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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  July 6, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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neil: are democrats in this array bound to lose the white house, regardless? >> well, i mean the polls indicate that president bide listen lose under any condition. i think it's kind of crazy to not give somebody in better shape to lead the democratic party and ultimately run the country. we need shall be who is in -- who is mentally competent and cognitively competent and at this critical time in history. neil: that was robert f. kennedy jr. earlier in the week and argues he's that independent alternative to the president and marian williamsson in the race scored second leapted back in the race to tell us she should
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be the one an open convention turns to right now. lucas tomlinson taking a brief respite before he's back on the campaign trail. this issue and controversy in the party not going away, is it? >> that's right, neil. sure isn't. there's five house democrats calling for president biden to step down out of this race and in office and not run for reelection and yesterday speaking at a rally in wisconsin ahead of that sit down with abc and president biden was defiant telling supporters he's staying in the race. >> i will beat donald trump, i will beat him again in 2020. by the way, we're going to do it again in 2024. i learned long ago when you get knocked down, you get back up. [ cheering ].
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>> i'm not letting one 90 minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. reporter: one of the big headlines abc interview was president biden declining to take a cognitive test when asked by george step notary public luisa. >> have you had the cognitive test done and will you do one? >> no un-with said i had to. they said i'm good. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation and cognitive test and release the results to the american people. >> look, i have a cognitive test every single day. every day i have that test. reporter: neil, in the last hour you had a democratic house candidate from california, which at times was a purple state there in colorado. he says that debate -- excuse me, interview with abc did not change anyone's minds last night. here's what he said. >> i think it made it worse last
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night with all due respect to the president. i'm not jumping for joy having these conversations with people. reporter: you mentioned, neil, the president is here in wilmington here for a day of rest before heading to nearby harrisburg, pennsylvania, for a rally tomorrow. neil. neil: lucas, i can always get you off guard and you're so on top of things. i'm wondering about the biden family. we're told they're behind him sticking this out and fighting the good fight, making the argument he won all the deledelegates as he's been poung in speeches and he shouldn't and better not even think of quitting. how is that motivating him right now? it sounds like that's the drive from the family when he's with the family, that's what they're saying, and that is what he is hearing. >> that's right, neil. remember, the president spent about a week preparing for the first debate with donald trump at camp david and we got
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eyebrows raised when hunter biden sat in on the meetings and more proof how much the family is involved and certainly it's been well documented and the first lady's impact on her husband and seems to enjoy being first lady and by all accounts met with the family at camp david and white houssaying how preplanned the meetings were and no question talking about his future and emerged and went to the wisconsin rally and didn't mince words and played off the top, he's staying in the race and he told george stephanopoulos he alone thinks he can beat donald trump. you heard his voice and his words. neil: a divided party whether it's the president stepping down in favor of someone else or being challenged by someone else. usually doesn't go onto win in that environment. no matter who it was; right?
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>> a lot of democrats worried about down ballot race and it's notable in 1972 and nixon's big win and 1948 with those landslides and democrats kept the house. neil: that's very interesting. my encyclopedic friend. lucas tomlinson, thank you very much. a candidate spoke her mind and fought the good fight and stepped out of the race when joe biden wrapped it up and easily wrapped it up now and he's the nominee of the party and going out in question and she's back in that race with a message for open convention. marian williamson with us now. good to have you back. >> thank you, wonderful to be with you, neil. thank you. neil: people are saying it's an uphill fight for you or virtually anyone else in this environment. so far on the president is not
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giving up, not relinquishing and said i got those delicates and can't get him away. >> he got the delegates but the people that voted for him voted for him before last thursday's debate. this is an emergency for the democratic party and we need to handle this and handle it quickly. the democratic party needs to recalibrate and the voices that are beginning to finally speak up, people who are finally beginning to say this has to change, i hope that this weekend will be filled with people speaking to the families and going for them and going with respect and coming to the side and need a mini primary and we need to have a conversation for the next two months and that's what we're going to offer for the american people and as to counter for the grievances that donald trump will be offering.
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going for the drama of any one land and more. neil: is there time for that, marianne. >> the people and i know there's time and i know what i've been talking about for the last year and a half and what people want. when you have 39% of the american people who are reporting that they're regularly skipping meals to pay rent and millions that are selling blood plasma and over half of our bankruptcies based on medical emergencies and bankruptcies and one in four americans living with medical debt and 600,000 homeless people and time to talk to the american people. i have been talking to them for the last year and a half, and as suppressed as that conversation was at times, i know the excitement that it generates. that is our biggest electoral
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risk for democrats and not just people voting for donald trump. our biggest opponent is the hopelessness and cynicism which make as lot of people say i'm not even going to vote. if people staying home, that's the danger. it's people voting for bobby kennedy. people know they have other options and we have to offer the american people fundamental ways to materially improve their lives. neil: the fact of the matter is they are looking at other names and they're not coming up and gavin newsom's name speaking right now in pennsylvania where the president will be tomorrow. and he thinks that the president should continue to fight the good fight and his name comes up for kamala harris' name coming up and they're not looking at you at all. what are you saying? >> when you say they're not looking, the same people are not looking right now and looking for the democratic donor elite.
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neil: going for votes and supporting people with their campaign and don't mean to minimize that and not the person to close the deal and in a lot of party enthusiasts and somebody about the donor elite are talking about and looking for alternatives to joe biden is your name doesn't come up. how do you convince them, hey, consider me? >> if you're a democratic candidate for president and blacklisted on cnn and blacklisted on msnbc, then the democratic electorate doesn't even know you're there. that's their play book and smeared in all of the things they do and i'm grateful to fox for having me on. when you say my name is not mentioned, how would people mention my name that don't know i'm there. when you talk about gavin newsom, so gavin newsom is out there talking about how we need to support the president and you know as well as i do that behind the scenes, he's putting his team together. a status quo democrat will not seal this deal. a democratic status quo candidate who has been part of
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just pretending nothing was going on all of these mo monthss not someone that will defeat donald trump. present to the american people and someone that's not a status quo democrat and excitement and new possibility to the american people and match the energy of donald trump and let the people meet and going for them all tuition free college and tech school and guaranteeing the way and department of peace and going for them and going to deal with the climate emergency which it is. and the massive infusion of hope and america's hope of children and working for people of the united states and that's what we need to return to and nothing
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less than people don't matter or what. it will take someone going to tie. neil: to take on the president in his own party and the way things stand now if you don't succeed, marianne and left between deciding between joe biden and donald trump and going out there as well and who would you vote for? >> many people asking for the campaign trail. neil: going for them and it's what my conscious said for november 5 the day of the election and going to change it. neil: changing by november and those three things again and don't succeed and going for them and it would not be considering what they're doing.
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>> my biggest goal and i think the goal of many people is to run because i want to make sure donald trump does not return to the white house. fdr said we would not have to worry about a fascist takeover as long as democracy delivered on it is plan. neil: it's not donald trump. i get that . i can't imagine you go to rfk jr. route, but you might. so it sounds like you would default back to joe biden. i don't want to put words in where are mouth. >> yeah, please don't put words in my mouth because those words don't necessarily align with the feelings in my heart. and i'm doing what every american is doing right now, looking, listening, thinking and that's what we need to do and that's the duty of citizenship. right now i feel i have the winning agenda and winning energy, and i hope that the democratic party will open this thing up. let's have many primaries and
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conventions. neil: not going to open it up to you. the question i raise before you dropped out of the race is whether you felt like rodney dangerrerfield getting no respect. >> neil, of course. running for president is an emotionally brutal experience, of course it is but if you're not tough enough to take that, i don't think you're tough enough to be president. neil: marianne williamson, always a pleasure. thank you. >> thank you for having me. neil: we're following this tropical storm warning issued for portions of the western gulf coast and beryl is forming back into a hurricane possibly as early as tomorrow, maybe monday at the latest and a real threat to texas with the storm surge in some places could be as much as three and a half feet. stay with us. on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs,
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neil: warnings all along the gulf toast coast on the texas side and rick reichmuth said beryl is a tropical storm and could form into a hurricane status and rick is at the fox weather center with more. what's going on? >> prop cal storm warnings came out and tropical storms are less wind than a hurricane and so they mutt out a warning of tropical storm conditions in that area, but the hurricane watch is the more important story here. i do expect that to turn into a hurricane warning maybe by this evening for parts of the texas coast, this right here is the storm the last few hours we've seen this big flare up of storms and little early to say if this is sustainable of the storm and to expect over the next 24 hours for the storm to likely get its structure back in tact after having gone through that period of land mas of yucatan and cooling water and once it gets act together and more organizedd and has about another 24 hours for strengthening and what we expect to see and why it'll get
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back to hurricane status we think. if you're in the yellow, time to prepare for potential storm impacts. by tomorrow, that'll go into the go phase doing final preparations. by tomorrow night, we expect to see possibly tornadoes begin to occur right across coastal parts of texas. this is the departure from average. everywhere in the gulf of mexico is warmer than you'd be for this time of year but little bit cooler down towards here off in the yucatan and heading towards much warmer water and we have wind sheer lopping it up a bit and expect that to subside within 24 hours as well and a bit of dry air here down towards the south of this and that will also opened moving towards warmer water and we're confident in the strengthsenning storm over time. texas coastline and direction that leads from the storm and now there's a model in really
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good agreement here and mid texas coast and this is probably going to be a monday midday event. could be a bit before that and that's a midday event across the shore and see it satars tomorrow night and on shore and maybe up towards five feet of storm surge and going for a lot of rain and east texass that had a really wet winter and spring and now more moisture in that flooding threat and it'll be real significant for us. it's a spot and spots up to the area and more. neil: thank you, my friend. rick reichmuth as watches and warnings coming in. i want to pass along something in the classified documents case and going for president trump and the judge in that particular case now is granted the trump
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team's request for more briefing on the supreme court and ruling that's ordered a partial stay, that would pause several up coming deadlines in the case. this is yet another case that keeps getting pushed back but in light of the supreme court decision that goes way beyond this case so again, this is the kind of news that has been very beneficial to the trump legal team. doesn't mean the case is going away, but it does mean it's delayed. maybe for a significant amount of time. we'll keep you posted. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you, verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on.
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neil: at least five house democrats are urging the president to quit the race including one running to become a democratic congressman in
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colorado just the same. that's before they all gathered in washington and hearing them and looking at doing just the same and too early to tell the politico white house and washington reporter and dan, the president made it clear on abc that only the lord all mighty can drive him from the race and not only this chatter. >> it's not sustainable if you have a ton more democrats come out publicly once they get in the same room and lookout for their own self-interest and drives many politicians and the problem with the abc interview if it was fine and only a few million americans watched it. 50-70 million people that watch debates and you can't really rewind the tape and make people
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unsee what they saw a week and a half ago. and that's a real problem for biden and you can't have, can't just be on an island and everyone -- all the other democrats have abandoned him. neil: one that put a lot of pressure for second debate if one ever happens and it's not till september and impressions are formed and cemented by a lot of folks and i've heard democrats prepare well and look at slippery and difficult start that ronald reagan had and walter mono-dale and a couple of days later and with a quick history on that, but the two men are not similar in the two sitwayses are not remotely similar hawaii do you think of that? >> well, this is a debate that the biden campaign wanted to have in late june. they could have waited till the fall, but they chose to have it early because they wanted to do something to reverse the
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momentum trump had. but if this gets biden out of the race and a more electable democrat in who can actually coalesce the democratic base and beat tram and shift the attention of trump instead of age skin fellation, then it'll have been a brill cent political stroke by demo democrats ---neiw likely is that, dan, we can force the president or convince him to step down and have a convention to debate this and all that . but really short of kamala harris part of the kick. it would be tough, wouldn't it? >> it would be but the president is not getting younger and his poll numbers slip ever so
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slightly and deputies are behind biden is seeing mark warner that's a well respected senior senator and chairman of the senate compensatory damages committee and organize an effort by his colleagues in the senate to potentially write a letter and petitioning the white house to consider run running and hakm jeffrey aci-jel ick leader in the house and they see the polling and how biden seems to be in denial and i have better polls. you know a politician is losing with they're saying i have my own internal polls we're not going to release. neil: i don't see him going quietly into the night, dan, and again and again, no matter the venue and particularly wisconsin at this rally and equivalent to that and said i won the
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delegates. i did this. in other words you can't strip all that away. that's paraphrasing it but what do you make of the argument he'll won't go down without a fight and it'll be difficult to pull off? >> what democrats will say you have to get off the stage gracefully and there'll be a fight and don't want to jeopardize it if 50% win and going for trump to get reelected and not with his election and said albeit peace and believe tram subpoena a threat to democracy and biden is basically a naval back if he goes out.
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neil: i look at early poll numbers and don't look good for the alternative and we do know a divided party is generally a losing party no matter what happens for this. it's unique, i grant you. no matter who they get and if they do want to replace joe biden, democrats have an uphill fight in november, do you agree with that? >> they do because americans are unhappy and they do not like inflation that's overhung on the economy and the immigration crisis and that'll be a problem for harris if she's the nominee and has to own that and it'll be one of her pet issues and they also think that if this campaign is a referendum on biden then he'll lose and need to shift the attention to trump and the
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felony convictions and chaos that he could unleash in washington. you can't -- if you have harris in a midwestern governor, a male governor, than it's much mohsier to do that and -- easier to do that and you can kind of say this is the future of the party and harris will turn 60 this fall versus a republican in trump who is nearing 80 years old. neil: got t more to come. we're learning from donald trump responding to all the developments on this to social side and kind of mocking the debate and crooked joe biden should ignore the critics and move forward and powerful and far reaching campaign. i bet that's a tongue and cheek way of saying go ahead and try, i guess. after this. o many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles.
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neil: president biden meating with all the nato leaders in washington including the newly elected and very quickly deputized prime minister of britain and he's going to get a chance to met all of them and all this with the backdrop of potential terror threats all across the globe. stephanie bennett has more from london. reporter: hey, neil, several
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military bases across europe on high alert this week. u.s. european command said for operational reasons, they're not going to go into any specific measures just to keep everyone safe there. u.s. bases have raised the threat level to forced protection charlie which means the pentagon received credible intelligence indicating some form of terror attack might be in the works and the new alert applies to all u.s. military facilities and personnel in europe including germany, italy, romania and bulgaria. buzzens of -- dozens of world leaders will descend on washington dc this week for a show of unity in celebration of the 75th anniversary summit next week, but biden's performance at cnn presidential debate was met with shocking concern by some diplomats around the world over the upcoming election and many believe a trump presidency could pose a threat to the future of nato as he publicly rallied against the alliance and wants other member countries to increase their defense spending.
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>> i say they've got to pay and they said what would happen if we don't? we won't defend you against russia. reporter: other key allies dealing with major political changes and going for the newly elected leader keir ssarmer heading to the nato summit and it's the round that could lead to far right prime minister taking office there. for now, nato leaders plan to pledge countying foundling for ukraine but of course ukraine is unlikely to be offered a membership with the u.s. and germany opposed while the war is still ongoing. neil. neil: stephanie, thank you for that . stephanie bennett. retired u.s. air force brigadier general and author of the best seller war without rules, rob starling. general, this is a crucial meeting at a crucial time and the president will be getting extra scrutiny, should he? >> well, i mean, let's not talk
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about his debate performance but, you know, really should be focused on our relationship with new york nato and what are we trying to achieve? we add all this aid going to ukraine and there's no consequences if they don't get a ceasefire or anything and being in the first dick emberdal colder war and going to -- digital cold war and threats and not just about terror and program of the citizens through applications like tiktok. neil: so when the president tells george stephanopoulos he was saying this in a speech in wisconsin that brought nato back and i'm affordability phrasing, general -- paraphrasing, general, but we're in a lot better shape than when the other guy was in power, what do you think of that? >> well, honestly, there's been really no significant change in nato's posture in my opinion. i mean, that hasn't been caused of course by russia's invasion of ukraine and that's been a
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galvanizing event but ultimately like i said, nato needs to evolve and understand that we're finally not just in -- fighting not just in ukraine but the very survival of western civilization and principles and values and that's something that biden needs to lead on and so far he hasn't. neil: the debate spurred all sorts of questions about the mental competency of the president, especially in these heightened tense times. an issue i brought up with tom tillis, the senator and had concerned to international security. respond to this, general. >> i say if our making my decision truly in a political vacuum that i'd say let biden stick around through november in january and he'll be aimed at donald trump. i'm talking about whether or not you're comfortable having what we saw on the debate stage in the cockpit of the nation of 330 million people. this is a dangerous world. there is any number of instances
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that we can be threatened because of the perceived weakness of our commander in chief. neil: what do you think of that? >> the commander in chief has to have a set of convictions and go back to reagan. reagan didn't like communism and willing to stand up to the soviet union and eisenhower had convictions and so did lincoln. the president is there and all power of the executive branch rests within that one person and the secretary of state doesn't make foreign policy. secretary of defense doesn't make security policy, the president does. he has to be mindful and convicted, and he has to have the presence of mind to understand these complex relationships that are currently driving the first dingal cold war. digital cold war. neil: general, the remarks the president made since the debate and it's all this and we also learned a little bit about how he sort of maps out his day on
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the normally done by four and he's very valid and thinking our enemy ifs you're iran, russia or china and he's at it and probably too strong on my part to characterize it that way. wouldn't that elmore bolden them? embolden them? >> definitely and that just goes without saying and i think to my future, biden at that age one of the things i want to be doing and it's noble that he wants to serve the country, but is he serving it in the best way? that would be the question i would be asking myself. neil: meanwhile the terror threats and seem to not matter of the environment and matter of the culture and going for u.s. basis and i believe in europe and we haven't seen in a couple of years and what do we make of it? >> well, what's sad is the
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excursions and we have the same problems going on and whatever is going on in europe and we have concern about what's going on here in the united states and i think we have to be very concerned and so many people coming across the southern border, but when you have people that don't actually agree with the principles and values of your society and there isn't a plan to integrate them and you're going to be exposed to these threats and it's part of the way that we've evolved and i'm not sure why we did it going out to determine what the end result was to the united states and i'm sitting here and really kind of afraid of the implications of our own national security never mind our bases in europe. neil: i'm glad we had the retired air force brigadier
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general and we've been telling you about this global nato summit scheduled in washington next week and they're going our way as we speak and we'll be speaking to the polish president and he'll be joining me at 4:00 p.m. on your world on tuesday. a lot at stake there and of course he's had serious differences with the way we're treating you crane and the way we -- ukraine and way we seem to be dialing things back and we'll get his read on that with the president of poland coming up next week on this fine network. in the meantime, weave been keeping an eye on gavin newsom speaking in pennsylvania and dismissing all the talk he might be making a presidential run himself and that the presidents step down and understand the remarks to have the campaigning and doing his best for the ticket out there and we'll have more after this. t creatures. true miracles of evolution. where there is one, others aren't far behind.
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neil: all right, beprepared for a lot of traffic when you leave tomorrow and the roads will be busy and people extended july 4 holiday and leaving for the skies and they talk about smart roads to make it smarter and less crowded. kelly saberi on that. hey, kelly. reporter: neil, it's not just about creating smarts vehicles but starting with smart roadways. congestion, traffic delays, could all three be a thing of the past? that's what tyler duval would have told you 20 years ago when he was a transportation official. now he says autonomous vehicles could make driving headaches disappear. >> they'll be making these vehicles within the next ten years and knoll probably have about say 20-25% of the vehicles sold will have this capable. reporter: duval is now the ceo
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of a company piloting the world's first smart highway here in michigan. the project paid for by the company stretches three miles along the portion of i-94 connecting detroit to ann arbor michigan and using poles in the median outfitted with cameras, radar sensors and wireless radio transmission and communicating with all the cars on the corridor. >> we can use technology to allow the vehicles to operation more efficiently. reporter: vavnue -- cavnue's towers act like a router and connecting to each car and create ago route of information and can be communicated to cars behind them by giving vehicle as better sense of what lies ahead all drivers are safer. >> the analogy of aviation and can tell when there's hazards in the air space and other planes need to adapt to. reporter: neil, this isn't just a neat concept but about the safety of families and loved
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ones. according to the national highway transportation safety administration, in 2023, the u.s. spent roughly $300 billion in the aftermath of traffic fatalities and cavanue says let's be proactive and make infrastructure safer for everyone that drives it. neil. neil: kelly, thank you very much. i want her looking at the road more and being safe. many driveless vehicles don't need that. what do democrats need right now? they say alternative to joe biden but the biggest example they use is simply lbj and stepping out of the race. is it really that simple? after this. and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪
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>> one thing that keeps occurring to me and i tried to put to every witness with unique information in addition to own personal information is what do the president know and when did he first know it? neil: that was a moment back in 1973 and after that water gate break in when republicans started asking questions of democrats and wondering whether richard nixon at the time was being up and up with everyone and we know how it ended and coming at a time when democrats are bolting from joe biden and for very different reasons and debate going for a crisis and beginning for the trickle has been something to notice for the silent spring revolution and the nixon tape and tell what you say do you make of that, douglas? a lot of people saying these fine house deputies that started this and he's got to go and step down and now mark them leading a similar effort in the senate and
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still early and low numbers and what do you think of it? >> i keep my eye on senator mark warner and he very much could be a berry gold water figure in the nixon days and that's what he and a group of republicans may famously told lyndon johnson -- or nixon they weren't going to back him and senate intelligence and key building for the coalition and stepping down and going for the white house and going for lbj in a moment to step down for the good of the country and i want you to respond to this, douglas. >> i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. >> that was probably the most
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important line of what he said today, president biden. i am the nominee of the party. what he's saying to everybody is that it's going to be a fight because i'm now saying i'm the nominee. at the time lbj withdrew from the race, he was battered by mccarthy in new hampshire and about to lose the wisconsin primary and true the president had a lot more power then and didn't need all the primaries and not enough to make you get the nomination. if had gotten it under that enormous pressure, it would be a divide. neil: divided parties generally do. what do you think? >> that's true, but right when he made the announcement, johnson shot out in the polls and thought it was this idea and he picked hubert humphry and low and behold, he had double assassinations of martin luther king jr. followed by bobby kennedy and so by the time it got to chicago convention, two factions of the democratic party and hawks and doves over vietnam
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and eugene mccarthy lost out and humphry went onto lose and in fact because it was the first election after johnson's civil rights act, you saw the south go to george wallace win the party. neil: 48 electoral votes, people forget that . >> 48 electoral votes, neil. you can see why it's ringing some people's bell right now and should biden step down and how much pressure can he leave now with quite a legacy or do you keep fighting? i would think this is the key week coming up with the nato meetings in washington and waters calmed down and the polling doesn't keep going downward direction. you might be able to stabilize but there is a lot of heat for him to get out. neil: if he can withstand that heat, there's a number of months before the general election, could they forget this debate or so indelibly impressed on americans that they can't? >> well, it is indelibly
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impressed but like anything over time, it fades a little bit and you'll have the spectacle of milwaukee and going to talk about who the vice president is and then of course there is an abc debate whether it's kamala harris or joe biden and going to be happening in september and so there's debate to come and hang in for the comeback. neil: if i'm a trump folk and i want biden to stick around. >> without a question, if you're trump, joe, please stay in. please stay in. there's no question about it because when you're going in a downward direction, you want that -- you want to be running against that person. neil: okay, we shall cement douglas brinkly, thank you very much. fox news continues. (man) ahhhhh! (woman) no, no, no, no, no! (vo) you break it. we take it. trade in any phone, in any condition and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage,
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