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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 5, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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privilege and that your government should treat every single person in this country with respect. >> earlier today the prime minister met with king charles iii to officially form the new government. now, of course, you can hear cheering behind me. he will spend the rest of the day appointing his top team. as for sunak he remains as an mp representing his constituency in yorkshire. >> this is a difficult day but i leave this job honored to have been your prime minister. this is the best country in the world. >> starmer only has a couple days to settle in as he is off to america for a nato meeting in d.c. back to you. >> mike: stephanie is live at 10
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count downey street. >> president biden: you've got me. i'm not going anywhere. >> jacque: president biden telling a handpicked crowd during the fourth of july celebration at the white house he is not going anywhere as he faces growing calls by a number of democrats and some wealthy donors to end his bid for a second term. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm jacque heinrich. bill and dana are off today. mike great to be with you. >> mike: i'm mike emanuel. a major test for president biden appearing at a campaign rally in battleground wisconsin, a key swing state. recent polling shows a tight race for the white house. in a clearer sign of the president's fragile political position senator senator tammy baldwin a democrat facing a tough reelection bid revealing he won't be joining the president when he comes to visit. her republican rival calling out the sudden change of heart. >> she has voted with joe biden
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95.5% of the time. two weeks ago, she said he is the most accomplished president in generations. but after that debate, she just is trying to avoid him at all costs. she won't answer the press's questions, whether she continues to support him. so, you know, on one hand she thinks he is the best but now she is going to other way and trying to avoid him at all costs. >> mike: senior correspondent mike tobin is live in madison, wisconsin. good morning, mike. >> good morning, mike. this will be a unique campaign stop in madison, wisconsin because it will have less to do with what the president says and more to do with whether he can say it. it comes a day after the economists put out a brutal magazine comer that shows walker with a presidential seal on the front of it. an article in the atlantic have called for president biden to step down as the atlantic puts
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it to give democracy the best chance of surviving. democratic governors rushed to the white house wednesday for an emergency meeting. at that meeting president biden quipped his health was fine. it is just my brain. the president's communication team insists it was just a joke followed by the comment all kidding aside. but everything from the biden camp is resisting the push to throw in the towel. still, as the president defends his mental acuity he is having a tough time speaking fluently. sounds like we don't have the sound bite. the fifth appearance from the president in the badger state. really proof that democrats are not going to make the mistake the clinton campaign did in 2016 and take wisconsin for granted with ten electoral vote up for grabs. after event here in madison, wisconsin, the president is
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going to sit down with george stephanopolous for that much-anticipated interview. mike. >> mike: wisconsin is one of the handful of states we'll all be tracking in november. where and how is the president polling right now in wisconsin? >> the most recent marquette university poll taken back in june has him at 50/50. it really meets the definition of a toss-up state. if you go to the population centers particularly liberal dane county here, if you go to milwaukee you see a lot of biden-harris signs. if you get to the rural parts of the state you see the trump signs. >> mike: mike tobin live in madison. many thanks. >> jacque: joining us for more on president biden's big weekend shannon bream. thank you, shannon, for being here. what a time that we're watching. i think the president has for now been able to stop this trickle of democrats calling for him to withdraw from turning into a bigger flood. how long can he keep that up
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when he has a couple big moments coming up the next few days? >> we all know. we were joking about i'm afraid to turn off my phone for a minute because we don't know. things are developing so quickly. everybody knows that interview tonight is huge. does he appear in command of the issues? not even just the policy and content of what he is saying but how does he seem as a person? how does his health and strength all those things seem? after we get the read-out from the democratic governors saying he wants to sleep more, do less events. don't do events after 8:00 p.m. we didn't see an overwhelming vote of confidence from those that came out of that meeting. he has other events. he will do more unscripted stuff and speaking at the naacp event in vegas and on the trail and interacting with people. folks want to see how he is in person no teleprompter.
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>> mike: power can be money. major democratic donors are saying they aren't giving any more money to the party until a change at the top. major democratic donors devise plans to pressure biden to step aside. if you want to hurt a politician, hit him in the wallet, right? >> even after the debate there was a lot of discussion about down ballot folks. house and senate how they worried it would impact their race and whether he would hurt the rest of the ticket. just in voting context but also when you start talking about money and james carville saying don't give money to any democrat still supporting president biden, you are right. everybody needs money to run and so what happens when donors are asking for refunds saying we want to put that money somewhere else? that really gets people -- almost mobilize an army of people saying there needs to be a change at the top of the ticket if it is threatening their race. >> jacque: it is becoming apparent there isn't a plan b if
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he can't asage everyone's concerns. he is seeming more deflated. he was trying last night to go off script. it seems like this is starting to get to him and axios writes the biden staff are miserable. high ranking national committee told national the only thing that the allay the concerns is that he is capable. everything feels like weekend as bernice, the inner circle propping him out. who are they talking to? if they can't prop him up that's a question that's unsolvable now. >> you know being over there as part of the white house press corps the access to him, the limits to getting to him. one thing for the press. but when you have other people that are -- folks that are family friends or big donors or others who say they are part of the white house staff and they don't know what's going on, it leaves them, there is self-interest in washington for most people and if they think
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this will kill my resume and lose my job, all of those things start to play out. when you also hear "new york magazine" the piece where they said they got a lot of people to say things like he didn't recognize me, a long time family friend. couldn't think of my name. jill is prompting him on these things. it feels like the floodgates are opening when white house staffers, close friends and long-time allies willing to talk to the press about a situation. i don't know if they can turn it around. >> mike: congress hasn't been here this week. on monday they'll have cameras in their faces asking them swing districts. battleground states are you with the president? how they answer that question can be critical. >> it could be critical. you don't want to be seen if you have your own political ambitions, the nuance the vice president is trying to find. she has to be full throated in support of her boss. a lot of people are looking to her. there is criticism for those who would skip around her. she has to think about her political future and governor
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newsom. the way they answer these questions isn't just about 24. it goes beyond that. they are thread a dangerous needle. >> jacque: the biden campaign points the argument a lot of these people who would be replacements are polling worse in a head-to-head against trump than the president is. he is -- they say only a point behind. so why replace him? you also are, you know, from the reality you don't have the confidence of the party. it will be a high stakes game. >> all the things that keep leaking out. the conversations and interviews and polls. you have to wonder who -- what camp is pushing that and who is leaking this information? in washington where you get the information from tells you all you need to know. >> mike: should be a fascinating "fox news sunday." >> we have made dozens of calls, emails, texts to lawmakers, campaign asking for someone to come and defend the president's position. so far no one has been willing to come on.
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we'll see if that changes by sunday. >> mike: thank you so much. >> jacque: that's something. >> mike: tragedy at a fourth of july party in new york city. police say a drunk driver hit at least ten people with his pickup truck. at least three were killed. cb cotton is the latest on this holiday violence. >> a horrific story. witnesses say some of the victims were at the new york city park enjoying a barbecue on the fourth of july when a suspected drunk driver blew through a stop sign mowing into nine people. >> at the corner we always barbecue there. that's where it is permitted for us to barbecue. as he kept going, we all started screaming for him to stop. >> three people have now died. several others remain hospitalized in serious condition. when first responders arrived on scene last night, at least four victims were pinned under the vehicle. good samaritans held a driver down until police arrived.
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at this time he hasn't been charged. >> the officers who did arrive on the scene did smell alcohol. we're still in the process of doing testing. we do not feel that this is a terrorism-related event. we do believe that alcohol had played a role in this. >> in philadelphia another fourth of july celebration ended in tragedy when gunfire erupted. officers say one person was killed and seven others injured just before midnight. several of the victims are teens. police say the crime scene spans more than two blocks and there may also have been a barbecue happening at the time. officers say the shots were fired from the passenger side of a passing s.u.v. no motive has been released at this time. mike. >> mike: cb cotton, thank you very much. >> jacque: a july 4th celebration goes terribly wrong. many people are hurt after some fireworks landed near performers
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and fans. >> mike: new york city selling out more money to pay for migrants. the latest controversial program and costing taxpayers in the big apple. >> jacque: there is a drop in migrant crossings. is the white house painting a misleading picture? >> the drug cartels are smuggling organizations control what comes across the border. >> the scary part is it's so easy to come across, ask for asylum and get released. this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is.
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>> mike: at least six people are hurt after fireworks landed in a crowded utah stadium. at least two fireworks were fired into performers on the
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field and another two went into the stands part of a brigham young university independence day festival called stadium of fire. the jonas brothers were set to perform. all the pyro techniques were checked before and after the incident. >> jacque: new legal troubles for diddy combs. she is being accused of sex trafficking during parties at many of his homes. bryan llenas is following the story for us. >> this is at least the 10th civil lawsuit filed against diddy combs alleging sex trafficking or physical abuse since november. english filed the suit wednesday in new york accusing diddy of running an organized sex trafficking enterprise flying her from new york to florida between 2004 and 2009 to engage in sex acts at diddy's famous
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parties at his homes in the hamptons and on star island in florida. english, a former adult film actress said she was forced to drink large amount of liquor laced with ecstasy before being passed to have to be sexually assaulted sometimes unconsciously. she likens him to epstein. he rely on a woman to coordinate the sex trafficking. without defendant thomas, a woman using her goodwill as a woman to gain the trust of another woman, coordinating and acting as an avatar for dedefendant combs. defendant combs would be unable to execute his corrupt sex trafficking organization. an attorney for diddy, jonathan davis released a statement reading no matter how many lawsuits are filed it won't change the fact that mr. combs has never sexually assaulted or
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sex trafficked anyone. we live in a world where anyone can file a lawsuit without any reason or without any proof. his legal team was notified last week that diddy is a subject of an ongoing federal criminal investigation and federal grand jury in new york is hearing evidence. three months ago the feds raided diddy's homes in l.a. and miami as part of a sex trafficking investigation. jacque. >> jacque: thank you, bryan. >> mike: there is yet another horrific crime allegedly committed by a migrant. honduran who entered the u.s. illegally now faces charges of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl in iowa. the biden administration is pointing to a drop in border crossings as a sign its policy is working. joining us now the tom homan, former acting ice director and now fox news contributor. tom, welcome. so an 18-year-old illegal immigrant charged with sex crimes against a 12-year-old
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girl in iowa. heartbreaking but not surprising? >> not surprising anymore. i will happen. we have an historic number of illegal aliens coming across the border percentage are criminals. 18% that the border patrol have a criminal history. 2 million gotaways is more scary. 2 million people who didn't want to be fingerprinted and vetted. the latest ones this year many were released after being vetted, which tells you the vetting program is insufficient. >> jacque: what stuns me is the administration is pointing to a drop in crossings but having a hard time keeping track of who is here and then they are trying to point to the positives in the headlines like they are paying cash to start cracking down on illegal crossings on the darien gap. the first flight to china trying to deport some migrants. there is sort of a shady part of both of those stories, right? >> first of all, the numbers are down but not as much as they say
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they are. you have to remember they are bringing thousands in through the cbp1 app. they are put through a point of entry and calling them legal. they are not. they'll lose that in court. then they have another program that fly them straight into airports. thousands of those. the gotaways are skyrocketing. no illegal alien will come to the border and say we're at 2500, you need to go home. you think they are going home? they will go to a place not a border and get into the country. if you add all those programs together they 7,000 or 8,000 a day. as far as china we discussed earlier, china is a difficult country. they don't want to take their people back unless you give them something. when i was ice director trying to push people back to china and they say we'll take a certain amount if you give us these people. they are already looking to bring people here for political asylum reasons and want them
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back for their own purpose to jail them. in china always demands something in return to take their people back. >> mike: illegal crossing at the northern border have hit a record high. is that a loophole? >> it has been that way for a long time. the northern border has never been staffed efficiently. most are down south where the fire is at. it makes sense. under the biden administration, 50% of northern agents assigned to the southern border. 50% that remain on the northern border, most are processing illegally aliens on computer. very few patrols. northern border is a huge vulnerability. >> jacque: the other story we're following is new york city is about to give out another round of debit cards to migrants within the city limits. 73,000 migrants set to get debit cards over the next six months and cost the city $2.6 million. if you look at the spending on migrants, 2023, 3.91 billion.
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2024 projected 3.76 billion. we aren't finished with the year. this is serious money. >> mayor adams, being a cop he forgot what it's like to work the streets. he wonders why they will go to new york city. it's a sanctuary city and arrested for a crime and nypd is not allowed to work with ice. when you supply them money, free lodging, free medical care, work authorization after 90 days, is there any wonder why they aren't going to new york? i'll say it again. sanctuary cities are a sanctuary for criminals. if you look at all the cases in the least las year of illegal aliens killing and assaulting women. every one occurred in a sanctuary city. not a coincidence. they are sanctuary for criminals. they commit crimes in ryker's island in new york city. we had a dozen agents assigned to ryker's island. we deported hundreds every week.
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now we aren't allowed there because we are a sanctuary city. they all get released back to the streets right now. >> jacque: president biden is pushing israel to finalize a cease-fire deal with hamas. how prime minister benjamin netanyahu is responding. and president biden is about to head to wisconsin as part of a make or break weekend that also includes a rally in pennsylvania. can he campaign his way out of a catastrophic debate? ♪ hi, i'm sally. i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i wanted all the boost i could get! i heard about prevagen from a friend.
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subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up.
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it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help
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here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa.
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with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. $70,000. $70,000. that's a lot of money. if you're a veteran homeowner, that's how much you can take out at newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and costly car loans, make home improvements, and put extra cash in the bank with our lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. with home values high, now's the time to turn the equity in your home into the cash you need. >> jacque: in moments president biden will leave the white house and hit the trail in battleground wisconsin for a campaign event and sitting for a taped interview with abc news.
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the president is fighting growing pressure to leave the race and reportedly has told close aides he knows he must prove himself during his public events. his remarks during a july 4th event yesterday has not done much to ease those concerns. >> president biden: i used to think when i was a senator, there were always congestion on the highways, no congestion anymore, no, you go out on the highway, there is no congestion. the way they get me to stop talking they'll say we just shut down all the roads, mr. president. you will lose all the votes if you don't get in. i'll be back out. thank you, thank you, thank you, i love you. thank you. >> jacque: when you hear him go off script he whats a stronger delivery. one of the reasons the white house tries to tightly control the message is he does go on tangents. now we aren't used to seeing that and the stakes are so much higher it is really a moment to witness. >> mike: if early on they had done a news conference for 90
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minutes with you and your colleagues that taken the questions to alleviate the concern. it makes you think the staff doesn't think he is up to it. >> jacque: or any value in it. they are very data heavy in this administration and calculated this he need to reach a certain few voters in a certain zip code and go to a friendly radio show host to do that and it's a bigger priority than talking to all of us. it is a affecting the staffers at the white house. the only thing high ranking democratic national committee official told axios the only thing that can really allay concerns is for the president to demonstrate he is capable of running this campaign. the other things feel like weekend at bueberneys. >> you have big donors like ab gal disney saying she is done cutting checks. all right.
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the world is watching moscow and beijing's close alignment. as chinese president xi and russian president putin meet for the second time since may. meantime world leaders echoing concern over president biden's mental fitness. grady trimble is live with the details. >> this week's meeting between russia's putin and china's xi took place at a summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. the fco is a group specifically formed to counter the influence of the west. putin says russia, china relations are at their best period in their history. it is worth noting this meeting took place two weeks after russia and north korea announced a mutual defense pact and less than a week before the nato summit here in d.c. as president biden prepares for it, you guys noted that calls for him to drop his re-election bid are growing. his opponent is questioning whether he is up to the task of handling these strengthening
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alliances. >> can you imagine that guy dealing with putin and the president of china, a fierce person, a fierce man, a very tough guy. >> cnn poll conducted after biden's disastrous debate performance shows voters trust former president trump over biden on foreign policy. but the white house is defending biden's record with nato and more broadly on the world stage. >> foreign leaders have seen the president close up, they have. close up and personally for the past three years and i think that's important to know. they know who they are dealing with and how effective he has been. >> at that summit this week putin also met with president erdogan of turkey seeking to become a member of the china-led sco. we should note erdogan plans to be here for nato summit next week. >> mike: big week ahead. >> jacque: president biden speaking with israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday. biden urging him to finalize a cease-fire in gaza and bring the hostages home. israeli delegation set to resume negligent options with hamas today after weeks of deadlock. let's bring in michael allen, thank you for being here. i'm reading these stories about the president's talk with netanyahu yesterday and the thing that stands out to me is israel has not been the party to prevent this from reaching a conclusion. hamas has been the obstacle. so what's the point of the president pushing netanyahu right now? >> i think he is trying to show that he is still active and still plugged into his foreign policy but you are right, hamas has been the hold-up for so long. a few weeks ago i might have said hey, biden, please quit pressuring our ally, israel. an intervening event occurred. the israeli defense forces have killed or dismantled much of the
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hamas infrastructure, the organized brigades and the rest in rafah, that just came to a conclusion. we might actually finally be seeing the conditions set for some sort of arrangement. hamas feels israel may take their foot off the gas and defenses are say that might be okay. we're running out of targets to hit. >> mike: israeli families want their hostages home. big picture, is it netanyahu's best interest to cut the deal now? >> i think what he has to watch out the most for is his northern border. there is another genocidal terrorist organization that you are aware of called hezbollah that's also there. netanyahu has to think to himself i need to be able to not allow another terrorist organization to invade israel proper. so is there a way for him to
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allow the hostages to come home, because hamas in the south is willing to take a deal, but for netanyahu to still be able to go northward and be able to take out hezbollah. because what they are doing is just something that israel won't be able to accept long-term. the death and destruction of so much of their territory and people toward the northern border. >> jacque: back in the u.s. we're facing upheaval in white house and election coming up, the russian president is pushing a new china aligned security order to challenge the u.s. as others are visiting russia. what do you make of the timing? >> it is definitely time to make sure that this is in the headlines as we approach next week's 75th anniversary of nato. the best military alliance in the history of the world. a big celebration here in washington. but it is a reminder for all of us that it is not just our adversaries russia and china
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that are out there. they are all working together. iran is in there, belarus, north korea, we saw that ridiculous meeting between putin in north korea very recently. they are trying to thwart u.s.-led global order that allows us to be secure and to prosper. so we need an active president. we need a new national security foreign policy that not only takes care of that individually, but all together as an integrated strategy to deal with these adversaries who want to displace the united states as the world's number one super power. >> mike: beijing could be the one power to convince putin to negotiate a deal in ukraine. no evidence of that. >> i think putin is too obsessed with the idea that ukraine isn't a country and shouldn't be in nato and shouldn't look westward. he wants to determine ukraine's future. ukraine badly wants to be aligned with europe and with the
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united states. >> jacque: a lot of discussion about that next week at the nato summit and hopefully the foreign leaders will be able to keep focus on the agenda when it is happening in the president's backyard and the politics that we're running up against are an undercurrent underneath everything we're going through right now. >> big week coming up. >> jacque: thank you for being here. >> mike: the aloha state is an alarming target for mexican cartels. we are watching beryl has it heads for texas. a live report from the fox weather center coming up. fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec.
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>> jacque: voters not buying into bidenomics. the latest jobs report shows 206,000 new jobs last month but unemployment rose to 4.1%. the highest since november of 2021. fox business's edward lawrence just spoke with the labor secretary about all this. edward, what do you have? >> so jacque, the top line number is a good one, 206,000 jobs. when you look under the surface of the water jobs created in june. government created 70,000 jobs. healthcare 48,600. manufacturing and lost jobs and construction. this could be because the president when they came into office prices are 19% higher. 295,000 more people needed multiple jobs in june. i pressed the labor secretary about president joe biden and mental state. bear with us. this interview was just finished. listen. >> the unemployment rate on their way down to 6.3%.
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ask you about the president himself. you talked to the president at the briefing. has there been any conversation among the cabinet members about invoking the 25th amendment? >> that's a first. i will say what we're talking about is recognizing that we're in a moment where there have been incredible progress in the time we've been here and we want to keep building on it. we cannot afford to go back. we cannot afford to reverse course. so we are talking about how we continue to lean in and deliver and make sure that for those still feeling anxious and still need to know -- >> if the president has issues getting through a 90 minute debate and issues on the fourth of july shouldn't there be a conversation about the 25th amendment? >> i was gone on the fourth of july. i was there when we made an historic announcement.
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>> she said the president does not rely heavily on note cards while she is in meetings with him. >> jacque: thank you very much for that. it's illuminating. >> mike: opioid poisoning continues to injure and kill operations cartels are smuggling fentanyl and meth into hawaii. if it wasn't for the ocean the drugs would be driven straight to waikiki. a retired special operations director for the drug enforcement administration. good morning. >> thanks for having me today. >> what is your reaction to this new front in hawaii? >> well, i'm not surprised at all. the mexican cartels run a multi-billion dollar enterprise taking advantage of the weakness east and vulnerability and sending meth to hawaii for many years. they saturated 50 states in
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america. they work with chinese nationals. the leader in dea in hawaii vasquez was one of the agents on the sinaloa cartel against el chapo. i anticipate strong enforcement operations in that area. but you have to remember there is so much money being made. they are taking advantage of the tourist population. they can sell the pills, deadly pills for $16 a pill so it is a lot more money than the mainland usa. that's the way they operate and they will take advantage of the market conditions. i'm confident and my hat goes out to law enforcement. they've been having record seizures of fentanyl and methamphetamine. we just have to continue putting the pressure. we need a greater u.s. government response. we have to decimate the cartel's operation. >> mike: let's look at fentanyl seizures, 13,700 pounds for this
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fiscal year so far. 27,023 pounds last year. 14,700 pounds during 2022. those numbers are staggering and could kill a massive amount of the population. what do you make of those numbers? >> look, dea seized 80 million fake pills last year. administrator put out seven out of ten pills can kill. it is mass poisoning. we're losing historic amounts of kids. what's really sad is that we've never had a terrorist organization in the history of this country kill this many americans. and you could see the weak response not by law enforcement. they are doing tremendous work. just look out in california. recently almost six tons of meth seized in san diego by cbp. almost 4,000 pounds of meth seized in riverside because the cartels production labs are off the charts in mexico and they are operating with impunity and
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getting away with this because mexico is very soft on the cartels. u.s. government has to step up the game if we want to save americans' lives. >> mike: i want to show our audience the status of fentanyl seizures at the southwest and northern border during president biden. 66,692 pounds so far. during president trump 11,871 pounds. what do you make of that statistic? >> well again, statistics are a very good indication of how much is being produced. we only seized about 10%, right? i don't know if that's accurate. the border experts suggest about 10% seized. if you look at what is being actually seized, how much is being produced in mexico? that's the scary part and what every american should be concerned about. because it is no longer illicit drugs, mike, it is poison. that's the point. you guys are covering this for years, fox and i thank you for
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that. we have a rally coming up next week with the lost voices of fentanyl on saturday. all these people from around the country have lost their kids are rallying trying to get washington, d.c. to wake up. enough is enough. >> mike: i can only imagine. special ops director derrick, thank you for your time and analysis today, sir. >> thank you. >> jacque: massive recall for a tool that helps babies sleep. why the company is asking parents to check their sound machines and what you should do if you own one. our fox weather team is tracking hurricane beryl. potential damage that this storm could cause as it is on track to hit texas. tual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is...
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hatch received 19 reports of the plastic cover around the adapter coming off when the rest first generation model is unplugged. machine is safe to use. parents can contact hatch for a free replacement. >> jacque: hurricane beryl making landfall in mexico. the monster score is a category 1. adam klotz is live in the weather center. what's the latest? >> that landfall coming at 7:05 this morning in mexico but beating up areas like cancun. that landfall is a category 2. winds 110 miles-per-hour. as you drag across land and drag across the peninsula you will lose speed with it and why looking at winds down to 85 miles-per-hour. as we continue to track the storm it will go back over open water in the gulf of mexico. as it does it picks up a lot of heat and start to restrengthen. the big question here and it will make a big difference, as
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you follow the track the storm could be anywhere in the cone of uncertainty. if you are on the left side land and right side more time on open water and allow the storm to get bigger and stronger. it makes a difference. you see some of this just running along the coast for a while. that water is very warm. for right now by monday morning we are looking at a category 1 hurricane winds 85 miles-per-hour. again the longer you are out over open water the more the storm can strengthen. you need 80 degree water to strengthen. upper 80s. it would allow the storm to fire up. if it spends time over open water it would be trouble. this is a storm we'll have to watch this weekend, jacque. one potential forecast. we're really thinking texas early next week, monday morning. we'll be watching it. >> jacque: thank you so much. >> mike: now to the rise of artificial intelligence.
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technology requires a lot of energy and companies are turning to nuclear power plants to fuel it. jeff flock has a story from burr wick, pennsylvania. >> good morning. good news/bad news. i'm at a nuclear plant here in northeast pennsylvania. take a look at it behind me. a nuclear power plant signed a deal with amazon web services for $650 million to provide them direct power to a data center right on the property. this is a trend that's happening across the industry in terms of nuclear power plants. the problem with it is that that nuclear power then comes off the grid and consumer advocates say it could mean increased prices for folks like you and me trying to cool and heat our homes. and so we have to keep an eye on it. here is the consumer advocate for pennsylvania named patrick cicero. >> when a, you know, a private
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contract comes in and takes away, you know, 1,000 meg watts, a gig watt of load, that causes significant concerns for our region in terms of reliability of electricity and stability of electricity that our grid needs. >> good news, though, for the companies that own nuclear power plants. constellation energy if you invested in them you could retire. up 82%. nrg energy and tallon, the company that owns this plant up 82% as well. good for investors. we'll see for our electric bills going down the road. >> mike: always fascinating. jeff, thank you so much. >> jacque: busy week and more to watch on "the faulkner focus." harris is out today, dagen mcdowell is in. >> mike: have a great show. >> dagen: president


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