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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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today. fr went to the statue of liberty, the intrepid freedom tower, and all throughout new york city. that's them. colby norm judson, casstin, kae. had i'm so happy to have them here. and god bless america. happppy birthday.alke >> god bless america. that was your posse that while you didn't. >> listen, we've gotey some really cool footage here of some of some police k-9, og some sheriff's canines playing catch with some hot dogs and enjoying their 4th of july. check this out. some of them are more agil aee and have more coordination than the others, but that's just an awesome video. thio cute, right? emplo this woman just loved everywors employee's worst nightmare. she hopped on a plane, she called out sick. guess who was on the planeck? >> her boss. oh, leslie. >> sorry. impressive. >> have a great weekend. >> wokay.
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>> welcome to a special edition of jesse watters. primetime. atters i'm will cain in for jesse. we're going to start with e tima fox news alert. rt joe biden did his first televised interview sincein that disastrous debate in an exclusive interview with abce news anchor george stephanopoulos. he made excuse ephanopos for that performance. >> is this a bad episode with ad sign of a more serious condition? it's a bad episode. no indication of any serious condition. i was exhausted. i didn't listen to myy instincts in terms of appearance and the bad nights. you know, you say you were exhausted. and i know you said that before said thaas well, but you came ap did have a tough month, but you came hom11 oe from europe about1 or 12 days before the debate, whent six days in camp david. i y wasn't that enough rest time, enough recovery time? because i was sick. figuterrible. terrible
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matter of fact, the doctors with me asking that they did a covid test for a tes you, tryg to figure out what was wrong. you did a test to see whether or not i had notad some infectii you know, a virus. i didn't. dnit just had a really bad cold. >> first take hoarse voice, fake it, eyes, mouth agape. very similar to what we sawl a week ago thursday. the only real differencece that seems noticeable at first blush is the blush. he seems to have found the bronzer. somebody said, let's. try to copy donald trump. we'll have more lowlightsat and highlights from that interview a little bit later here in the show. but today waiew a lin .s the start ofhopefu one of the biggest surges, at least hopeful surgesurgess fr joe biden's presidency. he's laser focused, of course, not on protecting the country, not bolstering the economy, not on ending foreigot on wars, you know, leading the country, but on winning an election to kind of lead the country. >> but in order to do that,to yu he has to be laser focused on proving to you that his braibrain is working.: >> there's been a lot of speculation, but still goingo
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to do is you're going to stay rae and you're going to drop out. what you're going to do. and g well, here's my answer. i am running and going to wionn. again, trying to try to push me out of the race. >> let me say this joe to is bin i m staying in the race. i'll beat donald trump. i will beat him again in 2020. and by the way, we're goingre to do it again in 2024. >> well, before he can beatf hi trump for again and face trump, he's going need to give control of his own ci people. civil war has broken out inside the democratic party. one factone faction wants joe oo the other wants him to stay. both have the same goal is to stop donalo std trump.iden: th >> this is not hyperbole. this race is about our freedom
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. it's about our democracy. it's about the very soul of america. are you prepared to fight for? that? i know i am. and h!i there's nothing nothing beyond our capacity when we stand together wstand . so let's stand together, win this election and exile donald trump politically. >> so biden's most supporters ,those that are kind of, you know, suspiciously, maybe even dangerously closemayb to tu throne, are trying to convince you he still has it togetheran and the opportunity to talk to the president for an hour, co couldand a half, hour have gone to 3 hours. and i mean this with absolute conviction. that was the joe biden i remember from two weeks ago.>> a that was the joe biden that t i remember from two years ago. that's the joe biden thatecting i'm looking forward to reelecting as president. aent of sunited states. >> careful, joe.lose he's awfully close to the thronethrone. hi but meanwhile, biden's baghdad. bobby, msnbc's joe scarborough
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,after momentarily freaking out, let the truth slip about a week ago about joe biden, please. got it together. everyb he got his new marching orders and he's warning everybodyode bi to give biden some time before making the big switch. i said eight days ago that the president needed to consider getting out. he sai i saidd that we needed to give it time, needed to see what was going to happen. and i think we're stilll there. >> it's only july the fifth. >> such an historic decision should not be made in hastn hash to democrats. you better get this right.u betr you better think through it. you better take your time. you better take a deep breath i' and you better get this right. >> it's only july the fifth. take your time. time? that's the one thinggets biden doesn't have.
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i mean, every day he getsn ou older, and the faction that wants biden out is getting louder and bigger. this week, house democrats seth moulton said his party needs to consider another candidate making g hi him the third democratsignl in congress since the debate to signabiden'l biden's got to s reen more notably, what the washingtonpo post is reporting that democratic senator mark warner of virginia is putting together a group of senators to tell biden to drop ou tshot and just remind her they don't care that he's mentally shot. th that forknown a long time. they care that you saw it and now it lookst looks like he may lose to trump. and the people who really control the part they, f the mega-donors. they're also joining the chorus of askinngg biden to drop netfld co-founder reed hastings par and disney heiress abigail disney are part of a group of democrati ac donors that say biden's time is up. they want a new candidatate, and that's reflected on the streets, not the streeths
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slinging metaphorical streets of kamala harris, but real roads. b de on his way to wisconsin today, biden was greeted by democratic voterswho said wh, we love you, joe, but we're moving on. >> folks have been lined up waiting for the motorcade routee that president biden will be on. and you see some of the signsjo out there. one of them says, i love you, joe. bow oue."t. burnin another one says, keep democracy's flame burning. pass the torch. >> pass the torch. and look at this. during biden's speech, one guy behind the president whipped out a huge sign says exactly that. pass the torch, joe. meanwhile, while all of this literally surrounds joe. t the faction is that wants to keep joe in place is tryingne to keep their cool publicly nes,behind the scenes. jus >> it's total panic. look, i'm just going to bes honest. i mean, everybody comes on the air and says all this great stuff, but behind great st tscenesthe scenes, it'e panic. people are passing around legal
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memos. arfs are flying back and forth f on whatsapp trying to figure out what are the options, how can you replac e biden?here how do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respecte bd as he shouldvice p be respected? who should? kamala harris' vicresident be president be? the conversation on air and the conversation off air are completelytely d>> w differ. >> that's you know, that isn. a really fascinating and important admission. whatever you're being told publicly is not what's happeninblicly i g behind the scenes, what's happening behind the scenes. den's trying tktrying to wor over democrat governors morerivate, but it seems likseee even with that, he's doing more harm than good. anything embarrassing? ythingarrassinbiden is saying i. >> watch the president tellingrr governors that he would stop doins thg events after 8 p.m., saying that he needs more sleep .ustr that, according to sources, frustrating some oatinf those fk in the room. >> biden wants to work less and sleep more. lep mo.i mean, i guess that juss him like everyone else in america.
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>> but it was already reported ofat biden's only engaged for 6 hours a day and that was too much. of course, you know, the one, again, who is suspiciously close to the throne is there to defen defend d joe biden. >> it wasn't a literal i will be doing things differently. it was more i figured, if i may watch game of thrones, littlefinger . while newsom is cleaning up biden's mess, other governors were, ot asking president important questions. >> we read you some of thi sn "new york times" report that says that mr. biden replied to a questio ion frnfine from the hawaii governor about his health, that his health was fine. quote, it's justquote,s just my >> biden might have been joking, but does he actuallys think his brain is actually okay? his staffers don't ok?. axios is reporting, quote, many staff members working in the whit membe the whie house. the campaign and the dnc sayth the efforts to easee been the concerns of staffers and voters have been insufficientsufficie and too lac they said biden's remarks to campaign and dnc officials wednesdaaly seemed stilted
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and scripted, raising further questions among stafferss amonge who wondered whether his tight inner circle is being honest about hious so joe biden's going back to try and win democrats. tonight, in an interview with george stephanopoulos. y that's one of clinton's oldng cronies. and we'll show you anything newsworthy news worthy in just a few moments that comes out of that interview. it out is only 15 minutes long,t al but if biden looks at all like e he did during the debate, he's done for the democrats will attack and they'll begin to discuss who's next. ka, of course, is waiting u in the wings. she and biden trying to put on aon united front in public.r >> we give thanks to our statander in chief, the vice president of the united states, big star and president of the ue united states, joe bidend. and oh, happy independence day . oh, . that's a new one on independence day. kamalaew one o, by the way, was
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on the white house balcony during the fireworks show last night. s show lnigha first for the vict joe biden raised her hand up in the air like they're in h ths together or he was crowning a new champion. rownina nethere are no real alli true alliances in washington. they allngto have every individa and politician this unquenchable thirst fost forr py and we can now taste clo the presidency. sose close.ight ha biden's walking on tightrope. half his party is trying to make hilf his parm lose his n let's bring in senator ron johnson. >> senator johnson, thanks for being with us on primetime tonighnks fo witht. of t what are you expecting at the end of this airingring a of ann interview with george stephanopoulos with fractures the e amongthe bas the governors and even in your chamber in the senate? what are you expecting expectin is going to be the response from democrats? certai it's hard to say, really. certainly, joe bidennl gothi his drug cocktail right for his speech here in wisconsin. he seemed pretty juiced up, ene pretty energized. you know, i thought the interestin
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g clip that i saw from the stephanopoulos interview, george asked some pretty simple questio aske? mr. president, did you watch the debate? and it's pretty simple prett. iu yes. no. or i saw a few clips. instead, joe biden had to thintk about it and he goes, i don't think so. nono been so, again, he is it's been obvious that he's unfit formily office. first of all, his family corruption , his corruption, he's been deteriorating mentally and physically foy renv years. the corrupting, complicit media has been covering it up. soerg ital it's all blowing up p face right now. so it's very difficult to predict. i mean, he's he camerect am outd it's g swinging today. he said he's going to run. and it's very it's goingo to bl very difficult if he's a determined man. biden is jill biden is determined. if hunter biden wants to make sure his dad stays in officee sn to protect him, it's going to be very difficult for the democrats to replace him. >> i think it's also going to be difficult, though, for democrats to ree, fomocrats l ih senator, no matter what happens in this interview with george stephanopoulosduring twith, if r and i don't know what your relationships are like across
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the aisle, if you've hearde like this kind of talk from your colleagues. but if it's true, the senator, mark if i warner, is putting a coalition of senators together to go approach biden and talk to him about steppingapproachiden atal. i don't know what answer he could give to george stephanopoulos. ges those senatorsr bi back into line for biden. well, first of all, i haven't heard any democrat senator question his ability hie they're all, you know, pleasedap with all the massive deficit spending that i guess. like so they're pleased with the 40 year high inflation. they certainlyth like the open n borders until the mainstream media started reporting. now they're lookinow tg for political cover. so, again, they've been solidly be has and democrats have a real problem. any democrat has a real problem. if rea you lose the media and ba lost the media overnight after that debate, it's pretty difficult because democrats can lie, they can enact policiesg are disastrous to this country. as tbut as long as the media isn their side covering up for him, they can survive. the minute nute the they lose the media, they really are toast. but vice president biden
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is president. he has the nominee. he has the he has diffi the nomination. he has the votes. it's going to be difficultcultia to again, replace if he wants'l to stay in there. yeahhaveo , we'll have to see what the nature of that questioning might have been from george stephanopouloseepha, tonight. last question, very quickly, senator. senatosenator kamala harris turd vice president kamala harris turned president kamala harris. does the competency follow the promotions? well, we've all seen her word salads. you know, i just noticed, on you know, when she was a senator on my committee, she was just mean to witnesses, you know, not respectful, just outright mean. so i certainly wouldn'ht t want to see her as president. >> and i don't think most americans want to see that either. all right,k mostto s senator roh thanks for being with us tonight on this 4th of july weekend. hopeer. nthis foud. you enjoy the rest s holiday. thank you, senator. up next,ator. one of the greatest political cover ups in american history with cascade platinum. >> plus, i have up my dashcamne >> plus, i have up my dashcamne game.
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how much you can save. >> they're always going to right now. >> so what are you waiting for ? >> i kno ]w you said you have an ongoing assessment. have you had a fullan o neurological and cognitive evaluationng? i have. i get a full neurological test every day with me, and i've had a full physical. i had no i mean, i've i've been able to read from my physicals., i mean, ye is, nancy, i knowess' your doctor said he consulted with a neurologist. i guesaskings i'm asking you a slightly different question. have you had the specific cognitive testcs and has and haa you had a neurologist, a specialist do an examinationln . no knowledge that i had. i said they said i'm goo.d. >> so the answer was yes at first. every daay i get a neurological test, but impressed with some specificity. no, i'm not talking about whether or not you can read. had have you actually had a cognitive test? >> the answer then, in turn, after stumblinr g isg is, no, ts
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is not going to work. this is nog tot going to calme p the waters off of the couple of clips we've seelen sow far coming out of that interview between president joe biden,presiden abc's george brek stephanopoulos. we're going to break down that interview coming up in just a few moment d s here with shannon bream. but this cover up of joe'sn. mental and physical health will be remembered as one of the greatest politic conspiracies of the last half century in america. ld b and everyone involved from family members to staff, should be exposed for really honestly pulling a stunt. that was previously the stuff of pure fiction. you remember, dave, the hollywood d movie where anay incapacitated president was replaced by a look alikeein the kevin kline vehicle. >> how close is getting to fiction? >> dave, the reason we invitedow you here tonight is because something has happened to themet president.
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>> what about the vice president? but the vice president is mentally unbalanceally unbalancr year for a years, people whomenl questioned biden's mental deterioration were deter right-g conspiracy theories. and now, though, the legacy no legaca has greenlit an open discussion about joe's health. thcnn's leading medical expertw wants the president to takeso a cognitive test. >> testing can be sopo importana . i think the real question you're trying to answer is, are these episodesre just episodes that could be explained by lots of things? or is this reflective of something that is deeper? if he were my patient, frankly, if he were my father, i would advocate for this sort f of testing. >> and now new york magazine's o olivia has dropped an absolute nuke on the, quote, concepthe, the sea of silence that protected the president for as long as it diher std. and her story describes geard ste campaign event geare e toward wealthy democrat donors in suburban new jersey. new the saturday event had aroue
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50 people, many white house stafe staff f and with han sole purpose of convincing those rich donors that presidentorde not going to drop dead. >> but even with a pre-written speechn speech and telepromptern on every side and ad well-orchestrated backdrop, strg biden still struggled to make anonhrough a simple addreslehro >> reporters told newsy anonymously that they strainedye to hear him speak that night. the print reporters had to double check with each otherradi about what words were mumbled. the radio reporters trying to make senstrying make of appe: >> and she wrote, quote, up close the president does not look quite plausiblet . l it's not that he's old. we all know it. old. looks like bernie sanders is old. mitcbernie sh mcconnell is old. most of the ruling class i is old. sbut the president was something stranger, something not of this some th. new york magazine telling us,g tellinusg that joe biden doesn't look human. he lookshe like something out of the alien franchise, continuing his thin skin long.m
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a figurative problem is nowno a literal problew m. . it's pulled tightly over his cheeks. it seems to vary to month and in volume under artificial light and in the sunshine. he took on an unnatural gleam. s >> he looked well inflated. his eyes were half shut orthey o open, very wide. they appear darker than they oncnce had. n his pupils dilated. he did notot b blink at regularu intervals. sure, his eyes were open, we on., weren't and in most of all, mostmongly o f concerningly of all his memor, his longtime friends in the biden family who spoke the c to mefind tha on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president dididd not remember their names. at a white house event last a t with horroro realizing the president wouldn't be able to stay thron becauseiteptiost it was clear he would not be able to make it through the receptioe receptn. journa >> it's a shocking revelation for a liberal journalist who brusheli whod off criticisml
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of joe's mental state for years. and now newsy like the rese rest of us wants answers. who was actually in chargenobod nobody knew, she wrote. but surely someone who was in charge and surelrelyy there mus a plan since surely the situation coulcould not endr the problem, both for democratsc and america, is that, ar it's becoming increasingly clear that joe's family, namely jill and huntee r, the ones t in charge. >> and according to nbc, they're urging joe tin to stay in the race and fire his staff. >> yeah, that ought to do it. w america first legal founder stephen miller joins us noyou kl you know, stephen, this is really descriptive writing from newsy. and she kind of breaks it down into the way he sounds sounds,, stumbling, mashing sentences mar and trying get to almost get them all out at once. >> the way he looks, he was describeonce. d as waxy and ininsinuat the insinuation he's had a lot co cosmetic work done, injectables. and that's why it varies from month to month. work dobut most importantly, s. what you and i should focus on what the american people are concerned about is the mind
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inside and behind those eyes, behind that skin, behind that face. and how compromised is the mind of the president? nat well, this is thioe greatest national security crisise that has ever afflicted the office of thofe presidency, and nothing even comes close. the man now occupying the oval office, the west wing, the mostn premier office on earth that can in a moment start aict, nuclear war and go global conflict, a worl worldd war is functionally, mentally goneaw . he has, whether you call iheertu dementia, whether you call it ie senility in its most extremenire form, whether you call it a case of severe brain disease, cognitivognitivee failure, mentl incompetency, the man is nonfunctional. he is nonfunctional. i will say one more thing. ever since his debat ise with donald trump or trump,ro trump calledund, him in the firt round, knocked him flat, cold
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on his feet. whaty had left. whatever was left of biden's tank is now completecomplete de he is shot incoherent, even with the aim to do a friendly media interview. he's not there. there's nothin he's notg behind the eyes. >> but i think, to your point is the conspiracint isy, who's? running the country and who's been covering this up. one th kone thing we know for se is that kamala harris is at is athe beating heart of this conspiracy as the vicesponsibi president. she is the one who had the highest responsibility to alert the public and invok toe publ ah amendment and to interview after interview for four years. shiew foearse has lied about hie state. she has a weekly lunchekly lshee with him. she's at his side. she needs to be hauled in frontb of congres s immediately to answer questions. what did kamala know? >> wand when did she know it? and why did she lied to us all? yes. an kamala, i believedr. jill his family members. dr. jill biden. amis is b.a serious conspiracy perpetrated on the people of america over the competency ,the capabilities of the
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leader of the free world. i was serious when i referenced dave earlier, the movie, which was a comedy about pulling off impo a lookalikrtane. citate the important point is because the real president was haved and we have a real president incapacitated, the media has lied to us and the politicians have lied to us for four years about his abilities. you've been insides have a white house, stephen. what do you make of the green light? what do you make of all of a suddeneen ligh the conspiracy i now everyone is allowed to telly the truth. >> it really is the most remarkable media moment in our lifetimes, because let'sa wa be very clear. the media was partf th of the. conspiracy for four years. they covered it up. eythey lied., th and every time donald trump or others pointed it out, they saieyake.d it's fake, it's disinformation. we obviously saw it just a few ys ago t a. this nonsense about cheap fakes, they were part of it. but that debate was such a soul crushing moment for the ruling
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class and the establishment. >> they believedved that, just e the state of the union, they can pump him full of drugs and get him liked 30 minutes, 35, 40 minutes, enough. they can lie to us again. and like i said, when trump calledk. them right in the first round, biden was just a mumbling, bumbling, stumbling ,incoherent, slack jawed, glassy eyed mess that ended. snt and now everyone is saying the truth. but it doesn't matter becaus beh we still don't know who was behind the conspiracy. >> why they lied to us for socor long. who is running the country today and what h the we're going to do when we have not only joe biden is incompetent, kama harris is part. of the conspiracy. >> stephen miller, always enlightening>> will:r,. th u thanks so much for being with us tonight on prime time. thank you. all right. imeme." thank ymore lowlights fs first tv interview since the debate. shannon bream is on deck in chicago. we're known for our creativity and this could be our best
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ill: f . >> fox news alert. ewt.president biden sitting for
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his first tv interview since last week's disastrous week' dee against donald trump. since then, there have been new concerns about thepart president's health, and democrats from all over the party spectrum have beentrua calling for joe to end his reelection campaign and let a ned let a w candidate take ovr the run for president. today's interview is biden's lastiden's chance to eitheracy, reestablish his candidacy, calm the waters, or seal his faterviw with democratic voters. >> in an exclusive interview with abc's new news anchor chief news anchor george stephanopoulos, the president is pushing anc back on those saying he doesn't have the mental capacity to serve another terthosm. ther >> do you dispute that there have been more lapses, especiallyhabeen m in thpsese ll months? can i run 110 right now? but i'm still in good shape. are you more frail now? i know you keep my schedule. i know you spoke with your doctor after the debate. dey? did he sa
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he says he just looked at me. he said you're exhausted. i said, i have medical doctors everywhere. ever y president does that. you know, medical doctors from the best in the world travel me everywhere i go. i have a m. n ongoing assessmentme i of what i'm doing. they don't hesitate to tell me. they think there's something f they tong.wrong. , the president made excuses, including a coldvid, covid exhaustion for his performance last week in that debate. ebatstephanopoulos questionedan the president if he was willing to take an independent medicalne evaluation and release the results to the public. >> publi would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that include thad neurologicalre and cognitive cognitive tests and released the resultsaslts te american people? look, i have a cognitive test ever cognitivey single day. every day i have that test. everything i do. you know, not only am i campaigning, i'm running the world. and that's not sounds like hyperbole. the
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but we are the essential nation in the world. madeleine albright was leinre i right that every single day, for example, the day before i came out her e i'e, i'm on the phone with her, with the prime minister on russia in detail, but with netanyahu, i'm on the phone with the w new prime minister of england. i'm workinhat we'lg on what ared doing with regard expa o europe, with regard t to expansion of nato and whether it's going to stick. i'm taking on putin. i meann. , , every day.e there's no day i go throughcisin that nots those decisions i had to make every single day. th doingou have beenoi that in the american people in washington. yet there are concerns about your agencerns a and yourh are growing. so that's why i'm askingo have to reassure them. would you be willing to have the independent medical evaluation medica? watch me, because there's a lot of time left in this campaign for over 125 days. so the answer this is thedo right answer right now is no, you don't want to do>> pre thatt now. >> i've already done it and i want to do that. he always says, watch me. swe'vf e been watching chief lel
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correspondent fox news sunday anchor shannon bream. chanc me now. shannon, you've seen those clips. you've probably had a chance to seeto 15 the entirety of the 15 minute interview. what do you think? ? di did.t poin and, you know,me george stephanopoulos did press him on that point. numerousrous times. would you get a neurological assessment? he pd you take a cognitive tesot and would you release it to the american people? i mean, he put that question to him, repeato him. a adli and you heard the president's answer was always that i do have a it'se test every day. it's what i do. look how i've expanded nato. look how i've pulled together, i you know, groups to push back on putin. look how i've helped in the south pacifi ic in increased japan's spending deficit excuse me. defense budget so he he talked about all those things. but i was really struck in watchini watcg this thing inl that he definitely has wedifferent perceptionnt that what a lot of us r are hearing out there, we read the articles, we hear.we h the leaks, we heargo sayin people who've gone public now saying we don't want him on the tickeg t anymore.mone donors are saying they're going to pull their money not only from him, but from anybod himyconver who is supporting him. yet in this conversation with george stephanopouloseot
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pressed him numerous times, what would it take to convince you to drop oue convint? what if nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries all camey to you and said, fore the good of your legacy and for the country, you can leave with grace? and he said, i've talked to all of them. they're not going to dthey'rat o that. >> i mean, he clearly does not hear the calls that are out there publicly. sso she ended and i want to ask you two things about this interview. you've had the privilege to see the entirety of it, which atunderstand approacrstand a20h 20 minutes. e i haven't as it's been going the , at the fire hour beginning of jesse watters primetime. so first, i want to ask you about the interviewer,stsk u ge george stephanopoulos what was his demeanor? did you feel likd you e it was running cover for joe biden, providing him g him a soft land, some soft questions, or was itag a tough interview asking the president tough questions that neede t toutions thd to bel about this issue? >> yeah, i think i would sayd y it was more the latter. i mean, it was he really pressed him. he said a number of timemes,sur are you sure you're being honest with yourself about your abilitlityy beat president trumg
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are you sure you're being honest with yourself about the staminith youra you need for anr four years of this? an president biden wouldto b say, yes, of course i'm going to beat him, i feeeat i fel goor it. >> he would. he repeatedly came back to him with poll numbers, with allh ap kinds of battleground swing states with approval ratings and said rd said a are you beint with yourself? the president kept saying, we don't believe those polls. they don't matchpresidenayinther polls. but it was really uncomfortable at points and stuff. a lopoinndt of stephanopoulos de press him on a lot of really uncomfortabl>> will:e questions. i think that's notable not only in that it lends some credibility hire to the reputation i'm sure he hopes to have earned over his career. he wantsants appear so good for him in that respecta . it also suggests, i think, something for all of us to see deere the largerrg democratic party might be with joe biden right now. are you are you still running cover? ually thiare we are we actuallg this issue head on? last question for you, shannonnh . so that'natus the naturere of te interviewer. i've seen the clips and stylistically,d joe biden
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looks very reminiscent from what we saw in that debate. e, horse voice, some stammering, momeh agape, glassy eyes. now, i'm sure there are other moments and i think that'se judd the point in the end, you know, which moments is he judgedth onc the low moments or the moments of clarity? and i think with the president, we need 100% clarity. so how did he pull off the entirety of the intervieenty >> listen, i think overall, it was better than probably a lotoo of people would expect, definitely better than the debate performance. but he definiteledefinily also , his train of thought in some of these answers. kindd it together, was kind of on a good clip towards the end. but i got the sense from stuff annapolis questions. it's almost as if he himself was trying to convinceimselfng e it's over. >> yeah, well, the debate set a pretty low bar, so we all goh intoa of it with a set t of expectations and maybe he was able to exceehatdt jump that performance from the debate. shannon bream, thanks for telling us how it went tonight. jumpinin qui g on quickly on primetimeis nbc. >> well, all right. while joe biden is desperately clinging to powe nging to r, trump spent his fourth of july weekend on the course coe and trashing
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his opponent from a golf cart, >>n down pile yeah.e of . yeah, it's a bad guy. he just quit. you know, he's quit in the m us.i th is that right? yeah. i got him out of the race. and that means we have kamalink i think she's going to be better. she's so bad [ >> he's so pathetic. i don't know. it's viciousbe yet, so i just can't imagine. >> but can you imagine that guy would be dealing th with putin perso and the president of china, who's a fierce person?n? he's a fierce man, very tough guy. and they see him. they probably think he if they just announceys, te he's probably quitting. >> and trump is so confident after last week'sts off that he challenging biden to another debate. this time, n restro restrictioni saying it would give biden a chance to prove himself, riding on truth social, have trump said, i have the answer le the crooked joe biden incompetence puzzle. let's do another debate. but this time no holds barre d d. just t an all on discussion with justhe the two of us on stage talking about the future of the country. i'm not sure more exposureor
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is what might be in the advice column for joe d but here to help us is trump campaign deputy ations dations director caroline sunshine. caroline, thanks for being with us tonight. restingl so, you know, interestingly, people havsaide said, wow, qui president trump, it's been pretty quiet lately. somebody said, well, you don't get in the way of your opponent when they're in the middlen thig of self-destruction. what is the attitude right now caampaigse campaign toward biden? well, i can tell you tha it the conversations our campaign is having couldn't be moreth different from the panic and disarray of the democrats. we'r e having conversations about how much money we're raising, which sta states, minnesota and virginia, that we can flip. whhe next excitingwinnin place? we can take president trump and his winning message becausae it's very clear that the stakes for this country could not be higher. the u.s. government, it is very clear, is a ship without a captain. and i truly believe that the american people who watched , who waedebate to end all debaa
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as i call it, and who just had to suffer through fferthat interview thrrview wiec with stephanopoulos, truly wish the election was held tomorrow tid cand that they could cast j their vote for president donald trump and get joe biden out ane immediatelyit is because it's very clear he is unfit to serve. i also might add thave servet george stephanopoulos interview we all just had to watch. i remember when george stephanopoulohen geors st airing an interview with president trump would be an act of journalistic t of lismalpractice. ns but somehow a former whitector r house communications director for a democratn, president sitting down with a democrat like joe biden, who was clearly in declinef jo to clean up on aisle five is an act of journalism. sourhave to rememb you have to r the mainstream media, the liberal mainstream media concbeen fullya ha complicit in concealing joe biden's decline from the american people. the same biden's declin people who toldrp a you for the last four years that joe biden's spine is sharp as a tack. he doing cartwheels. don't get to wake up and now say, let's go, brandon, if you know what i mean. >> caroline, i have to ask you one of the questions. liyt ellike i'm asked ever other day over the past weekwe, which is, gosh, i hope those
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of individuals i'm talking about to supportt donald trumps i hope joe biden doesn't drop out. that's what you ofte wn here, i because, you know, it's like this is the race trump's goingun to beat biden. how does the campaign feel? would you rather run against joe biden or would you rather run ru t kamalaamal harris? bide well, look, it's veryn clear that joe biden t is unfitr to serve. i say i don't think m the american people are worrieor about four more years of joe biden. i think they're worriee mont ofd about four more months of joe biden. but my message to the democrat partat party would y would be total surrender. save yourself millionssit of dollars that this presidential electiothisn cycleu out, because it's very clear, whoever you put up, whether it's joet ether a biden or any r democrat, none of them can beat president trump and the american people are are very clear about who they want in the oval office. and it's the command and strength po and poiseill: of president donald j. >> trump will be something i doubt we're goin tthing.g to . you know, we'll just sit this presidential election out. we'll sit this cyclele o say oun the democrats on the advice of caroline sunshine. thank you so much, caroline. e thank yoit was great talking to.
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15% off with promo code. get 15 at take linked com. >> anti-israel tried to ruin the 4th of july celebrations across the country yesterday here cyesterda in new york cityl >> an unruly mob lit smoke bombs and chanted deathold to america while burning old glory. didn't happen in my 4th of july celebration in texas. happy birthdaytexas., america. >> we've been watching scenes like this play out for more than six months. college graduationths.s canceled synagogues threatened coun . wide, days of but it seems like they're just getting started. instead of winding up this. now, a coalition of anti-israel groups are gearing u geap to swm the dnc next month. >> writers have vowed to sow cha convention chaos. clearly, they're not afraid
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of joe, and neither is theha rest of the world. they see what we're seeingt weeg and they know they're not cheap fakes. he's perceived weakness leavesba us vulnerable to bad actors, both herde and abroad. so what aretion the national security implications of havings of a president who needs to be done with work by eight? let'let's ask heritage foundatin senior fellow and former deputey national adviser victoria coats, who joins me now. me hictoria, in somea ways i feel like i don't need an expert to tell me, heye , the presidency is a 24 our job. >> you can't jam ir job.t into six and you can't get it done before sundown to get your requisite number of sleep. but it is good to have an expert tell us exactlyslee a what kind of compromises and dangers are we running? comps ar of right now r on the international stageig? ly well, well, good to be with you. happy independence day. thiserous an is deeply, deeply dangerous. and i keep thinking about something my old colleagues stephen miller said earlier in the show, which is this is a massive.
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national security crisis. and it really is because we've had presidents who aree incapacitated before. woodrow wilson, fdhar, jfk, buti but it wasn't on the public stage. this is playinthg out in real time on our televisions. it just did tonighght.t. everyone can see what's going on. every bad actor from yesterday ,war in gaza, the head i of hamas to chairman jig is in beijing wat is watching thise they see what's happening with the president and they're ready to take advantage of it. and i think the boldness with which all the pro-hamasnest people came out over the 4tha of july is case in point. you know , you make a great point. we are rightfully, i would point out, outrage outrage at ty this was hidden from the american people, the bringing up wilson and, fdrg you were hiding their infirmities back then from other leaders in the world. and that'sthat's w what's incape of being hidden in the worst case scenario? we've hidden it from the americant from t people. but vladimir putin or xi jinping have got to see the truttih about joe biden now.
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absolutely. and they see an irresolute president. they're looking at all of the decisions that have been made by this administration startinyt g with, you know, three years ago, afghanistan. we're about toafghantan. hit anw anniversary of that disastrous withdrawal surrender of afghanistan. we're looking at ukraine. we're looking at october 7th in in israel. all of these things couldreso have been present prevented by resolute leadershipdership e house. and we're seeing now what happens if you don't have that. you haveyou ha w a world on fir. you have chaosan and you have another four months of this and less. i mean, i guese alive iss the it in kamala harris, which is isn't exactly reassuring. only have like a minute left here, victoria. but i guess i'm just kind of clear about the mechanicsof e the phone rings in the middle of the night. there's an international crisis or it doesn'ght.ternatiot even n be the middle of the night. as can be clear. could just be after dinner er and joe can't make a quick decision. so who run runs s the american response to an international crisis? gh
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>> that's that's what we're all very concerned about, i guess. it'right now it's dr. jill or it's hunter biden. and i never sasaw this wasand with president trump. he was always available for us. i and this is just this is deeply dangerous for the american people. >> hunteden r biden is makingou the call on on decisionswarm that could end up in world or nuclear war. >> hunteennt bidenr biden rest y american. have a happy independence day. victoria, thanks for being with us. more jesse watters primetime coming up in. we're known for our creativity and this could be our best creation yet. nascar right on the streets of chicago before our revolution, before america, before destiny came calling. it was george.
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