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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 6, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. in our family there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are today. (♪) whether you're moving across town or across the country, you can count on pods to deliver when we say we will. which is why we were voted america's #1 container moving company. book your move today at will: it is the 7:00 hour of "fox and friends" weakens. pass the torch.
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biden doing campaign cleanup in wisconsin. despite the calls to step down, he's remaining determined. >> you find me more enthusiastic at the end of the day. joey: a former space force commander lost his job and pension for warning awoke training is affecting the military's morale and readiness. lisa: the new pancake trend that has the internet flipping out. the second hour of "fox and friends" weekend starting now. ♪ ♪ lisa: listening to the beach boys. joey: doesn't get any better than that. love that scene. here i am in new york city. will: you love the beach boys?
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joey: my first cd in its compact cd player. was it 8 track? will: the very first piece of music, wasn't my parents. the beach boys are a slight bit controversial, not politically. lisa: i like the beach boys. i love seeing that photo. new york is not -- joey: they represent the golden california days. lisa: people were injecting themselves on the streets in those days. will: you hear the beach boys and feel good.
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lisa: both my kids know it because i sing it, i don't sing, at least to my kids. will: we told you there is a snowball effect when it comes to president biden. last night's interview with george stephanopoulos didn't stop the rolling of the snowball. it's not just elected officials, media members, now it's time to step aside. even the man on the street, the man at the rally, men and women behind president biden holding up signs saying like you can see there, patch -- passed the torch, joe. calls are growing for joe biden to step aside. >> president biden: they are trying to push me out of the race. let me say as clear as i can. i am staying in the race. i will beat donald trump.
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i will beat him again in 2020. by the way, we are going to do it again in 2024. i learned long ago, when you get knocked down, you get back up. [applause] >> president biden: i am not letting one, 90 minute debate wipe out 3 and a half years of work. you probably noticed a lot of discussion about my age. i know i look 40. i keep seeing stories about being too old. let me say something. i wasn't too old to create 50 million new jobs. make sure 25 million americans were on the affordable care act. let me ask you, was i too old to beat donald trump?
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lisa: if you get knocked down can you get back up, can you do that without life alert? 74% of americans think he's too old, that number has grown since the debate. he looked better there but in the interview last night, you cannot think of a more controlled environment, you are sitting down at your leisure in this interview and he looks tired, mentally not with it and said it would take an act of god to get him out of the race. democrats are in a difficult position. how do you get an incumbent president to drop out of the race? joey: the first line, they are trying to get me out of the race, who is he rallying the troops against? not republicans, not donald trump. when he says they are trying to get me out of the race, he's
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talking about other democrats, the ones in charge, he's talking about folks that are supposed to support him. that becomes the conversation, you get a division in the party regardless how mean-spirited it isn't, it's an important conversations that may sever the party. will: we have laid out the different excuses he has employed to explain his performance in this debate, he talked about exhaustion, international travel schedule. what he's trying to do is convince people and obviously failing that it was one bad nights. 90 minutes will not do away with 31/2 years of work. no one is worried about one bad night. you can talk about resilience but people are worried about the ability of you to operate on an ongoing basis, not that you failed one night.
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i don't know that last night did anything in the interview with george stephanopoulos. we saw a similar comparison to what we saw in the debate. vacant eyes, hoarse voice, mouth agape, only thing different was more answers. here he is. >> what will it take to turn the campaign around? >> president biden: start today. how many can draw crowds like i drew last night? >> i don't think you want to play the crowd game. donald trump can draw big crowds. >> president biden: i am the guy supposedly in trouble. raised $38 million within two days, over a million individual contributors. less than $200.
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i've not seen what you are proposing. >> you haven't seen the fallout from the polls or the reports of discontent, house democrats, senate democrats? >> president biden: i have seen it from the press. joey: the president cannot operate outside the hours of 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. and the media covered this up. his people covered this up. they lied to the american people, they accused fox news and other outlets reporting about these videos showing him on his own having trouble moving around, we were told those were cheap fakes. this was concealed from you. with that being said republicans need to expand the line of attack, between 3 and 4 americans believe it is a
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recession because of inflation prices, the world in chaos. if he does decide to step down the democrats will say the age issue, we are turning the page with kamala harris. they need to broaden the line of attack. joey: we have a monitor with other networks. one of them, the graphics they are showing are the worst dumbfounded looks he has in the interview. no one is carrying the water. when he says i have one bad night, most people see it the other way around. not that he had one bad night but a lot of bad moments. that was one night that could not be bad. him on stage with donald trump after all the potentially negative stories, that was his moment he couldn't fail at.
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going into that, the one moment you win and we are okay, moving forward he can win as many moments as he wants. but one more bad moment and that is the nail in the coffin so the perspective has changed. will: is a massive conspiracy. i have said i believe for the last half-century, there's a lot of coverups and conspiracies we have to consider in america's past but they made a movie called dave about a president being replaced by a look-alike because the president is incapacitated. we are not far from fiction being reality. it is not been covered successfully. it was attempted to be covered up is a huge scandal. lisa: we have a media, we
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expect politicians to lie to us. you expect a white house press secretary to spin you. we expect that from them. the media is supposed to hold these individuals accountable. without that accountability, what kind of nation does that make us? it is dangerous. joey: a nation struggling with a lot of issues because we don't have good leadership. one of the best lines donald trump, don't remember how it came out, that joe biden hasn't fired anyone. you only fire people when you are in charge, donald trump fired too many people but no qualms about whether he was capable and in charge but as a nation if we take this out, the age issue, whether he is mentally there and look at the record, there are a lot of issues that americans are undecided depending where you are that won't be decided by the supreme court but by voters
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and sometimes at the local level. what is the idea where identity serves a rolling kids lives. this soundbite is a school board president at a school board in washington state of all places taking a stand against boys competing in girls sports. listen. >> the data shows you have biological males competing against biological females, it's nowhere close to being fair or competitive. we need to protect female sports. as a father of multiple daughters who play sports, daughters who placed high levels in college him a wife who coached swimming, it is ludicrous that we are talking about having males in female sports. it should not be happening,
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it's not safe, it's unfair. someone said allowing men in women's sports is inclusive but when men join women's teams, women are excluded. will: that's a bit of common sense. common sense exists in america. it's a failure of leadership. not a failure of common sense worldwide. we are often ruled by the headquarter veto or radical minority and here you see sanity in america. lisa: i grew up with three brothers and i would not compete against my brother. this is beyond women's sports to me. this is about sanity. we reached this place of complete insanity were telling the truth is dangerous or frowned upon, not everyone has
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to feed your delusion. joey: i'm more concerned about that school board than president biden. politics is most effective on your life at the local level. you your municipality can shutdown anything and have school boards, a school board president, i don't know what his politics are, he may be a socialist. that's how severed this is from mainstream politics, trying to make it the mainstream politics, this is not across the board. i don't believe most democrats are on board with this. a lot of parents are feeling this stuff. will: that school board president is gabe galbraith and he will be joining us at 9:30 eastern.
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joey: we turn to some headlines. fallen nypd officer amelia renhack will be laid to rest today. a suspected drunk driver crashed into a long island nail salon. mayor eric adams paying his respects. >> pursue that dream, those who made our city safe. it is a tragic accident. joey: a suspected drunk driver plowed into the business, killing her and three others. to a fox wildfire alert. firefighters have contained 5% of the blaze near yosemite national park. the wildfire started thursday prompting evacuations.
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fire officials say it charred 840 acres. check this out. washington state firefighters rescuing two bald eagles after they attacked a tree with five last month. [applause] joey: they were roaming 3 in time for independence day. those are your headlines. glad to see those freedom engines getting rescued. lisa: trending stories including this virginia couple, who loves the texas roadhouse. how about this new take on a breakfast favorite called scramble pancakes.
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>> reporter: viral pancakes, we have a lot to digest. let's start with bacon on saturday morning. kevin bacon is cutting loose to vanity fair. he wants commissioned a prosthetic disguise to venture out in public as a normal person with fake nose and teeth. he said nobody recognized me, people were pushing past me, not being nice. no one said i love you. i had to wait in line for coffee or whatever. i want to go back to being famous. speaking get of famous, this retired couple is becoming famous for their love of the national restaurant chain on a mission to visit every texas roadhouse in america. whether their love is driven by those roles or the fried cactus blossom, the couple has visited
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437 texas roadhouse locations with their dog, andy, saying it is more like home cooking to us. as time has gone by it is not just food but the people who work at the restaurants. they are a big family. sweethearts tried everything on the menu. one thing not on the menu is scrambled pancakes. this is going viral, remixing a classic staple telling millions of viewers and we've been flipping flapjacks wrong her whole life. this is both good and bad. what do you think? what do you think of scrambled hotcakes? joey: it reminds me of a photo cake. more bready than a funnel cake.
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the ratio, crispina's. lisa: there is no expectation of a mickey mouse. will: i want to try this. joey: i don't know why we have this and we don't have -- we need to get on that. will: funnel cakes, a happy thing. joey: my daughter won a fish in the fair. hardly anybody was winning, she got the take-home of a goldfish. i mean, that was awesome. it went for a flush. coming up, dei in the very. a space force officer said he
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was fired over woke initiatives. lisa: accused of robbing and killing a tourist after repeatedly being released in los angeles. when will enough be enough for soft on crime democrats? will: the mayor dealing with the repercussions. ♪ book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? i need help with her snoring. sleep number does that. thank you. shop our lowest prices of the season with free home delivery when you add a base. sleep number smart beds starting at $999. learn more at
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joey: dei in the military has our next guest, a former space force lieutenant colonel, up in arms after he says he was fired and lost his pension for speaking out. after serving in the military for more than a decade, matt lemoir said that it affected military readiness which prompted action against him. executive vice president of stars joins us now. good morning, lieutenant colonel, thank you for joining us. we were talking in the commercial break. you are not just fired from your position but also pushed out of the space force, last your career. >> unfortunately for the american people and all men and women in uniform it has been considered for a number of
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years to be politically partisan to speak up against diversity and inclusion initiatives. anyone who looks into this knows it shouldn't be considered a partisan issue. i wasn't interested in being politically partisan in command of a space force unit but senior military leaders under the current administration decided because of the climate of fear we had created they are to treat my criticism of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives as partisan and, quote, hold me accountable for speaking out against it. joey: there's a study by arizona state university that found part of the policy, your mandated or encouraged to tell on others if they have a negative opinion of dei. did you experience that? >> come to think of it i did experience that. a fellow commander informed me
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they are aware of my kind of politics and would be happy to turn me into the base commander if i continue to privately criticize dei initiatives but this has grown beyond what i experienced personally or professionally, the report you mentioned for the center of american institutions specifically mentioned the things happening currently at the military service academies and the u.s. air force academy has diversity and inclusion cadet officers who wear a special insignia, purple braided rope over the shoulders and they report to a separate chain of command other than the letter chain of command relating to diversity and inclusion issues. it reminds one of soviet political czars that were established in the soviet union and other marxist revolutionary efforts of the last century.
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this is a dangerous, divisive ideology and they treated like it is a protected religious worldview but not just protected but one that others are to step in line with and support in words and actions or face consequences. joey: you showed courage by sticking to your oath, what is detrimental to our readiness. i can't thank you enough for your service. the us space force is not returned our requests for comment. we have your perspective and we appreciate it. thank you for joining us. a career criminal is accused of robbing and killing a 68-year-old tourist after repeatedly being released in los angeles. when will enough be enough or soft on crime democrats? we are talking to the mayor dealing with repercussions. so i started my own studio.
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in
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chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please visit i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life.
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will: texas is bracing for tropical storm beryl to hit the area as a hurricane. storm watches have been issued along the coast as it pushes past the southern gulf of mexico. it hit as a category 2 hurricane yesterday. no one was hurt or kill. rick reichmuth. >> reporter: there was thought that it would go towards mexico. not the case with all the guidance brings along the texas coast, even parts of louisiana getting impact. the storm is not looking well organized but it is back over the water. we have a shot at reorganization and
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re-intensification, getting to a category one. we expect to see storm surge, with a stronger storm it would be higher. we have time to see what happens. this is a departure from normal precipitation. east texas, a lot of rain so far this year. 202025 inches more than we normally have. a lot of the ground does have moisture in it. we see a wide swath of 5 to 10 inches. it is going over where all the moisture is. big flood threat with this storm. a little timing strengthening past that but we make it a category one making landfall sometime on monday. lisa: california officials sounding the alarm on soft on
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crime policies after three men were arrested for the robbing and killing of a tourist. the orange county da saying suspects could be eligible for the death penalty. we are now learning one of the suspects should have been behind bars for prior felonies dating back to 2018 but avoid jail time thanks to los angeles da george gascon. the mayor of newport beach, this is so disheartening. it started as a robbery attempt in newport and ended with a woman being run over and killed in a parking lot. what happened that day? >> it is a series of decisions made by really bad people that affected really good people. doug and trish mckay were vacationing with their children and grandchildren in newport
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beach. they have been married 47 years. they made a lot of good decisions in their life. we have three men who drove down from los angeles, looked for the most vulnerable people they could find so they could rob them. when they found those people they decided to jump out of the car, put a gun in mr. mckay's face, demand his watch, start pulling mrs. mckay, dragged her into the street, and when they tried to get away, the driver drove over her and killed her. this was a series of evil decisions that took the life of mr. mckay. i can't overstate how unbelievable, mind blowing and frustrated we are as a community that they would do that to anyone let alone these good and decent human beings.
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lisa: there are two 18-year-olds, one of those suspects, prior felony conviction for residential burglary in 2018, prior felony conviction in 2020, prior felony conviction for robbery in 2023. because the los angeles da did not do his job your community is reeling. how did we get here? >> the justice system is broken. no question because it is worse than what you say. the robbery conviction in 2023 is because he had pulled a gun on someone in broad daylight and stolen his watch. i jumped on the website yesterday to find out what he was charged with. the prosecutor's office did not charge him and as far as i can tell he served five days in jail, no prison time, 5 days in jail for pulling a gun on
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someone and robbing him. he should have been in prison. never should have been part of free society. he was driving into my city and murdered someone in the process. that the broken system in los angeles county and we have a problem where voters keep voting in people who keep letting people like this out and it is -- it needs to be the other way. we need to keep prisoners like this in. lisa: what would your message to guess cohen be? >> do your job and recognize who the victims are, the mckays, the victims are all over your county because you are not doing your job. i'm so frustrated because a good law enforcement agency being up there among the best, they will find these people and go to the ends of the earth to grab them and thank god for our district attorney because he will prosecute these guys and to make sure justice is served.
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lisa: the viewers share your sentiment and your frustration. the family of the victim, can't imagine having seen that. thank you for joining us, appreciate your time. coming up, democrats and donors panicking as biden says it would take a lot to make them step aside. former fundraiser for president obama reacts. >> it depends what the lord almighty tells me.
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>> i convinced myself of two things. i'm the most qualified person, i know how to get things done. >> you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump, will you stand down? >> president biden: it depends. if the lord almighty tells me that, i could do that. will: it will take a message from god to drop out. in his exclusive abc news interview with george stephanopoulos, more democrats revolt.
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biden surrogate byron healy saying the president should carefully evaluate his path forward. david axelrod warning biden is dangerously out of touch with concerns we have about his capacities. here is former fundraiser for president obama. democrats seem to have broken into two camps. those in full on panic that i think appropriately worry how do we go forward with joe biden because they want to win elections, i worry for the sake of the country and other saying other democrats are freaking out, republicans stand by trump, one bad debate and everybody bails on joe biden? which side are you on? are you one of the ones panicking or everyone calm down? >> i was always apprehensive about biden for a second term. he ran for office and was supposed to be a transitional president meaning kamala harris would learn to be president and
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step up to be president. she hasn't done a great job. the president is saying he's the best candidate. will: is that a personal view of yours or was that a point of view held by a lot of people in the obama world, that this will be transitional, that this will step the democratic party into the future and that future is kamala harris? >> the expectation for most of the democratic fundraising community was president biden would do one term and move on and harris would learn to be president and that is why he got support from a broad spectrum of democratic fundraisers and leaders. will: there was already discontent with the idea he was going to run again. now we see his actual capability, his mental
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capacity. he's pointing to fund raising but we also hear about donors who are joining the chorus along with congressman, senators, the media who are backing away from joe biden. what do you think will be the move here? do you think joe biden can withstand this snowball opposition within his own party? >> he entered every democratic primary and locked up the delegates. it is his decision and his decision alone. he indicated it would take god to get him out of the race. he continues to have that approach, he will be the democratic nominee. i don't think most people expected to him to run for a second term and they are panicking. will: is there a donor? is there one big donor, one
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fundraiser. what is this draw that breaks the camel's back? is it hakeem jeffries having a phone call, is the fundraiser? what is the straw that breaks the camel's back? >> i don't think there is one. he is a proud man who feels capable of running the country. he is still bitter after 2016, his president who he served as vice president under said he would not support him in a primary contest against hillary clinton. he would have been elected and have a second term finishing up now, the country would be turning a page generationally. will: if he is still bitter about 2016 and obama putting
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his weight behind hillary, how much influence today is there with joe biden in barack obama? >> not enough to get him out of the race. the democrats are in a position, they put him in this position. they've known all along his capacity was diminishing day after day week after week but they propped him up and hid him from the media and all of a sudden the one time he has exposure to a give and take with donald trump he fails and they are panicking. i believe donald trump will be the next president of the united states against biden or harris so i don't think harris is an improvement. will: a fascinating perspective from someone that side of the aisle. worthy of more time and curiosity, thank you.
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over to you. lisa: turning to foxbusiness headlines, ford mustang does have been recalled due to a problem is that may cause steering wheel so unintentionally turn. they were built from 2022 and april 2023. the company says this issue can be fixed with a software update that you can get for free at your local ford dealership. starting this month target will no longer take personal checks as a form of payment. a spokesperson for the big-box chain says it is because of low volume but target will still take cash, credit cards and debit cards, the policy will go into effect july 15th. more than a billion iphone users could be the targets of a new cyber attack. officials say hackers sent victims a text message that looks like it is from apple
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joey: the rain just started but summer is a great time to focus on your family's health and well-being. will: diy expert chip wade. >> let's talk about a fun and interactive training tool. these connect to the apps. tapping all the lights, it is great for individual motivation and group fitness, this is good for young adult with cognitive reaction time. you can find out more,
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transforming your bathroom into spahr. everybody likes lower maintenance. defend with micro bend, it won't wash or wear off. it will take 99% of microbes and bacteria of your surfaces which limit needs cleaning. i've got all of this, will: more "fox and friends" coming up in a minute. a know a? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant.
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joey: it is the 8:00 hour of "fox and friends" weekend starting with this. biden's big moment came and went and democrats are still panicking over his campaign as


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