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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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appointment. you don't take one of those senior positions in our government and give it to a d.e.i. person. >> jason: that's right. it's identity politics over competency. i think what america wants right now, they want competency, and that is not how she got into that position. she has not delivered that. she delivers word south -- yeah. horace, i wish i could keep chatting but that's all i can do tonight. i want to thank you again for joining us. i'm jason chavits who's been in for laura ingraham. i hope you have a chance to find out who's really running the country in the white house. i hope you have a chance to check out my book called "the puptears: the people who control the people who control america." it was evident a long time ago. the reason i wrote this book. thanks for watching. laura's back on monday. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> welcome to a special edition of jesse watters prime time. i'm will kane in for jesse. fox news alert: did his first televised interview since that disastrous debate. in the exclusive interview with abc news and or george stephanopoulos, he made excuses for that performance. >> a bad episode or a sign of a more serious condition? >> president joe biden: it was a bad episode. no indication of a serious condition. i was exhausted. i didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing. a bad night. >> you say you were exhausted and i know you've said that before again. you came home from europe about 11 or 12 days before the debate, spent 6 days in camp david. why wasn't that enough rest time, enough recovery time? >> president joe biden: because i was sick. i was feeling terrible. as a matter of fact the docs with me i asked if they did a covid test to try to
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figure out what was wrong. they did a test to see whether or not i had some infection, you know, a virus. i didn't. just have a really bad cold. >> first take. hoarse voice, vacant eyes, mouth agape very similar to what we saw a week ago thursday. the only real difference that seems noticeable at first blush is the blush. he seems to have found the bronzer some may say. let's try to copy it on trump? we'll have more leelights and highlights of that interview a little later in the show. today was the start of one of the biggest surges, at least hopeful surges, for joe biden's presidency. he's laser focused -- of course not on protecting the country, not on bolstering the economy, not on ending foreign wars. now leading the country, but on winning an auto lex to kind of lead the country but in order to do that he has to be laser focused on proving to you that his brain is working. >> president joe biden: there's been a lot of speculation, what's joe gonna do?
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is he going to stay in the race? [ cheering ] is he going to drop out? what's he gonna do? where's my answer? i am running and going to win again. [ applause and cheering ] they're trying to push me out of the race. >> [audience member:] no! >> president joe biden: let me say this clear as i can. i'm staying in the race. [ applause and cheering ] i'll beat donald trump. i will beat him again in 2020. [ crowd chanting ] by the way we're going to do it again in 2024. >> will: before he can beat trump or face trump he needs to get control of his own people. civil war has broken out inside the democratic party. one faction wants joe out. the other wants him to stay. both have the same goal, it's to stop donald trump. >> president joe biden: this is not my privilege. this race is about our freedom. it's about our democracy.
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[ crowd din ] it's about the very soul of america. >> audience: yes. >> president joe biden: are we prepared to fight for that? >> yeah! >> president joe biden: i know i am and i will. there's nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we stand together. so let's stand together, win this election and exile donald trump politically. >> will: so biden's most hard-core supporters, those that are suspiciously maybe even dangerously close to the throne, are trying to convince you he still has it together. >> had the opportunity to talk to the president for an hour, hour and a half. could have gone two, three hours and i mean this with absolute conviction. that was the joe biden i remember from two weeks ago. that was the joe biden. >> yeah. >> that i remember from two years ago. >> yes. [ applause ] >> that's the joe biden -- [ applause ] that i'm looking forward to reelecting as president of united states. >> will: careful, joe. he's awfully close to the throne. but meanwhile, biden's baghdad bob in this nbc's joe scarborough, after
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momentarily freaking out, letting the truth slip about a week ago about joe biden, he's got it together. he got his new marching orders and he's warning everybody to give biden some time before making the big switch. >> i said eight days ago that the president need today consider getting out. i said that we needed to give it time, needed to see what was going to happen, and i think we're still there. it's only july the 5th. such an historic decision should not be made in haste. the democrats, you better get this right. you better think through it. you better take your time. you better take a deep breath and you better get this right. >> will: it's only july the 5th. take your time. time. that's the one thing biden doesn't have. i mean every day he gets older.
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and the faction that wants biden out is getting louder and bigger. this week, house democrat seth molten said his party needs to consider another candidate, making him the third democrat in congress since the debate to signal biden's gotta go. even more notably, the "washington post" is reporting that democratic senator mark warner of virginia is putting together a group of senators to tell biden to drop out. just a reminder, they don't care that he's mentally shot. they've known that for a long time. they care thaw saw it and that now it looks like he may lose to trump. and the people who really control the party, the maga donors, they're also joining the chorus of asking biden to drop. netflix co-founder reid hastings and disney heiress abigail disney are part of a group of democratic donors that say biden's time it up. they want a new candidate. and that's reflected on the streets, not the street slang metaphorical streets of kamala harris but real
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roads. on his way to wisconsin today, biden was greeted by democratic voters who said we love you, joe, but we're moving on. >> folks have been lined up, waiting for the motorcade route that president biden will be on, and you see some of the signs out there. one of them says "i love you joe. bow out." another one says "keep democracy's flame burning. pass the torch." >> will: pass the torch. look at this. during biden's speech one guy behind the president whipped out a huge sign says exactly that "pass the torch, joe." meanwhile, while all of this literally surrounds joe, the faction is -- that wants to keep joe in place is trying to keep their cool publicly. behind the scenes, it's total panic. >> look, i'm just going to be honest. i mean everybody comes on the air and says all this great stuff but behind the scenes it's full-scale panic. people are passing around
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legal memos, p.d.f.s flying back and forth on whatsapp trying to figure out what are the options? how can you replace biden? how do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected as he should be respected. who should kamala harris's vice president be? the conversation on air and the conversation off air are completely different. >> will: you know, that is a really fascinating and important admission. whatever you're being told publicly is not what's happening behind the scenes. what's happening behind the scenes? joe biden's trying to work over democrat governors, in private, but it seems like even with that he's doing more harm than good. anything embarrassing bit epp is saying is leaking. watch. -- biden is saying is leaking. >> the president's telling governors that he would stop doing events after 8 p.m., saying that he needs more sleep. that, according to sources frustrating some of those in the room. >> will: biden wants to work less than sleep more. i guess it just makes him like everyone else in america. but it was already reported
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biden's only engaged for 6 hours a day and that was too much. of course, you know, the one again who is suspiciously close to the throne is there to defend joe biden. >> it wasn't a literally 8:00, i will be doing things differently. it was more figurative. >> will: let me watch game of thrones? littlefinger. while newsom is cleaning up biden's mess, other governors were asking president important questions. >> read you some of this "new york times" report that says that mr. biden replied to a question from the hawaii governor about his health, that his health was fine. quote, it's just my brain. >> will: biden might have been joking but does anybody actually think his brain is actually ok? his staffers don't. axios is reporting, quote, many staff members working in the white house, the campaign and the d.n.c. say the efforts to ease the concerns of staffers and voters have been insufficient and too late. they said biden's remarks to campaign d.n.c. officials wednesday seem stilted and scripted raising further
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questions among staffers who wondered whether his tight inner circle is being honest about his abilities. so joe biden's going back to try and win democrats tonight in an interview with george stephanopoulos. it's one of clinton's old cronies and we'll show you anything news worthy in just a few moments that comes out of that interview. it is only 15 minutes long but if biden looks at all like he did during the debate, he's done for. democrats will attack and they'll begin to discuss who's next. kamala, of course, is waiting in the wings. she and biden, trying to put on a united front in public. >> give thanks to our commander in chief, vi -- the president of the united states, the extraordinary president of the united states. [ cheering ] joe biden! >> president joe biden: ho, ho, ho! happy independence day. >> will: ho, ho, ho. that's a new one on independence day. kamala was on the white
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house balcony during the fireworks show last night a first for the vice president. biden raised their hand -- her hand up in the air like they're in this together or he was crowning a new champion. there are no real true alliances in washington. they all have every individual and politician this unquenchable thirst for power. and kamala can now taste the presidency. so close. biden's walking on tight rope. half his party is trying to make him lose his balance. let's bring in senator ron johnson. senator johnson, thanks for being with us on primetime tonight. what are you expecting at the end of this airing an interview with george stephanopoulos? with fractures already in the base, among the governors and even in your chamber in the senate, what are you expecting is going to be the response from democrats? >> it's hard to say, really. certainly joe biden, the they got his drug cocktail right for his speech during wisconsin. he seemed pretty juiced up, pretty energized. >> i thought the interesting clip i saw from the
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stephanopoulos interview, george asked him a pretty simple question. mr. president, did you watch the debate? it's a pretty simple yes, no or i saw a few clips. instead joe biden had to think about it, and he goes i don't think so. no. so, again, he is -- it's been obvious that he's unfit for office. first of all, his family corruption, his corruption. he has been deteriorating mentally and physically for years. the corrupting complicit media has been covering it up so all blowing up in their face right now so very difficult to predict. he came out swinging today. he said he's going to run and it's going to be very difficult if he's a determined man, if dr. jill biden is determined. if hunter biden wants to make sure his dad stays in office to protect him, it's going to be really difficult for the democrats to replace him. >> will: i think it's also going to be difficult, though, for democrats to reel it back in, senator. no matter what happens during this interview with george steph nap lus, and i don't know what your relationships are like across aisle if you've heard
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this kind of talk from your colleagues. if it's true senator warren to go approach biden and talk to him about stepping aside, i don't know what answer he could give to george stephanopoulos that brings those senators back into line for biden. >> first of all, i haven't heard any democrat senator question his ability. they're all, you know, pleased with all the massive debts and spending i guess pleased with the 40-year high inflation. they certainly like the open borders until the main stream media started reporting on they're looking for political cover. again they've been sadly behind biden and democrats have a real problem. any democrat has a real problem. if you lose the media and biden lost the media overnight after that debate. it's pretty difficult because democrats can lie. they can enact policies that are disastrous to this country but as long as the media's on their side covering up for them, they can survive. the minute they lose the media, they really are toast. but if president biden is president, he has the nominee. he has the nomination.
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he has the votes. he's going to be difficult to, again, replace if he wants to stay in there. >> will: yeah. we'll have to see what the nature of that questioning might have been from george stephanopoulos tonight. last question very quickly, senator. senator kamala harris turned vice president kamala harris turned president kamala harris? does the competency follow the promotions? >> well, we've all seen her word salads. i just just noticed when she was a senator on my committee she was mean to witnesses. not respectful just outright mean. i certainly wouldn't want to see her as president and i don't think most americans wants to see that either. >> senator ron johnson, thanks for being with us on this fourth of july weekend. hope you enjoy the rest of this holiday. thank you, senator. up next, one of the greatest political cover-ups in american history. [ ♪♪ ] when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> i know you said you had an ongoing assessment. >> president joe biden: i get a full neurological test every day with me. and i've had a full physical. i had -- you know, i mean i've been involved in read for my physicals. yes, in answer. >> i know your doctor said you consulted with a neurologist. i guess i'm asking you a slightly different question. have you had the specific cognitive tests and have you had a neurologist, a specialist do an examination? joe biden >> president joe biden: no. no one said i had to. they said i'm good. >> will: so the answer was yes at first? every day i get a neurological test? but then pressed with some specificity. now i'm not talking about whether or not you can read. have you actually had a cognitive test? the answer then, in turn, after stumbling is no.
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this is not gonna work. this is not going to calm the waters. after the couple clips we've seen so far coming out of that inter view between president joe biden, abc's george stephanopoulos. we're going to break down that interview in just a few minutes with shan fon breen. this cover-up of joe's mental and physical health will be remembered as one of the greatest political conspiracies of the last half century in america. and everyone involved, from family members to staff, should be exposed for really honestly pulling a stunt that was previously the stuff of pure fiction. you remember dave? the hollywood movie where an incapacitated president was replease -- place by a look-alike? big kevin klein vehicle. how close is reality getting to fiction? >> david, the reason we invited you here tonight is because something has happened to the president. >> what about the price -- vice president? >> but the vice president is mentally unbalanced.
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>> will: for years -- [chuckles] for years, people who questioned biden's mental deterioration were labeled right-wing conspiracy theorists. now though the legacy media has green-lit an open discussion about joe's health. cnn's leading medical expert wants the president to take a cognitive test. >> testing can be so important, and i think the real question you're trying to answer is are these episodes just episodes that could be explained by lots of things, or is this reflective of something that is deeper? if he were my patient, frankly if he were my father, i would advocate for this sort of testing. >> will: and now new york magazine's olivia newsy has dropped an absolute nuke on the, quote, conspiracy of silence that protected the president for as long as it did. and her story describes a private campaign event geared toward wealthy democrat donors in suburban new jersey. the saturday event had around 50 people, many white
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house staff and had the sole purpose of convincing those rich donors that president biden's not going to drop dead, but even with the pre-written speech and teleprompters on every side and a well orchestrated backdrop, biden still struggled to make it through a simple address. reporters told newsy anonymously that they strained to hear him speak that night. the print reporters had to double-check with each other about words were mumbled. the radio reporters trying to make sense of the appearance. and she wrote, quote: up close, the president does not look quite plausible. it's not that he's old. we all know what old looks like. bernie sanders is old. mitch mcconnell. most of the ruling class is old but the president was something stranger, something not of this earth. new york magazine telling us that joe biden doesn't look human. he looks like something out of the alien franchise, continuing his thin skin
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long a figurative problem is now a literal problem. it's pulled tightly over his cheeks. it seems to vary month to month in volume. under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam. he looked, well, inflated. his eyes were half shut or open very wide. they appeared darker than they once had. his pupils, dilated. he did not blink at regular intervals. not sure -- sure his eyes were open but they weren't on. and then most of all, most concerningly of all, his memory. she wrote: long time friends of the biden family who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names. at a white house event last year. a guest recalled with horror realizing the president wouldn't be able to stay through the reception because it was clear he would not be able to make it through the reception. it's a shocking revelation for a liberal journalist who brushed off criticism of joe's mental state for years and now nuzzi, like the rest
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of us, wants answers. who was actually in charge? nobody knew, she wrote. but surely someone was in charge. and surely there must be a plan since surely this situation could not endure. the problem both for democrats and america is that it's becoming increasingly clear that joe's family, namely jill and hunter, are the ones in charge, and according to nbc they're urging joe to stay in the race and fire his staff. yeah, that oughta do it. america first legal founder steven miller joins us now. you know, steven, this is really descriptive writing from nuzzi and she kind of breaks it down into the way he sounds, stumbling, mashing sentences and points together and trying to almost get them all out at once. the way he looks he was described as waxy. the insinuation he's had a lot of cost mess im -- cosmetic work done injectables and that's why he varies month to month. what you and i should focus on, the man behind that skin,
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behind that face and how compromised is the mind of the president? >> well, this is the greatest national security crisis that has ever afflicted the office of the presidency, and nothing even comes close. the man now occupying the oval office, the west wing, the most premier office on earth that can, in a moment, start a nuclear war, a global conflict, a world war, is functionally, mentally gone. he has -- whether you call it dementia, whether you call it senility in its most extreme form, whether you call it a case of severe brain disease, cognitive failure, mental incompetency. the man is nonfunctional. he is nonfunctional. i'll say one more thing. ever since his debate with donald trump, where trump k.o.'ed him in the first round, knocked him flat cold on his feet.
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whatever biden had left, whatever was left of biden's tank is now completely depleted. he is shot, incoherent. even when they aim to do a friendly media interview, he's not there. there's nothing behind the eyes. but i think to your point is the conspiracy. who's running the country and who's been covering this up? one thing we know for sure is that kamala harris is at the beating heart of this conspiracy. as the vice president, she is the one who had the highest responsibility to alert the public and invoke the 25th amendment. and in interview after interview for four years she has lied about his mental state. she has a weekly lunch with him. she's at his side. she needs to be hauled in front of congress immediately to answer questions. what did kamala know? >> will: yes. >> when did she know it and why did she lie to us all? >> will: yes. and not just kamala. i believe his family members, dr. jill biden. this is a serious conspiracy perpetrated on the people of america over the competency, the capabilities of the leader of the free world.
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i was serious when i referenced dave earlier, the movie which was a comedy about pulling off a look-alike. the important point is because the real president was incapacitated and we have a real president incapacitated and the media's lied to us and politicians have lied to us for four years about his capabilities. what do you make of the green light? now all the conspiracy is over. now everyone is allowed to tell the truth. >> it really is the most remarkable media moment in our lifetimes, because let's be very clear. the media was part of the conspiracy for four years. they covered it up. they lied and every time donald trump or others pointed it out, they said it's fake. it's disinformation. we obviously saw just a few days ago this nonsense about cheap fakes. they were part of it, but that debate was such a soul-crushing moment for the ruling class and the establishment.
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they believed that, just like the state of the union, they can pump him full of drugs and get him like 30 minutes, 35, 40 minutes enough that they can lie to us again. and like i said when trump k.o.'ed him right in the first round and biden was just a mumbling stumbling incoherent slap-jaw glass-eyed mess, that ended and now everyone is saying the truth but it doesn't matter because we still don't know who was behind the conspiracy, why they lied to us for so long, who was running the country today and what the hell we're going to do when we have not only joe biden that's incompetent but kamala harris as part of the conspiracy. >> will: stephen miller, always enlightening. thanks so much for being with us tonight on "prime time." >> thank you. >> will: more low lights from brid biden's first tv interview since the debate. shannon breen is on deck. [ ♪♪ ] auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you?
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>> will: fox news alert. president biden sitting for his first tv interview since
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last week's disastrous debate against donald trump. since then, there have been new concerns about the president's health and democrats from all over the party spectrum have been calling for joe to end his reelection campaign. and let a new candidate take over the run for president. today's interview is biden's last chance to either reestablish his candidacy, calm the waters, or seal his fate with democratic voters. in an exclusive interview with abc's news anchor, chief news anchor george stephanopoulos the president is pressing back on those who say he doesn't have the mental capacity to serve another term. >> do you dispute there have been more lapses especially in the last several months? >> president joe biden: can i run the 110 flat? no. but i'm still in good shape. >> are you more frail? >> president joe biden: no. my schedule. [chuckles]. >> i know you spoke with your doctor after the debate. what did he say? >> president joe biden: he says -- he just looked at me and said you're exhausted.
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i said i have medical doctors follow me everywhere every president does. some of the best in the world travel me everywhere i go. i have an ongoing assessment of what i'm doing. they don't hesitate to tell me if they think there's something wrong. >> the president made excuses including a cold, covid, exhaustion for his performance last week in that debate. stephanopoulos questioned the president if he was willing to take an independent medical evaluation and release the results to the public. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the american people? >> president joe biden: look, i have a cognitive tells every single day. every day i have that test. everything i do. you know, not only my campaign. i'm running the world and that's not how -- it sound like hyperbolement we are the central nation of the
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world. madeleine albright was right. every single day. for example today before i came out here i'm on the phone with the prime minister of -- i shouldn't get into detail, but with netanyahu. i'm on the phone with the new prime minister of england. i'm working on what we'll be doing with regard to -- in europe with regard to expansion every nato and whether it's going to stick. i'm taking on putin. i mean, every day, there's no day i go through there are not those decisions i have to make every single day. >> and you have been doing that and the american people have been watching. yet their concerns about your age and your health are growing. so that's why i'm asking people to reassure them would you be willing to have the independent medical evaluation? >> president joe biden: watch me. a lot of time left in this campaign. over 125 days. >> so the answer -- >> make the decision. >> the right anticipates now is no? you don't want to do that. >> president joe biden: i've already done that. >> will: he always says watch me. chief correspondent sunday
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anchor shannon bream joins me. you probably had a chance to see the entirety of the 15-minute interview. what did you think? >> i know george stephanopoulos did press him on that point numerous times. would you get a neurological assessment? would you take a cognitive test and would you release it to the american people? he put that question to him repeatedly and you heard the president's answer was always that i do have a cognitive test every day. it's what i do. look how i've expanded nato. look how i've pulled together, you know, groups to push back on putin. look how i've helped in the south pacific and increased japan's defense budget so he talked about all those things. i was really struck watching this thing in full that he definitely has a different perception than what a lot of us hearing out there. we read the articles. we hear the leaks. we hear people who have gone public now saying we don't want him on the ticket anymore. donors saying they're going to pull their money not only from him but from anybody who is supporting him. yet in this conversation with george stephanopoulos he pressed him numerous times, what would it take to
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convince you to drop out? what if nancy pelosi and schumer all came to you and said for the good of your legacy and for the country you can leave with grace. and he said i talked to all of them. they're not going to do that and he clearly does not hear the calls that are out there publicly. >> will: so, shannon, i want to ask you two things about this interview. you've had the privilege to see the entirety of it which i understand approached 20 minutes. i haven't as it's been going at the top of the hour at the beginning of "jesse watters primetime." so first i want to ask you about the interviewer george stephanopoulos. what was his demeanor? did you feel like it was running cover for joe biden, providing him a soft landing, some soft questions? or was it a tough interview, asking the president tough questions that needed to be asked about this issue? >> yeah. i think i would say it was more the latter. i mean it was -- he really pressed him. he said a number of times, are you sure you're being honest with yourself about your ability to beat president trump? are you sure you're being
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honest with yourself about the stamina you need for another four years of this? when president biden would say yes, of course i'm going to beat him. i feel good about it. he repeatedly came back to him with poll numbers wall kinds of battleground swings states with approval ratings and said are you being honest with yourself? the president kept saying they don't match up with those polls but it was really uncomfortable at points and stephanopoulos did press him on a lot of really uncomfortable questions. >> will: i think that's notable not only in that it lends some credibility to the reputation i'm sure he hopes to have earned over his career. he wants to appear objective. so good for him in that respect. it also suggests, i think, something for all of us to see where the larger democratic party might be with joe biden right now. are you still running cover? are we actually taking this issue head on? last question for you, shannon. so that's the nature of the interviewer. i've seen the clips and stylistically joe biden looks very reminiscent, from what we saw in that debate.
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a hoarse voice, some stammering, mouth agape, glassy eyes. now i'm sure there are other moments, and i think that's the point in the end, you know. which moments is he judged on, the low moments or the moments of clarity? and i think with the president we need 100% clarity. so how did he pull off the entirety of the interview? >> listen, i think overall, it was better than probably a lot of people would expect. definitely better than the debate performance but he definitely also lost his train of thought in some of these answers. he pulled it together, was kind of on a good clip towards the end but i got the sense from stephanopoulos's questions it's almost as if he himself was trying to convince him it's over. >> will: well, the debate set a pretty low bar so we all go into it with a set of expectations and maybe he was able to exceed that performance from the debate. shannon bream, thanks for telling us how it went tonight jumping on quickly on "prime time." while joe biden is definitely clinging to power, trump spent his fourth of july weekend on the course and trashing his opponent from a golf cart.
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>> get that old broken-down pile of crap. he just quit. he's quitting. >> is that right? >> yeah. i got him out of -- and that means we have kamala. i think she's going to be better. she as so pathetic. [ beep ] >> i just can't imagine. >> can you imagine that guy, dealing with putin and the president of china who's a fierce person? he's a fierce man. >> right. >> very tough guy. when they see him -- just announced he's probably quitting. >> will: trump is so confident after last week's face-off that he's challenging biden to another debate. this time no restrictions, saying it would give biden a chance to prove himself. riding on truth social -- writing on he says i have the answer to the crooked joe incompetence buzzell. let's do another debate. this time no holds barred, an all on discussion with just the actual of us on stage talking about the future of the country. not sure more exposure is
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what might be in the advice column for joe biden. but here to help suss trump campaign deputy communications director caroline sunshine. caroline, thanks for being with us tonight. so, you know, interestingly people have said, wow. president trump. it's been pretty quiet lately. somebody said, well, you don't get in the way of your opponent when they're in the middle of self-destruction. what is the attitude right now within the campaign towards joe biden? >> well, i can tell you that the conversations our campaign is having couldn't be more different from the panic and disarray of the democrats. we're having conversations about how much money we're raising, which states like minnesota and virginia that we can flip. where is the next exciting place we can take president trump and his winning message? because it's very clear that the stakes for this country could not be higher. the u.s. government is very clear is a ship without a cap captain and i truly believe that the american people, who watched the debate and all debates, as i
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call it, and who just had to suffer through that interview with george stephanopoulos, truly wish the election was held tomorrow and that they could that the their vote for president donald j. trump and get joe biden out of office immediately because it is very clear he is up fit to serve. i also might add that george stephanopoulos interview, i remember when george said airing an interview president trump would be an act of journal list particular malpractice. but somehow a former white house communications director for a democrat president, sitting down with a democrat like joe biden, who is clearly in decline to do cleanup on file five is an act of journalism so you have to remember the main stream media, the liberal main stream media has been fully complicit if concealing joe biden's decline from the american people the same people who told you the last four years he's sharp as a tack much he's doing cartwheels don't get to wake up and now say let's go brandon, if you know what i mean. >> will: i have to ask you one of the questions i feel like i'm asked every other day over the past week, which is, gosh, i hope those individuals i'm talking
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about support donald trump. i hope joe biden doesn't drop out. that's what you often hear because, you know, it's like this is the race. trump's going to bet biden. how does the campaign feel? would you rather run against joe biden or against kamala harris? >> well, look. it's very clear that joe biden is unfit to serve. i would say i don't think the american people are worried about four more years of joe biden. i think they're worried about four more months of joe biden. but my message to the democrat party would be total surrender. save yourself millions of dollars. sit this presidential cycle out because it's very clear whoever you put up, whether joe biden or any other democrat, none of them can beat president trump and the american people are very clear about who they want in the oval office and it's the command and strength and poise of president donald j. trump. >> will: that will be something. i doubt we're going to see it. we'll just sit this presidential election out. we'll sit this cycle out say the democrats on the advice of caroline sunshine. thank you so much, caroline. it was great talking to you tonight. >> thank you. >> will: all right.
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up next -- hamas's hot boy summer. [ crowd din ] [ chanting ] [ ♪♪ ] hi, i'm tali and i lost 85 pounds on golo.
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following golo and taking release i was able to lose weight gradually and keep it off. i wish i started sooner. don't wait go straight to
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[ ♪♪ ] [ crowd noise ] >> the crowd: revolution! >> will: and anti-israel protesters tried to ruin the fourth of july celebrations across the country yesterday. here in new york city an unruly mob lit smoke bombs while burning old glory. didn't tap it in my fourth of july celebration in texas. happy birthday, america. we've been watching scenes like this play out for more than six months. college graduations canceled, country wide days of jihad. seems like they're just getting started instead of winding up this insanity. no. a coalition of antiisrael groups are gearing up to swarm the d.n.c. next month. rioters have vowed to sow convention chaos. clearly they're not afraid
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of joe and neither is the rest of the world. they see what we're seeing and they know they're not cheap fakes. he's perceived weakness leaves us vulnerable to bad actors both here and abroad so what are the national security implications of having a president who needs needs to be done with work by 8:00? let's ask heritage foundation senior fellow and former deputy national security advisor victoria coates joins me now. victoria nsome ways i feel i don't need an expert it toll me hey, the presidency is a 24-hour job. you can't jam it into 6 and you can't get it done before sundown to get your requisite number of sleep sleep. it is good to have an expert to tell us what kind of compromises and dangers are we running the risk of right now on the international stage? >> will, good to be with you. happy independence day. this is deeply, deeply dangerous and i keep thinking about something my old colleague steven filler said earlier in the show. this is a massive national security crisis -- steven
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miller. we've had presidents inextra kpas tited, wilson, f.d.r., j.f.k. but it wasn't on the public stage. this is playing out in real time on our televisions. it just did tonight. everyone can see what's going on. every bad actor from yaya sinwar in gaza, the head of hamas to chairman xi in beijing is watching this. they see what's happening with the president and they're ready to take advantage of it and i think the boldness with which all the pro-hamas people came out over the fourth of july is case in point. >> will: you make a great point. we are, rightfully i would point out, outraged at the way this was hidden from the american people. the bringing up wilson and f.d.r., you were hiding their infirmitys back then from other leaders in the world. and that's what's incapable of being hidden. in the worst case scenario we've hidden it from the american people but vladimir putin or xi jinping have got to see the truth about joe
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biden. >> no, absolutely and they see an irresolute president. they're looking at all of the decisions that have been made by this administration, starting with, you know, three years ago, afghanistan. we're about to hit another anniversary of that disastrous, you know, withdrawal surrender of afghanistan. we're looking at ukraine. we're looking at october 7th in israel. all of these things could have been prevented by resolute leadership in the white house and we're seeing now what happens if you don't have that. you have a world on fire. you have chaos and you have another four months of this, unless -- i mean, i guess the alternative is to put in kamala harris, which isn't exactly reassuring. >> will: we only have like a minute left, victoria. i'm just kind of curious about the mek ranics. the phone rings in the middle of the night. international crisis. as can be clear it can just be after dinner and joe can't make a quick decision? so who runs the american response to an international crisis?
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>> that's what we're all very concerned about. i guess right now, it's dr. jill or hunter biden. and i never saw this with president trump. he was always available for us, and this is just -- this is deeply dangerous for the american people. >> will: hunter biden is making the call on -- on decisions that could end up in world or nuclear warment hunter biden. rest easy, america. and have a happy independence day. victoria, thanks for being us with. more "jesse watters primetime" coming up. [ ♪♪ ] rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear.
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