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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 5, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> my baby always told me, boy, just be yourself. the way the good lord made you, can't nobody else do it the way you do. stay the way you stay. that is something to be proud of end of every day. keep it country like the radio. if you want to know me, all you need to know, i like sitting in treeses, waiting on a deer, chilling on a riverbank, killing cold beer. when i get a truck, i jack it up, find myself a mud hole and go and get it stuck. in camo, that is just how it is. what you see is what you get. what you see is what you get. that's right. i still go to dq to get a cone.
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i go to bas pro, that is my second home. people call me backwoods, i tell them thank you. cover up my tattoo, something i can't do. i'm going to be myself, the way i was raised. never gonna change. i like sitting in the tree, waiting on a deer, killing cold beer. when i get a truck, i just jack it up, find myself a mud hole and go and get it stuck. that is how it is, i ain't trying to hide. what you see is what you get. what you see is what you get ♪ ♪ ♪ >> joey: hello, this is chris janson. i think it is called what you
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see is what you get," not certain he was describing me. i remember doing that and doing that. >> kayleigh: my husband, too. great men like you. great men in our country. >> joey: he tried to teach the harmonica, i want to know how to do a duck call. did not work. we will not start our own band, not going to be the hart harmonica trio. the three of us, pretty r realistic, understanding limitations. you get transitions when you have todd piro on the couch. they are not used to that
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so-pennsylvania avenue. they are not understanding their candidate cannot continue as is. they are treating it like regular, ordinary day, joe biden and kamala harris holding hands, trying to keep up appearances like hillary pointing at the balloon. we all saw the debate performance eight days ago today. >> kayleigh: look there, like nothing is wrong. of course they will put on the front whether the decision to stay or go. report is hunter and jill biden are all in and doubling down and valerie biden is the inner s sanctum saying, is this good for his legacy. we watched a video and he grabbed her hand and tried to manufacture a moment.
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when he does talk, there is a lot of questions. let's listen to him react yesterday. >> president biden: this could not be done without family support. thank you. thank you. thank you. >> keep up the fight. >> president biden: you got me, man. i'm not going anywhere. all right. i'll come back out when they open the gate. >> joey: he says he is not going anywhere, no matter the leaks, he says he is not going anywhere. >> kayleigh: staff may be saying something different. his family, even valerie is staying, but has expressed concern. the staff is reported to be miserable. everyone is miserable and senior advisors are a total black hole,
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that is a white house official. even if you are trying to focus on work, nothing will get acknowledgement from the bosses, dnc is saying everything seems like "weekend at bernie's." if you are a of staer, lower level, they have made a cocoon around him. you are totally committed and you must feel misled and burned and we are getting the leaks. >> todd: these are lower level staffers trying to start their career in democratic. this is not a secret, this is the worst kept secret in d.c. that joe biden has cognitive issues and issues campaigning and debating. you understand you wouldn't get
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that from local or national stations. whether it is fox news or conservative outlets or using your own eyes, you can clearly tell, not just last thursday, but for the last 3-1/2 years. in the initial debates when it was joe biden versus kamala harris, i put out something, this is elder abuse, that was 2019. yes, the ship is sinking. it is swiss cheese in the white house. you should have been aware of this. the information wasn't hidden from you. you want to know why hunter and jill want joe biden to continue? hunter wants the pardon guarantee and jill wants to be first lady. >> joey: i can't blame her, it
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can't be a horrible life. the axios talk about staff saying it is a black hole. we got the staff were telling anonymous sources he is mean and they have to condition what they bring to a briefing because he gets very angry. we had that all-call, with the white house chief of staff rallying the troops. then next day or two days later, t axios, no, that did not work temperature is not just democratic politicians and staff, it is people paying for the campaign. i want to point out, last quarters of fundraising, donald trump outraised joe biden by almost $100 million more. this is from damon lindenlof, hollywood show runner. he said, i've been asleep at the
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wheel and it is time to wake the f up. we apply hard sanctions, it is long-term healing. when they text you asking for cash, text back, you are not giving them a penny and you won't change your mind until there is change at top of the ticket and when joe leaves, i will stand up and applaud because he pitched a great game. they are not giving money if joe biden is the nominee. >> kayleigh: you have congressional democrats upset with democratic governors, who are thinking about running in 2028 and lawmakers are trying to keep their seat. this will continue as long as media keeps digging. this is the most damning piece thus far, conspiracy of silence to protect joe biden, the president's mental decline.
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so vivid. like a dark family secret for elite supporters, olivia newsey and what she observed. my heart stopped -- it was like his eyes though open were not on. his face had a waxy quality, he smiled a sweet smile and took my hand in his and i was startled how it felt. cool. the basements so warm the staff were sweating. i said hello, he spoke slowly and in a soft voice and said, what's your name, he asked a reporter with whom she regularly reacts. the reporters left that and debated on how dead it is president was and settled on 41%. reporters talking about the
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president like that, why didn't they report that? >> todd: the fact they are having that discussion in the press office is sad, or where the press gathers. your point about my point. you knew this, guys. everybody knew this, all reporters in the white house doing that job on day in, day out basis knew, they did not ask questions that jackie and peter and the gang asked. and olivia's piece is gr groundbreaking, why did it just now come out now, why not before the debate? not like he was a lively force prior to last thursday. we've all had the other than cans and the media, we are shocked there is gambling going
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on, like the casablanca line. media is in free fall, not just streaming and things you hear from financials. american people have lost trust. be eyes and ears of the american people. and they have not done it for 3-1/2 years and that is wrong. >> kayleigh: it's wrong. >> joey: part of reaction is contrast between him and obama. donors are the same people, an aneck dotally in 2011 or 2012, i had dinner with president obama and president biden, i was there because i don't have legs, shiny object. sitting next to president obama, i went several years later. everyone gathers as president and vice president leave. from a distance, 30 feet away,
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president obama said, it is my dinner date. behind him, vice president biden stares through me and shakes my hand without animation and that is an an et cetera dote, that is contrast between the two figures. >> kayleigh: it is what we hear from everyone. kevin mccarthy told you he was getting calls about the president and his mental health. current speaker mike johnson said, i've seen it. it only takes two eyes and two ears, american public has seen it. what a crime for media to cover this up. they can turn any moment. if they decide biden is here to stay, watch the media turn. wait and uch wa, leaks will stop and our country will be in danger. continue to be in danger. >> todd: talk to secret service, of course off the record, they
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don't want to lose their job. they are not millionaires, they are making workman-like wake. they will tell you stories have been going on for a while. i feel bad for the man. you don't want to see that. i feel worse for our country and j joey hit the point beautifully before. our country is in trouble because of this man and his enablers and that is wrong. >> kayleigh: exactly right. our country is in trouble, my heart goes out to him and his family. new leader in charge in the uk. >> todd: newly elected prime minister wrapping up remarks from 10 downing street. >> joey: stephanie bennett join s us live. what you got? >> good morning, you should hear the noise happening out here, con
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constituents and staff and family members here to welcome him. we don't know if he will live in number 10 or slightly roomier number 11 next door. things in the uk move quickly. one prime minister out, the other just dm in. after 14 years and five prime ministers, the central left leaning labor party received that win. 412 of 650 parliament seats. richie sunak conservatives taking 61 seats. new prime minister starma ran on campaign of economic stabilities, cutting national health wait time and recruiting teachers. he addressed the nation saying country first, party second and
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politics can be a force for good. >> brick by brick, we will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity the world-class schools and colleges, affordable homes that are ingredient of hope for working people. working class families like mine can build around. >> earlier today prime minister starma met with king charld charles for kissing of the hands, these days it is just a hand shake. he will appoint 22 ministers, his team. >> i leave this job honored to have been your prime minister. this is best country in the world and thanks entirely to
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you, the british people, true source of all achievements, our strengths and our greatness. thank you. >> and the election saw brexit leader nigel farage win in his ninth attempt. this is first general election for him. we got news early this morning, former conservative liz truss lost her seat in parliament, as well. >> joey: we were just discussing, different system over there. you're in one day, outz the next, not a season of change. >> todd: here is your luggage, bye. >> kayleigh: see you, quick election. >> joey: fox news alert, three dead after suspected drunk driver plowed into nine people at a packed 4th of july party in
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new york city. a young mom and two kids are among the victims. a gray pickup truck ran a stop assign over the sidewalk and into a park. officials say after the incident good samaritans jumped in to restrain the driver. four people were attacked by sharks. two people were bitten with one person severely hurt and flown to the hospital. the six-foot shark is responsible. drone helicopters and boats located the shark. and 4th of july travel rush at miami airport. liquid started dripping from the ceiling. airport officials say the leak is not hazardous, it was water
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with green dye that leaked from the air conditioning system. it is used to trace leaks back to their source. custodians cleaned up the mess. >> todd: i have done that leak test it kind of works. >> joey: a man in minnesota is maste master mind behind this gr grassterpiece. each dine takes three to four hours to perfect. art of mowing is growing in popularity thanks to this instagram page. >> todd: beautiful. >> kayleigh: only two to three hours. >> joey: i'm jealous, i made a piece of rubber to pull blades one way or the other. not very good, i have learning
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to do. >> kayleigh: two to three hours. >> todd: i think for each one of them. what is better harmonica playing or mowing? >> joey: better at reading a prompter. >> kayleigh: adversaries and allies question if president biden is up for the job. >> todd: reacting to waiver ing support. >> joey: first chris janson performs for our all-american c concert series. ♪ ♪ . . . . ♪ ♪ [cheering] of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product.
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>> todd: fox news alert. hurricane beryl is hammering the yucatan peninsula. that storm churning in caribbean left cayman island and jamaica in shambles. seven million people in south texas are in the forecast cone.
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adam klotz has the forecast. >> adam: near tulum, cancun got the brunt of it. wind down to 100 mimes per hour. off the peninsula, you are out over the warm gulf of mexico water, that will help it regain speed. up to 85 mile per hour winds by time talking about possible landfall. if it spends extra time, don't be surprised if we see larger and higher winds and then see this turn, it includes houston, dallas and will weaken as it runs over land. worried aboutin ra, storm surge
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and winds. this is storm we're tracking all weekend long and prepare to see it move toward texas on monday morning. over to you. >> kayleigh: the clock issic itting, warning for members of biden's own party as they question his viability as a candidate. >> joey: blasting democrats for ignoring a president very visibly on the decline. one gop lawmaker is committee chair mike turner and he joins us now. thank you for joining us. look at the list here, up to three house democrats said joe biden should leave the ticket and report of two dozen others waiting to do so. does the president need support of his own 35party to be the
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nominee? >> many of us on capitol hill are worried whether he can make the next four weeks. reports the president turned to hads son hunter biden and including him in very serious national security meetings. is hunter biden getting access to classified material? here is gentleman with no experience in national security, questionable background. president of the united states that has recklessly and criminally handled classified information, but he was not prosecuted because he is too forgetful. now reports of prerhaps his sovn running decisions at the white house. >> kayleigh: press secretary said he's been in meetings, we saw him.
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it is unclear what official meetings and phone calls hunter biden is participationing in and whether decisions include classified information. i want to know about that and big picture whether there need to be a select committee into biden mental acuity. blockberg says foreign leaderings have called expressing concern. this is hunter and big national security picture. >> there are a number of decisions on backlog in the white house that have serious national security implication for which no one is making decisions. when we hear biden speak, we wonder if he understands his own plsz policies, we are beginning to understand he does not. report he is turning to his son hunter, should not have access
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to classified meetings and shows things are deteriorating at the white house. >> joey: people are writing me that hunter biden is privy to or in the meeting with, potentially classified information. we have seen president biden and president trump be scrutinized over handling of classified documents and learned there is ambiguity over power the president has. do you understand, if there is formal process and the president can say, i want that person in here, do you understand formality of it and what need to happen or hasn't happened or what rule was broken? >> he is in discussions conducted by other staff members and the president has not digested it yet and not in a place to make active decision as to what information be disclosed
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or not. this is bad precedence to have a family member convicted of felony by the department of justice taking up case against him and sitting in the oval office in decision-making with classified information being discussed and could be personalitied by depeartment of justice. >> kayleigh: thank you, congressman mike turner. fox business's jackie deangelis will break down the latest numbers released a few seconds ago. >> joey: first chris janson is performing in front of a lively crowd. ♪ ♪ i count my blessings everyday, everyday of the week. i count my blessings everyday. if you feeling blessed, raise your hands and scream, baby.
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>> todd: back with a fox business alert june jobs report show u.s. added 206,000 jobs last month, more than expected. une unemployment rate rose to 4.1%, highest since 2021.
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here with more co-host of "the big money show" jackie deangelis. your key takeaways, i don't remember a number in 4's for unemployment rate. >> it has been at 4% or under for 30 straight months. basically expect aation was 190,000, number came in at 206,000, but seeing cooling of the labor market, over last few reports. economy added 272,000 jobs in may. it is better than the w175 we sw in april. you want to see what jobs are being added, we've seen government jobs be added, not
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necessarily a assign of growth. part-time work and full-time work, part-time jobs have been ballooning, are people taking on extra jobs to get by? i don't want to give full benefits, i will hire part-time workers. wages have slowly been going up, you don't want to see too much, that will contribute to inflation. this i think brs us back to jerome powell, what do you do, cut rates? is economy cooling enough and slowing enough for rate cut before the election? not sure this number would indicate it is. they will watch closely. i go back to 4.1%, huge headline. white house is saying, look at the labor market, we have a booming economy. so much under the hood is not right about this. >> todd: for people paying
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attention, i understand it is not a big jump going from 4 to 4.1, same psychology why they price things at $19.99 instead ' of 20. how do you expect the white house to spin this after a horrible week. >> it has been a horrible week, they have a lot to spin. if they were having a horrible week because of the debate, you could come back to policy and say joe biden had a bad night. look at his policies and how well you have been living under his leadership, they can't come back to policy. headline like this is important. one or two things they were able to hang their hat on, even if with a spin, they can't do that now. >> todd: this white house know how to spin, touting cheap er gas, prices at the pump, 1-cent
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increase, will that cue up cool and the gang to sing celebration? >> no, i'm an energy person, here are stats. march 13, 2020, 13.1 billion barrels per day and now we are at 13.2 billion barrels. the white houses we created jobs, they are doing the same thing with oil production and saying we are at records, these are not records, in the last four years and change, we could have grown a lot, that is why gas prices are high. gas prices were $2.nine, they are 46 percent higher and so no victory lap.
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>> todd: it is one cents and it is more tone deafness, you are celebrating and nobody is feeling that. cool and the gang celebration. >> can i say one thing? ultimate thing with inflation is getting energy prices down, when you get energy prices down, cost of everything will trickle down, that started it and ballooned the whole problem. energy is a huge problem for joe biden, another thing for his record and policy he failed on. >> todd: one cent, let the streamers go, jackie deangelis, thank you. joe biden doing campaign clean-up as he sets his sights on winning over battleground state voters. live report next. speaking of music, jackie deangelis, from cool and the gang to chris janson, he is here for summer concert series.
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>> kayleigh: big day, in two hours president biden set to head to washington. the trip comes day after he presented a united front with the vice president at the white house at the 4th of july celebration. calls for biden to step aside are growing louder. madeleine rivera is at the white house. >> madeleine: there is growing concern from this white house that the president may not be up for a second tomorrow. axios reporting per white house official, the mood among staff
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is miserable and senior advisors are a total black hole. biden campaign is dealing in, unveiling $50 million media blitz and putting out an aggressive travel schedule with president set to do a southwest swing after attending a nato summit next week. moments like this at july 4th festivities last night. >> president biden: by the way, i was in that world war i cemetery in france and the one that one of our, former president didn't want to go be up there. probably shouldn't say that. anyway. we got to remember who the hell we are, we are the united states of america. [cheering] >> madeleine: despite the president's attempt to pivot another democratic lawmaker says
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the president may have a hard time recovering and is backing harris if he does step aside. >> i know we're not on a wiping t trajector, we need a reset, course correction, acknowledge that this was not just one bad night. >> the president is set to leave the white house at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. todd. >> todd: france is lovely this time of year. thank you. turning to headlines, jury selection in actor lealek bald win's twiel this week. baldwin was charged after rust sin meing to rafer was struck. >> a dog's curiosity could have your honor itted deadly. the pup was looking for food on the kitchen counter and
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accidentally turned on the stove and this happened. the family and dog got out unharmed, they have security alert. know your escape route and check your fire alarm. that is not good. those are your headlines. let's send it to chris janson performing live for our all american summer concert series. he is saving best song for last, after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ you can buy me a boat, you can buy me a truck to pull it. buy me a yseti, iced down with silver bullets. i know they say money can't buy everything. maybe so, but it can buy me a boat to float down on the water with a beer. i hear the powerball lotto is
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>> chris jansen perform his new single all american guy for the all american summer concert series. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> you guys kept me hanging. >> joey: look at this crowd. look at everybody. >> beautiful. july 5th. you'll be in california. another coast, another concert. >> joey: all right, guys. thank you all for being here. three, two, one. have a great friday! >> president biden: it's all about democracy.
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it's all about f


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