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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 5, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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contract comes in and takes away, you know, 1,000 meg watts, a gig watt of load, that causes significant concerns for our region in terms of reliability of electricity and stability of electricity that our grid needs. >> good news, though, for the companies that own nuclear power plants. constellation energy if you invested in them you could retire. up 82%. nrg energy and tallon, the company that owns this plant up 82% as well. good for investors. we'll see for our electric bills going down the road. >> mike: always fascinating. jeff, thank you so much. >> jacque: busy week and more to watch on "the faulkner focus." harris is out today, dagen mcdowell is in. >> mike: have a great show. >> dagen: president biden headed
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back out on the campaign trail today. he is going to the key battleground of wisconsin to try to flip the script on his re-election campaign after his debate debacle. this is "the faulkner focus." i'm dagen mcdowell in for harris, this is biden's fifth trip to wisconsin this cycle. wisconsin one of a handful of swing states expected to determine the outcome of the election. the latest real clear politics polling average there shows president biden and former president trump in a dead heat. pressure is only growing on president biden to drot of the race. so far now three house democrats have publicly called on biden to drop out. the latest, massachusetts democrat seth mouleton told a boston area dio station said biden must follow in george washington's footsteps and let new leaders rise. a dozen other democrats have expressed concerns.
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>> i do know we're not on a winning trajectory and we have to be honest about that. we need a reset, course correction. we have to acknowledge this was not just one bad night. this is a pretty pervasive and widespread perception dragging president biden down in the polls for many months. we have to figure this out. i think we have a couple weeks to do it. but we have to do it. >> dagen: economist is also urging biden to get out with this scathing cover. a presidential walker. "washington post" editorial board even publishing a hypothetical withdrawal speech for biden. here is part of it, quote. a large part of me still wants to stay in the fight but at this moment, the nation needs something i cannot provide, a leader with the energy to run a vigorous campaign. and then to work for america at all hours for the next four
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years. lucas tomlinson is at the white house with a whole lot more. >> we will not see president biden walking out of the white house, at least not on the south lawn to take marine one to wisconsin. can't land a helicopter on the south lawn now. the president is taking the motorcade to andrews and we won't hear from the president, only see the taillights as it goes to andrews. last night the president hosted u.s. military service members on the south lawn. at one point appeared to go off script. >> president biden: you know, i was in that world war i cemetery in france, and one that one of our colleagues, former president didn't want to go and be up there. i probably shouldn't say that. at any rate -- we have to remember who the hell we are.
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we are the united states of america! >> the president had another what many moment when he appeared to shout i am not going anywhere after somebody in the crowd yelled keep up the fight. later the president enjoyed the fires works after 9:00 p.m. with his family and second family. on occasions lifting the hand of his vice president. an act of solidarity as you can see there. even as the country celebrated 248 years of independence many are wondering if the president is able to handle the rigors of the jobbed and a grueling re-election campaign. after meeting governors wednesday he told the governor of hawaii, who is a physician when asked how the president was doing biden replied my health is fine, it's just my brain. the biden campaign responding to that quote and saying it was just a joke. the biden campaign is now announcing it is spending another $50 million in ads as it appears to be struggling to get this campaign back on track.
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>> dagen: lucas, joe biden after the rally in wisconsin will be sitting down with george stephanopolous, that interview airing tonight. not just today but how critical are going to be the next few days for president biden? >> very critical, dagen. we don't like to use cliches when we say all eyes on the president. people are anxious to see what he is doing after the disastrous debate performance last thursday. the fuel that keeps the campaigns running is money. donor and we've heard from disney heiress. withholding donations. >> dagen: withholding donations from down ballot democrats. democrat congressmen and women and democrats running for re-election in the senate or running for senate seats. all of that particularly down
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ballot is how the pressure builds up on president biden, would it not? >> there is no question about that. notable, dagen, in 1984 ronald reagan won big and nixon won big. democrats managed to keep the house in both those elections. >> dagen: let's bring in lauren write from princeton university and carley, a ceo from a research company. loren, i'll start with you. the question -- i don't talk to people in the media. i don't talk to journalists when i'm not at work. i don't talk to people in politics. i talk to people who live and work their butts off and the only thing people talked about the last two days was the president trying to perform as
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the commander-in-chief between now and january. how can this man lead the country? i think the democrats and even the donors and the media are losing focus on that. >> i think that's so true, dagen. i had a similar experience. i try not to talk to academics not at princeton because i see a similar thing where many of them are out of touch. they just say you know, we know from research that presidential debates don't matter. people are cheering for their own team. this is extraordinarily different. you are right, the number one question on everyone's minds heading into the debate was can biden do the job? is he too old? he made those impressions that he can't so much worse. and now the lies frankly in the wake of the debate and cover-up and people are wondering how bad has this been for how long? why isn't he just stepping aside? the more democrats hesitate and more they say he is in there and
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sticking in there and up to the job, he will do another four years, he is not going anywhere. those are more lies that make it impossible for the campaign to run a message that trump is a liar and democracy is at stake because they are advocating for a shadow government and every person watching either can't believe their eyes are is really upset about this. >> dagen: i want to move to the polls, carley, that a post debate poll shows president trump widening his lead to six point over president biden. the times poll, "wall street journal" poll as well. trump leading biden by six points. his largest lead ever in the journal survey. "politico" said biden's slide in the polls since the debate puts him in a hole larger than all but two incumbents both defeated for re-election going back more than four decades. "politico" also noted the basic
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reality is biden was narrowly losing before the debate and now he is losing by an even greater margin now. we have yet to get granular swing state polls, which would come next week. >> that's right. the polling that has come out so far has shown there is a three-point swing to donald trump as a result of the debate performance. now that in and of itself isn't incredibly significant. this is within the realm of something you could see from a big event like a debate. however, it's the other data that is problematic for the biden team right now in that a larger percentage of voters are saying that president biden being reelected is risky choice rather than a safe choice. more so than they say that about president trump. the problem for the biden campaign is this gets into the heart of the argument because the whole point is that biden
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has been trying to present this contrast to donald trump and making it under scoring the fact that trump comes with the chaos and riskyness and unpredictability and it is being overshadowed by perceived as a greater risk to biden's mental fitness. what we see over the next few days and maybe the next week is really going to be crucial for biden in terms of saving himself. you see growing complaints from the democratic parties and officials and concerns they're expressing >> dagen: not gavin newsom publicly. let's listen to him defending joe biden's ability to carry out a second term yesterday speaking to voters in the key state of michigan. listen to this. >> i've been with him a lot. i've seen him do things that i don't care that a 30-year-old couldn't do.
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you are gas lighting and say that. i reject that. i'm taking about what i see. this is a serious moment in american history. it's not complicated. i need to convince you of is not to be fatalistic. not to fall prey to all this negativity. >> dagen: newsom considered to be on a list of potential replacements for president biden if he should cave to the pressure and drop out, kamala harris, of course, is already on the ticket as the current vice president and would inherit that campaign money directly with no fight if joe biden dropped out. but lauren, on this, how can you stand up and say that? if you watch just the reporting, just the amount of information that's coming from all of these media organizations now, there was a story this morning from the "washington post" writing
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about how biden goes to gatherings of 30 people in living rooms. one living room in palo alto, california and had to take a teleprompter with him. >> it is really bad. i'm from california so i'm not a tremendous fan of gavin newsom. that aside first of all if anyone else replaces biden but harris it is a tremendous insult to her. they campaigned on the historic nature of her vice presidency and said here she the, the future of the party and she can do the job. if they push her aside it's another scandal. second, gavin newsom has never had an easier story in his life. he wants no part of the ticket. damage has been done. trump is at least at this point according to the polling carley was talking about is likely the win the general election and newsom knows that. he would stick by biden, loyal and have the support of the biden camp in the next four years if he decides to try his
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hand at a national race. >> dagen: speaking, carley, before we go who has the upper hand in all this, "the new york times" story about donors, major democratic donors devising plans to pressure biden to step aside, this pac that is being put together by a couple of people. a hollywood filmmaker are trying to raise 50 to $100 million that would go to whomever would step in and take over for joe biden. do the donors among all the people have the upper hand in all of this to force joe biden out? >> no. joe biden will decide to withdraw making that decision himself. maybe with his wife as well. but the donors are expressing their concerns. this is part of what has been taking place over the last week
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as the biden campaign has not been able to put a stop to the concerns coming out of his performance of the debate and he will try to do so tonight with this television interview. but i think on one hand the donor support coming out to support another candidate shows there is another path forward for the democrats should joe biden choose to step ahead. money behind another candidate and ticket. but that said, it will be the next few days whether biden can really put this to rest or if there will be a path that will be put forward where biden can gracefully step aside. >> dagen: thank you both for being here and happy fourth of july belatedly. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> dagen: a big time changing of the guard in the united kingdom. left leaning labor is in after a landslide win over the ruling conservative party. what it means for our long-time
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ally. plus. >> the atlanta state court case is doa. that case is dead. it is crystal clear these were official acts. with respect to the classified documents case i think president trump has a real problem on his hands. >> dagen: the supreme court immunity ruling handing former president trump a major victory. what it all means for all his other court cases? open to question. defense attorney rebecca woodland in "focus" next. that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. -yes! -that's how you waffle! a romantic weekend escaper at a cambria hotel. or mr. get the party started! heyyyyy!! be a pool lounger. or, a big room relaxer. with 22 brands and the best value for your money, choice hotels has a stay for any you. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct at gotta get the corners.
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>> dagen: the u.k. did a big 180 in yesterday election after 14 years in power the conservative party losing in a landslide to
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center left labor. keir stromer. stephanie bennett is in london with much more on this. >> just like the weather today, it was definitely a stormy election. the labor party getting 412 parliamentary seats out of the 650 that were up for grabs leaving the conservatives with just 121 seats. as you said after 14 years in power and five prime ministers for the right wing conservatives labor party leader kier starmer, his turn to become the resident at number 10 downing street shaking hands with supporters, staff and family members today as he gave his first speech as prime minister. >> brick by brick we'll rebuild the infrastructure for world
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class schools and colleges, affordable homes that are hope for working people. the security, the working class families like mine can build their lives around. >> as per tradition prime minister starmer met with kill charles iii to form the new government happening right after sunak resigned. he will represent his constituency in yorkshire. >> you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change and yours is the only judgment that matters. i have heard your anger, your disappointment, and i take responsibility for those thoughts. >> prime minister starmer will only have a couple of days to step into his new home at number 10 downing street and go to washington, d.c. for a crucial
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nato summit that is coming up early next week. back to you. >> dagen: knowing the british people having lived there, stephanie, he has a respite of maybe a few minutes. stephanie bennett, thank you so much. great to see you. the supreme court's ruling on presidential immunity was a major victory for former president trump and it quickly led to another win. the judge in his new york criminal trial agreeing to delay sentencing from next week to september 18th. that gives trump's team more time to prepare arguments to throw out his conviction on falsifying business records. monday's supreme court decision grants broad immunity to presidents and restricts prosecutors from using evidence or testimony concerning official acts to prosecute unofficial conduct. so what could this mean for trump's other cases, other criminal cases involving classified documents and election interference? attorney andrew stolteman with
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this. >> the atlanta state course case is doa, dead. it is crystal clear these were official acts. with respect to the classified document case i think president trump has a real problem on his hands with respect to that case. specifically most of the comment that took place with conduct that took place after he left the presidency. that wouldn't be protected. i think that case will go forward. i think anything related to election interference is dead for prosecutors. >> dagen: rebecca woodland, defense attorney. great to see you. let's start with the sentencing that has been postponed to september. it appears as if judge merchan has not ruled in favor of president trump. i can't remember in any instance. but certainly the prosecutors, to quote jonathan turley, did trip this wire that we're
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talking about in terms of immunity by introducing the check signings took place in the oval office, conversations with hope hicks also tripped that wire. how do you see that sentencing playing out? >> so dagen, i agree with jonathan turley. once the wire is tripped, now my understanding of this scotus ruling is any official acts that are deemed absolutely immune cannot ever be introduced in a prosecution of a former president. if that's the case, then the entire new york case, alvin bragg's entire 34 felony count case regarding michael cohen, i believe should be thrown out. so what we might see is judge merchan saying well, we are going to pick through the evidence. you can't pick through evidence when a jury already has heard the evidence in total and made a decision. we don't know what those jurors
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decided on. did they decide on hope hicks' testimony or something that may not have been protected. in my view in any other case a judge would hear these motions. if he did schedule a hearing for both the former president's attorneys and the prosecution to respond. and then he will apparently have a decision prior to the september 18th sentencing. he said if it's deemed necessary. my understanding in this case would be after these motions are read and he briefs them, there is no way not to save this case, cannot move forward. it is based on information that now the supreme court has said is immune. evidence that they cannot as prosecutors use against the former president. >> dagen: of the two federal
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cases being brought by jack smith and then there is the fani willis case in atlanta, are any of those in your view likely to go to trial? or which one -- let me reverse that, which one is least likely to proceed? >> well, the atlanta case, i agree that the atlanta case, there is now not going to be evidentiary basis because it has been declared immune. with respect to the florida case and judge cannon and the classified documents, i think we'll see and should see a full briefing on what jack smith deems to be evidence that he can proceed with and let the former president's attorneys make a proper rejection of those arguments based on this supreme court decision. let the judge decide. make a decision. if either party is not happy after having been heard and having had their day in court,
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they can then appeal that. that's before we even go to the trial. these are pre-trial motions will happen now and that case will now be quite delayed due to the interpretation of this scotus ruling as it applies to the documents case in florida. >> dagen: rebecca woodland, thank you for being here. the american dream within reach for a group of refugee students in virginia. how a rocket building contest is teaching them that the sky is the limit. plus illegal immigrant children, tens of thousands of them, adding up to another disturbing symptom of biden's border crisis. >> the truth is the biden administration doesn't know what has happened to those 85,000 children, is that correct? >> the fact that a telephone was not picked up, a telephone call was not picked up does not mean
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that child did not have post release services. >> dagen: a parents' worst nightmare playing out over appeared over again at the southern border. in our family there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are at today. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. that's why we do what we do. we can't help it. the glass blowing - that's a part of our dna. it's in my blood, it's in my history. it's my job to make sure that this shop makes it to the next generation.
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♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. >> dagen: vandalism on capitol hill. democratic congressman brad schneider posting this photo moments ago. he said that posters of more than 100 hostages still being held in gaza by hamas terrorists, including eight americans, were ripped off the walls and shredded outside his office in the capitol building. congressman schneider calling it a vile act. he has publicly and repeatedly expressed his support for israel in its war against hamas. he also said that biden will succeed if he stands with israel. we'll follow this story and bring you any updates.
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how did pro-hamas, pro-terrorist, anti-semitic vandals get into the capitol building on july 4th? that's the question. we will look for answers. the record migrant surge over the last three years has made it virtually impossible for the biden administration to keep track of everyone entering the country illegally. and that includes children. many of them unaccompanied, well over 100,000 of them estimated to have crossed the border under biden. senior national correspondent william la jeunesse is in los angeles with more on this. william. >> we don't know what happened to them, which is why we try to track them. we call them children. many are 16 or 17 and don't want to be found. the number you mentioned is over 135,000 under president biden. here is the irony. under president trump he took a beating for allegedly losing track of some 1500 unaccompanied
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minors. >> the u.s. government has lost track of nearly 1500 migrant children. >> we can find isis in the caves of north pakistan and afghanistan but we can't find 1500 kids. >> 1500 children are gone. >> that number may have reached 54,000 by the time trump left office. >> things have gotten worse under the biden administration. >> minors under 18 can't be deported. most are handed over to relatives or sponsors. case managers are supposed to follow up. but according to government data obtained by "the new york times," more than a third of the migrant kids released into the u.s. can't be reached. >> the truth is the biden administration doesn't know what has happened to those 85,000 children, is that correct? >> the fact that a telephone call was not picked up does not mean that that child did not
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have post release services. >> estimates are now that biden lost contact with twice as many children as trump. >> what percentage of those children's whereabouts can you tell me with any degree of certainty. >> it is not accurate to say we have lost them. >> the bottom line is these unaccompanied minors entered alone because their parents were here or on their way. whether trump or biden it is unlikely either the parent or child will ever leave. dagen. >> dagen: thank you for that terrific report. in contrast to those lost immigrant children, there are those who come here as refugees from war-torn countries and manage to beat the odds. for example, a rocket team at a virginia middle school. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has this inspirational story we
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can all learn from. >> this group of middle schoolers make you proud to be an america. many didn't speak english and now they are competing at a rocket building competition. we blurred some of their faces because their families are still facing threats from the taliban. >> an hour outside the nation's capital teams of middle school students reach for the stars. their mission along with the top 1 1 100 finalists for the egg to survive the rocket. >> three, two, one. >> what makes this team from this middle school in alexandria, virginia is made up of new im granulitis. not yet american citizens. children who thread their homes in afghanistan and ukraine.
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this 12-year-old came from ukraine after russia invideed two years ago. while his countrymen use drones and rockets to stave off the russian military he is designing rockets outside washington, d.c. >> we need to put the motor on and make the space bigger. >> a 13-year-old fled afghanistan with his family three years ago during the u.s. withdrawal when the taliban took control. now he is focused on physics. >> we did pretty good and i'm really happy that we made it all the way to here. i'm proud of us and my team has accomplished a lot. >> his father worked for the u.s. government for years as kabul fell, he scrambled to the airport with his family, a two-day long journey in the scorching heat repeatedly beaten by the taliban. when they reached abby gate the u.s. marine on the perimeter
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recognized his father and ushered his family into the airport and greeted warmly by a young female marine, two days later she was killed by a suicide bomber, along with 12 u.s. service members. his family made it to safety on a u.s. military plan. now he wants to grow up to be a pilot. >> my country has been taken over and it wasn't safe anymore. >> this girl fled afghanistan in august of 2021 and also studying and building rockets. she wants to be a lawyer when she grows up and work for the u.s. government. >> it feels like i am free. i wouldn't be able to speak english, not even go to school there. so it feels nice -- i feel proud. >> this child arrived from afghanistan three years ago. his father worked as an enter prettyer for the u.s. military. >> i am thankful and i'm
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independent and they have programs right now like this. >> on hand to observe the students' success with a nasa astronaut who was at the same competition in 2003. >> i'm passionate about students being able to get their hands dirty and build things, experiment, maybe fail once in a while, find out that flights don't go perfectly. >> after a successful launch the team's rocket landed in a bush on descent. the students waited to see if their egg survived. it did. after launching their rocket 847 feet in the air, they came in 50th place out of 922 teams. technically they didn't win the competition, but for all of them just getting to america means they've already won. dagen. >> dagen: they are free, they are free. thank you, jennifer. on this -- as i get emotional on
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this post fourth of july inspirational story you told us. thank you so much. the pressure keeps building on president biden. major democratic donors from a netflix co-founder to a disney heiress calling for him to step aside and the interview he plans to tape with abc today >> unless abc really did show it in its raw, unedited form and unless joe biden was a completely different man and hit it out of the park, this does nothing. i think this is a hail mary shot. >> dagen: the justifiable scrutiny on biden's attempt to flip the script and stay in the race and how abc handles it will be monumental. t t
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tomi laurean in "focus" next. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs. (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed. (wife) which means you'll help us stay on track? (fisher investments) yes. as a fiduciary, we always put your interests first. because we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. tomi
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>> dagen: president biden is set to tape an interview with abc news's george stephanopolous today in wisconsin. it is scheduled to air tonight. part of an effort to course correct after his disastrous debate last week. he addressed that in two radio interviews yesterday. >> president biden: i had a bad night. i had a bad night. the fact of the matter is that, you know, it was -- i screwed up. i made a mistake. and -- but i learned from my father when you you get knocked
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down you get back up. i add bad debate. 90 minute on stage does not erase what i've done for 3 1/2 years. >> dagen: all of this comes amid accusations that many in the media have long covered for biden. one new opinion piece is titled, quote, joe biden can't survive without media protection. it reads in part, quote, imagine being given coveted job of holding the most powerful man in the world accountable and deciding instead of holding him accountable to become partners in a cover-up out of fear of getting yelled at by his staff and angry leftists on social media. now that the media have decided to actually cover this issue, it means they will scrutinize all of his public appearances and under scrutiny there will be no hiding his condition. he is now a naked target. axios analysis finds biden has
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only done 164 press conferences and media interviews this year. that's fewer than any of the last seven presidents at this point in their terms. tomi lahren, outkick host is here. fewer than ronald reagan and ronald reagan was shot early in his term. tomi, it has been a tsunami, a flood, an inundation of stories out of the "washington post", axios, "politico", "the new york times," you name it, just in the last two days about what has been going on with biden and his cognitive decline over the last 3 1/2 years. they didn't write anything until that debate. >> i think it is one of the greatest political cover-ups in history when you really consider the work that the media did to shield and to coddle joe biden and the entire administration. there will be a lot of folks
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tonight anxiously awaiting the abc news sit down with george stephanopolous and joe biden. my eyes are on abc news. will they continue to play the game or will they vow to air this interview unedited and to show moments where perhaps president biden might slip, where he might lose his train of thought? how honest and transparent will abc news and george stephanopolous be with the american people about the joe biden that they get today in that sit-down interview? a lot of folks are uncomfortable it is a taped interview. abc said they will be put out the unedited transcript. that is always not the case. erasing certain words and verbal pauses in some situations might not seem important but dealing with this and his cognitive decline, even erasing little words or missteps becomes critical in understanding the
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state of this president. so to me it is up to abc news to be honest with the american people. they have a chance to do that tonight. we'll have to see if they take that opportunity. >> dagen: "politico" came out with a list of questions that george stephanopolous should ask joe biden. here are just a few of them. will you fully release all medical records, including those that go well beyond what you've released to date? do you find that your mind has gone blank or your mind is racing? what is it like for you? number three, were you aware of the on going efforts by your staff and reducing your scheduled and interviews. i could go on. i could come up with 100 questions that need to be asked. >> there are so many questions the american people have about his cognitive state but i will say that to me is also a little disappointing because we are spending so much time and rightfully so talking about the
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current president's cognitive decline and where he is mentally and physically and we are not talking a lot about the issues. this president has to answer for more than just his physical and mental state. he has to answer for the state and the status of this nation. unfortunately we're being completely distracted from having that discussion. so if they do replace joe biden, i still believe that will happen, we'll have spent talking about the man and message and not about the message. plug and play any democrat will have the same joe biden agenda. i think we need to talk about joe biden's physical and mental state but we can't let him get off the hook about the state of this country and that's being lost in a lot of these discussions right now. >> dagen: alex thompson as axios made this very salient point on x just a short while ago speaking about vice president kamala harris. these are my words but it is his
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point. she has been the biggest cover-up operative for joe biden. i say biggest. but she has run covering for this man for 3 1/2 years. remember her reaction to robert hur's report? she called is gratuitous, an accurate and inappropriate. some of the language she used to describe it was really kind of astonishing. she said the way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and is clearly politically motivated. knowing what we know, how does she even wind up at the top of the ticket if he drops out? >> i think that's exactly it. i think as kamala harris gets more ambitious and the opportunity arises for her to assume that position, i think she will start throwing
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president joe biden under the bus with far more frequency. i don't think she will run cover anymore. she has done it to this point because no one is drawing her name out. not until the last couple of days that anybody uttered the word kamala harris for president. we've been talking about others, not kamala and for good reason. i think the reason you are seeing these governors say we're sticking with joe, he is still in it to win it is because they don't want have to defend kamala harris. it might be really rough for her. >> dagen: every american is left asking the question who is running the country and has been running the country for the last 3 1/2 years. thank you so much. i'll see you soon. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" starts after the break.
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