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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> i thank you all for joining us. >> a min for trace gallagher
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8:00 pm on the west coast 11:00 o'clock in washington and this is america's late news fox news at night. breaking tonight president biden in the spotlight after a treacherous debate performance last thursday he's campaigning in battleground wisconsin and pennsylvania gave 2 a radio interview is 1 prime tonight where he refused to agree to a cognitive test doubling down on the idea that concerned americans need to watch him. >> would you be willing to undergo up independent medical evaluation including neurological and cognitive tests and give the results to the american people. >> have a cognitive test every single day. >> would you be willing to have an independent medical evaluation. >> there's a lot of time left in the campaign over 125 days. >> so your answer is you don't want to do that. >> avert he done that.
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>> we were watching in critics said it was a great week. >> 1 last thing they used to think when i was a senator when there was congestion and the highways of there's no congestion anymore we go on the highway no congestion the way they get me to stop talking as they will say they'd you shut down all the roads mr president but anyway. >> is simply said first black woman vice president. >> he also refuses to believe his low polling numbers. >> of never seen a president 36% of approval get reelected. >> i don't believe that's my approval rating. >> do you really believe you aren't behind? >> those who talk to me say it's a tossup. >> here is more in the pivotal interview tonight and how he plans to move forward. good evening. >> will president biden takes
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full responsibility for his postdebate debacle days ago he remains to find saying he'd only bow out of the race if the lord almighty comes down and tells him to. during much of the interview he outplayed -- downplayed the performance saying he suffered from a bad cold exhaustion and not any serious medical or mental conditions. >> the american people are been watching yet there were concerns about your age and health growing so that's why i'm asking you to reassure them would you be willing to have an independent medical evaluation? >> there's a lot of time left in this campaign over 125 days. >> so the answer right now is you don't want to do that? >> avert he done that. >> he was asked 4 times if he would take a cognitive test all times deflecting. it was given multiple
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opportunities to assuage concerns on his ability to serve in the most powerful office in the world. >> to have mental physical capacity to do it for another 4 years. >> it wouldn't run if i didn't think i did. >> he went on to blame his poor debate performance on former president trump distracting him at 1 point suggesting he would have preferred to debate sitting down. he also implied he was way too busy to properly challenge trump in the race thus far. >> wouldn't a clear eyed political calculus tell you it would be tougher in 2024 week. >> not when you're running against a pathological liar not when he hasn't been challenged in a way he's about to be challenged. >> was doing things like around the world. >> the postdebate interview has reignited a spotlight on stephanopoulos past rising to fame after serving as an aid in
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the clinton white house and his recent anti- trump model ice which of gone viral he said he offered a 1 on inter- -- when 1 interview with trump as well but it was declined. >> a deeper dive into this drama with news posters managing editor medical doctors well welcome so he asked president biden if you'd be willing to get an independent medical evaluation let's play it. >> would you undergo an independent medical evaluation which included neurological cognitive testing and released the results to the american people. >> i have a cognitive test every single day every day. everything i do. >> let's start for dr how do you react to the comment? >> it's interesting as a doctor i've learned how to do mental status exams there's a full examination it takes like 10
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minutes to do maximum you ask simple questions such as remember in 3 different words. counting down from 100 by 7. handful of other easy things. read a paper and perform the tasks so on why doesn't he do it i could do it right now for him on television if he wanted to. he doesn't because they know what the answer might be it's time for the person is the leader the free world to actually submit openly and transparently something he is in need of he also asked the president what if he loose in november? >> if you stay in and trump is elected and everything you were warning about comes to pass how will you fill in january week. >> i will feel like as long as i gave it my all did the best job i could it would be okay. >> gave my all does that show is out of touch? >> if you are a liberal partisan and journalist that's the answer that really concerns you more so
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than some of the cognitive ones of him forgetting whether he watched at the debate are pausing mid thought moving on. george stephanopoulos teed it up for him a lot of the questions he asked what needed to be asked but also some of them came from a place of concern like a concerned son or grandson of joe biden urging him to get out of the race and that was the last question of the interview. that's how it ended on a really bad note. not just from a cognitive standpoint but a policy standpoint that's the thesis of the biden campaign. >> then there is joy read calling for keeping hitler out of the white house. >> if it's biden in a coma i will vote for biden in a coma i don't even particularly like the guy. he's not donald trump at least. we keeping project 2025 out that's what i care about. school board up to the white house everything in between,
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governors members of congress i will though all the way down to keep these people out. >> doctor how do you assess that? >> it's ridiculous of the comments i expected during election season's a pretty crazy time right now where there's a lot of hysteria and panic and when that happens you will see big public figures using their platform to spread more hysteria to me it's expected i don't think it moves the needle for 1 candidate for the other. >> approach up hitler references don't typically go well what's your take? >> the thing is on her tiktok on the 4 for july that's what these people do with their free time where they sit around thinking about donald trump it reminds me as a member from the view was in utah colorado saying untrained of a good time but i'm too busy thinking about donald trump and the hitler references talking about voting in a coma she fulfils the stereotype people
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have about her in the left. >> the conspiracy of silence to protect joe biden. we are nearly at it -- out of time but this was striking to me she said she was noticing differences going back to january why wasn't reported on 6 months ago? >> i think it was obvious to people who watch the president for quite some time several weeks ago i said he was exhibiting signs of partisan disease or something they got attacked for making a partisan statement and i said it wasn't it's a medical statement that looks at how he's behaving and acting as well as physically with his rigidity the way his face looks it looked so different them before everyone's jumping on it because they are really you can't hide from absolute fact. >> final word chris. >> she spoke to fox digital about why she made the decision to write the story now when she had the information in january it was because no matter what
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you think about it it's really disturbing stuff these are the real attic dotes the move the needle because new york magazine is a liberal magazine with a lot of power play people. as democratic lawmakers donors and pundits alike wring their hands up at the future of joe biden's reelection bid the president himself is standing firm that he's not going anywhere. we are live with that story of the story is things continue. >> is things mount president biden double down on plans to stay in the presidential race. >> i'm completely ruling that out. >> he was founded by reporter questions like that following a rally in wisconsin were you told supporters he wouldn't let his performance and a single debate wipe out 3 and a half years of work a much-anticipated exclusive interview with george
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stephanopoulos had biden offering several excuses for his poor debate performance from a cold to exhaustion he was also asked if it was just a bad episode or a sign of something more serious. >> a bad episode. i didn't listen to my instincts had a bad night. >> the president went on to say when pressed about whether he had supported congress that he spoke to at least 20 members will want him to stay in the race. the former president to lay low since last week's debate took to troop social to challenge biden to another debate with new rules in writing i have the answer to the incompetence puzzle let's do another debate but this time no holds barred and all on discussion with just the 2 of us on stage talking about the future of our country the next tote presidential debate is september 10th with abc news moderating it's unclear if the format will be anything like
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what trump suggested mike? >> or if the purchase of pins will be the same thank you very much. >> we continue the conversation with the independent law centre in a targeted victory executive welcome to you both. let's start with the clip from the biden george stephanopoulos interview. >> of chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi come down and's say they are worried about it how do you respond? >> it would have to speak to all of them in detail. including every 1 of them. all of them so they should stay in the race. none of the people said i should leave. >> a high-profile 22 minute so taped interview helping the president tonight. >> the first half of the
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interview was, hey, are you okay the second half was nobody thinks you are okay what you do about it and joe biden said i'm not going to do anything. i am the best candidate for president and he is either so dumb to believe it or so sociopathic that he actually doesn't care either 1 of those is pretty scary. >> i came jeffries expected to convene a virtual meeting with top democrats sunday afternoon before congress returns to washington. and illinois congressman made up his mind. >> mr president your legacy is set we owe you a great debt of gratitude the only thing you can do now to cement that for all time and prevent other catastrophe is to step down and let somebody else do this. >> does it feel like drip drip drip at this point? >> me up the interview what would worry people more than
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anything else is so in denial he is about the state of the race he wouldn't even concede he was behind in his campaign their whole case was we are behind were just not behind that much. it's scary if your house house democrat especially a tougher district. >> and a virginia senator is looking to lead the group to asked the president to step aside. the spokesperson for them wouldn't confirm or deny and instead say like many people in washington and across the country he believes these are critical dates for the president's campaign and has made that clear to the white house. he's a serious guy senate intelligence chairman what you make of that. >> i just don't think it gets anywhere because nobody is actually telling him you have to step aside democrats anointed biden they gave him the weight house because they didn't want
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bernie sanders to be the nominee instead of taking that sort of decisive action finding new candidate they are dancing around the issue that's a lack of leadership or a lack of push would give them exactly who they have that is an aging senile president biden. up the street at pennsylvania avenue away or his official cold axioms and said everyone was miserable and senior advisers are a black even if you're focusing on work nothing breaks through her gets any acknowledgement. does that sound about right when you consider the nature of the crisis. >> what you see the leaks we've seen this week they are never usually the first shots is when you have a fight somebody's getting hold down the get a few punches and that's what we see in so far we will see more and as they reported today he's being sheltered by the first lady staff even. folks all around the white house
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he's being sheltered not just his own staff some of jill's aids and that reality it's hard to pierce the bubble that's the denial we saw tonight. you've got hunter biden dropping in. >> former president boehm challenged biden to a second debate but once it no holds barred with no moderators. what you make of that? >> i would like some moderators i don't think that a free-for-all would go well for president trump i think the format where they cut off the microphones actually worked pretty nicely for him. >> a president biden steps aside is there any chance the democratic party could get around vice president harris? >> none practically none the money is such that it goes to her she's part of the campaign also they won't pass over the
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first black woman vice president for another white guy, per se, is also important to note biden is oh his been a more popular person than his policies are. harris is less popular than her policies. >> you her to hear. thank you for it so much for joining us. up next huge numbers of children separated from their parents as they cross the southport we take a look. later in the nightcap president biden in a rigourous effort to course correct from last thursday's debate performance giving 3 separate unscripted interviews some think they made a difference. >> after the interview aired at 6:00 this morning i got comments like you just saved the democracy your patient kind allowed him to speak and we understood what he was saying amid the noise we've heard about the fact of him being too old and it was time for him to retire and go to somebody else.
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>> but his appearances this week weren't without blunders so what do you think as the spotlight on biden changed calculus for democrats as it helped his reelection campaign or heard it further. let us know we will read your responses in the nightcap. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec.
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police on capitol hill are trying to discern who entered the congressional complex thursday on a national holiday vandalizing the exterior of the office used by brad schnider. he's calling it a vile act of hate because posters of people held hostage by hamas terrorists were held -- torn down the
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continued as there is a demonstration outside of his suburban chicago home last week. in the most recent incident in the larger rise of anti-semitism nationwide with comedian and pro- israel activist zach sage fox. >> i'm good happy for for july. >> what is your take on what we saw the congressman's office on capitol hill. >> i feel they need to turn this into is sql for the purge franchise that's what it looks like it looks like something out of a horror movie comparing it to the purge isn't crazy either that's what happens when there is no consequences for actions i think when charges were released from a lot of the columbia students why they think if they wear a bunch of masks they get away with all this. that is part of the problem and part of the solution is just to put mask bands and who would've
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thought we'd say that a few years after covid-19 but this point they did that in the past with the kkk and that is something that's important because these people are cowards. they wouldn't do this with masks on if they weren't. >> you went dressed up as george washington independence day disturbed about what you heard tell us about it. >> i went and what starts off as comedy turns into journalism a lot of the time the most alarming thing i saw was him dressed as a founding father sway asked a group of middle schoolers. my grandma actually turned the light off. and i interviewed a group of middle schoolers 14-year-old girls who didn't know who the first president of the united states was immediately asked if they knew about palestine and they said yes a set of your teachers taught you that hamas
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is good or bad and they said we've learned a lot about palestine and we are taught that they are good. they went to the first u.s. president was people aren't born in dr nate it but how scary is that in our own backyard new york city. >> we have to run our best to grandma. >> thanks guys have a great holiday. examining collateral damage of the southport or crisis of a record amount people crossing into the u.s. led to an explosion in the number of immigrant children unaccounted for. here's more from los angeles. >> the u.s. government lost track of nearly 1500 migrant children. >> we can find isis in the caves in norther in pakistan and afghanistan but we can't find 1500 kids. >> they're just gone. >> it may have reached 5400 by the time trump left office 3
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years later... >> of anything things got worse under the biden administration. >> under 18 people usually handed over to relatives or sponsors case managers are supposed to follow up but according to government data obtained by the new york times a third of the kids released into the u.s. cannot be reached. >> the truth is the biden administration doesn't know what happened to those 85,000 children, is that correct,? >> the fact the telephone wasn't picked up doesn't mean the child didn't have post- release services. >> they estimate the biden administration lost contact with twice as many children as trump. >> what percentage of the children's whereabouts can you tell me if any degree of certainty. >> it's not accurate to say we have lost them. >> the number children lost probably somewhere around
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120,000. >> a former immigration judge. >> we're talking about unaccompanied alien children that if they were owned the same school district it would be the fifth largest school district in the united states. >> regardless of who is in office most unaccompanied minors cross the border alone because they are either here or on their way and it's highly unlikely they would be deported. mike? >> for further analysis of the side effect we bring in mark lamb welcome to both of you. >> thank you for having us on. >> 's let's look at the headline the legal immigrant caused dui collision that killed 22-year-old in a crip tragic hit-and-run in new mexico heartbreaking but not surprising a. >> not surprising at all it happens more than you would think when we do or fbi crime statistics we pass them on to the fbi there's no box to check
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for somebody who is here in the country illegally so this type of crime is happening more frequently you just don't hear about it lately over the last several months because the borders become such a hot topic becoming a major issue this political cycle you will hear more about these type of incidents. >> another headline the honduran illegal immigrant charts charge were sexily assaulting a 12 year old girl in iowa. what about that 1? >> 1 of many cases of those stories with all these miners of course we don't get the names of the individuals which makes it hard to humanize the cases like we have in the tragic cases of the murders of like laken riley for example these are children that are being exploited and our collateral damage of the border crisis and individuals who are
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vetted by federal authorities it's not forget and released into the country. as part of the system that they are allowed in. >> let's look at the numbers total number of unaccompanied children released to sponsors in fiscal year 24 still ongoing 7489 total number of children released to sponsors in fiscal year 202,016,000837 what's your analysis of the numbers. >> probably higher than what they are telling you there's about hundred 40,000 unaccompanied minors coming across the border every year it ended in the year of september and they were being questioned about 85,000 children they didn't know where they were so that number is probably higher like you heard earlier probably around 100 to around 125,000 euros 75,000 to put that in perspective the super bowl is played at state farm stadium
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that holds around 73,000 so that smart people than what would've filled the entire state farm stadium. >> jenny what about the big discrepancy in unaccompanied children? >> absolutely from the start there been whistleblowers that have come forward. is there finding that there are people sponsoring dozens of children at a single address or bouncing around to different addresses in the single state raising the alarm that federal authorities should investigate not only that when they called the sponsors they are never interviewing them face-to-face from what i heard when they called the sponsors and ask what is the name of the child are taking in her any descriptor above that them what are they like what do they look like they cannot answer that question but hhs is so focused on expeditiously getting people out of their custody this is a
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problem by the thousands. >> sherrif jenny think of your time and analysis thank you. coming up a fox news at night exclusive with loader insight from some reformed democrats were fed up even before the debate debacle who join us live next. [ ♪♪ ] postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium,
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>> she ran the question on the minds of millions of americans was it a bad episode where more serious condition. >> president joe biden: a bad episode i was exhausted didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing and i had a bad night. >> president biden didn't back down during a one-on-one interview with george stephanopoulos despite critics including a growing chorus inside his own party who called for him to drop out of the race.
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let's get some real voter insight from a couple of reformed democrats who had enough even before the big debate debacle. chicago resident voting for trump and another resident as well welcome to both the sub item was asked the impact of the past 3 and a half years on his health. >> a get a full neurological test every day a full physical been there for my physical and yes. >> no your doctor said he consulted with you against him asking you a slightly different question have you had a specific cognitive test in a neurologist and specialist do an examination >> nobody said that i had to reset i was good. >> how do you assess that answer >> the question on voters minds
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is biden able to continue the race effectively. as a former lifelong democrat who switched over to the republican party i have to say honestly if i were still voting democrat i don't think i would be able to support joe biden i just don't think he is it for the job this time around and i think it's another example of how the democratic party. they do not pay attention with the voters are saying. voters are saying he's not up for the job. voters are saying we thank you should consider somebody else and president biden has been emphatic about staying in the race going forward he spoke about the people around him telling him to stay in that he could do this and i don't even understand why they would be telling him after what we are seeing.
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and today didn't alleviate the thoughts. >> you told him that he was exhausted on debate night after spending a week at camp david preparing let's play the clip. >> was it a bad episode or sign of a more serious condition. >> a bad episode. no indication of any serious condition i was exhausted should have listened to my instincts in terms of preparing and it was a bad night. >> you say you were exhausted and i know you said that before as well yet a tough month but you came home around 11 or 12 days before the debate spent 6 days in camp david why wasn't that enough rest time or recovery time? >> because i was sick and feeling terrible. >> does that reassure you that he is fit to serve? >> it didn't make any sense as is true of much of what biden says. if you listen to his words carefully they often don't add up i don't have any episodes i'm
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55 and when i have a cold i don't get confused and forget where i am or what i'm doing. i don't thank you can afford to have a president was laid up for 12 days because he is a cold later on he also appeared to be confused because he said he got tested to see if he had a virus and he said no, he didn't he just had a cold and it reminded me of the covid days when president biden was a tyrannical dictator told unvaccinated people like myself that we would face a winter of severe illness and death now he won't take a simple neurological exam himself why won't he just take a tête and allay all of our concerns. >> from a poll from the new york times 60% say biden should remain the nominee is that what you've heard from family and friends? >> yes what's even more scary is that people who are not sure about biden right now will probably stay home and not vote
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at all and i don't see how that helps the party i think he really needs to consider stepping down. >> daniel what are your thoughts >> i don't care if he steps down or not i just want to defeat the democrats. biden is the candidate democrats deserve he's a senile old lawyer and everybody can see for this charade right now we all need to get behind former president trump and make him president again. >> grateful for your time have a beautiful weekend. to a story about extraordinary children who have seized on the american dream a team from virginia competed in the world's largest student rocket building competition sponsored by the defence department, and nasa and the faa this student group is used to beating the odds as they immigrated from afghanistan, ukraine, azerbaijan, ethiopia and turkey many not speaking english win they arrived and now they are flying high.
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her chief correspondent jennifer griffin has their story. >> an hour outside the nation's capital teams of middle school students reached for the stars competing in the american rocketry challenge their mission as well as the top 100 finalists assembled across the nation to launch a rocket carrying na get high into the air and for the egg to survive. what makes the team from francis hammond middle school different? it's made up of new immigrants not yet american citizens. children who fled their homes in afghanistan and ukraine. this 12-year-old came to the u.s. from ukraine after russia invaded 2 years ago now oil his countrymen use drones and rockets to save off the russian military he is designing rockets outside washington dc. >> when we put the motor in it didn't fit so we had to make the
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space bigger. >> a 13-year-old who fled afghanistan with his family 3 years ago during the chaotic u.s. withdrawal when the taliban took control is now focused on physics. >> we did pretty good i'm very happy we made it all the way here i'm proud of us in my team has accomplished a lot. >> his father worked for the u.s. government for years as kabul fell he scrabbled to the airport with his family at 2 day long journey in the scorching heat reputedly being beaten by the taliban win they finally got to a base i marine recognized his father and rest them into the airport. they made it to safety on a u.s. military plane now if he says he wants to grow up to be a pilot. >> my country is been taken over it wasn't safe anymore.
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>> she also fled afghanistan with her family in august 2021 now she's also studying in building rockets wanting to be a lawyer when she grows up and works for the u.s. government. >> it feels like i'm free i want to be able this it wouldn't be able to speak english otherwise so it feels nice i feel proud to make the also arrived in the u.s. from afghanistan 3 and a half years ago his father worked as an interpreter for the u.s. military. >> and thank you to be independent on their was so berger represented his pittsburgh high school the same competition in 2003. >> and passionate about students getting their hands dirty and build things an experiment maybe fail once in a while find out flights don't go perfectly. >> after a successful launch
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they landed in a bush on dissent the students anxiously waited to see if their eggs survived. >> after lunch and a rocket in the air they came in 50 of play 922 teams rolled them just getting just -- just getting to america means they won. a viral video as shadow she spending her weeks as a with underprivileged children in kenya. she pitched the idea to us are parents. no doubt these precious children have left a mark on her heart and we look forward to her safe return home. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us on
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social media. >> what's your plan to turn the campaign around? >> president joe biden: you saw it today. how many people draw crowds like i do. can you find anyone more enthusiastic? >> biden's plan to turn his campaign around get in the spotlight but as we saw do you think it's working we have the campaign speeches and interviews have they help his reelection campaign or hurt her in further let us know online. we will read the responses in the nightcap.
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[ ♪♪ ] we are back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic get up and the joe. a rigourous effort to course correct from last thursday's debate performance. do you think is busy week might change the calculus for his fellow democrats has it helped his reelection campaign or hurt him further. maryanne? >> he is certainly trying pretty hard i think they are going at it the interview he did with george stephanopoulos to try and
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show people he still is some gas left in the tank but i don't know if it will be enough honestly to make a difference. >> what you think we. >> i don't think it will be enough to make a difference he's trying hard what will make a huge difference is another disastrous debate performance at the next debate. >> we will see if that happens. where you on this? >> i don't think he's helped his campaign. he has helped of the american because he has given voters an opportunity to see him and the more that he's out there the better it is for democracy frankly because people need to see who they are voting for in the only way people know like that debate is to see them out there in the open as often as they can in an unscripted manner and we saw a little bit of that today but we need more. >> speaking voters what you think? >> you don't thank you helped any. cognitively he's just not the man he was 3 and a half years ago and they think the democrats
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are doing a disservice to the country by letting them stay in the race. >> noted the sluggers in dc. matt? >> there is a window here may be a week ago right after the debate up until tuesday they could affixed things could've called some of these people get everybody rowing in the same direction but the more they stay silent the more they deny reality got way past the point. >> we know hakeem jeffries is having a meeting with top house democrats sunday is also reporting about senator mark warner trying to gather senate democrats together to ask the president to step aside. curtis? >> i'm with matt it will be hard to turn it around should have happened last weekend after the debate the postdebate post- interview discussion on abc look at the panelists they looked like they were at awake. that says it all. >> we asked you what you think
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it let's take a look in terms of a helping or hurting 94% said it hurt president biden's reelection campaign this week let's hear from viewers. michael james says anything he does now repair the damage done during the debate. >> anytime it his mouth he gets hurt more. >> i think the president being in the spotlight reaffirmed we don't need to see an eye doctor after watching the debates. so there you go a spirited discussion way to end at this independence day week i will thank you i wish you all beautiful independence day weekend and thank you for watching fox news at night it's been a pleasure sitting in for my friend trace gallagher. good night. [ ♪♪ ]
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tomorrow, 10:00 a.m. on my weekend show. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ]


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