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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 4, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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in the latest postdebate cnn poll it shows that biden is six points behind trump nationally appeared kamala harris still underwater, two points behind donald trump. donald trump has never led over his general election competitor, not against hillary clinton 2016, not against biden in 2020o this is unprecedented polling territory for him at it gets even better when you go to the swing state polling. >> charles: tiana, thank you so much. by the way come have a great fourth of july. things for joining the spirit >> you too. and god bless america appeared >> charles: folks on this independence day enter number next wednesday at 2:00 p.m. eastern i will be hosting a special town hall on fox business. the unbreakable investment, we are inviting families to come talk about generational wealth and not falling back. if you want to achieve unstoppable prosperity for you and your family, don't miss it. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone.
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jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, who you just heard, harold ford jr., dana perino, and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is a special edition of "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: happy birthday, america. while welcome to your ultimate july 4th party destination p at whether you are prepping your fireworks show, flipping burgers on the grill, diving into your backyardool, we have an exciting show ahead. we will be facing off in a july 4th trivia challenge before reminiscing about our favorite summer memories and answering your fan mail questions. to kick things off, we have "the five"'s summer fun extravaganza. ♪ ♪ first up. what better way to get you in the fourth of july spirit then
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with patriotic hits. according to experts, the top songs about america are... god bless the usa. this land is your land. american pie. only in america. with the top spot taken by none other than "america the beautiful. ♪ america ♪ ♪ sweet america ♪ ♪ god shed his grace on the ♪ >> jesse: that was a lot of soul. harold ford jr.? >> harold: as tyrus was saying -- >> tyrus: my statement. >> jesse: i'm sorry. >> dana: happy birthday, america, we are off to a great start. >> tyrus: it's canceled. thanks. >> jesse: i guess we will go to you, tyrus. how do you feel about the rankings? >> tyrus: those are actually perfect rankings, i love that.
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my shows i do, my stand-up shows, i open and someone sings "america the beautiful" so it gets the crowd excited and still works. it is a weird formula, singing about the country you love gets everybody in the good mood, just throwing that out there. >> jesse: i like "this land is your land," dana. woody guthrie. that has a folksy. >> dana: i feel like i'm a member that from my childhood appeared >> jesse: you want to do it with me? ♪ this land is your land ♪ ♪ this land is my land ♪ there it is. ♪ ♪ >> dana: that is a version i don't know. >> jesse: is j just the soul edition? >> tyrus: yeah, harold and i are on. >> dana: god bless the usa by lee greenwood, a lot of people like it, trump plays it a lot. one thing you might not know is he wrote that song by himself. >> jesse: he didn't take it from someone else like gutfeld. "american pie, judge jeanine?
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>> judge jeanine: what's interesting about "american pie" by don maclean, i did not see it as necessarily a fourth of july kind of song. ♪ drove my chevy to the levee ♪ >> judge jeanine: ♪ and the levee was dry ♪ i am tone-deaf, don't ask me to sing. it is about america, to a certain extent in the '60s and some of our heroes who died. i love "only in america" by brooks and dunn, sorry. to me, that is land of opportunity. ♪ ♪ >> dana: and produced by scott hendrix of oklahoma. >> jesse: are we leaving anything out? >> harold: i agree with tyrus, it's an excellent list vehicle i love "philadelphia freedom." the way he sings that song, certainly evokes -- >> dana: by elton john? >> harold: happy birthday by stevie wonder, for dr. king's holiday, i play it on everybody's birthday come in putting our country.
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james brown, "living in america." >> jesse: you are right the >> judge jeanine: go harold! >> harold: music is such a rich and important part of the american tradition. i like "the star-spangled banner" sung by whitney houston. and by marvin gaye at the 1983 all-star game. >> tyrus: i will throw you a curveball. when i watched the last fight, they had the mexican -- the marriott g band? "the star-spangled banner"? phenomenal. golden boy productions, nice job. >> jesse: we are missing one. bruce springsteen. >> harold: i think it was at the top. >> jesse: do we have it in there? "born in the usa," was it in there? was it in there? no, it's not in there. forgot about bruce. we are going to put that in there. of next if you are traveling to
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any of america's great national, please don't be an idiot. getting close to wild animals for that selfie is just plain stupid. it will probably attack you. and if you go to a delicate natural rock formation, we covered this a couple weeks ago, dana, these people were outcome i think one of the daughters was just screaming at the top of her lungs, daddy, no! >> dana: don't be an idiot, dad. the one with the woman getting hit by the buffalo, that's bad for her kohala but the people taking selfies in dangerous places? that's never a good thing. our national parks are such a treasure. we are world-famous for them, and no other place in the world has all that we have in the parks. they are so popular now that you may have to make some reservations. there is a park i've never been to that i am dying to go to, glacier national park up on the border of montana and canada, dying to go there. >> jesse: what was the last national park he went to? >> tyrus: yellowstone.
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when i was living on my land in montana. >> jesse: "mylanta," if anyone didn't realize tyrus has land. >> tyrus: what's wrong with that? >> jesse: nothing. >> tyrus: i just feel like everything with you is a backhanded compliment lately, this is most to be festive. >> jesse: tyrus actually has land, everybody. >> tyrus: you asked me. i think it is a natural consequence for stupidity. and going out to take selfies, hanging off a cliff and you fall, you should not be allowed to call for help. you should not be allowed to call for help. if you do call, if you are hanging off -- if you are up a tree because you decided to bother a resting bison and you are calling our first responders to come get you, i think once you explain it, they will be like, you are going to have to sit there and figure it out because you got yourself into it. >> jesse: judge jeanine, if
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you saw some idiot do something silly at a national park, would you run to save them or would you say, hey, you got into that nest? b5 no, i would run to save them but i would be yelling at them at the same time. >> harold: i can tell you, she would do that. >> jesse: harold, when is the last time you were at one of our national parks? >> harold: yellowstone. years ago. like dana, i want to visit glacier also and i'm looking forward to visiting as many as we can. one of the last times we were on together, we did a story about this, a couple months back, happy fourth of july again. you talk about this animal that was being coaxed by these people, really disrupted the relationship between the mom and the baby. and it had been a long time to build that relationship up, and that idiot person, those people that coaxed that animal down and was rubbing it, that mom won't now communicate with the baby, so it's dangerous for the animals that you are dealing
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with, not just yourself. >> tyrus: a picture. everyone things they are in influencer. >> jesse: foreigners. usually. >> tyrus: you are unemployed. >> jesse: up next, if you are itching to get away this summer, you are not alone. airlines for america predicting a record-setting travel season for u.s. airlines. to accommodate the demand for flyers, they are going to be more than 26,000 flights scheduled per day, per day, up nearly 1500 flights from last summer. judge jeanine, i know how you feel about people when they are getting ready to go in the airport, the sweat suits, the behavior, are we going to be able to get it together this season? >> judge jeanine: yeah, i think we are going to be able to get it together. i wish people would dress up a little more, but that's just me, what do i know? but i will put on my pajamas if it is an overnight. if you go to europe or something like that. what did they say, 1500 new more airplanes a day? how many of those do you think are bowing? and how many are people going to
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say, i don't know if i'm going to go on that one? >> jesse: are you flying anywhere? any trips planned? >> harold: we have had a trip already, a lot of driving with my kids. you think about this increase in travel, you have to be curious about whether our airports have the infrastructure to handle this. whether the airlines themselves have stress tested themselves. i always am surprised, and i say it on the show when we have transportation secretaries, including the one now, who are surprised the fourth of july is the fourth of july, that the summer 25th is christmas and we might have delays. i hope they are testing what it is going to be. as much as they are adding more fights, if you are on one of those flights that leaves at 3:00 p.m., you actually want to leave at 3:00 p.m. on that day. and then you have weather and all of the other things. the thing they can control, help they are managing for. you are beasley cannot control weather. >> jesse: i am big into control and alex lange first thing in the morning, dana. >> dana: i am a first flight out person.
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i'm actually leaving from colorado back to new york, getting up at 3:00 in the morning, just a step too far. it's also expensive this year, flying, the tickets are expensive. plus noaa, the weather folks are predicting a record hurricane season so all of that could add up to some troubles, but it is great people want to get out and about and may as well go to the national parks and they could go to a gutfeld show, that could be fun, but you travel more than anybody. >> jesse: flying out of newark. it is prenice these days. >> judge jeanine: is it? >> jesse: it's much better. >> tyrus: new terminal. the only one i really don't do is jfk. why walk 7 miles when you can fly? >> judge jeanine: new jersey is better now? i just booked out of jfk. >> jesse: try newark. >> judge jeanine: when did
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this happen? >> jesse: last year. >> tyrus: absolutely phenomenal. to pat's to the good people of new jersey, maybe i will be your government one day. >> jesse: i like it. >> tyrus: unless harold is running. >> dana: he lives in new york. >> jesse: up next on this fourth of july, we are facing off in a patriotic trivia challenge. stay right there. ♪ ♪ my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. and i realized, my memory was just changing. i did my own research and i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper.
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>> tyrus: fame. all right now. time for our patriotic trivia challenge on this fourth fourth of july. obviously i'll be hosting and playing, but don't worry, i don't know the answers. right, harold? all right, let's get to it. just simple answers. i don't need long stories, judge. >> judge jeanine: okay. >> tyrus: how many signers of the declaration of independence were there? >> judge jeanine: you know, i remember this. >> harold: do we write it? >> tyrus: is it a, 47? b, 56. or c, 51? >> dana: i mean, i have no idea. >> tyrus: all right, the answer is... b, 56. >> judge jeanine: yes! >> tyrus: judge and tyrus is right. >> judge jeanine: tyrus, you have the answers. >> jesse: i meant to say -- >> judge jeanine: it doesn't
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matter, jesse, you lost. >> jesse: gosh darn it. >> tyrus: judge, bonus round, see what you got, judge. finished the lyric to "america the beautiful." ♪ ♪ ♪ amber waves of gray ♪ everyone got it. obviously dana, that was not a great effort. [laughter] >> dana: where i am from. >> tyrus: please stop yelling. harold, which of these presidents have a monument or memorial in washington, d.c.? >> harold: woodrow wilson. c. >> tyrus: everybody gets c but
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harold for jumping. i ask you, that's a good question. all right, jesse, this is for you. >> jesse: is it for me or everybody? >> tyrus: white boy -- whiteboard. it is for everyone. sorry. i got a smudge on my glasses. all right, jesse: how many states begin with the letter o? >> jesse: easy. >> judge jeanine: oklahoma. >> harold: ohio. >> jesse: oklahoma, ohio, and oregon. >> harold: three. >> tyrus: three is correct. >> harold: is that everybody again? [laughter] >> tyrus: miss dana perino. >> jesse: strong in the quiz categories. >> tyrus: keep this moving along. >> judge jeanine: go ahead. >> tyrus: which of these celebrities did not serve in the u.s. military?
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robert de niro, jimi hendrix? >> jesse: i know this one. i think. >> harold: put the names. >> tyrus: robert de niro. or adam driver is a. >> dana: i don't know. >> jesse: which one is jimi hendrix? >> judge jeanine: c. >> dana: i'm going to follow harold. >> tyrus: the guy who complains the most, robert de niro. >> judge jeanine: he actually served? oh, my gosh. >> tyrus: he did not. no big surprise there. all right, movie clip. ♪ ♪ >> get off my plane. >> tyrus: what mo year did the movie "air force one" come out? >> judge jeanine: "air force one?" who was in it? >> tyrus: you clearly don't know -- >> judge jeanine: i know that one. 1990.
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a. >> tyrus: it is a, but judge got confused and wrote 1990. >> judge jeanine: ament a. >> tyrus: what was the first american state? new york, virginia, or delaware? >> judge jeanine: virginia. >> jesse: no, no, no, it's delaware. >> judge jeanine: delaware. yeah, delaware. >> tyrus: b, delaware. no, no, no, look, look what i'm dealing with. which of these roads is the longest in the u.s., spanning 3,365 miles: a, usa route 20, b, interstate 40, or c, route 66. judge is killing it. a, u.s. -- >> jesse: judge jeanine pirro. >> judge jeanine: west coast to the east coast.
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it's like the pacific railroad. >> tyrus: coney island hosts nathan's hot dog eating contest each fourth of july. what is the current record for hot dogs -- >> judge jeanine: god help us spirits b3b, 76, c, 91. judge again. who is this former u.s. president? >> judge jeanine: who cares? >> harold: that is, oh, gosh. >> jesse: chester macarthur appeared >> judge jeanine: that's arthur. >> dana: i did not! >> tyrus: martin van buren. dana perino with martin van buren. judge jeanine. give the judge a round of applause. >> judge jeanine: what do you win? >> dana: bragging rights. >> tyrus: these are all yours. patriot awards award in it for you. >> judge jeanine: okay.
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>> tyrus: we are going to tease you behind your back. up next, we are going back in time to visit some of our favorite memories in our fourth of july special. ♪ ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire.
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♪ ♪ >> i'm mike emanuel in washington. "the five" continues in a moment but first the special report newsbreak. exit polls indicate a huge labour party victory at today's british parliamentary elections. liberals are estimated to have 410 seats, conservatives could go down from threaded 462 max 131. president biden says in a radio interview the stakes in the november election extend far beyond his own political prospects, to the future of the economy and democracy itself.
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the president is fighting against calls from fellow democrats and others who want him to leave the race and possibly resign from office. the national weather service says around 134 million people in the u.s. are under alerts as an extreme he dangerous and record-breaking heat wave broyles much of the country. experts urge people to drink plenty of water and find air-conditioning for your guy will be back for "special report" live at 6:00 p.m. eastern. now back to "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: and welcome back. we are taking a trip down memory lane with some questions on this fourth of july, so what is our favorite summer memory? there's a lot here. tyrus, let me start with you. any good ones? >> tyrus: i think probably, one summer, me and my buddies, we decide to build a fort in the mountains, so we carried all of our stuff up in california, everyone is bringing something from home, stealing moms good
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blankets and stuff because we were going to build a fort and live there. it took about three weeks to get together but we were pretty proud of it. >> dana: how old were you? >> tyrus: i think i was 11 and were there were eight of us time to see if we could spend the night out, four of us had parents who didn't care so four of us had a chance to spend the night in the wilderness by ourselves. >> dana: good book wreck in addition for you, "raft of stars." >> tyrus: i thought you were going to say "garbage." >> dana: jesse, some whoppers in your teen years. >> jesse: jordan comadena. maybe my best summer memory, how i save the world came out in the summer, went straight to number one, still available on amazon, and the book tour through july into august, it was a great time in my life. it actually broke open the pandemic. a lot of people think the pandemic ended during the blm, it was actually when my book
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came out the summer after. >> dana: i remember reading about a special summer memory in "how i saved the world." >> jesse: when i got so sunburned on an outward bound trip i had to put -- you know the stuff lifeguards put on their nose? >> judge jeanine: zinc. >> jesse: i had to put it on my whole face because my whole face melted off and i was really attracted to this girl that was in my camp and when i went to see her after our group had been merged, she saw me, and all of the bugs and the nats had flown into my face, and some of my friends were throwing pinecones and lodging sticks into my face, and i looked like michael from "halloween." she looked at me, and when you know women when look at you and they step back but they keep their eyes on you? they don't turn their back they just walk away? that's what happened. >> dana: that is one of my favorite memories, too. harold ford jr.? >> harold: summer in memphis, we were in washington during the
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school year after i was nine years old, we go back home, i get to see all of my cousins, and we traveled to other cities to see my cousins that lived in detroit and chicago and los angeles, that was great fun. writing go carts, my parents got hysterical go carts, it's a bleg when you kill each other, and i learned to read for fun, summer when i was 12, we had to read, they recommended books for us, eighth grade and ninth grade and tenth grade, and i learned to read for fun, and now i read a book a month or two books a month. they should go order that book. >> jesse: they should. >> dana: "get it together" after that. >> jesse: why not? >> dana: judge jeanine. >> judge jeanine: i had one uncle in particular who would get all of the cousins together and take us to all of these cool places and i remember once he took us to some falls in ithaca, and he would just go down the falls and it was like natural
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rock, and i remember when i was a kid, i went down the natural rock, and it ripped the bottom of my bathing suit. i was like seven or eight years old, didn't make a lot of -- didn't create a lot of problems, but i always member that my uncle mike was incredibly family-oriented, got us all together, buy us ice cream and it was just a pleasure. >> dana: there were a lot of childhood memories i had, but one as you were talking the meeting to my uncle tom who passed, on the ranch, we went for a cattle drive when my grandfather was still alive, and it was quite a ways, going from newcastle wyoming all the way just north of mount rushmore, so we would go all the way up there and peter was with me and we were with my family so we get the cattle all up there and with the moms and the babies, so that is sweet, i loved watching my uncle, he could pick out, my uncle matt, go give me that mom and that calf, and he could tell
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just because he knew his cattle so well, there were hundreds of them, but he could make sure those moms and babies were pared back up. and on the way back it was like "bonanza" because we did not have any responsibility for the cattle and we could glide down the hill, it was like "bonanza." >> judge jeanine: sounds awesome. >> dana: we were racing so we could get to the gate first so we did not have to get off a horse. sorry about that to any person we did that to come i won't mention it. next question for all of you, who is our favorite american figure, and you cannot say greg gutfeld. >> tyrus: who would you talk to? >> dana: i know you want to. >> tyrus: really twisted my arm come all the people we could pick up your great american. just one? i'm going to go with muhammad ali. he embodied what it is to be patriotic and stand up for his beliefs even though they weren't popular and then you look back
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on it now in history, he was on the right side of things and how he was probably the first athlete to make everybody really want to be -- i know you say i want to be like mike, but mohamed changed the game. he was so great come he didn't need bodyguards, could still walk his kids to school and that to me is the definition of greatness because they don't fear you, they want to be among you. >> dana: good question people could ask at home. judge, anyone come to mind? >> judge jeanine: ronald reagan. i think his rise from hollywood, and then i think he was in charge of the union for the actors, and then his rise into politics and then to the president. i mean, he was the kind of guy who not only had a sense of humor, but he brought people together and he could bring you along with him. i think he was blessed in many ways, and i think of him often. i read a lot of books about him. he was a phenomenal american. >> dana: one of my first political memories, inauguration address.
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harold? >> harold: it's hard to identify one person, but the characteristics i look for are people who are brave, who are resilient, who are forgiving. there was a group of people murdered at a church in south carolina about 15 years ago, 16 years ago, and the survivors forgave the killer. the young man walked in, a prayer service they were income a prayer study they were in, and it is those characteristics that make our country what it is. it's more characteristics and things that are american that i admire the most. >> jesse: i'm going to jefferson just because he authored the declaration and the constitution ended and he doubled the size of the country with the louisiana purchase? jefferson, final answer. >> dana: i love george washington, love that story, he did not cut down that cherry tree. could not file a lie. and i love the second george w, too opiates be to that question
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is not fair. abe lincoln. >> dana: no -- >> jesse: your wife. >> harold: at the end -- >> tyrus: you were slapping on the table, jefferson. >> dana: moving right along. up next, we have your fan mail questions. did we ever attend summer camp? at an answer next. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear,
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much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment.
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i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried.
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please contribute $11 a month by visiting now you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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h ♪ ♪ ♪ happy birthday america ♪ ♪ it's the fourth of july ♪ >> judge jeanine: welcome back and happy independence day. we are answering your fan mail questions, so let's get started. first question, i'll go to you,
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tyrus. did you ever attend some and summer camp? it's from gretchen allen. >> tyrus: yeah. i went to camp cedar falls and they would always extend me an extra two and a half weeks. one of my horseback riding in the mountains, canoeing up and down the colorado river, that kept me busy. >> judge jeanine: that's nice. stay not? >> dana: and went to summer fun day camp, basically like going to school, back and forth on the bus. and sky ranch bible camp, which i loved, and vacation bible school, is also. >> judge jeanine: a wow. jesse? >> jesse: i went to a lot. the worst was wilderness adventures in the smoky mountains of west virginia and i showed up with my preppy bag and my gear, and everybody got out of the bus with, like, a glad bag of stuff, and i thought, oh, my god, what have i gotten myself into? i think it was a camp for disadvantaged youth. we got up there and meet at a
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one of the jewish kids did not like it there and decided to accuse the counselor of anti-semitism so he purposely tripped and fell down the mountain and fake sprained his ankle and we had to find some house in the middle of nowhere where they had to medevac him out of there. >> judge jeanine: i don't believe any of that. >> dana: interview him for "get it together." >> jesse: changed my life. >> judge jeanine: home on were you there? >> jesse: two weeks. >> dana: more like ten years? [laughter] >> judge jeanine: harold? >> harold: summer camp, and like dana, i was forced to come as a kid, one of the best thing that happened, vacation bible study camp. >> judge jeanine: okay, i want to get through all of the questions so i am not going to answer because i never go to summer camp. what temperature do you have your house set on during the summer months, harold? >> harold: 69. >> jesse: six t9 beards before 70 to.
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>> tyrus: 72 all year long. if you touch my thermostat -- [laughter] >> judge jeanine: in the summer, 70. >> tyrus: you do not touch the thermostat. >> judge jeanine: instagram question from tj ringer. what would your be your dream concert lineup? >> harold: anybody? >> dana: this is hard. >> harold: prince, mj, allman brothers original, and al green. >> judge jeanine: jesse. >> jesse: michael jackson. i know him as michael jackson. i don't know him as well as harold did. maybe he was at harold's bible camp. >> harold: michael jackson, mj. >> jesse: and i am going guns n' roses. >> judge jeanine: okay. >> jesse: how many do i get? is that it?
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that's enough. >> dana: mines a whole festival. george strait. toby keith. i like toby keith. a little dierks bentley. and def leppard. >> jesse: def leppard. >> dana: i love def leppard. >> tyrus: if it was up to me, i would never go to a concert. i am a retired bodyguard, stand on stage at a concert, i effing hate concerts. my left year. if i had to go to want to say i went to one, i'm going to james brown but have a cd open for him so i get it all. >> harold: you call him j.b., though. >> tyrus: watch yourself. >> judge jeanine: i would have george strait. i'm going to see him next month -- a couple weeks, actually peered bob seger. and the city of prague philharmonic pits b2 "night moves" beard >> judge jeanine: "main street." last question: do you wear a one-piece, a two-piece, trunks, or a speedo?
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that's my question. >> harold: eyewear trunks. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: speedo my whole life until i was like 17 because i was on a swim team and i did not realize how ridiculous it was until i got out of my swim team whirled and showed up -- >> dana: did you wear that in the smoky mountains? [laughter] >> jesse: i did not. late teens, judge. >> judge jeanine: i'm going to call him on that one. dana? >> dana: one-piece forever and ever amen. >> tyrus: i am a grown man, so trunks, sweats, basketball shorts -- >> judge jeanine: sweats? >> tyrus: i don't have an outfit change to go swimming. >> judge jeanine: all right. and one-piece from me. up next, what are the go-to orders at the classic diner? the answer when our july 4th special returns. he's a cool ♪ ♪
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>> harold: welcome back. we are answering more of your fan mail questions beard let's get to it. first, what is your go-to order at a classic diner? tyrus? >> tyrus: velo parham. if they have veal parmalat the diner come in business. that is how you know a diner. it is usually phenomenal. >> harold: judge? >> judge jeanine: two eggs over with toast. >> harold: jesse? >> jesse: two eggs over with toast and sliced avocado on the side. >> dana: you are definitely -- [laughter] >> tyrus: that is why he was airlifted out. >> dana: when i was a kid and we would drive to the ranch, we would stop at johnson's corner in colorado on i-20 five, and we would leave early, 5:00 in the morning, get there about 7:00 and my sister and i would order hamburgers for breakfast and thought that was super cool so anytime i go i kind of want to have dinner for breakfast.
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but now, today, i would be airlifted out of west virginia with an egg light omelette. slice of tomato. >> jesse: i will add slices of tomato to my avocado. >> harold: cheeseburger and fries. second question: what is the worst thing to step on in the dark? >> dana: legos. >> harold: jesse? >> jesse: lightning mcqueen. my son has got a thousand of them. >> judge jeanine: a pair of high heels that are, like, stilettos, and they are kind of sideways and up a little. >> tyrus: don't we have those around here? people. [laughter] you never -- i guess you guys don't do stuff. >> dana: never. >> tyrus: trying to walk in an alley, gaia still kind of hanging on -- >> dana: that did happen to me once. >> tyrus: took the shoe. >> harold: anything for me because if it is dark i will step and fall and i don't want
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to fall. number three, what is the most exciting thing you have ever purchased? dana? jesse might have -- >> dana: can i say a dog? don't come at me, i love rescue animals, as well, but i do think finding the breed was the best money i spent. >> harold: tyrus? >> tyrus: take a page out of watters' book, casually walking by barnes & noble, saw my old book in a bookstore. i have to buy it, it's me. they had to argue, can't let this one go. it was a whole thing but it felt really good to get my book, still available on amazon. >> jesse: nvidia. [laughter] >> harold: that was a good one. >> jesse: i knew you would like that, harold. >> harold: your honor? >> judge jeanine: a lot to be
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a guy get excited all the time when i buy something. probably two pigs. >> tyrus: those outfits you get? because you get pretty hyper when those outfits come to the office. >> judge jeanine: it was the pigs. it was winning the fight to get the pigs. >> dana: love those pigs. >> tyrus: where are the pigs now? >> judge jeanine: they died. but one lived to the age of 15. used to make it past and then you have pumpkin in a can, because their teeth go bad. so, yeah, i loved my pigs. >> harold: jesse's answer of nvidia is the gift that keeps on giving. "one more question" is next on our july 4th special. ♪ ♪
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♪ the boys are back in town ♪ the boys are back in town ♪ i said the boys are back in town. >> jesse: welcome back. stay with fox on this fourth of july. tonight watch the big independence day special hosted by lawrence jones, carley shimkus, aishah hasnie and johnny joey jones. catch the live fireworks performances and much, much more. all right, we have one more fan mail question a facebook question from navak. what grill food do you do best? i think i know judge jeanine. you had a nice i -- what is that one on the stick? >> keep t kepta cabob. if you got a tomato or a mushroom, tomato is going to be
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cooked sooner than the mushroom. and the meat. so what you do is you cook the tomatoes, you cook the mushroom. cook the meat and go --- >> what is that one again? [laughter] >> tyrus: you precook and. >> judge jeanine: put it on a secure. >> harold: i put my skills up. i can grill a steak or hamburger better than anybody. >> judge jeanine: wow. deign chain that sounds like. >> jesse: i will accept that challenge to be in the audience. >> richard: you have k. have avocado. >> tyrus: i will not have avocado, i will have tomato. >> jesse: bacon? >> dana: peter does. >> tyrus: makes a good steak? >> dana: winter potato salt lad. blue zone cookbook. >> tyrus: don't forget the dip. >> jesse: queso. what is the main move on the
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grill. >> tyrus: anything harold does but better. >> jesse: it is on. >> tyrus: humbling accept your challenge. i'm so good i don't have to precook the steak. i make fillet cabobs. >> richard: do you do the papa pa. >> some times i put tin foil. cooked before the meat does. >> guys, we cannot argue about the cabob strategy all day. we have to go. >> tyrus: phenomenal cook. >> jesse: see you back here tomorrow. >> tyrus: sous-chef is what she is. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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