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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. >> brand-new reporting that
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president biden old democratic governors that he "needs to sleep more and work less at night". after last week's debate performance that triggered mass panic and is pretty welcome back to fox news live i am alecia and anita we are in for another hour. >> one more hour to go police he appeared we will see the president in a short time from now as with the july festivities get underway at the white house at a time when reporting suggests there is "panic inside his campaign or club. >> just going to be honest everybody comes on the air and says great stuff but behind the scenes it's full-scale panic. people are passing around legal memos. pdfs flying around back and forth tried to figure out what the options are and how you can replace biden how do you get him to do in a way he feels respected as he should. who should harrises vice president bea?
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the conversation on air and off air are completely different. >> wow leo terrel we'll be here and moments to comment on that but first senior white house correspondent jackie heinrich reporting live from the north alone hello jackie. >> hello anita. the president has passed up several opportunities to field questions from reporters since the debate and instead engaging with elected democrats to try to shore up their support amid spiraling concerns about his viability as a candidate. it's making it very difficult for the biden campaign to turn the focus back to trump. >> i anita: find it a major disservice to the major -- american people that at the end of the day we are discussing 90 minutes of joe biden's performance after -- at the same time donald trump was granted immunity yesterday are two days ago. it's the same as when we skimmed over when he said he would be dictated.
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the same as one donald trump said there would be a bloodbath if he loses. >> reporter: more than two dozen house democrats are reportedly going to break with biden if the next few days do not go well pick the president will appear on the south lawn for a fourth of july celebration today and has a high-stakes interview with abc tomorrow and heads to campaign events to wisconsin. there are leaks his meeting with democratic governors last night left some of them with bigger concerns. the president told the group according to the new york times he needs more sleep and fewer hours of work including curtailing events after 8:00 pm. this joke reportedly didn't land. after governor of hawaii a physician asked him questions about the status of his health mr biden replied his health was fine. it's just my brain he added according to three people. aramark some tech as a joke but at least one governor did not and was puzzled by it. the new york times was told it
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was clearly a joke but the white house is also refusing to release more information about the president's help. he is not out of a medical exam since it is physical in february which did not include a cognitive exam. >> what we have release has been copperhead sieve, it has been. it's been transparent. i get the question you're asking me but this is also a president who has had historic administration. >> his physician dr kevin o'connor said in the report from february the biden is fitful full the duties of the presidency. and eta. >> anita: okay jacqui heinrich live at the white house for us thank you very much. let's bring in jessica ehrlich a democratic strategist and former florida congressional candidate. jessica they can be joining us today happy forth to you. >> happy forth. >> anita: let me ask you about this, i don't know if you heard from the previous segment, there is all out panic going on behind
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the scenes. ben jones describe text messages what's at messages and legal messages being passed around. what are -- what you know about the state of affairs there. >> i think that is 100% accurate certainly for anyone who watched the debate i thank a lot of thanks afterwards were in the words of richard pryor who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? that's not only for voters and there is a historic turnout in terms of watchers, but, you know, for anyone who is involved with the party. and that is a twofold issue. they are really important critical race is happening in the senate. there are critical race is happening with house of representatives, and there could be a complete whiteout of majority because it's all -- all tickets and up residential year are led by the top of the ticket. going over the record of the
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ministration is wonderful but that's what people wanted to hear during debate. they wanted to hear what division from the democratic party is for the rest of the country for the next four years and they were unable to get that >> anita: let me ask you about this. there was an article couple days ago and the wall street journal talking about joe biden's inner circle back his wife, his son hunter's sister and his closest advisers. those are the people urging him to press on. you think that is true? >> i do think that is true. i think there are a lot of former obama administration folks who are also encouraging him to go on because they feel very confident about his record and director they have had and what they want to see you continue going forward for the legacy to be. and the difference i think is something you've all been mentioning. what is it when it comes down to these polls coming in to the
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house members and members of the senate at risk of losing their seats and their majority. we are also hearing from delegates that are going to the convention. >> anita: no question just go there's a lot at stake not for just joe biden but democratic candidates all over the country. we will see what happens. in the meantime jessica thank you for coming today and happy forth. >> you to. >> anita: alesia. >> alicia: thank you and you have. also fox news contributor democratic strategist and founder and president of the hicks evaluation group thank you both for being here. leo i will put up a long quote from the economist, a damning piece on line biden must withdraw.
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these are not just words against the president it's about the people who surround him. leo. >> first of all i criticize the article for one purpose. donald trump is not a weak opponent he is leading in the poll. before the debate and after the debate. out make sure people understand another factor, donald trump represents over 80 million people, farmers car doctors, lawyers and myself. the next president currently lives in west palm beach florida. joe biden's aging. there is no cure for aging. what's happening is the democrats are in total denial of that fact. i will submit to you and all
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viewers let's see joe biden without cue cards and without a teleprompter. it's in a stream into view. george stephanopoulos is a democratic operative. so we will never see the truth but the american people know the truth about joe biden khakis unfit to serve as president. >> alicia: fred what about this interview, coming up with george stephanopoulos. i like to give you a chance to respond to what leo said but also why take her to be as if they need so badly to convince americans -- republicans why not go to the microphones and come back harder? >> festival i hope i can manage his energy. one of the thanks on to say quick is always editorial boards column for biden to withdraw they are talking about one central thing and that is that
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double jump is dangerous. leo doesn't want to talk about that but this acknowledgement whether you check the new york times or the economist that donald trump should not be president and that's why they are calling on joe biden to step down not because he is incompetent and not because his record about which he should be proud. but that on the table first and foremost. that being said, i think it makes a lot of sense the first real major appearance in this kind of environment. you will see joe biden leave the convention in august will see joe biden and the impact of his presidency every single day. it makes a lot of sense for them to do this in the interview which is not at all unkind. one thing i will say to leo and all of our viewers today the one thing about democrats are confident is we have an honest o'shaughnessy present one that not being convicted of any kind of felony. with that being said that's the
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best way possible. >> right -- >> alicia: leo forgive me one second bread you brought up danger and you talked about president trump. the economist talks about injury to. listen to this democrats argued donald trump does not fit to be president but the debate and it's after beck proved biden unfit to first because of his mental decline. mental -- mr biden can appear dynamic during short scripted appearances but you can't run a superpower by otto q. and you can't put an international crisis on hold by -- because a president is having a bad night. should seven who can't finish his sentence about medicare be trusted with nuclear codes? leo go ahead. >> absolutely thank you. here's the answer to the question absolutely not. my colleague there knows for a fact that joe biden is taking marching orders from people in the white house. to be very clear in your talk about drop -- donald trump being
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dangerous because you want to secure the border and lower inflation and avoid another afghanistan are you kidding me i'll be more than happy that you and i debate outplayed all chubby play joe biden. let's talk about the young woman, the toll year old who got murdered. list talk about those items. you want to demonize donald trump? 90 million americans say no way is not going to work. i'll say it as clear as possible. our next president you cannot deflect joe biden's age and demonize trump it will not work the american people recognize that an essay just to look at the poles. >> behind joe biden in 2027 let's talk about that and the fact donald trump and apparently leo had difficulty with math. this is what we also know the
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election since 2020 doughnut trump and surrogates have lost their elections whether it's arizona, nevada or georgia. suffered almost a clean sweep. the republican primary. walker, this is 18 months to go. >> fred you know we've seen since the debate is not looking good and you know that. we are having these discussions because we believe is the economist in chicago and new york times every major publication that tom trump. he'll be a dictator.
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any of the sacred thanks we've helped seek -- sacred without being said i'm not ashamed of that discussion. happy forth and thank you both. by. and ito. democrats on the hills scramble to the side whether they will join calls for president biden to bow out of the presidential race. and appellee know luna is here next. [ ♪♪ ]
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afternoon and it might be a letter or several different letters the handwringing could turn to action when congressional democrats get back to capital hill on monday. >> also not on a winning trajectory and ethically got to be honest about that. we need a reset and a course correction we've got to acknowledge that this was not just one bad night, this is a pretty pervasive and widespread -- widespread perception that's binging him down in the polls for months. >> democrats are starting to worry about their own credibility. growing concern about the electability of democrats and seats which should be layups. democrats likely face and a unity challenge when congress meets next week. >> i would like to get everyone president biden's comment on record as whether or not he is fit to serve. i thank the american people would like to hear from his cabinet who said many hours a
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day and during the best position to judge whether or not he is prepared to continue to serve. >> reporter: it is possible republicans could try to force boats focusing on the viability of president biden's continue to serve but so far most democrats are willing to wait. house minority leader jeffries will try to keep them together but he will monitor what other democrats want to do. it is risky for jeffries to take a stand until he senses where the rest of the party is going. and eta. >> alicia: >> anita: a could be a big week next week. chan take you so much. alecia. >> alicia: thank you let's bring them and or probably no woman. congress roman thank you very much for joining us and could to see a. i wanted to talk to about lawyer democratic colleagues are dealing with the mess they're in right now but first on to get to this new york times siena poll
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that shows former president trump with a big lead over president biden with hispanic registered voters. trump leads biden buying nine points 50 to 41%. and you saw that number just only what crossed her mind. >> it's the highest most historic numbering and lead we've seen in a long time and again the number 1 issues in my community our economy and also order security. we are seeing the pandering the biden administration did with the hispanic not only backfired but also -- not just with hispanic orders but black orders as well. >> yeah, and actually with everything that's been going on this past week or so ended in the coming weeks we are not going to hear a whole lot about those issues particularly. are you concerned about that? there is a lot going on about the backroom deals going on right now. >> yes i'm very concerned about that comment number 1 concern is national security and related
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safety of the american people so as you know i've been pushing her contempt of congress and speaking to it was mentioned earlier those 25 democrats had the opportunity to vote with republicans to get those tapes to prove that biden is not mentally fit. clearly we have someone in a powerful position that is not cognitively there. safety intricate -- security should be number 1 but regardless of who the nominee is i think trump we'll be winning big because people are frankly tired of the nonsense. also was happening with the economy it's simply not sustainable. >> alicia: let's talk about what democrats have to deal with in the coming weeks. debbie dingell had this to say. >> thursday night he blew it. it was not a good debate. it took too long to make some of the phone calls you should have by thank he's in bubblewrap. i think he is starting to do what he has to do.
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one interview tomorrow is not going to fix this. but it's a really complicated time right now. >> so that's where democrats find themselves. what about republican members of congress? how are you using forward in the next week or so quit. >> the day after the debate occurred democrats were visibly concern but i think republicans realized we just need to continue to focus on messaging and showing the american people we have a solution to this problem and convicts probably will involve getting president sharply elected. many of us continue to legislate to do our jobs but again pushing for the release of those tapes. you will find speaker johnson is supporting the resolution i brought forward and again after mark has decided to vote with us it's likely we'll get those tapes sooner rather than later. and they might have a situation
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where congress and senate we'll have two determine the interim vp. >> alicia: congresswoman and appellee know luna happy fourth of july and thank you for your time. >> god bless. >> alicia: thank you. and eta. >> anita: a consequential election happening now and the uk with the potential to push conservatives out of power for the first time in more than a decade. we are live in london coming up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help
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breaking right now, the first general election in the uk since 2019 on boris johnson and conservative party won a landslide victory, since than there have been taught to other conservative prime minister's, lives trust was in charge for 49 days and their current leader rishi sunak who is now staring down the possibility of losing to the left-wing labour party for the first time in 14 years. alex hogan reporting live on all of this from london pair hello alex. >> hi i need to have. across the country the polling stations in west london will close in about one hour and a half. prime minister rishi sunak voted himself early this morning, about five hours north of london as he tries to hold onto the seat. his conservative party had been
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in party the last 14 -- power the last 14 years. the left leading later -- labour party could deliver an landslide. curious charmer is a lawyer and former director of public prosecutions for england and wales. >> adopted lots known as a main bar strategy. effectively is trying not cause any updates are anything particularly contentious or controversial -- upsets. if he gets a strong majority he is the potential to reshape this country and a significant way. >> reporter: as cameras are not allowed inside during voting, this has been the site across much of the country, dials tied up outside so -- pulling -- dogs at up outside pulling centers. official results are expected early tomorrow morning. but once the polls close we will be getting an exit poll. these workers outside of 150 carefully chosen polling places ask people who adjust voted to
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redo a replica ballot. online production this gives a very accurate expectation of what we could see in a consequential election. and eta. >> alicia: perry comp -- >> anita: consequent shall indeed. it could be very essays of. alex hogan reporting live from london thank you alex. let's go ahead and bring in nile gardiner former foreign policy advisor under margaret thatcher the longest-serving prime minister in the tone eccentric. also the director at the heritage foundation's margaret thatcher center for freedom. nile thank you for joining us today. it to have you here on the 4th of july. >> thank you. >> it certainly looks like the conservative party and prime minister rishi sunak are in trouble if you believe the polls and i'm sure they are accurate. a newspaper here says it could be an election earthquake. so what went so wrong for them?
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>> i have to say that made here among conservatives is very grim at the moment. all of the polls are indicating -- and i do think rishi sunak has been very poor and weak kneed prime minister. the conservatives made a huge mistake of course in ousting boris johnson who is a very successful leader for the conservative party. i think above all the conservatives have moved to the center ground, they have abandoned conservative principles in many respects. they have allowed huge waves of mass migration into the uk they raised taxes and not succeeded in fully and preventing british exit on sony fronts they have disappointed their own voters in large numbers of conservative voters are staying on or switching to reform a new arty on the right the conservative
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overall vote is split this is allowing the search at the noon socialist government which i think we'll be which will be disastrous for britain the last thing britain needs is socialist prickly. >> let's put some pictures up some people the country are voting for today ethic we some pictures we can put up on the screen their ego. that does seem like the labour party leaders going to run away with this. he said he'd put an end to the chaos the conservative party has gone through and of course there has been five prime minister's since brexit is that what he is talking about in relation to
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what you mention end of course the pandemic thrown in there as well. >> there has been a lot of political turmoil of course in the uk in recent years. i thank the idea that the socialists are somehow going to offer a better alternative and based on the labour party's past record in fact labor governments have often been catastrophic to britain. we saw that in the 1970s with a nearly bankrupted the country. the socialists have a track record with spending huge amounts of public money raising taxes adding to that of course they've been very weak on immigration and the new labour party is very woke. i would describe them as extremely left-wing logically. at thank the trend in the uk's completely different to what's
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happening where as most coaches unwilling to the right but in the uk the british public is opting for labor which i think is dangerous. >> anita: nile with 15 seconds left and want to take a look at the headlines of some major nature -- major newspapers for americans watching this newscast why should they be so interested can you give it to me in 15 seconds. >> i think having a left-wing woke socialist government of britain is bad for the u.s. and i think damaging for their relationship. it would be a tense elation ship between washington and london. >> alicia: >> anita: we will see what happens there thank you for your insight now garden wish you well see you again. >> they get again. >> anita: alecia. >> alicia: california governor gavin newsom taking questions at
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an event for president biden battleground michigan let's listen in. >> second telephoto line almost two hours. he barely slept. i was exhausted i got back to the hotel room and collapsed. he did that with a smile on his face and no rhetorical framework of just being fit and rested. the last ten or so days being his energetic self. it was more figurative. >> is her motion president biden those feel for to. >> yeah, i feel fatigue. he says without defense or pretext we all do it. look at the schedule and the fundraising things that you don't see. all the work aimed him behind the scenes in the phone closer
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making. alliance management everything to prepare for nato this week what they're doing to land a deal with hamas and israel. god bless i like when the president acknowledges they are human. i think people are reading in between the lines. >> what they saw from president biden during the debate and moments on the campaign do more and worry less. in terms of reaching out to people directly. getting outside the bubble. connecting people to who he is,'s character. people need to see joe biden, scranton job. the guy you want to hazard with the person you respect someone
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you love. like i showed up last night. all of us the guy we want. there hoping to see a lot more than that does more of that. >> you talked about the election with lane day darkness. >> delays darkness. pretty dystopian choice he's got all truck loans to take us back to pre1960s while he wants her american of voting rights and civil rights. >> alicia: california governor gavin newsom continuing to show his support for president biden in the wake of last week's debate has his party continues to push forward, trying to figure out how to sort things out in the coming weeks and months. moving on. and other live check on independence day festivities across the country and what's been done to keep america safe this july 4th that is next. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> well, said. american celebrating our freedom from coast-to-coast this fourth of july. christina coleman live santa monica beach in california. looks like a great beach day out their house a going? >> hi it's going great. there is a nice cool breeze it feels wonderful. it's nice to thank about especially when you consider parts of the country dealing with scorching heat. fortunately not stopping people
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from coming out the celebrating safely. they want to celebrate this country. take a look at this video. everyone celebrating the midstate stooge of 40th birthday. down south in georgia taking to the streets supporting red white and blue. organizers into the -- into the raise early due to extreme heat. some kids help the runners stay cool. >> we are chewing for everyone handing out popsicles inspiring people because it's pretty hot. >> behind temperatures and not stopping many families from celebrating outdoors. taking to the beaches and pools to cool off from the letter. roughly 115 million people in 21 states are under healers. including here in california but temperatures said to exceed high temperatures. cipro shows have been canceled and no than california due to
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extreme heat and wildfire risk but the annual show in san francisco will still go on. thousands expected to attend as families enjoy the holiday weekend. >> we are just shopping, hanging out, you know, getting ready to get a nice salad and go to the pool. that's what were about to do. >> sounds like a wonderful day. some summer storms could cancel parades or fireworks shows in the midwest and southeast but again also people out here in california enjoying the coastline and beautiful beaches it feels great out here and a nice breeze. back to you. >> lucky to be in california christina coleman thank you and happy fourth to you. alecia. >> alicia: new york city getting ready for the nation's biggest fireworks show with more police hitting the streets then ever before. national correspondent brian yunus reporting live from new york city. hey.
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>> hey alecia happy fourth to you and all of our viewers. and ito look and about six hours carcass 60,000 shells we'll be busted into the error over new york city for the 48th annual macy's fireworks july 4th spectacular. millions will watch on tv and a couple million people we'll be lucky enough to see it in person on rooftops and in the streets here in manhattan. also in new jersey because for the first time and a decade they will be able to see the fireworks in new jersey because the five barges are being placed on the hudson river. this is where they will be launched from. organizers spent a year preparing for the story five minute show that over 60 pirate technicians have connected 5 miles worth of wires on these barges synchronizing them to music for your ten computers that will coordinate the showpiece as for security, there are no specific credible threats out there about the fbi and homeland security did send out
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bulletins to local law enforcement nationwide ahead of the holiday today. in than they warn arch celebrations car particularly here in new york acceptances go i'm also vegas, remain attractive targets with particular concern of so-called lone wolf actors in small groups attacks. given this the nypd tonight is deploying more officers then ever before for a july 4th show. no credible specific threat as i said but they will have canine and counterterrorism in plainclothes. police teams out there and also prepared to shoot down any drones. the nypd says it is all appropriate given what's happening in the world and even the polarization here domestically. take a listen. >> we've been dealing with a complicated threat environment we spent a lot of time talking about the past eight months. you have a vibrant terrorism
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threat overseas. you have a lot of polarization here. you just heard about an increase in hate crimes. >> so stay safe and stay vigilant and help on. they show tonight starts at 9:2. alecia. >> alicia: keep out of trouble to, happy fourth brian liam is good to see you. [ laughter ] >> alicia: bye-bye. nomi comeback cart why younger americans are losing faith in the american dream. [ ♪♪ ] here. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business.
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>> many young americans celebrating july 4th are losing faith in the american dream according to recent survey which finds 51% of 18 to 29 -year-olds think it used to be achievable but is not now. sixty-eight% of those over 65 believe it is still possible. countries are an army veteran craig morgan telling fox digital ic these young folks out here and colleges doing thanks and they don't even know how but what they are saying. if they would just slow down educate themselves, "visit some of these countries they would understand how free and fortunate we are to be in this great nation. let's bring in the loop lloyd strategic wealth partners investment strategist.
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thank you for being here luke. >> happy fourth. >> alicia: happy fourth to you. let's not and on a bad note, but what do you think about this? younger folks just really don't thank american dream is possible. >> i hate putting labels on it. idol tickets good or that i thank the bigger word is change. the american dream my grandparents and parents had and what i grew up with it is gone. there were out the window the dream is faded, changed or whatever you want to call it. when it -- where i grew up in small-town ohio the american dream was to make $100,000 a year, get married in your mid-twenties i get married by 30. now hundred thousand dollars salary him barely afford to buy you a homeownership. ethic it takes an average salary of $125,000 to comfortably afford an average house in america now. almost 20% of the money -- americans don't think they will buy home. when you have people not getting married or not having kids the average age getting married is
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30, at all and impacts the economy and people's dreams. seventy% of jens he don't think they will retire. the ford -- majority of young generation think they will never be able to retire or afford a house. what is the incentive to save money? none. the new american dream is to spend every data you have are don't have which is why the economy is turning into this dead economy. the government really actually incentivizes by their own spending habits and president they said. my grandparents would call it their american nightmare. >> let's take a look at this fox news poll i don't find this surprising whatsoever, wealthier adults are more likely to say achieving the american dream is still possible. so i feel like of course because they are wealthier. am i missing something here? >> look at what's happened the past couple years. the rich get richer and the middle class got poorer. one article i also read recently
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said the majority of young people, 80% look at the 4th of july and just as a day to have fun and party not really to reflect on history. if you don't reflect on history you are doomed to repeat it. the u.s. lost its place in the top ten competitive countries for the first time since 2009. rate 23 and overall happiness. when you have an uncompetitive and unhappy country you get a less productive country and people who want the easy way out to fixing solutions which usually means looking to the government to fix problems. the government tends to make them only worse. what you need to do only is looking at california to see the doom we are in. california raise the minimum wage to $20 and are now unemployment is the highest in california. the solution to inflation is more inflation by raising wages printing more money bailing out things and putting jobs in the public sector. what's nice about america it is when the states government gets two big people can leave that state and go somewhere else. what happens when the federal government gets too big and there's nowhere to go? that's kind of where we are at.
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>> alicia: okay i will read one more thing and again you can't leave me in a bummer note. this is out of newsweek. the american dream is dead. while it's tempting to chalk this up to a lack of patriotism among young people, the reality is americans are feeling hopeless, cynical and doom for good reason. for no fault of their own the door which opportunity is slam shut in their faces. luke where do we go from here? how do we turn this around? how do we give young folks a reason to be positive and look forward and think this is a good place to live and a possible place to live? >> i think it comes back to two things. getting back to our original values of america. what our founding fathers wanted, on more free country and smaller carbon. ethic the pendulum swing the other way but also it comes back to parenting have a parenting problem people not having kids at the we've got to get back to what's important in life not this materialistic world we live in.
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raising a family and having a family, getting back to what actually matters in life not be materialistic life we've been taught through social media. at thanks some people are waking up in a cycle. >> alicia: happy 4th of july luke think you were joining us. and thank you for joining us on fox news live july 4th i and alecia acuna. >> and anita thank you joining us ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer,
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