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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  July 6, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> i am tomi laren along with tammy bruce, joey jones and charlie hurt. welcome to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight -- biden's excuse for the debate of a bad night. >> i lesson my instincts in terms of preparing. i just had a bad night. the really bad night. >> in his first on camera interview since the debate with abc news, biden back to stay in the race, dodge questions about taking the neurological testing and flat out denied bad polling numbers. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson is with the president in wilmington, delaware. >> president biden blaming his debate performance on his travel to europe in hollywood and he says he was sick. an exclusive interview with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos president provide another reason as well. >> having a bad night when i
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realized even when i was answering the question turned his mike off, he was still shouting and allow it to distract me but i'm not blaming on that but i realize i wasn't in control. >> did you watch the debate afterwards? >> i don't think i did. no. >> biden says he doesn't trust the polling in the media. he only trust the numbers his staff gives him. >> do you believe you're not behind right now? democratic it's -- ulcers i talked to say it's a tossup. a thousand. >> yes, but you are behind now in the popular vote. >> i don't buy that. >> never seen a president 36% approval get reelected. >> i don't believe that's mike -- >> to have come forward to say the biden campaign gave him questions in advance to ask the president. the biden campaign maintains these were merely suggestions on the radio host for free to ask any questions they wanted.
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>> thanks so much, lucas. a lot to discuss which i think is interesting because we are not used to having hard-hitting political discussions right after the fourth of july but there are no off days in this election cycle. we all watched the abc news interview. obviously other americans were watching but it was july 5 so if they wanted to slide something in under the radar, the friday after the for the july was probably the day to do it. i think roughly 22 minutes long it didn't last a full half-hour in the entirety of the time i heard joe biden say i'm sorry but -- i had a bad night. it was anybody else's fault. excuse, excuse, excuse. fifteen days later. when you watch it, did you think this is a guy that's going to hold onto his nomination? >> i thought was terrible but i didn't think it was terrible enough it's going to cook his goose immediately. it gave people -- it didn't
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reassure anybody and excellent points, the strangest thing about all of it is if you're trying to reassure people that the president is okay and wouldn't you want a big opportunity to do it? they picked the day after the fourth of july when nobody is paying attention it is like they were trying to hide the big opportunity to make a big splash but he put out a statement during the weeks saying in the sitting president, an extraordinary statement to hear from a sitting president but it's completely correct. he is a sitting president, nothing anybody can do that can stop giving money, they can put pressure on him but he's the president of the united states and if he doesn't want to go and he wants to take his party down with him, he can do that. >> president joe biden did say there is one person that could convince him, she's not your
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traditional person. let's take a listen to this. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump, will you stand down? >> it depends on what the lord almighty can do, i might do that. >> but if they do? >> we are not going to do that. >> are you sure? >> yes, i'm sure. if the lord almighty can say joe get out of the race, but he's not coming down. >> the lord almighty is not coming down. first lady jill biden probably not going to say anything similar, we know she wants to hold on just as much if not more than joe does but what did you make of his defiance? has been many times in his presidency he's been challenged that way. i still think it was a softball interview but more challenged than we've seen him probably to date. >> first of all, i'm not old close to death i'm not invoking
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the lord on anything except for a day or two on this earth but that's just me. on top of that, my initial reaction to the interview was positive. appreciate it george stephanopoulos didn't take whatever answer biden gave and moved on. it wasn't left, it wasn't hard-hitting but all the descriptions since the interview it looks like someone in the therapy session -- i get it. that was not my first reaction but i understand. i can't help but go back, he says the excuses he's calling for each thing like why he was so bad and from the cold to jet lag and he says he couldn't concentrate because trump was shouting, wouldn't talk about that -- he said he wasn't in control. rather, if you can't be in control of a two-person debate,
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how are you in control of a room full of generals who think they are the smartest men and women in the world? how will you be in control of naïve millennial's, 30s and 40s who think they are the smartest people in the world? how will you be in control of the people around you that you need to delegate responsibility to and not let them do something that maybe you didn't want them to do and it makes me wonder, is that where we've been all this time? when your excuse is i wasn't in control, you're not supposed to be in control, you're supposed to gain control, command control, your commander-in-chief and that's not what you were in that debate. >> it's interesting because as a president, you need to battle through cold and international trips and a day that doesn't and at 4:00 p.m. but what i think -- >> i hate it when that happens. >> biden is probably already asleep but i thought what was most interesting besides weight george stephanopoulos handled it was the reaction the panel gave immediately after. let's take a listen. you probably will see this too much on mainstream media reacting to a democrat. >> there's nothing in this
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interview that's combing nerves of jittery democrats who fear joe biden is on a trajectory to lose this race. >> others say they still have concerns the dam has a broken but the bleeding has not stopped either. >> i've talked to a few people and texting with a few people as well on the hill, they say it was better than expected. it wasn't as bad as they expected but that's a pretty low bar. >> pretty low bar indeed. what is your reaction to their reaction? >> the whole panel together look like someone had run over there kittens. they were not happy but let me say one thing, if they are reacting to poll numbers, they are not reacting to him and his mental capacity because they've known that for years but what they thought they were going to do was take out donald trump and it wouldn't matter but now it matters so you've got a party despite the fact that there
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supposed to save democracy, how does it save democracy to take out the guy your base voted for in the primaries? the nominee who is a sitting president and you will just switch them out because your ratings are bad and the polls are bad because you will lose like it's a do over, that's what they are doing, nobody cares about joe biden's mental state, they don't care it's fraud, they care that they are going to lose in the main plan didn't work and they will throw that man and his wife under the bus and that's why they are not letting go. >> and pushing pretty hard but there are this next topic, there are folks in the media get a chance to speak to the president of the united states this may be a little more curated than it should be. a philadelphia radio host admitted the biden campaign had questions before the president appeared on her show this week. >> the questions were sent to me for approval. i approved them. >> so the white house sent the questions to you ahead of the
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interview? >> yes. i got several questions, eight and the four that were chosen were the ones i approved. >> go off of what tammy said, it feels like the media is for the first time, turning on joe with some solidarity in there turning on joe biden. i knew this would happen. are you surprised they got preselected questions? why are they surprised? >> they do look like they are turning on him but it is astonishing to take a look at this moment and realize the idea and to me, it reveals the depth of the corruption in the media. the idea that they have done this and operated with the white house on these terms for so long that they actually think they can call up and have a reporter call them and tell them okay, these are the questions you can pick from and we will grant you
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the interview and the reporter doesn't know any better and probably has never interviewed a president before and was excited about it so they grant the interview and the people in the white house have no one else to blame but themselves and they like to complain about the fact that the president doesn't grant them interviews to the new york times and washington post. why should they? if they can go around trolling for more favorable reporters and then joe biden doesn't interview and still screws it up beyond belief. >> i want to ask you, if last thursday had not happened, would we still see this meltdown in the media? >> this is what they thought they could hide and they couldn't hide it and it's humorous that happens when you've got away with so much that you should never have gotten away with and begin to overestimate yourself.
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it's a strange thing but explains why the country is in a disaster, the world is a disaster. the same people that can't manage this have been managing the world or managing afghanistan, iran, israel. it explains everything and i think this is why the american people are stepping away. >> to wrap up, what does next week look like? if you like next week is going to get hit real hard. >> if biden digs and columns on the hill the media will go with them in three, four, five weeks out from now they are back to carrying his water. talking about great achievement he's had. >> will they can try but -- >> and the things the guests will still come out. >> unless you have kindness but
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we have more to discuss because a jampacked hour, big weekend show is coming up including th this. >> you nominee. no one else. i will beat him again in 2020. >> biden is doubling down on calls to take a cognitive test and reason why is downright ridiculous plus everyone in the liberal media from the economist to the new york times to the atlantic bailing on biden but why now? not so much fun in the summer sun bidenomics forcing people to cancel summer vacations. that's all straight ahead. ♪ you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and... buy better plane seats. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback?
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". president biden taken the day off again from the campaign trail. california governor gavin newsom is campaigning for him and dodging speculation he's doing it for himself because you know, they never lie. christina coleman in los angeles tonight with the update. >> california governor gavin
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newsom was in pennsylvania trying to win over voters in the swing state as he campaigned hard for president joe biden. some call it an uphill battle considering biden in the polls following his disastrous debate performance. look at these numbers. new york times poll this week shows trump leading president biden by eight percentage points among registered voters. the same poll shows 60% of respondents believe democrats should have another nominee but today in the keystone state newsom downplayed the numbers. >> it's all about swing state rules and that will be determined out there. he see crowds -- i'm not making that up. you can stress test that. everywhere i've gone, we've exceeded capacity. >> newsom spent the fourth of july in michigan and other swing state to campaign for biden and convincing voters the 81-year-old president deserves another four years in the white house. in michigan newsom was asked if he would support kamala harris running for president biden for
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to drop out of the race. here is his response. >> appreciate my view that it's unhelpful exactly the question and answer the republican party wants us to have. i'm not going to play into that. joe biden is our president and said he's all in. i double down saying i'm all in. >> campaign continues into next week. monday he scheduled to headline a fundraiser with democrats in new hampshire. newsom raised more than $10 million for president biden and down ballot democrats the cycle. >> will biden ever take a cognitive test? is a ridiculous excuse. >> have you had a specific cognitive test and neurologist specialist to examination? >> no one said i had to. they said i'm good. >> would you be willing to undergo a medical evaluation that included neurological test and resume release the results?
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>> i have a cognitive test every single day. every day i have that test. >> someone has to ask you as a sitting president -- my head is spinning here. biden said he doesn't need to because quote -- during the interview he has it everyday because he's the president. he's running the world and that becomes of course, the problem. if someone has to ask you if you are going to take it in your the president of the united states and the day after the fourth of july, isn't that the answer should be yes, you are going to take it? >> when people say all he needs to do is walk down the hall and move cream jump year over and kill this, he could. if he's capable of doing that. we have to inferred the only reason he won't is he is
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incapable. if i apply that same logic, why won't you do it because you are afraid of the results and you know what it may show and it will be hard to hide that it's conspiracy, scandal and easier to be in the dark. i think he probably knows more than what he lets on, maybe they haven't taken a specific test. i took a version of it, it's not exceptionally hard test but you've got to have your wits about you. >> this interview was clearly meant to clear something up and seems to have made things worse. they see more than even we do it they thought the debate was okay to do and they thought this interview was okay. maybe hiding it on the fifth but why do it at all when you are a guy who can answer these questions? >> i think they were forced but the media wants this. i as you said earlier, i don't think anybody wants joe biden as a candidate just like two thirds
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of the democrat party does not want joe biden as a candidate. there putting pressure on him i think they will continue to call for interviews and everything they can to stress test him as gavin newsom said, that's another discussion on him but it was so glaring when he would not say he would take the cognitive test because as joey said, saying you won't because you don't want to know the results and you don't want the results reported so if you are worried about everybody questioning you, take the test but he will. >> is that the clear answer here? how do you get out of this reaction to the answer? the headline say it's a president who's not connected with reality the people around him supposedly are including his wife, what are they thinking? >> i don't know if he knows more about his cognitive state and the rest of us but certainly the people work around him no and he does take a cognitive test every
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day. he keeps bailing them every time he opens his mouth, he fails in the cognitive test. the stunning lack of transparency exhibited by him looking into the camera saying i'm not going to take the test, it's none of your business how mentally sharp i am, it goes to the heart you said earlier, the narcissism, incredible sense of entitlement he has, like political portions are more important than my country or even my party. >> donald trump is supposed to be the threat to democracy. next, democrat double down. >> the need for him to step aside is more urgent tonight and when i first called fort on tuesday. >> calls for biden to bail out is getting louder and one powerful democratic senator is joining in. that's coming up. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". more and more democrats are calling for president biden to drop his reelection bid. fox news correspondent madeline rivera has the update from washington d.c. >> a lot of democrats unconvinced by the president's argument he has the capacity to serve for four more years and they think the denial is in the polls will cost him down ballot races this fall. >> was there anything you heard for president biden tonight that makes you second guess your call for him to step aside? >> something. the need for him to step aside is more urgent tonight than when i first called fort on tuesday the fear is acute in the house which democrats feel they have a
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good shot at taking back in november. another house lawmaker calling for the president to bow out. angie craig competing in order for state competitive races. this is not a decision to come to lightly put too much at stake to risk a second donald trump presidency. that's why i'm especially call president biden to step aside. house minority leader jeffries he said to hold a meeting with committee democrats tomorrow. he's been listening to members of his party all week as he tries to stem the tide of affections of the president. the senate side the washington post, mark warner working together a group of democratic senators to urge the president to step aside but the president has an ally and present by the senate struggling his debate in the 2022 election after suffering a stroke. >> you are entitled to your opinion but enjoying three minutes of fame otherwise i will stand with the president.
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>> no democratic senator publicly called for the president to drop out. something that could change in congress comes back from july 4 recess monday. >> defiant biden doesn't seem to care about democrats raising concerns about his health. >> i should leave. >> but if they do? >> we are not going to do that. >> are you sure? >> yeah, i'm sure. >> is an old saying if the president gets a cold, and the senate if you are on the ballot the same year, they get the flu and if you are a house member and the president they pulled he went up with the plight. these people are worried about their own careers, worried about their own elections and that's why you are seeing rats jump
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ship. >> it's true but they also rely on the party to make sure they are not stuck somewhere like that dragon down the entire ticket so if you about, many people vote for the president and all the people associated with that party so these are individuals who want to keep their jobs. however, most of these people have known what situation is with the party and joe biden and dave said nothing and allowed to continue because their plan was to be kat donald trump, tonya harding to his nancy kerrigan, taken out of the gate and it didn't work so now you've got individuals who may be good representatives locally who may be affected and seriously the chaos will affect them. people are going to be looking at democrats as they should suspiciously look at the condition of the country. this is about policy. the other problem is, and i hope the republican's understand
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this, they are trying to make it just about biden. this is about the policies moved by the anonymous people in the white house making these policy decisions will be the same no matter who the president is so biden was this convenient mascot, the policies destroying our lives that will be the same no matter put in their. >> that's what gets lost in all of this, the fact that we are not talking about the issues because we are talking about this. at the end of the day, the democrats don't even pretend to care about the country and what best for the country, all they care about is the election. >> this is why i've been saying this for loudly for months and months, years even. i am so concerned that we are and i understand why we have to, talk about biden's cognitive decline but when they bait and switch him out which they are so
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close to doing, i still maintain republican party will be left flat-footed to combat what i believe will be california governor gavin newsom and look better, sound better, more appealing to people who don't understand the dumpster fire california and give the new young guy she is and if we don't bend enough time talking about disastrous policies, we will be flat-footed to compete against gavin newsom. kamala harris would be easier, i don't think they will take that chance with her, i think they are propping up joe biden to this day because they haven't figured out how to get kamala harris out of the way we have to talk about the messaging not just the messenger. tammy is exactly right. >> standing behind biden such as john fetterman, also joey, this is from congressman who called out griff jenkins for words during an interview on fox news live. >> you did that not more than 15 seconds ago asking the question, we all do that. i've done it two or three times. finding the right word, carrying on the discussion.
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now since he's under such a microscope, all of us looking for those, not will do would be a normal part of any conversation is considered to be national security problem. not so. you and i in this conversation have these words and i will probably do it a couple more times. we all do it. >> let me tell you something, there is a lack of integrity and then there is whatever that was. if that says of thing is fine, panic. that's the type of person he is and the type of people that put us in the situation. with might have lost his words because he got pages of notes and dozens of questions and a lot of points and two minutes to get them out that will deflect and move and shake and shift with his words. griff might have skipped this because he's got too many thoughts. biden skipping steps because he
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can't find them. he's forgotten, he's lost them. he invokes people that are dead and loses himself. it's not the same thing and to sit there and just like us, not the media, the voted that way, shame on you. if you vote for him -- i don't know. that bothers me. >> exactly. >> it really is amazing and the arrogance of thinking you know how to answer questions and they are just verbal clubs. coming up on the "big weekend show", everyone in the liberal media from the economist to new york times and atlantic failing on biden but why now? that's next. ♪ when you over do it... undo it, with the pepto that's right for you. ♪ pepto has berry fast melts ♪ ♪ cherry chewables ♪ ♪ liquicaps ♪ ♪ that make relief easy. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to the "big weekend show", liberal media waging all-out war on biden to get him to drop out of the race. your magazine with the conspiracy of silence to protect joe biden. the appendix headline was biden must resign and the boston globe's wife biden should step aside. even the economist put out this blistering cover story showing presidential still on a walker with the headline no way to run the country so why is all of this happening now? her new york magazine piece because this is standing but it is but this is olivia, she says my heart stop as i extended my hand to greet the president and try to make eye contact but it was like his eyes though (not on. his face had a waxy quality, he smiled, a sweet smile at baby
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said in a way i can't fully convey. he took my hand in his and startled by how it felt. not cold but cool. the basement was so warm that people were sweating and complaining that they were sweating. this was a silly black tie affair. i said hello. sweet smile, stay frozen. he spoke slowly in a soft voice and what's your name? there are so many quotes from this piece that i wanted to pull it but i don't have time. this seems as honest of a recount of the story and if you read the piece, the lights are on but nobody is on. >> that's important and valuable information but also a piece about how this has not been discussed get that was an event in january so writing about her experience from seven months a ago, she talks about how nobody has been dealing with this properly and this is what we are dealing with.
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i agree, it's valuable but it was held until they needed it and this is when she does it. this is the solution. the conspiracy against the american people by the media along with the parties in this country and to some degree, big business so i think she's heard a bit about that that's what i in a lot of ways, took it. valuable information but oh my goodness connie, you waited. >> hello her, she was trying to the source this and that's what took it. >> first-aid account she was sourcing, you're kidding me. >> i'm telling you what she said but all right. i want to move on because this was something that was alluded to but i don't think anyone has examined it. this is from a robert hur report, this is what everyone got upset about, he did not remember even with in several
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years when his son died and his memory appeared hazy when describing the afghan debate i was once so important to him and another quote here at trial mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury as a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. the makes so much sense right now but i want you to watch with the media had to say about it. >> tried to play doctor cherry picking biden's answers and others practically pretending the report is some kind of medical finding. >> is the reason why the report had to be 300 pages. no case to be brought here did his best to damage biden. >> biden's memory and age like an amateur neurologist. >> let's not forget before the transcript came out president biden claimed that he brought
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all of this stuff up to embarrassing and attack him and of course he didn't say anything about it but when the transcript was released and became evident joe biden had brought all this up even bringing it up himself he couldn't remember any of these tells. there's the spiral the hill about audio over this. the arrogance of president biden thinking and democrats fighting with republicans on this to release, it's all in the psaki of protecting and not showing transparency. >> liberals in hollywood and write things in their creative and sometime live in lala land the washington post is no exception. they wrote a piece titled one of
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biden spoke these words? i want to read this, the committee senior democratic leaders have agreed on an orderly process to select our nominee which will include debates between now and our convention in august two kamala harris has graciously and courageously agreed to participate to democratic primary voters but basically that's what they say should happen that created this fantasy and made an op-ed. >> are always part of the plan, this was progression and they need joe biden to get in on it and jill biden to get in on it. you talk about lala land, i know we all exist in fox news but i can't be the only one sitting here thinking where has everyone else then for the last three years? it wasn't great in 2020, it's getting progressively worse when it comes to joe biden's cognitive abilities and now everybody figured out a week and two days ago?
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where have they been unless this is the greatest cover-up at least in my lifetime. >> well, we will. coming up -- >> the pandemic strongest economy in the world. >> more bidenomics exposed as consumers go into the red for summer to get away. that's next. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". biden claims economy is flourishing. >> i'm not letting 90 minute debate why about three and a half years worth. the governor said in the pandemic to the strongest economy in the world. i keep seeing horror stories about me being too old. i was too old -- i wasn't too old to create 15 million new jobs. >> hoping to take a relaxing trip the summer. >> that's exactly what we need
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needed. >> could call. >> i can feel my body detoxifying. >> what is that on your ear? what is that? [laughter] >> people taking summer vacations this year because they can't afford it. for those who will be packing their bags, about a third say they are willing to go into debt to pay for it. joey, one of the problems of having a senile president is a dozen of the damage he's doing to his own country with his policies. >> one thing that bothers me, the 15 million jobs we conduct about the pandemic all day long but what really bothers me is the use that as a reason like we have more jobs and the economy
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is doing better. up 25%, homes are up 100 to 150% in some places. on top of that, credit card debt is astronomical so slinky no matter what you president trump gets in, he will have to deal with this in the uncle to be obvious is the answers. the longevity of this economic problem is why it is able to band-aid and stretch out a little bit. i hate that he says our economy is good. >> gas prices, mortgage rates and everything. obviously the country is pretty partisan right now but does this breakthrough? >> no and as you are reading that, people are willing to go into debt to pay for summer vacations, that's a tough spot to be against the let's not forget another reason why our economy is struggling for our debt education is what it is, nobody wants to talk about that. the student loans, people taking vacations willing to go into debt for vacation for the same people getting student loans forgiven so we are paying for
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bret influencers to go to italy for the riviera to take instagram stories on tik tok because longer forgiven so i couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk about that. >> ever a time to not recommend that? >> here's the thing that shows the severity for the fascist this is from last month for the four of americans admit to skipping meals due to skyrocketing grocery costs. this is the 21st century in the greatest country on earth and americans after everything we've been through our skipping meals. there's lots poverty, people every day to skip meals but when you think about the core of the middle class having to do that because of this economy, shame on joe biden for smashing it into our face line when we know what's really going on. >> i hope the message breakthrough. stick around, big weekend flops far next. don't forget to follow the "big
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weekend show" on x, facebook and instagram at big weekend show. ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show it's time for the big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest sales of the week. i will go first. president biden, you know that guy, told a roomful of
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democratic governors that he is in good health. we've been talking about this. but with one exception the president saying this after his disastrous debate performance, it is just my brain. [laughter] has eight major refill is the compulsion to confess. >> i think it was the battle who said that new slogan should be president biden seen out some of the time. that is an accomplishment. speaking of accomplishments the now disgraced across a dresser former department of energy official for biden is getting a sweetheart plea deal after facing felony charges for stealing women's luggage on more than one occasion. of all the hires at the biden administration i think sam just might be my favorite. i love his shade of lipstick. always something to talk about over there. >> these people are fundamentally serious pickups another example of biden bringing decency back to the white house.
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and unifying the country. >> a bright green fluid flooded the miami international airport on the fourth of july. turns out it was a pipe leak apparently is not a hazard they say it listen i'm going to tell you right now i grew up in the '90s. i'd enough a ninja turtles i've seen all the movies, that is dangerous that is that moves the ninja turtles. best not dangers like the borders closed. >> is a government scandal. >> of aliens are going to land are they going to land at the airport? works there were aliens at a miami mall over the holiday season. a lot of weird things happen. ask martian aliens it's a conspiracy theory i'll show you later. i wisconsin court rules ballot drop boxes can be as a 2024 election for absentee voting. the ruling it wa wisconsin overturns a previous decision sank the boxes were illegal following the 2020 election. if you need any further evidence
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these people are committed to election insecurity, look no further than right here. there is no reason to have these drop boxes or ballots are not secured. anybody can fill that out. anyone can drop them off. they're not serious. you have to ask yourself a question why do they want to do this? lexa called them absentee. that's not absentee ballot we noted absentee ballot is let them plug it in and put it away like a block buster dvd pic. they do not know how to get a polling location. there is some crisis of transportation you cannot get to the polls? anyway that does it for us to precook that solves that problem forgot to tell them, charlie. corks will see you back here tomorrow 7:00 p.m. eastern for the bi "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. it ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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