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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> julie: president biden being pressured to back down from his reelection bid. his rally in madison, wisconsin, will be starting any moment now we will bring alive or marks any moment now. as boarding air force one president biden was asked if he could still way back in november here's what he had to say. >> can you still be to trump? >> hello, everyone i'm alicia acuna welcome to "america reports." >> and i'm julie banderas john and sandra have the day off. as he tries to reset his campaign?
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>> saying biden needs more sleep and less work at night and from new york magazine "the conspiracy of silence to protect joe biden" and this is the front page of today's "new york post" "dazed and confused a reference to a report that president biden says he will no longer schedule of events after 8:00 p.m. fox news contributor karl rove made this prediction about biden in our last hour. >> of the situation has deteriorated and who thinks it's going to turn around? it's not. i bet you that he is gone, bleeding out and his campaign is bleeding out in front of us and it's going to end an end shortly. speech at michigan democratic debbie dingell will give her take in a few moments. >> alicia: first we go to lucas tomlinson live at the white house with the very latest and lucas where do things stand in wisconsin? how close is the race? >> alicia one of the reasons the president is going to the wisconsin today is showing in a
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dead heat in this critical swing state. perhaps that's one of the reasons many democrats are nervous right now about president biden's chances here is one that spoke earlier. >> i do know that we are also not on a winning trajectory and i think we have to be honest about that. we need a reset we need a course correction, we have to acknowledge this was not just one that night, this is a pretty persuasive and wide spread perception dragging present biden down in the polls many months. slip figure this out and we have a couple of weeks to do it. >> last week president biden observe the apple fireworks after 9:00 p.m. and the second fan as you see lifting the head of his vice president times likely an act of solidarity other signal biden intends to stay in the race. another editorial board this time "the washington post" calling for the president to step down in a hypothetical resignation letter which reads in part "a large part of me still wants to stay in the fight
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but at this moment the nation needs something i cannot provide, a leader with the energy to run a vigorous campaign and then to work for america at all hours for the next four years" now yesterday president biden spoke at a sense fourth of july event on the south lawn and it appeared he went off script. >> by the way, you know i was in that world war i cemetery in france. the 11 of our colleagues and former president did not want to go and be up there. i probably should even say that but anyway. [laughter] we just have to remember who we are. we are the united states of america! >> now a short time ago aboard air force one in route to wisconsin white house press secretary karine jean-pierre just held a gaggle and spoke to reporters off camera she said president biden absolutely intends to stay in the race. alicia? >> alicia: lucas tomlinson
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live at the white house thank you, lucas. >> julie: let's bring in michigan democratic congresswoman debbie dingell. thank you for talking to us today. we heard lucas talk about how karine jean-pierre are sort of spoke to a gaggle of reporters basically echoing the sentiment at the white house is now putting out that the president is staying in the race despite some word from "the new york times" he had spoken with an ally he was weighing whether or not to step aside. i want us to listen to kj p onboard air force one as they are on their way to wisconsin. she was asked about the president's schedule which we were just talking about regarding how the president does not like to work after 8:00 p.m. and so forth, let's watch. speak of the president's time is one of the most valuable things we have come a right? i'll be really mindful to not speak to private conversations but there are a couple things i want to say here. look, the president works around the clock. it's a 24/7 job, 365 days out of the are obviously. he also recognizes the point of
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striking a balance and taking care of himself periods view and it's a 24/7 365 day a week job, yes we all know but we also have an end of the president functions best between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and there are reports he has told people on his staff he doesn't want anything scheduled after 8:00 p.m. and he needs more sleep. what does that say you? >> well, first of all i want to tell you there are more rumors than the east is fear. i don't know what is true and what is not true. and, you know i have heard for a week about a letter i think has become a legend quite frankly. that more people have asked me about, more people have talked about, i've never seen or talked to a member about a letter. i don't know what was said, i was not in the room when he talked of those governors. she made it very clear it is a seven day a week 24-hour job and we all know that. so i have been very clear, i have nothing but the utmost respect for joe biden. he has been an incredible
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president for the last three and a half years. i was very surprised like everybody else across the country at the debate last thursday night. there was only one person that can show the american people that he has the energy and the stamina, the focus, for the next four years and that is him. he has to do it now on a sustained basis. >> julie: do you honestly believe that the president and his cognitive ability and what we all saw during that debate, you do not believe that is reason to be alarmed? you don't believe that might be a sign that perhaps the president is not fit both physically or mentally or -- i mean -- go when you see the president do you not get concerned that there might be a problem? in him being able to survive the next four years? >> let me be clear i hate all these words. >> it's very sad. >> i am not a doctor.
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i can't sugarcoat it. it was not a good night but there are times i see the other candidate go on rants and say some of the things that he does that worry me too. there is a doctor that is looking at joe biden, he is the one who has to give us reports. joe biden has to talk to the american people and show the american people he has the stamina, the focus to do the job and he has to do it now. the bigger problem is that it's like he is living under a microscope. we all make mistakes. i make mistakes, you make mistakes. but he is living under a microscope. anything he does is going to be reported, misinterpreted, so we've got to go candidates -- why are we only talking about one candidate, by the way, who did have a poor performance? i think the other candidate had a poor performance that night too. nobody is talking about that or how he doubled down on a lot of things other people when he goes
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on grants. >> julie: i think the focus really is on the fact the president lost his train of thought for so many occurrences. i mean yes, i appreciate while he has come out and admitted he made a i think a lot of democrats are concerned. i think they have every reason to be. >> i think people are concerned about donald trump too. i want to be really clear, i am not a doctor, and cognitive decline you talk about i have been with joe biden. i have had him in really tough discussions with the president and last last year. on subjects i was not afraid to tell him some things he needed to hear that he may not have wanted to hear. he was fully understanding.
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fully responded to me and do i think he is senior staff? i have said this six months ago, get them out of the bubble. let joe biden be joe biden. >> let him talk more and hold news conferences and not rely on cue cards and teleprompters. i think that's what the american people need to see. governor gretchen says she is all in for biden. she stands by him after the white house governors meeting even as her name gets floated as a replacement but there is also reported that she denies, by the way, that she told the biden campaign michigan is no longer winnable after the debate. what do you think of that? >> first of all i think michigan is a purple state and could go either way and i am the one that warned everybody donald trump could win and i told people he was going to win and everybody thought it was crazy. so i am looking you straight in the eye telling you this is absolutely a purple state. it is not not winnable. two i talked to the governor friday night after she had that
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call. i have talked to her almost the only day i did not talk to her was yesterday we were both doing parades. talk to her again this morning. she never said that. if you read the underlining story it was one of her political opponents that was trying to knife her. she has been very clear she told me after the phone call she was very clear in expressing to them she was 100% biden/harris. a lot of people have been trying to push her into the race. she was trying to squelch down and has been very clear that she is 100% biden/harris right now. nor is she someone who came out of the white house talking about what happened in that meeting either. none of us know 100%, there are so many rumors out there right now. the esa sphere is worse than i've ever seen it and i am not old but i am seasoned and i have seen lot of things in my lifetime and right now i'm trying to differentiate between what is true and what is not true. i know a lot of things i am
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hearing are not true. speech we appreciate honesty, thank you for coming on debbie dingell congressman it's great to see you. >> thank you. >> julie: there you go. we will look at wisconsin now once again. we are waiting for president biden to come out in madison as the life picture shows he will be coming out to talk to supporters and hopefully just be candid and frank and unscripted. i think that's what the american people really want to see is they want to see the real joe biden. who is the real joe biden? please stand up i hate to sound like a rapper but that's what people need to see. they need to see the true man that leads this country sitting in the oval office right now. >> alicia: yes and that conversation you just had with congresswoman dingell was fantastic because this is a delicate time. it's a very uncomfortable moment for democrats. they are asking us to look at the past three and a half years. so what they are asking us to do is look at the pass as the american people way whether or
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not to bet on the future for a man who, as she said, we are hearing rumors however we are not hearing rumors all coming from the same place. there is a vast majority of democrats out there talking about their own personal experiences. they are doing the best they can can, it's not easy. speed you to know it's not and you will hear conversations had with the president whether or not he should resign or not e "the new york times" had come out and said the white house quickly slopped back and said look had they given a seven more minutes before going and running the story we would've said that is a secretly false but you can't assume those conversations are not happening, of course they have to be happening if it is among aides or among others in the administration, whether they spoke darkly with the president or not, we don't know, but we know those conversations were had. i mean, the entire country is talking about it so that is impossible to deny. i wish they would at least be a little more forthright and transparent when it comes to the reality of the fear that the white house is feeling after
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that debate. >> alicia: i'm sure like everywhere i go everyone is talking about this. as we await president biden in wisconsin, critics say some foreign adversaries are latching onto biden's cheeky debate performance. what does this mean for our national security? >> julie: plus we are live on the ground in mexico with the hurricane next. urance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> alicia: a live look at the podium in madison, wisconsin, where present by and is expected to speak at this rally and a big sitdown interview he is taping could be make or break for his campaign. the white house is dismissing concerns about his mental fitness. but calls for him to step aside are still growing. we will take you there live when
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he speaks. hurricane beryl making landfall in mexico and the national weather service is already telling folks in texas now is the time to prepare. there was left behind a trail of devastation to south texas. although it is weakening, fox weather correspondent robert ray is in kingston, jamaica, how hard did it hit in jamaica? >> good afternoon to you, julie, two days ago hurricane beryl was a category four on the southern shores of jamaica and this is kingston here in the southeast corner we covered the storm live on the fox platforms from the southwest tip and the outer bands came wreaking havoc across this island nation of 3 million people. and when we were done with our live reporting we knew the
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southern shores were the hardest hit in jamaica so we made our way down in what normally would be a three hour trek. it took us about eight hours because of the downed power lines. the downed power poles, the wind damage, and the trees. i mean to tell you thousands and thousands of trees that are down in this hilly and mountainous island, some of the areas completely impassable had to go off-road and two dirt roads and follow convoys of the vehicles, structures, destroyed roofs, and by the time we got to st. elizabeth and treasure beach down the rock mountainside what we realized is that was the hardest hit of this entire island of jamaica. we talked to survivors just before the sun went down, let's listen to their accounts. describe what you went through. >> it was terrible. i never experienced nothing like that before. the wind, the wind was so
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devastating. it was something like i never see before. you turn it starts to blow. i don't know how to explain it. >> while it was happening, you obviously did not know the devastation you are going to see even when i slow down last night and i looked we kind of went okay, that roof is off, that roof is off, the fruit stand is gone. but this morning was just something you've never experienced before. the thing is we have no internet, no contact with the outside world, nothing. one phone call from canada, i gave them all my friends to call everyone and tell them i'm al alive. i don't know. >> wow. >> i only learned -- i mean we have no other reports we have nothing. we have no power no water, zero.
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>> back live in kingston they are cut off at that point. widespread power outages continue across the island. water is needed and cell phone service really sporadic and zero where you heard those people talking. unfortunately they're been 11 people lost their lives across the caribbean. one in the country of jamaica now beryl is downgraded to a tropical storm, 70-mile-an-hour winds, consistently it has been one of those storms that continues to change expected to increase again as it makes its way to texas. texans, south texans even to houston, be careful. don't underestimate beryl. >> alicia: time to prepare now, robert gray thank you very much. >> alicia: julie we are waiting for president biden to speak in madison as confidence wavers in his ability to do the hard job. it's threatening to overshadow an upcoming nato summit here in
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the economist magazine weighing in on this with its latest cover "no way to run a country." fox business' grady trimble is live in washington and russia and china are trying to counter nato? >> it certainly seems that way, alicia. russian vladimir putin and xi jinping met for the first time since may as the shanghai corporatization that group has physically formed to counter the influence of the west. pollutants has russia/china relations are the best period in their history. it's worth noting this meeting took place two weeks after russia and north korea announced a mutual defense pact and less than a week as you noted before that crucial nato summit in d.c. as president biden prepares for that summit calls for him to drop his reelection bid are growing. his opponent former
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president trump says he is not up to the task of handling these strengthening partnerships, but the white house is defending biden's record not only with nato but also on the world stage at large. >> foreign leaders have seen the president close-up, they have. close up and personally the past three years. i think that is important to know. they know who they are dealing with and how effective he has been. >> a cnn poll conducted after biden's disastrous debate performance shows voters trust former president trump over president biden on foreign policy. >> this is part of the problem that no one respects joe biden. they see it as complete prices and leadership whether it's the lack of leadership that biden or senator abe lincoln says under president trump they know he will take action but they don't fear joe biden. >> we should also point out the leaders of two nato member countries also met with putin this week, turkey's president
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and hungry's prime minister karine jean-pierre today says the administration is concerned he chose to go to moscow days before the nato summit. alicia? >> alicia: grady trimble live in washington thanks. >> julie: the sky's the limit for one group or refugee students now living in virginia they are on a middle school rocket team and just clocked an amazing achievement plus. >> decency and character in joe biden. [applause] >> julie: california governor gavin newsom going to bat in battleground pennsylvania where waiting to hear from the president in wisconsin. shannon bream is here next. ve e. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card
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>> alicia: we are taking alive to madison, wisconsin, you can see president biden just
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arriving there talking to visitors on the tarmac. he has a critical rally in this battleground state. it's going to get under way just a bit but as we watch the president on the tarmac will bring in shannon bream host of fox news sunday and fox news chief correspondent. shannon, as we watch the president here and i talked to karl rove about this too was hard to understate how critical today is, this rally this interview later on this afternoon. >> you are absolutely right. the world is watching. we have been told by the white house hey if you want more transparency and you want to see he is up to the job these are all things you will be doing. he will be out that you will see him at this rally but we want to fsis you will see him and what we are watching right now this off-the-cuff unscripted until it prompted interactions. does he appear sharp or engaged? all of these things and then the interview tonight, it's huge the
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possible fallout held to be be crafted? will it be what we do live to tape meaning they sit down and whatever they get that is it or will it be edited? so much pressure of the house is reminding us there will be a press availability with the white house press core and the president next weekend that again is back and forth unscripted no prompter so a lot of pressure on him but if he makes a good showing it could quiet some of the fears. >> alicia: shannon we will try to listen and here i think we can get the mics up and see if he is recovering from that cold. we know he talked to a doctor but let's listen in. >> what are the stakes in wisconsin, sir?
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>> alicia: okay, shannon as we continue to watch the president here he looks laid on his feet right there, the stakes in wisconsin so high. battleground states we know he is struggling, struggling across the board, but this rally, he is going to be on a prompter. he can do well when he is unscripted but there are times when he goes off script and we saw it during the fourth of july event at the white house where he tends to stumble. >> yes and that is a great point because yes, you can be on prompter and we looked at the juxtaposition last week and in the debate last night he seemed much more engaged in the raleigh, north carolina, but folks say that is on prompter but yes what was the energy
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like? was he stumbling over under those words question markedly clearly delivering campaign lines he has done again and again? is in a coherent thought? is he stumbling or is he on the mark and he knows this rally which is earlier in the day, remember we had that reporting and coming out from that meeting with the democratic governors he does not want to do events after eight and wants to get more rest, those kinds of things, and afternoon event but really as we have talked about it's the lead up to the big show that everyone is going to be watching tonight to see how it goes out. he will be on prompter here but is he energetic? does he have what he needs to keep from flagging and will he have some more of these interactions to people who have shown up to see him? >> alicia: shannon we are really in an hour to our moment to moment day-to-day timeline for democrats right now. they seem to be trying to survive little by little. how long can this possibly go on? >> it's interesting because what we have heard from the campaign white house bubbling out is give
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him a week, let him try to right the ship, it's been over a week from the debate but the calls for him to go from prominent folks all over the left and editorially newspaper pages people that have been full-throated into port in the past now calling for him to step down from the ticket and to resign now but you know democrats have to have their plan b. i can't imagine he would step away from the ticket if he ultimately decides to do so if they don't know exactly what is coming next. have they coalesced around will it be the vice president? will it be somebody else? how will the money be handled? how will donors be handled? how can campaigning be handled? so i think there is a lot they want to do behind the scenes before they would get to the point they could say a decision has been made, he is stepping away, i don't think they will do that short of saying and we have all hash it out, fought it out plan b. >> alicia: coming up on fox news sunday i imagine this is an ever-changing plan. >> it is, booking, rebooking with former congressman tim ryan who ran for president against president biden but was one of
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the first people to endorse him. this time around he was one of the first prominent names to say he has to step down. so he will be with us, our legal panel we have an election expert also to talk through what happens at the convention if this turns into an open convention, we try to walk through all the scenarios as you said it's changing minute-by-minute so who knows what we will be doing on sunday morning? >> alicia: all the more reason to watch shannon bream thank you so much. julie question mike >> julie: three years after the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan some of the refugee children that settled here are getting a taste of american opportunity with the help of a rocket team at a virginia middle school. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has the story so jen, what did you learn about the success of some of our newest migrants? >> julie, it is truly inspiring. this is a story perhaps we all need to hear right now. an example of what makes this country so great. a group of middle schoolers all recent immigrants to the u.s., many did not speak english when they arrived just three years ago, now they are competing at
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the world's largest rocket building competition for students sponsored by the pentagon and nasa. their mission along with the top 100 finalists to launch a rocket carrying an egg high into the air and for the egg to survive. what makes this team from francis hamman middle school in alexandria, virginia, different, it is made up of new immigrants. children who fled their homes in afghanistan and ukraine. 12-year-old r tim came to the u.s. from ukraine after russia invaded his homeland two years ago. now while his countrymen use drones and rockets to stave off the russian military, he is designing rockets. >> we need to put the motor in, the motor didn't fit so we need to make the space bigger. >> 13-year-old furhan fled when the taliban took control. now his focus on physics. furhan 'his father worked for
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the american government for years as kabul fell he's come to the airport and made it to safety on a u.s. military plane with his family. now furhan says when he grows up he wants to be a pilot. >> we decided because of the war and all that stuff our country has been taken over and it wasn't safe anymore. yostra >> who fled with her family in 2021 she is also studying and building rockets something the taliban would never have allowed if she had stayed in afghanistan. >> it feels like i am free. i would not be able to dare even speak english and not even go to school, so it feels nice, i feel proud. >> after launching a rocket 847 feet in the air the team's rocket landed in a bush and the egg survived they came in 50th place out of 922 teams. technically they didn't win the competition, but for all of
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them, julie, just getting to america means they've already won. julie? >> julie: such a sweet story loved hearing her speak like that how precious think you so much that was really awesome. i love that, thank you, jennifer. >> alicia: we all needed that. we are moments away from president biden's high-stakes rally in wisconsin. he will be trying to convince voters that he is fit to serve but some leaders in the business world are joining the calls for him to step down. brian brenberg is here to discuss next plus this. do you think they are pumped? one of the biggest motocross event in the country taking place this weekend in michigan and of the crowd is a bit fired up. we will be sitting down with one of the racers who is favored to win at all. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button.
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we are moments away from president biden's high-stakes campaign rally in wisconsin we have facing mounting calls to bow out of the presidential race now the leaders in the business community are joining in as well. let's bring in brian brenberg cohost of the big money show on fox business. i mean i could understand to some big donors would be concerned leading into the selection. what are the big donors that are mostly concerned about? >> you never want to throw good money after bad. these people made money, they've invested and now they are wondering could this guy go on question mike does what i don't get about that because they are smart, they have money. you could see this for a long time, right? i mean -- >> alicia: is not yet have an overnight. >'s because they have the money the smart people they've artie given a lot of money in the past, what did they think they were going to get? what it tells me is they knew this was a problem.
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they were hoping it wouldn't be in the headlines and on the billboards and in the bright lights and the debate turning it into a bright light and that's why they are now saying we have to pull back. they were caught with her cane in the cookie jar. >> julie: another she was dropped maura healey maura healey a top biotin surrogate saying the president should carefully evaluate his path forward. she says the best path forward and i was a decision for the president to make over the coming days i urge him to listen to the american people and carefully evaluate whether he remains our best hope to defeat donald trump. those are big words coming from massachusetts. massachusetts. >> let's do the translation from clinical speech. she says get out now, you are done, leave. but she says listen to the american people. if you were listening to the american people for quite some time, they have been saying you
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ought to actually, mr. president, step down because we don't think -- i'm in the polls are not new. we have known this for a while now. they were really concerned it is over for them in the selection. and i think they are right to be concerned because people didn't see what happened in this debate and if he is an 8:00 p.m. bed, time guy he can't be the president. >> between 10-4 question mike >> the world has to happen from 10-4. is that we are hoping for? >> what if there is a terror attack in the middle of the night? >> if is not from 10-4 or at all. i mean, political malpractice is common, but this is the highest level of political malpractice just in case everything happens on his timetable. >> alicia: i want to bring up the donor concerns major double credit donors devised plans to pressure biden to step aside, how big is the panic among business leaders? we have heard from folks like hedge fund manager bill ackman
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for months now, but this seems to be spreading film producer and philanthropist to abigail disney says to stop toning until biden drops out and here's what she told cnbc, i intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace biden at the top of the ticket. this is not realism, not just respect, biden is a good man and has served his country admiringly but the stakes are far too hyperion it's not a personal attack on president biden, it really just is a great concern for his ability to leave this country. i'm not talking about the remainder of the term of the next four years will put him so much further down the line. >> i will give him credit for that. i don't think it's a personal attack. you can't attack a guy personally for getting old. that is not the blameworthy part of this. of the blameworthy part is people who are iver with it looking at him and saying we will put them on the stage, who is putting him on the station today? you get up in wisconsin to make this pitch he will do the
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interview with george stephanopoulos, who is saying to him go and do that and convince the american people you are okay? because whatever you see in this is not indicative, whatever good you see is not indicative of how he could do this job. >> alicia: if he was able to do the damage control needed to resurrect his campaign he would've done so by now. he would've held news conferences and done more of the soft prompter. there will be a teleprompter most likely at this event and you can very much tell them you see him speaking if he is off teleprompter because as soon as the cue cards go down, he seems to lose his train of thought after a few words. >> you have to get rid of the intermediary and they won't let him out there without the intermediary. >> julie: they are protecting them and covering up what is a much greater concern and that is why the american people and these donors all of a sudden wait a second, that is really how he is question mike we heard rumors it's a harder pill to swallow. >> ignore it. >> julie: great to see you i love the patriotic outfit. >> we do what we can with what
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we've got. >> julie: you are doing a great job. alicia come over to your. >> alicia: thank you, julie and brian carry one of the biggest motocross races motocross races with a big fourth of july atmosphere air as singer joins us live on what next. and dermatologists. plus, it's gentle. so, i can use it everywhere. secret whole body deodorant.
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live look at the podium in madison or any moment president biden is expected to speak. after this rally the president will have his big sitdown interview with george stephanopoulos doing it for a bc which you will be taping in wisconsin which can be a big make or break for his campaign. just to give you behind-the-scenes tidbits we have been receiving from the travel pool as his motorcade arrived sherman middle school in madison the basically travel polls saying they passed a good handful of onlookers during their drive. many filming the motorcade on their cell phones excited because the president is in town but as they turned into the school there was a larger group gathered on the corner and they spotted 2 palestinian flags waving in the far distance. some signs differentiating. 1 said saviour legacy dropout pick another red 3 generations for jordan joe biden.
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so mixed reaction and some open arms for the president as he arrives in madison wisconsin. as soon as he steps up to the podium will take his comments live. 's fact that through the time. 1 of the biggest motocross events in the country's red blood national it takes places weekend in michigan. a favourite to win is aaron plus anger known as the cowboy for his down-to-earth personality and trademark cowboy hat. let's look at the hat right now. so nice to see you. so tell us about what everyone is going to experience, what you're expecting and hoping for this weekend. >> well it is the most as you can see patriotic race here redbud. and it's in michigan and hours
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of coming here. it is 1 of the best nationals on the circuit for me and the track is good. people are awesome and as you concedes very patriotic and very, very fun race. if you're not here you are definitely missing out. >> i totally for like a missing out. as soon as i saw the video i thought that's a place to be right now and look second a fourth of july theme. imagine it's like that every year. so tell us how did you get into this, how did you start doing this because of your dad, off-road racer as well? >> yeah, my dad is 4-time champion in the off-road series which they race in the woods. i did that growing up until 2013 and then said 1 day let's just try motocross and see how we do. the rest of it was history." 's pretty good at motocross. somebody came out to me and gave me an opportunity to ride really, really good bike and
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turned professional in 2015 and it's an amazing ever since. a few rough years here and there but we are back on the horse now. we are on rentable racing team. i'm the number 7 if you're watching a new want to cheer for somebody but it's very fun and very exciting. if you're not a fan i will throw it out there that you should be. 's fact this is the moment that folks can take a look at this. elixir good time. everybody can check it out this weekend spee and like i said it's in buchanan michigan and then it is on peacock app and yet it is 1 of the best nationals on the circuit like i
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said. the bigger circuit is called smx super motocross, and that's 3 races at the end of the year that we do. we wish you luck this weekend. have a good 1. thank you. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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12:00 pm
>> let's head out to madison wisconsin. the president speaking madison wisconsin has already touchdown in route as we speak so he's hitting the podium any moment as soon as his comments begin fox will take you there live. and it's been a great pleasure to be working with you even though we are not technically in the same studio. i love your wardrobe choice. that was a great colour. >> speaker-08: thank you. good colour on you for sure. when they will do this on the same set together. stick around for the story. anita vogel is in for martha to


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