m80s. bake with sparklers? >> snap them up pop democratic will pop and i don't like fireworks in my neighborhood. >> you don't want rockets in your backyard. tammy? >> tammy: i think it was open to covid a prescription on fireworks and it will not have any fireworks show because we are to stay inside and stay safe. the photographs for major
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cities, everybody was doing fireworks. it was a private fireworks because the displays were not happening here at americans, we don't like to be told what to do. we started a new country and we did this because we don't like being told what to do. this is the one day of the year where you can do it and of course they are illegal in many cities, right? but it really is our chance, especially now to celebrate this holiday. >> absolutely we deserve it 248 years of america. >> i looked up and see the fireworks and especially daughter if my grandparents to this country. it is a long-standing tradition an opportunity to express patriotism and love of country. you can't take that away from us. that is like taking a part of our culture away. >> they have raised concerns about clement when things are dried they pull out the drones in some areas and they have new technology. >> kayleigh: apparently, we can't have new things. the op-ed writer writes about a dog named clark. let me read the sentences
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because to me they are nuts. clark was lucky and we have friends who is terrified don't spent on fourth of july fruitlessly trying to outrun the explosions. the next day the good samaritans found the dog miles away. she writes about another dog, very sad, but i don't know of waves of dogs killed on the fourth of july and this is gets to the songbird spirit before she goes to the deer fox possum, skunks, raccoons. that is great but some people want to shoot off their fireworks, eat their hot dog, live in peace and most dogs survived to tell the story. clark did as well. >> i feel for clark and i hope he has a better fourth of july. go inside the house and be with him and give him a gummy. oh, my goodness. >> kayleigh: a go meet. >> tammy: there are dog thumbing his. >> kayleigh: i'm more concerned about songbirds. >> more of this special edition of "outnumbered" next. ♪ ♪
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>> i want to wish a happy fourth of july to my mom and the rest of my family and the washington area. i miss you guys and i love you guys. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's a ride in a chevrolet ♪ ♪ it's the man on the moon ♪ >> last but not least americans across the country are celebrating independence day but which u.s. cities are truly the most patriotic? according to one study gallup
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new mexico is the big winner. other top cities including philadelphia, boston, bristol, rhode island, and st. louis, missouri. how does your hometown start up? i was not aware it gallup new mexico. >> this is somebody trying to get attention. there is one boston, massachusetts. you can make a list. you start with boston i think this rider is mad the celtics just won. [laughter] but we have the freedom trail, this is the birthplace of american democracy, the state house, boston the place. and they put philly in front of boston, forget about it. i know we have the liberty bell but they are in second place, a distant second. >> your very definite thoughts. >> you stole my boston gab. i will say there are these little small towns all across america you put the money and from the volunteer firefighters
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and they set off the fireworks in west virginia they echo across the valley it's a great place to watch fireworks. >> are you surprised swamp did not make the cut meaning washington, d.c.? >> not surprised at all. >> you know where i found incredible he patriotic and loving the american flag? normandy in france all year long but especially in the anniversary of d-day, those french and those norman's love this country and love americans. >> i'm surprised florida isn't on there. my hometown but you know what? i think 15 years ago i was in philadelphia it was the most spectacular fourth of july i've ever experienced in my life. i think philadelphia over boston any day, guys. >> interesting. >> them's fighting words. >> thanks trevor on watching the special edition of outnumbered i hope you've been very happy and blessed and safe fourth of july. ♪ ♪


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