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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 8, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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hopeful people. if you have ever listened to the thursday podcast that i do with mary langston, she, like my m wife, terry is hopeful and positive in what i tried to balance my shortcomings with the optimism of others. i will say this, if you came to me with a problem, i would be very optimistic and i would try to give you hope. but when it comes to myself, i must stoic. if you have a question, emailco less at gaudi orour k.o.d. america, thank you forpe spending time with us andea have a great week ahead but until next week you can find us on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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speed to a fox news alert, buckle up for a year to eight. congress back on capitol hill today after weeklong recess but democrat party in shambles over president biden's political future. and biden said it will take the lord almighty and for him to lead the race. one house democrat says it's about to hit the fan. also breaking right now, breaking peril made land after category 1 overnight. we have a live report on the ground and janice dean tracking the storm's path. you are watching tu "fox & friends first," todd piro, carley shimkus as the dail. we start in d.c. for democrats reporting for calls for president biden to aid his reelection bid and another democrat says down ballot candidates are worried about how biden's candidacy will impact their races. madeleine rivera in washington with the details come if you were busy with family over the holiday weekend and think we are just back to where we were,
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techno a lot has happened the last 48 hours, bring us up-to-date. >> absolutely, democrats deeply divided about the president's reelection prospects. to give you a sense of anxiety gripping the house, one lawmaker got wasn't saying this, the blanket is going to hit the fan monday when congressman and house democrats people are scared about races, but also worried about the country and about democracy. five house democrats have publicly called for the president to step aside. some senior house dems privately voicing concerns to airing apprehension during with hakeem jeffries. jerrold nadler, mark mcconnell, adam smith and joe morel aired in the meantime, no democratic senator has publicly called for the president to drop out. in an effort spearheaded by virginia senator too organized to talk about the president's
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path forward, reportedly failed to materialize. the fact the meeting is no longer being held though doesn't mean there is an alarm within the upper chamber as well. democrats see this moment for the president's exclusive interview with "abc news" anchor george stephanopoulos as especially troubling. >> the lord almighty can tell me that come i can do that. >> if you stay in and trump is elected and everything you're worried about comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i will fill as long as i gave it my all and did as good as a job as i can do, that is what this is about. >> here is former ohio tim ryan, weighing in air >> i think it is incredible how presidents get so insulated and sometimes realityw that with the president the other night. you can't deny it, it would drag everybody else down here that is a major, major concern for leader jeffries who is a phenomenal leader. but i think his members, donors,
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activists around the country are very, very concerned. >> the presidents schedule is chock-full of campaign events in the next two weeks. the next big item on his agenda is nato summit, which kicks off in d.c. tomorrow. he will hold a late anticipated news conference thursday and also deliver speeches in las vegas as counter programming to the republican national convention, taught. >> mattie thank you. the cue cards, since in these guys with pictures to show exactly how to get to his podium events. one former staffer telling axios, "it surprised me susan political pro like the president would need detail verbal and instructions how to enter and exit a room." but the white house as it totally normal, "high level details are critical regardless who was president. these are basic approaches used by any modern advanced team."
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stick around, joe concha will say that that is true here and he will join us with reaction. in the meantime kamal's oversight james comer saying the white house physician testified on capitol hill to answer questions about president biden's mental state but james comer revealing dr. kevin o'connor has been involved in the biden family's business deals. in february, o'connor said the president was "a healthy, robust 81-year-old male who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency." but now james comer says the oversight committee is concerned his medical assessments have been influenced by his private business endeavors w with the biden family. james biden told the house committee earlier this year dr. o'connor advised him in his work for americorps. struggling to contain wildfires in southern california that have torched 19,000 acres since
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friday. the lake fire threatening businesses and homes across santa barbara county including the ranch ranch that belonged to michael jackson. as of this morning, it is only 8% contained herein in southern utah, the silver king fires "11,000 acres over three days." it doubled in size yesterday and 0% contained. now, fox news alert, beryl making landfall category 1 hurricane in the texas coast feeling for storm's packed with strong winds and heavy rain battering the state. just take a look at your screens. storage warnings and tornado floods in effect throughout the middle coast. fox weather meteorologist on the ground in the coastal town of surfside texas tracking the storm for us here at what the latest? >> todd, we've actually had to move locations to find safer location. we were riding out beryl with
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the fire department. first of all thank you for them here they provided safe haven for our spirit the storm surge came in quickly when the fire department, they offer an escort, you say thank you very much we will be following you. so right now we are sheltering inside of ford expedition. we have a hefty duty pays here, but we have moved our car to the base of the bridge that connects barrier island to the mainland. over this bridge, which we cannot safely cross, we have had wins 80 miles an hour. i will put my camera here just to give you a little perspective, todd, everyone watching thank you for your patience. obviously, we are doing the best that we can. we are at the base of the bridge and i'm behind a golf cart which is tethered down to a toe on the back of the truck. you will notice is a have my chair, there is a long line. we saw these on the barrier
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island last night at 11:00 p.m. central time. it is a good, ten vehicles in this line. there is nobody in them, at the residence parked it there to get it out of the storm surge. to keep in mind, you hide from the wind, sheltered from the water. there is a truck going by and headed to the top of the bridge followed by another truck. those are actually scientists, and that is really the only folks that we saw when we were on the barrier island was other science and local police officers and firefighters. now, one of the reasons the firefighters went ahead and moved their equipment was to protect their equipment. of course, the fire station itself is elevated. you can find shelter in the bunks above the bays. but the problem is you will have all of this water around the fire trucks themselves. that is what the residents with
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mandatory evacuation yesterday. they are going to be surrounded by a storm surge. now, the worst of the wins. this is making landfall as we speak. we are in the worst and the winds are ferocious. you can tell side to side, todd piro the car is shaking. so a lot of content elements right now. i'm expecting the real brunt of this to continue for the next hour. once it is safe, we will emerge from the car, but there is no way standing out on a bridge between barrier island in the mainland with winds gusting over 80 miles an hour. so we will hunker down right here. i do but you to watch the coverage on fox weather. of course, we will get back when the winds start to come down here at but we have continuous coverage happening right now. we are tracking the landfall of beryl. you can go to fox and don't forget to download the fox weather app. we are always on.
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>> todd: britta so much important detail but please stay safe. it sounds like you are. let's go to senior meteorologist janice dean tracking the storm and hit literally within the last couple of minutes. what is the latest and what do we need to know? >> i'm so glad britta is an inside and say. she has a wonderful meteorologist but someone who takes her personal safety seriously. let's take a look at it. we do have landfall 3:50 a.m. local time central time here texas and the worst of the storm, storage surge, winds, and potential for tornadoes on the bright side. the landfall is the lowest pressure as it crosses over land. look at the wind gust, 89 miles an hour matagorda bay and freeport texas, the winds ferocious with tornado threats throughout the day, storm surge upwards of 6 feet depending on where you are. we could see the heavy rainfall
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with a spear of the storm continues to move. it is quite slow. it has uptick 12 miles miles an hour to the north, but it will continue to lumber along and still be in texas for the next 12-18 hours. let's zoom in tornado warm storm and these systems, the counterclockwise winds and low rotation and so potential for tornadoes throughout the morning south of the houston area. that will be of concern. the latest tropical storms warnings and hurricane warnings as the system moves inland toward wind speeds and costs you saw 80 miles an hour. these are wind speeds right now and wind gust of 48-50 miles per hour near the galveston area. the latest forecast track as of 5:00 a.m., we will get updates from the national hurricane center every single hour. as we go through the afternoon, it has not budged much, 65-mile per our storm and it will
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eventually move north and northeast were to appear at the wind forecast as we go through the morning, this will be the worst time. people are hopefully hunker down and again, upwards of 7-foot storm surge over very low ground here. this is a big concern. storm surge is one of the biggest killers of these things. and again, if you have six to 7-foot storm surge, that is above me and that is over the top of your head appeared we will keep you up-to-date, as well and repos up and down the coastline peered over to you, todd. >> todd: certainly doesn't need a slow-moving hurricane. >> a big concern, used in metro area should be concerned. >> todd: thank you so much, erupting overnight left-wing supporters celebrate the victory in the french elections. the latest on the chaos unfolding right now. gavin newsom touring through the swing states with a trip to new hampshire by the does california's governor of the person state voters want to hear from? we are asking voters what they
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really want when they come back next. ♪ ♪
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[ put a little love in your heart
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by david ruffin begins to play ] my bad, my bad. good race. - you too. you were tough out there. thank you. i'm getting you next time though. oh i got you, i got you. down goes jewett. jewett and amos are down. what a lovely sign of sportsmanship. you okay? yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: riots erupting in france after political coalition on secure the most seats in political elections. they were met with teargas as they set up molotov cocktails in the streets of paris. this comes as an upset to the right wing national rally party after they led the first round of elections. the conservative party ended up
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in third place behind president macron sanctioned alliance and the leftist coalition in first. french prime minister gabriel is expected to resign later today in response. tens of thousands of people gathering for the running of the bulls. a tradition you know kicking off the nine day festival and testing bravery by trying to out run six filing bowls and some alts on pier the oxen not keepig time with the lambs but were running as they race behind the city streets. one rebel taken away on a stretcher and no word on his condition. the bull run is a tradition dating back to the 13th century and still crazy every time you see this cured people voluntarily getting in the path of a deadly. back home, gavin newsom with the swing state tour going making a stop in new hampshire trying to keep in democrat hands. take a look at this, the granite state has not gone for republican presidential candidate since george bush in
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2000. many states president trump hoping to put back in play in november here at the president of new hampshire independent voters and todd moulton new hampshire independent voter, they both joined me now. first do you new hampshire only has four electoral votes but if the map breaks a certain way, new hampshire could ultimately decide this presidential election and independent voters like you could ultimately decide where new hampshire goes. what is the independent granite state voter thinking right now? >> so, there are 51% of independent voters right now in the nation according to a recent gallup poll. they are the swing voters and what independent voters are feeling right now is that they are discouraged with the choices that the two parties offer. we have never been so discouraged with the two-party system. and so, we are looking for a candidate who is not part of a party machine who is going to be
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able to work across the aisle and work with both parties and independent voters included in the process. we want someone who is not picked by the party elite. >> todd: tom, let's get to some names. i mentioned off the top, you have gavin newsom there. you can certainly expect kamala harris to make a stop here this weekend while campaigning extensively for joe biden, she only mentioned joe biden's name once. so if either of those two ends up ultimately replacing joe biden, do they excite you and have your vote? >> not at all. i don't think it takes a rocket scientist to see what's going on in the country. unfortunately, the democratic party, i feel, something like that '60s come '70s and the party is completely changed. i feel they have no relevance what the american experience is. i just think that they are
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values, and i look at immigration, inflation, the debt, et cetera and i don't think they have relevance anymore based on my core value. i believe in red, white, and blue and i love this country. i want to get somebody who is going to be honest and give us some good leadership to straighten this out. because if we lose this, there was no place else to go in the world to have the lifestyle we have. why do you think everybody wants to come here? i have a feeling this is like the end of days, rome is burning and it's really sad. i hope some people step up. unfortunately, the democrats don't resonate with me. >> todd: if the independent voter shares what you said to them it doesn't seem like joe biden if he remains in the race is going to get that person's vote having lived in new hampshire for years, i know you fine folks who do not suffer fools lightly. it will be interesting to see what you do november 5th.
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tom moulton, thank you for your time this morning. let's get back to the top two stories. beryl making landfall in texas and we track the storms in the latest movements. plus, questioning swirling about president biden's candidacy and some on the left declaring it is time to get ready for president kamala harris here at congressman jeff sanders tells s what the message will be if the vice president takes over the ticket and he is next get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> todd: congress is back in session after a weeklong recess. members are returning to absolute chaos in the democrat party. the media headlines telling a story. at least nine house democrats publicly or privately called for president biden to end his campaign here at others in the party strongly backing biden at the top of the ticket but the attention is focused on
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kamala harris who seems to be the top choice for many democrats to replace joe biden. new jersey congressman jeff van drew sits on house transportation and infrastructure committee once a democrat himself before returning to the republican party. the congressman joins me now, will your colleagues begin the process of replacing joe biden at the top of the ticket when they return to congress literally and a matter of hours? >> well, remember joe biden has to agree to be replaced and essentially joe biden has to agree her husband would be replaced. has the delegates, he has the boats. so we has to do this and be a part of the process. they have to make that clear that i have a theory on one way that they could do with it, and this is not cooperated up here of this is my theory come i want to make that clear. but we have been protected by the department of justice over and over again. he was on the judiciary committee as well.
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he was in on the calls to burisma and in on the business calls to his son, hunter appear in and in ways that hasn't been thoroughly explored when met with oligarchs over there. and so many ways, his brother with the health organization. he is protected appeared i would not be surprised, not cooperated, but i would not be surprised if they have a discussion, we have protected you but some bad stuff has gone on. if you want to get outcome it is time to drop out of the race. they still have a problem because kamala harris is just joe biden also superior to the still open borders, high inflation, and still bad policies foreign and domestic. it is still defunding the police, demoralizing our military. the entire package of it is hers and she doesn't have the ability. and she doesn't have the focus and she is one of those few
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people as vice president much less popular now than the day she walked into the office. so, they are in a corner, but don't underestimate them. they are smart, focused, they know how to win. do not high five if a republican out there. we have to work hard the last minute, the last day. >> todd: congressman kemal of those things about kamala notwithstanding, they are beging to circle the wagons this daily beast op-ed, get used to the idea president kamala harris, she opened up important dialogue at the southern border to reduce immigration flows and a leading voice for creating a plan for the day after and gaza, help to maintain support among allies with the policy. i want to get your thoughts on the last part, it is long clear to me that not only mastered her brief, but she has grown more comfortable expressing herself in her own voice, becoming a
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powerful communicator and harris is a rival candidate. do you agree republican should not be so eager to get rid of joe biden because kamala harris could threaten donald trump's potential path to the white house? >> well, two parts to this i think it is good if republicans running against joe biden. that certainly helps us. by the way, the media, the left media, the legacy media, acts like this was a big surprise when we found out that joe has cognitive problems. we all knew that. if anybody was following the truth, they knew he was a loosely packed meetings, mumbling his words, didn't have focus. had really serious problems. but he was sheltered to. they protected him everywhere they could. now, they couldn't do that at a nationally televised debate. for the first time, the truth
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really came out here they have no way but to act like they were shocked and had to replace the candidate. come on, she is a joke. we haven't seen anything serious from her in four years. we have the republicans who kept challenging her. she was the border czar that never went to the border. her policies for the burger, if she has any, or horrible. again, joe biden also superior they are open border and that is what they are. she doesn't have what she needs to be the president of the united states. the polling's show she is not ready and deeply unpopular. i think she may be a better adversary for the benefit of republicans, certainly not a worse one. yes, she does not fall asleep in the middle of the sentence but her sentences will be silly and went on with the sentences, punctuated by crazy maniacal laughter. >> todd: congressman from the great state of new jersey,
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thank you for joining us, sir, we appreciated. back with a fox news alert minutes ago, beryl making landfall in texas as category 1 or can. filling the storms and packed with strong, heavy rain battling the state and tornado and flood watches are in effect throughout the middle coast right now. fox weather meteorologist britta merwin on the ground coastal town texas tracking the storm for us, britta, what do you know? >> good morning, todd. we have to move to a safer spot because of the storm surge. we were writing out with surf city beach fire department, forgive me. we've been on for a long time, todd appeared about the storm starting to creep into the base where the fire trucks are and sg to rise too quickly so that fire department moved they were trucks from surfside beach over the bridge into freeport to get them to higher ground. we are at the base of that
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bridge, taking on 91 per hour wind gust. it is not safe for us to drive or the top of the bridge. and i will move the camera to see what we see from the front windshield. but we kept the strong wind gusts that come in and i did 1 mile per our wind gust in freeport which is the other side of the bridge and of course, we are closer to the golf here that is sending sheets of rain open over the bridge. now that we have gone through landfall, we will slowly start to ramp down. then, we will go back down into surfside, where we are dealing with a surge issue here that is why we are sheltering on the bridge together of the rising water. the forecast and why mandatory evacuation on the island, the forecast calling up to 60 wins surf storm surge. there were a handful of people that stayed behind. stay with us fox weather as we are safely able to get out, we will and we will show you what
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things are looking like surfside beach. also, go to and download the fox weather app, todd. >> todd: britta, please stay safe. the president's campaign got called out for feeding questions to the media before high steak interview. remember the media insulted anyone, anyone who questioned his cognitive ability? >> there hasn't been as far as i know, a single claim that biden made a mistake here that he did something wrong in terms of policy because he is old. we have spent way too much time talking about this presidents age. >> todd: joe concha will square up how the media failed to talk about biden's decline from the very beginning. ♪ ♪ some days, you can feel like a spectator
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> todd: at least 100 people were shot in 17 died during a violent fourth of july in chicago. the shootings happening across the city, including one outside of the university of chicago
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emergency room with several in residential neighborhoods. the youngest victim just eight years old. >> we will get through this moment, but these moments won't end without all of us working together to ensure that tragedy doesn't become normalized. >> todd: the last july 4th, 18 people shot, two killed in the windy city. emergency assistance center will be open tomorrow to support community members. but you know what those community members really need? the people who shoot people need to be put in jail. fox news alert, clean guilty to a criminal fraud charge 737 max crash that killed 346 people in 2018-2019. the fox business here with the details, cheryl casone. >> the families are not happy about this, todd here they want criminal charges filed against boeing and criminal charges filed against the board to come the ceo. but so far, that is not what the doj is doing here at the
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paperwork was filed by the government and this will be a texas judge that has to sign off on this and boeing has pleaded guilty to one felony account as far as misleading the government. and then they will pay a fine, $259 million. but the lawyer for the victim's family says, this sweetheart deal fails to recognize because of boeing's conspiracy 346 people died between boeing and the doj. the deadly consequences of boeing's crime are being hidden." here is the break out of the deal for the texas judge has to sign off on. boeing has agreed in the plea deal, pled guilty to criminal fraud, they have to pay $487 million in penalties total, and then that will be over three years that they have to not only paid this fine, but they also have to improve compliance and safety programs. that is also going to be millions of dollars from the company.
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but remember, this is because boeing violated an agreement that was put in place back in 2021 after these crashes. so, there is a lot of anger at boeing understandably from the family. the other side of this though is boeing has been working to fix the 737 max and particularly the m caste system at the heart of these two crashes. >> todd: if i were a family member it would be hard to say if i'm satisfied with this. when life imitates art, cheryl casone, that art is to white from the office, you know you are about to see absolutely crazy footage and we do. >> i'm not sure what to say, this is becky pringle, the president of the national education association. she goes out and gives this speech that is being called unhinged. but i will let viewers decide. watch what happens. >> we will do this work because
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our students are depending on us! to win all of the things! in the end, we have to win all of the things, all of the things, all of the things! our colleagues are depending on us to win all of the things! keep going to preserve our democracy! we must win all of the things! >> so basically the reaction has been that she was off of the rails. she was talking about transformative social justice change in the education system, all of the things, all of the things, all of the things as you heard of. many said she looked like the people of the character of "the office." she's desperate to maintain control of the minds of other people's children. should she really be on the education system? >> todd: that is a good question. that shrewd -- is based off of
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the mussolini. she has also mussolini, which is disturbing on so many levels. finally, democrat desperation living for calls for taylor swift to be the next james carville. >> this was reported before and i will give you the names. this is a group, a pair of democrats, big supporters of the democrats and joe biden to be clear, to say they need to have a taylor swift moderate conversations between democratic candidates. i want to give you this, former obama administration staffer rosa brooks and venture capitalist and democratic donor ted tenter smith. a month lying there and mary, six candidates and whoever gets the most votes, that is the person who is going to be on the ticket. so basically what these two well connected democrats are offering up this plan command they say people should have blitz primary and this is my favorite part, they want oprah winfrey to be one of the people that moderates
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conversations with these can a dead spirit of michelle obama, and thin, of course, taylor swift. these are all the moderators for this blitz primary. it's gotten a little nuts. >> todd: certainly wish list but they are desperate and that desperation shows pure do not miss cheryl based on position i would assume you are hosting today for maria. we will see you tomorrow. the biden campaign says now, we will no longer feed questions to the media after radio host in philly out of a job after she asked the president questions his campaign sent to her. >> the questions were sent to me for approval. i approved of them. >> okay, so the white house sent the questions to you ahead of the interview? >> yes. i got several questions. eight of them and the four chosen are the ones that i approved. >> todd: joe concha the fox news contributor, joe, do you believe they will stop actually feeding questions to
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the media, joe? if so, are they only stopping because they got caught? >> oh, targum absolutely no sho. they will continue to do this. this has been going on since the beginning of his presidency january 2021. we remember those notecards, right, telling the president exactly which reporters to call on and literally photos of them. where my remember joe biden sharing over and over again, basically the quiet part out loud he had a list of reporters to call on and would proceed to follow those instructions to a t. and we definitely remember when biden would excuse himself from the rare moment he took questions by saying, "i will get in trouble if i take more questions." this particular radio interview, joe biden said he was proud to be "the first black woman to serve with a black president." even when the questions are provided to him, he still can't do the job.
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and another, by the way, radio host, now two radio host have come forward to confirm the questions had been provided to them. how many other questions were provided to them and how many followed that lead? that is the thing here. i have the feeling is the answer is "too many." this is the president of the united states who simply can't take questions about his record on inflation, economy, trade, energy independence, crime, foreign policy, immigration, go down the list. he can't defend his record because he needs to know questions provided to him and still can't answer those questions, todd here this is nuts. this cannot go on anymore, i'm sorry. >> todd: it is not just question on the note cards but new images showing president biden stafford guide him behind the scenes and rent notes telling the president how to enter and exit a room
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and instructing him how to walk to a podium. look, this axios piece is but why is it coming out now after the debate when joe, uni and everybody at fox has been raising these questions for thre and a half years. some of us even longer. >> precisely, what a shock. we talked about this years ago. well as it three other outlet ignored it. this is a bad look for biden and his team when his team is desperately trying to show he is not up for the job right now, he can do it now, but can he do it through the year 2028 through the age of 96? what this president will look and sound like for four years if reelected what this simply underscores and i will leave it here, todd, his team does not trust him to do the basic things a 4-year-old can do it outside of the teleprompter. stand here, exit year, eat your vegetables. that is where we are at as a
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country here and sleep tight there is your commander-in-chief literally being told where to enter and exit a room. it is a whole bowl of wrong at this point. >> todd: i wonder if he has the code for the nuclear codes? that is concerning. happy monday to you, sir. former president trump narrowing down a choice for vice president in his next campaign rally and might be a hint we plans to pick up your florida attorney general ashley moody on the screen to weigh in on the deep stakes next but first, somebody else on your screen. steve doocy has a look what is coming up on "fox & friends" good morning steve. >> 90 seconds on fox & friends and taxes on high alert expecting power outages and flooding as hurricane beryl makes landfall in minutes. we are tracking the very latest from surfside texas. also defiance or denial, president biden refusing to step aside as now four more sr. house
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democrats cold to make way for a new nominee. but some polling for vice president harris to fill the void. as joe biden holds a mad dash through the south today and set to appear in florida after the campaign admitted that florida is not a swing state. so what is the strategy other than just go everywhere? and that deep stakes are on. a former president trump expected to announce vice presidential pick just one week from today. and two republican senators are reportedly his top contenders. we have trump jason miller and katie mcfarlane, kaylee machen and then, rachel campos-duffy and marc siegel will stop by the the. we will see you at the top of the hour in 8 minutes and five seconds. todd will be back in a couple. you are watching "fox & friends first." cur
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sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: senators s j.d. vance d doubling burgum all being tight lipped being named donald trump's vice president as they are rumored to be the top three contenders, former president trump holding a rally tomorrow close to rubio's hometown. trump is not expected to officially name his pick until the rocket-propelled grenade next week. ashley mooney joins us now. july 15th, one week from today we are expected to finally get our answer, a.g. mooney. what
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are you hearing on on the ground in the sunshine state as to who it is going to be? >> well, i think i along with many across the nation are anxiously awaiting hot pick will be. trump is going to need a strong, capable team to force a u-turn in the direction of this country. and i think florida is a great place to continue to hold rallies and make announcements because we are a shining success story of what happens when you take a a3r0e67s and implement policies like donald trump during his administration. we have done the exact opposite of what joe biden has been pushing and cramming down on americans. and you see the results here in florida. i have been proud as attorney general to aggressively fight those policies in washington. and i hope president trump continues to come here to make announcements to show what his policies and approaches can do if you have a strong team together, working in one direction. >> todd: if he picks rubio, i
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can see the hats now make america florida again, it's going to be wild. finally, before we let did you go first lady jill biden on the other side is going to your state today as part of her own campaign blitz which includes north carolina and georgia. but the biden campaign even acknowledges that your state is not in play. why is she headed there? is it all about trying to convince campaign donors that joe biden is sharp as a tack despite what their eyes and ears tell them? >> doesn't surprise me that she is coming here. many say that this is a way to try and recover from the disastrous debate. and i would say, jill, you have some explaining to do. right? we have about 5 million seniors here in florida. you have got to start talking about why this isn't at this point elder exploitation. you have a person out there that cannot answer simple questions. and how is she and the family into the benefiting from this. he need to take a common sense approach. talk to the president.
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talk about the future of this country. and you know she has got to talk to voters about it some time. she might as well come to where 5 million seniors reside to do so. >> todd: that's a really interesting point. again, we only have about 20 seconds left. you are hearing a lot of talk about the 25th amendment being invoked against president biden. what are your thoughts. not that you would be part of that. obviously you are a state official and that's a federal question. what are your thoughts on that? 15 seconds to you. >> i think the nation saw during that debate which many in the administration have known for a long time and i think it's time that they come, you know, to the table and talk about their responsibility and the oath that they took. to i couldn't know hold the constitution of the united states. it's a serious responsibility. and they need take it seriously. >> todd: ashley moody, the attorney general from the great state of florida, with that "fox & friends" begins right now have. great monday, everybody. ♪ ♪


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