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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 6, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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keep him from seek ago second term in the white house telling abc news his memberral sharpness is tested every day and this is their new calls today from concerned democrats calling on the president to step aside. welcome to fox fuzz live, everyone. i'm anita vogel. and, griff, it's a busy day for sure. >> sure is. president biden laying low in delaware today with no public events following his rally in the swing state of wisconsin on friday. lucas tomlinson is live in wilmington kicking things off for us with more on the mood there in delaware today, lucas. reporter: hey. good afternoon, griff. five house democrats publicly calling for president biden to step down from the race going from cbs face the nation that one guest is supposed to be on tomorrow and congressman james
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clyburn of president biden is president biden said only one thing can stop him from running this race. >> can you be convinced you cannot defeat donald trump if you stand down? >> well, depends on what the lord almighty tells me that, i might do that . reporter: now, new reporting from the washington post saying the first democratic senator reportedly calling on the president biden to step down not run for reelection. now, not all gop lawmakers con syringessed i've spoken to are skeptical that warn service connected calling for biden to step out and he's cautious for senator warner to be seen as a leader and convening senators that are concerned and here's biden's reaction to that washington post piece. >> mark is a good man. we've never had that and also trying to hit the nomination.
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i respect that. reporter: another abc interview when president biden made this claim of russian president vladamir putin. >> the question is can you serve effectively for the next four years? >> george, i'm the guy that put nato together. i'm the guy that shut putin down. no one thought it could happen. reporter: this morning we spoke to a ukrainian small business owner here in wilmington and he thought that president biden shut putin down and putin replied no and notable that currently all u.s. military bases in europe are on high alert due in part because of the threat from russian president vladamir putin and what may say are the sabotaged operation he's launched across and anything related to ukraine. griff. >> lucas, thank you. anita. >> griff, ooh a brand murrieta
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call from another -- another call from a brand new democrat for biden to step aside. madeleine rivera is live at the capitol on growing calls to bide ton drop out. madeleine. reporter: aknee taxer a lot of deputies aren't -- anita, a lot of democrats aren't convince that had biden can serve for four years and think it'll cost them down ballot races in fall. listen. >> these races are razor thin and front line seats and of course the house and the senate decided by single digits and all the critical votes and everyone cares so much so i say to those folks that say everything is fine, it's not. i want the fear is acute in the house and deputies think they have a good shot of taking back in november and today another house lawmaker calling for the president to bow out. minnesota congresswoman angie craig competing in one of the most competitive races and said this is not a decision i come to
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lightly, but there's simply too much at stake to risk a second donald trump presidency and that's why i respectfully call on president biden to step aside. house minority leader hakeem jeffries set to hold a virtual meeting with top house committee democrats tomorrow and he's been listening to members of his party all week as he tries to stem a tide of affections against the president anden o the senate side for the washington post, virginia senator mark warner gathering a group of democratic senators to urge the president to step aside but the president does have an ally in pennsylvania senator john fetterman that struggled in his debate in the 2022 election after suffering a stroke. >> if you want to betray the president like that that you're entitled to your opinion and enjoy your three minutes of fame otherwise i'll stand with the president. reporter: so far no democratic senator has publicly called for the president to step aside. something that could change when congress returns from july 4. recess on monday.
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anita. >> yeah, lots of conversation there on this on monday to be sure. madeleine rivera, thank you so much. live at the capitol. griff. >> for more, we're joined by democratic congressman from california and house armed services and transportation member john garamendi. thank you for your time. i want your reaction from the explosive interview on abc last night with george stephanopoulos. leader jefflys holding this call and are you going to be part of that call? >> i will not. he's taking the chairman of the relevant committees -- excuse me, ranking members and i'm the former chairman ranking member of one ot key armed forces committees and if i were on the call, i'd say hold on here, don't get in a panic. let's understand the enormous importance and the important work that biden has done and what he can do in the days
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ahead. slow this down, this feeding frenzy going on by the press and by many of my colleagues and somehow down and take a deep breath and look at what this president has and what he's managed to do since that debate. >> well, the real question here, congressman, and clearly you are firmly in the biden column now, but did you see something last night with the interview and reassure you that it'll be another bad night? what happen ifs he has another bad night or a bad day? that's what's generating such concern. >> well, if one of us has a bad day or night we get a call like he had and he had a very bad debate. no doubt about it. yesterday's interview, all of his interviews that i've seen over the years are understated. he speaks softly in these interviews, he's not boisterous or outlandish, but he comes
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forward very clearly. and he was very clear that not only what he has done in the past but also he pointed out what his opponent is and his opponent has done. >> congressman, are you confident that he has the full mental capacity to not only win in four months against donald trump but also to lead for the next four years? >> well, we have two very different thins here. one is what the president does every single day and if you take a look at what biden did yesterday, the day of that interview, he spoke to two world leaders, he was engaged on the issues of national security, certainly ukraine was part of the discussion as it is every day in the white house and he's carrying on the task of being president, which is a 24/7 task and he also is doing the campaign. not easy to do both of these but he has. and he has shown the debate he
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is strong on the stage and take a look at what he did in north carolina the day after the debate. he rally that had crowd and he was strong. then again yesterday, in wisconsin -- he has the capability of campaigning as well as being president simultaneously. >> congressman, the short, scripted telepromter meetings are different from being on the cuff and leader of the free world sharp and 100% off the cuff and many perhaps your constituents and majority of the country believe that the president lacks that full capacity and we're seeing that in poll after poll after poll and last night stephanopoulos interview asked president biden to take a cognitive test and he ducked it. take a listen. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive test and release the results to the american people? >> look, i have a cognitive test
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every single day. every day i have that test. everything i do. >> do the american people, congressman, deserve to know whether or not he can pass such a test? >> is trump going to take such a test? let's find out. good question. why don't you ask him. with with regard to dealing with the tell prompt terrific, you and i have -- telepromter, we've both use it had over the years and it's not easy and particularly can get distracted and take a look at telepromter in those two campaign events, he ad libbed a good portion in a very timely and appropriate way with jokes and light hearted comments and the like. he's very capable of doing that on the campaign trial and certainly he's been able to do the kind of thins that a president needs to co. >> should he take the test? should he take a cognitive test? do you believe he should? >> i don't think it's necessary. what is necessary is for this
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tsunami of feeding frenzy to slow down for this and let biden continue to campaign and do what he's doing in the office of the president, and we'll see where we are. he has shown since the debate he's perfectly capable. the interview yesterday with stephanopoulos, he did it well. let me remind you and anyone here to solicit in all of his interviews, he's soft spoken and doesn't scream into the interview and doesn't get in a fight with the interviewer and that's his style. and also -- >> even soft spoken and he struggled in that interview with stephanopoulos and fully agree he didn't have major flubs but did at times trail off and struggled to finish sentences. that's what the american people are seeing so my question to you really is is president biden in
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denial about his -- about the concerns about his health? about his ability? >> let's deal with what -- what those inconsistencies. you did that just not more than 15 seconds ago when you were asking the question. we all do that. i've done that two or three times on this interview. finding the right word. carrying on the discussion. he did that and now since he's under sita microscope, all of ziti looking for those -- us looking for those flubs, what would be a normal part of any conversation is considered to be a national security problem. not so. not so. you and i in this conversation have flubbed words and i'll probably do it a couple more types before the interview is over. we all do it. >> last question, congressman, and thank you for taking the time. we've run out of time for this but the last question is, would you call for or support president biden holding a prime time news conference, this week
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perhaps, as soon as with the white house press core? >> well, you certainly have to feed the press core and he will be doing the appropriate press conferences along the way and i've been around long enough to know you don't feed the press and they'll start chewing you apart. he should do the various press conferences and additional interviews and we all want to work as president going forward and remember what he did in the previous three years creating an extraordinary expansion of the american industrial night. >> congressman, thank you for taking time and your insight is very helpful. we'll continue to follow this. appreciate it. have a good weekend. >> thank you. and you too. >> anita. >> griff, i'm not sure i've heard you flub a word but anyway, moving on now for more reaction to president biden defying calls to step aside. bring in former trump-appointed campaign economic adviser and heritage foundation senior visiting fellow in economics,
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that's quite a title, steven moore. steve, great to see you today. right off the bat, let me ask you for your reaction to congressman garamendi. what was your reaction to what he said? >> someone working for the trump campaign and we want to run with joe biden is have this rematch between joe biden is donald trump. i can't -- i've not seen joe biden in person for many, many years so i can't judge his mental capacities but, you know, the question was asked about whether donald trump should take a cognitive test. i've been around donald trump a lot, aknee taxer over the last x momomomonths and he's i'm slowin and he's not. their difference is going to be an issue. i'm an economist, anita, we want to run not just against joe
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biden's you know, mental health but we want to run against his record. i mean, look, this is a president who's made the average family $2,000 poorer than they were four years ago. this is a president who raised the inflation rate to over 9%, the highest inflation rate we've had in this country in 30 or 40 years. this is a president who can't control the border. this is a president whose raised gas prices $1.5 higher than they were -- $1.25 higher than when trump was president. on the issues, there's no question that donald trump has much, much better record as president. >> but, steve, it is a fair question and, you know, you work with former president trump. do you think he would take a cognitive test? it's a fair question to ask him as well. >> it is a fair question, but i'm not the one to ask that to. the president s. but i guarantee you if he does take that cognitive test, he'll pass with flying colors. i've seen no slow down and with him eight or nine years and the
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guy's stamina and ability to do four or five events a day, anita, and flying across the country, he wears everybody out around him. that's how he is in terms of his energy level. >> okay, let's turn back to the economy. your favorite subject because it's always about the economy in politics; right? and last night president biden touted the economy in the exclusive interview with abc news george stephanopoulos. let's listen to what he said. >> today, just announced 200,000 new jobs. we're moving in the direction that no one's ever taken us and i now have 16 noble laureates in economics saying biden's next term would be based on what he wants to do, enormous success. trump's plan would cause a recession. increase inflation. >> okay, so he touted the june jobs report and said 206,000 new jobs and we've a graphitic show
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our audience about where these jobs are. where you see 206,000 new jobs and where are these job s? they're in the government sector, they're in healthcare, they're -- some jobs in construction and manufacturing is down and you talk a lot abous the graph and i can what do you think of where the jobs are and most in government and healthcare sectors. what does that tell you about the economy? >> we're growing in all the wrong places, anita. we don't want them hiring more workers and we're running a $2 trillion annual deficit and by the way makes probably joe biden -- make them financially reckless president in american history and never seen anything like this before. where are the jobs and they're government workers at a time and renailing business and losing $2 trillion a year and going to hire more and more workers and it's exactly what the government has done.
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people make things in america and construction industry and mamanufacturing industry and wholesaling and mining and more of them right now. not seeing the kind of jobs that you can raise a family on. so i don't see -- one other quick thing and look at jobs over the last three or four months and most remain for the next timed jobbing ands there's not 40 jobs and this is one of the reasons people can't afford to pay for their gas, for groceries, mortgage, rent, and why people are wracking up -- may have seen last week over a trillion of credit card debt now. people are going more and more delinquent on credit card debt and can't pay it. how can joe biden say that's a good economy? has he gone to a gas station recently? >> no question, people are running up their credit cards and a lot of debt. we hoped to talk to you, steve, with good ideas for college debt
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and have to hold that for another time and have to have you back. steve moore, thank you for joining us today with your thoughts. >> have a great day. >> okay, you too. >> the florida judge in donald trump's classified document's case granted the trump team's request for more briefing on supreme court immunity ruling and ordering a partial stay in a move that will pause several upcoming deadlines in the case and trump's team urged the court to pause the florida case while the presidential immunity issue is resolved. >> a congressman's offer was vandalized on fourth of july and illinois democrat brad snyder shared these online showing photos of israeli hostages in gaza ripped from his wall and tossed across the hall and he's been targeted before over his support for israel with pro palestinian protesters gathering outside of his home last weekend.
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>> well, beryl is on a collision court to texas and could make land fall as a hurricane. we'll show you when and where, next. ♪ to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. shop now, and save $400 on select stearns & foster mattresses.
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and there's a chance for the storm to restrengthen to a hurricane as it makes land fall on the texas coast monday. adam klotz is tracking from the fox weather senter and, adam, how is it looking and is beryl still barreling? >> certainly still is and a chance of turning into a hurricane and there's a pretty good chance at this point and yes, winds at 60 miles an hour and out over warm ocean water and going to see it strengthen here over the next coming days and maybe making that landfall monday morning and it really is going to be a big difference on the track of this storm. this is the forecast on the left side and hitting land earlier and quicker and less time out over water and follow the left side of the track and more time over warm water and it'll crank up with this possibly becoming out over land and continues to track and continues to weaken but bring as lot of wind and rain ultimately kind of up in the mississippi river valley running up north into places in
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southern indiana and going for a weaker storm and these are the warm waters for the heat and picking up for the heat and grows a bit ultimately and oohurricane watch is in place and little time on water and the hurricane feels like a couple of big concerns here and we'll leave you with this one and wind field in the current track and again to move a little bit and seeing winds getting into houston and it could be greater than that and this is one we're watching really close to monday morning and we'll be talking about a landfall. >> yeah, still a very dangerous situation on the gulf of texas
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and going to check for that update. griff. >> anita, four people recovering after a shark attack on the gulf coast of texas. the most serious victim says she was out past a sand bar with her daughter on the fourth of july and the shark went after her and she lost most of her leg in the attack. >> the kids i was swimming with and i saw their facial expression first and turned around and saw something dark in the water and i just thought it was a big fish so i was going to kick it away. that's when i think it grabbed me. >> the victim says the shark followed her into the shallow water and her husband was able to fight it off. anita. >> well, griff, after multiple delays and previously dropped charges, jury selection in alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial starts on manslaughter trial starts on we'll have that, next. opter that specializes in trauma.
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>> police in northern kentucky say four people are dead and even more hurt after a mass shooting at a home. it happened around 3:00 a.m. southwest of cincinnati, ohio, and they say the shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after crashing his car into a ditch. >> no bail for new york city substance abuse counselor accused of driving drunk into a july 4 barbecue killing three people and injured several others including an 11-year-old boy. cb cotton is live in new york with more on this heart breaking story. hey, cb. reporter: hi, griff, got afternoon. the man accused of causing so much heart ache for several families here in new york city was arraigned this morning on a slew of charges to include vehicular homicide and vehicular man sleuther and those inside the courtroom say daniel hiden kept his head low during the
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court proceeding and much like exiting the court proceeding on pride and signs of the deadly crash across his face and see that swollen lip and bruised and bloodied eye and family yell in anguish towards him asking him with why he did it. on the fourth of july, hiden blew through a stop sign and plowed ford f150 into a crowded park killing three c adults and one injured including an 11-year-old boy. here is the stepfather of one of the deceased victims trying to wrap his head around the tragedy. >> why you don't talk? why you do it? what happened? you drinking? what happened? reporter: hiden has a rap sheet including the case in february
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last year and hiden was arrested for assault and harassment after punching someone at a substance abuse and hiden pleaded guilty to a dwi charge in wisconsin nearly 10 years ago and it's learned from sources that hiden was in a downtown bar before the fourth of july crash. the outlet says hiden got into a fight with a bouncer after he was refused entry for being too drunk. griff. >> my heart breaks for that father and the families. anita. >> griff, dozens ransacked a gas station and mini mart on friday in a flash mob robbery causing tens of thousands in damage and christina coleman live in the news room with more. christina. >> hi, anita. dozens of thieves ransacked a gas station during a flash mob robbery causing hundreds o f thousands in damages and that's
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what the store owner estimates after seeing the business torn apart and surveillance video shows a massive crowd robbed the 76 gas station near the oakland airport on friday morning and this robbery went on for nearly 40 minutes and also walked us through some of the devastating aftermath and the crews there, news crews there and says the business just opened in august and already they're dealing with these large flash mob robberiess and two employees working at the store at the time and they were not hurt and the store owner worried about his business getting hit again and some california lawmakers are rtedly fstrated with governor gavin newsom leaving the state this week to campaign for president joe biden while you have these local lawmakers trying to find out what to do about the ongoing crime and newsom and some of the state's top democrats scrapped a last minute push for a crime fighting measure on the ballot in november. newsom's office said they were
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unable to meet the ballot deadline to secure necessary amendments for the success and smash and grabs continue to be a big problem here in the state and no word to any arrest in the flash mob robbery that took place early yesterday morning at that gas station in oakland. anita. >> yeah, that was quite a scene at that gas station. christina coleman, thank you for that live report. griff. >> anita a former adult film actress filed a new lawsuit against rapper sean didty combs and music mogul facing sex trafficking allegations in addition to multiple lawsuits he faces for self-trafficking and sexual assault. for more, bring in attorney andrew solomon. i have two stories and starting with diddy. this woman, former porn star appears to be the tenth now lawsuit that diddy is facing and how much trouble is diddy in? >> a lot of trouble and all the civil lawsuits provided a road
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map for prosecutors to pursue him and, griff, i think a grand jury will be convened and i think they're looking at rico charges against him. as you well know, griff, rico charges can carry anywhere from 20 years to a life sentence in federal court, which means you're not getting bail, you're not getting bond. you'll be locked up for a very long time. >> and this woman claims that, you know, she was a dancer at a club and was brought to diddy's white parties and was forced to take drugs and was sex trafficked. there's a common theme in many of the lawsuits, do you feel like ultimately it's the cumulative picture that is ultimately going to be trouble for diddy? >> griff, you nailed it. it's like a tapestry of criminal area and looking for it and lone woman and have all the horrible things and multitudes of people and making same or nearly
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identical allegations and going for them and going to convince it and taking this case to trial and very powerful. he's denied the allegations and before i lose you, i'll get to the other story and i'll be watching it on tuesday and we have the trials starting and alec baldwin's rust case and i'm curious to find out from you, how much trouble you think baldwin may be in when the trial starts tuesday. >> well, look, i think everybody knows that alec baldwin is a hot head. he's been arrested four times and kicked off the plane and called his daughter a little pig that one time. he is going to try and sell this jury on a really hard defense and that defense is basically i didn't pull the trigger. the gun went off magically and i know alec baldwin has been in a lot of movies, and this is the sort of defense that's more appropriate for a movie. i think he face as very large uphill climb.
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if he's convicted, he gets 18 months in prison. houston, he has a problem. >> andrew, one thing that reallr not we have a statement we can show you from a forensic expert and it says this "given the test findings and observations reported here, normally the trigger would have to be pulled or depressed sufficiently to release the contracted or hammered evidence revolve and you're the attorney and i'm not. how significant is that? jot jury is going to have to determine in santa fe and going to have it being possible that this gun went off by itself. and good luck with that. from new mexico any don't think he'll prevail in this case.
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>> if he were the defense attorney for baldwin and as you point out, he's got to take the stand and what would be your advice to him now? >> there's a plea bargain. it was a pure accident and did everything humanly possible to go there and it was an accident and the journey is more likely to feel sympathetic towards someone like that instead of someone getting up there and going for them and more. >> how would you advise it and baldwin's team and severally asking you to have them and excluded testimony for two prosecution firearms experts. is that likely to succeed? >> no, in fact the judges made a preliminary rules that some of these arguments can indeed be made by the prosecutors and i think he's facing an uphill climb and grasping at straws and cocky, arrogant, new yorkers
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don't do particularly well in jury trials in new mexico. going for jury trials to drag on and how long will this be in the spotlight? this is a real tyly straightforward case and will take a week and i think that's it. >> andrew, always glad to have you on saturday. have a great weekend, my friend. >> thanks, griff. >> anita. >> how major leadership shakeups in europe and middle east are playing in a pivotal role in american foreign policy. that's coming up next. ♪
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keir starmer moving into downey street and holding the first press briefing earlier this morning and answering questions. >> we're a change labor party and yesterday we starred the work of changing the country. >> starmer is the 58th minister in the uk and richy sunak moved out and -- reigns leading rishi sunak moved outand the fas and series of scandals and starmer said he'll visit scotland, ireland and wales before the visit to dc and president biden called him to congratulate him obviously. >> i've already had a number of international calls as you well know and would have expected. to establish the relations
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across with other countries having important diggs customers with -- discussions with ukraine and important issues. >> dealing with political changes as well and tomorrow is the second round of french parliamentary elections and could lead to a far right prime minister taking office. national rally are well ahead in the polls. if the national rally going to send them not stepping down before his presidential term expires in the 2027 but he says the cohabitation would weaken him at home and on the world stage. anita. >> okay, big changes in the uk and we'll keep our eye on france. stephanie bennett, thank you for that live report. griff. >> anita, in another election and this one in iran, a candidate defeated the hard liner in presidential election after the country's former president died in a helicopter crash last month. supporters of iran's president
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elect took to the streets of teheran overnight as moderate candidate emerges the winner. despite higher voter participation than the first round, more than half of the country did not vote in the runoff. anita. >> well, here's a question: what is the right age for a child to begin using a smart phone? and should schools ban phones during learning hours? we'll try to answer those daunting questions for parents coming up next. ♪ coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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this is such a important topic. what sparked this movement for you wait till eighth? tell us what it's all about? >> wait till eighth's message is very simple and need to delay smart phones for kids and when my wife was doing research on the impact of social media on kids, we quickly saw that it was smart phones that were the gateway to a lot of the negative mental health effects that social media can bring for kids. doing research, wait till and it's a national movement of parents banding together to delay smart phones till at least the end of eighth grade. >> that seems to make sense. there are school districts around the country enforcing these bans and states considering them as well. put up the list of states that are considering bans on cell phones in school. there you go. look at that. california, florida, oklahoma, kansas. all the way through to
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pennsylvania. or limiting phone use to some degree but, you know, here is the other side of the argument, there's parents that want their kids to have a cell phone in case of emergency. we all understand that. school shootings and earthquakes and some other kind of emergency situation, but here is a pennsylvania state senator on the other side of that argument. have a listen. >> in the conversation we are having with parents and families here is that your child is actually far safer when the phone is removed because in the emergency situation, i hear this from school safety expert and emergency situation, what you want is a student to be following the directions of an adult to be completely focused on the instructions of an adult and to have a responsible adult to be contacting the emergency services personnel. >> okay, so what are your thoughts on what he said right there? >> at the end of the day, when you consider giving a smart tone to your kid, you should be thinking about what is the purpose that i'm trying to solve for? that's been the big message of
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wait till eighth. and the purpose for a lot of parents is to stay in touch and things like that . but smart phones and very simple flip phones can do that. that's a key part of the wait till eighth pledge is you're not pledging to not get your kid any sort of communication device, it's pledging to wait till at least the end of eighth grade to give them a smart phone. >> yeah and one of the reasons that a lot of states and districts are looking to pass these bans or limits is because then they get money for things like lockers and tags and places to put the phones. is that what you'd advocate students sort of checking in the phone in the office and somewhere at school in the morning and picking it up in the afternoon? >> i think the important part is for parents to join together and the wait till eighth movement is really all about parents coming together and working together for a community solution. so i think, yes, it would be great to keep phones out of school and start at home and start with conversations among parents and among community members and that's what wait
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till eighth has a lot of power bringing parents together and their kid isn't the only one without a smart phone. we're banding together to delay smart phones for kids. >> yeah, that's the other part of the conversation as a parent you don't want your child to be left out of things and conversations with friends to take place on the phone and other kids are having and real quick before i let you go, we've got the website on the screen. real quickly, what's the message and more. >> it's anonymous till ten parents in your school and grade level sign. it's very simple. our message is delay smart phone for kids and let kids be kids a bit longer. >> yeah, let kids be kids. amen to that . mark, thank you so much for joining us on this important topic. see you soon. >> thank you for having me. >> griff. >> anita, it's a fascinating
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conversation, and i think mark's right. if you're going to do this, everybody has got to buy in or it's very difficult and having two daughters i raised and one is 18 and other in her early 20s, there's such a societal pressure to have a phone as well to communicate, but we've seen firsthand the negative influences and the online bullying and that stuff. it's very fascinating and i was just this past with with one of any nephews in florida and 14 years old and social media companies with the florida law what governor desantis has done, they're sending messages on apps like instagram to make them prove his age and his compliance with the rules set there. so it's very interesting. i just hope that something positive comes from it and enough parents will buy in that it's fair and works properly. >> yeah, it's a tough subject and i have a preteen and we're navigating those waters too.
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>> all right. well, much more ahead with new calls for biden to step aside following his interview last night with george stephanopoulos and we'll speak with the democratic congressman about the next steps for the president as fox news live continues. that's coming up. ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit
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>> a defiant president biden says lords all mighty can keep


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