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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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mike: president biden campaigning in battleground pennsylvania today amid calls from democrats and the media for
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him to step aside and a call today or from adam a schiff for biden to take a cognitive test as house democratic leadership is set to meet virtually in the next hour. live reaction from both sides to have aisle with congressman jake auchincloss and republican congresswoman nancy mate. s welcome to "fox news live," i'm mike emanuel. lucas tomlinson is live in harrisburg, pennsylvania. what more on president biden is, with more on what president biden's telling supporters today. hello, lucas. >> reporter: good afternoon, mike. greetings from pennsylvania's capital city of harrisburg, home of the harrisburg centers. they're out of town today, it's not why president biden is here. he's coming to the union hall here speaking to reporter about 3:15. we're hearing the sound checks this going on right now. this morning president biden arrived in philadelphia where he greets supporters and dignitaries including senator john fetterman who's been a key
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ally of the president, unapologetic supporter, saying he wants to rally democrats behind him. heath not calling for biden to step down unlike growing calls from the house. we're up the five house democrats calling for the president to step out of the race. and earlier president biden spoke at a black church in philadelphia. here's what he told the congregants earlier. >> i'm about to host the nato nations in washington. we put them together. we've done -- the world's looking to us. not a joke. the world is looking to america. not to carry the burden, but to lead their hopes. ladies and gentlemen, a i'm going to be inclined to go on longer than i should here, so i'm not going to. but i just want to say, look, i think that we just have to work together. >> reporter: now, when congress reconvenes in washington this week, they'll be
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likely taking a muster of how many people want president biden to step out of the race. earlier we heard from a former house democrat on "fox news sunday" here's what he told shannon bream about why bind needs to to step aside. >> that was very frustrating, and i think that was what really got under the skin of a lot of members of congress. this isn't, like, we get participation trophies here and congratulations, you did the best you could. if this is a sporting event, you throw three interceptions, the coach pulls the quarterback. if you're a pitcher that's not getting the job done, the manager goes in and pulls the pimp out. pulls the pitcher out. >> reporter: with just four months left to election day, it is critical for president biden, according to his staff, that he get out and meet and greet supporters. that's one of the reasons he's back in pennsylvania, a state he's visited more than any other outside of his home state of delaware, mike. once again, the president is expected at this union hall about a 3:15 to meet with
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supporters, mike. mike: we will follow it. lucas tomlinson, many thanks. house minority leader hakim jeff reese will meet virtually with committee leaders next hour. madeleinelyer is v.a. is live with the latest on today's meeting. >> reporter: hey, mike. this meeting underscores the urgency of the moment. party leadership remains in the president's corner even as more rank and file democrats express discontent. there is one moment in particular in his exclusive interview with ab if c news anchor george stephanopoulos that is rubbing members the wrong way. watch. >> if you stay many and trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i'll feel as long as i gave it my all and i did as good a job as i know i can do, that's what this is about. >> reporter: that response isn't cutting it with a lot of democrats who say there's so much at stake in november which the president has also said.
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>> this isn't -- is about whether thethis country remains a democracy, whether we veer off into some kind of a pseudo-dictatorship. i would tell the president slow down and take the time to make the right decision here. >> reporter: as hakeem jeffries navigates the turmoil within his caucus, there's a schism shaping up amongst senate democrats too. vice president senator bernie sanders says he's not participating in georgia -- virginia senator mark warn everybody's progress -- >> i like mark. he's one of the more conservative members of the democratic caucus. no, i have not been invited. no, i would not attend. >> reporter: warner is reportedly trying to organize a meeting with senate dems tomorrow. his spokesperson said in a statement to the washington post, the senator believes these are critical days for the president's campaign, and he has made that clear to the white house. mike. mike: maddie rivera, thanks very much. i'm joined by massachusetts
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democratic congressman, a member of the select committee on china, jake auchincloss. congressman, welcome. >> hey, mike. mike: so there's questions about whether that george stephanopoulos interview changed anything. i want to play a clip, and i'll ask you to react to it. >> the interview didn't put concerns to rest. no single interview was going to do that, and what i do think the president needs to decide is, can he put those concerns aside, can he demonstrate to the american pima that what happened on the debate stage was an aberration, that he can and will beat donald trump. mike: that was your colleague, adam schiff. do did the interview move the needle for you? >> i agree with congressman schiff, particularly the president's final answer about giving it his best being sufficient. what is sufficient and what is necessary is that we defeat donald trump in november. because what donald trump has planned for his second term is project 2025 which is going to to politicize social security, send those checks with strings
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attached, it's going to try to outlaw abortion medication, undermine civil-military organizations, and it's going to install him as a dictator who can use the department of justice as his personal law firm for retribution. these are clear and present threats to american democracy, and democrats need to defeat him. and my challenge to republicans is have the same painful is and public conversation that democrats having right now. you should be stressing to donald trump that he should step aside, because after that debate performance where he lied once every 90 seconds and again refused to honor election results that last time around got a number of police officers killed -- mike: okay, but what about the democratic concern about the president? he's not performed particularly well. i mean, do you expect more of your colleagues will ask him to step aside? >> the president won the vast majority of delegates through free and fair if elections, which we are the party of respect unlike republicans --
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[laughter] and we are going to honor the will of those millions of voters by not brushing them aside lightly. we need to have thorough, methodical conversations at every level of the party, and that's exactly what hah hakeem jeffries is doing today by consulting and listening and bringing the caucus together to have conversations in person. that's exactly what we want to see at the helm of the house democratic party. and that is the way that we need to proceed, because millions of voters have already weighed in. again, the republican party is refusing to do that. they are a cult of personality that is not holding their party leader to account in any way whatsoever, even despite the fact that he is trying to turn the core institutions of our democracy. mike: do you expect a fair amount a of freakout on tuesday? >> no. i don't think we're in freakout mote. i think the party wants to defeat donald trump. i think the party is willing to have painful conversations, is willing to look at all the evidence, public opinion
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research, the president's performances and decide where do we think we have the best chance of defeating donald trump. and regardless of what the decision is from joe biden, from the party, it's going to be a team sport going forward. we've got stars who can go out there and talk about outcompeting china, pete buttigieg, talking about infrastructure and training the next generation of the work force, kamala harris about protecting reproductive rights. democrats can make the case because trump is historically unpopular. the best candidate to defeat donald trump is, ultimately, donald trump himself. americans do not want another dose of him. mike: to be fair, vice president harris' polling has not been good throughout her term in office. would she be a help or drag the ticket? >> i think kamala harris and, frankly, anybody who would be at the top of the ticket would have a chance to reintroduce themselves to the american public x. and if you look at kamala harris, she has the potential to reengage core
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constituencies, the potential to prosecute donald trump for being civilly liable for rape, for trying to overturn a prix and fair election, for trying to politicize social security and medicare. regardless of where she's number one or number two, i think she has a heck of a case to make. mike: there has been some talk about about republicans invoking the 25th amendment, would that be damaging to democrats on the ballot in november? >> it's just another example of the gop trying to score political points as opposed to doing what's best for the country. over and over again we've seen this whether it's the tax code, whether it's israel, certifying our own election results, republicans never miss an understood to try to score cheap shots when we're really trying to have a conversation about what kind of country we want to look like in the next four years. because with donald trump was very clear about it on the debate stage. he wants project 2025, the entire federal bureaucracy to be his own personal feoff he's going to hand over ukraine
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back to russia. instead of looking at the -- mike: i've got republican reaction right here. congressman jake audiocassette aen close, thank you so much for your time. safe travels this week. >> appreciate. mike: now from the other side of the aisle, republican congresswoman and a member of the house armed services and oversight panel, congresswoman nancy mace. welcome. >> thank you for having me. mike: what is your reaction? >> that was a lot of gaslighting coming from the left in that interview. he didn't want to talk about joe biden, it was very clear. they want to talk about trump, they want to pivot away from any talk of the cognitive decline of joe biden because it's a major political issue for them. this is going to go down as one of the biggest, largest, greatest cover-ups in american history. you have every member of the democrat party, the left, with their friends in the media lying to the american people, gaslighting the american people about joe biden and his cognitive decline, and they've been doing it for over a year. you can't trust a word that the
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left says, and that was very clear from that interview just now. mike: i want to play some more from congressman schiff, and i'll get you to react to it. >> looking i'd -- look, i'd be happy if if the president and donald trump took cognitive -- i think they both should be willing to take a test. i think, frankly, a test would show donald trump has serious illness of one kind or another. but ultimately, the decision's going to come down to what a joe biden thinks is best. mike: it sounded like schiff is ready to turn the page but wants to to give the president room to make that decision. your thoughts. >> well, we had a 90-minute cognitive test on the night of the debate, and it was very clear that trump knew what was going on. he stood there for 90 minutes and answered every single question succinctly and smartly. on the other side of that, you had joe biden who needed an interpreter -- you needed an interpreter to really understand what he was saying. my question is, who's in charge?
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who's behind the curtain? if joe biden's america is a wizard of oz democracy because we don't know who's calling the shots. i just got back from a trip overseas, and world leaders are mocking the united states. widen's a national security -- joe biden's a national security threat because everyone knows he's not making decisions. the only decisions he's making right now is between applesauce and ice cream. it's a very scary place for the nation right now. mike: nato leaders coming to town this week with a lot of serious items on the agenda. >> absolutely. president zelenskyy talking about ukraine, trudeau's going to be in downtown, a 40 of world leaders. and we all know it's not joe biden in charge. we should be holding into account every single member of congress in the democrat party not just asking them whether or not joe biden should remain on the ticket, but whether or not he should remain president because it's very clear he has absolutely no idea what's going on and is now a national security issue. not to mention all of the lying
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they have done to the american people. mike: the former president and his team have been preparing to run against joe biden for three and a half years. do you think they want biden to stay on the ticket? do you think there's any concern about where it's vice president harris or some governor? >> i can't speak for donald trump or the campaign, but the american public doesn't trust joe biden. it's been a conspiracy between the biden family, his aides, the administration and the left and their friends in the media. there's no way whether it's joe biden on the top of the ticket or somebody else, kamala harris, gavin newsom, whoever you throw on there, it's been a conspiracy between all of them with the media for over a year now. it doesn't matter who they throw on the ticket, you can't trust them at all. mike: if the president's dragging town the ticket, does that cause a lot of democratic colleagues to say he's gotta do? -- go? >> we heard five members of congress this weekend. i'm hearing calls there'll be more than 20 later on this week.
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there will be an immense amount of pressure. i don't think it matters at this point, because the american people are enlightened. they see the facts. they see the truth. they can see what's going on before their eyes, and they know that the left is lying to them. that is my point especially to independent voters, to the voter who's unafail created because -- unaffiliated. this is a fight for the middle, and i want them to see very clearly that everyone on the left side in the administration, with the media have been lying to them for over a year now, for almost his entire presidency, covering this up. this has been a conspiracy and will go down as one of the biggest cover-ups in american history. mike: it promises to be a spirited week on capitol hill. >> sure will. mike: congressman nancy mace, great to have you. >> we'll be there, thank you. mike: thanks much. as we await word on a possible ceasefire in the middle east, we have an inside view from gaza. fox news embedded with israeli defense forces and traveled to rafah. israel's operations continue there as mediators work around
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the clock to get the remaining hostages released. trey yingst joins us live from tel aviv. hello, trey. >> reporter: mike, good afternoon. today marks nine months of war between israel and hamas. now, next week indirect ceasefire talks are set to resume as we got a firsthand look at the fighting in southern gaza. a fire burns at the rafah crossing between gaza and egypt. it's a symbol of the 9-month war between israel and hamas. down the corridor israeli humvees drive quickly. they want to avoid sniper and rpg fire. right now we are entering gaza's southernmost city of rafah, into the theater of operation where the battle between israel and hamas rages on. [background sounds] once inside the city, the destruction is encompassing. no building left unscathed. israeli forces is say they encountered booby trapped buildings and tunnel shafts leading to an underground hamas
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labyrinth. >> the system has manyup innings. -- functions. one of it is smuggle arms, the other is for manufacturing rockets underneath the ground. >> reporter: while israel battles hamas, there are new questions about what the day after the war will look like with so much death and destruction plaguing gaza. [background sounds] on black saturday, october 7th, hamas launched a large scale attack against israel. ultimately, this led to to an israeli ground invasion of gaza, and here in rafah there were 11.4 million -- 1.4 million palestinians shelter sheltering. closer to the border, we get a glimpse at the aid trucks being used to transport food and supplies to palestinians in northern gaza, a lifeline for the civilian population. these trucks are headed back into egypt after dropping off cargo. >> this road, the protect road, the safe rad that we are providing safety -- >> from the air, with our forces, making sure that it is
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not attacked. >> reporter: an estimated 50,000 civilians remain in rafah if as the war rages on. mike? pike mike fascinating reporting from trey yingst live in tel aviv. trey, thanks very much. much of the texas coast is now under a hurricane watch as beryl's expected to strengthen before slamming into the lone star state the tomorrow. we have fox weather team coverage with adam klotz, katie byrne and brit that her win. their full reports next. ♪ ♪
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mike: the national hurricane center's warning texas residents to prepare for a hurricane as beryl is expected to regain strength before making landfall in the lone star state. meteorologist adam klotz is at the fox weather center tracking the latest movements. >> reporter: hey there, mike. we are expecting this storm to continue to intensify, becoming a hurricane before ultimately making landfall early on monday. let's dive right into those forecast graphics. you can see where the storm sits right now if, moving to the northwest at 10 miles an hour. some of the outer bands of rain beginning to interact a with the coastline, but the water other the gulf of mexico is still warm, and this storm will intensify. in our next graphic you'll see the forecast track, ultimately
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climbing up to 85 mile-an-hour winds. that is a category 111 hurricane, making landfall -- 1 hurricane, making landfall overnight tonight, into tomorrow morning. but you're going to start to feel those impacts already here in the next several hours, mike. so, yes, we're not talking about a landfall as with we currently speak back out here, but we will be talking about deteriorating conditions before landfall early tomorrow. the houston in the impact zone throughout the day tomorrow. mike, we're really getting in the final hours here where we're going to be watching this storm approach landfall early tomorrow morning. mike: adam klotz, thanks so much. over 1200 counties in texas already under a disaster declaration. katie byrne is live in galveston with how texans are preparing. hello, katie. >> reporter: hi, mike. well, it's quiet. i think we're in the calm before the storm, so we're waiting to see what happens here. neighbors in this hair of -- area of galveston, the lowest lying area, say they're probably
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going to stay through it, but they're making sure they get those last minute preps done today, especially because we're already seeing that water inch up from the bay side here. locals are expecting it to flood out the street as early as today even though landfall season isn't expected until tomorrow morning. a lot of people are moving cars, that's a priority. you're not going to see a ton of cars left in people's driveway as they move to higher ground. where we are, flooding is the ig big issue for folks in this area. we're under a tropical storm and storm surge warnings. hurricane warnings start just south of where we are, so impacting more than half a million people along the east coast of texas there. the people who live in galveston say they've been through this before and most we've met don't plan on leaving. >> we just moved all the plants in, kind of just tucking everything in. we have a generator, so we're ready. it just floods the beginning and end of the street just from the surge, but other than that, it
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hasn't flooded -- his land, he has destroyed the house and the inside, so we're trying to get out before it starts raining again. [laughter] hurricane rourke. >> reporter: getting ready to go stir crazy because of potential outages. some people are worried about it getting hot, so those generators are up and running before we feel those imimpact of the storm. guys? mike: katie byrne, thanks very much. for more preparations as a beryl approaches, brit that her win is live in surfside beach, texas. britta? >> reporter: hey. we're here in surfside beach under not only a hurricane warning, but also a storm surge warning. the storm itself is still over 100 miles away, but you can tell the wind is picking up. we've noticed that throughout the day. and also we've noticed a big surplus of people coming out to take a look at the waves. too many people for my
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looking -- liking that are actually in the water, would not recommend that. obviously, dangerous conditions to be out in that water. we've also a seen a lot of debris already kicked up. there is a mandatory evacuation for surfside because we're on a barrier island. the bridge is going to close down at 5:00. if you're is still on this island, it is on you how you get through the storm later tonight. we're anticipating 6 feet of storm surge. the last time surfside beach had something like that was back in 2021 with hurricane nicholas. that was a weaker storm than what we're anticipating with beryl. so you can imagine with the history of having a 4 to 5-foot storm surge with a weaker hurricane, we could see impressive results here in surfside beach. we also will be impacted by strong winds. it's why the hurricane warning is up. we could be brushed by 80 to 90 mile-per-hour winds, so whoever is left on the island who makes that choice to not heed the evacuation orders, they will be dealing with water surrounding
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their home and taking on those hurricane force winds. now later tonight when we get closer to landfall, my team will be riding into the eye of the hurricane. we invite you to watch our continuous coverage on fox to find out how to watch us and download the fox weather app. mike thanks so much. please be safe. we have continuing coverage on fox weather. join the conversation with us. we want to hear your thoughts about this year's tropical developments. use hashtag hurricane hq on social and stay with fox weather all hurricane season long. the republican national convention's just eight a days away meaning we will soon find out who will be former president trump's running mate. that's next. ♪ ♪
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madison scarpino is here with the latest. hello, madison. >> reporter: hello, mike. yeah, no rallies or big public vents this week, but he is taking some campaigning to truth social is. former president trump is slamming president biden over his policies and debate performance. the former president is sarcastically urging the president to continue his campaign despite many critics. trump heavily criticized biden over the border, subversion to china and other can countries, putting americans last and a lot more. at the end of his post, it says, quote, yes, sleepy joe should continue his campaign of american destruction can and make china great again. it's been a good week for team trump as he lays low. there's been post-debate drama among democrats, major fund raising boosts and monday's bombshell supreme court decision on presidential immunity. since the ruling, the judge in trump's new york hush money trial agreed to postpone his sentencing, and yesterday the florida judge in trump's
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classified documents case is delaying several deadlines. trump's legal team says his alleged actions were done as official presidential duties, and if so, that would now save save him from prosecution. both sides have until july 21st to submit argues on how presidential immunity impacts this case. legal experts say the new delays in that case will make it really hard for trial to happen before the election. , here's what former principal deputy assistant attorney general des moines dupree said on "fox news sunday" this morning talking about if the former president does win the election. >> -- for jack smith to continue to pursue a case that he knows is going to be extinguished at noon on january 20th seems somewhat that harassing, arguably abusive. it's not as though he's going to be able to jam a trial into that several-month window. >> reporter: and trump is back on the campaign trail next week. he has rallies in florida on tuesday and pennsylvania on
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saturday. mike? mike: we will follow it. madison scarpino, thanks so much. for more on this and first lady jill biden's role in president biden's re-election campaign, let's bring in former chief of staff of laura bush and author of u.s. first lady, anita mcbride. anita, welcome. >> hi, mike. thanks for having me. mike: from "the new york times," quote, one senior white house official, however, who has worked with mr. biden during his presidency, vice presidency and 2020 campaign said in an interview on saturday morning that mr. biden should not seek re-election. mr. biden had steadily showed more signs of his age in recent months including speaking more slowly, haltingly and quietly as well as appearing more fatigued in private. anita, what is the impact of leaks like that when you are inside the white house? >> it's very hard to listen to. and all of the people around the president, family, advisers are going to try and comp up with
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statements -- come up with statements and responses to dispute that. and the president himself has disputed that. we've heard him since friday, since his interview on abc and then his public events over the weekend. they're diss missing it. dismissing it. mike: then there's the first family. you had the first lady after the debate. let's play her. >> joe, you did such a great job. you answered every question -- [cheers and applause] you knew all the -- [cheers and applause] mike: and there are reports of hunter biden showing up in meetings, perhaps helping to write speeches. what about the impact in terms of the first family's response to this crisis? >> well, as they always have, they're circling around him. they are his fiercest protectors, defenders and advocates. that was not surprise, to see dr. biden respond like that. she has been consistent, and the last time, you know, you and i talked about this on this
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network, on your show that she was a fierce advocate for him. things, obviously -- june 27th changed a lot. that debate changed a lot in the minds of the american people. they have to work even harder to try and project image that the president is able to continue to do his job. he himself has said now publicly he needs more rest. you know, it was not a good night. he was not feeling well. he told the governors, you know, now that -- come 8:00 at night he needs to do a little bit less and get more rest. let me say this, this is not the first first lady or first family that has faced difficulty in decisions like this. we know eleanor roosevelt was faced with this in 1944. she knew her husband's health was fragile. he was frail. but she was assured by his doctors he could continue in his role as president to run for the
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fourth term and serve if he abided by certain rules to protect his health. but that was a vastly different time, of course. the media was not as visible or intrusive, probably the family would say, now. but it was also a difficult time for the country. war was just at its ends do -- mike: sure. >> he was presiding over a victory that was coming, and she felt, eleanor felt she was the right person to stay in. plus, his domestic agenda had not been fully realized. mike: anita a mcbride, could talk to you all afternoon, but sorry to say we have to run. >> okay. thanks, mike. mike: joining me now is cofounder of and hill strategies colin reid and democratic strategist -- arthel. welcome to both of you. >> thanks, mike. mike: five house democrats so
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far have called on the president to step aside. we're expecting a meeting with hakeem jeffries and his leadership team this afternoon. what are you expecting? >> well, listen, the president has stated very clearly that he plans to stay in this race. and i know we've had a moment to discuss and critique his debate performance, but the reality of the matter is that it's time for democrats to reunify and support the nominee that will be president joe biden. i think all of these private and sometimes public calls for the president are an opportunity for him to reengage with governors as he has, senators as he has in the days following the debate to talk about his vision for america, assure them that he is able to lead into the next 4-year term. and i think that's what these private conversations and meetings are going to yield. mike: congressman adam schiff is talking up vice president harris as a possible replacement. let's play him. >> i think the vice president would be a phenomenal president. i think she has the experience, the judgment, the leadership ability to be an extraordinary
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president. mike: so, colin, what's your read of the democratic anxiety at this point? >> well, we're entering day 11 now of this hand-wringing, of this just apoplectic response since the debate. there's about 120 days leavitt until the election, so about 10% or of the remaining time arguing whether joe biden and fete to be president not only the next 4 years, but the next 4 months. that's an incredible amount of time especially when you consider president biden was losing the race when he went into june 27th. but i think demonstrable statistic, he needed that moment ore set the narrative and reseize the moment. he obviously didn't do that. and he was -- in the debate, not president trump. all donald trump needs to do is let this implosion continue and the old saying goes that the which cannot be sustained the, won't. and that's kind of the state of play -- mike: we're looking at president biden visiting his campaign office in philadelphia. let's listen in for a moment.
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>> -- focus on who the hell we are. we're the united states of america. i really mean this. working together, there's not a damn thing we can't do. we've got a hell of a team running this time out. i just spoke to dwight, he's going to be running statewide again. [applause] and pennsylvania is a create canically important state -- critically important state. critically important state. so i'm counting on you. i'm heading from here to harrisburg. by the way, no one's ever had as much organized labor support as i have. [applause] and they're full bore in. [applause] new york i'm serious. no, i'm serious. i'm the most pro-union senator in the history of the united states of america, i make no damn apologies for it. because when they do well, everybody does well. anyway, look, i just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] it's all about touching people.
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it's all about talking, finding out what's on their minds. that's the thing i miss most -- i love the secret service, by the way, they're great. [laughter] >> no, no, no. [applause] they really are. and i'm not able to do what i used to be. i'd be riding down the street in a vehicle before and see a bunch of kids in a schoolyard, i'd stop and get out. realistically, i can't do that anymore. it's just too dangerous, what's going on out there. but the point is, i just -- the thing i miss most is just looking people in the eye. if you want to know what someone's thinking, say my naim's joe biden, what's -- name's joe biden, what's on your mind? [cheers and applause] mike: what do you make of the president rallying the troops? he did refer to himself as a senator. your thoughts. >> it's good to continue to see president biden energized and campaigning and to be in a room full of supporters. listen, the president's campaign has built on the ground a ground game that is historic in terms of the numbers of staff.
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they've hired, offices that they've opened. and by contrast, we don't see that on the trump side. i think he'd be hard pressed to stand in a room thanking campaign staff who are working every day on the ground for this re-election bid. i think it's important to see the president in these contexts so that in this 90-minute debate we can contrast that with the president we see on the campaign trail, on the ground engaging voters. i think that's what's important here. mike: colin, what's your? >> it's tough to watch. nobody wants to see an american president clearly incapable, clearly incapacitated and not up for the job that he has now, let alone the job he wants for another four years. one thing president biden did say this morning in philadelphia, he said the world is watching. he's right. the world is watching, and i hesitate to think what somebody like xi jinping or vladimir putin who doesn't want us to do well. what they see in this guy, it's scary. mike thank you both very much. sorry the president cut a little of our time.
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thanks so much. french citizens are voting today in a critical election and turnout is high. we will take a look next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ mike: france holds its final runoff for the national assembly after emmanuel macron's call for national elections. stephanie bennett is tracking the polls. hello, stephanie. >> reporter: hey, mike. yeah, polls will close in roughly 15 minutes or so, and latest counts show this has been an historic voter turnout. about 600% of eligible voters have shown up to the polls -- 60% -- the most in 40 years, and the results may lead to the country's first far-right government since world war ii. now, france's president, emmanuel macron, called the snap election after a humbling defeat her his party in the european elections to the anti-immigration, far-right national rally party of marine
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la pen. macron's aim was to regain control of friend if. politics by having election, but the polls are suggesting otherwise. last sunday's first projected results put the national rally party well ahead, and new projections of today's vote should come in soon. but macron didn't have to call this election for another three years, and world rivals and allies say it's a reckless gamble. this election could impact the war in ukraine, global diplomacy and europe's economic stability. and voters in paris say it could cause a political deadlock. president macron cast his vote earlier today, and in the national -- if the national rally wins outright, 28-year-old jordan bar della could become the new prime minister. macron has said he won't step down before his presidential term expires in 2027, but cohabitation or power sharing, essentially, would weaken him at home and on the world stage. but then again it's complicated. if no party gets a majority, that would mean a hung parliament. mike, there are 577 seats in
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their national assembly, for an absolute majority to happen a party needs 28of them. mike, we'll be watching closely -- 289. mike: coming up, soccer fans around the globe are locked in on two huge tournaments heading for a dramatic conclusion. who better to analyze it all than a soccer hall of famer? alexei lawless, he's next.
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♪ mike: the soccer world is height up as the euro cup and copa american tournaments head for the semifinal stage. let's bring in fox soccer analyst and member of the national soccer hall of fame, alexei lawless. welcome. >> hello, mike, my fellow scarlet knight, greek-american -- how we doing? big old soccer doingings. [laughter] mike: the u.s. men's national team, i don't know need to tell you -- i don't need to tell you, disappointed in copa america. a decision to be made on the head coach this week ahead of hosting the world cup. what do you expect? >> i expect after this abysmal failure at copa america is probably going to lose his job this summer. i think what it says is the
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summer of 2026 the men's world cup is coming back to the united states for the first time since 1994, and it's important. it's an important opportunity, and you don't went to waste it. and so they -- want to waste it. they need to make sure that we are all united and happy and optimistic and excited about the direction this is going. and if after this summer at copa america when it didn't go well, they need to put somebody in charge that is going to get us there. so we're going to have a decision one way or the other. maybe they go in different direction. mike: some have called this current u.s. men's roster a golden generation of talent. i can see the tall eleven, but can they win something first? we're not big on participation trophies in our generation. >> absolutely. it doesn't matter what's behind the scenes, how "kumbaya" it is, america wants winners, america wants to be number one when it comes to men's soccer we haven't been. we've expected more from this generation because they've been given every opportunity and resource from a very young age, and they have yet to live up to
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it in doing something that we haven't seen before. ultimately, this was the fierchl final test before that '26 world cup for this team and this coach and, ultimately, they failed. still have faith that come 2026 we'll have a team we'll be proud of on and and off the field. make mike amen. colombia versus your guy, what to do you see? >> look, you know, this is a really interesting, you know, semifinal when it comes to copa america. argentina with messi in his own backyard, defending not only copa america, but maybe in '26 defending again in his backyard his world cup against cinderella, canada. it's bad enough the u.s. bombed out, but canada's in the semifinal. man, oh, man -- [laughter] i did the folks up there in the great white north. by the way, in being led by an american. and a lot of people feel that's the cream of the crop when it comes to this tournament, and
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colombia just quiet i -- quietly doing the business. really interesting semifinals. mike: france versus spain, england versus netherlands, sounds like classic semifinals. your thoughts. >> big teams with incredible pedigrees. england, you think they're insufferable now, wait until they win it and, oh, my god, i'm going to have to win it until the cows come home. but they're playing against the netherlands who are getting better and better at the tournaments. france is starting teenagers -- i'm sorry, spain is starting teenagers and france, obviously, another great semifinal matchup with big stars, big teams and big stories to. to both these tournaments that are happening the same time, summer of soccer continues on with all these stairs. big week coming up. mike: big ratings on fox thanks to guys like you. and, you know, alexei, i'm wondering if our professor at rutgers university are watching now looking at the two of us chatting on the tube, me wearing some makeup -- what a country.
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[laughter] >> i don't think they ever could have predicted back then when we were messing around over there, exit 9 off the turn piefnlgt we've come a long way, baby, as they say. mike: we've got to run. thank you so much. "fox news sunday" is next. i'm mike emanuel, have anor awesome day anevd a great week. muck muck'll be t ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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